git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
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971 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license
package xCAT_plugin::AAsn;
use xCAT::Table;
use xCAT::Utils;
use xCAT::MsgUtils;
use xCAT_plugin::dhcp;
use xCAT_plugin::conserver;
use File::Path;
use Getopt::Long;
=head1 AAsn
This is the Service Node Plugin, although it does perform a few functions on
the Management Node.
It reads the servicenode table for the service node it is running on,
and run the appropriate
setup routine for each service that is designated to be setup in the
servicenode table for this service node. Some functions are only done for
A few functions are done not based on the servicenode table. For example:
mounts /install if site.installloc set
on a Linux Service Node
=head3 handled_commands
If bypassmode then exit
If xcat daemon reload then exit
Check to see if on a Service Node
If Linux
Call mountInstall
If this is a service Node
Read Service Node Table
For each service returned to be setup
Call the appropriate setup_service routine
else if on the Management Node
Do any Management Node setup of services needed
sub handled_commands
# If called in XCATBYPASS mode, don't do any setup
return 0;
# If a xcat daemon reload, don't do any setup
return 0;
my $rc = 0;
if (xCAT::Utils->isServiceNode())
my @nodeinfo = xCAT::Utils->determinehostname;
my $nodename = pop @nodeinfo; # get hostname
my @nodeipaddr = @nodeinfo; # get ip addresses
my $service;
if (xCAT::Utils->isLinux())
# service needed on Linux Service Node
$service = "mountInstall";
$rc = &mountInstall($nodename); # mount install
if ($rc == 0)
$service = "ssh";
$rc = &setup_SSH(); # setup SSH
if ($rc == 0)
# read the service node table
# for a list of all functions to setup for this service node
my @servicelist = xCAT::Utils->isServiceReq($nodename, \@nodeipaddr);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC == 0)
if (xCAT::Utils->isLinux())
{ #run only the following only on Linux
my $service = "conserver";
if (grep(/$service/, @servicelist))
$rc = &setup_CONS($nodename); # setup conserver
if ($rc == 0)
$service = "ftpserver";
if (grep(/$service/, @servicelist))
# make sure ftpserver not tftpserver
my $match = 0;
foreach my $service (@servicelist)
if ($service eq "ftpserver")
$match = 1;
if ($match == 1)
{ # it was ftpserver
$rc = &setup_FTP(); # setup vsftpd
if ($rc == 0)
$service = "ldapserver";
if (grep(/$service/, @servicelist))
$rc = &setup_LDAP(); # setup LDAP
if ($rc == 0)
$service = "tftpserver";
if (grep(/$service/, @servicelist))
$rc = &setup_TFTP($nodename); # setup TFTP
if ($rc == 0)
} # end Linux only
# setup these services for AIX or Linux
my $service = "nameserver";
if (grep(/$service/, @servicelist))
$rc = &setup_DNS(); # setup DNS
if ($rc == 0)
$service = "nfsserver";
if (grep(/$service/, @servicelist))
$rc = &setup_NFS($nodename); # setup NFS
if ($rc == 0)
# setup dhcp only on Linux and last
if (xCAT::Utils->isLinux()) {
my $service = "dhcpserver";
if (grep(/$service/, @servicelist))
$rc = &setup_DHCP($nodename); # setup DHCP
if ($rc == 0)
# done now in setupntp postinstall script, but may change
#$service = "ntpserver";
#if (grep(/$service/, @servicelist))
# $rc = &setup_NTPsn($nodename); # setup NTP on SN
# if ($rc == 0)
# {
# xCAT::Utils->update_xCATSN($service);
# }
{ # error from servicenode tbl read
" reading the servicenode table.");
else # management node
# $rc = &setup_NTPmn(); # setup NTP on the Management Node
if (xCAT::Utils->isLinux())
$rc = &setup_FTP(); # setup FTP
return $rc;
=head3 process_request
Process the command
sub process_request
=head3 mountInstall
if site.installloc attribute set
mount the install directory
sub mountInstall
my ($nodename) = @_;
my $rc = 0;
my $installdir = "/install"; # default
my $installloc = "/install"; # default
# read DB for nodeinfo
my $master;
my $os;
my $arch;
my $nomount = 0;
my $retdata = xCAT::Utils->readSNInfo($nodename);
if ($retdata->{'arch'})
{ # no error
$master = $retdata->{'master'}; # management node
$os = $retdata->{'os'};
$arch = $retdata->{'arch'};
# read install directory and install location from database,
# if they exists
my @installlocation = xCAT::Utils->get_site_attribute("installloc");
my $hostname;
my $path;
if ($installlocation[0])
if (grep /:/, $installlocation[0])
my ($hostname, $installloc) = split ":", $installlocation[0];
if ($hostname)
{ # hostname set in /installloc attribute
$master = $hostname; # set name for mount
$installloc = $installlocation[0];
{ # if no install location then we do not mount
$nomount = 1;
if ($nomount == 0)
{ # mount the install directory
my @installdir1 = xCAT::Utils->get_site_attribute("installdir");
if ($installdir1[0])
$installdir = $installdir1[0]; # save directory to mount to
if (!(-e $installdir))
# check to see if install already mounted
my $mounted = xCAT::Utils->isMounted($installdir);
if ($mounted == 0)
{ # not mounted
# need to mount the directory
my $cmd = "mount -o rw,nolock $master:$installloc $installdir";
system $cmd;
if ($? > 0)
{ # error
$rc = 1;
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "Error $cmd");
{ # error reading Db
$rc = 1;
if ($rc == 0 && $nomount == 0)
# update fstab to mount on reboot
$cmd = "grep $master:$installloc $installdir /etc/fstab ";
xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0)
`echo "$master:$installloc $installdir nfs timeo=14,intr 1 2" >>/etc/fstab`;
return $rc;
=head3 setup_CONS
Sets up Conserver
sub setup_CONS
my ($nodename) = @_;
my $rc = 0;
# read DB for nodeinfo
my $master;
my $os;
my $arch;
my $cmd;
my $retdata = xCAT::Utils->readSNInfo($nodename);
if ($retdata->{'arch'})
{ # no error
$master = $retdata->{'master'};
$os = $retdata->{'os'};
$arch = $retdata->{'arch'};
# make the consever 8 configuration file
my $cmdref;
$cmdref->{command}->[0] = "makeconservercf";
$cmdref->{cwd}->[0] = "/opt/xcat/sbin";
$cmdref->{svboot}->[0] = "yes";
my $modname = "conserver";
${"xCAT_plugin::" . $modname . "::"}{process_request}
->($cmdref, \&xCAT::Client::handle_response);
# start conserver. conserver needs 2 CA files to start
my $ca_file1 = "/etc/xcat/ca/ca-cert.pem";
my $ca_file2 = "/etc/xcat/cert/server-cred.pem";
if (!-e $ca_file1)
"conserver cannot be started because the file $ca_file1 cannot be found\n";
elsif (!-e $ca_file2)
"conserver cannot be started because the file $ca_file2 cannot be found\n";
my $rc = xCAT::Utils->startService("conserver");
if ($rc != 0)
return 1;
{ # error reading Db
$rc = 1;
return $rc;
=head3 setup_DHCP
Sets up DHCP services
sub setup_DHCP
my ($nodename) = @_;
my $rc = 0;
my $cmd;
# run makedhcp
$XCATROOT = "/opt/xcat"; # default
my $cmdref;
$cmdref->{command}->[0] = "makedhcp";
$cmdref->{cwd}->[0] = "/opt/xcat/sbin";
$cmdref->{arg}->[0] = "-n";
my $modname = "dhcp";
${"xCAT_plugin::" . $modname . "::"}{process_request}
->($cmdref, \&xCAT::Client::handle_response);
my $rc = xCAT::Utils->startService("dhcpd");
if ($rc != 0)
return 1;
$cmdref->{command}->[0] = "makedhcp";
$cmdref->{cwd}->[0] = "/opt/xcat/sbin";
$cmdref->{arg}->[0] = "-a";
my $modname = "dhcp";
${"xCAT_plugin::" . $modname . "::"}{process_request}
->($cmdref, \&xCAT::Client::handle_response);
return $rc;
=head3 setup_FTP
Sets up FTP services (vstftp)
sub setup_FTP
my $rc = 0;
my $cmd;
$XCATROOT = "/opt/xcat"; # default
# change ftp user id home directory to installdir
# link installdir
# restart the daemon
my $installdir = "/install"; # default
# read from database
my @installdir1 = xCAT::Utils->get_site_attribute("installdir");
if ($installdir1[0]) # if exists
$installdir = $installdir1[0];
if (!(-e $installdir)) # make it
$cmd = "usermod -d $installdir ftp";
my $outref = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, 0);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC)
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "Error from command:$cmd");
# start tftp
my $rc = xCAT::Utils->startService("vsftpd");
if ($rc != 0)
return 1;
return $rc;
=head3 setup_DNS
Sets up Domain Name service
sub setup_DNS
# setup the named.conf file
# turn DNS on
my $rc = xCAT::Utils->startService("named");
if ($rc != 0)
return 1;
return 0;
=head3 setup_LDAP
Sets up LDAP
sub setup_LDAP
my $rc = xCAT::Utils->startService("ldap");
if ($rc != 0)
return 1;
return 0;
=head3 setup_NFS
Sets up NFS services on Service Node for AIX and Linux
sub setup_NFS
my ($nodename) = @_;
my $rc = 0;
# make sure nfs is restarted
my $rc = 0;
if (xCAT::Utils->isLinux())
my $os = xCAT::Utils->osver();
if ($os =~ /sles.*/) {
$rc = xCAT::Utils->startService("nfs");
$rc = xCAT::Utils->startService("nfsserver");
} else {
$rc = xCAT::Utils->startService("nfs");
{ #AIX
$rc = xCAT::Utils->startService("nfsd");
if ($rc != 0)
return 1;
return $rc;
=head3 setup_NTPsn
Sets up NTP services on service node
sub setup_NTPsn
my ($nodename) = @_;
my $rc = 0;
my $cmd;
my $master;
my $os;
my $arch;
my $ntpcfg = "/etc/ntp.conf";
# read DB for nodeinfo
my $retdata = xCAT::Utils->readSNInfo($nodename);
$master = $retdata->{'master'};
$os = $retdata->{'os'};
$arch = $retdata->{'arch'};
if (!($arch))
{ # error
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", " Error reading service node info.");
return 1;
# backup the existing config file
$rc = &backup_NTPconf();
if ($rc == 0)
# create config file
open(CFGFILE, ">$ntpcfg")
or xCAT::MsgUtils->message('SE',
"Cannot open $configfile for NTP update. \n");
print CFGFILE "server ";
print CFGFILE $master;
print CFGFILE "\n";
print CFGFILE "driftfile /var/lib/ntp/drift\n";
print CFGFILE "restrict\n";
close CFGFILE;
$rc = &start_NTP(); # restart ntp
return $rc;
=head3 setup_NTPmn
Sets up NTP services on Management Node
Get ntpservers from site table. If they do not exist, warn cannot setup NTP
sub setup_NTPmn
my $rc = 0;
my $ntpcfg = "/etc/ntp.conf";
# get timeservers from site table
my @ntpservers = xCAT::Utils->get_site_attribute("ntpservers");
if ($ntpservers[0])
# backup the existing config file
$rc = &backup_NTPconf();
if ($rc == 0)
# add server names
open(CFGFILE, ">$ntpcfg")
or xCAT::MsgUtils->message('SE',
"Cannot open $configfile for NTP update. \n");
my @servers = split ',', $ntpservers[0];
foreach my $addr (@servers)
print CFGFILE "server ";
print CFGFILE $addr;
print CFGFILE "\n";
print CFGFILE "driftfile /var/lib/ntp/drift\n";
print CFGFILE "restrict\n";
close CFGFILE;
$rc = &start_NTP(); # restart ntp
{ # no servers defined
"No NTP servers defined in the ntpservers attribute in the site table.\n"
return 1;
return $rc;
=head3 start_NTP
Starts daemon
sub start_NTP
my $rc = xCAT::Utils->startService("ntpd");
if ($rc != 0)
return 1;
return 0;
=head3 backup_NTPconf
backup configuration
sub backup_NTPconf
my $ntpcfg = "/etc/ntp.conf";
my $ntpcfgbackup = "/etc/ntp.conf.orig";
my $ntpxcatcfgbackup = "/etc/ntp.conf.xcatbackup";
if (!-e $ntpcfgbackup)
{ # if original backup does not already exist
my $cmd = "mv $ntpcfg $ntpcfgbackup";
system $cmd;
if ($? > 0)
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "Error from command:$cmd");
return 1;
{ # backup xcat cfg
my $cmd = "mv $ntpcfg $ntpxcatcfgbackup";
system $cmd;
if ($? > 0)
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "Error from command:$cmd");
return 1;
return 0;
=head3 setup_SSH
Sets up SSH default configuration for root
Turns strict host checking off
sub setup_SSH
my $configfile;
my $cmd;
my $configinfo;
my $sshdir;
my $cmd;
# build the $HOMEROOT/.ssh/config
if (xCAT::Utils->isLinux())
$configfile = "/root/.ssh/config";
$sshdir = "/root/.ssh";
{ #AIX
$configfile = "/.ssh/config";
$sshdir = "/.ssh";
if (!(-e $sshdir))
{ # directory does not exits
mkdir($sshdir, 0700);
$configinfo = "StrictHostKeyChecking no";
if (-e $configfile)
$cmd = "grep StrictHostKeyChecking $configfile";
xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0)
{ # not there
$cmd = "echo $configinfo >> $configfile";
my @output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, 0);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0)
{ # error
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "Error on $cmd, @output");
return 1;
else # file does not exist
$cmd = "echo $configinfo >> $configfile";
my @output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, 0);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0)
{ # error
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "Error on $cmd, @output");
return 1;
chmod 0600, $configfile;
return 0;
=head3 setup_TFTP
Sets up TFTP services (using atftp)
sub setup_TFTP
my ($nodename) = @_;
my $rc = 0;
my $cmd;
my $master;
my $os;
my $arch;
$XCATROOT = "/opt/xcat"; # default
# read DB for nodeinfo
my $retdata = xCAT::Utils->readSNInfo($nodename);
$master = $retdata->{'master'};
$os = $retdata->{'os'};
$arch = $retdata->{'arch'};
if (!($arch))
{ # error
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", " Error reading service node arch.");
return 1;
# check to see if atftp is installed
$cmd = "/usr/sbin/in.tftpd -V";
my @output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0)
{ # not installed
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "atftp is not installed");
return 1;
my $mountdirectory = "1"; # default to mount tftpboot dir
if ($output[0] =~ "atftp") # it is atftp
# read sharedtftp attribute from site table, if exist
my @sharedtftp = xCAT::Utils->get_site_attribute("sharedtftp");
if (exists($sharedtftp[0]))
$mountdirectory = $sharedtftp[0];
$mountdirectory =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; # convert to upper
# read tftpdir directory from database
my $tftpdir = "/tftpboot"; # default
my @tftpdir1 = xCAT::Utils->get_site_attribute("tftpdir");
if (exists($tftpdir1[0]))
$tftpdir = $tftpdir1[0];
if (!(-e $tftpdir))
# if request to mount
if ($mountdirectory eq "1" || $mountdirectory eq "YES")
# check to see if tftp directory already mounted
my $mounted = xCAT::Utils->isMounted($tftpdir);
if ($mounted == 0) # not already mounted
# need to mount the directory
my $cmd = " mount -o rw,nolock $master:$tftpdir $tftpdir";
system $cmd;
if ($? > 0)
{ # error
$rc = 1;
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "Error $cmd");
# start atftp
my $rc = xCAT::Utils->startService("tftpd");
if ($rc != 0)
return 1;
{ # no ATFTP
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "atftp is not installed");
return 1;
if ($rc == 0)
if ($mountdirectory eq "1" || $mountdirectory eq "YES")
# update fstab so that it will restart on reboot
$cmd =
"fgrep \"$master:$tftpdir $tftpdir nfs timeo=14,intr 1 2\" /etc/fstab";
xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) # not already there
`echo "$master:$tftpdir $tftpdir nfs timeo=14,intr 1 2" >>/etc/fstab`;
return $rc;