git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
2094 lines
69 KiB
2094 lines
69 KiB
# IBM(c) 2010 EPL license
package xCAT_plugin::dhcp;
$::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat';
use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl";
use strict;
use xCAT::Table;
use Data::Dumper;
use MIME::Base64;
use Getopt::Long;
use Socket;
my $candoipv6 = eval {
require Socket6;
use Sys::Syslog;
use IPC::Open2;
use xCAT::NetworkUtils qw/getipaddr/;
use xCAT::Utils;
use xCAT::NodeRange;
use Fcntl ':flock';
my @aixcfg; # hold AIX entries created by NIM
my @dhcpconf; #Hold DHCP config file contents to be written back.
my @dhcp6conf; #ipv6 equivalent
my @nrn; # To hold output of networks table to be consulted throughout process
my @nrn6; #holds ip -6 route output on Linux, yeah, name doesn't make much sense now..
my $domain;
my $omshell;
my $omshell6; #separate session to DHCPv6 instance of dhcp
my $statements; #Hold custom statements to be slipped into host declarations
my $callback;
my $restartdhcp;
my $restartdhcp6;
my $sitenameservers;
my $sitentpservers;
my $sitelogservers;
my $nrhash;
my $machash;
my $vpdhash;
my $iscsients;
my $chainents;
my $tftpdir = xCAT::Utils->getTftpDir();
use Math::BigInt;
my $dhcpconffile = $^O eq 'aix' ? '/etc/dhcpsd.cnf' : '/etc/dhcpd.conf';
my %dynamicranges; #track dynamic ranges defined to see if a host that resolves is actually a dynamic address
my %netcfgs;
# dhcp 4.x will use /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf as the config file
my $dhcp6conffile;
if ( $^O ne 'aix' and -d "/etc/dhcp" ) {
$dhcpconffile = '/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf';
$dhcp6conffile = '/etc/dhcp/dhcpd6.conf';
my $usingipv6;
sub ipIsDynamic {
#meant to be v4/v6 agnostic. DHCPv6 however takes some care to allow a dynamic range to overlap static reservations
#xCAT will for now continue to advise people to keep their nodes out of the dynamic range
my $ip = shift;
my $number = getipaddr($ip,GetNumber=>1);
unless ($number) { # shouldn't be possible, but pessimistically presume it dynamically if so
return 1;
foreach (values %dynamicranges) {
if ($_->[0] <= $number and $_->[1] >= $number) {
return 1;
return 0; #it isn't in any of the dynamic ranges we are aware of
sub handled_commands
return {makedhcp => "dhcp",};
sub delnode
my $node = shift;
my $inetn = inet_aton($node);
my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new('mac');
my $ent;
if ($machash) { $ent = $machash->{$node}->[0]; }
if ($ent and $ent->{mac})
my @macs = split(/\|/, $ent->{mac});
my $mace;
foreach $mace (@macs)
my $mac;
my $hname;
($mac, $hname) = split(/!/, $mace);
unless ($hname) { $hname = $node; }
print $omshell "new host\n";
print $omshell
"set name = \"$hname\"\n"; #Find and destroy conflict name
print $omshell "open\n";
print $omshell "remove\n";
print $omshell "close\n";
if ($mac)
print $omshell "new host\n";
print $omshell "set hardware-address = " . $mac
. "\n"; #find and destroy mac conflict
print $omshell "open\n";
print $omshell "remove\n";
print $omshell "close\n";
if ($inetn)
my $ip;
if (inet_aton($hname))
$ip = inet_ntoa(inet_aton($hname));
if ($ip)
print $omshell "new host\n";
print $omshell
"set ip-address = $ip\n"; #find and destroy ip conflict
print $omshell "open\n";
print $omshell "remove\n";
print $omshell "close\n";
print $omshell "new host\n";
print $omshell "set name = \"$node\"\n"; #Find and destroy conflict name
print $omshell "open\n";
print $omshell "remove\n";
print $omshell "close\n";
if ($inetn)
my $ip = inet_ntoa(inet_aton($node));
unless ($ip) { return; }
print $omshell "new host\n";
print $omshell "set ip-address = $ip\n"; #find and destroy ip conflict
print $omshell "open\n";
print $omshell "remove\n";
print $omshell "close\n";
sub addnode6 {
#omshell to add host dynamically
my $node = shift;
unless ($vpdhash) {
$callback->({node=>{name=>[$node],warning => ["Skipping DHCPv6 setup due to missing vpd.uuid information."]}});
my $ent = $vpdhash->{$node}->[0]; #tab->getNodeAttribs($node, [qw(mac)]);
unless ($ent and $ent->{uuid})
$callback->({node=>{name=>[$node],warning => ["Skipping DHCPv6 setup due to missing vpd.uuid information."]}});
#phase 1, dynamic and static addresses, hopefully ddns-hostname works, may be tricky to do 'send hostname'
#since FQDN is the only thing to be sent down, and that RFC clearly suggests that the client
#assembles that data, not host
#tricky for us since the client wouldn't know it's hostname/fqdn in advance
#unless acquired via IPv4 first
#don't think dhclient is smart enough to assemble advertised domain with it's own name and then
#request FQDN update
#goal is simple enough, we want `hostname` to look sane *and* we want DNS to look right
my $uuid = $ent->{uuid};
$uuid =~ s/-//g;
$uuid =~ s/(..)/$1:/g;
$uuid =~ s/:\z//;
$uuid =~ s/^/00:04:/;
my $ip = getipaddr($node);
if ($ip and $ip =~ /:/ and not ipIsDynamic($ip)) {
$ip = getipaddr($ip,GetNumber=>1);
$ip = $ip->as_hex;
$ip =~ s/^0x//;
$ip =~ s/(..)/$1:/g;
$ip =~ s/:\z//;
print $omshell6 "set ip-address = $ip\n";
} else {
print $omshell6 "new host\n";
print $omshell6 "set name = \"$node\"\n"; #Find and destroy conflict name
print $omshell6 "open\n";
print $omshell6 "remove\n";
print $omshell6 "close\n";
if ($ip) {
print $omshell6 "new host\n";
print $omshell6 "set ip-address = $ip\n"; #find and destroy ip conflict
print $omshell6 "open\n";
print $omshell6 "remove\n";
print $omshell6 "close\n";
print $omshell6 "new host\n";
print $omshell6 "set dhcp-client-identifier = " . $uuid . "\n"; #find and destroy DUID-UUID conflict
print $omshell6 "open\n";
print $omshell6 "remove\n";
print $omshell6 "close\n";
print $omshell6 "new host\n";
print $omshell6 "set name = \"$node\"\n";
print $omshell6 "set dhcp-client-identifier = $uuid\n";
print $omshell6 'set statements = "ddns-hostname \"'.$node.'\";";'."\n";
if ($ip) {
print $omshell6 "set ip-address = $ip\n";
print $omshell6 "create\n";
print $omshell6 "close\n";
sub addnode
#Use omshell to add the node.
#the process used is blind typing commands that should work
#it tries to delet any conflicting entries matched by name and
#hardware address and ip address before creating a brand now one
#unfortunate side effect: dhcpd.leases can look ugly over time, when
#doing updates would keep it cleaner, good news, dhcpd restart cleans
#up the lease file the way we would want anyway.
my $node = shift;
my $ent;
my $nrent;
my $chainent;
my $ient;
my $tftpserver;
if ($chainents and $chainents->{$node}) {
$chainent = $chainents->{$node}->[0];
if ($iscsients and $iscsients->{$node}) {
$ient = $iscsients->{$node}->[0];
my $lstatements = $statements;
my $guess_next_server = 0;
my $nxtsrv;
if ($nrhash)
$nrent = $nrhash->{$node}->[0];
if ($nrent and $nrent->{tftpserver})
#check the value of inet_ntoa(inet_aton("")),if the hostname cannot be resolved,
#the value of inet_ntoa() will be "undef", which will cause fatal error
my $tmp_name = inet_aton($nrent->{tftpserver});
unless($tmp_name) {
#tell the reason to the user
{ error => ["Unable to resolve the tftpserver for node"], errorcode => [1]}
$tftpserver = inet_ntoa($tmp_name);
$nxtsrv = $tftpserver;
$lstatements =
'next-server '
. $tftpserver . ';'
. $statements;
$guess_next_server = 1;
#else {
# $nrent = $nrtab->getNodeAttribs($node,['servicenode']);
# if ($nrent and $nrent->{servicenode}) {
# $statements = 'next-server = \"'.inet_ntoa(inet_aton($nrent->{servicenode})).'\";'.$statements;
# }
$guess_next_server = 1;
unless ($machash)
warning => ["Unable to open mac table, it may not exist yet"]
$ent = $machash->{$node}->[0]; #tab->getNodeAttribs($node, [qw(mac)]);
unless ($ent and $ent->{mac})
warning => ["Unable to find mac address for $node"]
my @macs = split(/\|/, $ent->{mac});
my $mace;
my $deflstaments=$lstatements;
my $count = 0;
foreach $mace (@macs)
$lstatements=$deflstaments; #force recalc on every entry
my $mac;
my $hname;
$hname = "";
($mac, $hname) = split(/!/, $mace);
unless ($hname)
$hname = $node;
} #Default to hostname equal to nodename
unless ($mac) { next; } #Skip corrupt format
my $ip = getipaddr($hname,OnlyV4=>1);
if ($hname eq '*NOIP*') {
$hname = $node . "-noip".$mac;
$hname =~ s/://g;
# } #if 'guess_next_server', inherit from the network provided value... see how this pans out
# if ($guess_next_server and $ip and $ip ne "DENIED")
# {
# $nxtsrv = xCAT::Utils->my_ip_facing($hname);
# if ($nxtsrv)
# {
# $tftpserver = $nxtsrv;
# $lstatements = "next-server $nxtsrv;$statements";
# } #of course, we set the xNBA variable to let that propogation carry forward into filename uri interpolation
} elsif ($guess_next_server) {
$nxtsrv='${next-server}'; #if floating IP support, cause gPXE command-line expansion patch to drive inheritence from network
my $doiscsi=0;
if ($ient and $ient->{server} and $ient->{target}) {
unless (defined ($ient->{lun})) { #Some firmware fails to properly implement the spec, so we must explicitly say zero for such firmware
$ient->{lun} = 0;
my $iscsirootpath ='iscsi:'.$ient->{server}.':6:3260:'.$ient->{lun}.':'.$ient->{target};
if (defined ($ient->{iname})) { #Attempt to use gPXE or IBM iSCSI formats to specify the initiator
#This all goes on one line, but will break it out to at least be readable in here
$lstatements = 'if option vendor-class-identifier = \"ISAN\" { ' #This is declared by IBM iSCSI initiators, will call it 'ISAN' mode
.'option isan.iqn \"'.$ient->{iname}.'\"; ' #Use vendor-spcefic option to declare the expected Initiator name
.'option isan.root-path \"'.$iscsirootpath.'\"; ' #We must *not* use standard root-path if using ISAN style options
.'} else { '
.'option root-path \"'.$iscsirootpath.'\"; ' #For everything but ISAN, use standard, RFC defined behavior for root
.'if exists gpxe.bus-id { ' #Since our iscsi-initiator-iqn is in no way a standardized thing, only use it for gPXE
. ' option iscsi-initiator-iqn \"'.$ient->{iname}.'\";' #gPXE will consider option 203 for initiator IQN
. '}'
. '}'
print $lstatements;
} else { #We stick to the good old RFC defined behavior, ISAN, gPXE, everyone should be content with this so long as no initiator name need be specified
$lstatements = 'option root-path \"'.$iscsirootpath.'\";'.$lstatements;
if ($nrent and $nrent->{netboot} and $nrent->{netboot} eq 'xnba' and $lstatements !~ /filename/) {
if (-f "$tftpdir/xcat/xnba.kpxe") {
if ($doiscsi and $chainent and $chainent->{currstate} and ($chainent->{currstate} eq 'iscsiboot' or $chainent->{currstate} eq 'boot')) {
$lstatements = 'if exists gpxe.bus-id { filename = \"\"; } else if exists client-architecture { filename = \"xcat/xnba.kpxe\"; } '.$lstatements;
} else {
$lstatements = 'if option user-class-identifier = \"xNBA\" { filename = \"http://'.$nxtsrv.'/tftpboot/xcat/xnba/nodes/'.$node.'\"; } else if exists client-architecture { filename = \"xcat/xnba.kpxe\"; } '.$lstatements; #Only PXE compliant clients should ever receive xNBA
} #TODO: warn when windows
} elsif ($nrent and $nrent->{netboot} and $nrent->{netboot} eq 'pxe' and $lstatements !~ /filename/) {
if (-f "$tftpdir/xcat/xnba.kpxe") {
if ($doiscsi and $chainent and $chainent->{currstate} and ($chainent->{currstate} eq 'iscsiboot' or $chainent->{currstate} eq 'boot')) {
$lstatements = 'if exists gpxe.bus-id { filename = \"\"; } else if exists client-architecture { filename = \"xcat/xnba.kpxe\"; } '.$lstatements;
} else {
$lstatements = 'if option vendor-class-identifier = \"ScaleMP\" { filename = \"vsmp/pxelinux.0\"; } else { filename = \"pxelinux.0\"; }'.$lstatements;
if ( $^O eq 'aix')
addnode_aix( $ip, $mac, $hname, $tftpserver);
if ( !grep /:/,$mac ) {
$mac = lc($mac);
$mac =~ s/(\w{2})/$1:/g;
$mac =~ s/:$//;
my $hostname = $hname;
my $hardwaretype = 1;
my %client_nethash = xCAT::DBobjUtils->getNetwkInfo( [$node] );
if ( $client_nethash{$node}{mgtifname} =~ /hf/ )
$hardwaretype = 37;
if ( scalar(@macs) > 1 ) {
if ( $hname !~ /^(.*)-hf(.*)$/ ) {
$hostname = $hname . "-hf" . $count;
} else {
$hostname = $1 . "-hf" . $count;
#syslog("local4|err", "Setting $node ($hname|$ip) to " . $mac);
print $omshell "new host\n";
print $omshell
"set name = \"$hostname\"\n"; #Find and destroy conflict name
print $omshell "open\n";
print $omshell "remove\n";
print $omshell "close\n";
if ($ip and $ip ne 'DENIED') {
print $omshell "new host\n";
print $omshell "set ip-address = $ip\n"; #find and destroy ip conflict
print $omshell "open\n";
print $omshell "remove\n";
print $omshell "close\n";
print $omshell "new host\n";
print $omshell "set hardware-address = " . $mac
. "\n"; #find and destroy mac conflict
print $omshell "open\n";
print $omshell "remove\n";
print $omshell "close\n";
print $omshell "new host\n";
print $omshell "set name = \"$hostname\"\n";
print $omshell "set hardware-address = " . $mac . "\n";
print $omshell "set hardware-type = $hardwaretype\n";
if ($ip eq "DENIED")
{ #Blacklist this mac to preclude confusion, give best shot at things working
print $omshell "set statements = \"deny booting;\"\n";
if ($ip and not ipIsDynamic($ip)) {
print $omshell "set ip-address = $ip\n";
if ($lstatements)
$lstatements = 'ddns-hostname \"'.$node.'\"; send host-name \"'.$node.'\";'.$lstatements;
} else {
$lstatements = 'ddns-hostname \"'.$node.'\"; send host-name \"'.$node.'\";';
print $omshell "set statements = \"$lstatements\"\n";
print $omshell "create\n";
print $omshell "close\n";
unless (grep /#definition for host $node aka host $hostname/, @dhcpconf)
push @dhcpconf,
"#definition for host $node aka host $hostname can be found in the dhcpd.leases file\n";
$count = $count + 2;
sub addrangedetection {
my $net = shift;
my $tranges = $net->{dynamicrange}; #temp range, the dollar sign makes it look strange
my $trange;
my $begin;
my $end;
my $myip;
$myip = xCAT::Utils->my_ip_facing($net->{net});
# convert <xcatmaster> to nameserver IP
if ($net->{nameservers} eq '<xcatmaster>')
$netcfgs{$net->{net}}->{nameservers} = $myip;
$netcfgs{$net->{net}}->{nameservers} = $net->{nameservers};
$netcfgs{$net->{net}}->{ddnsdomain} = $net->{ddnsdomain};
$netcfgs{$net->{net}}->{domain} = $domain; #TODO: finer grained domains
unless ($netcfgs{$net->{net}}->{nameservers}) {
# convert <xcatmaster> to nameserver IP
if ($::XCATSITEVALS{nameservers} eq '<xcatmaster>')
$netcfgs{$net->{net}}->{nameservers} = $myip;
$netcfgs{$net->{net}}->{nameservers} = $::XCATSITEVALS{nameservers};
foreach $trange (split /;/,$tranges) {
if ($trange =~ /[ ,-]/) { #a range of one number to another..
$trange =~ s/[,-]/ /g;
($begin,$end) = split / /,$trange;
} elsif ($trange =~ /\//) { #a CIDR style specification for a range that could be described in subnet rules
#we are going to assume that this is a subset of the network (it really ought to be) and therefore all zeroes or all ones is good to include
my $prefix;
my $suffix;
($prefix,$suffix) = split /\//,$trange;
my $numbits;
if ($prefix =~ /:/) { #ipv6
$netcfgs{$net->{net}}->{range}=$trange; #we can put in dhcpv6 ranges verbatim as CIDR
} else {
my $number = getipaddr($prefix,GetNumber=>1);
my $highmask=Math::BigInt->new("0b".("1"x$suffix).("0"x($numbits-$suffix)));
my $lowmask=Math::BigInt->new("0b".("1"x($numbits-$suffix)));
$number &= $highmask; #remove any errant high bits beyond the mask.
$begin = $number->copy();
$number |= $lowmask; #get the highest number in the range,
if ($prefix !~ /:/) { #ipv4, must convert CIDR subset to range
my $lowip = inet_ntoa(pack("N*",$begin));
my $highip = inet_ntoa(pack("N*",$end));
$netcfgs{$net->{net}}->{range} = "$lowip $highip";
# Add nodes into dhcpsd.cnf. For AIX only
sub addnode_aix
my $ip = shift;
my $mac = shift;
my $hname = shift;
my $tftpserver = shift;
$restartdhcp = 1;
# Format the mac address to aix
$mac =~ s/://g;
$mac = lc($mac);
delnode_aix ( $hname);
#Find the location to insert node
my $isSubnetFound = 0;
my $i;
my $netmask;
for ($i = 0; $i < scalar(@dhcpconf); $i++)
if ( $dhcpconf[$i] =~ / ([\d\.]+)\/(\d+) ip configuration end/)
if (xCAT::Utils::isInSameSubnet( $ip, $1, $2, 1))
$isSubnetFound = 1;
$netmask = $2;
# Format the netmask from AIX format (24) to Linux format (
my $netmask_linux = xCAT::Utils::formatNetmask( $netmask,1,0);
# Create node section
my @node_section = ();
push @node_section, " client 1 $mac $ip #node $hname start\n";
push @node_section, " {\n";
push @node_section, " option 1 $netmask_linux\n";
push @node_section, " option 12 $hname\n";
# push @node_section, " option sa $tftpserver\n";
# push @node_section, " option bf \"/tftpboot/$hname\"\n";
push @node_section, " } # node $hname end\n";
if ( $isSubnetFound)
splice @dhcpconf, $i, 0, @node_section;
# Delete nodes in dhcpsd.cnf. For AIX only
sub delnode_aix
my $hname = shift;
my $i;
my $node_start = 0;
my $node_end = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < scalar(@dhcpconf); $i++)
if ( $dhcpconf[$i] =~ /node $hname start/)
$node_start = $i;
elsif ( $dhcpconf[$i] =~ /node $hname end/)
$node_end = $i;
if ( $node_start && $node_end)
$restartdhcp = 1;
splice @dhcpconf, $node_start, ($node_end - $node_start + 1);
return 1;
return 0;
sub preprocess_request
my $req = shift;
$callback = shift;
my $localonly;
#Exit if the packet has been preprocessed
if ($req->{_xcatpreprocessed}->[0] == 1) { return [$req]; }
if (ref $req->{arg}) {
@ARGV = @{$req->{arg}};
GetOptions('l' => \$localonly);
if(grep /-h/,@{$req->{arg}}) {
my $usage="Usage: makedhcp -n\n\tmakedhcp -a\n\tmakedhcp -a -d\n\tmakedhcp -d noderange\n\tmakedhcp <noderange> [-s statements]\n\tmakedhcp [-h|--help]";
$callback->({data => [$usage]});
unless (($req->{arg} and (@{$req->{arg}}>0)) or $req->{node})
my $usage="Usage: makedhcp -n\n\tmakedhcp -a\n\tmakedhcp -a -d\n\tmakedhcp -d noderange\n\tmakedhcp <noderange> [-s statements]\n\tmakedhcp [-h|--help]";
$callback->({data => [$usage]});
my $snonly=0;
my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
if ($sitetab)
my $href;
($href) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'disjointdhcps'}, 'value');
if ($href and $href->{value}) {
my @requests=();
my $hasHierarchy=0;
my @nodes=();
if (! grep /-n/,@{$req->{arg}}) {
if ($req->{node}) {
elsif(grep /-a/,@{$req->{arg}}) {
if (grep /-d$/, @{$req->{arg}})
my $nodelist = xCAT::Table->new('nodelist');
my @entries = ($nodelist->getAllNodeAttribs([qw(node)]));
foreach (@entries)
push @nodes, $_->{node};
my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new('mac');
my @entries=();
if ($mactab) {
@entries = ($mactab->getAllNodeAttribs([qw(mac)]));
foreach (@entries)
push @nodes, $_->{node};
} # end - if -a
# don't put compute node entries in for AIX nodes
# this is handled by NIM - duplicate entires will cause
# an error
if ($^O eq 'aix') {
my @tmplist;
my $Imsg;
foreach my $n (@nodes)
# get the nodetype for each node
#my $ntype = xCAT::DBobjUtils->getnodetype($n);
my $ntable = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype');
if ($ntable) {
my $mytype = $ntable->getNodeAttribs($n,['nodetype']);
if ($mytype =~ /osi/) {
unless ($mytype =~ /osi/) {
push @tmplist, $n;
@nodes = @tmplist;
if ($Imsg) {
my $rsp;
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "AIX nodes with a nodetype of \'osi\' will not be added to the dhcp configuration file. This is handled by NIM.\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
if (($snonly == 1) && (! grep /-n/,@{$req->{arg}})) {
if (@nodes > 0) {
my $sn_hash =xCAT::Utils->getSNformattedhash(\@nodes,"xcat","MN");
if ($localonly) {
#check if this node is the service node for any input node
my @hostinfo=xCAT::Utils->determinehostname();
my %iphash=();
foreach(@hostinfo) {$iphash{$_}=1;}
foreach(keys %$sn_hash) {
if (exists($iphash{$_})) {
my $reqcopy = {%$req};
$reqcopy->{'_xcatdest'} = $_;
$reqcopy->{_xcatpreprocessed}->[0] = 1;
push @requests, $reqcopy;
} else {
my @sn = xCAT::Utils->getSNList('dhcpserver');
if (@sn > 0) { $hasHierarchy=1;}
foreach(keys %$sn_hash) {
my $reqcopy = {%$req};
$reqcopy->{'_xcatdest'} = $_;
$reqcopy->{_xcatpreprocessed}->[0] = 1;
push @requests, $reqcopy;
} else { #send the request to every dhservers
@requests = ({%$req}); #Start with a straight copy to reflect local instance
unless ($localonly) {
my @sn = xCAT::Utils->getSNList('dhcpserver');
if (@sn > 0) { $hasHierarchy=1; }
foreach my $s (@sn)
if (scalar @nodes == 1 and $nodes[0] eq $s) { next; }
my $reqcopy = {%$req};
$reqcopy->{'_xcatdest'} = $s;
$reqcopy->{_xcatpreprocessed}->[0] = 1;
push @requests, $reqcopy;
if ( $hasHierarchy)
#hierarchy detected, enforce more rigorous sanity
my $ntab = xCAT::Table->new('networks');
if ($ntab)
foreach (@{$ntab->getAllEntries()})
if ($_->{dynamicrange} and not $_->{dhcpserver})
$callback->({error=>["Hierarchy requested, therefore networks.dhcpserver must be set for net=".$_->{net}.""],errorcode=>[1]});
return [];
#print Dumper(@requests);
return \@requests;
sub process_request
my $oldmask = umask 0077;
my $req = shift;
$callback = shift;
#print Dumper($req);
#if current node is a servicenode, make sure that it is also a dhcpserver
my $isok=1;
if (xCAT::Utils->isServiceNode()) {
my @hostinfo=xCAT::Utils->determinehostname();
my %iphash=();
foreach(@hostinfo) {$iphash{$_}=1;}
my @sn = xCAT::Utils->getSNList('dhcpserver');
foreach my $s (@sn)
if (exists($iphash{$s})) {
if($isok == 0) { #do nothing if it is a service node, but not dhcpserver
print "Do nothing\n";
my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
my %activenics;
my $querynics = 1;
if ($sitetab)
my $href;
($href) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'dhcpinterfaces'}, 'value');
unless ($href and $href->{value})
{ #LEGACY: singular keyname for old style site value
($href) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'dhcpinterface'}, 'value');
if ($href and $href->{value})
#syntax should be like host|ifname1,ifname2;host2|ifname3,ifname2 etc or simply ifname,ifname2
#depending on complexity of network wished to be described
my $dhcpinterfaces = $href->{value};
my $dhcpif;
INTF: foreach $dhcpif (split /;/,$dhcpinterfaces) {
my $host;
my $savehost;
my $foundself=1;
if ($dhcpif =~ /\|/) {
(my $ngroup,$dhcpif) = split /\|/,$dhcpif;
foreach $host (noderange($ngroup)) {
unless (xCAT::Utils->thishostisnot($host)) {
if (!defined($savehost)) { # host not defined in db,
# probably management node
unless (xCAT::Utils->thishostisnot($ngroup)) {
unless ($foundself) {
next INTF;
foreach (split /[,\s]+/, $dhcpif)
$activenics{$_} = 1;
$querynics = 0;
($href) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'nameservers'}, 'value');
if ($href and $href->{value}) {
$sitenameservers = $href->{value};
($href) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'ntpservers'}, 'value');
if ($href and $href->{value}) {
$sitentpservers = $href->{value};
($href) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'logservers'}, 'value');
if ($href and $href->{value}) {
$sitelogservers = $href->{value};
#($href) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'domain'}, 'value');
($href) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'domain'}, 'value');
unless ($href and $href->{value})
{error => ["No domain defined in site tabe"], errorcode => [1]}
$domain = $href->{value};
@dhcpconf = ();
my $dhcplockfd;
if (grep /^-n$/, @{$req->{arg}})
if (-e $dhcpconffile)
if ($^O eq 'aix')
# save NIM aix entries - to be restored later
my $aixconf;
open($aixconf, $dhcpconffile);
if ($aixconf)
my $save=0;
while (<$aixconf>)
if ($save) {
push @aixcfg, $_;
if ($_ =~ /#Network configuration end\n/) {
@dhcpconf = ();
my $rsp;
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Renamed existing dhcp configuration file to $dhcpconffile.xcatbak\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
my $bakname = "$dhcpconffile.xcatbak";
rename("$dhcpconffile", $bakname);
my $rconf;
open($rconf, $dhcpconffile); # Read file into memory
if ($rconf)
while (<$rconf>)
push @dhcpconf, $_;
unless ($dhcpconf[0] =~ /^#xCAT/)
{ #Discard file if not xCAT originated, like 1.x did
@dhcpconf = ();
if ($dhcp6conffile and -e $dhcp6conffile) {
open($rconf, $dhcp6conffile);
while (<$rconf>) { push @dhcp6conf, $_; }
unless ($dhcp6conf[0] =~ /^#xCAT/)
{ #Discard file if not xCAT originated
@dhcp6conf = ();
my $nettab = xCAT::Table->new("networks");
my @vnets = $nettab->getAllAttribs('net','mgtifname','mask','dynamicrange','nameservers','ddnsdomain');
foreach (@vnets) {
if ($_->{net} =~ /:/) { #IPv6 detected
addrangedetection($_); #add to hash for remembering whether a node has a static address or just happens to live dynamically
if ($^O eq 'aix')
@nrn = xCAT::Utils::get_subnet_aix();
my @nsrnoutput = split /\n/,`/bin/netstat -rn`;
splice @nsrnoutput, 0, 2;
foreach (@nsrnoutput) { #scan netstat
my @parts = split /\s+/;
push @nrn,$parts[0].":".$parts[7].":".$parts[2].":".$parts[3];
my @ip6routes = `ip -6 route`;
foreach (@ip6routes) {
#TODO: filter out multicast? Don't know if multicast groups *can* appear in ip -6 route...
if (/^fe80::\/64/ or /^unreachable/ or /^[^ ]+ via/) { #ignore link-local, junk, and routed networks
my @parts = split /\s+/;
push @nrn6,{net=>$parts[0],iface=>$parts[2]};
#TODO: v6 relayed networks?
my $n = $_->{net};
my $if = $_->{mgtifname};
my $nm = $_->{mask};
#$callback->({data => ["array of nets $n : $if : $nm"]});
if ($if =~ /!remote!/ and $n !~ /:/) { #only take in networks with special interface, but only v4 for now
push @nrn, "$n:$if:$nm";
if ($querynics)
{ #Use netstat to determine activenics only when no site ent.
#TODO: IPv6 auto-detect, or just really really insist people define dhcpinterfaces or suffer doom?
foreach (@nrn)
my @ent = split /:/;
my $firstoctet = $ent[0];
$firstoctet =~ s/^(\d+)\..*/$1/;
if ($ent[0] eq "" or ($firstoctet >= 224 and $firstoctet <= 239) or $ent[0] eq "" or $ent[0] eq '127')
if ($ent[1] =~ m/(remote|ipoib|ib|vlan|bond|eth|myri|man|wlan|en\d+)/)
{ #Mask out many types of interfaces, like xCAT 1.x
$activenics{$ent[1]} = 1;
if ( $^O ne 'aix')
#add the active nics to /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd
my $dhcpver;
foreach $dhcpver ("dhcpd","dhcpd6") {
if (-e "/etc/sysconfig/$dhcpver") {
open DHCPD_FD, "/etc/sysconfig/$dhcpver";
my $syscfg_dhcpd = "";
my $found = 0;
my $dhcpd_key = "DHCPDARGS";
my $os = xCAT::Utils->osver();
if ($os =~ /sles/i) {
$dhcpd_key = "DHCPD_INTERFACE";
my $ifarg = "$dhcpd_key=\"";
foreach (keys %activenics) {
if (/!remote!/) { next; }
$ifarg .= " $_";
$ifarg =~ s/^ //;
$ifarg .= "\"\n";
while (<DHCPD_FD>) {
if ($_ =~ m/^$dhcpd_key/) {
$found = 1;
$syscfg_dhcpd .= $ifarg;
}else {
$syscfg_dhcpd .= $_;
if ( $found eq 0 ) {
$syscfg_dhcpd .= $ifarg;
close DHCPD_FD;
open DBG_FD, '>', "/etc/sysconfig/$dhcpver";
print DBG_FD $syscfg_dhcpd;
close DBG_FD;
} elsif ($_ eq "dhcpd" or $usingipv6) {
$callback->({error=>"The file /etc/sysconfig/$_ doesn't exist, check the dhcp server"});
# return;
unless ($dhcpconf[0])
{ #populate an empty config with some starter data...
if ($usingipv6 and not $dhcp6conf[0]) {
if ( $^O ne 'aix')
foreach (keys %activenics)
if ($usingipv6) {
#need to transfer CEC/Frame to FSPs/BPAs
my @inodes = ();
my @validnodes = ();
my $pnode;
my $cnode;
if ($req->{node})
#@inodes = split /,/,${$req->{noderange}};
foreach $pnode(@{$req->{node}})
my $ntype = xCAT::DBobjUtils->getnodetype($pnode);
if ($ntype =~ /^(cec|frame)$/)
$cnode = xCAT::DBobjUtils->getchildren($pnode);
foreach (@$cnode)
push @validnodes, $_;
} else
push @validnodes, $pnode;
$req->{node} = \@validnodes;
if ((!$req->{node}) && (grep /^-a$/, @{$req->{arg}}))
if (grep /-d$/, @{$req->{arg}}) #delete all entries
$req->{node} = [];
my $nodelist = xCAT::Table->new('nodelist');
my @entries = ($nodelist->getAllNodeAttribs([qw(node)]));
foreach (@entries)
#delete the CEC and Frame node
my $ntype = xCAT::DBobjUtils->getnodetype($_->{node});
unless ($ntype =~ /^(cec|frame)$/)
push @{$req->{node}}, $_->{node};
else #add all entries
$req->{node} = [];
my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new('mac');
my @entries=();
if ($mactab) {
@entries = ($mactab->getAllNodeAttribs([qw(mac)]));
foreach (@entries)
push @{$req->{node}}, $_->{node};
# don't put compute node entries in for AIX nodes
# this is handled by NIM - duplicate entires will cause
# an error
if ($^O eq 'aix') {
my @tmplist;
foreach my $n (@{$req->{node}})
# get the nodetype for each node
#my $ntype = xCAT::DBobjUtils->getnodetype($n);
my $ntable = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype');
if ($ntable) {
my $ntype = $ntable->getNodeAttribs($n,['nodetype']);
# don't add if it is type "osi"
unless ($ntype =~ /osi/) {
push @tmplist, $n;
@{$req->{node}} = @tmplist;
foreach (@nrn)
my @line = split /:/;
my $firstoctet = $line[0];
$firstoctet =~ s/^(\d+)\..*/$1/;
if ($line[0] eq "" or ($firstoctet >= 224 and $firstoctet <= 239))
if ($activenics{$line[1]} and $line[3] !~ /G/)
addnet($line[0], $line[2]);
foreach (@nrn6) { #do the ipv6 networks
addnet6($_); #already did all the filtering before putting into nrn6
if ($req->{node})
my $ip_hash;
foreach my $node ( @{$req->{node}} ) {
#need to change the way of finding IP for nodes
my $ifip = xCAT::Utils->isIpaddr($node);
if ($ifip)
$ip_hash->{ $node} = $node;
my $hoststab = xCAT::Table->new('hosts');
my $ent = $hoststab->getNodeAttribs( $node, ['ip'] );
if ( $ent->{ip} ) {
if ( $ip_hash->{ $ent->{ip} } ) {
$callback->({error=>["Duplicated IP addresses in hosts table for following nodes: $node," . $ip_hash->{ $ent->{ip} }],errorcode=>[1]});
$ip_hash->{ $ent->{ip} } = $node;
@ARGV = @{$req->{arg}};
$statements = "";
GetOptions('s|statements=s' => \$statements);
if ($^O ne 'aix')
my $passtab = xCAT::Table->new('passwd');
my $ent;
($ent) = $passtab->getAttribs({key => "omapi"}, qw(username password));
unless ($ent->{username} and $ent->{password})
$callback->({error=>["Unable to access omapi key from passwd table, add the key from dhcpd.conf or makedhcp -n to create a new one"],errorcode=>[1]});
syslog("local4|err","Unable to access omapi key from passwd table, unable to update DHCP configuration");
} # TODO sane err
#Have nodes to update
open($omshell, "|/usr/bin/omshell > /dev/null");
print $omshell "key "
. $ent->{username} . " \""
. $ent->{password} . "\"\n";
print $omshell "connect\n";
if ($usingipv6) {
open($omshell6, "|/usr/bin/omshell > /dev/null");
print $omshell6 "port 7912\n";
print $omshell6 "key "
. $ent->{username} . " \""
. $ent->{password} . "\"\n";
print $omshell6 "connect\n";
my $nrtab = xCAT::Table->new('noderes');
my $chaintab = xCAT::Table->new('chain');
if ($chaintab) {
$chainents = $chaintab->getNodesAttribs($req->{node},['currstate']);
} else {
$chainents = undef;
$nrhash = $nrtab->getNodesAttribs($req->{node}, ['tftpserver','netboot']);
my $iscsitab = xCAT::Table->new('iscsi');
if ($iscsitab) {
$iscsients = $iscsitab->getNodesAttribs($req->{node},[qw(server target lun iname)]);
my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new('mac');
$machash = $mactab->getNodesAttribs($req->{node},['mac']);
my $vpdtab = xCAT::Table->new('vpd');
$vpdhash = $vpdtab->getNodesAttribs($req->{node},['uuid']);
foreach (@{$req->{node}})
if (grep /^-d$/, @{$req->{arg}})
if ( $^O eq 'aix')
delnode_aix $_;
delnode $_;
if (xCAT::NetworkUtils->getipaddr($_) and not xCAT::Utils->nodeonmynet($_))
addnode $_;
if ($usingipv6) {
addnode6 $_;
close($omshell) if ($^O ne 'aix');
close($omshell6) if ($omshell6 and $^O ne 'aix');
foreach my $node (@{$req->{node}})
unless ($machash)
error => ["Unable to open mac table, it may not exist yet"],
errorcode => [1]
my $ent = $machash->{$node}->[0]; #tab->getNodeAttribs($node, [qw(mac)]);
unless ($ent and $ent->{mac})
error => ["Unable to find mac address for $node"],
errorcode => [1]
if ($restartdhcp) {
if ( $^O eq 'aix')
system("/etc/init.d/dhcpd restart");
system("chkconfig dhcpd on");
umask $oldmask;
# Restart dhcpd on aix
sub restart_dhcpd_aix
#Check if dhcpd is running
my @res = xCAT::Utils->runcmd('lssrc -s dhcpsd',0);
if ( $::RUNCMD_RC != 0)
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", "Failed to check dhcpsd status\n");
if ( grep /\sactive/, @res)
xCAT::Utils->runcmd('refresh -s dhcpsd',0);
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", "Failed to refresh dhcpsd configuration\n") if ( $::RUNCMD_RC);
xCAT::Utils->runcmd('startsrc -s dhcpsd',0);
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", "Failed to start dhcpsd\n" ) if ( $::RUNCMD_RC);
return 1;
sub getzonesfornet {
my $net = shift;
my $mask = shift;
my @zones = ();
if ($net =~ /:/) {#ipv6, for now do the simple stuff under the assumption we won't have a mask indivisible by 4
$net =~ s/\/(.*)//;
my $maskbits=$1;
if ($mask) {
die "Not supporting having a mask like $mask on an ipv6 network like $net";
my $netnum= getipaddr($net,GetNumber=>1);
my $prefix=$netnum->as_hex();
my $nibbs=$maskbits/4;
$prefix =~ s/^0x//;
my $rev;
foreach (reverse(split //,$prefix)) {
$rev .= $_.".";
while ($nibbs) {
$rev .= "0.";
return ($rev);
#return all in-addr reverse zones for a given mask and net
#for class a,b,c, the answer is easy
#for classless, identify the partial byte, do $netbyte | (0xff&~$maskbyte) to get the highest value
#return sequence from $net to value calculated above
#since old only went as far as class c, we will carry that over for now (more people with smaller than class c complained
#and none hit the theoretical conflict. FYI, the 'official' method in RFC 2317 seems cumbersome, but maybe one day it makes sense
#since this is dhcpv4 for now, we'll use the inet_aton, ntop functions to generate the answers (dhcpv6 omapi would be nice...)
my $netn = inet_aton($net);
my $maskn = inet_aton($mask);
unless ($netn and $mask) { return (); }
my $netnum = unpack('N',$netn);
my $masknum = unpack('N',$maskn);
if ($masknum >= 0xffffff00) { #treat all netmasks higher than as class C
$netnum = $netnum & 0xffffff00;
$netn = pack('N',$netnum);
$net = inet_ntoa($netn);
$net =~ s/\.[^\.]*$//;
return (join('.',reverse(split('\.',$net))).'.IN-ADDR.ARPA.');
} elsif ($masknum > 0xffff0000) { #class b (/16) to /23
my $tempnumber = ($netnum >> 8);
$masknum = $masknum >> 8;
my $highnet = $tempnumber | (0xffffff & ~$masknum);
foreach ($tempnumber..$highnet) {
$netnum = $_ << 8;
$net = inet_ntoa(pack('N',$netnum));
$net =~ s/\.[^\.]*$//;
push @zones,join('.',reverse(split('\.',$net))).'.IN-ADDR.ARPA.';
return @zones;
} elsif ($masknum > 0xff000000) { #class a (/8) to /15, could have made it more flexible, for for only two cases, not worth in
my $tempnumber = ($netnum >> 16); #the last two bytes are insignificant, shift them off to make math easier
$masknum = $masknum >> 16;
my $highnet = $tempnumber | (0xffff & ~$masknum);
foreach ($tempnumber..$highnet) {
$netnum = $_ << 16; #convert back to the real network value
$net = inet_ntoa(pack('N',$netnum));
$net =~ s/\.[^\.]*$//;
$net =~ s/\.[^\.]*$//;
push @zones,join('.',reverse(split('\.',$net))).'.IN-ADDR.ARPA.';
return @zones;
} else { #class a (theoretically larger, but those shouldn't exist)
my $tempnumber = ($netnum >> 24); #the last two bytes are insignificant, shift them off to make math easier
$masknum = $masknum >> 24;
my $highnet = $tempnumber | (0xff & ~$masknum);
foreach ($tempnumber..$highnet) {
$netnum = $_ << 24; #convert back to the real network value
$net = inet_ntoa(pack('N',$netnum));
$net =~ s/\.[^\.]*$//;
$net =~ s/\.[^\.]*$//;
$net =~ s/\.[^\.]*$//;
push @zones,join('.',reverse(split('\.',$net))).'.IN-ADDR.ARPA.';
return @zones;
sub putmyselffirst {
my $srvlist = shift;
if ($srvlist =~ /,/) { #TODO: only reshuffle when requested, or allow opt out of reshuffle?
my @dnsrvs = split /,/,$srvlist;
my @reordered;
foreach (@dnsrvs) {
if (xCAT::Utils->thishostisnot($_)) {
push @reordered,$_;
} else {
unshift @reordered,$_;
$srvlist = join(', ',@reordered);
return $srvlist;
sub addnet6
my $netentry = shift;
my $net = $netentry->{net};
my $iface = $netentry->{iface};
my $idx = 0;
if (grep /\} # $net subnet_end/,@dhcp6conf) { #need to add to dhcp6conf
} else { #need to add to dhcp6conf
while ($idx <= $#dhcp6conf)
if ($dhcp6conf[$idx] =~ /\} # $iface nic_end/) {
unless ($dhcp6conf[$idx] =~ /\} # $iface nic_end\n/) {
return 1; #TODO: this is an error condition
my @netent = (
" subnet6 $net {\n",
" max-lease-time 43200;\n",
" min-lease-time 43200;\n",
" default-lease-time 43200;\n",
#for now, just do address allocatios (phase 1)
#phase 2 (by 2.6 presumably) will include the various things like DNS server and other options allowed by dhcpv6
#gateway is *not* currently allowed to be DHCP designated, router advertises its own self indpendent of dhcp. We'll just keep it that way
#domain search list is allowed (rfc 3646)
#nis domain is also an alloed option (rfc 3898)
#sntp server list (rfc 4075)
#ntp server rfc 5908
#fqdn rfc 4704
#posix timezone rfc 4833/tzdb timezone
#phase 3 will include whatever is required to do Netboot6. That might be in the october timeframe for lack of implementations to test
#boot url/param (rfc 59070)
push @netent, " option domain-name \"".$netcfgs{$net}->{domain}."\";\n";
my $nameservers = $netcfgs{$net}->{nameservers};
if ($nameservers and $nameservers =~ /:/) {
push @netent," nameservers ".$netcfgs{$net}->{nameservers}.";\n";
my $ddnserver = $nameservers;
$ddnserver =~ s/,.*//;
my $ddnsdomain;
if ($netcfgs{$net}->{ddnsdomain}) {
$ddnsdomain = $netcfgs{$net}->{ddnsdomain};
if ($::XCATSITEVALS{dnshandler} =~ /ddns/) {
if ($ddnsdomain) {
push @netent, " ddns-domainname \"".$ddnsdomain."\";\n";
push @netent, " zone $ddnsdomain. {\n";
} else {
push @netent, " zone $domain. {\n";
push @netent, " primary $ddnserver; key xcat_key; \n";
push @netent, " }\n";
foreach (getzonesfornet($net)) {
push @netent, " zone $_ {\n";
push @netent, " primary $ddnserver; key xcat_key; \n";
push @netent, " }\n";
if ($netcfgs{$net}->{range}) {
push @netent," range6 ".$netcfgs{$net}->{range}.";\n";
} else {
$callback->({warning => ["No dynamic range specified for $net. Hosts with no static address will receive no addresses on this subnet."]});
push @netent, " } # $net subnet_end\n";
splice(@dhcp6conf, $idx, 0, @netent);
sub addnet
my $net = shift;
my $mask = shift;
my $nic;
my $firstoctet = $net;
$firstoctet =~ s/^(\d+)\..*/$1/;
if ($net eq "" or ($firstoctet >= 224 and $firstoctet <= 239)) {
unless (grep /\} # $net\/$mask subnet_end/, @dhcpconf)
foreach (@nrn)
{ # search for relevant NIC
my @ent = split /:/;
$firstoctet = $ent[0];
$firstoctet =~ s/^(\d+)\..*/$1/;
if ($ent[0] eq "" or ($firstoctet >= 224 and $firstoctet <= 239))
if ($ent[0] eq $net and $ent[2] eq $mask)
$nic = $ent[1];
#print " add $net $mask under $nic\n";
my $idx = 0;
if ( $^O ne 'aix')
while ($idx <= $#dhcpconf)
if ($dhcpconf[$idx] =~ /\} # $nic nic_end\n/)
unless ($dhcpconf[$idx] =~ /\} # $nic nic_end\n/)
return 1; #TODO: this is an error condition
# if here, means we found the idx before which to insert
my $nettab = xCAT::Table->new("networks");
my $nameservers;
my $ntpservers;
my $logservers;
my $gateway;
my $tftp;
my $range;
my $myip;
$myip = xCAT::Utils->my_ip_facing($net);
if ($nettab)
my $mask_formated = $mask;
if ( $^O eq 'aix')
$mask_formated = inet_ntoa(pack("N", 2**$mask - 1 << (32 - $mask)));
my ($ent) =
$nettab->getAttribs({net => $net, mask => $mask_formated},
qw(tftpserver nameservers ntpservers logservers gateway dynamicrange dhcpserver));
if ($ent and $ent->{ntpservers}) {
$ntpservers = $ent->{ntpservers};
} elsif ($sitentpservers) {
$ntpservers = $sitentpservers;
if ($ent and $ent->{logservers}) {
$logservers = $ent->{logservers};
} elsif ($sitelogservers) {
$logservers = $sitelogservers;
if ($ent and $ent->{nameservers})
$nameservers = $ent->{nameservers};
if ($sitenameservers) {
$nameservers = $sitenameservers;
} else {
warning => [
"No $net specific entry for nameservers, and no nameservers defined in site table."
# convert <xcatmaster> to nameserver IP
if ($nameservers eq '<xcatmaster>')
$nameservers = $myip;
if ($ent and $ent->{tftpserver})
$tftp = $ent->{tftpserver};
{ #presume myself to be it, dhcp no longer does this for us
$tftp = $myip;
if ($ent and $ent->{gateway})
$gateway = $ent->{gateway};
if ($gateway eq '<xcatmaster>')
$gateway = $myip;
$gateway = '';
if ($ent and $ent->{dynamicrange})
unless ($ent->{dhcpserver}
and xCAT::Utils->thishostisnot($ent->{dhcpserver}))
{ #If specific, only one dhcp server gets a dynamic range
$range = $ent->{dynamicrange};
$range =~ s/[,-]/ /g;
warning => [
"No dynamic range specified for $net. If hardware discovery is being used, a dynamic range is required."
error =>
["Unable to open networks table, please run makenetworks"],
errorcode => [1]
return 1;
if ( $^O eq 'aix')
return gen_aix_net( $myip, $net, $mask, $gateway, $tftp,
$logservers, $ntpservers, $domain,
$nameservers, $range);
my @netent;
my $maskn = unpack("N", inet_aton($mask));
my $netn = unpack("N", inet_aton($net));
@netent = (
" subnet $net netmask $mask {\n",
" max-lease-time 43200;\n",
" min-lease-time 43200;\n",
" default-lease-time 43200;\n"
if ($gateway)
my $gaten = unpack("N", inet_aton($gateway));
if (($gaten & $maskn) == ($maskn & $netn))
push @netent, " option routers $gateway;\n";
error => [
"Specified gateway $gateway is not valid for $net/$mask, must be on same network"
errorcode => [1]
if ($tftp)
push @netent, " next-server $tftp;\n";
if ($logservers) {
push @netent, " option log-servers $logservers;\n";
} elsif ($myip){
push @netent, " option log-servers $myip;\n";
if ($ntpservers) {
push @netent, " option ntp-servers $ntpservers;\n";
} elsif ($myip){
push @netent, " option ntp-servers $myip;\n";
if ($nameservers)
push @netent, " option domain-name \"$domain\";\n";
push @netent, " option domain-name-servers $nameservers;\n";
my $ddnserver = $nameservers;
$ddnserver =~ s/,.*//;
my $ddnsdomain;
if ($netcfgs{$net}->{ddnsdomain}) {
$ddnsdomain = $netcfgs{$net}->{ddnsdomain};
if ($::XCATSITEVALS{dnshandler} =~ /ddns/) {
if ($ddnsdomain) {
push @netent, " ddns-domainname \"".$ddnsdomain."\";\n";
push @netent, " zone $ddnsdomain. {\n";
} else {
push @netent, " zone $domain. {\n";
if ($ddnserver)
push @netent, " primary $ddnserver; key xcat_key; \n";
push @netent, " }\n";
foreach (getzonesfornet($net,$mask)) {
push @netent, "zone $_ {\n";
if ($ddnserver)
push @netent, " primary $ddnserver; key xcat_key; \n";
push @netent, " }\n";
my $tmpmaskn = unpack("N", inet_aton($mask));
my $maskbits = 32;
while (not ($tmpmaskn & 1)) {
# $lstatements = 'if exists gpxe.bus-id { filename = \"\"; } else if exists client-architecture { filename = \"xcat/xnba.kpxe\"; } '.$lstatements;
push @netent, " if option user-class-identifier = \"xNBA\" { #x86, xCAT Network Boot Agent\n";
push @netent, " filename = \"http://$tftp/tftpboot/xcat/xnba/nets/".$net."_".$maskbits."\";\n";
push @netent, " } else if option client-architecture = 00:00 { #x86\n";
push @netent, " filename \"xcat/xnba.kpxe\";\n";
push @netent, " } else if option vendor-class-identifier = \"Etherboot-5.4\" { #x86\n";
push @netent, " filename \"xcat/xnba.kpxe\";\n";
push @netent,
" } else if option client-architecture = 00:02 { #ia64\n ";
push @netent, " filename \"elilo.efi\";\n";
push @netent,
" } else if substring(filename,0,1) = null { #otherwise, provide yaboot if the client isn't specific\n ";
push @netent, " filename \"/yaboot\";\n";
push @netent, " }\n";
if ($range) {
foreach my $singlerange (split /;/,$range) {
push @netent, " range dynamic-bootp $singlerange;\n"
push @netent, " } # $net\/$mask subnet_end\n";
splice(@dhcpconf, $idx, 0, @netent);
# Generate network configuration for aix
sub gen_aix_net
my $myip = shift;
my $net = shift;
my $mask = shift;
my $gateway = shift;
my $tftp = shift;
my $logservers = shift;
my $ntpservers = shift;
my $domain = shift;
my $nameservers = shift;
my $range = shift;
my $idx = 0;
while ( $idx <= $#dhcpconf)
if ($dhcpconf[$idx] =~ /#Network configuration end\n/)
unless ($dhcpconf[$idx] =~ /#Network configuration end\n/)
return 1; #TODO: this is an error condition
$range =~ s/ /-/;
my @netent = ( "network $net $mask\n{\n");
if ( $gateway)
if ($gateway eq '<xcatmaster>')
$gateway = $myip;
$gateway = '';
if (xCAT::Utils::isInSameSubnet($gateway,$net,$mask,1))
push @netent, " option 3 $gateway\n";
error => [
"Specified gateway $gateway is not valid for $net/$mask, must be on same network"
errorcode => [1]
# if ($tftp)
# {
# push @netent, " option 66 $tftp\n";
# }
if ($logservers) {
$logservers =~ s/,/ /g;
push @netent, " option 7 $logservers\n";
} elsif ($myip){
push @netent, " option 7 $myip\n";
if ($ntpservers) {
$ntpservers =~ s/,/ /g;
push @netent, " option 42 $ntpservers\n";
} elsif ($myip){
push @netent, " option 42 $myip\n";
push @netent, " option 15 \"$domain\"\n";
if ($nameservers)
$nameservers =~ s/,/ /g;
push @netent, " option 6 $nameservers\n";
push @netent, " subnet $net $range\n {\n";
push @netent, " } # $net/$mask ip configuration end\n";
push @netent, "} # $net/$mask subnet_end\n\n";
splice(@dhcpconf, $idx, 0, @netent);
sub addnic
my $nic = shift;
my $conf = shift;
my $firstindex = 0;
my $lastindex = 0;
unless (grep /} # $nic nic_end/, @$conf)
{ #add a section if not there
#print "Adding NIC $nic\n";
if ($nic =~ /!remote!/) {
push @$conf, "#shared-network $nic {\n";
push @$conf, "#\} # $nic nic_end\n";
} else {
push @$conf, "shared-network $nic {\n";
push @$conf, "\} # $nic nic_end\n";
#return; #Don't touch it, it should already be fine..
#my $idx=0;
#while ($idx <= $#dhcpconf) {
# if ($dhcpconf[$idx] =~ /^shared-network $nic {/) {
# $firstindex = $idx; # found the first place to chop...
# } elsif ($dhcpconf[$idx] =~ /} # $nic network_end/) {
# $lastindex=$idx;
# }
# $idx++;
#print Dumper(\@dhcpconf);
#if ($firstindex and $lastindex) {
# splice @dhcpconf,$firstindex,($lastindex-$firstindex+1);
#print Dumper(\@dhcpconf);
sub writeout
# add the new entries to the dhcp config file
my $targ;
open($targ, '>', $dhcpconffile);
my $idx;
my $skipone;
foreach $idx (0..$#dhcpconf)
#avoid writing out empty shared network declarations
if ($dhcpconf[$idx] =~ /^shared-network/ and $dhcpconf[$idx+1] =~ /^} .* nic_end/) {
} elsif ($skipone) {
print $targ $dhcpconf[$idx];
if ($^O eq 'aix')
# add back any NIM entries that were saved earlier
if (@aixcfg) {
foreach $idx (0..$#aixcfg)
print $targ $aixcfg[$idx];
if (@dhcp6conf) {
open($targ, '>', $dhcp6conffile);
foreach $idx (0..$#dhcp6conf)
if ($dhcp6conf[$idx] =~ /^shared-network/ and $dhcp6conf[$idx+1] =~ /^} .* nic_end/) {
} elsif ($skipone) {
print $targ $dhcp6conf[$idx];
sub newconfig6 {
#phase 1, basic working
#phase 2, ddns too, evaluate other stuff from dhcpv4 as applicable
push @dhcp6conf, "#xCAT generated dhcp configuration\n";
push @dhcp6conf, "\n";
push @dhcp6conf, "ddns-update-style interim;\n";
push @dhcp6conf, "ignore client-updates;\n";
push @dhcp6conf, "update-static-leases on;\n";
push @dhcp6conf, "omapi-port 7912;\n"; #Enable omapi...
push @dhcp6conf, "key xcat_key {\n";
push @dhcp6conf, " algorithm hmac-md5;\n";
my $passtab = xCAT::Table->new('passwd', -create => 1);
(my $passent) =
$passtab->getAttribs({key => 'omapi', username => 'xcat_key'}, 'password');
my $secret = encode_base64(genpassword(32)); #Random from set of 62^32
chomp $secret;
if ($passent->{password}) { $secret = $passent->{password}; }
data =>
["The dhcp server must be restarted for OMAPI function to work"]
$passtab->setAttribs({key => 'omapi'},
{username => 'xcat_key', password => $secret});
push @dhcp6conf, " secret \"" . $secret . "\";\n";
push @dhcp6conf, "};\n";
push @dhcp6conf, "omapi-key xcat_key;\n";
#that is all for pristine ipv6 config
sub newconfig
return newconfig_aix() if ( $^O eq 'aix');
# This function puts a standard header in and enough to make omapi work.
my $passtab = xCAT::Table->new('passwd', -create => 1);
push @dhcpconf, "#xCAT generated dhcp configuration\n";
push @dhcpconf, "\n";
push @dhcpconf, "authoritative;\n";
push @dhcpconf, "option space isan;\n";
push @dhcpconf, "option isan-encap-opts code 43 = encapsulate isan;\n";
push @dhcpconf, "option isan.iqn code 203 = string;\n";
push @dhcpconf, "option isan.root-path code 201 = string;\n";
push @dhcpconf, "option space gpxe;\n";
push @dhcpconf, "option gpxe-encap-opts code 175 = encapsulate gpxe;\n";
push @dhcpconf, "option gpxe.bus-id code 177 = string;\n";
push @dhcpconf, "option user-class-identifier code 77 = string;\n";
push @dhcpconf, "option code 176 = unsigned integer 8;\n";
push @dhcpconf, "option iscsi-initiator-iqn code 203 = string;\n"; #Only via gPXE, not a standard
push @dhcpconf, "ddns-update-style interim;\n";
push @dhcpconf, "ignore client-updates;\n"; #Windows clients like to do all caps, very un xCAT-like
push @dhcpconf, "update-static-leases on;\n"; #makedns rendered optional
push @dhcpconf,
"option client-architecture code 93 = unsigned integer 16;\n";
push @dhcpconf, "option 1;\n";
push @dhcpconf, "\n";
push @dhcpconf, "omapi-port 7911;\n"; #Enable omapi...
push @dhcpconf, "key xcat_key {\n";
push @dhcpconf, " algorithm hmac-md5;\n";
(my $passent) =
$passtab->getAttribs({key => 'omapi', username => 'xcat_key'}, 'password');
my $secret = encode_base64(genpassword(32)); #Random from set of 62^32
chomp $secret;
if ($passent->{password}) { $secret = $passent->{password}; }
data =>
["The dhcp server must be restarted for OMAPI function to work"]
$passtab->setAttribs({key => 'omapi'},
{username => 'xcat_key', password => $secret});
push @dhcpconf, " secret \"" . $secret . "\";\n";
push @dhcpconf, "};\n";
push @dhcpconf, "omapi-key xcat_key;\n";
push @dhcpconf, ('class "pxe" {'."\n"," match if substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9) = \"PXEClient\";\n"," ddns-updates off;\n"," max-lease-time 600;\n","}\n");
sub newconfig_aix
push @dhcpconf, "#xCAT generated dhcp configuration\n";
push @dhcpconf, "\n";
#push @dhcpconf, "numLogFiles 4\n";
#push @dhcpconf, "logFileSize 100\n";
#push @dhcpconf, "logFileName /var/log/dhcpsd.log\n";
#push @dhcpconf, "logItem SYSERR\n";
#push @dhcpconf, "logItem OBJERR\n";
#push @dhcpconf, "logItem PROTERR\n";
#push @dhcpconf, "logItem WARNING\n";
#push @dhcpconf, "logItem EVENT\n";
#push @dhcpconf, "logItem ACTION\n";
#push @dhcpconf, "logItem INFO\n";
#push @dhcpconf, "logItem ACNTING\n";
#push @dhcpconf, "logItem TRACE\n";
push @dhcpconf, "leaseTimeDefault 43200 seconds\n";
push @dhcpconf, "#Network configuration begin\n";
push @dhcpconf, "#Network configuration end\n";
sub genpassword
#Generate a pseudo-random password of specified length
my $length = shift;
my $password = '';
my $characters =
srand; #have to reseed, rand is not rand otherwise
while (length($password) < $length)
$password .= substr($characters, int(rand 63), 1);
return $password;