144 lines
4.0 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env perl -w
if ($^O =~ /^aix/i) {
unshift(@INC, qw(/usr/opt/perl5/lib/5.8.2/aix-thread-multi /usr/opt/perl5/lib/5.8.2 /usr/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/aix-thread-multi /usr/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.8.2));
use strict;
use File::Path;
use Getopt::Long;
# script file name
$::script = $0;
$::script =~ s/.*\///;
# run the command
sub runcmd
my ($cmd) = @_;
my $rc=0;
$cmd .= ' 2>&1' ;
msg("Running command $cmd");
$::outref = `$cmd`;
if ($?)
$rc = $? >> 8;
if ($rc > 0)
print "$::sdate $0: $::outref\n";
print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate $0: $::outref\n";
return $rc;
sub msg
my $str = shift;
$::sdate = `/bin/date`;
chomp $::sdate;
#print "$::sdate $::script $str\n";
print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate $::script $str\n";
my $cmd;
my $logdir = "/var/log/xcat";
if (!-d $logdir) {
my $logfile = $logdir . "/xcat.log";
# this log should not contain much so it might be ok to let it grow?
# at least we'll have the errors preserved
my $xcatinfo;
my @sea_info = <$xcatinfo>;
my ($phy,$vir,$vlan,$ip,$mask,$host);
foreach my $sea_line (@sea_info) {
if ($sea_line =~ /SEA_ADAPTERS=(.*)$/) {
($phy,$vir,$vlan,$ip,$mask,$host) = split (/:/,$1);
if (!$phy || !$vir || !$vlan) {
msg("Warning: incorrect SEA_ADAPTERS format, the syntax is physcial_adapter:virtual_adapter:vlan_id:ip_addr:netmask, where the ip_addr and netmask could be blank if you do not want to configure ip for this SEA adapter, skipping TCP/IP configuration");
exit 1;
} else {
msg("Info: phy:$phy,vir:$vir,vlan:$vlan,ip:$ip-$mask, hostname:$host");
unless($mask) {
$mask = "";
#$cmd = "/usr/ios/cli/ioscli license -swma";
$cmd = "/usr/ios/cli/ioscli license -accept";
{ # detach bootnic
if ($phy =~ /^ent(\d+)/) {
my $phynic_id = $1;
my $en_nic = "en".$phynic_id;
my $ent_nic = "ent".$phynic_id;
my $et_nic = "et".$phynic_id;
$cmd = "ifconfig $en_nic down; ifconfig $en_nic detach; rmdev -dl $en_nic; rmdev -dl $ent_nic; rmdev -dl $et_nic; cfgmgr;";
if (&runcmd($cmd) != 0) {
msg("Error: could not detach nic:$phy");
exit 1;
{ # create sea adapter and config it
#$cmd = qq~su - padmin "-c ioscli license -accept; ioscli mkvdev -sea $phy -vadapter $virt -default $virt -defaultid $vlan"~;
$cmd = "/usr/ios/cli/ioscli mkvdev -sea $phy -vadapter $vir -default $vir -defaultid $vlan";
if (&runcmd($cmd) != 0) {
msg("Error: could not create SEA with physical adapter $phy, virtual adapter $vir and vlan id $vlan");
exit 1;
my $sea_out = $::outref;
my $sea = undef;
my @out_array = split (/\n/, $sea_out);
foreach (@out_array) {
if (/(ent\d+)\s*Available/) {
$sea = $1;
$sea =~ s/t//;
unless ($sea) {
msg("Error: did not get available SEA adapter, $sea_out===");
exit 1;
msg("Info: The interface created with mkvdev is: $sea");
#$cmd = qq~su - padmin "-c ioscli license -accept; ioscli mktcpip -host $host -inetaddr $ip -interface $sea -netmask $mask"~;
$cmd = "/usr/ios/cli/ioscli mktcpip -hostname $host -inetaddr $ip -interface $sea -netmask $mask";
if (&runcmd($cmd) != 0) {
msg("Error: could not configure ip address for SEA $sea");
my $lsicmd = "/usr/sbin/lsitab bootnicsea > /dev/null 2>&1";
if (&runcmd($lsicmd) == 0) {
my $rmicmd = 'rmitab "bootnicsea" > /dev/null 2>&1';
if (&runcmd($rmicmd) != 0) {
msg("Warning: config_bootnicsea: Could not remove config_bootnicsea from /etc/inittab.\n")
exit 0;