git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
522 lines
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522 lines
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* Execute when the DOM is fully loaded
$(document).ready(function() {
// Load utility scripts
* Constructor
* @return Nothing
var hmcPlugin = function() {
* Load node inventory
* @param data
* Data from HTTP request
* @return Nothing
hmcPlugin.prototype.loadInventory = function(data) {
// Get arguments
var args = data.msg.split(',');
// Get tab ID
var tabId = args[0].replace('out=', '');
// Get node
var node = args[1].replace('node=', '');
// Get node inventory
var inv = data.rsp;
// Remove loader
$('#' + tabId).find('img').remove();
// Create division to hold inventory
var invDivId = tabId + 'Inventory';
var invDiv = $('<div class="inventory" id="' + invDivId + '"></div>');
// Loop through each line
var fieldSet, legend, oList, item;
for (var k = 0; k < inv.length; k++) {
// Remove node name in front
var str = inv[k].replace(node + ': ', '');
str = jQuery.trim(str);
// If string is a header
if (str.indexOf('I/O Bus Information') > -1 || str.indexOf('Machine Configuration Info') > -1) {
// Create a fieldset
fieldSet = $('<fieldset></fieldset>');
legend = $('<legend>' + str + '</legend>');
oList = $('<ol></ol>');
} else {
// If no fieldset is defined
if (!fieldSet) {
// Define general fieldset
fieldSet = $('<fieldset></fieldset>');
legend = $('<legend>General</legend>');
oList = $('<ol></ol>');
// Append the string to a list
item = $('<li></li>');
// Append to inventory form
$('#' + tabId).append(invDiv);
* Load clone page
* @param node
* Source node to clone
* @return Nothing
hmcPlugin.prototype.loadClonePage = function(node) {
// Get nodes tab
var tab = getNodesTab();
var newTabId = node + 'CloneTab';
// If there is no existing clone tab
if (!$('#' + newTabId).length) {
// Create status bar and hide it
var statBarId = node + 'CloneStatusBar';
var statBar = $('<div class="statusBar" id="' + statBarId + '"></div>').hide();
// Create info bar
var infoBar = createInfoBar('Under construction');
// Create clone form
var cloneForm = $('<div class="form"></div>');
// Add clone tab
tab.add(newTabId, 'Clone', cloneForm, true);
* Load provision page
* @param tabId
* The provision tab ID
* @return Nothing
hmcPlugin.prototype.loadProvisionPage = function(tabId) {
// Get OS image names
if (!$.cookie('imagenames')) {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'tabdump',
tgt : '',
args : 'osimage',
msg : ''
success : setOSImageCookies
// Get groups
if (!$.cookie('groups')) {
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'extnoderange',
tgt : '/.*',
args : 'subgroups',
msg : ''
success : setGroupsCookies
// Get provision tab instance
var inst = tabId.replace('hmcProvisionTab', '');
// Create provision form
var provForm = $('<div class="form"></div>');
// Create status bar
var statBar = createStatusBar('statBar').hide();
// Create loader
var loader = createLoader('loader').hide();
// Create info bar
var infoBar = createInfoBar('Provision a node on System p.');
// Append to provision tab
$('#' + tabId).append(provForm);
// Create provision type drop down
provForm.append('<div><label>Provision:</label><select><option value="existing">Existing node</option></select></div>');
* Create provision existing node division
var hmcProvisionBtn = createButton('Provision');
hmcProvisionBtn.bind('click', function(event) {
// Remove any warning messages
var tempTab = $(this).parent().parent();
var ready = true;
var errMsg = '';
var tempNodes = '';
// Get nodes that were checked
tempNodes = getCheckedByObj(tempTab.find('table'));
if ('' == tempNodes) {
errMsg += 'You need to select a node.<br>';
ready = false;
} else {
tempNodes = tempNodes.substr(0, tempNodes.length - 1);
// If all inputs are valid, ready to provision
if (ready) {
// Disable provision button
$(this).attr('disabled', 'true');
// Show loader
// Disable all selects, input and checkbox
tempTab.find('input').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
// Get operating system image
var os = tempTab.find('#osname').val();
var arch = tempTab.find('#arch').val();
var profile = tempTab.find('#pro').val();
* (1) Set operating system
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'nodeadd',
tgt : '',
args : tempNodes + ';noderes.netboot=yaboot;nodetype.os=' + os
+ ';nodetype.arch=' + arch + ';nodetype.profile=' + profile,
msg : 'cmd=nodeadd;out=' + tempTab.attr('id')
success : pProvisionExisting
} else {
// Show warning message
var warn = createWarnBar(errMsg);
// Update the node table on group select
provForm.find('#groupname').bind('change', function() {
var groupName = $(this).val();
var nodeArea = $('#hmcSelectNodesTable' + inst);
if (!groupName) {
nodeArea.html('Select a group to view its nodes');
createNodesArea(groupName, 'hmcSelectNodesTable' + inst);
* Load resources
* @return Nothing
hmcPlugin.prototype.loadResources = function() {
// Get resource tab ID
var tabId = 'hmcResourceTab';
// Remove loader
$('#' + tabId).find('img').remove();
// Create info bar
var infoBar = createInfoBar('Under construction');
// Create resource form
var resrcForm = $('<div class="form"></div>');
$('#' + tabId).append(resrcForm);
* Add node range
* @return Nothing
hmcPlugin.prototype.addNode = function() {
openDialog('info', 'Under construction');
* Create hmc provision existing form
* @return: Form content
function createHmcProvisionExisting(inst) {
// Create the group area
var strGroup = '<div><label>Group:</label>';
var groupNames = $.cookie('groups');
if (groupNames) {
strGroup += '<select id="groupname"><option></option>';
var temp = groupNames.split(',');
for (var i in temp) {
strGroup += '<option value="' + temp[i] + '">' + temp[i] + '</option>';
strGroup += '</select>';
} else {
strGroup += '<input type="text" id="groupname">';
strGroup += '</div>';
// Create nodes area
var strNodes = '<div><label>Nodes:</label><div id="hmcSelectNodesTable'
+ inst
+ '" style="display:inline-block;width:700px;overflow-y:auto;">Select a group to view its nodes</div></div>';
// Create boot method
var strBoot = '<div><label>Boot Method:</label><select id="boot">'
+ '<option value="install">install</option>'
+ '<option value="netboot">netboot</option>'
+ '<option value="statelite">statelite</option></select></div>';
// Create operating system
var strOs = '<div><label>Operating system:</label>';
var osName = $.cookie('osvers');
if (osName) {
strOs += '<select id="osname">';
var temp = osName.split(',');
for (var i in temp) {
strOs += '<option value="' + temp[i] + '">' + temp[i] + '</option>';
strOs += '</select>';
} else {
strOs += '<input type="text" id="osname">';
strOs += '</div>';
// Create architecture
var strArch = '<div><label>Architecture:</label>';
var archName = $.cookie('osarchs');
if ('' != archName) {
strArch += '<select id="arch">';
var temp = archName.split(',');
for (var i in temp) {
strArch += '<option value="' + temp[i] + '">' + temp[i] + '</option>';
strArch += '</select>';
} else {
strArch += '<input type="text" id="arch">';
strArch += '</div>';
// Create profile
var strPro = '<div><label>Profile:</label>';
var proName = $.cookie('profiles');
if ('' != proName) {
strPro += '<select id="pro">';
var temp = proName.split(',');
for (var i in temp) {
strPro += '<option value="' + temp[i] + '">' + temp[i] + '</option>';
strPro += '</select>';
} else {
strPro += '<input type="text" id="pro">';
strPro += '</div>';
var strRet = strGroup + strNodes + strBoot + strOs + strArch + strPro;
return strRet;
* Refresh the nodes area base on group selected
* @return Nothing
function createNodesArea(groupName, areaId) {
// Get group nodes
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'nodels',
tgt : groupName,
args : '',
msg : areaId
* Create nodes datatable
* @param data
* Data returned from HTTP request
* @return Nothing
success : function(data) {
var areaObj = $('#' + data.msg);
var nodes = data.rsp;
var index;
var showStr = '<table><thead><tr><th><input type="checkbox" onclick="selectAllCheckbox(event, $(this))"></th>';
showStr += '<th>Node</th></tr></thead><tbody>';
for (index in nodes) {
var node = nodes[index][0];
if ('' == node) {
showStr += '<tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="' + node + '"/></td><td>'
+ node + '</td></tr>';
showStr += '</tbody></table>';
if (index > 10) {
areaObj.css('height', '300px');
} else {
areaObj.css('height', 'auto');
} // End of function(data)
* Provision for existing system p node
* @return Nothing
function pProvisionExisting(data) {
// Get ajax response
var rsp = data.rsp;
var args = data.msg.split(';');
// Get command invoked
var cmd = args[0].replace('cmd=', '');
// Get provision tab instance
var tabId = args[1].replace('out=', '');
// Get tab obj
var tempTab = $('#' + tabId);
* (2) Prepare node for boot
if (cmd == 'nodeadd') {
// Get operating system
var bootMethod = tempTab.find('#boot').val();
// Get nodes that were checked
var tgts = getCheckedByObj(tempTab.find('table'));
// Prepare node for boot
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'nodeset',
tgt : tgts,
args : bootMethod,
msg : 'cmd=nodeset;out=' + tabId
success : pProvisionExisting
* (3) Boot node from network
else if (cmd == 'nodeset') {
// Write ajax response to status bar
var prg = writeRsp(rsp, '');
tempTab.find('#statBar div').append(prg);
// If there was an error, do not continue
if (prg.html().indexOf('Error') > -1) {
// Get nodes that were checked
var tgts = getCheckedByObj(tempTab.find('table'));
// Boot node from network
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'rnetboot',
tgt : tgts,
args : '',
msg : 'cmd=rnetboot;out=' + tabId
success : pProvisionExisting
* (4) Done
else if (cmd == 'rnetboot') {
// Write ajax response to status bar
var prg = writeRsp(rsp, '');
tempTab.find('#statBar div').append(prg);
* Get all select elements' name in the obj
* @return All nodes name, seperate by ','
function getCheckedByObj(obj) {
var tempStr = '';
// Get nodes that were checked
obj.find('input:checked').each(function() {
if ($(this).attr('name')) {
tempStr += $(this).attr('name') + ',';
if ('' != tempStr) {
tempStr = tempStr.substr(0, tempStr.length - 1);
return tempStr;
} |