O/S are all using this file (RHEL7, SLES12) So that check is not correct anymore. If the file exists, test that it contains Ubuntu For pushinitrd, check that the IP address is set in the node definition before we start executing the command as a pre-check.
399 lines
15 KiB
Executable File
399 lines
15 KiB
Executable File
# Copy the initrd, kernel, params, and static IP info to nodes, so they can net install
# even across vlans (w/o setting up pxe/dhcp broadcast relay). This assumes a working
# OS is on the node. This script is primarily meant to be used in the softlayer environment.
#todo: work with site.managedaddressmode=static for sles
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
# Globals - these are set once and then only read.
my $HELP;
my $usage = sub {
my $exitcode = shift @_;
print "Usage: pushinitrd [-?|-h|--help] [-v|--verbose] [--dryrun] [-w <waittime>] [--noautoinst] <noderange>\n\n";
if (!$exitcode) {
print "Copy the initrd, kernel, params, and static IP info to nodes, so they can net install\n";
print "even across vlans (w/o setting up pxe/dhcp broadcast relay). This assumes a working\n";
print "OS is on the node, that you've run nodeset for these nodes, and that all of the nodes\n";
print "in this noderange are using the same osimage.\n";
exit $exitcode;
# Process the cmd line args
# Getopt::Long::Configure("pass_through");
if (!GetOptions('h|?|help' => \$HELP, 'v|verbose' => \$VERBOSE, 'dryrun' => \$DRYRUN, 'w|waittime=s' => \$WAITTIME, 'a|noautoinst' => \$NOAUTOINST)) { $usage->(1); }
if ($HELP) { $usage->(0); }
if (scalar(@ARGV) != 1) { $usage->(1); }
if (!defined($WAITTIME)) { $WAITTIME = 75; } # seconds to wait after configuring the nic (to let the switch handle the state change)
my $noderange = $ARGV[0];
# Run some Node verification before starting pushinitrd
my %bootparms = getBootParms($noderange);
copyFilesToNodes($noderange, \%bootparms);
updateGrubOnNodes($noderange, \%bootparms);
if ($DRYRUN) { exit(0); }
if ($bootparms{osimageprovmethod} eq 'install' && $bootparms{osimageosvers}=~ m/^sles/ && !$NOAUTOINST) { modifyAutoinstFiles($noderange, \%bootparms); }
if ($bootparms{osimageprovmethod} eq 'sysclone') { copySyscloneFiles(); }
# Query the db for the kernel, initrd, and kcmdline attributes of the 1st node in the noderange
sub getBootParms {
my $nr = shift @_;
my %bootparms;
my @output = runcmd("nodels $nr bootparams.kernel bootparams.initrd bootparams.kcmdline nodetype.provmethod");
# the attributes can be displayed in a different order than requested, so need to grep for them
foreach my $attr (qw(bootparams.kernel bootparams.initrd bootparams.kcmdline nodetype.provmethod)) {
my ($a) = $attr =~ m/\.(.*)$/;
my @gresults = grep(/^\S+:\s+$attr:/, @output);
if (!scalar(@gresults)) { die "Error: attribute $attr not defined for the noderange. Did you run 'nodeset <noderange> osimage=<osimage>' ?\n"; }
# for now just pick the 1st one. They should all be the same, except for the node name in kcmdline
$gresults[0] =~ s/^\S+:\s+$attr:\s*//;
#print "gresults='$gresults[0]'\n";
if ($gresults[0] !~ m/\S/) { die "Error: attribute $attr not defined for the noderange. Did you run 'nodeset <noderange> osimage=<osimage>' ?\n"; }
$bootparms{$a} = $gresults[0];
$bootparms{kcmdline} =~ s|/install/autoinst/\S+|/install/autoinst/<nodename>|;
# from the nodes provmethod, get the osimage provmethod, so we know the type of install
@output = runcmd("lsdef -t osimage $bootparms{provmethod} -ci provmethod,osvers");
foreach my $line (@output) {
if ($line =~ m/^Could not find/) { die "Error: provmethod $bootparms{provmethod} is set for the node, but there is no osimage definition by that name."; }
if ($line =~ m/ provmethod=/) {
my ($junk, $provmethod) = split(/=/, $line);
$bootparms{osimageprovmethod} = $provmethod;
if ($line =~ m/ osvers=/) {
my ($junk, $osvers) = split(/=/, $line);
$bootparms{osimageosvers} = $osvers;
#print "provmethod=$bootparms{osimageprovmethod}, osvers=$bootparms{osimageosvers}\n"; exit;
# get the mgmt node cluster-facing ip addr
@output = runcmd('lsdef -t site -ci master');
my ($junk, $ip) = split(/=/, $output[0]);
$bootparms{mnip} = $ip;
return %bootparms;
# Copy the kernel and initrd to the nodes
# Args: noderange, reference to the bootparms hash
sub copyFilesToNodes {
my $nr = shift @_;
my $bootparms = shift @_;
foreach my $a (qw(kernel initrd)) {
my $file = $bootparms->{$a};
my $localfile = "/tftpboot/$file";
# for the
my $remotefile = '/boot/' . remoteFilename($file);
my $cmd = "xdcp $nr -p $localfile $remotefile";
if ($DRYRUN) {
print "Dry run: Copying $localfile to $nr:$remotefile\n";
print "Dry run: $cmd\n";
else {
print "Copying $localfile to $nr:$remotefile\n";
# Form the remote file name, using the last 2 parts of the path, separated by "-"
sub remoteFilename {
my $f = shift @_;
$f =~ s|^.*?([^/]+)/([^/]+)$|$1-$2|;
return $f;
# Run the modifygrub script on the nodes to update the grub config file
# Args: noderange, reference to the bootparms hash
sub updateGrubOnNodes {
my $nr = shift @_;
my $bootparms = shift @_;
my $vtxt = ($VERBOSE ? '-v' : '');
my $dtxt = ($DRYRUN ? '--dryrun' : '');
my @output = runcmd('which modifygrub');
my $modifygrub = $output[0];
my $euser ="root";
my $cmd = "xdsh $nr -l $euser -e $modifygrub $vtxt $dtxt -w $WAITTIME -p " . $bootparms->{osimageprovmethod} . ' ' . remoteFilename($bootparms->{kernel}) . ' ' . remoteFilename($bootparms->{initrd}) . ' ';
# we need to quote the kernel parms, both here when passing it to xdsh, and on the node
# when xdsh is passing it to modifygrub. The way to get single quotes inside single quotes
# is to quote each of the outer single quotes with double quotes.
$cmd .= q("'"') . $bootparms->{kcmdline} . q('"'");
$cmd .= ' ' . $bootparms->{mnip};
print "Running modifygrub on $nr to update the grub configuration.\n";
# Hack the autoinst files to overcome the nic coming up delay.
#todo: this has only been tested with SLES nodes
sub modifyAutoinstFiles {
my $nr = shift @_;
my $bootparms = shift @_;
# expand the noderange into a list of nodes
my @nodes = runcmd("nodels $nr");
# Modify chroot.sles to insert a wait in the /etc/init.d/network of each node. This is
# necessary because even tho compute.sles11.softlayer.tmpl configures bonding, when autoyast
# reboots the node after installing the rpms, it does not bring up the network in the normal way
# at first and seems to skip any bonding and the if-up.d scripts. So we are left doing this.
# (After autoyast is done with all of its post-configuration, it brings up the network in the
# normal way, so bonding gets done then, which is good at least.)
# Edit each file to have chroot.sles insert a wait at the end of /etc/init.d/network
# this finds the end of boot.sh script (which is chroot.sles)
my $search = '\n\]\]>\s*</source>\s*</script>\s*</chroot-scripts>';
# hack the /etc/init.d/network script to put a wait in it
my $file = '/mnt/etc/init.d/network'; # at this point in the installation, the permanent file system is just mounted
# this is the string to insert in the nodes /etc/init.d/network script. It is a while loop pinging the mn, but some of the chars need to be escaped for sed
my $waitstring = 'echo -n Waiting to reach xCAT mgmt node ' . $bootparms->{mnip} . '.;xcatretries=60;while \[ \$\(\(xcati+=1\)\) -le \$xcatretries \] \&\& ! ping -c2 -w3 ' . $bootparms->{mnip} .' \>\/dev\/null 2\>\&1; do echo -n .; done; if \[ \$xcati -le \$xcatretries \]; then echo success; else echo failed; fi';
# this crazy sed string is from google. It gathers up the whole file into the hold buffer, and then the substitution is done on the whole file
my $sedstring = q|sed -n '1h;1!H;${;g;s/\(\t\treload_firewall\n\)\n/\1\t\t| . $waitstring . q(\n\n/g;p;}') . " $file > $file.new";
# finally create the perl replace string that will be used to modify the autoinst file
my $replace = "$sedstring\nchmod 755 $file.new; mv -f $file.new $file";
# Add a script that gets invoked by the OS after the nic is brought up
# Note: this does not work, because midway thru the autoyast process, the if-up.d scripts do not seem to get invoked
# so autoyast fails to get the media
# these are specific to SLES
#my $netdir = '/etc/sysconfig/network';
#my $filename = '/etc/sysconfig/network/if-up.d/xcat-sl-wait';
#my $mnip = $bootparms->{mnip};
#todo: to support rhel, use these values instead
#my $netdir='/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts';
#my $filename='/sbin/ifup-local';
#my $replace = qq(
# $replace .= q(
#cat >$FILENAME << EOF1
# this part of the file we do NOT want to expand the variables in the content
#cat >>$FILENAME << 'EOF2'
# look in this ifcfg script to get the nics ip to see if this is the one we should be waiting on
#NICIP=`awk -F= '/^IPADDR/ {print $2}' $NETDIR/ifcfg-$NIC | tr -d \' `
#if [ "${NICIP%.*.*}" != "${MNIP%.*.*}" ]; then exit; fi # hack: compare the 1st 2 octets
#echo -n Waiting to reach xCAT mgmt node $MNIP.
#while [ $((xcati+=1)) -le $xcatretries ] && ! ping -c2 -w3 $MNIP >/dev/null 2>&1; do echo -n .; done
#if [ $xcati -le $xcatretries ]; then echo " success"; else echo " failed"; fi
#sleep 3
#chmod +x $FILENAME
# The compute.sles11.softlayer.tmpl file contains 2 variables (node ip and netmask) that are
# not replaced by Template.pm. Substitute those in the autoinst files now.
# Also use our own multiline sed to put the network script hack in.
print "Updating /install/autoinst files.\n";
foreach my $n (@nodes) {
my $f = "/install/autoinst/$n";
my ($ip, $netmask, $gateway) = getNodeIpInfo($n);
runcmd("sudo sed -i 's/#NODEIPADDR#/$ip/;s/#NODENETMASK#/$netmask/;s/#NODEGATEWAY#/$gateway/' $f");
my $matches = sed($f, $search, $replace, mode=>'insertbefore');
if (!$matches) { die "Error: could not find the right place in $f to insert the sed of the network wait.\n"; }
sub verifyNodeConfiguration {
my $nr = shift @_;
my @nodes = runcmd("nodels $nr");
foreach my $n (@nodes) {
# Verify the IP is set for the node
my @output = runcmd("nodels $n hosts.ip");
my ($junk, $ip) = split(/\s+/, $output[0]);
#todo: also support getting the ip from name resolution
if (!$ip) {
die "Error: The ip attribute must be set for $n.\n";
# Copy softlayer specific systemimager post-install scripts to the systemimager location.
# These cause si to use static ip and insert a wait into the bring up of the network.
sub copySyscloneFiles {
my $cmd = "cp -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/sysclone/post-install/* /install/sysclone/scripts/post-install";
print "Copying SoftLayer-specific post scripts to the SystemImager post-install directory.\n";
# Get IP and network of a node
sub getNodeIpInfo {
my $node = shift;
# get ip for the node
my @output = runcmd("nodels $node hosts.ip");
my ($junk, $ip) = split(/\s+/, $output[0]);
#todo: also support getting the ip from name resolution
# find relevant network in the networks table
# first get the networks in a hash
my %networks;
@output = runcmd("lsdef -t network -ci net,mask,gateway");
foreach my $line (@output) {
my ($netname, $attr, $val) = $line =~ m/^(.+):\s+(.+?)=(.+)$/;
$networks{$netname}->{$attr} = $val;
# now go thru the networks looking for the correct one
my ($netmask, $gateway);
foreach my $key (keys %networks) {
if (isIPinNet($ip, $networks{$key}->{net}, $networks{$key}->{mask})) { # found it
$netmask = $networks{$key}->{mask};
$gateway = $networks{$key}->{gateway};
if (!$netmask) { die "Error: could not find a network in the networks table that $node $ip is part of.\n"; }
if (!$gateway) { die "Error: gateway not specified in the networks table for the network that $node $ip is part of.\n"; }
verbose("IP info for $node: ip=$ip, netmask=$netmask, gateway=$gateway");
return ($ip, $netmask, $gateway);
# Is the IP in the network/netmask combo
sub isIPinNet {
my ($ip, $net, $mask) = @_;
my $ipbin = convert2bin($ip);
my $netbin = convert2bin($net);
my $maskbin = convert2bin($mask);
$ipbin &= $maskbin;
if ($ipbin && $netbin && ($ipbin == $netbin)) { return 1; }
else { return 0; }
# Convert dotted decimal format ( to a binary number
sub convert2bin {
my @arr=split(/\./, shift);
my ($bin) = unpack('N', pack('C4',@arr ) );
return $bin;
# this is like multi-line sed replace function
# Args: filename, search-string, replace-string, options (mode=>{insertbefore,insertafter,replace})
sub sed {
my ($file, $search, $replace, %options) = @_;
#my $opts = 's';
#if ($options{global}) { $opts .= 'g'; }
# open the file for reading
verbose("reading $file");
open(FILE, $file) || die "Error: can not open file $file for reading: $!\n";
my $lines;
while (<FILE>) { $lines .= $_; }
#verbose('file length is '.length($lines));
close FILE;
# we also need to look for this string 1st
my $replacecopy = $replace; # a search string can't have special chars in it
$replacecopy =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g; # so escape all of the meta characters
#print "replacecopy=$replacecopy\n";
# check to see if the replace string is already in the file
if ($lines =~ m/$replacecopy/s) {
print "$file did not need updating.\n";
return 1;
# search/replace and see if there were any matches
my $matches;
if ($options{mode} eq 'insertbefore') { $matches = $lines =~ s/($search)/\n$replace\n$1/s; }
elsif ($options{mode} eq 'insertafter') { $matches = $lines =~ s/($search)/$1\n$replace\n/s; }
elsif ($options{mode} eq 'replace') { $matches = $lines =~ s/$search/$replace/s; }
else { die "Internal error: don't suppor sed mode of $options{mode}.\n"; }
# write file if necessary
if ($matches) {
verbose("updating $file");
open(FILE, '>', $file) || die "Error: can not open file $file for writing: $!\n";
print FILE $lines;
close FILE;
return $matches;
# Pring msg only if -v was specified
sub verbose { if ($VERBOSE) { print shift, "\n"; } }
# Run a command. If called in the context of return an array, it will capture the output
# of the cmd and return it. Otherwise, it will display the output to stdout.
# If the cmd has a non-zero rc, this function will die with a msg.
sub runcmd
my ($cmd) = @_;
my $rc;
$cmd .= ' 2>&1' ;
my @output;
if (wantarray) {
@output = `$cmd`;
$rc = $?;
else {
$rc = $?;
if ($rc) {
$rc = $rc >> 8;
if ($rc > 0) { die "Error: rc $rc return from cmd: $cmd\n"; }
else { die "Error: system error returned from cmd: $cmd\n"; }
elsif (wantarray) { return @output; }