130 lines
5.5 KiB
Executable File

# Query the softlayer account for info about all of the bare metal servers and
# put the info in mkdef stanza format, so the node can be defined in the xcat db
# so that xcat can manage/deploy them.
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
# Globals - these are set once and then only read.
my $HELP;
my %CONFIG; # attributes read from config file
my $usage = sub {
my $exitcode = shift @_;
print "Usage: getslnodes [-?|-h|--help] [-v|--verbose] [<hostname-match>]\n\n";
if (!$exitcode) {
print "getslnodes queries your SoftLayer account and gets attributes for each\n";
print "server. The attributes can be piped to 'mkdef -z' to define the nodes\n";
print "in the xCAT DB so that xCAT can manage them. getslnodes\n";
print "requires a .slconfig file in your home directory that contains your\n";
print "SoftLayer userid, API key, and location of API perl module, in attr=val format.\n";
exit $exitcode;
# Process the cmd line args
if (!GetOptions('h|?|help' => \$HELP, 'v|verbose' => \$VERBOSE)) { $usage->(1); }
if ($HELP) { $usage->(0); }
if (scalar(@ARGV)>1) { $usage->(1); }
my $hnmatch = $ARGV[0]; # if they specified a hostname match, only show svrs that start with that
readconf("$ENV{HOME}/.slconfig"); # get the userid and api key from the config file
my $slinstalled = eval { push @INC, $CONFIG{apidir}; require SoftLayer::API::SOAP; };
if (!$slinstalled) { die "Error: the SoftLayer::API::SOAP perl module is not installed. Download it using 'git clone https://github.com/softlayer/softlayer-api-perl-client' and put the directory in ~/.slconfig ."; }
my $client = SoftLayer::API::SOAP->new('SoftLayer_Account', undef, $CONFIG{userid}, $CONFIG{apikey});
my $mask = "mask[operatingSystem.passwords,remoteManagementAccounts,remoteManagementComponent,backendNetworkComponents]";
#print $client->fault;
#print $client->faultstring;
#print "\n";
my $hw = $client->getHardware();
my $servers = $hw->result;
foreach my $server (@$servers) {
if ($server->{fullyQualifiedDomainName} =~ m/$hnmatch/) {
print "\n".$server->{hostname}.":\n";
print "\tobjtype=node\n";
print "\tgroups=slnode,ipmi,all\n";
print "\tmgt=ipmi\n";
print "\tbmc=".$server->{remoteManagementComponent}->{ipmiIpAddress}."\n";
print "\tbmcusername=".$server->{remoteManagementAccounts}->[0]->{username}."\n";
print "\tbmcpassword=".$server->{remoteManagementAccounts}->[0]->{password}."\n";
# find the 1st active private nic that is not the bmc
foreach my $nic (@{$server->{backendNetworkComponents}}) {
#print "nic:\n"; foreach my $key (keys(%$nic)) { print " $key = ", $nic->{$key}, "\n"; }
if ($nic->{status} eq 'ACTIVE' && $nic->{name} eq 'eth' && $nic->{macAddress} && $nic->{primaryIpAddress}) {
# found it
print "\tmac=".$nic->{macAddress}."\n";
print "\tip=".$nic->{primaryIpAddress}."\n";
#print "\tip=".$server->{privateIpAddress}."\n"; # getting this from the backendNetworkComponents instead
print "\tserial=".$server->{manufacturerSerialNumber}."\n";
print "\tnetboot=xnba\n";
print "\tarch=x86_64\n";
print "\tusercomment=hostname:".$server->{fullyQualifiedDomainName}.", user:".$server->{operatingSystem}->{passwords}->[0]->{username}.", pw:".$server->{operatingSystem}->{passwords}->[0]->{password}."\n";
verbose('SoftLayer API bare metal server entry: ' . Dumper($server));
#print Dumper($server->{remoteManagementAccounts});
#print "#Softlayer_account_info_for ".$server->{fullyQualifiedDomainName} . " Username: ";
#print $server->{operatingSystem}->{passwords}->[0]->{username} . " Password: ";
#print $server->{operatingSystem}->{passwords}->[0]->{password}. "\n";
#print "nodeadd ".$server->{hostname}." groups=saptest ipmi.password=".$server->{remoteManagementAccounts}->[0]->{password}." ipmi.bmc=".$server->{remoteManagementComponent}->{ipmiIpAddress};
#print " mac.mac=".$server->{backendNetworkComponents}->[0]->{macAddress};
#print " hosts.ip=".$server->{privateIpAddress} ."\n";
# Pring msg only if -v was specified
sub verbose { if ($VERBOSE) { print shift, "\n"; } }
# Read the config file. Format is attr=val on each line. Should contain at leas the userid and apikey.
# This function fills in the global %CONFIG hash.
sub readconf {
my $conffile = shift @_;
open(FILE, $conffile) || die "Error: can not open config file $conffile: $!\n";
while (<FILE>) {
my $line = $_;
if ($line =~ /^#/ || $line =~/^\s*$/) { next; } # skip comment lines
my ($key, $value) = split(/\s*=\s*/, $line, 2);
if (!defined($value)) { die "Error: line '$line' does not have format attribute=value\n"; }
$CONFIG{$key} = $value;
close FILE;
verbose('%CONFIG hash: ' . Dumper(\%CONFIG));
# the config file needs to contain at least the userid and api key
if (!defined($CONFIG{userid}) || !defined($CONFIG{apikey}) || !defined($CONFIG{apidir})) {
die "Error: the config file must contain values for userid, apikey, and apidir.\n";
#$mask = "mask[operatingSystem.passwords]";
#my $vs = $client->getVirtualGuests();
#my $servers = $vs->result;
#foreach my $server (@$servers) {
# if ($server->{fullyQualifiedDomainName} eq "xcat1-sap.saptest.ibm.com") {
# print $server->{primaryIpAddress}."\n";
# print $server->{operatingSystem}->{passwords}->[0]->{password}."\n";
# }