129 lines
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=head1 Name
B<rvitals> - remote hardware vitals
=head1 B<Synopsis>
B<rvitals> [B<-h>|B<--help>|B<-v>|B<--version>]
=head2 FSP/LPAR specific:
B<rvitals> I<noderange> {B<temp>|B<voltage>|B<lcds>|B<all>}
=head2 MPA specific:
B<rvitals> I<noderange> {B<temp>|B<voltage>|B<wattage>|B<fanspeed>|B<power>|B<leds>|B<summary>|B<all>}
=head2 Blade specific:
B<rvitals> I<noderange> {B<temp>|B<wattage>|B<fanspeed>|B<leds>|B<summary>|B<all>}
=head2 BMC specific:
B<rvitals> I<noderange> {B<temp>|B<voltage>|B<wattage>|B<fanspeed>|B<power>|B<leds>|B<lcds>|B<summary>|B<all>}
=head1 B<Description>
B<rvitals> retrieves hardware vital information from the on-board Service
Processor for a single or range of nodes and groups.
=head1 B<Options>
=over 7
=item B<cputemp>
Retrieves CPU temperatures.
=item B<disktemp>
Retrieves HD back plane temperatures.
=item B<ambtemp>
Retrieves ambient temperatures.
=item B<temp>
Retrieves all temperatures.
=item B<voltage>
Retrieves power supply and VRM voltage readings.
=item B<fanspeed>
Retrieves fan speeds.
=item B<lcds>
Retrieves LCDs status.
=item B<leds>
Retrieves LEDs status.
=item B<power>
Retrieves power status.
=item B<powertime>
Retrieves total power uptime. This value only increases, unless
the Service Processor flash gets updated.
=item B<reboot>
Retrieves total number of reboots. This value only increases,
unless the Service Processor flash gets updated.
=item B<state>
Retrieves the system state.
=item B<all>
All of the above.
=item B<-h>|B<--help>
Print help.
=item B<-v>|B<--version>
Print version.
=head1 B<Examples>
B<rvitals> I<node5> I<all>
node5: CPU 1 Temperature: + 29.00 C (+ 84.2 F)
node5: CPU 2 Temperature: + 19.00 C (+ 66.2 F)
node5: DASD Sensor 1 Temperature: + 32.00 C (+ 89.6 F)
node5: System Ambient Temperature Temperature: + 26.00 C (+ 78.8 F)
node5: +5V Voltage: + 5.01V
node5: +3V Voltage: + 3.29V
node5: +12V Voltage: + 11.98V
node5: +2.5V Voltage: + 2.52V
node5: VRM1 Voltage: + 1.61V
node5: VRM2 Voltage: + 1.61V
node5: Fan 1 Percent of max: 100%
node5: Fan 2 Percent of max: 100%
node5: Fan 3 Percent of max: 100%
node5: Fan 4 Percent of max: 100%
node5: Fan 5 Percent of max: 100%
node5: Fan 6 Percent of max: 100%
node5: Current Power Status On
node5: Current LCD1: SuSE Linux
node5: Power On Seconds 11855915
node5: Number of Reboots 930
node5: System State Booting OS or in unsupported OS
=head1 B<SEE ALSO>
L<rpower(1)|rpower.1>, L<rinv(1)|rinv.1>