There were mistakes in the parsing of multirecord IPMI fru area. Most critically, the index never advanced. Additionally, ensure that the index always increases and check against the length of the structure so that a malformed area would not send our parser into an infinite loop.
6960 lines
222 KiB
6960 lines
222 KiB
# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license
#modified by
#(C)IBM Corp
package xCAT_plugin::ipmi;
$::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat';
use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl";
use strict;
use warnings "all";
use xCAT::GlobalDef;
use xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl;
use xCAT::SPD qw/decode_spd/;
use xCAT::IPMI;
use xCAT::PasswordUtils;
my %needbladeinv;
use POSIX qw(ceil floor);
use Storable qw(nstore_fd retrieve_fd thaw freeze);
use xCAT::Utils;
use xCAT::TableUtils;
use xCAT::IMMUtils;
use xCAT::ServiceNodeUtils;
use xCAT::SvrUtils;
use xCAT::Usage;
use Thread qw(yield);
use LWP 5.64;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
my $iem_support;
my $vpdhash;
my %allerrornodes=();
my $global_sessdata;
require xCAT::data::ibmhwtypes;
eval {
require IBM::EnergyManager;
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(
sub handled_commands {
return {
rpower => 'nodehm:power,mgt', #done
renergy => 'nodehm:power,mgt',
getipmicons => 'ipmi', #done
rspconfig => 'nodehm:mgt', #done
rspreset => 'nodehm:mgt', #done
rvitals => 'nodehm:mgt', #done
rinv => 'nodehm:mgt', #done
rflash => 'nodehm:mgt', #done
rsetboot => 'nodehm:mgt', #done
rbeacon => 'nodehm:mgt', #done
reventlog => 'nodehm:mgt',
ripmi => 'ipmi',
# rfrurewrite => 'nodehm:mgt', #deferred, doesn't even work on several models, no one asks about it, keeping it commented for future requests
getrvidparms => 'nodehm:mgt', #done
rscan => 'nodehm:mgt', # used to scan the mic cards installed on the target node
#use Data::Dumper;
use IO::Handle;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Select;
use Class::Struct;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5);
use POSIX qw(WNOHANG mkfifo strftime);
use Fcntl qw(:flock);
#local to module
my $callback;
my $ipmi_bmcipaddr;
my $timeout;
my $port;
my $debug;
my $ndebug = 0;
my $sock;
my $noclose;
my %sessiondata; #hold per session variables, in preparation for single-process strategy
my %pendingtransactions; #list of peers with callbacks, callback arguments, and timer expiry data
my $ipmiv2=0;
my $authoffset=0;
my $enable_cache="yes";
my $cache_dir = "/var/cache/xcat";
#my $ibmledtab = $ENV{XCATROOT}."/lib/GUMI/";
use xCAT::data::ibmleds;
use xCAT::data::ipmigenericevents;
use xCAT::data::ipmisensorevents;
my $cache_version = 4;
my %sdr_caches; #store sdr cachecs in memory indexed such that identical nodes do not hit the disk multiple times
#my $status_noop="XXXno-opXXX";
my %idpxthermprofiles = (
'0z' => [0x37,0x41,0,0,0,0,5,0xa,0x3c,0xa,0xa,0x1e],
'1a' => [0x30,0x3c,0,0,0,0,5,0xa,0x3c,0xa,0xa,0x1e],
'2b' => [0x30,0x3c,0,0,0,0,5,0xa,0x3c,0xa,0xa,0x1e],
'3c' => [0x30,0x3c,0,0,0,0,5,0xa,0x3c,0xa,0xa,0x1e],
'4d' => [0x37,0x44,0,0,0,0,5,0xa,0x3c,0xa,0xa,0x1e],
'5e' => [0x37,0x44,0,0,0,0,5,0xa,0x3c,0xa,0xa,0x1e],
'6f' => [0x35,0x44,0,0,0,0,5,0xa,0x3c,0xa,0xa,0x1e],
my %codes = (
0x00 => "Command Completed Normal",
0xC0 => "Node busy, command could not be processed",
0xC1 => "Invalid or unsupported command",
0xC2 => "Command invalid for given LUN",
0xC3 => "Timeout while processing command, response unavailable",
0xC4 => "Out of space, could not execute command",
0xC5 => "Reservation canceled or invalid reservation ID",
0xC6 => "Request data truncated",
0xC7 => "Request data length invalid",
0xC8 => "Request data field length limit exceeded",
0xC9 => "Parameter out of range",
0xCA => "Cannot return number of requested data bytes",
0xCB => "Requested Sensor, data, or record not present",
0xCB => "Not present",
0xCC => "Invalid data field in Request",
0xCD => "Command illegal for specified sensor or record type",
0xCE => "Command response could not be provided",
0xCF => "Cannot execute duplicated request",
0xD0 => "Command reqponse could not be provided. SDR Repository in update mode",
0xD1 => "Command response could not be provided. Device in firmware update mode",
0xD2 => "Command response could not be provided. BMC initialization or initialization agent in progress",
0xD3 => "Destination unavailable",
0xD4 => "Insufficient privilege level",
0xD5 => "Command or request parameter(s) not supported in present state",
0xFF => "Unspecified error",
#Payload types:
# 0 => IPMI (format 1 0)
# 1 => SOL 1 0
# 0x10 => rmcp+ open req 1 0
# 0x11 => rmcp+ response 1 0
# 0x12 => rakp1 (all 1 0)
# 0x13 => rakp2
# 0x14 => rakp3
# 0x15 => rakp4
my %units = (
0 => "", #"unspecified",
1 => "C",
2 => "F",
3 => "K",
4 => "Volts",
5 => "Amps",
6 => "Watts",
7 => "Joules",
8 => "Coulombs",
9 => "VA",
10 => "Nits",
11 => "lumen",
12 => "lux",
13 => "Candela",
14 => "kPa",
15 => "PSI",
16 => "Newton",
17 => "CFM",
18 => "RPM",
19 => "Hz",
20 => "microsecond",
21 => "millisecond",
22 => "second",
23 => "minute",
24 => "hour",
25 => "day",
26 => "week",
27 => "mil",
28 => "inches",
29 => "feet",
30 => "cu in",
31 => "cu feet",
32 => "mm",
33 => "cm",
34 => "m",
35 => "cu cm",
36 => "cu m",
37 => "liters",
38 => "fluid ounce",
39 => "radians",
40 => "steradians",
41 => "revolutions",
42 => "cycles",
43 => "gravities",
44 => "ounce",
45 => "pound",
46 => "ft-lb",
47 => "oz-in",
48 => "gauss",
49 => "gilberts",
50 => "henry",
51 => "millihenry",
52 => "farad",
53 => "microfarad",
54 => "ohms",
55 => "siemens",
56 => "mole",
57 => "becquerel",
58 => "PPM",
59 => "reserved",
60 => "Decibels",
61 => "DbA",
62 => "DbC",
63 => "gray",
64 => "sievert",
65 => "color temp deg K",
66 => "bit",
67 => "kilobit",
68 => "megabit",
69 => "gigabit",
70 => "byte",
71 => "kilobyte",
72 => "megabyte",
73 => "gigabyte",
74 => "word",
75 => "dword",
76 => "qword",
77 => "line",
78 => "hit",
79 => "miss",
80 => "retry",
81 => "reset",
82 => "overflow",
83 => "underrun",
84 => "collision",
85 => "packets",
86 => "messages",
87 => "characters",
88 => "error",
89 => "correctable error",
90 => "uncorrectable error",
my %chassis_types = (
0 => "Unspecified",
1 => "Other",
2 => "Unknown",
3 => "Desktop",
4 => "Low Profile Desktop",
5 => "Pizza Box",
6 => "Mini Tower",
7 => "Tower",
8 => "Portable",
9 => "LapTop",
10 => "Notebook",
11 => "Hand Held",
12 => "Docking Station",
13 => "All in One",
14 => "Sub Notebook",
15 => "Space-saving",
16 => "Lunch Box",
17 => "Main Server Chassis",
18 => "Expansion Chassis",
19 => "SubChassis",
20 => "Bus Expansion Chassis",
21 => "Peripheral Chassis",
22 => "RAID Chassis",
23 => "Rack Mount Chassis",
my %MFG_ID = (
2 => "IBM",
343 => "Intel",
20301 => "IBM",
my %PROD_ID = (
"2:34869" => "e325",
"2:3" => "x346",
"2:4" => "x336",
"343:258" => "Tiger 2",
"343:256" => "Tiger 4",
my $localtrys = 3;
my $localdebug = 0;
struct SDR => {
rec_type => '$',
sensor_owner_id => '$',
sensor_owner_lun => '$',
sensor_number => '$',
entity_id => '$',
entity_instance => '$',
sensor_init => '$',
sensor_cap => '$',
sensor_type => '$',
event_type_code => '$',
ass_event_mask => '@',
deass_event_mask => '@',
dis_read_mask => '@',
sensor_units_1 => '$',
sensor_units_2 => '$',
sensor_units_3 => '$',
linearization => '$',
M => '$',
tolerance => '$',
B => '$',
accuracy => '$',
accuracy_exp => '$',
R_exp => '$',
B_exp => '$',
analog_char_flag => '$',
nominal_reading => '$',
normal_max => '$',
normal_min => '$',
sensor_max_read => '$',
sensor_min_read => '$',
upper_nr_threshold => '$',
upper_crit_thres => '$',
upper_ncrit_thres => '$',
lower_nr_threshold => '$',
lower_crit_thres => '$',
lower_ncrit_thres => '$',
pos_threshold => '$',
neg_threshold => '$',
id_string_type => '$',
id_string => '$',
#LED id
led_id => '$',
fru_type => '$',
fru_subtype => '$',
fru_oem => '$',
struct FRU => {
rec_type => '$',
desc => '$',
value => '$',
sub decode_fru_locator { #Handle fru locator records
my @locator = @_;
my $sdr = SDR->new();
unless ($locator[8] & 0x80 and ($locator[8] & 0x1f) == 0 and $locator[9] == 0) {
#only logical devices at lun 0 supported for now
return undef;
unless (($locator[16] & 0xc0) == 0xc0) { #Only unpacked ASCII for now, no unicode or BCD plus yet
return undef;
my $idlen = $locator[16] & 0x3f;
unless ($idlen > 1) { return undef; }
return $sdr;
sub waitforack {
my $sock = shift;
my $select = new IO::Select;
my $str;
if ($select->can_read(60)) { # Continue after 60 seconds, even if not acked...
if ($str = <$sock>) {
} else {
$select->remove($sock); #Block until parent acks data
sub translate_sensor {
my $reading = shift;
my $sdr = shift;
my $unitdesc;
my $value;
my $lformat;
my $per;
$unitdesc = $units{$sdr->sensor_units_2};
if ($sdr->rec_type == 1) {
$value = (($sdr->M * $reading) + ($sdr->B * (10**$sdr->B_exp))) * (10**$sdr->R_exp);
} else {
$value = $reading;
if($sdr->rec_type !=1 or $sdr->linearization == 0) {
$reading = $value;
if($value == int($value)) {
$lformat = "%-30s%8d%-20s";
} else {
$lformat = "%-30s%8.3f%-20s";
} elsif($sdr->linearization == 7) {
if($value > 0) {
$reading = 1/$value;
} else {
$reading = 0;
$lformat = "%-30s%8d %-20s";
} else {
$reading = "RAW($sdr->linearization) $reading";
if($sdr->sensor_units_1 & 1) {
$per = "% ";
} else {
$per = " ";
my $numformat = ($sdr->sensor_units_1 & 0b11000000) >> 6;
if ($numformat) {
if ($numformat eq 0b11) {
#Not sure what to do.. leave it alone for now
} else {
if ($reading & 0b10000000) {
if ($numformat eq 0b01) {
$reading = 0-((~($reading&0b01111111))&0b1111111);
} elsif ($numformat eq 0b10) {
$reading = 0-(((~($reading&0b01111111))&0b1111111)+1);
if($unitdesc eq "Watts") {
my $f = ($reading * 3.413);
$unitdesc = "Watts (" . int($f + .5) . " BTUs/hr)";
#$f = ($reading * 0.00134);
#$unitdesc .= " $f horsepower)";
if($unitdesc eq "C") {
my $f = ($reading * 9/5) + 32;
$unitdesc = "C (" . int($f + .5) . " F)";
if($unitdesc eq "F") {
my $c = ($reading - 32) * 5/9;
$unitdesc = "F (" . int($c + .5) . " C)";
return "$reading $unitdesc";
sub ipmicmd {
my $sessdata = shift;
my $rc=0;
my $text="";
my $error="";
my @output;
my $noclose=0;
sub on_bmc_connect {
my $status = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
my $command = $sessdata->{command};
if ($status =~ /ERROR:/) {
#ok, detect some common prereqs here, notably:
if ($command eq "getrvidparms" or $command eq "rflash") {
unless (defined $sessdata->{device_id}) {
if ($command eq "getrvidparms") {
} else {
if ($command eq "rinv" or $command eq "reventlog" or $command eq "rvitals") {
unless (defined $sessdata->{device_id}) {
unless ($sessdata->{sdr_hash}) {
if($command eq "ping") {
if ($command eq "rpower") {
unless (defined $sessdata->{device_id}) { #need get device id data initted for S3 support
return power($sessdata);
} elsif ($command eq "ripmi") {
return ripmi($sessdata);
} elsif ($command eq "rspreset") {
return resetbmc($sessdata);
} elsif($command eq "rbeacon") {
return beacon($sessdata);
} elsif($command eq "rsetboot") {
return setboot($sessdata);
} elsif($command eq "rspconfig") {
shift @{$sessdata->{extraargs}};
if ($sessdata->{subcommand} =~ /=/) {
} else {
} elsif($command eq "rvitals") {
} elsif($command eq "rinv") {
} elsif($command eq "reventlog") {
} elsif($command eq "renergy") {
my @output;
my $rc; #in for testing, evaluated as a TODO
my $text;
my $error;
my $node;
my $subcommand = "";
if($command eq "rvitals") {
($rc,@output) = vitals($subcommand);
elsif($command eq "renergy") {
($rc,@output) = renergy($subcommand);
elsif($command eq "rspreset") {
($rc,@output) = resetbmc();
elsif($command eq "reventlog") {
if($subcommand eq "decodealert") {
($rc,$text) = decodealert(@_);
else {
($rc,@output) = eventlog($subcommand);
elsif($command eq "rinv") {
($rc,@output) = inv($subcommand);
elsif($command eq "fru") {
($rc,@output) = fru($subcommand);
elsif($command eq "rgetnetinfo") {
my @subcommands = ($subcommand);
if($subcommand eq "all") {
@subcommands = (
my @coutput;
foreach(@subcommands) {
$subcommand = $_;
($rc,@output) = getnetinfo($subcommand);
@output = @coutput;
else {
($rc,@output) = getnetinfo($subcommand);
elsif($command eq "generic") {
($rc,@output) = generic($subcommand);
elsif($command eq "rfrurewrite") {
($rc,@output) = writefru($subcommand,shift);
elsif($command eq "fru") {
($rc,@output) = fru($subcommand);
elsif($command eq "rsetboot") {
($rc,@output) = setboot($subcommand);
else {
$rc = 1;
$text = "unsupported command $command $subcommand";
if($debug) {
print "$node: command completed\n";
if($text) {
sub resetbmc {
my $sessdata = shift;
sub resetedbmc {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
if ($rsp->{error}) {
} else {
if ($rsp->{code}) {
if ($codes{$rsp->{code}}) {
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,sprintf("Unknown error %02xh",$rsp->{code})],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("BMC reset",$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
$sessdata->{ipmisession} = undef; #throw away now unusable session
sub setnetinfo {
my $sessdata = shift;
my $subcommand = $sessdata->{subcommand};
my $argument;
($subcommand,$argument) = split(/=/,$subcommand);
my @input = @_;
my $netfun = 0x0c;
my @cmd;
my @returnd = ();
my $error;
my $rc = 0;
my $text;
my $code;
my $match;
my $channel_number = $sessdata->{ipmisession}->{currentchannel};
if($subcommand eq "snmpdest") {
$subcommand = "snmpdest1";
unless(defined($argument)) {
return 0;
if ($subcommand eq "thermprofile") {
return idpxthermprofile($argument);
if ($subcommand eq "alert" and $argument eq "on" or $argument =~ /^en/ or $argument =~ /^enable/) {
$netfun = 0x4;
@cmd = (0x12,0x9,0x1,0x18,0x11,0x00);
} elsif ($subcommand eq "alert" and $argument eq "off" or $argument =~ /^dis/ or $argument =~ /^disable/) {
$netfun = 0x4;
@cmd = (0x12,0x9,0x1,0x10,0x11,0x00);
elsif($subcommand eq "garp") {
my $halfsec = $argument * 2; #pop(@input) * 2;
if($halfsec > 255) {
$halfsec = 255;
if($halfsec < 4) {
$halfsec = 4;
@cmd = (0x01,$channel_number,0x0b,$halfsec);
elsif($subcommand =~ m/community/ ) {
my $cindex = 0;
my @clist;
foreach (0..17) {
push @clist,0;
foreach (split //,$argument) {
@cmd = (1,$channel_number,0x10,@clist);
elsif($subcommand =~ m/snmpdest(\d+)/ ) {
my $dstip = $argument; #pop(@input);
$dstip = inet_ntoa(inet_aton($dstip));
my @dip = split /\./, $dstip;
@cmd = (0x01,$channel_number,0x13,$1,0x00,0x00,$dip[0],$dip[1],$dip[2],$dip[3],0,0,0,0,0,0);
} elsif ($subcommand =~ m/netmask/) {
if ($argument =~ /\./) {
my @mask = split /\./, $argument;
foreach (0..3) {
$mask[$_] = $mask[$_] + 0;
@cmd = (0x01,$channel_number,0x6,@mask);
} elsif ($subcommand =~ m/gateway/) {
my $gw = inet_ntoa(inet_aton($argument));
my @mask = split /\./, $gw;
foreach (0..3) {
$mask[$_] = $mask[$_] + 0;
@cmd = (0x01,$channel_number,12,@mask);
} elsif ($subcommand =~ m/ip/) {
my $mip = inet_ntoa(inet_aton($argument));
my @mask = split /\./, $mip;
foreach (0..3) {
$mask[$_] = $mask[$_] + 0;
@cmd = (0x01,$channel_number,0x3,@mask);
#elsif($subcommand eq "alert" ) {
# my $action=pop(@input);
#print "action=$action\n";
# $netfun=0x28; #TODO: not right
# mapping alert action to number
# my $act_number=8;
# if ($action eq "on") {$act_number=8;}
# elsif ($action eq "off") { $act_number=0;}
# else { return(1,"unsupported alert action $action");}
# @cmd = (0x12, $channel_number,0x09, 0x01, $act_number+16, 0x11,0x00);
else {
return(1,"configuration of $subcommand is not implemented currently");
my $command = shift @cmd;
sub netinfo_set {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
if ($rsp->{error}) {
if ($rsp->{code}) {
if ($codes{$rsp->{code}}) {
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,sprintf("Unknown ipmi error %02xh",$rsp->{code})],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
sub getnetinfo {
my $sessdata = shift;
my $subcommand = $sessdata->{subcommand};
my $channel_number = $sessdata->{ipmisession}->{currentchannel};
$subcommand =~ s/=.*//;
if ($subcommand eq "thermprofile") {
my $code;
my @returnd;
my $thermdata;
my $netfun=0x2e<<2; #currently combined netfun & lun, to be simplified later
my @cmd = (0x41,0x4d,0x4f,0x00,0x6f,0xff,0x61,0x00);
my @bytes;
my $error = docmd($netfun,\@cmd,\@bytes);
@bytes=splice @bytes,16;
my $validprofiles="";
foreach (keys %idpxthermprofiles) {
if (sprintf("%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x",@bytes) eq sprintf("%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x",@{$idpxthermprofiles{$_}})) {
if ($validprofiles) {
return (0,"The following thermal profiles are in effect: ".$validprofiles);
return (1,sprintf("Unable to identify current thermal profile: \"%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\"",@bytes));
my @cmd;
my @returnd = ();
my $error;
my $rc = 0;
my $text;
my $code;
if ($subcommand eq "snmpdest") {
$subcommand = "snmpdest1";
my $netfun = 0x0c;
if ($subcommand eq "alert") {
$netfun = 0x4;
@cmd = (0x13,9,1,0);
elsif($subcommand eq "garp") {
@cmd = (0x02,$channel_number,0x0b,0x00,0x00);
elsif ($subcommand =~ m/^snmpdest(\d+)/ ) {
@cmd = (0x02,$channel_number,0x13,$1,0x00);
elsif ($subcommand eq "ip") {
@cmd = (0x02,$channel_number,0x03,0x00,0x00);
elsif ($subcommand eq "netmask") {
@cmd = (0x02,$channel_number,0x06,0x00,0x00);
elsif ($subcommand eq "gateway") {
@cmd = (0x02,$channel_number,0x0C,0x00,0x00);
elsif ($subcommand eq "backupgateway") {
@cmd = (0x02,$channel_number,0x0E,0x00,0x00);
elsif ($subcommand eq "community") {
@cmd = (0x02,$channel_number,0x10,0x00,0x00);
else {
return(1,"unsupported command getnetinfo $subcommand");
my $command = shift @cmd;
sub getnetinfo_response {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
my $subcommand = $sessdata->{subcommand};
$sessdata->{subcommand} = shift @{$sessdata->{extraargs}};
if ($rsp->{error}) {
if ($rsp->{code}) {
if ($codes{$rsp->{code}}) {
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,sprintf("Unknown ipmi error %02xh",$rsp->{code})],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
if ($subcommand eq "snmpdest") {
$subcommand = "snmpdest1";
my $bmcifo="";
if ($sessdata->{bmcnum} != 1) { $bmcifo.= " on BMC ".$sessdata->{bmcnum}; }
my @returnd = (0,@{$rsp->{data}});
my $format = "%-25s";
if($subcommand eq "garp") {
my $code = $returnd[2] / 2;
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg(sprintf("$format %d","Gratuitous ARP seconds:",$code),$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
elsif($subcommand eq "alert") {
if ($returnd[3] & 0x8) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("SP Alerting: enabled".$bmcifo,$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("SP Alerting: disabled".$bmcifo,$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
elsif($subcommand =~ m/^snmpdest(\d+)/ ) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg(sprintf("$format %d.%d.%d.%d".$bmcifo,
"SP SNMP Destination $1:",
} elsif($subcommand eq "ip") {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg(sprintf("$format %d.%d.%d.%d".$bmcifo,
"BMC IP:",
} elsif($subcommand eq "netmask") {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg(sprintf("$format %d.%d.%d.%d".$bmcifo,
"BMC Netmask:",
} elsif($subcommand eq "gateway") {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg(sprintf("$format %d.%d.%d.%d".$bmcifo,
"BMC Gateway:",
} elsif($subcommand eq "backupgateway") {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg(sprintf("$format %d.%d.%d.%d".$bmcifo,
"BMC Backup Gateway:",
} elsif ($subcommand eq "community") {
my $text = sprintf("$format ","SP SNMP Community:");
my $l = 2;
while ($returnd[$l] ne 0) {
$l = $l + 1;
my $i=2;
while ($i<$l) {
$text = $text . sprintf("%c",$returnd[$i]);
$i = $i + 1;
if ($sessdata->{subcommand}) {
if ($sessdata->{subcommand} =~ /=/) {
} else {
sub setboot {
my $sessdata = shift;
#This disables the 60 second timer
sub setboot_timerdisabled {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
if ($rsp->{error}) {
if ($rsp->{code}) {
if ($codes{$rsp->{code}}) {
} elsif ($rsp->{code} == 0x80) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Unable to disable countdown timer, boot device may revert in 60 seconds",$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,sprintf("Unknown ipmi error %02xh",$rsp->{code})],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
my $error;
my $persistent=0;
my $uefi=0;
use Getopt::Long;
'p' => \$persistent,
'u' => \$uefi,
)) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Error parsing arguments"],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
my $subcommand=shift @ARGV;
my @cmd;
my $overbootflags=0x80 | $persistent<<6|$uefi << 5;
if ($subcommand eq "net") {
elsif ($subcommand eq "hd" ) {
elsif ($subcommand eq "cd" ) {
elsif ($subcommand eq "floppy" ) {
elsif ($subcommand =~ m/^def/) {
elsif ($subcommand eq "setup" ) { #Not supported by BMCs I've checked so far..
elsif ($subcommand =~ m/^stat/) {
else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"unsupported command setboot $subcommand"],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
sub setboot_stat {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
if (ref $rsp) {
if ($rsp->{error}) { xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,$rsp->{error}],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes); }
elsif ($rsp->{code}) {
if ($codes{$rsp->{code}}) {
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,sprintf("Unknown ipmi error %02xh",$rsp->{code})],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
sub setboot_gotstat {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
if ($rsp->{error}) { xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,$rsp->{error}],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes); }
elsif ($rsp->{code}) {
if ($codes{$rsp->{code}}) {
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,sprintf("Unknown ipmi error %02xh",$rsp->{code})],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
my %bootchoices = (
0 => 'BIOS default',
1 => 'Network',
2 => 'Hard Drive',
5 => 'CD/DVD',
6 => 'BIOS Setup',
15 => 'Floppy'
my @returnd = ($rsp->{code},@{$rsp->{data}});
unless ($returnd[3] & 0x80) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("boot override inactive",$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
my $boot=($returnd[4] & 0x3C) >> 2;
sub idpxthermprofile {
#iDataplex thermal profiles as of 6/10/2008
my $subcommand = lc(shift);
my @returnd;
my $netfun = 0xb8;
my @cmd = (0x41,0x4d,0x4f,0x00,0x6f,0xfe,0x60,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0xff);
if ($idpxthermprofiles{$subcommand}) {
push @cmd,@{$idpxthermprofiles{$subcommand}};
} else {
return (1,"Not an understood thermal profile, expected a 2 hex digit value corresponding to chassis label on iDataplex server");
return (0,"OK");
sub getrvidparms {
my $sessdata = shift;
unless ($sessdata) { die "not fixed yet" }
#check devide id
if ($sessdata->{mfg_id} == 20301 and $sessdata->{prod_id} == 220) {
my $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $message = "WEBVAR_USERNAME=".$sessdata->{ipmisession}->{userid}."&WEBVAR_PASSWORD=".$sessdata->{ipmisession}->{password};
my $baseurl = "https://".$sessdata->{ipmisession}->{bmc}."/";
my $response = $browser->request(GET $baseurl."rpc/WEBSES/validate.asp");
$response = $browser->request(POST $baseurl."rpc/WEBSES/create.asp",'Content-Type'=>"application/x-www-form-urlencoded",Content=>$message);
$response = $response->content;
if ($response and $response =~ /SESSION_COOKIE' : '([^']*)'/) {
foreach (keys %{$browser->cookie_jar->{COOKIES}}) {
$response = $browser->request(GET $baseurl."/Java/jviewer.jnlp?ext_ip=".$sessdata->{ipmisession}->{bmc});
$response = $response->content;
unless ($sessdata->{mfg_id} == 2 or $sessdata->{mfg_id} == 20301) { #Only implemented for IBM servers
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Remote video is not supported on this system"],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
#TODO: use get bmc capabilities to see if rvid is actually supported before bothering the client java app
sub check_rsp_errors { #TODO: pass in command-specfic error code translation table
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
if($rsp->{error}) { #non ipmi error
return 1;
if ($rsp->{code}) { #ipmi error
if ($codes{$rsp->{code}}) {
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,sprintf("Unknown error code %02xh",$rsp->{code})],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
return 1;
return 0;
sub getrvidparms_imm2 {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
#wvid should be a possiblity, time to do the http...
$ENV{PERL_LWP_SSL_VERIFY_HOSTNAME} = 0; #TODO: for standalone IMMs, automate CSR retrieval and granting at setup itme
#for flex, grab the CA from each CMM and store in a way accessible to this command
#for now, accept the MITM risk no worse than http, the intent being feature parity
#with http: for envs with https only, like Flex
my $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new();
if ($sessdata->{ipmisession}->{bmc} =~ /^fe80/ and $sessdata->{ipmisession}->{bmc} =~ /%/) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg ([1,"wvid not supported with IPv6 LLA addressing mode"],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
my $host = $sessdata->{ipmisession}->{bmc};
my $ip6mode=0;
if ($host =~ /:/) { $ip6mode=1; $host = "[".$host."]"; }
my $message = "user=".$sessdata->{ipmisession}->{userid}."&password=".$sessdata->{ipmisession}->{password}."&SessionTimeout=1200";
my $httpport=443;
my $baseurl = "https://$host/";
my $response = $browser->request(POST $baseurl."data/login",Referer=>"https://$host/designs/imm/index.php",'Content-Type'=>"application/x-www-form-urlencoded",Content=>$message);
if ($response->code == 500) {
$baseurl = "http://$host/";
$response = $browser->request(POST $baseurl."data/login",Referer=>"http://$host/designs/imm/index.php",'Content-Type'=>"application/x-www-form-urlencoded",Content=>$message);
my $sessionid;
unless ($response->content =~ /\"ok\"?(.*)/ and $response->content =~ /\"authResult\":\"0\"/) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg ([1,"Server returned unexpected data"],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
$response = $browser->request(GET $baseurl."/designs/imm/remote-control.php");
if ($response->content =~ /isRPInstalled\s*=\s*'0'/) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg ([1,"Node does not have feature key for remote video"],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
$response = $browser->request(GET $baseurl."data/logout");
$response = $browser->request(GET $baseurl."designs/imm/viewer(".$sessdata->{ipmisession}->{bmc}.'@'.$ip6mode.'@'.time().'@1@0@1@jnlp)');
#arguments are host, then ipv6 or not, then timestamp, then whether to encrypte or not, singleusermode, finally 'notwin32'
my $jnlp = $response->content;
unless ($jnlp) { #ok, might be the newer syntax...
$response = $browser->request(GET $baseurl."designs/imm/viewer(".$sessdata->{ipmisession}->{bmc}.'@'.$httpport.'@'.$ip6mode.'@'.time().'@1@0@1@jnlp'.'@USERID@0@0@0@0'.')');
#arguments are host, then ipv6 or not, then timestamp, then whether to encrypte or not, singleusermode, finally 'notwin32'
$jnlp = $response->content;
$response = $browser->request(GET $baseurl."data/logout");
my $currnode = $sessdata->{node};
$jnlp =~ s!argument>title=.*Video Viewer</argument>!argument>title=$currnode wvid</argument>!;
sub getrvidparms_with_buildid {
if (check_rsp_errors(@_)) {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
my @build_id = (0,@{$rsp->{data}});
if ($build_id[1]==0x31 and $build_id[2]==0x41 and $build_id[3]==0x4f and $build_id[4]==0x4f) { #Only know how to cope with yuoo builds
return getrvidparms_imm2($rsp,$sessdata);
unless ($build_id[1]==0x59 and $build_id[2]==0x55 and $build_id[3]==0x4f and $build_id[4]==0x4f) { #Only know how to cope with yuoo builds
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Remote video is not supported on this system"],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
#wvid should be a possiblity, time to do the http...
my $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $message = $sessdata->{ipmisession}->{userid}.",".$sessdata->{ipmisession}->{password};
my $baseurl = "http://".$sessdata->{ipmisession}->{bmc}."/";
my $response = $browser->request(POST $baseurl."/session/create",'Content-Type'=>"text/xml",Content=>$message);
my $sessionid;
if ($response->content =~ /^ok:?(.*)/) {
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg ([1,"Server returned unexpected data"],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
$response = $browser->request(GET $baseurl."/page/session.html"); #we don't care, but some firmware is confused if we don't
if ($sessionid) {
$response = $browser->request(GET $baseurl."/kvm/kvm/jnlp?session_id=$sessionid");
} else {
$response = $browser->request(GET $baseurl."/kvm/kvm/jnlp");
my $jnlp = $response->content;
if ($jnlp =~ /This advanced option requires the purchase and installation/) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg ([1,"Node does not have feature key for remote video"],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
my $currnode = $sessdata->{node};
$jnlp =~ s!argument>title=.*Video Viewer</argument>!argument>title=$currnode wvid</argument>!;
my @cmdargv = @{$sessdata->{extraargs}};
if (grep /-m/,@cmdargv) {
if ($sessionid) {
$response = $browser->request(GET $baseurl."/kvm/vm/jnlp?session_id=$sessionid");
} else {
$response = $browser->request(GET $baseurl."/kvm/vm/jnlp");
sub ripmi { #implement generic raw ipmi commands
my $sessdata = shift;
my $netfun = hex(shift @{$sessdata->{extraargs}});
my $command = hex(shift @{$sessdata->{extraargs}});
my @data;
foreach (@{$sessdata->{extraargs}}) {
push @data,hex($_);
sub ripmi_callback {
if (check_rsp_errors(@_)) {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
if ($rsp->{error}) {
my $output=sprintf("%02X "x(scalar(@{$rsp->{data}})),@{$rsp->{data}});
sub isfpc {
my $sessdata = shift;
return 1
sub rflash {
my $sessdata = shift;
if (isfpc($sessdata)) {
#first, start a fpc firmware transaction
$sessdata->{firmpath} = $sessdata->{subcommand};
$sessdata->{firmctx} = "init";
$sessdata->{ipmisession}->subcmd(netfn=>0x8, command=>0x17,
} else {
die "Unimplemented";
sub fpc_firmup_config {
if (check_rsp_errors(@_)) {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
unless ($sessdata->{firmupxid}) {
$sessdata->{firmupxid} = $rsp->{data}->[0];
my $data;
if ($sessdata->{firmctx} eq 'init') {
$data =[0, $sessdata->{firmupxid}, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
$sessdata->{firmctx} = 'p1';
} elsif ($sessdata->{firmctx} eq 'p1') {
$data = [0, $sessdata->{firmupxid}, 3, 0, 5];
$sessdata->{firmctx} = 'p2';
} elsif ($sessdata->{firmctx} eq 'p2') {
$data = [0, $sessdata->{firmupxid}, 4, 0, 0xa];
$sessdata->{firmctx} = 'p3';
} elsif ($sessdata->{firmctx} eq 'p3') {
$data = [0, $sessdata->{firmupxid}, 5, 0, 3];
$sessdata->{firmctx} = 'p4';
} elsif ($sessdata->{firmctx} eq 'p4') {
$data = [0, $sessdata->{firmupxid}, 6, 0, 1];
$sessdata->{firmctx} = 'xfer';
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Transferring firmware",$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
$sessdata->{ipmisession}->subcmd(netfn=>0x8, command=>0x19,
data=>[0, $sessdata->{firmupxid}],
$sessdata->{ipmisession}->subcmd(netfn=>0x8, command=>0x18,
sub abort_fpc_update {
my $sessdata = shift;
$sessdata->{ipmisession}->subcmd(netfn=>0x8, command=>0x15, data=>[], callback=>\&fpc_update_aborted, callback_args=>$sessdata);
sub fpc_update_aborted {
sub fpc_firmxfer_watch {
my $abort = 0;
if ($_[0]->{code} == 0x89) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Transfer failed (wrong url?)"],$callback,$_[1]->{node},%allerrornodes);
$abort = 1;
} elsif ($_[0]->{code} == 0x91) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Invalid URL format given"],$callback,$_[1]->{node},%allerrornodes);
$abort = 1;
if ($abort) {
if (check_rsp_errors(@_)) {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
my $delay=1;
my $watch=2;
if ($sessdata->{firmctx} eq 'apply') { $delay = 15; $watch = 1;}
if (check_rsp_errors(@_)) {
my $percent = 0;
if ($rsp->{data} and (scalar(@{$rsp->{data}}) > 0)) {
$percent = $rsp->{data}->[0];
if ($percent == 100) {
if ($sessdata->{firmctx} eq 'xfer') {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Applying firmware",$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
$sessdata->{firmctx} = "apply";
$sessdata->{ipmisession}->subcmd(netfn=>0x8, command=>0x20,
data=>[0, $sessdata->{firmupxid}],
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Resetting FPC",$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
} else {
$sessdata->{ipmisession}->subcmd(netfn=>0x8, command=>0x12,
sub reseat_node {
my $sessdata = shift;
if (1) { # TODO: FPC path checked for
my $mptab = xCAT::Table->new('mp', -create=>0);
unless ($mptab) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"mp table must be configured for reseat"],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
my $mpent = $mptab->getNodeAttribs($sessdata->{node},[qw/mpa id/]);
unless ($mpent and $mpent->{mpa} and $mpent->{id}) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"mp table must be configured for reseat"],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
my $fpc = $mpent->{mpa};
my $ipmitab = xCAT::Table->new("ipmi");
my $ipmihash = $ipmitab->getNodesAttribs([$fpc],['bmc','username','password']) ;
my $authdata = xCAT::PasswordUtils::getIPMIAuth(noderange=>[$fpc],ipmihash=>$ipmihash);
my $nodeuser=$authdata->{$fpc}->{username};
my $nodepass=$authdata->{$fpc}->{password};
$sessdata->{slotnumber} = $mpent->{id};
$sessdata->{fpcipmisession} = xCAT::IPMI->new(bmc=>$mpent->{mpa},userid=>$nodeuser,password=>$nodepass);
sub fpc_node_reseat {
my $status = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
if ($status =~ /ERROR:/) {
$sessdata->{fpcipmisession}->subcmd(netfn=>0x32, command=>0xa4,
data=>[$sessdata->{slotnumber}, 2],
callback=>\&fpc_node_reseat_complete, callback_args=>$sessdata);
sub fpc_node_reseat_complete {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
if ($rsp->{error}) {
if ($rsp->{code} == 0) {
} elsif ($rsp->{code} == 0xd5) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"No node in slot"],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unknown error code ".$rsp->{code}],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
sub power {
my $sessdata = shift;
my $netfun = 0x00;
my @cmd;
my @returnd = ();
my $error;
my $rc = 0;
my $text;
my $code;
if ($sessdata->{subcommand} eq "reseat") {
} elsif (not $sessdata->{acpistate} and $sessdata->{mfg_id} == 20301) { #Only implemented for IBM servers
} else {
sub power_with_acpi {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
if ($rsp->{error}) {
if ($rsp->{code} == 0) {
if ($rsp->{data}->[0] == 3) {
$sessdata->{acpistate} = "suspend";
#unless ($text) { $text = sprintf("Unknown error code %02xh",$rsp->{code}); }
sub power_with_context {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
my $text="";
if ($rsp->{error}) {
if ($rsp->{code} != 0) {
$text = $codes{$rsp->{code}};
unless ($text) { $text = sprintf("Unknown error code %02xh",$rsp->{code}); }
$sessdata->{powerstatus} = ($rsp->{data}->[0] & 1 ? "on" : "off");
my $reportstate;
if ($sessdata->{acpistate}) {
$reportstate = $sessdata->{acpistate};
} else {
$reportstate = $sessdata->{powerstatus};
if ($sessdata->{subcommand} eq "stat" or $sessdata->{subcommand} eq "state" or $sessdata->{subcommand} eq "status") {
if ($sessdata->{powerstatprefix}) {
} else {
if ($sessdata->{sensorstoread} and scalar @{$sessdata->{sensorstoread}}) { #if we are in an rvitals path, hook back into good graces
$sessdata->{currsdr} = shift @{$sessdata->{sensorstoread}};
readsensor($sessdata); #next
my $subcommand = $sessdata->{subcommand};
if ($sessdata->{subcommand} eq "boot") {
$text = $sessdata->{powerstatus}. " ";
$subcommand = ($sessdata->{powerstatus} eq "on" ? "reset" : "on");
$sessdata->{subcommand}=$subcommand; #lazy typing..
my %argmap = ( #english to ipmi dictionary
"on" => 1,
"off" => 0,
"softoff" => 5,
"reset" => 3,
"nmi" => 4
if($subcommand eq "on") {
if ($sessdata->{powerstatus} eq "on") {
if ($sessdata->{acpistate} and $sessdata->{acpistate} eq "suspend") { #ok, make this a wake
return; # don't bother sending command
} elsif ($subcommand eq "softoff" or $subcommand eq "off" or $subcommand eq "reset") {
if ($sessdata->{powerstatus} eq "off") {
} elsif ($subcommand eq "suspend") {
my $waitforsuspend;
my $failtopowerdown;
my $failtoreset;
if ($sessdata->{powerstatus} eq "off") {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"System is off, cannot be suspended"],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
if (@{$sessdata->{extraargs}} > 1) {
use Getopt::Long;
'w:i' => \$waitforsuspend,
'o' => \$failtopowerdown,
'r' => \$failtoreset,
)) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Error parsing arguments"],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
if (defined $waitforsuspend) {
if ($waitforsuspend == 0) { $waitforsuspend=30; }
} elsif ($subcommand eq "wake") {
} elsif (not $argmap{$subcommand}) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"unsupported command power $subcommand"],$callback);
sub power_response {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
if($rsp->{error}) {
my @returnd = ($rsp->{code},@{$rsp->{data}});
if ($rsp->{code}) {
my $text = $codes{$rsp->{code}};
unless ($text) { $text = sprintf("Unknown response %02xh",$rsp->{code}); }
if ($sessdata->{waitforsuspend}) { #have to repeatedly power stat until happy or timeout exceeded
sub power_wait_for_suspend {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
if ($rsp->{error}) {
if ($rsp->{code} == 0) {
if ($rsp->{data}->[0] == 3) {
$sessdata->{acpistate} = "suspend";
if ($sessdata->{acpistate} eq "suspend") {
} elsif ($sessdata->{waitforsuspend} <= time()) {
delete $sessdata->{waitforsuspend};
if ($sessdata->{failtopowerdown}) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Failed to enter suspend state, forcing off"],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
} elsif ($sessdata->{failtoreset}) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Failed to enter suspend state, forcing reset"],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Failed to enter suspend state"],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
} else {
sub generic {
my $subcommand = shift;
my $netfun;
my @args;
my @cmd;
my @returnd = ();
my $error;
my $rc = 0;
my $text;
my $code;
($netfun,@args) = split(/-/,$subcommand);
printf("netfun: 0x%02x\n",$netfun);
print "command: ";
foreach(@args) {
printf("0x%02x ",oct($_));
print "\n\n";
$error = docmd(
if($error) {
$rc = 1;
$text = $error;
$code = $returnd[0];
if($code == 0x00) {
else {
$rc = 1;
$text = $codes{$code};
printf("return code: 0x%02x\n\n",$code);
print "return data:\n";
my @rdata = @returnd[1..@returnd-2];
print "\n";
print "full output:\n";
print "\n";
# if(!$text) {
# $rc = 1;
# $text = sprintf("unknown response %02x",$code);
# }
sub beacon {
my $sessdata = shift;
my $subcommand = $sessdata->{subcommand};
my $ipmiv2=0;
if ($sessdata->{ipmisession}->{ipmiversion} eq '2.0') {
$ipmiv2 = 1;
if($subcommand ne "on" and $subcommand ne "off"){
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"please specify on or off for ipmi nodes (stat impossible)"],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
#if stuck with 1.5, say light for 255 seconds. In 2.0, specify to turn it on forever
if($subcommand eq "on") {
if ($ipmiv2) {
} else {
elsif($subcommand eq "off") {
if ($ipmiv2) {
} else {
else {
sub beacon_answer {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
if($rsp->{error}) { #non ipmi error
if ($rsp->{code}) { #ipmi error
if ($codes{$rsp->{code}}) {
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,sprintf("Unknown error code %02xh",$rsp->{code})],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
sub inv {
my $sessdata = shift;
my $subcommand = $sessdata->{subcommand};
my $rc = 0;
my $text;
my @output;
my @types;
unless ($subcommand) {
$subcommand = "all";
if($subcommand eq "all") {
@types = qw(model serial deviceid mprom guid misc hw asset firmware mac wwn);
elsif($subcommand eq "asset") {
@types = qw(asset);
elsif($subcommand eq "firm" || $subcommand eq "firmware") {
@types = qw(firmware);
elsif($subcommand eq "model") {
@types = qw(model);
elsif($subcommand eq "serial") {
@types = qw(serial);
elsif($subcommand eq "vpd") {
@types = qw(model serial deviceid mprom);
elsif($subcommand eq "mprom") {
$sessdata->{skipfru}=1; #full fru read is expensive, skip it
@types = qw(mprom);
elsif($subcommand eq "misc") {
@types = qw(misc);
elsif($subcommand eq "deviceid") {
$sessdata->{skipfru}=1; #full fru read is expensive, skip it
@types = qw(deviceid);
elsif($subcommand eq "guid") {
$sessdata->{skipfru}=1; #full fru read is expensive, skip it
@types = qw(guid);
elsif($subcommand eq "uuid") {
$sessdata->{skipfru}=1; #full fru read is expensive, skip it
@types = qw(guid);
else {
@types = ($subcommand);
#return(1,"unsupported BMC inv argument $subcommand");
$sessdata->{invtypes} = \@types;
sub fru_initted {
my $sessdata = shift;
my $key;
my @args = @{$sessdata->{extraargs}};
my $up_group = undef;
if (grep /-t/, @args) {
$up_group = '1';
my @types = @{$sessdata->{invtypes}};
my $format = "%-20s %s";
foreach $key (sort keys %{$sessdata->{fru_hash}}) {
my $fru = $sessdata->{fru_hash}->{$key};
my $type;
foreach $type (split /,/,$fru->rec_type) {
if(grep {$_ eq $type} @types) {
my $bmcifo="";
if ($sessdata->{bmcnum} != 1) {
$bmcifo=" on BMC ".$sessdata->{bmcnum};
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg(sprintf($format.$bmcifo,$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{$key}->desc . ":",$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{$key}->value),$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
if ($up_group and $type eq "model" and $fru->desc =~ /MTM/) {
my $tmp_pre = xCAT::data::ibmhwtypes::parse_group($fru->value);
if (defined($tmp_pre)) {
xCAT::TableUtils->updatenodegroups($sessdata->{node}, $tmp_pre);
if ($sessdata->{isite} and (grep {$_ eq "mac"} @types)) {
sub add_textual_fru {
my $parsedfru = shift;
my $description = shift;
my $category = shift;
my $subcategory = shift;
my $types = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
my %args = @_;
if ($parsedfru->{$category} and $parsedfru->{$category}->{$subcategory}) {
my $fru;
my @subfrus;
if (ref $parsedfru->{$category}->{$subcategory} eq 'ARRAY') {
@subfrus = @{$parsedfru->{$category}->{$subcategory}};
} else {
@subfrus = ($parsedfru->{$category}->{$subcategory})
my $index=0;
foreach (@subfrus) {
$fru = FRU->new();
if ($args{addnumber}) {
$fru->desc($description." ".$index);
} else {
if (not ref $_) {
} else {
if ($_->{encoding} == 3) {
} else {
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{$sessdata->{frudex}} = $fru;
$sessdata->{frudex} += 1;
sub add_textual_frus {
my $parsedfru = shift;
my $desc = shift;
my $categorydesc = shift;
my $category = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
unless ($type) { $type = 'hw'; }
add_textual_fru($parsedfru,$desc." ".$categorydesc."Part Number",$category,"partnumber",$type,$sessdata);
add_textual_fru($parsedfru,$desc." ".$categorydesc."Manufacturer",$category,"manufacturer",$type,$sessdata);
add_textual_fru($parsedfru,$desc." ".$categorydesc."Serial Number",$category,"serialnumber",$type,$sessdata);
add_textual_fru($parsedfru,$desc." ".$categorydesc."FRU Number",$category,"frunum",$type,$sessdata);
add_textual_fru($parsedfru,$desc." ".$categorydesc."Version",$category,"version",$type,$sessdata);
add_textual_fru($parsedfru,$desc." ".$categorydesc."MAC Address",$category,"macaddrs","mac",$sessdata,addnumber=>1);
add_textual_fru($parsedfru,$desc." ".$categorydesc."WWN",$category,"wwns","wwn",$sessdata,addnumber=>1);
add_textual_fru($parsedfru,$desc." ".$categorydesc."",$category,"name",$type,$sessdata);
if ($parsedfru->{$category}->{builddate}) {
add_textual_fru($parsedfru,$desc." ".$categorydesc."Manufacture Date",$category,"builddate",$type,$sessdata);
if ($parsedfru->{$category}->{buildlocation}) {
add_textual_fru($parsedfru,$desc." ".$categorydesc."Manufacture Location",$category,"buildlocation",$type,$sessdata);
if ($parsedfru->{$category}->{model}) {
add_textual_fru($parsedfru,$desc." ".$categorydesc."Model",$category,"model",$type,$sessdata);
add_textual_fru($parsedfru,$desc." ".$categorydesc."Additional Info",$category,"extra",$type,$sessdata);
sub initfru {
my $netfun = 0x28;
my $sessdata = shift;
$sessdata->{fru_hash} = {};
my $mfg_id = $sessdata->{mfg_id};
my $prod_id = $sessdata->{prod_id};
my $device_id=$sessdata->{device_id};
my $fru = FRU->new();
$fru->desc("Manufacturer ID");
my $value = $mfg_id;
if($MFG_ID{$mfg_id}) {
$value = "$MFG_ID{$mfg_id} ($mfg_id)";
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{mfg_id} = $fru;
$fru = FRU->new();
$fru->desc("Product ID");
$value = $prod_id;
my $tmp = "$mfg_id:$prod_id";
if($PROD_ID{$tmp}) {
$value = "$PROD_ID{$tmp} ($prod_id)";
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{prod_id} = $fru;
$fru = FRU->new();
$fru->desc("Device ID");
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{device_id} = $fru;
sub got_bmc_fw_info {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
my $fw_rev1=$sessdata->{firmware_rev1};
my $fw_rev2=$sessdata->{firmware_rev2};
my $mprom;
my $isanimm=0;
if (ref $rsp and not $rsp->{error} and not $rsp->{code}) { #I am a callback and the command worked
my @returnd = (@{$rsp->{data}});
my @a = ($fw_rev2);
my $prefix = pack("C*",@returnd[0..3]);
if ($prefix =~ /yuoo/i or $prefix =~ /1aoo/i) { #we have an imm
$mprom = sprintf("%d.%s (%s)",$fw_rev1,decodebcd(\@a),getascii(@returnd));
} else { #either not a callback or IBM call failed
my @a = ($fw_rev2);
$mprom = sprintf("%d.%s",$fw_rev1,decodebcd(\@a));
my $fru = FRU->new();
$fru->desc("BMC Firmware");
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{mprom} = $fru;
if ($isanimm) {
} else {
sub got_bios_buildid {
my %res = @_;
my $sessdata = $res{sessdata};
if ($res{data}) {
$sessdata->{biosbuildid} = $res{data};
} else {
sub got_bios_version {
my %res = @_;
my $sessdata = $res{sessdata};
if ($res{data}) {
$sessdata->{biosbuildversion} = $res{data};
} else {
sub got_bios_date {
my %res = @_;
my $sessdata = $res{sessdata};
if ($res{data}) {
$sessdata->{biosbuilddate} = $res{data};
my $fru = FRU->new();
$fru->desc("UEFI Version");
$fru->value($sessdata->{biosbuildversion}." (".$sessdata->{biosbuildid}." ".$sessdata->{biosbuilddate}.")");
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{uefi} = $fru;
} else {
sub got_fpga_buildid {
my %res = @_;
my $sessdata = $res{sessdata};
if ($res{data}) {
$sessdata->{fpgabuildid} = $res{data};
} else {
sub got_backup_bios_buildid {
my %res = @_;
my $sessdata = $res{sessdata};
if ($res{data}) {
$sessdata->{backupbiosbuild} = $res{data};
} else {
sub got_backup_bios_version {
my %res = @_;
my $sessdata = $res{sessdata};
if ($res{data}) {
$sessdata->{backupbiosversion} = $res{data};
my $fru = FRU->new();
$fru->desc("Backup UEFI Version");
$fru->value($sessdata->{backupbiosversion}." (".$sessdata->{backupbiosbuild}.")");
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{backupuefi} = $fru;
} else {
sub got_backup_imm_buildid {
my %res = @_;
my $sessdata = $res{sessdata};
if ($res{data}) {
$sessdata->{backupimmbuild} = $res{data};
} else {
sub got_backup_imm_version {
my %res = @_;
my $sessdata = $res{sessdata};
if ($res{data}) {
$sessdata->{backupimmversion} = $res{data};
} else {
sub got_backup_imm_builddate {
my %res = @_;
my $sessdata = $res{sessdata};
if ($res{data}) {
$sessdata->{backupimmdate} = $res{data};
my $fru = FRU->new();
$fru->desc("Backup IMM Version");
$fru->value($sessdata->{backupimmversion}." (".$sessdata->{backupimmbuild}." ".$sessdata->{backupimmdate}.")");
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{backupimm} = $fru;
sub got_fpga_version {
my %res = @_;
my $sessdata = $res{sessdata};
if ($res{data}) {
$sessdata->{fpgabuildversion} = $res{data};
} else {
sub got_fpga_date {
my %res = @_;
my $sessdata = $res{sessdata};
if ($res{data}) {
$sessdata->{fpgabuilddate} = $res{data};
my $fru = FRU->new();
$fru->desc("FPGA Version");
$fru->value($sessdata->{fpgabuildversion}." (".$sessdata->{fpgabuildid}." ".$sessdata->{fpgabuilddate}.")");
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{fpga} = $fru;
sub check_for_ite {
my %args = @_;
my @getpropertycommand;
my $sessdata = $args{sessdata};
$sessdata->{property_callback} = \&got_ite_check; #$args{callback};
@getpropertycommand = unpack("C*","/v2/cmm/");
my $length = 0b10000000 | (scalar @getpropertycommand);#use length to store tlv
unshift @getpropertycommand,$length;
#command also needs the overall length
$length = (scalar @getpropertycommand);
unshift @getpropertycommand,0; #do not recurse, though it's not going to matter anyway since we are just checking for the existence of the category
unshift @getpropertycommand,$length&0xff;
unshift @getpropertycommand,($length>>8)&0xff;
unshift @getpropertycommand,2; #get all properties command,
sub got_ite_check {
my %res = @_;
my $sessdata = $res{sessdata};
if ($res{ccode} == 9) { #success, end of tree means an ITE, remember this
} else {
sub get_imm_property {
my %args = @_;
my @getpropertycommand;
my $sessdata = $args{sessdata};
$sessdata->{property_callback} = $args{callback};
@getpropertycommand = unpack("C*",$args{property});
my $length = 0b10000000 | (scalar @getpropertycommand);#use length to store tlv
unshift @getpropertycommand,$length;
#command also needs the overall length
$length = (scalar @getpropertycommand);
unshift @getpropertycommand,$length&0xff;
unshift @getpropertycommand,($length>>8)&0xff;
unshift @getpropertycommand,0; #the actual 'get proprety' command is 0.
sub got_imm_property {
if (check_rsp_errors(@_)) {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
my @data = @{$rsp->{data}};
my $propval = shift @data;
my %res;
if ($propval == 0) { #success
shift @data; #discard payload size
shift @data; #discard payload size
while (@data) {
my $tlv = shift @data;
if ($tlv & 0b10000000) {
$tlv = $tlv & 0b1111111;
my @val = splice(@data,0,$tlv);
$res{data}= unpack("Z*",pack("C*",@val));
sub initfru_withguid {
my $sessdata = shift;
my $mfg_id = $sessdata->{mfg_id};
my $prod_id = $sessdata->{prod_id};
my $mprom;
if($mfg_id == 20301 or $mfg_id == 2 && $prod_id != 34869) {
} else {
sub initfru_with_mprom {
my $sessdata = shift;
if ($sessdata->{skipfru}) {
sub process_currfruid {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
if ($rsp->{code} == 0xcb) {
$sessdata->{currfrudata}="Not Present";
if ($rsp and $rsp->{code}) { #non-zero return code..
$sessdata->{currfrudata}="Unable to read";
if ($codes{$rsp->{code}}) {
$sessdata->{currfrudata} .= " (".$codes{$rsp->{code}}.")";
} else {
$sessdata->{currfrudata} .= sprintf(" (Unknown reason %02xh)",$rsp->{code});
if (check_rsp_errors($rsp,$sessdata)) {
my @bytes =@{$rsp->{data}};
$sessdata->{currfrusize} = ($bytes[1]<<8)+$bytes[0];
sub initfru_zero {
my $sessdata = shift;
my $fruhash = shift;
my $frudex=0;
my $fru;
if (defined $fruhash->{product}->{manufacturer}->{value}) {
$fru = FRU->new();
$fru->desc("System Manufacturer");
if ($fruhash->{product}->{product}->{encoding}==3) {
} else {
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{$frudex++} = $fru;
if (defined $fruhash->{product}->{product}->{value}) {
$fru = FRU->new();
$fru->desc("System Description");
if ($fruhash->{product}->{product}->{encoding}==3) {
} else {
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{$frudex++} = $fru;
if (defined $fruhash->{product}->{model}->{value}) {
$fru = FRU->new();
$fru->desc("System Model/MTM");
if ($fruhash->{product}->{model}->{encoding}==3) {
} else {
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{$frudex++} = $fru;
if (defined $fruhash->{product}->{version}->{value}) {
$fru = FRU->new();
$fru->desc("System Revision");
if ($fruhash->{product}->{version}->{encoding}==3) {
} else {
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{$frudex++} = $fru;
if (defined $fruhash->{product}->{serialnumber}->{value}) {
$fru = FRU->new();
$fru->desc("System Serial Number");
if ($fruhash->{product}->{serialnumber}->{encoding}==3) {
} else {
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{$frudex++} = $fru;
if (defined $fruhash->{product}->{asset}->{value}) {
$fru = FRU->new();
$fru->desc("System Asset Number");
if ($fruhash->{product}->{asset}->{encoding}==3) {
} else {
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{$frudex++} = $fru;
foreach (@{$fruhash->{product}->{extra}}) {
$fru = FRU->new();
$fru->desc("Product Extra data");
if ($_->{encoding} == 3) {
} else {
#print Dumper($_);
#print $_->{encoding};
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{$frudex++} = $fru;
if ($fruhash->{chassis}->{serialnumber}->{value}) {
$fru = FRU->new();
$fru->desc("Chassis Serial Number");
if ($fruhash->{chassis}->{serialnumber}->{encoding}==3) {
} else {
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{$frudex++} = $fru;
if ($fruhash->{chassis}->{partnumber}->{value}) {
$fru = FRU->new();
$fru->desc("Chassis Part Number");
if ($fruhash->{chassis}->{partnumber}->{encoding}==3) {
} else {
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{$frudex++} = $fru;
foreach (@{$fruhash->{chassis}->{extra}}) {
$fru = FRU->new();
$fru->desc("Chassis Extra data");
if ($_->{encoding} == 3) {
} else {
#print Dumper($_);
#print $_->{encoding};
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{$frudex++} = $fru;
if ($fruhash->{board}->{builddate}) {
$fru = FRU->new();
$fru->desc("Board manufacture date");
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{$frudex++} = $fru;
if ($fruhash->{board}->{manufacturer}->{value}) {
$fru = FRU->new();
$fru->desc("Board manufacturer");
if ($fruhash->{board}->{manufacturer}->{encoding}==3) {
} else {
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{$frudex++} = $fru;
if ($fruhash->{board}->{frunum}) {
$fru = FRU->new();
$fru->desc("Board FRU Number");
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{$frudex++} = $fru;
if ($fruhash->{board}->{revision}) {
$fru = FRU->new();
$fru->desc("Board Revision");
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{$frudex++} = $fru;
if ($fruhash->{board}->{macaddrs}) {
my $macindex=1;
foreach my $mac (@{$fruhash->{board}->{macaddrs}}) {
$fru = FRU->new();
$fru->desc("MAC Address $macindex");
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{$frudex++} = $fru;
if ($fruhash->{board}->{wwns}) {
my $macindex=1;
foreach my $mac (@{$fruhash->{board}->{wwns}}) {
$fru = FRU->new();
$fru->desc("WWN $macindex");
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{$frudex++} = $fru;
if ($fruhash->{board}->{name}->{value}) {
$fru = FRU->new();
$fru->desc("Board Description");
if ($fruhash->{board}->{name}->{encoding}==3) {
} else {
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{$frudex++} = $fru;
if ($fruhash->{board}->{serialnumber}->{value}) {
$fru = FRU->new();
$fru->desc("Board Serial Number");
if ($fruhash->{board}->{serialnumber}->{encoding}==3) {
} else {
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{$frudex++} = $fru;
if ($fruhash->{board}->{partnumber}->{value}) {
$fru = FRU->new();
$fru->desc("Board Model Number");
if ($fruhash->{board}->{partnumber}->{encoding}==3) {
} else {
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{$frudex++} = $fru;
foreach (@{$fruhash->{board}->{extra}}) {
$fru = FRU->new();
$fru->desc("Board Extra data");
if ($_->{encoding} == 3) {
} else {
#print Dumper($_);
#print $_->{encoding};
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{$frudex++} = $fru;
#Ok, done with fru 0, on to the other fru devices from SDR
$sessdata->{frudex} = $frudex;
if ($sessdata->{skipotherfru}) { #skip non-primary fru devices
my $key;
my $subrc;
my %sdr_hash = %{$sessdata->{sdr_hash}};
$sessdata->{dimmfru} = [];
$sessdata->{genhwfru} = [];
foreach $key (sort {$sdr_hash{$a}->id_string cmp $sdr_hash{$b}->id_string} keys %sdr_hash) {
my $sdr = $sdr_hash{$key};
unless ($sdr->rec_type == 0x11 and $sdr->fru_type == 0x10) { #skip non fru sdr stuff and frus I don't understand
if ($sdr->fru_type == 0x10) { #supported
if ($sdr->fru_subtype == 0x1) { #DIMM
push @{$sessdata->{dimmfru}},$sdr;
} elsif ($sdr->fru_subtype == 0 or $sdr->fru_subtype == 2) {
push @{$sessdata->{genhwfru}},$sdr;
if (scalar @{$sessdata->{dimmfru}}) {
$sessdata->{currfrusdr} = shift @{$sessdata->{dimmfru}};
$sessdata->{currfruid} = $sessdata->{currfrusdr}->sensor_number;
} elsif (scalar @{$sessdata->{genhwfru}}) {
$sessdata->{currfrusdr} = shift @{$sessdata->{genhwfru}};
$sessdata->{currfruid} = $sessdata->{currfrusdr}->sensor_number;
} else {
sub get_frusize {
my $fruid=shift;
my $netfun = 0x28; # Storage (0x0A << 2)
my @cmd=(0x10,$fruid);
my @bytes;
my $error = docmd($netfun,\@cmd,\@bytes);
pop @bytes;
unless (defined $bytes[0] and $bytes[0] == 0) {
if ($codes{$bytes[0]}) {
return (0,$codes{$bytes[0]});
return (0,"FRU device $fruid inaccessible");
return ($bytes[2]<<8)+$bytes[1];
sub formfru {
my $fruhash = shift;
my $frusize = shift;
$frusize-=8; #consume 8 bytes for mandatory header
my $availindex=1;
my @bytes=(1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); #
if ($fruhash->{internal}) { #Allocate the space at header time
$availindex+=ceil((scalar @{$fruhash->{internal}})/8);
$frusize-=(scalar @{$fruhash->{internal}}); #consume internal bytes
push @bytes,@{$fruhash->{internal}};
if ($fruhash->{chassis}) {
push @bytes,@{$fruhash->{chassis}->{raw}};
$availindex+=ceil((scalar @{$fruhash->{chassis}->{raw}})/8);
$frusize -= ceil((scalar @{$fruhash->{chassis}->{raw}})/8)*8;
if ($fruhash->{board}) {
push @bytes,@{$fruhash->{board}->{raw}};
$availindex+=ceil((scalar @{$fruhash->{board}->{raw}})/8);
$frusize -= ceil((scalar @{$fruhash->{board}->{raw}})/8)*8;
#xCAT will always have a product FRU in this process
unless (defined $fruhash->{product}) { #Make sure there is a data structure
#to latch onto..
my @prodbytes = buildprodfru($fruhash->{product});
push @bytes,@prodbytes;
$availindex+=ceil((scalar @prodbytes)/8);
$frusize -= ceil((scalar @prodbytes)/8)*8;;
#End of product fru setup
if ($fruhash->{extra}) {
push @bytes,@{$fruhash->{extra}};
$frusize -= ceil((scalar @{$fruhash->{extra}})/8)*8;
#Don't need to track availindex anymore
$bytes[7] = dochksum([@bytes[0..6]]);
if ($frusize<0) {
return undef;
} else {
return \@bytes;
sub transfieldtobytes {
my $hashref=shift;
unless (defined $hashref) {
return (0xC0);
my @data;
my $size;
if ($hashref->{encoding} ==3) {
} else {
if ($size > 64) {
die "Field too large for IPMI FRU specification";
return @data;
sub mergefru {
my $sessdata = shift;
my $phash = shift; #Product hash
unless ($phash) { die "here" }
my $currnode = $sessdata->{node};
if ($vpdhash->{$currnode}->[0]->{mtm}) {
if ($vpdhash->{$currnode}->[0]->{serial}) {
if ($vpdhash->{$currnode}->[0]->{asset}) {
sub buildprodfru {
my $sessdata = shift;
my $prod=shift;
my $currnode = $sessdata->{node};
my @bytes=(1,0,0);
my @data;
my $padsize;
push @bytes,transfieldtobytes($prod->{manufacturer});
push @bytes,transfieldtobytes($prod->{product});
push @bytes,transfieldtobytes($prod->{model});
push @bytes,transfieldtobytes($prod->{version});
push @bytes,transfieldtobytes($prod->{serialnumber});
push @bytes,transfieldtobytes($prod->{asset});
push @bytes,transfieldtobytes($prod->{fruid});
push @bytes,transfieldtobytes($prod->{fruid});
foreach (@{$prod->{extra}}) {
my $sig=getascii(transfieldtobytes($_));
unless ($sig and $sig =~ /FRU by xCAT/) {
push @bytes,transfieldtobytes($_);
push @bytes,transfieldtobytes({encoding=>3,value=>"$currnode FRU by xCAT ".xCAT::Utils::Version('short')});
push @bytes,(0xc1);
while ($padsize--) {
push @bytes,(0x00);
$padsize=dochksum(\@bytes);#reuse padsize for a second to store checksum
push @bytes,$padsize;
return @bytes;
sub fru {
my $subcommand = shift;
my $netfun = 0x28;
my @cmd;
my @returnd = ();
my $error;
my $rc = 0;
my $text;
my @output;
my $code;
$error = docmd(
if($error) {
$rc = 1;
$text = $error;
$code = $returnd[0];
if($code == 0x00) {
else {
$rc = 1;
$text = $codes{$code};
if($rc != 0) {
if(!$text) {
$text = sprintf("unknown response %02x",$code);
my $fru_size_ls = $returnd[1];
my $fru_size_ms = $returnd[2];
my $fru_size = $fru_size_ms*256 + $fru_size_ls;
if($subcommand eq "dump") {
print "FRU Size: $fru_size\n";
my ($rc,@output) = frudump(0,$fru_size,8);
if($rc) {
if($subcommand eq "wipe") {
my @bytes = ();
for(my $i = 0;$i < $fru_size;$i++) {
my ($rc,$text) = fruwrite(0,\@bytes,8);
if($rc) {
return(0,"FRU $fru_size bytes wiped");
sub add_fruhash {
my $sessdata = shift;
my $fruhash;
if ($sessdata->{currfruid} !=0 and not ref $sessdata->{currfrudata}) {
my $fru = FRU->new();
if ($sessdata->{currfrutype} and $sessdata->{currfrutype} eq 'dimm') {
} else {
if (exists($sessdata->{currfrusdr})) {
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{$sessdata->{frudex}} = $fru;
$sessdata->{frudex} += 1;
} elsif ($sessdata->{currfrutype} and $sessdata->{currfrutype} eq 'dimm') {
$fruhash = decode_spd(@{$sessdata->{currfrudata}});
} else {
my $err;
$global_sessdata=$sessdata; #pass by global, evil, but practical this time
($err,$fruhash) = parsefru($sessdata->{currfrudata});
$global_sessdata=undef; #revert state of global
if ($err) {
my $fru = FRU->new();
if ($sessdata->{currfrutype} and $sessdata->{currfrutype} eq 'dimm') {
} else {
if (exists($sessdata->{currfrusdr})) {
if (exists($sessdata->{frudex})) {
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{$sessdata->{frudex}} = $fru;
$sessdata->{frudex} += 1;
undef $sessdata->{currfrudata}; #skip useless calls to add more frus when parsing failed miserably anyway
#xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,":Error reading fru area ".$sessdata->{currfruid}.": $err"],$callback);
if ($sessdata->{currfruid} == 0) {
} elsif (ref $sessdata->{currfrudata}) {
if ($sessdata->{currfrutype} and $sessdata->{currfrutype} eq 'dimm') {
} else {
add_textual_frus($fruhash,$sessdata->{currfrusdr}->id_string,"Board ","board",undef,$sessdata);
add_textual_frus($fruhash,$sessdata->{currfrusdr}->id_string,"Product ","product",undef,$sessdata);
add_textual_frus($fruhash,$sessdata->{currfrusdr}->id_string,"Chassis ","chassis",undef,$sessdata);
if (scalar @{$sessdata->{dimmfru}}) {
$sessdata->{currfrusdr} = shift @{$sessdata->{dimmfru}};
$sessdata->{currfruid} = $sessdata->{currfrusdr}->sensor_number;
} elsif (scalar @{$sessdata->{genhwfru}}) {
$sessdata->{currfrusdr} = shift @{$sessdata->{genhwfru}};
$sessdata->{currfruid} = $sessdata->{currfrusdr}->sensor_number;
} else {
sub readcurrfrudevice {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
my $chunk=16; #we have no idea how much will be supported to grab at a time, stick to 16 as a magic number for the moment
if (not ref $rsp) {
} else {
if ($rsp->{code} != 0xcb and check_rsp_errors($rsp,$sessdata)) {
} elsif ($rsp->{code} == 0xcb) {
$sessdata->{currfrudata}="Not Present";
my @data = @{$rsp->{data}};
if ($data[0] != $sessdata->{currfruchunk}) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Received incorrect data from BMC"],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
shift @data;
push @{$sessdata->{currfrudata}},@data;
if ($sessdata->{currfrudone}) {
if ($sessdata->{isite}) {
#IBM OEM command, d0,51,0 further qualifies the command name, we'll first take a stop at block 0, offset 2, one byte, to get VPD version number
#command structured as:
#d0,51,0 = command set identifier
#lsb of offset
#msb of offset
#address type (1 for fru id)
#address (fru id for our use)
#1 - fixed value
#lsb - size
#msb - size
} else {
my $ms=$sessdata->{currfruoffset}>>8;
my $ls=$sessdata->{currfruoffset}&0xff;
if ($sessdata->{currfruoffset}+16 >= $sessdata->{currfrusize}) {
$chunk = $sessdata->{currfrusize}-$sessdata->{currfruoffset}; # shrink chunk to only get the remainder data
} else {
sub got_vpd_version {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
unless ($rsp and not $rsp->{error} and $rsp->{code} == 0 and $rsp->{data}->[5] == 2) { #unless the query was successful and major vpd version was 2
#short over to adding the fru hash as-is
#making it this far, we have affirmative confirmation of ibm oem vpd data, time to chase component mac, wwpn, and maybe mezz firmware
#will need:
# block 0, offset 0c8h use the offset to add to block 1 offsets (usually 400h), denoting as $blone
# block 1, $blone+6 - 216 bytes: 6 sets of 36 byte version information (TODO)
# block 1, $blone+0x1d0: port type first 4 bits protocol, last 3 bits addressing
# block 1, $blone+0x240: 64 bytes, up to 8 sets of addresses, mac is left aligned
# block 1, $blone+0x300: if mac+wwn, grab wwn
sub got_vpd_block1 {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
unless ($rsp and not $rsp->{error} and $rsp->{code} == 0) { # if this should go wonky, jump ahead
my $ptoffset = $sessdata->{vpdblock1offset} + 0x1d0;
sub got_portaddr_type {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
unless ($rsp and not $rsp->{error} and $rsp->{code} == 0) { # if this should go wonky, jump ahead
my $addrtype = $rsp->{data}->[5] & 0b111;
if ($addrtype == 0b101) {
} elsif ($addrtype == 0b1) {
} elsif ($addrtype == 0b10) {
} else { #for now, skip polling addresses I haven't examined directly
my $addroffset = $sessdata->{vpdblock1offset} + 0x240;
sub got_vpd_addresses {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
unless ($rsp and not $rsp->{error} and $rsp->{code} == 0) { # if this should go wonky, jump ahead
my @addrdata = @{$rsp->{data}};
splice @addrdata,0,5; # remove the header info
my $macstring = "1";
while ($macstring !~ /^00:00:00:00:00:00/) {
my @currmac = splice @addrdata,0,8;
unless ((scalar @currmac) == 8) {
$macstring = sprintf("%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",@currmac);
if ($macstring =~ /^00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00/) {
if ($sessdata->{curraddrtype} eq "mac") {
$macstring =~ s/:..:..$//;
push @{$sessdata->{currmacs}},$macstring;
} elsif ($sessdata->{curraddrtype} eq "wwn") {
push @{$sessdata->{currwwns}},$macstring;
if ($sessdata->{needmultiaddr}) {
my $addroffset = $sessdata->{vpdblock1offset} + 0x300;
sub parsefru {
my $bytes = shift;
my $fruhash;
my $curridx; #store indexes as needed for convenience
my $currsize; #store current size
my $subidx;
my @currarea;
unless (ref $bytes) {
return $bytes,undef;
unless ($bytes->[0]==1) {
if ($bytes->[0]==0 or $bytes->[0]==0xff) { #not in spec, but probably unitialized, xCAT probably will rewrite fresh
return "clear",undef;
} else { #some meaning suggested, but not parsable, xCAT shouldn't meddle
return "Unrecognized FRU format",undef;
if ($bytes->[1]) { #The FRU spec, unfortunately, gave no easy way to tell the size of internal area
#consequently, will find the next defined field and preserve the addressing and size of current FRU
#area until then
my $internal_size;
if ($bytes->[2]) {
} elsif ($bytes->[3]) {
} elsif ($bytes->[4]) {
} elsif ($bytes->[5]) {
} else { #The FRU area is intact enough to signify xCAT can't safely manipulate contents
return "unknown-winternal",undef;
#capture slice of bytes
$fruhash->{internal}=[@{$bytes}[($bytes->[1]*8)..($bytes->[1]*8+$internal_size-1)]]; #,$bytes->[1]*8,$internal_size];
if ($bytes->[2]) { #Chassis info area, xCAT will preserve fields, not manipulate them
unless ($bytes->[$curridx]==1) { #definitely unparsable, but the section is preservable
return "unknown-COULDGUESS",undef; #be lazy for now, TODO revisit this and add guessing if it ever matters
if ($currsize > 0) {
@currarea=@{$bytes}[$curridx..($curridx+$currsize-1)]; #splice @$bytes,$curridx,$currsize;
$fruhash->{chassis} = parsechassis(@currarea);
if ($bytes->[3]) { #Board info area, to be preserved
unless ($bytes->[$curridx]==1) {
return "unknown-COULDGUESS",undef;
if ($currsize > 0) {
$fruhash->{board} = parseboard(@currarea);
if (ref $global_sessdata->{currmacs}) {
push @{$fruhash->{board}->{macaddrs}},@{$global_sessdata->{currmacs}};
delete $global_sessdata->{currmacs}; # consume the accumulated mac addresses to avoid afflicting subsequent fru
if (ref $global_sessdata->{currwwns}) {
push @{$fruhash->{board}->{wwns}},@{$global_sessdata->{currwwns}};
delete $global_sessdata->{currwwns}; # consume wwns
if ($bytes->[4]) { #Product info area present, will probably be thoroughly modified
unless ($bytes->[$curridx]==1) {
return "unknown-COULDGUESS",undef;
if ($currsize > 0) {
$fruhash->{product} = parseprod(@currarea);
if ($bytes->[5]) { #Generic multirecord present..
my $last=0;
my $currsize;
if ($bytes->[$curridx] <= 5) { #don't even try to parse unknown stuff
#some records don't comply to any SPEC
while (not $last and $curridx < (scalar @$bytes)) {
if ($bytes->[$curridx+1] & 128) {
push @{$fruhash->{extra}},@{$bytes}[$curridx..$curridx+4+$currsize-1];
$curridx += 5 + $currsize;
return 0,$fruhash;
sub parseprod {
my @area = @_;
my %info;
my $language=$area[2];
my $idx=3;
my $currsize;
my $currdata;
my $encode;
unless ($currsize) {
return \%info;
if ($currsize>1) {
unless ($currsize) {
return \%info;
if ($currsize>1) {
unless ($currsize) {
return \%info;
if ($currsize>1) {
unless ($currsize) {
return \%info;
if ($currsize>1) {
unless ($currsize) {
return \%info;
if ($currsize>1) {
unless ($currsize) {
return \%info;
if ($currsize>1) {
unless ($currsize) {
return \%info;
if ($currsize>1) {
if ($currsize) {
while ($currsize>0) {
if ($currsize>1) {
push @{$info{extra}},{value=>$currdata,encoding=>$encode};
if ($currsize < 0) { last }
return \%info;
sub parseboard {
my @area = @_;
my %boardinf;
my $idx=6;
my $language=$area[2];
my $tstamp = ($area[3]+($area[4]<<8)+($area[5]<<16))*60+820472400; #820472400 is meant to be 1/1/1996
$boardinf{raw}=[@area]; #store for verbatim replacement
unless ($tstamp == 820472400) {
$boardinf{builddate}=scalar localtime($tstamp);
my $encode;
my $currsize;
my $currdata;
unless ($currsize) {
return \%boardinf;
if ($currsize>1) {
unless ($currsize) {
return \%boardinf;
if ($currsize>1) {
unless ($currsize) {
return \%boardinf;
if ($currsize>1) {
unless ($currsize) {
return \%boardinf;
if ($currsize>1) {
unless ($currsize) {
return \%boardinf;
if ($currsize>1) {
if ($currsize) {
while ($currsize>0) {
if ($currsize>1) {
push @{$boardinf{extra}},{value=>$currdata,encoding=>$encode};
if ($currsize < 0) { last }
if ($global_sessdata->{isanimm}) { #we can understand more specifically some of the extra fields...
#time to process the mac field...
my $macdata = $boardinf{extra}->[6]->{value};
my $macstring = "1";
while ($macstring !~ /00:00:00:00:00:00/ and not ref $global_sessdata->{currmacs}) {
my @currmac = splice @$macdata,0,6;
unless ((scalar @currmac) == 6) {
$macstring = sprintf("%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",@currmac);
if ($macstring !~ /00:00:00:00:00:00/) {
push @{$boardinf{macaddrs}},$macstring;
delete $boardinf{extra};
return \%boardinf;
sub parsechassis {
my @chassarea=@_;
my %chassisinf;
my $currsize;
my $currdata;
my $idx=3;
my $encode;
$chassisinf{raw}=[@chassarea]; #store for verbatim replacement
if ($chassis_types{$chassarea[2]}) {
if ($chassarea[$idx] == 0xc1) {
return \%chassisinf;
unless ($currsize) {
return \%chassisinf;
if ($currsize>1) {
unless ($currsize) {
return \%chassisinf;
if ($currsize>1) {
if ($currsize) {
while ($currsize>0) {
if ($currsize>1) {
push @{$chassisinf{extra}},{value=>$currdata,encoding=>$encode};
if ($currsize < 0) { last }
return \%chassisinf;
sub extractfield { #idx is location of the type/length byte, returns something appropriate
my $area = shift;
my $idx = shift;
my $language=shift;
my $data;
if ($idx >= scalar @$area) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Error parsing FRU data from BMC"],$callback);
return -1,undef,undef;
my $size = $area->[$idx] & 0b00111111;
my $encoding = ($area->[$idx] & 0b11000000)>>6;
unless ($size) {
return 1,undef,undef;
if ($size==1 && $encoding==3) {
return 0,'','';
if ($encoding==3) {
} else {
$data = [@$area[$idx+1..$size+$idx]];
return $size+1,$data,$encoding;
sub writefru {
my $netfun = 0x28; # Storage (0x0A << 2)
my @cmd=(0x10,0);
my @bytes;
my $error = docmd($netfun,\@cmd,\@bytes);
pop @bytes;
unless (defined $bytes[0] and $bytes[0] == 0) {
return (1,"FRU device 0 inaccessible");
my $frusize=($bytes[2]<<8)+$bytes[1];
($error,@bytes) = frudump(0,$frusize,16);
if ($error) {
return (1,"Error retrieving FRU: ".$error);
my $fruhash;
($error,$fruhash) = parsefru(\@bytes);
my $newfru=formfru($fruhash,$frusize);
unless ($newfru) {
return (1,"FRU data will not fit in BMC FRU space, fields too long");
my $rc=1;
my $writeattempts=0;
my $text;
while ($rc and $writeattempts<15) {
if ($writeattempts) {
sleep 1;
($rc,$text) = fruwrite(0,$newfru,8);
if ($text =~ /rotected/) {
if($rc) {
return(0,"FRU Updated");
sub fruwrite {
my $offset = shift;
my $bytes = shift;
my $chunk = shift;
my $length = @$bytes;
my $netfun = 0x28;
my @cmd;
my @returnd = ();
my $error;
my $rc = 0;
my $text;
my @output;
my $code;
my @fru_data=();
for(my $c=$offset;$c < $length+$offset;$c += $chunk) {
my $ms = int($c / 0x100);
my $ls = $c - $ms * 0x100;
$error = docmd(
if($error) {
$rc = 1;
$text = $error;
$code = $returnd[0];
if($code == 0x00) {
else {
$rc = 1;
$text = $codes{$code};
if($rc != 0) {
if ($code == 0x80) {
$text = "Write protected FRU";
if(!$text) {
$text = sprintf("unknown response %02x",$code);
my $count = $returnd[1];
if($count != $chunk) {
$rc = 1;
$text = "FRU write error (bytes requested: $chunk, wrote: $count)";
sub decodealert {
my $sessdata = shift;
my $skip_sdrinit=0;
unless (ref $sessdata) { #called from xcat traphandler
$sessdata = { sdr_hash => {} };
$skip_sdrinit=1; #TODO sdr_init, cache only to avoid high trap handling overhead
my $trap = shift;
if ($trap =~ /xCAT_plugin::ipmi/) {
my $node = shift;
my @pet = @_;
my $rc;
my $text;
my $type;
my $desc;
#my $ipmisensoreventtab = "$ENV{XCATROOT}/lib/GUMI/";
#my $ipmigenericeventtab = "$ENV{XCATROOT}/lib/GUMI/";
my $offsetmask = 0b00000000000000000000000000001111;
my $offsetrmask = 0b00000000000000000000000001110000;
my $assertionmask = 0b00000000000000000000000010000000;
my $eventtypemask = 0b00000000000000001111111100000000;
my $sensortypemask = 0b00000000111111110000000000000000;
my $reservedmask = 0b11111111000000000000000000000000;
my $offset = $trap & $offsetmask;
my $offsetr = $trap & $offsetrmask;
my $event_dir = $trap & $assertionmask;
my $event_type = ($trap & $eventtypemask) >> 8;
my $sensor_type = ($trap & $sensortypemask) >> 16;
my $reserved = ($trap & $reservedmask) >> 24;
if($debug >= 2) {
printf("offset: %02xh\n",$offset);
printf("offsetr: %02xh\n",$offsetr);
printf("assertion: %02xh\n",$event_dir);
printf("eventtype: %02xh\n",$event_type);
printf("sensortype: %02xh\n",$sensor_type);
printf("reserved: %02xh\n",$reserved);
my @hex = (0,@pet);
my $pad = $hex[0];
my @uuid = @hex[1..16];
my @seqnum = @hex[17,18];
my @timestamp = @hex[19,20,21,22];
my @utcoffset = @hex[23,24];
my $trap_source_type = $hex[25];
my $event_source_type = $hex[26];
my $sev = $hex[27];
my $sensor_device = $hex[28];
my $sensor_num = $hex[29];
my $entity_id = $hex[30];
my $entity_instance = $hex[31];
my $event_data_1 = $hex[32];
my $event_data_2 = $hex[33];
my $event_data_3 = $hex[34];
my @event_data = @hex[35..39];
my $langcode = $hex[40];
my $mfg_id = $hex[41] + $hex[42] * 0x100 + $hex[43] * 0x10000 + $hex[44] * 0x1000000;
my $prod_id = $hex[45] + $hex[46] * 0x100;
my @oem = $hex[47..@hex-1];
if($sev == 0x00) {
$sev = "LOG";
elsif($sev == 0x01) {
$sev = "MONITOR";
elsif($sev == 0x02) {
elsif($sev == 0x04) {
$sev = "OK";
elsif($sev == 0x08) {
$sev = "WARNING";
elsif($sev == 0x10) {
$sev = "CRITICAL";
elsif($sev == 0x20) {
else {
$sev = "UNKNOWN-SEVERITY:$sev";
$text = "$sev:";
($rc,$type,$desc) = getsensorevent($sensor_type,$offset,"ipmisensorevents");
if($rc == 1) {
$type = "Unknown Type $sensor_type";
$desc = "Unknown Event $offset";
$rc = 0;
if($event_type <= 0x0c) {
my $gtype;
my $gdesc;
($rc,$gtype,$gdesc) = getsensorevent($event_type,$offset,"ipmigenericevents");
if($rc == 1) {
$gtype = "Unknown Type $gtype";
$gdesc = "Unknown Event $offset";
$rc = 0;
$desc = $gdesc;
if($type eq "" || $type eq "-") {
$type = "OEM Sensor Type $sensor_type"
if($desc eq "" || $desc eq "-") {
$desc = "OEM Sensor Event $offset"
if($type eq $desc) {
$desc = "";
my $extra_info = getaddsensorevent($sensor_type,$offset,$event_data_1,$event_data_2,$event_data_3);
if($extra_info) {
if($desc) {
$desc = "$desc $extra_info";
else {
$desc = "$extra_info";
$text = "$text $type,";
$text = "$text $desc";
my $key;
my $sensor_desc = sprintf("Sensor 0x%02x",$sensor_num);
my %sdr_hash = %{$sessdata->{sdr_hash}};
foreach $key (keys %sdr_hash) {
my $sdr = $sdr_hash{$key};
if($sdr->sensor_number == $sensor_num and $sdr->rec_type != 192 and $sdr->rec_type != 17) {
$sensor_desc = $sdr_hash{$key}->id_string;
if($sdr->rec_type == 0x01) {
$text = "$text ($sensor_desc)";
if($event_dir) {
$text = "$text - Recovered";
sub readauxentry {
my $netfn=0x2e<<2;
my $entrynum = shift;
my $entryls = ($entrynum&0xff);
my $entryms = ($entrynum>>8);
my @cmd = (0x93,0x4d,0x4f,0x00,$entryls,$entryms,0,0,0xff,0x5); #Get log size andup to 1275 bytes of data, keeping it under 1500 to accomodate mixed-mtu circumstances
my @data;
my $error = docmd(
if ($error) { return $error; }
if ($data[0]) { return $data[0]; }
my $text;
unless ($data[1] == 0x4d and $data[2] == 0x4f and $data[3] == 0) { return "Unrecognized response format" }
if (($data[10]&1) == 1) {
my $addtext="";
if ($data[5] > 5) {
@data = splice @data,11;
pop @data;
while(scalar(@data)) {
my @subdata = splice @data,0,30;
my $numbytes = scalar(@subdata);
my $formatstring="%02x"x$numbytes;
$formatstring =~ s/%02x%02x/%02x%02x /g;
return (0,$entrynum,$text);
sub eventlog {
my $sessdata = shift;
my $subcommand = $sessdata->{subcommand};
my $cmdargv = $sessdata->{extraargs};
unless ($sessdata) { die "not fixed yet" }
my $netfun = 0x0a;
my @cmd;
my @returnd = ();
my $error;
my $rc = 0;
my $text;
my $code;
my @output;
my $entry;
my @sel;
my $mfg_id;
my $prod_id;
my $device_id;
#device id needed here
#reventlog <node> [[all] [-s] | <num> [-s]| clear]
$subcommand = undef;
my $arg = shift(@$cmdargv);
while ($arg) {
if ($arg eq "all" or $arg eq "clear" or $arg =~ /^\d+$/) {
if (defined($subcommand)) {
return(1,"revenglog $subcommand $arg invalid");
$subcommand = $arg;
} elsif ($arg =~ /^-s$/) {
} else {
return(1,"unsupported command eventlog $arg");
$arg = shift(@$cmdargv);
unless (defined($subcommand)) {
$subcommand = 'all';
if($subcommand eq "all") {
elsif($subcommand eq "clear") {
if (exists($sessdata->{sort})) {
return(1,"option \"first\" can not work with $subcommand");
elsif($subcommand =~ /^\d+$/) {
$sessdata->{numevents} = $subcommand;
$sessdata->{displayedevents} = 0;
else {
return(1,"unsupported command eventlog $subcommand");
$sessdata->{subcommand} = $subcommand;
sub eventlog_with_time {
if (check_rsp_errors(@_)) {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
my @returnd = (0,@{$rsp->{data}});
#Here we set tfactor based on the delta between the BMC reported time and our
#time. The IPMI spec says the BMC should return seconds since 1970 in local
#time, but the reality is the firmware pushing to the BMC has no context
#to know, so here we guess and adjust all timestamps based on delta between
#our now and the BMC's now
$sessdata->{tfactor} = $returnd[4]<<24 | $returnd[3]<<16 | $returnd[2]<<8 | $returnd[1];
if ($sessdata->{tfactor} > 0x20000000) {
$sessdata->{tfactor} -= time();
} else {
$sessdata->{tfactor} = 0;
sub eventlog_with_selinfo {
if (check_rsp_errors(@_)) {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
my $code = $rsp->{code};
my @returnd = (0,@{$rsp->{data}});
#sif($code == 0x81) {
# $rc = 1;
# $text = "cannot execute command, SEL erase in progress";
my $sel_version = $returnd[1];
if($sel_version != 0x51) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg(sprintf("SEL version 51h support only, version reported: %x",$sel_version),$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
my $num_entries = ($returnd[3]<<8) + $returnd[2];
if($num_entries <= 0) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("no SEL entries",$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
my $canres = $returnd[14] & 0b00000010;
if(!$canres) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"SEL reservation not supported"],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
my $subcommand = $sessdata->{subcommand};
if ($subcommand =~ /clear/) { #Don't bother with a reservation unless a clear is involved
#atomic SEL retrieval need not require it, so an event during retrieval will not kill reventlog effort off
} elsif ($sessdata->{mfg_id} == 2) {
#read_ibm_auxlog($sessdata); #TODO JBJ fix this back in
#For requests other than clear, we check for IBM extended auxillary log data
$sessdata->{selentries} = [];
if (exists($sessdata->{sort})) {
} else {
sub got_sel {
if (check_rsp_errors(@_)) {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
my @returnd = (0,@{$rsp->{data}});
#elsif($code == 0x81) {
# $rc = 1;
# $text = "cannot execute command, SEL erase in progress";
my $next_rec_ls;
my $next_rec_ms;
my @sel_data = @returnd[3..19];
if (exists($sessdata->{sort})) {
$next_rec_ls = $sel_data[0] - 1;
$next_rec_ms = $sel_data[1];
if (($next_rec_ls < 0) && ($next_rec_ms > 0)) {
$next_rec_ls += 256;
$next_rec_ms -= 1;
} else {
$next_rec_ls = $returnd[1];
$next_rec_ms = $returnd[2];
if ($debug) {
print $sessdata->{selentry}.": ";
my $record_id = $sel_data[0] + $sel_data[1]*256;
my $record_type = $sel_data[2];
if($record_type == 0x02) {
else {
my $text=getoemevent($record_type,$sessdata->{mfg_id},\@sel_data);
my $entry = $sessdata->{selentry};
if ($sessdata->{auxloginfo} and $sessdata->{auxloginfo}->{$entry}) {
$text.=" With additional data:\n".$sessdata->{auxloginfo}->{$entry};
if ($sessdata->{fullsel}) {
} else {
if(($next_rec_ms == 0xFF && $next_rec_ls == 0xFF) or
($next_rec_ms == 0x0 && $next_rec_ls == 0x0)) {
my $timestamp = ($sel_data[3] | $sel_data[4]<<8 | $sel_data[5]<<16 | $sel_data[6]<<24);
unless ($timestamp < 0x20000000) { #IPMI Spec says below this is effectively BMC uptime, not correctable
$timestamp -= $sessdata->{tfactor}; #apply correction factor based on how off the current BMC clock is from management server
my ($seldate,$seltime) = timestamp2datetime($timestamp);
# $text = "$entry: $seldate $seltime";
my $text = ":$seldate $seltime";
# my $gen_id_slave_addr = ($sel_data[7] & 0b11111110) >> 1;
# my $gen_id_slave_addr_hs = ($sel_data[7] & 0b00000001);
# my $gen_id_ch_num = ($sel_data[8] & 0b11110000) >> 4;
# my $gen_id_ipmb = ($sel_data[8] & 0b00000011);
my $sensor_owner_id = $sel_data[7];
my $sensor_owner_lun = $sel_data[8];
my $sensor_type = $sel_data[10];
my $sensor_num = $sel_data[11];
my $event_dir = $sel_data[12] & 0b10000000;
my $event_type = $sel_data[12] & 0b01111111;
my $offset = $sel_data[13] & 0b00001111;
my $event_data_1 = $sel_data[13];
my $event_data_2 = $sel_data[14];
my $event_data_3 = $sel_data[15];
my $sev = 0;
$sev = ($sel_data[14] & 0b11110000) >> 4;
# if($event_type != 1) {
# $sev = ($sel_data[14] & 0b11110000) >> 4;
# }
# $text = "$text $sev:";
my $type;
my $desc;
my $rc;
($rc,$type,$desc) = getsensorevent($sensor_type,$offset,"ipmisensorevents");
if($rc == 1) {
$type = "Unknown Type $sensor_type";
$desc = "Unknown Event $offset";
$rc = 0;
if($event_type <= 0x0c) {
my $gtype;
my $gdesc;
($rc,$gtype,$gdesc) = getsensorevent($event_type,$offset,"ipmigenericevents");
if($rc == 1) {
$gtype = "Unknown Type $gtype";
$gdesc = "Unknown Event $offset";
$rc = 0;
$desc = $gdesc;
if($type eq "" || $type eq "-") {
$type = "OEM Sensor Type $sensor_type"
if($desc eq "" || $desc eq "-") {
$desc = "OEM Sensor Event $offset"
if($type eq $desc) {
$desc = "";
my $extra_info = getaddsensorevent($sensor_type,$offset,$event_data_1,$event_data_2,$event_data_3);
if($extra_info) {
if($desc) {
$desc = "$desc $extra_info";
else {
$desc = "$extra_info";
$text = "$text $type,";
$text = "$text $desc";
# my $key;
my $key = $sensor_owner_id . "." . $sensor_owner_lun . "." . $sensor_num;
my $sensor_desc = sprintf("Sensor 0x%02x",$sensor_num);
# foreach $key (keys %sdr_hash) {
# my $sdr = $sdr_hash{$key};
# if($sdr->sensor_number == $sensor_num) {
# $sensor_desc = $sdr_hash{$key}->id_string;
# last;
# }
# }
my %sdr_hash = %{$sessdata->{sdr_hash}};
if(defined $sdr_hash{$key}) {
$sensor_desc = $sdr_hash{$key}->id_string;
if ($sdr_hash{$key}->event_type_code == 1) {
if (($event_data_1 & 0b11000000) == 0b01000000) {
$sensor_desc .= " reading ".translate_sensor($event_data_2,$sdr_hash{$key});
if (($event_data_1 & 0b00110000) == 0b00010000) {
$sensor_desc .= " with threshold " . translate_sensor($event_data_3,$sdr_hash{$key});
$text = "$text ($sensor_desc)";
if($event_dir) {
$text = "$text - Recovered";
my $entry = $sessdata->{selentry};
if ($sessdata->{bmcnum} !=1) {
$text .= " on BMC ".$sessdata->{bmcnum};
if ($sessdata->{auxloginfo} and $sessdata->{auxloginfo}->{$entry}) {
$text.=" with additional data:";
if ($sessdata->{fullsel} || ( $sessdata->{numevents}
&& $sessdata->{numevents} > $sessdata->{displayedevents})) {
foreach (split /\n/,$sessdata->{auxloginfo}->{$entry}) {
} else {
push @{$sessdata->{selentries}},split /\n/,$sessdata->{auxloginfo}->{$entry};
} else {
if ($sessdata->{fullsel} || ($sessdata->{numevents}
&& $sessdata->{numevents} > $sessdata->{displayedevents})) {
} else {
if(($next_rec_ms == 0xFF && $next_rec_ls == 0xFF) or
($next_rec_ms == 0x0 && $next_rec_ls == 0x0)) {
sub sendsel {
my $sessdata = shift;
####my @routput = reverse(@output);
####my @noutput;
####my $c;
####foreach(@routput) {
#### $c++;
#### if($c > $num) {
#### last;
#### }
#### push(@noutput,$_);
####@output = reverse(@noutput);
sub clear_sel_with_reservation {
if (check_rsp_errors(@_)) {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
my @returnd = (0,@{$rsp->{data}});
#elsif($code == 0x81) {
# $rc = 1;
# $text = "cannot execute command, SEL erase in progress";
$sessdata->{res_id_ls} = $returnd[1];
$sessdata->{res_id_ms} = $returnd[2];
sub wait_for_selerase {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
my @returnd = (0,@{$rsp->{data}});
my $erase_status = $returnd[1] & 0b00000001;
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("SEL cleared",$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
#commenting out usless 'while 0' loop.
#skip test for now, need to get new res id for some machines
# while($erase_status == 0 && 0) {
# sleep(1);
# @cmd=(0x47,$res_id_ls,$res_id_ms,0x43,0x4c,0x52,0x00);
# $error = docmd(
# $netfun,
# \@cmd,
# \@returnd
# );
# if($error) {
# $rc = 1;
# $text = $error;
# return($rc,$text);
# }
# $code = $returnd[0];
# if($code == 0x00) {
# }
# else {
# $rc = 1;
# $text = $codes{$code};
# }
# if($rc != 0) {
# if(!$text) {
# $text = sprintf("unknown response %02x",$code);
# }
# return($rc,$text);
# }
# $erase_status = $returnd[1] & 0b00000001;
# }
sub read_ibm_auxlog {
my $sessdata = shift;
my $entry = $sessdata->{selentry};
my @auxdata;
my $netfn = 0xa << 2;
my @auxlogcmd = (0x5a,1);
my $error = docmd(
#print Dumper(\@auxdata);
unless ($error or $auxdata[0] or $auxdata[5] != 0x4d or $auxdata[6] != 0x4f or $auxdata[7] !=0x0 ) { #Don't bother if support cannot be confirmed by service processor
$netfn=0x2e<<2; #switch netfunctions to read
my $numauxlogs = $auxdata[8]+($auxdata[9]<<8);
my $auxidx=1;
my $rc;
my $entry;
my $extdata;
while ($auxidx<=$numauxlogs) {
($rc,$entry,$extdata) = readauxentry($auxidx++);
unless ($rc) {
if ($sessdata->{auxloginfo}->{$entry}) {
} else {
if ($sessdata->{auxloginfo}->{0}) {
if ($sessdata->{fullsel}) {
foreach (split /!/,$sessdata->{auxloginfo}->{0}) {
sendoutput(0,":Unassociated auxillary data detected:");
foreach (split /\n/,$_) {
#print Dumper(\%auxloginfo);
sub getoemevent {
my $record_type = shift;
my $mfg_id = shift;
my $sel_data = shift;
my $sessdata;
my $text=":";
if ($record_type < 0xE0 && $record_type > 0x2F) { #Should be timestampped, whatever it is
my $timestamp = (@$sel_data[3] | @$sel_data[4]<<8 | @$sel_data[5]<<16 | @$sel_data[6]<<24);
unless ($timestamp < 0x20000000) {
$timestamp -= $sessdata->{tfactor};
my ($seldate,$seltime) = timestamp2datetime($timestamp);
my @rest = @$sel_data[7..15];
if ($mfg_id==2) {
$text.="$seldate $seltime IBM OEM Event-";
if ($rest[3]==0 && $rest[4]==0 && $rest[7]==0) {
$text=$text."PCI Event/Error, details in next event"
} elsif ($rest[3]==1 && $rest[4]==0 && $rest[7]==0) {
$text=$text."Processor Event/Error occurred, details in next event"
} elsif ($rest[3]==2 && $rest[4]==0 && $rest[7]==0) {
$text=$text."Memory Event/Error occurred, details in next event"
} elsif ($rest[3]==3 && $rest[4]==0 && $rest[7]==0) {
$text=$text."Scalability Event/Error occurred, details in next event"
} elsif ($rest[3]==4 && $rest[4]==0 && $rest[7]==0) {
$text=$text."PCI bus Event/Error occurred, details in next event"
} elsif ($rest[3]==5 && $rest[4]==0 && $rest[7]==0) {
$text=$text."Chipset Event/Error occurred, details in next event"
} elsif ($rest[3]==6 && $rest[4]==1 && $rest[7]==0) {
$text=$text."BIOS/BMC Power Executive mismatch (BIOS $rest[5], BMC $rest[6])"
} elsif ($rest[3]==6 && $rest[4]==2 && $rest[7]==0) {
$text=$text."Boot denied due to power limitations"
} else {
$text=$text."Unknown event ". phex(\@rest);
} else {
$text .= "$seldate $seltime " . sprintf("Unknown OEM SEL Type %02x:",$record_type) . phex(\@rest);
} else { #Non-timestamped
my %memerrors = (
0x00 => "DIMM enabled",
0x01 => "DIMM disabled, failed ECC test",
0x02 => "POST/BIOS memory test failed, DIMM disabled",
0x03 => "DIMM disabled, non-supported memory device",
0x04 => "DIMM disabled, non-matching or missing DIMM(s)",
my %pcierrors = (
0x00 => "Device OK",
0x01 => "Required ROM space not available",
0x02 => "Required I/O Space not available",
0x03 => "Required memory not available",
0x04 => "Required memory below 1MB not available",
0x05 => "ROM checksum failed",
0x06 => "BIST failed",
0x07 => "Planar device missing or disabled by user",
0x08 => "PCI device has an invalid PCI configuration space header",
0x09 => "FRU information for added PCI device",
0x0a => "FRU information for removed PCI device",
0x0b => "A PCI device was added, PCI FRU information is stored in next log entry",
0x0c => "A PCI device was removed, PCI FRU information is stored in next log entry",
0x0d => "Requested resources not available",
0x0e => "Required I/O Space Not Available",
0x0f => "Required I/O Space Not Available",
0x10 => "Required I/O Space Not Available",
0x11 => "Required I/O Space Not Available",
0x12 => "Required I/O Space Not Available",
0x13 => "Planar video disabled due to add in video card",
0x14 => "FRU information for PCI device partially disabled ",
0x15 => "A PCI device was partially disabled, PCI FRU information is stored in next log entry",
0x16 => "A 33Mhz device is installed on a 66Mhz bus, PCI device information is stored in next log entry",
0x17 => "FRU information, 33Mhz device installed on 66Mhz bus",
0x18 => "Merge cable missing",
0x19 => "Node 1 to Node 2 cable missing",
0x1a => "Node 1 to Node 3 cable missing",
0x1b => "Node 2 to Node 3 cable missing",
0x1c => "Nodes could not merge",
0x1d => "No 8 way SMP cable",
0x1e => "Primary North Bridge to PCI Host Bridge IB Link has failed",
0x1f => "Redundant PCI Host Bridge IB Link has failed",
my %procerrors = (
0x00 => "Processor has failed BIST",
0x01 => "Unable to apply processor microcode update",
0x02 => "POST does not support current stepping level of processor",
0x03 => "CPU mismatch detected",
my @rest = @$sel_data[3..15];
if ($record_type == 0xE0 && $rest[0]==2 && $mfg_id==2 && $rest[1]==0 && $rest[12]==1) { #Rev 1 POST memory event
$text="IBM Memory POST Event-";
my $msuffix=sprintf(", chassis %d, card %d, dimm %d",$rest[3],$rest[4],$rest[5]);
#the next bit is a basic lookup table, should implement as a table ala, or a hash... yeah, a hash...
} elsif ($record_type == 0xE0 && $rest[0]==1 && $mfg_id==2 && $rest[12]==0) { #A processor error or event, rev 0 only known in the spec I looked at
} elsif ($record_type == 0xE0 && $rest[0]==0 && $mfg_id==2) { #A PCI error or event, rev 1 or 2, the revs differe in endianness
my $msuffix;
if ($rest[12]==0) {
$msuffix=sprintf("chassis %d, slot %d, bus %s, device %02x%02x:%02x%02x",$rest[2],$rest[3],$rest[4],$rest[5],$rest[6],$rest[7],$rest[8]);
} elsif ($rest[12]==1) {
$msuffix=sprintf("chassis %d, slot %d, bus %s, device %02x%02x:%02x%02x",$rest[2],$rest[3],$rest[4],$rest[5],$rest[6],$rest[7],$rest[8]);
} else {
return ("Unknown IBM PCI event/error format");
} else {
#Some event we can't define that is OEM or some otherwise unknown event
$text = sprintf("SEL Type %02x:",$record_type) . phex(\@rest);
} #End timestampped intepretation
return ($text);
sub getsensorevent
my $sensortype = sprintf("%02Xh",shift);
my $sensoroffset = sprintf("%02Xh",shift);
my $file = shift;
my @line;
my $type;
my $code;
my $desc;
my $offset;
my $rc = 1;
if ($file eq "ipmigenericevents") {
if ($xCAT::data::ipmigenericevents::ipmigenericevents{"$sensortype,$sensoroffset"}) {
($type,$desc) = split (/,/,$xCAT::data::ipmigenericevents::ipmigenericevents{"$sensortype,$sensoroffset"},2);
if ($xCAT::data::ipmigenericevents::ipmigenericevents{"$sensortype,-"}) {
($type,$desc) = split (/,/,$xCAT::data::ipmigenericevents::ipmigenericevents{"$sensortype,-"},2);
if ($file eq "ipmisensorevents") {
if ($xCAT::data::ipmisensorevents::ipmisensorevents{"$sensortype,$sensoroffset"}) {
($type,$desc) = split (/,/,$xCAT::data::ipmisensorevents::ipmisensorevents{"$sensortype,$sensoroffset"},2);
if ($xCAT::data::ipmisensorevents::ipmisensorevents{"$sensortype,-"}) {
($type,$desc) = split (/,/,$xCAT::data::ipmisensorevents::ipmisensorevents{"$sensortype,-"},2);
return (0,"No Mappings found ($sensortype)","No Mappings found ($sensoroffset)");
sub getaddsensorevent {
my $sensor_type = shift;
my $offset = shift;
my $event_data_1 = shift;
my $event_data_2 = shift;
my $event_data_3 = shift;
my $text = "";
if ($sensor_type == 0x08 && $offset == 6) {
my %extra = (
0x0 => "Vendor mismatch",
0x1 => "Revision mismatch",
0x2 => "Processor missing",
0x3 => "Power Supply rating mismatch",
0x4 => "Voltage rating mismatch",
if ($extra{$event_data_3}) {
$text = $extra{$event_data_3};
if ($sensor_type == 0x0C) {
$text = sprintf ("Memory module %d",$event_data_3);
if($sensor_type == 0x0f) {
if($offset == 0x00) {
my %extra = (
0x00 => "Unspecified",
0x01 => "No system memory installed",
0x02 => "No usable system memory",
0x03 => "Unrecoverable hard disk failure",
0x04 => "Unrecoverable system board failure",
0x05 => "Unrecoverable diskette failure",
0x06 => "Unrecoverable hard disk controller failure",
0x07 => "Unrecoverable keyboard failure",
0x08 => "Removable boot media not found",
0x09 => "Unrecoverable video controller failure",
0x0a => "No video device detected",
0x0b => "Firmware (BIOS) ROM corruption detected",
0x0c => "CPU voltage mismatch",
0x0d => "CPU speed matching failure",
$text = $extra{$event_data_2};
if($offset == 0x02) {
my %extra = (
0x00 => "Unspecified",
0x01 => "Memory initialization",
0x02 => "Hard-disk initialization",
0x03 => "Secondary processor(s) initialization",
0x04 => "User authentication",
0x05 => "User-initiated system setup",
0x06 => "USB resource configuration",
0x07 => "PCI resource configuration",
0x08 => "Option ROM initialization",
0x09 => "Video initialization",
0x0a => "Cache initialization",
0x0b => "SM Bus initialization",
0x0c => "Keyboard controller initialization",
0x0d => "Embedded controller/management controller initialization",
0x0e => "Docking station attachement",
0x0f => "Enabling docking station",
0x10 => "Docking staion ejection",
0x11 => "Disable docking station",
0x12 => "Calling operating system wake-up vector",
0x13 => "Starting operating system boot process, call init 19h",
0x14 => "Baseboard or motherboard initialization",
0x16 => "Floppy initialization",
0x17 => "Keyboard test",
0x18 => "Pointing device test",
0x19 => "Primary processor initialization",
$text = $extra{$event_data_2};
if ($sensor_type == 0x10) {
if ($offset == 0x0) {
$text = sprintf("Memory module %d",$event_data_2);
} elsif ($offset == 0x01) {
$text = "Disabled for ";
unless ($event_data_3 & 0x20) {
if ($event_data_3 & 0x10) {
$text .= "assertions of";
} else {
$text .= "deassertions of";
$text .= sprintf ("type %02xh/offset %02xh",$event_data_2,$event_data_3&0x0F);
} elsif ($offset == 0x05) {
$text = "$event_data_3% full";
if(defined $event_data_2){
if(defined($event_data_3) and ($event_data_3 & 0x80 == 0x80)){
$text="Vendor-specific processor number:";
$text="Entity Instance number:";
$text.=sprintf("%02xh",$event_data_2 & 0xff);
$text="for all Processor sensors";
if($sensor_type == 0x12) {
if($offset == 0x03) {
my %extra={
0x0 => "Log Entry Action: entry added",
0x1 => "Log Entry Action: entry added because event did not be map to standard IPMI event",
0x2 => "Log Entry Action: entry added along with one or more corresponding SEL entries",
0x3 => "Log Entry Action: log cleared",
0x4 => "Log Entry Action: log disabled",
0x5 => "Log Entry Action: log enabled",
$text="$text, ".$extra{($event_data_2>>4) & 0x0f};
0x0 => "Log Type:MCA Log",
0x1 => "Log Type:OEM 1",
0x2 => "Log Type:OEM 2",
$text="$text, ".$extra{($event_data_2) & 0x0f};
$text =~ s/^, //;
if($offset == 0x04) {
if($event_data_2 & 0b00100000) {
$text = "$text, NMI";
if($event_data_2 & 0b00010000) {
$text = "$text, OEM action";
if($event_data_2 & 0b00001000) {
$text = "$text, power cycle";
if($event_data_2 & 0b00000100) {
$text = "$text, reset";
if($event_data_2 & 0b00000010) {
$text = "$text, power off";
if($event_data_2 & 0b00000001) {
$text = "$text, Alert";
$text =~ s/^, //;
if($offset == 0x05){
if($event_data_2 & 0x80){
$text="$text, event is second of pair";
}elsif($event_data_2 & 0x80==0){
$text="$text, event is first of pair";
if($event_data_2 & 0x0F == 0x1){
$text="$text, SDR Timestamp Clock updated";
}elsif($event_data_2 & 0x0F == 0x0){
$text="$text, SEL Timestamp Clock updated";
$text =~ s/^, //;
if ($sensor_type == 0x1d && $offset == 0x07) {
my %causes = (
0 => "Unknown",
1 => "Chassis reset via User command to BMC",
2 => "Reset button",
3 => "Power button",
4 => "Watchdog action",
5 => "OEM",
6 => "AC Power apply force on",
7 => "Restore previous power state on AC",
8 => "PEF initiated reset",
9 => "PEF initiated power cycle",
10 => "Soft reboot",
11 => "RTC Wake",
if ($causes{$event_data_2 & 0xf}) {
$text = $causes{$event_data_2};
} else {
$text = "Unrecognized cause ".$event_data_2 & 0xf;
$text .= "via channel $event_data_3";
if ($sensor_type == 0x21) {
my %extra = (
0 => "PCI slot",
1 => "Drive array",
2 => "External connector",
3 => "Docking port",
4 => "Other slot",
5 => "Sensor ID",
6 => "AdvncedTCA",
7 => "Memory slot",
8 => "FAN",
9 => "PCIe",
10 => "SCSI",
11 => "SATA/SAS",
$text=$extra{$event_data_2 & 127};
unless ($text) {
$text = "Unknown slot/conn type ".$event_data_2&127;
$text .= " $event_data_3";
if ($sensor_type == 0x23) {
my %extra = (
0x10 => "SMI",
0x20 => "NMI",
0x30 => "Messaging Interrupt",
0xF0 => "Unspecified",
0x01 => "BIOS FRB2",
0x02 => "BIOS/POST",
0x03 => "OS Load",
0x04 => "SMS/OS",
0x05 => "OEM",
0x0F => "Unspecified"
if ($extra{$event_data_2 & 0xF0}) {
$text = $extra{$event_data_2 & 0xF0};
if ($extra{$event_data_2 & 0x0F}) {
$text .= ", ".$extra{$event_data_2 & 0x0F};
$text =~ s/^, //;
if ($sensor_type == 0x28) {
if ($offset == 0x4) {
$text = "Sensor $event_data_2";
} elsif ($offset == 0x5) {
$text = "";
my $logicalfru=0;
if ($event_data_2 & 128) {
my $intelligent=1;
if ($event_data_2 & 24) {
$text .= "LUN ".($event_data_2&24)>>3;
} else {
if ($event_data_2 & 7) {
$text .= "Bus ID ".($event_data_2&7);
if ($logicalfru) {
$text .= "FRU ID ".$event_data_3;
} elsif (not $intelligent) {
$text .= "I2C addr ".$event_data_3>>1;
if ($sensor_type == 0x2a) {
$text = sprintf("Channel %d, User %d",$event_data_3&0x0f,$event_data_2&0x3f);
if ($offset == 1) {
if (($event_data_3 & 207) == 1) {
$text .= " at user request";
} elsif (($event_data_3 & 207) == 2) {
$text .= " timed out";
} elsif (($event_data_3 & 207) == 3) {
$text .= " configuration change";
if ($sensor_type == 0x2b) {
my %extra = (
0x0 => "Unspecified",
0x1 => "BMC device ID",
0x2 => "BMC Firmware",
0x3 => "BMC Hardware",
0x4 => "BMC manufacturer",
0x5 => "IPMI Version",
0x6 => "BMC aux firmware ID",
0x7 => "BMC boot block",
0x8 => "Other BMC Firmware",
0x09 => "BIOS/EFI change",
0x0a => "SMBIOS change",
0x0b => "OS change",
0x0c => "OS Loader change",
0x0d => "Diagnostics change",
0x0e => "Management agent change",
0x0f => "Management software change",
0x10 => "Management middleware change",
0x11 => "FPGA/CPLD/PSoC change",
0x12 => "FRU change",
0x13 => "device addition/removal",
0x14 => "Equivalent replacement",
0x15 => "Newer replacement",
0x16 => "Older replacement",
0x17 => "DIP/Jumper change",
if ($extra{$event_data_2}) {
$text = $extra{$event_data_2};
} else {
$text = "Unknown version change type $event_data_2";
if ($sensor_type == 0x2c) {
my %extra = (
0 => "",
1 => "Software dictated",
2 => "Latch operated",
3 => "Hotswap buton pressed",
4 => "automatic operation",
5 => "Communication lost",
6 => "Communication lost locally",
7 => "Unexpected removal",
8 => "Operator intervention",
9 => "Unknwon IPMB address",
10 => "Unexpected deactivation",
0xf => "unknown",
if ($extra{$event_data_2>>4}) {
$text = $extra{$event_data_2>>4};
} else {
$text = "Unrecognized cause ".$event_data_2>>4;
my $prev_state=$event_data_2 & 0xf;
unless ($prev_state == $offset) {
my %oldstates = (
0 => "Not Installed",
1 => "Inactive",
2 => "Activation requested",
3 => "Activating",
4 => "Active",
5 => "Deactivation requested",
6 => "Deactivating",
7 => "Communication lost",
if ($oldstates{$prev_state}) {
$text .= "(was ".$oldstates{$prev_state}.")";
} else {
$text .= "(was in unrecognized state $prev_state)";
sub initiem {
my $sessdata = shift;
$sessdata->{iem} = IBM::EnergyManager->new();
my @payload = $sessdata->{iem}->get_next_payload();
my $netfun = shift @payload;
my $command = shift @payload;
sub ieminitted {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
my @returnd = ($rsp->{code},@{$rsp->{data}});
sub readenergy {
my $sessdata = shift;
unless ($iem_support) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,":IBM::EnergyManager package required for this value"],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
my @entries;
sub readenergy_withiem {
my $sessdata = shift;
$sessdata->{iemcallback} = \&got_precision;
execute_iem_commands($sessdata); #this gets all precision data initialized for AC and DC
# we need not make use of the generic extraction function, so we call execute_iem instead of process_data
#sorry the perl api I wrote sucks..
sub got_precision {
my $sessdata = shift;
$sessdata->{iemcallback} = \&got_ac_energy;
sub got_ac_energy {
my $sessdata = shift;
unless ($sessdata->{abortediem}) {
$sessdata->{iemtextdata} .= sprintf(" +/-%.1f%%",$sessdata->{iem}->energy_ac_precision()*0.1); #note while \x{B1} would be cool, it's non-trivial to support
#this would be 'if sessdata->{abortediem}'. Thus far this is only triggered in the case of a system that fairly obviously
#shouldn't have an AC meter. As a consequence, don't output data that would suggest a user might actually get it
#in that case, another entity can provide a measure of the AC usage, but only an aggregate measure not an individual measure
# $sessdata->{iemtextdata} = "AC Energy Usage: ";
# if ($sessdata->{abortediemreason}) {
# $sessdata->{iemtextdata} .= $sessdata->{abortediemreason};
# }
# xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg($sessdata->{iemtextdata},$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
$sessdata->{iemcallback} = \&got_dc_energy;
sub got_ac_energy_with_precision {
my $sessdata=shift;
$sessdata->{iemtextdata} .= sprintf(" +/-%.1f%%",$sessdata->{iem}->energy_ac_precision()*0.1); #note while \x{B1} would be cool, it's non-trivial to support
$sessdata->{iemcallback} = \&got_dc_energy;
sub got_dc_energy {
my $sessdata = shift;
$sessdata->{iemtextdata} .= sprintf(" +/-%.1f%%",$sessdata->{iem}->energy_dc_precision()*0.1);
if (scalar @{$sessdata->{sensorstoread}}) {
$sessdata->{currsdr} = shift @{$sessdata->{sensorstoread}};
readsensor($sessdata); #next sensor
sub execute_iem_commands {
my $sessdata = shift;
my @payload = $sessdata->{iem}->get_next_payload();
if (scalar @payload) {
my $netfun = shift @payload;
my $command = shift @payload;
} else { #complete, return to callback
sub executed_iem_command {
my $rsp = $_[0];
my $sessdata = $_[1];
if ($rsp->{code} == 0xcb) {
$sessdata->{abortediemreason}="Not Present";
if (check_rsp_errors(@_)) { #error while in an IEM transaction, skip to the end
my @returnd = ($rsp->{code},@{$rsp->{data}});
sub process_data_from_iem {
my $sessdata = shift;
my @returnd;
$sessdata->{iemdatacallback} = $sessdata->{iemcallback};
$sessdata->{iemcallback} = \&got_data_to_process_from_iem;
sub got_data_to_process_from_iem {
my $sessdata = shift;
my @iemdata = $sessdata->{iem}->extract_data;
my $label = shift @iemdata;
my $units = shift @iemdata;
my $value=0;
my $shift=0;
while (scalar @iemdata) { #stuff the 64-bits of data into an int, would break in 32 bit
#$value.=sprintf("%02x ",shift @iemdata);
if ($units eq "mJ") {
$units = "kWh";
$value = $value / 3600000000;
$sessdata->{iemtextdata} = sprintf("$label: %.4f $units",$value);
} elsif ($units eq "mW") {
$units = "W";
$value = $value / 1000.0;
$sessdata->{iemtextdata} = sprintf("$label: %.1f $units",$value);
sub gotchassis { #get chassis status command
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
unless (check_rsp_errors($rsp,$sessdata)) {
my @data = @{$rsp->{data}};
my $powerstat;
if ($data[0] & 1) {
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Power Status: $powerstat",$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
if ($data[0] & 0b10) {
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Power Overload: $powerstat",$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
if ($data[0] & 0b100) {
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Power Interlock: $powerstat",$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
if ($data[0] & 0b1000) {
$sessdata->{healthsummary} &= 2; #set to critical state
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Power Fault: $powerstat",$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
if ($data[0] & 0b10000) {
$sessdata->{healthsummary} &= 2; #set to critical state
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Power Control Fault: $powerstat",$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
my $powpolicy = ($data[0] & 0b1100000) >> 5;
my %powpolicies = ( 0 => "Always off", 1 => "Last State", 2 => "Always on", 3 => "Unknown" );
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Power Restore Policy: ".$powpolicies{$powpolicy},$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
my @lastevents;
if ($data[1] & 0b1) {
push @lastevents,"AC failed";
if ($data[1] & 0b10) {
$sessdata->{healthsummary} &= 2; #set to critical state
push @lastevents,"Power overload";
if ($data[1] & 0b100) {
$sessdata->{healthsummary} &= 1; #set to critical state
push @lastevents,"Interlock activated";
if ($data[1] & 0b1000) {
$sessdata->{healthsummary} &= 2; #set to critical state
push @lastevents,"Power Fault";
if ($data[1] & 0b10000) {
push @lastevents,"By Request";
my $lastevent = join(",",@lastevents);
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Last Power Event: $lastevent",$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
if ($data[2] & 0b1) {
$sessdata->{healthsummary} &= 1; #set to warn state
$powerstat = "active";
} else {
$powerstat = "inactive";
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Chassis intrusion: $powerstat",$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
if ($data[2] & 0b10) {
$powerstat = "active";
} else {
$powerstat = "inactive";
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Front Panel Lockout: $powerstat",$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
if ($data[2] & 0b100) { # drive fault
$sessdata->{healthsummary} &= 2; #set to critical state
$powerstat = "true";
} else {
$powerstat = "false";
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Drive Fault: $powerstat",$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
if ($data[2] & 0b1000) { # fan fault
$sessdata->{healthsummary} &= 1; #set to warn state
$powerstat = "true";
} else {
$powerstat = "false";
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Cooling Fault: $powerstat",$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
if ($data[2] & 0b1000000) { #can look at light status
my $idstat = ($data[2] & 0b110000) >> 4;
my %idstats = ( 0 => "off", 1 => "on", 2 => "on", 3 => "unknown" );
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Identify Light: ".$idstats{$idstat},$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
#$sessdata->{powerstatprefix}="Power Status: ";
if ($sessdata->{sensorstoread} and scalar @{$sessdata->{sensorstoread}}) {
$sessdata->{currsdr} = shift @{$sessdata->{sensorstoread}};
readsensor($sessdata); #next sensor
sub readchassis {
my $sessdata = shift;
sub checkleds {
my $sessdata = shift;
my @cmd;
my @returnd = ();
my $error;
my $led_id_ms;
my $led_id_ls;
my $rc = 0;
my @output =();
my $text="";
my $key;
my $mfg_id=$sessdata->{mfg_id};
#TODO device id
if ($mfg_id != 2 and $mfg_id != 20301) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("LED status not supported on this system",$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
my %sdr_hash = %{$sessdata->{sdr_hash}};
$sessdata->{doleds} = [];
foreach $key (sort {$sdr_hash{$a}->id_string cmp $sdr_hash{$b}->id_string} keys %sdr_hash) {
my $sdr = $sdr_hash{$key};
if($sdr->rec_type == 0xC0 && $sdr->sensor_type == 0xED) {
#this stuff is to help me build the file from spec paste
#my $tehstr=sprintf("grep 0x%04X /opt/xcat/lib/",$sdr->led_id);
#my $tehstr=`$tehstr`;
#$tehstr =~ s/^0x....//;
#print $tehstr;
#We are inconsistant in our spec, first try a best guess
#at endianness, assume the smaller value is MSB
if (($sdr->led_id&0xff) > ($sdr->led_id>>8)) {
} else {
push @{$sessdata->{doleds}},[$led_id_ms,$led_id_ls,$sdr];
$sessdata->{doled} = shift @{$sessdata->{doleds}};
if ($sessdata->{doled}) {
$sessdata->{current_led_sdr} = pop @{$sessdata->{doled}};
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("No supported LEDs found in system",$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
# if ($#output==-1) {
# push(@output,"No active error LEDs detected");
# }
sub did_led {
my $rsp = $_[0];
my $sessdata = $_[1];
my $mfg_id = $sessdata->{mfg_id};
my $prod_id = $sessdata->{prod_id};
my $sdr = $sessdata->{current_led_sdr};
if (not $sessdata->{ledswappedendian} and $_[0]->{code} == 0xc9) { #missed an endian guess probably
my @doled;
$sessdata->{doled} = \@doled;
} elsif ( $_[0]->{code} == 0xc9) {
$_[0]->{code} = 0; #TODO: some system actually gives an led locator record that doesn't exist....
print "DEBUG: unfindable LED record\n";
$sessdata->{ledswappedendian}=0; #reset ledswappedendian flag to allow future swaps
if (check_rsp_errors(@_)) {
my $led_id_ls = $sessdata->{doled}->[1];
my $led_id_ms = $sessdata->{doled}->[0];
my @returnd = (0,@{$rsp->{data}});
if ($returnd[2]) { # != 0) {
#It's on...
if ($returnd[6] == 4) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg(sprintf("BIOS or admininstrator has %s lit",getsensorname($mfg_id,$prod_id,$sdr->led_id,"ibmleds",$sdr)),$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
elsif ($returnd[6] == 3) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg(sprintf("A user has manually requested LED 0x%04x (%s) be active",$sdr->led_id,getsensorname($mfg_id,$prod_id,$sdr->led_id,"ibmleds",$sdr)),$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
elsif ($returnd[6] == 1 && $sdr->led_id !=0) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg(sprintf("LED 0x%02x%02x (%s) active to indicate LED 0x%02x%02x (%s) is active",$led_id_ms,$led_id_ls,getsensorname($mfg_id,$prod_id,$sdr->led_id,"ibmleds",$sdr),$returnd[4],$returnd[5],getsensorname($mfg_id,$prod_id,($returnd[4]<<8)+$returnd[5],"ibmleds")),$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
elsif ($sdr->led_id ==0 and $led_id_ms == 0 and $led_id_ls == 0) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg(sprintf("LED 0x0000 (%s) active to indicate system error condition.",getsensorname($mfg_id,$prod_id,$sdr->led_id,"ibmleds",$sdr)),$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
if ($returnd[6] == 1 and $returnd[4] == 0xf and $returnd[5] == 0xff) {
$sessdata->{doled} = [$returnd[4],$returnd[5]];
elsif ($returnd[6] == 2) {
my $sensor_desc;
#Ok, LED is tied to a sensor..
my $sensor_num=$returnd[5];
my %sdr_hash = %{$sessdata->{sdr_hash}};
foreach my $key (keys %sdr_hash) {
my $osdr = $sdr_hash{$key};
if($osdr->sensor_number == $sensor_num and $osdr->rec_type != 192 and $osdr->rec_type != 17) {
$sensor_desc = $sdr_hash{$key}->id_string;
if($osdr->rec_type == 0x01) {
#push(@output,sprintf("Sensor 0x%02x (%s) has activated LED 0x%04x",$sensor_num,$sensor_desc,$sdr->led_id));
if ($led_id_ms == 0xf and $led_id_ls == 0xff) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg(sprintf("LED active to indicate Sensor 0x%02x (%s) error.",$sensor_num,$sensor_desc),$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg(sprintf("LED %02x%02x (%s) active to indicate Sensor 0x%02x (%s) error.",$led_id_ms,$led_id_ls,getsensorname($mfg_id,$prod_id,$sdr->led_id,"ibmleds",$sdr),$sensor_num,$sensor_desc),$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
} else { #an LED is on for some other reason
#print "DEBUG: unknown LED reason code ".$returnd[6]."\n";
#TODO: discern meaning of more 'reason' codes, 5 and ff have come up
$sessdata->{doled} = shift @{$sessdata->{doleds}};
if ($sessdata->{doled}) {
$sessdata->{current_led_sdr} = pop @{$sessdata->{doled}};
} elsif (not $sessdata->{activeleds}) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("No active error LEDs detected",$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
if (scalar @{$sessdata->{sensorstoread}}) {
$sessdata->{currsdr} = shift @{$sessdata->{sensorstoread}};
readsensor($sessdata); #next sensor
sub renergy {
my $sessdata = shift;
my @subcommands = @{$sessdata->{extraargs}};
unless ($iem_support) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg(":Command unsupported without IBM::EnergyManager installed",$callback,$sessdata->{node});
my @directives=();
foreach (@subcommands) {
if ($_ eq 'cappingmaxmin') {
push @directives,'cappingmax','cappingmin';
push @directives,split /,/,$_;
$sessdata->{directives} = \@directives;
sub renergy_withiem {
my $sessdata = shift;
my @settable_keys = qw/savingstatus cappingstatus cappingwatt cappingvalue/;
my $directive = shift (@{$sessdata->{directives}});
if ($sessdata->{iemtextdata}) {
if ($sessdata->{gotcapstatus}) {
my $capenabled = $sessdata->{iem}->capping_enabled();
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("cappingstatus: ".($capenabled ? "on" : "off"),$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
if ($sessdata->{gothistogram}) {
my @histdata = $sessdata->{iem}->extract_relative_histogram;
foreach (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$histdata[0]}) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("$_: ".$histdata[0]->{$_},$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
unless ($directive) {
my $value=undef;
my $key=undef;
$sessdata->{iemcallback} = \&renergy_withiem;
if ($directive =~ /(.*)=(.*)\z/) {
$key = $1;
$value = $2;
unless (grep /$key/,@settable_keys and $value) {
return (1,"Malformed argument $directive");
if ($key eq "cappingwatt" or $key eq "cappingvalue") {
$value = $value*1000; #convert to milliwatts
execute_iem_commands($sessdata); #this gets all precision data initialized
if ($key eq "cappingstatus") {
if (grep /$value/,qw/enable on 1/) {
$value = 1;
} else {
$value = 0;
execute_iem_commands($sessdata); #this gets all precision data initialized
if ($directive =~ /cappingmin/) {
} elsif ($directive =~ /cappingmax$/) {
if ($directive =~ /cappingvalue/) {
if ($directive =~ /cappingstatus/) {
if ($directive =~ /relhistogram/) {
sub vitals {
my $sessdata = shift;
$sessdata->{healthsummary} = 0; #0 means healthy for now
my %sdr_hash = %{$sessdata->{sdr_hash}};
my @textfilters;
foreach (@{$sessdata->{extraargs}}) {
push @textfilters,(split /,/,$_);
unless (scalar @textfilters) { @textfilters = ("all"); }
my $rc = 0;
my $text;
my $key;
my %sensor_filters=();
my @output;
my $reading;
my $unitdesc;
my $value;
my $extext;
my $format = "%-30s%8s %-20s";
my $doall;
#filters: defined in sensor type codes and data table
# 1 == temp, 2 == voltage 3== current (we lump in wattage here for lack of a better spot), 4 == fan
if(grep { $_ eq "all"} @textfilters) {
$sensor_filters{1}=1; #,0x02,0x03,0x04); rather than filtering, unfiltered results
if(grep /temp/,@textfilters) {
if(grep /volt/,@textfilters) {
if(grep /watt/,@textfilters) {
if(grep /fan/,@textfilters) {
if(grep /power/,@textfilters) { #power does not really include energy, but most people use 'power' to mean both
if(grep /energy/,@textfilters) {
if(grep /led/,@textfilters) {
if(grep /chassis/,@textfilters) {
unless (keys %sensor_filters) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unrecognized rvitals arguments ".join(" ",@{$sessdata->{extraargs}})],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);;
$sessdata->{sensorstoread} = [];
my %usedkeys;
foreach(keys %sensor_filters) {
my $filter = $_;
if ($filter eq "energy" or $filter eq "leds") { next; }
foreach $key (sort {$sdr_hash{$a}->id_string cmp $sdr_hash{$b}->id_string} keys %sdr_hash) {
if ($usedkeys{$key}) { next; } #avoid duplicate requests for sensor data
my $sdr = $sdr_hash{$key};
if(($doall and not $sdr->rec_type == 0x11 and not $sdr->sensor_type==0xed) or ($sdr->rec_type == 0x01 and $sdr->sensor_type == $filter)) {
my $lformat = $format;
push @{$sessdata->{sensorstoread}},$sdr;
if($sensor_filters{leds}) {
push @{$sessdata->{sensorstoread}},"leds";
#my @cleds;
#($rc,@cleds) = checkleds();
#push @output,@cleds;
if ($sensor_filters{powerstate} and not $sensor_filters{chassis}) {
push @{$sessdata->{sensorstoread}},"powerstat";
#($rc,$text) = power("stat");
#$text = sprintf($format,"Power Status:",$text,"");
if ($sensor_filters{energy}) {
if ($iem_support) {
push @{$sessdata->{sensorstoread}},"energy";
} elsif (not $doall) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,":Energy data requires additional IBM::EnergyManager plugin in conjunction with IMM managed IBM equipment"],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
#my @energies;
#push @output,@energies;
if ($sensor_filters{chassis}) {
unshift @{$sessdata->{sensorstoread}},"chassis";
if (scalar @{$sessdata->{sensorstoread}}) {
$sessdata->{currsdr} = shift @{$sessdata->{sensorstoread}};
readsensor($sessdata); #and we are off
sub sensorformat {
my $sessdata = shift;
my $sdr = $sessdata->{currsdr};
my $rc = shift;
my $reading = shift;
my $extext = shift;
my $unitdesc = "";
my $value;
my $lformat = "%-30s %-20s";
my $per = " ";
my $data;
if($rc == 0) {
$data = translate_sensor($reading,$sdr);
} else {
$data = "N/A";
#$unitdesc.= sprintf(" %x",$sdr->sensor_type);
# use Data::Dumper;
# print Dumper($lformat,$sdr->id_string,$data);
my $text = sprintf($lformat,$sdr->id_string . ":",$data);
if ($extext) {
$text="$text ($extext)";
if ($sessdata->{bmcnum} != 1) { $text.=" on BMC ".$sessdata->{bmcnum}; }
if (scalar @{$sessdata->{sensorstoread}}) {
$sessdata->{currsdr} = shift @{$sessdata->{sensorstoread}};
readsensor($sessdata); #next
sub readsensor {
my $sessdata = shift;
if (not ref $sessdata->{currsdr}) {
if ($sessdata->{currsdr} eq "leds") {
} elsif ($sessdata->{currsdr} eq "powerstat") {
$sessdata->{powerstatprefix}="Power Status: ";
} elsif ($sessdata->{currsdr} eq "chassis") {
} elsif ($sessdata->{currsdr} eq "energy") {
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"TODO: make ".$sessdata->{currsdr}." work again"],$callback,$sessdata->{node},%allerrornodes);
my $sensor = $sessdata->{currsdr}->sensor_number;
sub sensor_was_read {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
if ($rsp->{error}) {
if ($rsp->{code}) {
my $text = $codes{$rsp->{code}};
unless ($text) { $text = sprintf("Unknown error %02xh",$rsp->{code}) };
return sensorformat($sessdata,1,$text);
my @returnd = (0,@{$rsp->{data}});
if ($returnd[2] & 0x20) {
return sensorformat($sessdata,1,"N/A");
my $text = $returnd[1];
my $exdata1 = $returnd[3];
my $exdata2 = $returnd[3];
my $extext;
my @exparts;
my $sdr = $sessdata->{currsdr};
if ($sdr->event_type_code == 0x1) {
if ($exdata1 & 1<<5) {
$extext = "At or above upper non-recoverable threshold";
} elsif ($exdata1 & 1<<4) {
$extext = "At or above upper critical threshold";
} elsif ($exdata1 & 1<<3) {
$extext = "At or above upper non-critical threshold";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<2) {
$extext = "At or below lower non-critical threshold";
} elsif ($exdata1 & 1<<1) {
$extext = "At or below lower critical threshold";
} elsif ($exdata1 & 1) {
$extext = "At or below lower non-recoverable threshold";
} elsif ($sdr->event_type_code == 0x6f) {
if ($sdr->sensor_type == 0x10) {
if ($exdata1 & 1<<4) {
push @exparts,"SEL full";
} elsif ($exdata1 & 1<<5) {
push @exparts,"SEL almost full";
if ($exdata1 & 1) {
push @exparts,"Correctable Memory Error Logging Disabled";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<3) {
push @exparts,"All logging disabled";
} elsif ($exdata1 & 1<<1) {
push @exparts,"Some logging disabled";
if (@exparts) {
$extext = join(",",@exparts);
} elsif ($sdr->sensor_type == 0x7) {
if ($exdata1 & 1) {
push @exparts,"IERR";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<1) {
push @exparts,"Thermal trip";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<2) {
push @exparts,"FRB1/BIST failure";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<3) {
push @exparts,"FRB2/Hang in POST due to processor";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<4) {
push @exparts,"FRB3/Processor Initialization failure";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<5) {
push @exparts,"Configuration error";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<6) {
push @exparts,"Uncorrectable CPU-complex error";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<7) {
push @exparts,"Present";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<8) {
push @exparts,"Processor disabled";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<9) {
push @exparts,"Terminator present";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<10) {
push @exparts,"Hardware throttled";
} elsif ($sdr->sensor_type == 0x8) {
if ($exdata1 & 1) {
push @exparts,"Present";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<1) {
push @exparts,"Failed";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<2) {
push @exparts,"Failure predicted";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<3) {
push @exparts,"AC Lost";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<4) {
push @exparts,"AC input lost or out of range";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<5) {
push @exparts,"AC input out of range";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<6) {
push @exparts,"Configuration error";
if (@exparts) {
$extext = join(",",@exparts);
} elsif ($sdr->sensor_type == 0x13) {
if ($exdata1 & 1) {
push @exparts,"Front panel NMI/Diagnostic";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<1) {
push @exparts,"Bus timeout";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<2) {
push @exparts,"I/O channel check NMI";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<3) {
push @exparts,"Software NMI";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<4) {
push @exparts,"PCI PERR";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<5) {
push @exparts,"PCI SERR";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<6) {
push @exparts,"EISA failsafe timeout";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<7) {
push @exparts,"Bus correctable .rror";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<8) {
push @exparts,"Bus uncorrectable error";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<9) {
push @exparts,"Fatal NMI";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<10) {
push @exparts,"Bus fatal error";
if (@exparts) {
$extext = join(",",@exparts);
} elsif ($sdr->sensor_type == 0xc) {
if ($exdata1 & 1) {
push @exparts,"Correctable error(s)";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<1) {
push @exparts,"Uncorrectable error(s)";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<2) {
push @exparts,"Parity";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<3) {
push @exparts,"Memory scrub failure";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<4) {
push @exparts,"DIMM disabled";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<5) {
push @exparts,"Correctable error limit reached";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<6) {
push @exparts,"Present";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<7) {
push @exparts,"Configuration error";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<8) {
push @exparts,"Spare";
if (@exparts) {
$extext = join(",",@exparts);
} elsif ($sdr->sensor_type == 0x21) {
if ($exdata1 & 1) {
push @exparts,"Fault";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<1) {
push @exparts,"Identify";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<2) {
push @exparts,"Installed/attached";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<3) {
push @exparts,"Ready for install";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<4) {
push @exparts,"Ready for removal";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<5) {
push @exparts,"Powered off";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<6) {
push @exparts,"Removal requested";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<7) {
push @exparts,"Interlocked";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<8) {
push @exparts,"Disabled";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<9) {
push @exparts,"Spare";
} elsif ($sdr->sensor_type == 0xf) {
if ($exdata1 & 1) {
push @exparts,"POST error";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<1) {
push @exparts,"Firmware hang";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<2) {
push @exparts,"Firmware progress";
if (@exparts) {
$extext = join(",",@exparts);
} elsif ($sdr->sensor_type == 0x9) {
if ($exdata1 & 1) {
push @exparts,"Power off";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<1) {
push @exparts,"Power off";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<2) {
push @exparts,"240VA Power Down";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<3) {
push @exparts,"Interlock Power Down";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<4) {
push @exparts,"AC lost";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<5) {
push @exparts,"Soft power control failure";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<6) {
push @exparts,"Power unit failure";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<7) {
push @exparts,"Power unit failure predicted";
if (@exparts) {
$extext = join(",",@exparts);
} elsif ($sdr->sensor_type == 0x12) {
if ($exdata1 & 1) {
push @exparts,"System Reconfigured";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<1) {
push @exparts,"OEM System Boot Event";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<2) {
push @exparts,"Undetermined system hardware failure";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<3) {
push @exparts,"Aux log manipulated";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<4) {
push @exparts,"PEF Action";
if (@exparts) {
$extext = join(",",@exparts);
} elsif ($sdr->sensor_type == 0x25) {
if ($exdata1 & 1) {
push @exparts,"Present";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<1) {
push @exparts,"Absent";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<2) {
push @exparts,"Disabled";
if (@exparts) {
$extext = join(",",@exparts);
} elsif ($sdr->sensor_type == 0x23) {
if ($exdata1 & 1) {
push @exparts,"Expired";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<1) {
push @exparts,"Hard Reset";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<2) {
push @exparts,"Power Down";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<3) {
push @exparts,"Power Cycle";
if (@exparts) {
$extext = join(",",@exparts);
} elsif ($sdr->sensor_type == 0xd) {
if ($exdata1 & 1) {
push @exparts,"Present";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<1) {
push @exparts,"Fault";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<2) {
push @exparts,"Failure Predicted";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<3) {
push @exparts,"Hot Spare";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<4) {
push @exparts,"Consistency Check";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<5) {
push @exparts,"Critical Array";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<6) {
push @exparts,"Failed Array";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<7) {
push @exparts,"Rebuilding";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<8) {
push @exparts,"Rebuild aborted";
if (@exparts) {
$extext = join(",",@exparts);
} elsif ($sdr->sensor_type == 0x28) {
if ($exdata1 & 1) {
push @exparts,"Degraded or unavailable";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<1) {
push @exparts,"Degraded or unavailable";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<2) {
push @exparts,"Offline";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<3) {
push @exparts,"Unavailable";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<4) {
push @exparts,"Failure";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<5) {
push @exparts,"FRU Failure";
} elsif ($sdr->sensor_type == 0x2b) {
if ($exdata1 & 1) {
push @exparts,"Change detected";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<1) {
push @exparts,"Firmware change detected";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<2) {
push @exparts,"Hardware incompatibility detected";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<3) {
push @exparts,"Firmware incompatibility detected";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<4) {
push @exparts,"Unsupported hardware version";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<5) {
push @exparts,"Unsupported firmware verion";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<6) {
push @exparts,"Hardware change successful";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<7) {
push @exparts,"Firmware change successful";
} elsif ($sdr->sensor_type == 0x1b) {
if ($exdata1 & 1) {
push @exparts,"Cable connected";
if ($exdata1 & 1<<1) {
push @exparts,"Incorrect cable connection";
} else {
$extext = "xCAT needs to add support for ".$sdr->sensor_type;
return sensorformat($sessdata,0,$text,$extext);
sub initsdr {
my $sessdata=shift;
my $netfun;
my @cmd;
my @returnd = ();
my $error;
my $rc = 0;
my $text;
my $code;
my $resv_id_ls;
my $resv_id_ms;
my $sdr_type;
my $sdr_offset;
my $sdr_len;
my @sdr_data = ();
my $offset;
my $len;
my $i;
# my $numbytes = 27;
my $ipmisensortab = "$ENV{XCATROOT}/lib/GUMI/";
my $byte_format;
my $cache_file;
#device id data TODO
sub initsdr_withrepinfo {
my $sessdata = shift;
my $mfg_id=$sessdata->{mfg_id};
my $prod_id=$sessdata->{prod_id};
my $device_id=$sessdata->{device_id};
my $dev_rev=$sessdata->{device_rev};
my $fw_rev1=$sessdata->{firmware_rev1};
my $fw_rev2=$sessdata->{firmware_rev2};
#TODO: beware of dynamic SDR contents
my $cache_file = "$cache_dir/sdr_$mfg_id.$prod_id.$device_id.$dev_rev.$fw_rev1.$fw_rev2";
$sessdata->{sdrcache_file} = $cache_file;
if($enable_cache eq "yes") {
if ($sdr_caches{"$mfg_id.$prod_id.$device_id.$dev_rev.$fw_rev1.$fw_rev2"}) {
$sessdata->{sdr_hash} = $sdr_caches{"$mfg_id.$prod_id.$device_id.$dev_rev.$fw_rev1.$fw_rev2"};
on_bmc_connect("SUCCESS",$sessdata); #retry bmc_connect since sdr_cache is validated
return; #don't proceed to slow load
} else {
my $rc = loadsdrcache($sessdata,$cache_file);
if($rc == 0) {
$sdr_caches{"$mfg_id.$prod_id.$device_id.$dev_rev.$fw_rev1.$fw_rev2"} = $sessdata->{sdr_hash};
on_bmc_connect("SUCCESS",$sessdata); #retry bmc_connect since sdr_cache is validated
return; #don't proceed to slow load
if($sessdata->{sdr_info}->{version} != 0x51) {
sendoutput(1,"SDR version unsupported.");
return(1); #bail, do not try to continue
if($sessdata->{sdr_info}->{resv_sdr} != 1) {
sendoutput(1,"SDR reservation unsupported.");
return 1;
sub initsdr_withreservation {
my $sessdata = shift;
my $rid_ls = 0;
my $rid_ms = 0;
if ($sessdata->{sdr_nrid_ls}) { $rid_ls = $sessdata->{sdr_nrid_ls}; }
if ($sessdata->{sdr_nrid_ms}) { $rid_ms = $sessdata->{sdr_nrid_ms}; }
####if($debug) {
#### print "mfg,prod,dev: $mfg_id, $prod_id, $device_id\n";
#### printf("SDR info: %02x %d %d\n",$sdr_rep_info->version,$sdr_rep_info->rec_count,$sdr_rep_info->resv_sdr);
#### print "resv_id: $resv_id_ls $resv_id_ms\n";
my $resv_id_ls = $sessdata->{resv_id_ls};
my $resv_id_ms = $sessdata->{resv_id_ms};
if ( $rid_ls == 0xff and $rid_ms == 0xff) {
if($enable_cache eq "yes") { #cache SDR repository for future use
on_bmc_connect("SUCCESS",$sessdata); #go back armed with a capable reserviction
return; #Have reached the end
$sessdata->{sdr_fetch_args} = [$resv_id_ls,$resv_id_ms,$rid_ls,$rid_ms,0,5];
sub start_sdr_record {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
if($rsp->{error}) {
my $resv_id_ls = shift @{$sessdata->{sdr_fetch_args}};
my $resv_id_ms = shift @{$sessdata->{sdr_fetch_args}};
my $rid_ls = shift @{$sessdata->{sdr_fetch_args}};
my $rid_ms = shift @{$sessdata->{sdr_fetch_args}};
my @returnd = ($rsp->{code},@{$rsp->{data}});
my $code = $returnd[0];
if($code != 0x00) {
my $text = $codes{$code};
if(!$text) {
$text = sprintf("unknown response %02x",$code);
$sessdata->{sdr_nrid_ls} = $returnd[1];
$sessdata->{sdr_nrid_ms} = $returnd[2];
my $sdr_ver = $returnd[5];
my $sdr_type = $returnd[6];
$sessdata->{curr_sdr_type} = $sdr_type;
$sessdata->{curr_sdr_len} = $returnd[7] + 5;
if($sdr_type == 0x01) {
$sessdata->{total_sdr_offset} = 0;
elsif($sdr_type == 0x02) {
$sessdata->{total_sdr_offset} = 16; #TODO: understand this..
elsif($sdr_type == 0xC0) {
#LED descriptor, maybe
elsif($sdr_type == 0x11) { #FRU locator
elsif($sdr_type == 0x12) {
initsdr_withreservation($sessdata); #next, skip this unsupported record type
else {
initsdr_withreservation($sessdata); #next
$sessdata->{sdr_data} = [0,0,0,$sdr_ver,$sdr_type,$sessdata->{curr_sdr_len}]; #seems that an extra zero is prepended to allow other code to do 1 based counting out of laziness to match our index to the spec indicated index
$sessdata->{sdr_offset} = 5;
my $offset=5; #why duplicate? to make for shorter typing
my $numbytes = 22;
if (5<$sessdata->{curr_sdr_len}) { #can't imagine this not bing the case,but keep logic in case
if($offset+$numbytes > $sessdata->{curr_sdr_len}) { #scale back request for remainder
$numbytes = $sessdata->{curr_sdr_len} - $offset;
$sessdata->{sdr_fetch_args} = [$resv_id_ls,$resv_id_ms,$rid_ls,$rid_ms,$offset,$numbytes];
} else {
initsdr_withreservation($sessdata); #next
sub add_sdr_data {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
my $numbytes = $sessdata->{sdr_fetch_args}->[5];
my $offset = $sessdata->{sdr_offset}; #shorten typing a little
if ($rsp->{error}) {
return; #give up
my @returnd = ($rsp->{code},@{$rsp->{data}});
my $code = $returnd[0];
if($code != 0x00) {
my $text = $codes{$code};
if(!$text) {
$text = sprintf("unknown response %02x",$code);
return; #abort the whole mess
push @{$sessdata->{sdr_data}},@returnd[3..@returnd-1];
$sessdata->{sdr_offset} += $numbytes;
if($sessdata->{sdr_offset}+$numbytes > $sessdata->{curr_sdr_len}) { #scale back request for remainder
$numbytes = $sessdata->{curr_sdr_len} - $sessdata->{sdr_offset};
$sessdata->{sdr_fetch_args}->[4] = $sessdata->{sdr_offset};
$sessdata->{sdr_fetch_args}->[5] = $numbytes;
if ($sessdata->{sdr_offset}<$sessdata->{curr_sdr_len}) {
} else { #in this case, time to parse the accumulated data
sub parse_sdr { #parse sdr data, then cann initsdr_withreserveation to advance to next record
my $sessdata = shift;
my @sdr_data = @{$sessdata->{sdr_data}};
#not bothering trying to keep a packet pending concurrent with operation, harder to code that
my $mfg_id=$sessdata->{mfg_id};
my $prod_id=$sessdata->{prod_id};
my $device_id=$sessdata->{device_id};
my $dev_rev=$sessdata->{device_rev};
my $fw_rev1=$sessdata->{firmware_rev1};
my $fw_rev2=$sessdata->{firmware_rev2};
my $sdr_type = $sessdata->{curr_sdr_type};
if($sdr_type == 0x11) { #FRU locator
my $sdr = decode_fru_locator(@sdr_data);
if ($sdr) {
$sessdata->{sdr_hash}->{$sdr->sensor_owner_id . "." . $sdr->sensor_owner_lun . "." . $sdr->sensor_number} = $sdr;
initsdr_withreservation($sessdata); #advance to next record
####if($debug) {
#### hexadump(\@sdr_data);
if($sdr_type == 0x12) { #if required, TODO support type 0x12
initsdr_withreservation($sessdata); #next record
my $sdr = SDR->new();
if (($mfg_id == 2 || $mfg_id == 20301) && $sdr_type==0xC0 && $sdr_data[9] == 0xED) {
#Using an impossible sensor number to not conflict with decodealert
if ($sdr_data[12] > $sdr_data[13]) {
} else {
if (scalar(@sdr_data) > 17) { #well what do you know, we have an ascii description, probably...
my $id = unpack("Z*",pack("C*",@sdr_data[16..$#sdr_data]));
if ($id) { $sdr->id_string($id); }
#Was going to have a human readable name, but specs
#seem to not to match reality...
#$override_string = getsensorname($mfg_id,$prod_id,$sdr->sensor_number,$ipmiledtab);
#I'm hacking in owner and lun of 260 for LEDs....
$sessdata->{sdr_hash}->{"260.260.".$sdr->led_id} = $sdr;
initsdr_withreservation($sessdata); #next record
if($sdr_type == 0x01) {
$sdr->linearization($sdr_data[24] & 0b01111111);
$sdr->M(comp2int(10,(($sdr_data[26] & 0b11000000) << 2) + $sdr_data[25]));
$sdr->B(comp2int(10,(($sdr_data[28] & 0b11000000) << 2) + $sdr_data[27]));
$sdr->R_exp(comp2int(4,($sdr_data[30] & 0b11110000) >> 4));
$sdr->B_exp(comp2int(4,$sdr_data[30] & 0b00001111));
} elsif ($sdr_type == 0x02) {
my $override_string = getsensorname($mfg_id,$prod_id,$sdr->sensor_number);
if($override_string ne "") {
else {
unless (defined $sdr->id_string_type) { initsdr_withreservation($sessdata); return; }
my $byte_format = ($sdr->id_string_type & 0b11000000) >> 6;
if($byte_format == 0b11) {
my $len = ($sdr->id_string_type & 0b00011111) - 1;
if($len > 1) {
else {
$sdr->id_string("no description");
elsif($byte_format == 0b10) {
$sdr->id_string("ASCII packed unsupported");
elsif($byte_format == 0b01) {
$sdr->id_string("BCD unsupported");
elsif($byte_format == 0b00) {
my $len = ($sdr->id_string_type & 0b00011111) - 1;
if ($len > 1) { #It should be something, but need sample to code
$sdr->id_string("unicode unsupported");
} else {
initsdr_withreservation($sessdata); return;
$sessdata->{sdr_hash}->{$sdr->sensor_owner_id . "." . $sdr->sensor_owner_lun . "." . $sdr->sensor_number} = $sdr;
initsdr_withreservation($sessdata); return;
sub getsensorname
my $mfgid = shift;
my $prodid = shift;
my $sensor = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $sdr = shift;
my $mfg;
my $prod;
my $type;
my $desc;
my $name="";
if ($file and $file eq "ibmleds") {
if ($sdr and $sdr->id_string ne "LED") { return $sdr->id_string; } # this is preferred mechanism
if ($xCAT::data::ibmleds::leds{"$mfgid,$prodid"}->{$sensor}) {
return $xCAT::data::ibmleds::leds{"$mfgid,$prodid"}->{$sensor}. " LED";
} elsif ($ndebug) {
return "Unknown $sensor/$mfgid/$prodid";
} else {
return sprintf ("LED 0x%x",$sensor);
} else {
return "";
sub getchassiscap {
my $netfun = 0x00;
my @cmd;
my @returnd = ();
my $error;
my $rc = 0;
my $text;
my $code;
@cmd = (0x00);
$error = docmd(
if($error) {
$rc = 1;
$text = $error;
$code = $returnd[0];
if($code == 0x00) {
$text = "";
else {
$rc = 1;
$text = $codes{$code};
if(!$text) {
$rc = 1;
$text = sprintf("unknown response %02x",$code);
sub gotdevid {
#($rc,$text,$mfg_id,$prod_id,$device_id,$dev_rev,$fw_rev1,$fw_rev2) = getdevid();
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
my $text;
if($rsp->{error}) {
else {
my $code = $rsp->{code};
if($code != 0x00) {
my $text = $codes{$code};
if(!$text) {
$text = sprintf("unknown response %02x",$code);
my @returnd = ($rsp->{code},@{$rsp->{data}});
$sessdata->{device_id} = $returnd[1];
$sessdata->{device_rev} = $returnd[2] & 0b00001111;
$sessdata->{firmware_rev1} = $returnd[3] & 0b01111111;
$sessdata->{firmware_rev2} = $returnd[4];
$sessdata->{ipmi_ver} = $returnd[5];
$sessdata->{dev_support} = $returnd[6];
####my $sensor_device = 0;
####my $SDR = 0;
####my $SEL = 0;
####my $FRU = 0;
####my $IPMB_ER = 0;
####my $IPMB_EG = 0;
####my $BD = 0;
####my $CD = 0;
####if($dev_support & 0b00000001) {
#### $sensor_device = 1;
####if($dev_support & 0b00000010) {
#### $SDR = 1;
####if($dev_support & 0b00000100) {
#### $SEL = 1;
####if($dev_support & 0b00001000) {
#### $FRU = 1;
####if($dev_support & 0b00010000) {
#### $IPMB_ER = 1;
####if($dev_support & 0b00100000) {
#### $IPMB_EG = 1;
####if($dev_support & 0b01000000) {
#### $BD = 1;
####if($dev_support & 0b10000000) {
#### $CD = 1;
$sessdata->{mfg_id} = $returnd[7] + $returnd[8]*0x100 + $returnd[9]*0x10000;
$sessdata->{prod_id} = $returnd[10] + $returnd[11]*0x100;
# my @data = @returnd[12..@returnd-2];
# return($rc,$text,$mfg_id,$prod_id,$device_id,$device_rev,$firmware_rev1,$firmware_rev2);
sub gotguid {
if (check_rsp_errors(@_)) {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
#my @guidcmd = (0x18,0x37);
#if($mfg_id == 2 && $prod_id == 34869) { TODO: if GUID is inaccurate on the products mentioned, this code may be uncommented
# @guidcmd = (0x18,0x08);
#if($mfg_id == 2 && $prod_id == 4) {
# @guidcmd = (0x18,0x08);
#if($mfg_id == 2 && $prod_id == 3) {
# @guidcmd = (0x18,0x08);
my $fru = FRU->new();
my $binuuid = pack("C*",@{$rsp->{data}});
my @pieces = unpack("VvvNNN",$binuuid);
my @uuid = unpack("C*",pack("NnnNNN",@pieces));
$sessdata->{fru_hash}->{guid} = $fru;
sub got_sdr_rep_info {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
if($rsp->{error}) {
else {
my $code = $rsp->{code};
if($code != 0x00) {
my $text = $codes{$code};
if(!$text) {
$text = sprintf("unknown response %02x",$code);
my @returnd = @{$rsp->{data}};
$sessdata->{sdr_info}->{version} = $returnd[0];
$sessdata->{sdr_info}->{rec_count} = $returnd[1] + $returnd[2]<<8;
$sessdata->{sdr_info}->{resv_sdr} = ($returnd[13] & 0b00000010)>>1;
sub reserved_sdr_repo {
my $rsp = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
if($rsp->{error}) {
else {
my $code = $rsp->{code};
if($code != 0x00) {
my $text = $codes{$code};
if(!$text) {
$text = sprintf("unknown response %02x",$code);
my @returnd = @{$rsp->{data}};
$sessdata->{resv_id_ls} = $returnd[0];
$sessdata->{resv_id_ms} = $returnd[1];
sub dochksum()
my $data = shift;
my $sum = 0;
foreach(@$data) {
$sum += $_;
$sum = ~$sum + 1;
return($sum & 0xFF);
sub hexdump {
my $data = shift;
foreach(@$data) {
printf("%02x ",$_);
print "\n";
sub getascii {
my @alpha;
my $text ="";
my $c = 0;
foreach(@_) {
if (defined $_ and $_ < 128 and $_ > 0x20) {
$alpha[$c] = sprintf("%c",$_);
} else {
$alpha[$c]=" ";
if($alpha[$c] !~ /[\S]/) {
if ($alpha[($c-1)] !~ /\s/) {
$alpha[$c] = " ";
} else {
foreach(@alpha) {
$text =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//;
return $text;
sub phex {
my $data = shift;
my @alpha;
my $text ="";
my $c = 0;
foreach(@$data) {
$text = $text . sprintf("%02x ",$_);
$alpha[$c] = sprintf("%c",$_);
if($alpha[$c] !~ /\w/) {
$alpha[$c] = " ";
$text = $text . "(";
foreach(@alpha) {
$text = $text . ")";
return $text;
sub hexadump {
my $data = shift;
my @alpha;
my $c = 0;
foreach(@$data) {
printf("%02x ",$_);
$alpha[$c] = sprintf("%c",$_);
if($_ < 0x20 or $_ > 0x7e) {
$alpha[$c] = ".";
if($c == 16) {
print " ";
foreach(@alpha) {
print $_;
print "\n";
foreach($c..16) {
print " ";
foreach(@alpha) {
print $_;
print "\n";
sub comp2int {
my $length = shift;
my $bits = shift;
my $neg = 0;
if($bits & 2**($length - 1)) {
$neg = 1;
$bits &= (2**($length - 1) - 1);
if($neg) {
$bits -= 2**($length - 1);
sub timestamp2datetime {
my $ts = shift;
if ($ts < 0x20000000) {
return "BMC Uptime",sprintf("%6d s",$ts);
my @t = localtime($ts);
my $time = strftime("%H:%M:%S",@t);
my $date = strftime("%m/%d/%Y",@t);
sub decodebcd {
my $numbers = shift;
my @bcd;
my $text;
my $ms;
my $ls;
foreach(@$numbers) {
$ms = ($_ & 0b11110000) >> 4;
$ls = ($_ & 0b00001111);
foreach(@bcd) {
if($_ < 0x0a) {
$text .= $_;
elsif($_ == 0x0a) {
$text .= " ";
elsif($_ == 0x0b) {
$text .= "-";
elsif($_ == 0x0c) {
$text .= ".";
sub storsdrcache {
my $file = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
unless ($sessdata) { die "need to fix this one too" }
my $key;
my $fh;
system("mkdir -p $cache_dir");
if(!open($fh,">$file")) {
flock($fh,LOCK_EX) || return(1);
my $hdr;
$hdr->{xcat_sdrcacheversion} = $cache_version;
foreach $key (keys %{$sessdata->{sdr_hash}}) {
my $r = $sessdata->{sdr_hash}->{$key};
sub loadsdrcache {
my $sessdata = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $r;
my $c=0;
my $fh;
if(!open($fh,"<$file")) {
$r = retrieve_fd($fh);
unless ($r) { close($fh); return 1; }
unless ($r->{xcat_sdrcacheversion} and $r->{xcat_sdrcacheversion} == $cache_version) { close($fh); return 1; } #version mismatch
flock($fh,LOCK_SH) || return(1);
while() {
eval {
$r = retrieve_fd($fh);
} || last;
$sessdata->{sdr_hash}->{$r->sensor_owner_id . "." . $r->sensor_owner_lun . "." . $r->sensor_number} = $r;
sub randomizelist { #in place shuffle of list
my $list = shift;
my $index = @$list;
while ($index--) {
my $swap=int(rand($index+1));
sub preprocess_request {
my $request = shift;
if (defined $request->{_xcatpreprocessed}->[0] and $request->{_xcatpreprocessed}->[0] == 1) { return [$request]; }
#exit if preprocessed
my $callback=shift;
my @requests;
my $realnoderange = $request->{node}; #Should be arrayref
my $command = $request->{command}->[0];
my $extrargs = $request->{arg};
my @exargs=($request->{arg});
my $delay=0;
my $delayincrement=0;
my $chunksize=0;
if (ref($extrargs)) {
my $usage_string=xCAT::Usage->parseCommand($command, @exargs);
if ($usage_string) {
$request = {};
if ($command eq "rpower") {
my $subcmd=$exargs[0];
if($subcmd eq ''){
#$callback->({data=>["Please enter an action (eg: boot,off,on, etc)", $usage_string]});
#Above statement will miss error code, so replaced by the below statement
$callback->({errorcode=>[1],data=>["Please enter an action (eg: boot,off,on, etc)", $usage_string]});
$request = {};
return 0;
if ( ($subcmd ne 'reseat') && ($subcmd ne 'stat') && ($subcmd ne 'state') && ($subcmd ne 'status') && ($subcmd ne 'on') && ($subcmd ne 'off') && ($subcmd ne 'softoff') && ($subcmd ne 'nmi')&& ($subcmd ne 'cycle') && ($subcmd ne 'reset') && ($subcmd ne 'boot') && ($subcmd ne 'wake') && ($subcmd ne 'suspend')) {
#$callback->({data=>["Unsupported command: $command $subcmd", $usage_string]});
#Above statement will miss error code, so replaced by the below statement
$callback->({errorcode=>[1],data=>["Unsupported command: $command $subcmd", $usage_string]});
$request = {};
if (($subcmd eq 'on' or $subcmd eq 'reset' or $subcmd eq 'boot') and $::XCATSITEVALS{syspowerinterval}) {
unless($::XCATSITEVALS{syspowermaxnodes}) {
$callback->({errorcode=>[1],error=>["IPMI plugin requires syspowermaxnodes be defined if syspowerinterval is defined"]});
$request = {};
return 0;
} elsif ($command eq "renergy") {
# filter out the nodes which should be handled by
my (@bmcnodes, @nohandle);
xCAT::Utils->filter_nodes($request, undef, undef, \@bmcnodes, \@nohandle);
$realnoderange = \@bmcnodes;
} elsif ($command eq "rspconfig") {
# filter out the nodes which should be handled by
my (@bmcnodes, @nohandle);
xCAT::Utils->filter_nodes($request, undef, undef, \@bmcnodes, \@nohandle);
$realnoderange = \@bmcnodes;
} elsif ($command eq "rinv") {
if ($exargs[0] eq "-t" and $#exargs == 0) {
unshift @{$request->{arg}}, 'all';
} elsif ((grep /-t/, @exargs) and !(grep /(all|vpd)/, @exargs) ) {
$callback->({errorcode=>[1],error=>["option '-t' can only work with 'all' or 'vpd'"]});
$request = {};
return 0;
if (!$realnoderange) {
$request = {};
#print "noderange=@$noderange\n";
# find service nodes for requested nodes
# build an individual request for each service node
my @noderanges;
if ($chunksize) {
#first, we try to spread out the chunks so they don't happen to correlate to constrained service nodes or circuits
#for now, will get the sn map for all of them and interleave if dispatching
#if not dispatching, will randomize the noderange instead to lower likelihood of turning everything on a circuit at once
if (defined $::XCATSITEVALS{ipmidispatch} and $::XCATSITEVALS{ipmidispatch} =~ /0|n/i) { #no SN indicated, instead do randomize
} else { # sn is indicated
my $bigsnmap = xCAT::ServiceNodeUtils->get_ServiceNode($realnoderange, "xcat", "MN");
foreach my $servicenode (keys %$bigsnmap) { #let's also shuffle within each service node responsibliity
#now merge the per-servicenode list into a big list again
while (keys %$bigsnmap) {
foreach my $servicenode (keys %$bigsnmap) {
if (@{$bigsnmap->{$servicenode}}) {
} else {
delete $bigsnmap->{$servicenode};
while (scalar(@$realnoderange)) {
my @tmpnoderange;
while (scalar(@$realnoderange) and $chunksize) {
push @tmpnoderange,(shift @$realnoderange);
push @noderanges,\@tmpnoderange;
} else {
foreach my $noderange (@noderanges) {
my $sn;
if (defined $::XCATSITEVALS{ipmidispatch} and $::XCATSITEVALS{ipmidispatch} =~ /0|n/i) {
$sn = { '!xcatlocal!' => $noderange };
} else {
$sn = xCAT::ServiceNodeUtils->get_ServiceNode($noderange, "xcat", "MN");
# build each request for each service node
foreach my $snkey (keys %$sn)
#print "snkey=$snkey\n";
my $reqcopy = {%$request};
$reqcopy->{node} = $sn->{$snkey};
unless ($snkey eq '!xcatlocal!') {
$reqcopy->{'_xcatdest'} = $snkey;
$reqcopy->{_xcatpreprocessed}->[0] = 1;
if ($delay) { $reqcopy->{'_xcatdelay'} = $delay; }
push @requests, $reqcopy;
$delay += $delayincrement;
return \@requests;
sub getipmicons {
my $argr=shift;
#$argr is [$node,$nodeip,$nodeuser,$nodepass];
my $cb = shift;
my $ipmicons={node=>[{name=>[$argr->[0]]}]};
my $ipmisess = xCAT::IPMI->new(bmc=>$argr->[1],userid=>$argr->[2],password=>$argr->[3]);
if ($ipmisess->{error}) {
$ipmisess->{ipmicons} = $ipmicons;
$ipmisess->{cb} = $cb;
sub got_channel_auth_cap_foripmicons {
my $rsp = shift;
my $ipmis = shift;
if ($rsp->{error}) {
if ($rsp->{code} != 0) { return; }
my $cb = $ipmis->{cb};
$cb->($ipmis->{ipmicons}); #ipmicons);
# scan subroutine is used to scan the hardware devices which installed on the host node
# In current implementation, only the mic cards will be scanned.
# scan
# scan -u/-w/-z
my @rscan_header = (
["type", "%-8s" ],
["name", "" ],
["id", "%-8s" ],
["host", "" ]);
sub scan {
my $request = shift;
my $subreq = shift;
my $nodes = shift;
my $args = shift;
my $usage_string = "rscan [-u][-w][-z]";
my ($update, $write, $stanza);
foreach (@$args) {
if (/-w/) {
$write= 1;
} elsif (/-u/) {
$update = 1;
} elsif (/-z/) {
$stanza = 1;
} else {
my $output = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({ command => ['xdsh'],
node => $nodes,
arg => ['micinfo', '-listDevices'] }, $subreq, 0, 1);
# parse the output from 'xdsh micinfo -listDevices'
my %host2mic;
my $maxhostname = 0;
foreach (@$output) {
foreach (split /\n/, $_) {
if (/([^:]*):\s+(\d+)\s*\|/) {
my $host = $1;
my $deviceid = $2;
push @{$host2mic{$host}}, $deviceid;
if (length($host) > $maxhostname) {
$maxhostname = length($host);
# generate the display message
my @displaymsg;
my $format = sprintf "%%-%ds",($maxhostname+10);
$rscan_header[1][1] = $format;
$format = sprintf "%%-%ds",($maxhostname+2);
$rscan_header[3][1] = $format;
if ($stanza) {
# generate the stanza for each mic
foreach (keys %host2mic) {
my $host = $_;
foreach (@{$host2mic{$host}}) {
my $micid = $_;
push @displaymsg, "$host-mic$micid:";
push @displaymsg, "\tobjtype=node";
push @displaymsg, "\tmichost=$host";
push @displaymsg, "\tmicid=$micid";
push @displaymsg, "\thwtype=mic";
push @displaymsg, "\tmgt=mic";
} else {
# generate the headers for scan message
my $header;
foreach ( @rscan_header ) {
$header .= sprintf @$_[1],@$_[0];
push @displaymsg, $header;
# generate every entries
foreach (keys %host2mic) {
my $host = $_;
foreach (@{$host2mic{$host}}) {
my $micid = $_;
my @data = ("mic", "$host-mic$micid", "$micid", "$host");
my $i = 0;
my $entry;
foreach ( @rscan_header ) {
$entry .= sprintf @$_[1],$data[$i++];
push @displaymsg, $entry;
unless ($update || $write) {
# for -u / -w, write or update the mic node in the xCAT DB
my $nltab = xCAT::Table->new('nodelist');
my $mictab = xCAT::Table->new('mic');
my $nhmtab = xCAT::Table->new('nodehm');
if (!$nltab || !$mictab || !$nhmtab) {
$callback->({error=>["Open database table failed."], errorcode=>1});
# update the node to the database
foreach (keys %host2mic) {
my $host = $_;
foreach (@{$host2mic{$host}}) {
my $micid = $_;
my $micname = "$host-mic$micid";
# update the nodelist table
$nltab->setAttribs({node=>$micname}, {groups=>"all,mic"});
# update the mic table
$mictab->setAttribs({node=>$micname}, {host=>$host, id=>$micid, nodetype=>'mic'});
# update the nodehm table
$nhmtab->setAttribs({node=>$micname}, {mgt=>'mic',cons=>'mic'});
sub process_request {
my $request = shift;
$callback = shift;
my $subreq = shift;
my $noderange = $request->{node}; #Should be arrayref
my $command = $request->{command}->[0];
my $extrargs = $request->{arg};
my @exargs=($request->{arg});
if (ref($extrargs)) {
my $ipmiuser = 'USERID';
my $ipmipass = 'PASSW0RD';
my $ipmitrys = 3;
my $ipmitimeout = 2;
my $ipmitab = xCAT::Table->new('ipmi');
my $tmp;
if ($::XCATSITEVALS{ipmitimeout}) { $ipmitimeout = $::XCATSITEVALS{ipmitimeout} };
if ($::XCATSITEVALS{ipmiretries}) { $ipmitrys = $::XCATSITEVALS{ipmitretries} };
if ($::XCATSITEVALS{ipmisdrcache}) { $enable_cache = $::XCATSITEVALS{ipmisdrcache} };
#my @threads;
my @donargs=();
if ($request->{command}->[0] =~ /fru/) {
my $vpdtab = xCAT::Table->new('vpd');
$vpdhash = $vpdtab->getNodesAttribs($noderange,[qw(serial mtm asset)]);
my $ipmihash = $ipmitab->getNodesAttribs($noderange,['bmc','username','password']) ;
my $authdata = xCAT::PasswordUtils::getIPMIAuth(noderange=>$noderange,ipmihash=>$ipmihash);
foreach(@$noderange) {
my $node=$_;
my $nodeuser=$authdata->{$node}->{username};
my $nodepass=$authdata->{$node}->{password};
my $nodeip = $node;
my $ent;
if (defined($ipmitab)) {
if (ref($ent) and defined $ent->{bmc}) { $nodeip = $ent->{bmc}; }
if ($nodeip =~ /,/ and grep ({ $_ eq $request->{command}->[0] } qw/rinv reventlog rvitals rspconfig/)) { #multi-node x3950 X5, for example
my $bmcnum=1;
foreach (split /,/,$nodeip) {
push @donargs,[$node,$_,$nodeuser,$nodepass,$bmcnum];
} else {
$nodeip =~ s/,.*//; #stri
push @donargs,[$node,$nodeip,$nodeuser,$nodepass,1];
if ($request->{command}->[0] eq "getipmicons") {
foreach (@donargs) {
while (xCAT::IPMI->waitforrsp()) { yield };
if ($request->{command}->[0] eq "rspconfig") {
my $updatepasswd = 0;
my $index = 0;
foreach (@{$request->{arg}}) {
if ($_ =~ /^USERID=\*$/) {
$updatepasswd = 1;
if ($updatepasswd) {
splice(@{$request->{arg}}, $index, 1);
foreach (@donargs) {
my $cliuser = $authdata->{$_->[0]}->{cliusername};
my $clipass = $authdata->{$_->[0]}->{clipassword};
if ($#exargs == -1) {
# handle the rscan to scan the mic on the target host
if ($request->{command}->[0] eq "rscan") {
scan ($request, $subreq, $noderange, $extrargs);
#get new node status
my %oldnodestatus=(); #saves the old node status
my $check=0;
my $global_check=1;
if (defined $::XCATSITEVALS{nodestatus} and $::XCATSITEVALS{nodestatus} =~ /0|n|N/) { $global_check=0; }
if ($command eq 'rpower') {
if (($global_check) && ($extrargs->[0] ne 'stat') && ($extrargs->[0] ne 'status') && ($extrargs->[0] ne 'state') && ($extrargs->[0] ne 'suspend') && ($extrargs->[0] ne 'wake')) {
my @allnodes=();
foreach (@donargs) { push(@allnodes, $_->[0]); }
#save the old status
my $nodelisttab = xCAT::Table->new('nodelist');
if ($nodelisttab) {
my $tabdata = $nodelisttab->getNodesAttribs(\@allnodes, ['node', 'status']);
foreach my $node (@allnodes)
my $tmp1 = $tabdata->{$node}->[0];
if ($tmp1) {
if ($tmp1->{status}) { $oldnodestatus{$node}=$tmp1->{status}; }
else { $oldnodestatus{$node}=""; }
#print "oldstatus:" . Dumper(\%oldnodestatus);
#set the new status to the nodelist.status
my %newnodestatus=();
my $newstat;
if (($extrargs->[0] eq 'off') || ($extrargs->[0] eq 'softoff')) {
my $newstat=$::STATUS_POWERING_OFF;
} else {
#get the current nodeset stat
if (@allnodes>0) {
my $nsh={};
my ($ret, $msg)=xCAT::SvrUtils->getNodesetStates(\@allnodes, $nsh);
if (!$ret) {
foreach (keys %$nsh) {
my $newstat=xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl->getNodeStatusFromNodesetState($_, "rpower");
} else {
#donot update node provision status (installing or netbooting) here
#print "newstatus" . Dumper(\%newnodestatus);
xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl::setNodeStatusAttributes(\%newnodestatus, 1);
my $children = 0;
my $sub_fds = new IO::Select;
foreach (@donargs) {
while (xCAT::IPMI->waitforrsp()) { yield };
my $node;
foreach $node (keys %sessiondata) {
if ($sessiondata{$node}->{ipmisession}) {
while (xCAT::IPMI->waitforrsp()) { yield };
if (keys %needbladeinv) {
#ok, we have some inventory data that, for now, suggests blade plugin to getdata from blade plugin
# my @bladenodes = keys %needbladeinv;
# $request->{arg}=['mac'];
# $request->{node}=\@bladenodes;
# require xCAT_plugin::blade;
# xCAT_plugin::blade::process_request($request,$callback);
####while ($sub_fds->count > 0 and $children > 0) {
#### my $handlednodes={};
#### forward_data($callback,$sub_fds,$handlednodes);
#### #update the node status to the nodelist.status table
#### if ($check) {
#### updateNodeStatus($handlednodes, \@allerrornodes);
#### }
#####Make sure they get drained, this probably is overkill but shouldn't hurt
####my $rc=1;
####while ( $rc>0 ) {
#### my $handlednodes={};
#### $rc=forward_data($callback,$sub_fds,$handlednodes);
#### #update the node status to the nodelist.status table
#### if ($check) {
#### updateNodeStatus($handlednodes, \@allerrornodes);
#### }
if ($check) {
#print "allerrornodes=@allerrornodes\n";
#revert the status back for there is no-op for the nodes
my %old=();
foreach my $node (keys %allerrornodes) {
my $stat=$oldnodestatus{$node};
if (exists($old{$stat})) {
my $pa=$old{$stat};
push(@$pa, $node);
} else {
xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl::setNodeStatusAttributes(\%old, 1);
#sub updateNodeStatus {
# my $handlednodes=shift;
# my $allerrornodes=shift;
# foreach my $node (keys(%$handlednodes)) {
# if ($handlednodes->{$node} == -1) { push(@$allerrornodes, $node); }
# }
#sub forward_data { #unserialize data from pipe, chunk at a time, use magic to determine end of data structure
# my $callback = shift;
# my $fds = shift;
# my $errornodes=shift;
# my @ready_fds = $fds->can_read(1);
# my $rfh;
# my $rc = @ready_fds;
# foreach $rfh (@ready_fds) {
# my $data;
# if ($data = <$rfh>) {
# while ($data !~ /ENDOFFREEZE6sK4ci/) {
# $data .= <$rfh>;
# }
# eval { print $rfh "ACK\n"; }; # Ignore ack loss to child that has given up and exited
# my $responses=thaw($data);
# foreach (@$responses) {
# #save the nodes that has errors and the ones that has no-op for use by the node status monitoring
# my $no_op=0;
# if (exists($_->{node}->[0]->{errorcode})) { $no_op=1; }
# else {
# my $text=$_->{node}->[0]->{data}->[0]->{contents}->[0];
# #print "data:$text\n";
# if (($text) && ($text =~ /$status_noop/)) {
# $no_op=1;
# #remove the symbols that meant for use by node status
# $_->{node}->[0]->{data}->[0]->{contents}->[0] =~ s/ $status_noop//;
# }
# }
# #print "data:". $_->{node}->[0]->{data}->[0]->{contents}->[0] . "\n";
# if ($no_op) {
# if ($errornodes) { $errornodes->{$_->{node}->[0]->{name}->[0]}=-1; }
# } else {
# if ($errornodes) { $errornodes->{$_->{node}->[0]->{name}->[0]}=1; }
# }
# $callback->($_);
# }
# } else {
# $fds->remove($rfh);
# close($rfh);
# }
# }
# yield; #Avoid useless loop iterations by giving children a chance to fill pipes
# return $rc;
sub donode {
my $node = shift;
my $bmcip = shift;
my $user = shift;
my $pass = shift;
my $bmcnum = shift;
my $timeout = shift;
my $retries = shift;
my $command = shift;
my %namedargs=@_;
my $extra=$namedargs{-args};
my @exargs=@$extra;
$sessiondata{$node} = {
node => $node, #this seems redundant, but some code will not be privy to what the key was
bmcnum => $bmcnum,
ipmisession => xCAT::IPMI->new(bmc=>$bmcip,userid=>$user,password=>$pass),
command => $command,
extraargs => \@exargs,
subcommand => $exargs[0],
if ($sessiondata{$node}->{ipmisession}->{error}) {
} else {
my ($rc,@output) = ipmicmd($sessiondata{$node});
return $rc;
#my $msgtoparent=freeze(\@outhashes);
# print $outfd $msgtoparent;
sub sendoutput {
my $rc=shift;
foreach (@_) {
my %output;
(my $desc,my $text) = split(/:/,$_,2);
unless ($text) {
} else {
$desc =~ s/^\s+//;
$desc =~ s/\s+$//;
if ($desc) {
$text =~ s/^\s+//;
$text =~ s/\s+$//;
if ($rc) {
} else {
#push @outhashes,\%output; #Save everything for the end, don't know how to be slicker with Storable and a pipe
# print $outfd freeze([\%output]);
# print $outfd "\nENDOFFREEZE6sK4ci\n";
# yield;
# waitforack($outfd);
# generate hardware tree, called from lstree.
sub genhwtree
my $nodelist = shift; # array ref
my $callback = shift;
my %hwtree;
my $bmchash;
# read ipmi.bmc
my $ipmitab = xCAT::Table->new('ipmi');
if ($ipmitab)
$bmchash = $ipmitab->getNodesAttribs($nodelist, ['bmc']);
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "Can not open ipmi table.\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback, 1);
foreach my $node (@$nodelist)
if ($bmchash->{$node}->[0]->{'bmc'})
push @{$hwtree{$bmchash->{$node}->[0]->{'bmc'}}}, $node;
return \%hwtree;