sikorsky 36121ff298 If option "conserverondemand" in site table is set to yes then start all consoles on demand.
This helps eliminate many ssh connections to blade AMM which seems to kill AMMs occasionally.

git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
2008-09-10 15:07:26 +00:00

440 lines
13 KiB

# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license
#TODO: delete entries not being refreshed if no noderange
package xCAT_plugin::conserver;
use strict;
use xCAT::Table;
use xCAT::Utils;
use Getopt::Long;
use Sys::Hostname;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
my @cservers = qw(mrv cyclades);
my %termservers; #list of noted termservers
my $usage_string=
" makeconservercf noderange
makeconservercf [-l|--local]
makeconservercf -h|--help
makeconservercf -v|--version
-l|--local The conserver gets set up only on the local host.
The default goes down to all the conservers on
the server nodes and set them up.
-h|--help Display this usage statement.
-v|--version Display the version number.";
my $version_string=xCAT::Utils->Version();
sub handled_commands {
return {
makeconservercf => "conserver"
sub preprocess_request {
my $request = shift;
if ($request->{_xcatdest}) { return [$request]; } #exit if preprocessed
my $callback=shift;
my @requests;
my $noderange = $request->{node}; #Should be arrayref
#display usage statement if -h
my $extrargs = $request->{arg};
my @exargs=($request->{arg});
if (ref($extrargs)) {
my $isSN=xCAT::Utils->isServiceNode();
my @hostinfo=xCAT::Utils->determinehostname();
my %iphash=();
foreach(@hostinfo) { $iphash{$_}=1;}
'l|local' => \$::LOCAL,
'h|help' => \$::HELP,
'v|version' => \$::VERSION)) {
$request = {};
if ($::HELP) {
$request = {};
if ($::VERSION) {
$request = {};
if ($::LOCAL) {
if ($noderange && @$noderange>0) {
$callback->({data=>"Invalide option -l or --local when there are nodes specofied."});
$request = {};
# get site master
my $master=xCAT::Utils->get_site_Master();
if (!$master) { $master=hostname(); }
# get conserver for each node
my %cons_hash=();
my $hmtab = xCAT::Table->new('nodehm');
my @items;
my $allnodes=1;
if ($noderange && @$noderange>0) {
my $hmcache=$hmtab->getNodesAttribs(@$noderange,['node', 'serialport','cons', 'conserver']);
foreach my $node (@$noderange) {
my $ent=$hmcache->{$node}->[0]; #$hmtab->getNodeAttribs($node,['node', 'serialport','cons', 'conserver']);
push @items,$ent;
} else {
@items = $hmtab->getAllNodeAttribs(['node', 'serialport','cons', 'conserver']);
my @nodes=();
foreach (@items) {
if (((!defined($_->{cons})) || ($_->{cons} eq "")) and !defined($_->{serialport})) { next;} #skip if 'cons' is not defined for this node, unless serialport suggests otherwise
if (defined($_->{conserver})) { push @{$cons_hash{$_->{conserver}}{nodes}}, $_->{node};}
else { push @{$cons_hash{$master}{nodes}}, $_->{node};}
push @nodes,$_->{node};
#send all nodes to the MN
if (!$isSN) { #
my $reqcopy = {%$request};
$reqcopy->{'_xcatdest'} = $master;
$reqcopy->{'_allnodes'} = $allnodes; # the original command comes with nodes or not
if ($allnodes==1) { @nodes=(); }
$reqcopy->{node} = \@nodes;
push @requests, $reqcopy;
if ($::LOCAL) { return \@requests; }
# send to SN
foreach my $cons (keys %cons_hash) {
#print "cons=$cons\n";
my $doit=0;
if ($isSN) {
if (exists($iphash{$cons})) { $doit=1; }
} else {
if (!exists($iphash{$cons})) { $doit=1; }
if ($doit) {
my $reqcopy = {%$request};
$reqcopy->{'_xcatdest'} = $cons;
$reqcopy->{'_allnodes'} = [$allnodes]; # the original command comes with nodes or not
$reqcopy->{node} = $cons_hash{$cons}{nodes};
my $no=$reqcopy->{node};
#print "node=@$no\n";
push @requests, $reqcopy;
return \@requests;
sub process_request {
my $req = shift;
my $cb = shift;
if ($req->{command}->[0] eq "makeconservercf") {
sub docfheaders {
# Put in standard headers common to all files
my $content = shift;
my $numlines = @$content;
my @meat = grep(!/^#/,@$content);
unless (grep(/^config \* {/,@meat)) {
push @$content,"config * {\n";
push @$content," sslrequired yes;\n";
push @$content," sslauthority /etc/xcat/cert/ca.pem;\n";
push @$content," sslcredentials /etc/xcat/cert/server-cred.pem;\n";
push @$content,"}\n";
unless (grep(/^default full/,@meat)) {
push @$content,"default full { rw *; }\n";
unless (grep(/^default cyclades/,@meat)) {
push @$content,"default cyclades { type host; portbase 7000; portinc 1; }\n"
unless (grep(/^default mrv/,@meat)) {
push @$content,"default mrv { type host; portbase 2000; portinc 100; }\n"
unless (grep(/^access \*/,@meat)) {
#push @$content,"#xCAT BEGIN ACCESS\n";
push @$content,"access * {\n";
push @$content," trusted;\n";
if (xCAT::Utils->isServiceNode()) {
my $master=xCAT::Utils->get_site_Master();
push @$content, " trusted $master;\n";
push @$content,"}\n";
#push @$content,"#xCAT END ACCESS\n";
unless (grep(/^default \*/,@meat)) {
push @$content,"default * {\n";
push @$content," logfile /var/log/consoles/&;\n";
push @$content," timestamp 1hab;\n";
push @$content," include full;\n";
push @$content," master localhost;\n";
#-- if option "conserverondemand" in site table is set to yes
#-- then start all consoles on demand
#-- this helps eliminate many ssh connections to blade AMM
#-- which seems to kill AMMs occasionally
my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
my $vcon = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => "consoleondemand"}, 'value');
if ($vcon and $vcon->{"value"} and $vcon->{"value"} eq "yes" ) {
push @$content," options ondemand;\n";
push @$content,"}\n";
sub makeconservercf {
my $req = shift;
%termservers = (); #clear hash of existing entries
my $cb = shift;
my $nodes = $req->{node};
my $svboot=0;
if (exists($req->{svboot})) { $svboot=1;}
my $cfile;
my @filecontent;
open $cfile,'/etc/';
while (<$cfile>) {
push @filecontent,$_;
close $cfile;
my $isSN=xCAT::Utils->isServiceNode();
my @hostinfo=xCAT::Utils->determinehostname();
my %iphash=();
foreach(@hostinfo) {$iphash{$_}=1;}
#print "process_request nodes=@$nodes\n";
my $hmtab = xCAT::Table->new('nodehm');
my @cfgents1;# = $hmtab->getAllNodeAttribs(['cons','serialport','mgt','conserver','termserver','termport']);
if (($nodes and @$nodes > 0) or $req->{noderange}->[0]) {
@cfgents1 = $hmtab->getNodesAttribs($nodes,['cons','serialport','mgt','conserver','termserver','termport']);
} else {
@cfgents1 = $hmtab->getAllNodeAttribs(['cons','serialport','mgt','conserver','termserver','termport']);
#cfgents should now have all the nodes, so we can fill in our hashes one at a time.
# skip the one that does not have 'cons' defined, unless a serialport setting suggests otherwise
my @cfgents=();
foreach (@cfgents1) {
if ($_->{cons} or defined($_->{'serialport'})) { push @cfgents, $_; }
# get the teminal servers and terminal port when cons is mrv or cyclades
foreach (@cfgents) {
unless ($_->{cons}) {$_->{cons} = $_->{mgt};} #populate with fallback
#my $cmeth=$_->{cons};
#if (grep(/^$cmeth$/,@cservers)) { #terminal server, more attribs needed
# my $node = $_->{node};
# my $tent = $hmtab->getNodeAttribs($node,["termserver","termport"]);
# $_->{termserver} = $tent->{termserver};
# $termservers{$tent->{termserver}} = 1;
# $_->{termport}= $tent->{termport};
# nodes defined, it is either on the service node or mkconserver is call with noderange on mn
if (($nodes and @$nodes > 0) or $req->{noderange}->[0]) {
# strip all xCAT configured stuff from config if the original command was for all nodes
if (($req->{_allnodes}) && ($req->{_allnodes}->[0]==1)) {zapcfg(\@filecontent);}
foreach (@$nodes) {
my $node = $_;
foreach (@cfgents) {
if ($_->{node} eq $node) {
if ($_->{termserver} and not $termservers{$_->{termserver}}) {
$termservers{$_->{termserver}}=1; #prevent needless cycles being burned
} else { #no nodes specified, do em all up
zapcfg(\@filecontent); # strip all xCAT configured stuff from config
# filter out node types without console support
my $typetab = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype');
my %type;
if ( defined($typetab)) {
my @ents = $typetab->getAllNodeAttribs([qw(node nodetype)]);
foreach (@ents) {
foreach (@cfgents) {
my $keepdoing=0;
if ($isSN && $_->{conserver} && exists($iphash{$_->{conserver}})) {
$keepdoing=1; #only hanlde the nodes that use this SN as the conserver
if (!$isSN) { $keepdoing=1;} #handle all for MN
if ($keepdoing) {
if ($_->{termserver} and not $termservers{$_->{termserver}}) {
$termservers{$_->{termserver}}=1; #prevent needless cycles being burned
if ( $type{$_->{node}} !~ /fsp|bpa|hmc|ivm/ ) {
open $cfile,'>','/etc/';
foreach (@filecontent) {
print $cfile $_;
close $cfile;
if (!$svboot) {
#restart conserver daemon
my $cmd;
if (-f "/var/run/") {
$cmd = "/etc/rc.d/init.d/conserver restart";
} else {
$cmd = "/etc/rc.d/init.d/conserver start";
xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
sub dotsent {
my $cfgent = shift;
my $tserv = $cfgent->{termserver};
my $content = shift;
my $idx = 0;
my $toidx = -1;
my $skip = 0;
my $skipnext = 0;
while ($idx < $#$content) { # Go through and delete that which would match my entry
if ($content->[$idx] =~ /^#xCAT BEGIN $tserv TS/) {
$toidx=$idx; #TODO put it back right where I found it
$skip = 1;
} elsif ($content->[$idx] =~ /^#xCAT END $tserv TS/) {
$skipnext = 0;
if ($skip) {
splice (@$content,$idx,1);
} else {
$skip = $skipnext;
push @$content,"#xCAT BEGIN $tserv TS\n";
push @$content,"default $tserv {\n";
push @$content," include ".$cfgent->{cons}.";\n";
push @$content," host $tserv;\n";
push @$content,"}\n";
push @$content,"#xCAT END $tserv TS\n";
sub donodeent {
my $cfgent = shift;
my $node = $cfgent->{node};
my $content = shift;
my $idx=0;
my $toidx=-1;
my $skip = 0;
my $skipnext = 0;
my $isSN=xCAT::Utils->isServiceNode();
while ($idx < $#$content) { # Go through and delete that which would match my entry
if ($content->[$idx] =~ /^#xCAT BEGIN $node CONS/) {
$toidx=$idx; #TODO put it back right where I found it
$skip = 1;
} elsif ($content->[$idx] =~ /^#xCAT END $node CONS/) {
$skipnext = 0;
if ($skip) {
splice (@$content,$idx,1);
} else {
$skip = $skipnext;
push @$content,"#xCAT BEGIN $node CONS\n";
push @$content,"console $node {\n";
#if ($cfgent->{cons}
my $cmeth=$cfgent->{cons};
#print $cmeth."\n";
if (grep(/^$cmeth$/,@cservers)) {
push @$content," include ".$cfgent->{termserver}.";\n";
push @$content," port ".$cfgent->{termport}.";\n";
if ((!$isSN) && ($cfgent->{conserver}) && xCAT::Utils->thishostisnot($cfgent->{conserver})) { # let the master handle it
push @$content," master ".$cfgent->{conserver}.";\n";
} else { #a script method...
push @$content," type exec;\n";
if ((!$isSN) && ($cfgent->{conserver}) && xCAT::Utils->thishostisnot($cfgent->{conserver})) { # let the master handle it
push @$content," master ".$cfgent->{conserver}.";\n";
} else { # handle it here
my $locerror = $isSN ? "PERL_BADLANG=0 " : ''; # on service nodes, often LC_ALL is not set and perl complains
push @$content," exec $locerror".$::XCATROOT."/share/xcat/cons/".$cmeth." ".$node.";\n"
push @$content,"}\n";
push @$content,"#xCAT END $node CONS\n";
sub zapcfg {
my $content = shift;
my $idx=0;
my $toidx=-1;
my $skip = 0;
my $skipnext = 0;
while ($idx <= $#$content) { # Go through and delete that which would match my entry
if ($content->[$idx] =~ /^#xCAT BEGIN/) {
$toidx=$idx; #TODO put it back right where I found it
$skip = 1;
} elsif ($content->[$idx] =~ /^#xCAT END/) {
$skipnext = 0;
if ($skip) {
splice (@$content,$idx,1);
} else {
$skip = $skipnext;