git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
1879 lines
65 KiB
1879 lines
65 KiB
# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license
package xCAT_plugin::sles;
$::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat';
use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl";
use Storable qw(dclone);
use Sys::Syslog;
use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
use xCAT::Table;
use xCAT::Utils;
use xCAT::TableUtils;
use xCAT::NetworkUtils;
use xCAT::SvrUtils;
use xCAT::MsgUtils;
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Path;
use File::Copy;
use File::Temp qw/mkdtemp/;
my $httpmethod = "http";
my $httpport = "80";
use File::Find;
use File::Basename;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use Socket;
use strict;
my @cpiopid;
sub handled_commands
return {
copycd => "sles",
mknetboot => "nodetype:os=(sles.*)|(suse.*)",
mkinstall => "nodetype:os=(sles.*)|(suse.*)",
mkstatelite => "nodetype:os=(sles.*)"
sub mknetboot
my $req = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $doreq = shift;
my $statelite = 0;
if($req->{command}->[0] =~ 'mkstatelite') {
$statelite = "true";
my $globaltftpdir = "/tftpboot";
my $nodes = @{$req->{node}};
my @nodes = @{$req->{node}};
my $ostab = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype');
#my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
my $linuximagetab;
my $pkgdir;
my $osimagetab;
my $installroot;
$installroot = "/install";
my $xcatdport = "3001";
#if ($sitetab)
#(my $ref) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'installdir'}, 'value');
my @entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("installdir");
my $t_entry = $entries[0];
if ( defined($t_entry) ) {
$installroot = $t_entry;
#($ref) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'xcatdport'}, 'value');
@entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("xcatdport");
$t_entry = $entries[0];
if ( defined($t_entry) ) {
$xcatdport = $t_entry;
my $ntents = $ostab->getNodesAttribs($req->{node}, ['os', 'arch', 'profile', 'provmethod']);
my %img_hash=();
my $statetab;
my $stateHash;
if ($statelite) {
$statetab = xCAT::Table->new('statelite', -create=>1);
$stateHash = $statetab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes, ['statemnt']);
# TODO: following the redhat change, get the necessary attributes before the next foreach
# get the mac addresses for all the nodes
my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new('mac');
my $machash = $mactab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes, ['interface', 'mac']);
my $restab = xCAT::Table->new('noderes');
my $reshash = $restab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes, ['primarynic', 'tftpserver', 'tftpdir', 'xcatmaster', 'nfsserver', 'nfsdir', 'installnic']);
my %donetftp=();
# Warning message for nodeset <noderange> install/netboot/statelite
foreach my $knode (keys %{$ntents})
my $ent = $ntents->{$knode}->[0];
if ($ent && $ent->{provmethod}
&& (($ent->{provmethod} eq 'install') || ($ent->{provmethod} eq 'netboot') || ($ent->{provmethod} eq 'statelite')))
warning => ["The options \"install\", \"netboot\", and \"statelite\" have been deprecated. They should continue to work in this release, but have not been tested as carefully, and some new functions are not available with these options. For full function and support, use \"nodeset <noderange> osimage=<osimage_name>\" instead."],
# Do not print this warning message multiple times
foreach my $node (@nodes)
my $osver;
my $arch;
my $profile;
my $provmethod;
my $rootimgdir;
my $nodebootif; # nodebootif will be used if noderes.installnic is not set
my $dump; #for kdump
my $crashkernelsize;
my $rootfstype;
my $cfgpart;
my $ent= $ntents->{$node}->[0];
if ($ent and $ent->{provmethod} and ($ent->{provmethod} ne 'install') and ($ent->{provmethod} ne 'netboot') and ($ent->{provmethod} ne 'statelite')) {
my $imagename=$ent->{provmethod};
#print "imagename=$imagename\n";
if (!exists($img_hash{$imagename})) {
if (!$osimagetab) {
$osimagetab=xCAT::Table->new('osimage', -create=>1);
(my $ref) = $osimagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $imagename}, 'osvers', 'osarch', 'profile', 'rootfstype', 'provmethod');
if ($ref) {
if (!$linuximagetab) {
$linuximagetab=xCAT::Table->new('linuximage', -create=>1);
(my $ref1) = $linuximagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $imagename}, 'rootimgdir', 'nodebootif', 'dump', 'crashkernelsize', 'partitionfile');
if (($ref1) && ($ref1->{'rootimgdir'})) {
if (($ref1) && ($ref1->{'nodebootif'})) {
$img_hash{$imagename}->{nodebootif} = $ref1->{'nodebootif'};
if (($ref1) && ($ref1->{'dump'})){
$img_hash{$imagename}->{dump} = $ref1->{'dump'};
if (($ref1) && ($ref1->{'crashkernelsize'})) {
$img_hash{$imagename}->{crashkernelsize} = $ref1->{'crashkernelsize'};
if ($ref1 && $ref1->{'partitionfile'}) {
# check the validity of the partition configuration file
if ($ref1->{'partitionfile'} =~ /^s:(.*)/) {
# the configuration file is a script
if (-r $1) {
$img_hash{$imagename}->{'cfgpart'} = "yes";
} else {
if (open (FILE, "<$ref1->{'partitionfile'}")) {
while (<FILE>) {
if (/enable=yes/) {
$img_hash{$imagename}->{'cfgpart'} = "yes";
close (FILE);
$img_hash{$imagename}->{'partfile'} = $ref1->{'partitionfile'};
} else {
{error => ["The os image $imagename does not exists on the osimage table for $node"],
errorcode => [1]});
my $ph=$img_hash{$imagename};
$osver = $ph->{osver};
$arch = $ph->{osarch};
$profile = $ph->{profile};
$rootfstype = $ph->{rootfstype};
$nodebootif = $ph->{nodebootif};
$provmethod = $ph->{provmethod};
$dump = $ph->{dump};
$crashkernelsize = $ph->{crashkernelsize};
$cfgpart = $ph->{'cfgpart'};
$rootimgdir = $ph->{rootimgdir};
unless ($rootimgdir) {
$rootimgdir = "$installroot/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile";
}else {
$osver = $ent->{os};
$arch = $ent->{arch};
$profile = $ent->{profile};
$rootfstype = "nfs"; # TODO: try to get it from the option or table
my $imgname;
if ($statelite) {
$imgname = "$osver-$arch-statelite-$profile";
} else {
$imgname = "$osver-$arch-netboot-$profile";
if (! $osimagetab) {
$osimagetab = xCAT::Table->new('osimage');
if ($osimagetab) {
my ($ref1) = $osimagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $imgname}, 'rootfstype');
if (($ref1) && ($ref1->{'rootfstype'})) {
$rootfstype = $ref1->{'rootfstype'};
} else {
{ error => [ qq{Cannot find the linux image called "$osver-$arch-$provmethod-$profile", maybe you need to use the "nodeset <nr> osimage=<osimage name>" command to set the boot state} ],
errorcode => [1]}
#get the dump path and kernel crash memory side for kdump on sles
if (!$linuximagetab){
$linuximagetab = xCAT::Table->new('linuximage');
if ($linuximagetab){
(my $ref1) = $linuximagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $imgname}, 'dump', 'crashkernelsize', 'partitionfile');
if ($ref1 && $ref1->{'dump'}){
$dump = $ref1->{'dump'};
if ($ref1 and $ref1->{'crashkernelsize'}){
$crashkernelsize = $ref1->{'crashkernelsize'};
if($ref1 and $ref1->{'partitionfile'}) {
# check the validity of the partition configuration file
if ($ref1->{'partitionfile'} =~ /^s:(.*)/) {
# the configuration file is a script
if (-r $1) {
$cfgpart = "yes";
} else {
if (-r $ref1->{'partitionfile'} && open (FILE, "<$ref1->{'partitionfile'}")) {
while (<FILE>) {
if (/enable=yes/) {
$cfgpart = "yes";
close (FILE);
{ error => [qq{ Cannot find the linux image called "$osver-$arch-$imgname-$profile", maybe you need to use the "nodeset <nr> osimage=<your_image_name>" command to set the boot state}],
errorcode => [1] }
unless ($osver and $arch and $profile)
error => ["Insufficient nodetype entry or osimage entry for $node"],
errorcode => [1]
#print"osvr=$osver, arch=$arch, profile=$profile, imgdir=$rootimgdir\n";
my $platform;
if ($osver =~ /sles.*/)
$platform = "sles";
# TODO: should get the $pkgdir value from the linuximage table
$pkgdir = "$installroot/$osver/$arch";
}elsif($osver =~ /suse.*/){
$platform = "sles";
my $suffix = 'gz';
if (-r "$rootimgdir/rootimg.sfs")
$suffix = 'sfs';
if ($statelite) {
unless ( -r "$rootimgdir/kernel") {
error=>[qq{Did you run "genimage" before running "liteimg"? kernel cannot be found}],
errorcode => [1]
if ( $rootfstype eq "ramdisk" and ! -r "$rootimgdir/rootimg-statelite.gz" ) {
error=>[qq{No packed rootimage for the platform $osver, arch $arch and profile $profile, please run liteimg to create it}],
if (!-r "$rootimgdir/initrd-statelite.gz") {
if (! -r "$rootimgdir/initrd.gz") {
error=>[qq{Did you run "genimage" before running "liteimg"? initrd.gz or initrd-statelite.gz cannot be found}],
else {
copy("$rootimgdir/initrd.gz", "$rootimgdir/initrd-statelite.gz");
} else {
unless ( -r "$rootimgdir/kernel") {
error=>[qq{Did you run "genimage" before running "packimage"? kernel cannot be found}],
if (!-r "$rootimgdir/initrd-stateless.gz") {
if (! -r "$rootimgdir/initrd.gz") {
error=>[qq{Did you run "genimage" before running "packimage"? initrd.gz or initrd-stateless.gz cannot be found}],
else {
copy("$rootimgdir/initrd.gz", "$rootimgdir/initrd-stateless.gz");
unless ( -r "$rootimgdir/rootimg.gz" or -r "$rootimgdir/rootimg.sfs" ) {
error=>[qq{No packed image for platform $osver, architecture $arch, and profile $profile, please run packimage before nodeset}],
my $tftpdir;
if ($reshash->{$node}->[0] and $reshash->{$node}->[0]->{tftpdir}) {
$tftpdir = $reshash->{$node}->[0]->{tftpdir};
} else {
$tftpdir = $globaltftpdir;
#TODO: only copy if newer...
unless ($donetftp{$osver,$arch,$profile,$tftpdir}) {
copy("$rootimgdir/kernel", "/$tftpdir/xcat/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile/");
if ($statelite) {
copy("$rootimgdir/initrd-statelite.gz", "/$tftpdir/xcat/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile/");
} else {
copy("$rootimgdir/initrd-stateless.gz", "/$tftpdir/xcat/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile/");
$donetftp{$osver,$arch,$profile,$tftpdir} = 1;
if ($statelite) {
unless ( -r "/$tftpdir/xcat/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile/kernel"
and -r "/$tftpdir/xcat/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile/initrd-statelite.gz") {
error=>[qq{copying to /$tftpdir/xcat/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile failed}],
} else {
unless ( -r "/$tftpdir/xcat/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile/kernel"
and -r "/$tftpdir/xcat/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile/initrd-stateless.gz") {
error=>[qq{copying to /$tftpdir/xcat/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile failed}],
# TODO: move the table operations out of the foreach loop
my $bptab = xCAT::Table->new('bootparams',-create=>1);
my $hmtab = xCAT::Table->new('nodehm');
my $sent =
['serialport', 'serialspeed', 'serialflow']);
# determine image server, if tftpserver use it, else use xcatmaster
# last resort use self
my $imgsrv;
my $ient;
my $xcatmaster;
$ient = $restab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['xcatmaster']);
if ($ient and $ient->{xcatmaster})
$xcatmaster = $ient->{xcatmaster};
} else {
$xcatmaster = '!myipfn!'; #allow service nodes to dynamically nominate themselves as a good contact point, this is of limited use in the event that xcat is not the dhcp/tftp server
$ient = $restab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['tftpserver']);
if ($ient and $ient->{tftpserver})
$imgsrv = $ient->{tftpserver};
# $ient = $restab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['xcatmaster']);
# if ($ient and $ient->{xcatmaster})
# {
# $imgsrv = $ient->{xcatmaster};
# }
# else
# {
# # master removed, does not work for servicenode pools
# #$ient = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => master}, value);
# #if ($ient and $ient->{value})
# #{
# # $imgsrv = $ient->{value};
# #}
# #else
# #{
# $imgsrv = '!myipfn!';
# #}
# }
$imgsrv = $xcatmaster;
unless ($imgsrv)
error => [
"Unable to determine or reasonably guess the image server for $node"
errorcode => [1]
my $kcmdline;
if ($statelite)
if($rootfstype ne "ramdisk") {
# get entry for nfs root if it exists;
# have to get nfssvr, nfsdir and xcatmaster from noderes table
my $nfssrv = $imgsrv;
my $nfsdir = $rootimgdir;
if ($restab) {
my $resHash = $restab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['nfsserver', 'nfsdir']);
if($resHash and $resHash->{nfsserver}) {
$nfssrv = $resHash->{nfsserver};
if($resHash and $resHash->{nfsdir} ne '') {
$nfsdir = $resHash->{nfsdir} . "/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile";
$kcmdline =
"NFSROOT=$nfssrv:$nfsdir STATEMNT=";
} else {
$kcmdline =
"imgurl=$httpmethod://$imgsrv/$rootimgdir/rootimg-statelite.gz STATEMNT=";
# add support for subVars in the value of "statemnt"
my $statemnt="";
if (exists($stateHash->{$node})) {
$statemnt = $stateHash->{$node}->[0]->{statemnt};
if (grep /\$/, $statemnt) {
my ($server, $dir) = split(/:/, $statemnt);
#if server is blank, then its the directory
unless($dir) {
$dir = $server;
$server = '';
if(grep /\$|#CMD/, $dir) {
$dir = xCAT::SvrUtils->subVars($dir, $node, 'dir', $callback);
$dir =~ s/\/\//\//g;
if($server) {
$server = xCAT::SvrUtils->subVars($server, $node, 'server', $callback);
$statemnt = $server . ":" . $dir;
$kcmdline .= $statemnt . " ";
# get "xcatmaster" value from the "noderes" table
if($rootfstype ne "ramdisk") {
#BEGIN service node
my $isSV = xCAT::Utils->isServiceNode();
my $res = xCAT::Utils->runcmd("hostname", 0);
my $sip = xCAT::NetworkUtils->getipaddr($res); # this is the IP of service node
if($isSV and (($xcatmaster eq $sip) or ($xcatmaster eq $res))) {
# if the NFS directory in litetree is on the service node,
# and it is not exported, then it will be mounted automatically
xCAT::SvrUtils->setupNFSTree($node, $sip, $callback);
# then, export the statemnt directory if it is on the service node
if($statemnt) {
xCAT::SvrUtils->setupStatemnt($sip, $statemnt, $callback);
#END sevice node
$kcmdline =
"imgurl=$httpmethod://$imgsrv/$rootimgdir/rootimg.$suffix ";
$kcmdline .= "XCAT=$xcatmaster:$xcatdport quiet ";
# add the kernel-booting parameter: netdev=<eth0>, or BOOTIF=<mac>
my $netdev = "";
my $mac = $machash->{$node}->[0]->{mac};
if ($reshash->{$node}->[0] and $reshash->{$node}->[0]->{installnic} and ($reshash->{$node}->[0]->{installnic} ne "mac")) {
$kcmdline .= "netdev=" . $reshash->{$node}->[0]->{installnic} . " ";
} elsif ($nodebootif) {
$kcmdline .= "netdev=" . $nodebootif . " ";
} elsif ($reshash->{$node}->[0] and $reshash->{$node}->[0]->{primarynic} and ($reshash->{$node}->[0]->{primarynic} ne "mac")) {
$kcmdline .= "netdev=" . $reshash->{$node}->[0]->{primarynic} . " ";
} else {
if ($arch =~ /x86/) {
#do nothing, we'll let pxe/xnba work their magic
} elsif ($mac) {
$kcmdline .= "BOOTIF=" . $mac . " ";
} else {
error=>[qq{"cannot get the mac address for $node in mac table"}],
if (defined $sent->{serialport}) {
#my $sent = $hmtab->getNodeAttribs($node,['serialspeed','serialflow']);
unless ($sent->{serialspeed})
error => [
"serialport defined, but no serialspeed for $node in nodehm table"
errorcode => [1]
$kcmdline .=
"console=tty0 console=ttyS" . $sent->{serialport} . "," . $sent->{serialspeed};
if ($sent->{serialflow} =~ /(hard|tcs|ctsrts)/)
$kcmdline .= "n8r";
#create the kcmd for node to support kdump
if ($dump){
if ($crashkernelsize){
$kcmdline .= " crashkernel=$crashkernelsize dump=$dump ";
# for ppc64, the crashkernel paramter should be "128M@32M", otherwise, some kernel crashes will be met
if ($arch eq "ppc64"){
$kcmdline .= " crashkernel=256M\@64M dump=$dump ";
if ($arch =~ /86/){
$kcmdline .= " crashkernel=128M dump=$dump ";
# add the cmdline parameters for handling the local disk for stateless
if ($cfgpart eq "yes") {
$kcmdline .= " PARTITION";
my $initrdstr = "xcat/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile/initrd-stateless.gz";
$initrdstr = "xcat/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile/initrd-statelite.gz" if ($statelite);
my $statelitetb = xCAT::Table->new('statelite');
my $mntopts = $statelitetb->getNodeAttribs($node, ['mntopts']);
my $mntoptions = $mntopts->{'mntopts'};
if(defined($mntoptions)) {
$kcmdline .= "MNTOPTS=\'$mntoptions\'";
kernel => "xcat/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile/kernel",
initrd => $initrdstr,
kcmdline => $kcmdline
sub process_request
my $request = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $doreq = shift;
my $distname = undef;
my $arch = undef;
my $path = undef;
if ($::XCATSITEVALS{"httpmethod"}) { $httpmethod = $::XCATSITEVALS{"httpmethod"}; }
if ($::XCATSITEVALS{"httpport"}) { $httpport = $::XCATSITEVALS{"httpport"}; }
if ($request->{command}->[0] eq 'copycd')
return copycd($request, $callback, $doreq);
elsif ($request->{command}->[0] eq 'mkinstall')
return mkinstall($request, $callback, $doreq);
elsif ($request->{command}->[0] eq 'mknetboot' or
$request->{command}->[0] eq 'mkstatelite')
return mknetboot($request, $callback, $doreq);
sub mkinstall
my $request = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $doreq = shift;
my $globaltftpdir = xCAT::TableUtils->getTftpDir();
my @nodes = @{$request->{node}};
my $node;
my $ostab = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype');
#my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
my $linuximagetab;
my $osimagetab;
my $ntents = $ostab->getNodesAttribs($request->{node}, ['os', 'arch', 'profile', 'provmethod']);
my %img_hash=();
my $installroot;
$installroot = "/install";
my $restab = xCAT::Table->new('noderes');
my $bptab = xCAT::Table->new('bootparams',-create=>1);
my $hmtab = xCAT::Table->new('nodehm');
my $resents =
'nfsserver', 'tftpdir','xcatmaster',
'primarynic', 'installnic'
my $hments =
$hmtab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes, ['serialport', 'serialspeed', 'serialflow']);
#if ($sitetab)
#(my $ref) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'installdir'}, 'value');
my @entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("installdir");
my $t_entry = $entries[0];
if ( defined($t_entry) ) {
$installroot = $t_entry;
my %doneimgs;
require xCAT::Template; #only used here, load so memory can be COWed
# Define a variable for driver update list
my @dd_drivers;
# Warning message for nodeset <noderange> install/netboot/statelite
foreach my $knode (keys %{$ntents})
my $ent = $ntents->{$knode}->[0];
if ($ent && $ent->{provmethod}
&& (($ent->{provmethod} eq 'install') || ($ent->{provmethod} eq 'netboot') || ($ent->{provmethod} eq 'statelite')))
warning => ["The options \"install\", \"netboot\", and \"statelite\" have been deprecated. They should continue to work in this release, but have not been tested as carefully, and some new functions are not available with these options. For full function and support, use \"nodeset <noderange> osimage=<osimage_name>\" instead."],
# Do not print this warning message multiple times
foreach $node (@nodes)
my $os;
my $arch;
my $profile;
my $tmplfile;
my $pkgdir;
my $pkglistfile;
my $osinst;
my $ent = $ntents->{$node}->[0];
my $plat = "";
my $tftpdir;
my $partfile;
my $netdrivers;
my $driverupdatesrc;
if ($resents->{$node} and $resents->{$node}->[0]->{tftpdir}) {
$tftpdir = $resents->{$node}->[0]->{tftpdir};
} else {
$tftpdir = $globaltftpdir;
if ($ent and $ent->{provmethod} and ($ent->{provmethod} ne 'install') and ($ent->{provmethod} ne 'netboot') and ($ent->{provmethod} ne 'statelite')) {
my $imagename=$ent->{provmethod};
#print "imagename=$imagename\n";
if (!exists($img_hash{$imagename})) {
if (!$osimagetab) {
$osimagetab=xCAT::Table->new('osimage', -create=>1);
(my $ref) = $osimagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $imagename}, 'osvers', 'osarch', 'profile', 'provmethod');
if ($ref) {
if (!$linuximagetab) {
$linuximagetab=xCAT::Table->new('linuximage', -create=>1);
(my $ref1) = $linuximagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $imagename}, 'template', 'pkgdir', 'pkglist', 'partitionfile', 'driverupdatesrc', 'netdrivers');
if ($ref1) {
if ($ref1->{'template'}) {
if ($ref1->{'pkgdir'}) {
if ($ref1->{'pkglist'}) {
if ($ref1->{'partitionfile'}) {
if ($ref1->{'driverupdatesrc'}) {
if ($ref1->{'netdrivers'}) {
} else {
{error => ["The os image $imagename does not exists on the osimage table for $node"],
errorcode => [1]});
my $ph=$img_hash{$imagename};
$os = $ph->{osver};
$arch = $ph->{osarch};
$profile = $ph->{profile};
if (!$pkgdir) {
$netdrivers = $ph->{netdrivers};
$driverupdatesrc = $ph->{driverupdatesrc};
else {
$os = $ent->{os};
$arch = $ent->{arch};
$profile = $ent->{profile};
if($os =~/sles.*/){
$plat = "sles";
}elsif($os =~/suse.*/){
$plat = "suse";
$plat = "foobar";
print "You should never get here! Programmer error!";
$tmplfile=xCAT::SvrUtils::get_tmpl_file_name("$installroot/custom/install/$plat", $profile, $os, $arch);
if (! $tmplfile) { $tmplfile=xCAT::SvrUtils::get_tmpl_file_name("$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/install/$plat", $profile, $os, $arch); }
$pkglistfile=xCAT::SvrUtils::get_pkglist_file_name("$installroot/custom/install/$plat", $profile, $os, $arch);
if (! $pkglistfile) { $pkglistfile=xCAT::SvrUtils::get_pkglist_file_name("$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/install/$plat", $profile, $os, $arch); }
#get the partition file from the linuximage table
my $imgname = "$os-$arch-install-$profile";
if (! $linuximagetab) {
$linuximagetab = xCAT::Table->new('linuximage');
if ( $linuximagetab ) {
(my $ref1) = $linuximagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $imgname}, 'partitionfile');
if ( $ref1 and $ref1->{'partitionfile'}){
$partfile = $ref1->{'partitionfile'};
else {
{ error => [qq{ Cannot find the linux image called "$imgname", maybe you need to use the "nodeset <nr> osimage=<your_image_name>" command to set the boot state}], errorcode => [1] }
unless ($os and $arch and $profile)
error => ["No profile defined in nodetype or osimage table for $node"],
errorcode => [1]
unless ( -r "$tmplfile")
error =>
["No AutoYaST template exists for " . $ent->{profile} . " in directory $installroot/custom/install/$plat or $::XCATROOT/share/xcat/install/$plat"],
errorcode => [1]
#To support multiple paths for osimage.pkgdir. We require the first value of osimage.pkgdir
# should be the os base pkgdir.
my @srcdirs = split(",", $pkgdir);
$pkgdir = $srcdirs[0];
#Call the Template class to do substitution to produce a kickstart file in the autoinst dir
my $tmperr;
if (-r "$tmplfile")
$tmperr =
if ($tmperr)
node => [
name => [$node],
error => [$tmperr],
errorcode => [1]
# create the node-specific post script DEPRECATED, don't do
#mkpath "/install/postscripts/";
#xCAT::Postage->writescript($node, "/install/postscripts/".$node, "install", $callback);
if (
$arch =~ /x86_64/
and -r "$pkgdir/1/boot/$arch/loader/linux"
and -r "$pkgdir/1/boot/$arch/loader/initrd"
$arch =~ /x86$/
and -r "$pkgdir/1/boot/i386/loader/linux"
and -r "$pkgdir/1/boot/i386/loader/initrd"
or ($arch =~ /ppc/ and -r "$pkgdir/1/suseboot/inst64")
#TODO: driver slipstream, targetted for network.
unless ($doneimgs{"$os|$arch|$profile|$tftpdir"})
my $tftppath;
if ($profile) {
$tftppath = "/$tftpdir/xcat/$os/$arch/$profile";
} else {
$tftppath = "/$tftpdir/xcat/$os/$arch";
if ($arch =~ /x86_64/)
copy("$pkgdir/1/boot/$arch/loader/linux", "$tftppath");
copy("$pkgdir/1/boot/$arch/loader/initrd", "$tftppath");
@dd_drivers = &insert_dd($callback, $os, $arch, "$tftppath/initrd", $driverupdatesrc, $netdrivers);
} elsif ($arch =~ /x86/) {
copy("$pkgdir/1/boot/i386/loader/linux", "$tftppath");
copy("$pkgdir/1/boot/i386/loader/initrd", "$tftppath");
@dd_drivers = &insert_dd($callback, $os, $arch, "$tftppath/initrd", $driverupdatesrc, $netdrivers);
elsif ($arch =~ /ppc/)
copy("$pkgdir/1/suseboot/inst64", "$tftppath");
@dd_drivers = &insert_dd($callback, $os, $arch, "$tftppath/inst64", $driverupdatesrc, $netdrivers);
$doneimgs{"$os|$arch|$profile|$tftpdir"} = 1;
#We have a shot...
my $ent = $resents->{$node}->[0];
my $sent = $hments->{$node}->[0]; #hmtab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['serialport', 'serialspeed', 'serialflow']);
my $netserver;
if ($ent and $ent->{xcatmaster}) {
$netserver = $ent->{xcatmaster};
} else {
$netserver = '!myipfn!';
if ($ent and $ent->{nfsserver})
$netserver = $ent->{nfsserver};
my $kcmdline =
"quiet autoyast=$httpmethod://"
. $netserver . ":" . $httpport
. "/install/autoinst/"
. $node
. " install=$httpmethod://"
. $netserver . ":" . $httpport
. "/install/$os/$arch/1";
my $netdev = "";
if ($ent->{installnic})
if ($ent->{installnic} eq "mac")
my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new("mac");
my $macref = $mactab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['mac']);
$netdev = $macref->{mac};
$netdev = $ent->{installnic};
elsif ($ent->{primarynic})
if ($ent->{primarynic} eq "mac")
my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new("mac");
my $macref = $mactab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['mac']);
$netdev = $macref->{mac};
$netdev = $ent->{primarynic};
$netdev = "bootif";
if ($netdev eq "") #why it is blank, no mac defined?
error => ["No mac.mac for $node defined"],
errorcode => [1]
unless ($netdev eq "bootif") { #if going by bootif, BOOTIF will suffice
$kcmdline .= " netdevice=" . $netdev;
# Add the kernel paramets for driver update disk loading
foreach (@dd_drivers) {
$kcmdline .= " dud=file:/cus_driverdisk/$_";
if (defined $sent->{serialport})
unless ($sent->{serialspeed})
error => [
"serialport defined, but no serialspeed for $node in nodehm table"
errorcode => [1]
$kcmdline .=
" console=tty0 console=ttyS"
. $sent->{serialport} . ","
. $sent->{serialspeed};
if ($sent and ($sent->{serialflow} =~ /(ctsrts|cts|hard)/))
$kcmdline .= "n8r";
# for pSLES installation, the dhcp request may timeout
# due to spanning tree settings or multiple network adapters.
# use dhcptimeout=150 to avoid dhcp timeout
if ($arch =~ /ppc/)
$kcmdline .= " dhcptimeout=150";
my $kernelpath;
my $initrdpath;
if ($arch =~ /x86/)
if ($profile) {
$kernelpath = "xcat/$os/$arch/$profile/linux";
$initrdpath = "xcat/$os/$arch/$profile/initrd";
} else {
$kernelpath = "xcat/$os/$arch/linux";
$initrdpath = "xcat/$os/$arch/initrd";
kernel => $kernelpath,
initrd => $initrdpath,
kcmdline => $kcmdline
elsif ($arch =~ /ppc/)
if ($profile) {
$kernelpath = "xcat/$os/$arch/$profile/inst64";
} else {
$kernelpath = "xcat/$os/$arch/inst64";
kernel => $kernelpath,
initrd => "",
kcmdline => $kcmdline
error => [
"Failed to detect copycd configured install source at /install/$os/$arch"
errorcode => [1]
#my $rc = xCAT::TableUtils->create_postscripts_tar();
#if ($rc != 0)
# xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "Error creating postscripts tar file.");
sub copycd
my $request = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $doreq = shift;
my $distname = "";
my $detdistname = "";
my $installroot;
my $arch;
my $path;
my $mntpath=undef;
my $inspection=undef;
my $noosimage=undef;
my $nonoverwrite=undef;
$installroot = "/install";
#my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
#if ($sitetab)
#(my $ref) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'installdir'}, 'value');
#print Dumper($ref);
my @entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("installdir");
my $t_entry = $entries[0];
if ( defined($t_entry) ) {
$installroot = $t_entry;
@ARGV = @{$request->{arg}};
'n=s' => \$distname,
'a=s' => \$arch,
'm=s' => \$mntpath,
'i' => \$inspection,
'p=s' => \$path,
'o' => \$noosimage,
'w' => \$nonoverwrite,
unless ($mntpath)
#this plugin needs $mntpath...
if ($distname and $distname !~ /^sles|^suse/)
#If they say to call it something other than SLES or SUSE, give up?
#parse the disc info of the os media to get the distribution, arch of the os
unless (-r $mntpath . "/content")
my $dinfo;
open($dinfo, $mntpath . "/content");
my $darch;
while (<$dinfo>)
if (m/^DEFAULTBASE\s+(\S+)/)
$darch = $1;
if (not $darch and m/^BASEARCHS\s+(\S+)/) {
$darch = $1;
unless ($darch)
my $dirh;
opendir($dirh, $mntpath);
my $discnumber;
my $totaldiscnumber;
while (my $pname = readdir($dirh))
if ($pname =~ /media.(\d+)/)
$discnumber = $1;
my $mfile;
open($mfile, $mntpath . "/" . $pname . "/media");
$totaldiscnumber = <$mfile>;
open($mfile, $mntpath . "/" . $pname . "/products");
my $prod = <$mfile>;
if ($prod =~ m/SUSE-Linux-Enterprise-Server/ || $prod =~ m/SUSE-Linux-Enterprise-Software-Development-Kit/)
if (-f "$mntpath/content") {
my $content;
my @contents = <$content>;
foreach (@contents) {
if (/^VERSION/) {
my @verpair = split /\s+|-/;
$detdistname = "sles".$verpair[1];
unless ($distname) { $distname = $detdistname; }
} else {
my @parts = split /\s+/, $prod;
my @subparts = split /-/, $parts[2];
$detdistname = "sles" . $subparts[0];
unless ($distname) { $distname = "sles" . $subparts[0] };
if($prod =~ m/Software-Development-Kit/) {
$discnumber = 'sdk' . $discnumber;
# check media.1/products for text.
# the cselx is a special GE built version.
# openSUSE is the normal one.
}elsif($prod =~ m/cselx 1.0-0|openSUSE 11.1-0/){
$distname = "suse11";
$detdistname = "suse11";
unless ($distname and $discnumber)
#failed to parse the disc info
if ($darch and $darch =~ /i.86/)
$darch = "x86";
elsif ($darch and $darch =~ /ppc/)
$darch = "ppc64";
if ($darch)
unless ($arch)
$arch = $darch;
if ($arch and $arch ne $darch)
error =>
["Requested SLES architecture $arch, but media is $darch"],
errorcode => [1]
info =>
%{$request} = (); #clear request we've got it.
my $defaultpath="$installroot/$distname/$arch";
my $ospkgpath= "$path/$discnumber";
#tranverse the directory structure of the os media and get the fingerprint
my @filelist=();
"wanted" => sub{s/$mntpath/\./;push(@filelist,$_);},
"no_chdir" => 1,
"follow" => 0,
my @sortedfilelist=sort @filelist;
my $fingerprint=md5_hex(join("",@sortedfilelist));
#check whether the os media has already been copied in
my $disccopiedin=0;
my $osdistroname=$distname."-".$arch;
my $tabosdistro=xCAT::Table->new('osdistro',-create=>1);
my %keyhash=();
$keyhash{osdistroname} = $osdistroname;
my $ref = undef;
$ref=$tabosdistro->getAttribs(\%keyhash, 'dirpaths');
if ($ref and $ref->{dirpaths} )
my @dirpaths=split(',',$ref->{dirpaths});
if(0 == system("grep -E "."\"\\<$fingerprint\\>\""." $_"."/.fingerprint"))
info =>
["The disc iso has already been copied in!"]
#create the destination directory of the os media copying
if(-l $ospkgpath)
}elsif(-d $ospkgpath)
my $omask = umask 0022;
umask $omask;
{data => "Copying media to $ospkgpath"});
my $rc;
#the intrupt handler of SIGINT and SIGTERM
$SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = sub {
kill 15, $_;
use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
my $kid=0;
do {
$kid = waitpid($_, WNOHANG);
} while $kid != $_;
if ($mntpath) {
system("umount $mntpath");
system("rm -rf $mntpath");
#media copy process
my $kid;
chdir $mntpath;
my $numFiles = scalar(@sortedfilelist);
my $child = open($kid,"|-");
unless (defined $child) {
$callback->({error=>"Media copy operation fork failure"});
if ($child) {
push @cpiopid,$child;
for (@sortedfilelist) {
print $kid $_."\n";
$rc = $?;
} else {
my $c = "nice -n 20 cpio -vdump $ospkgpath";
my $k2 = open(PIPE, "$c 2>&1 |") || exit(1);
push @cpiopid, $k2;
my $copied = 0;
my ($percent, $fout);
next if /^cpio:/;
$percent = $copied / $numFiles;
$fout = sprintf "%0.2f%%", $percent * 100;
$callback->({sinfo => "$fout"});
if($copied == $numFiles)
#media copy success
#media copy failed
# system(
# "cd $path; find . | nice -n 20 cpio -dump $installroot/$distname/$arch/$discnumber/"
# );
chmod 0755, "$path";
chmod 0755, "$ospkgpath";
#append the fingerprint to the .fingerprint file to indicate that the os media has been copied in
my $ret=open(my $fpd,">>","$path/.fingerprint");
print $fpd "$fingerprint,";
#if the destination path is not the default, create a symlink named by the default path to the specified path
unless($path =~ /^($defaultpath)/)
if(-d "$defaultpath/$discnumber")
my $hassymlink = eval { symlink("",""); 1 };
if ($hassymlink) {
if ($detdistname eq "sles10.2" and $discnumber eq "1") { #Go and correct inst_startup.ycp in the install root
my $tmnt = tempdir("xcat-sles.$$.XXXXXX",TMPDIR=>1);
my $tdir = tempdir("xcat-slesd.$$.XXXXXX",TMPDIR=>1);
my $startupfile;
my $ycparch = $arch;
if ($arch eq "x86") {
$ycparch = "i386";
system("mount -o loop $installroot/$distname/$arch/$discnumber/boot/$ycparch/root $tmnt");
system("cd $tmnt;find . |cpio -dump $tdir");
system("umount $tmnt;rm $installroot/$distname/$arch/$discnumber/boot/$ycparch/root");
my @ycpcontents = <$startupfile>;
my @newcontents;
my $writecont=1;
foreach (@ycpcontents) {
if (/No hard disks/) {
} elsif (/\}/) {
if ($writecont) {
push @newcontents, $_;
foreach (@newcontents) {
print $startupfile $_;
system("cd $tdir;mkfs.cramfs . $installroot/$distname/$arch/$discnumber/boot/$ycparch/root");
system("rm -rf $tmnt $tdir");
if ($rc != 0)
$callback->({error => "Media copy operation failed, status $rc"});
$callback->({data => "Media copy operation successful"});
my @ret=xCAT::SvrUtils->update_osdistro_table($distname,$arch,$path,$osdistroname);
if ($ret[0] != 0) {
$callback->({data => "Error when updating the osdistro tables: " . $ret[1]});
#if --noosimage option is not specified, create the relevant osimage and linuximage entris
my @ret=xCAT::SvrUtils->update_tables_with_templates($distname, $arch,$path,$osdistroname);
if ($ret[0] != 0) {
$callback->({data => "Error when updating the osimage tables: " . $ret[1]});
my @ret=xCAT::SvrUtils->update_tables_with_diskless_image($distname, $arch, undef, "netboot",$path,$osdistroname);
if ($ret[0] != 0) {
$callback->({data => "Error when updating the osimage tables for stateless: " . $ret[1]});
my @ret=xCAT::SvrUtils->update_tables_with_diskless_image($distname, $arch, undef, "statelite",$path,$osdistroname);
if ($ret[0] != 0) {
$callback->({data => "Error when updating the osimage tables for statelite: " . $ret[1]});
# callback subroutine for 'find' command to return the path
my $driver_name;
my $real_path;
sub get_path ()
if ($File::Find::name =~ /\/$driver_name/) {
$real_path = $File::Find::name;
# callback subroutine for 'find' command to return the path for all the matches
my @all_real_path;
sub get_all_path ()
if ($File::Find::name =~ /\/$driver_name/) {
push @all_real_path, $File::Find::name;
# Get the driver disk or driver rpm from the osimage.driverupdatesrc
# The valid value: dud:/install/dud/dd.img,rpm:/install/rpm/d.rpm, if missing the tag: 'dud'/'rpm'
# the 'rpm' is default.
# If cannot find the driver disk from osimage.driverupdatesrc, will try to search driver disk
# from /install/driverdisk/<os>/<arch>
# For driver rpm, the driver list will be gotten from osimage.netdrivers. If not set, copy all the drivers from driver
# rpm to the initrd.
sub insert_dd () {
my $callback = shift;
my $os = shift;
my $arch = shift;
my $img = shift;
my $driverupdatesrc = shift;
my $drivers = shift;
my $install_dir = xCAT::TableUtils->getInstallDir();
my $cmd;
my @dd_list;
my @rpm_list;
my @driver_list;
my $Injectalldriver;
my @rpm_drivers;
# Parse the parameters to the the source of Driver update disk and Driver rpm, and driver list as well
if ($driverupdatesrc) {
my @srcs = split(',', $driverupdatesrc);
foreach my $src (@srcs) {
if ($src =~ /dud:(.*)/i) {
push @dd_list, $1;
} elsif ($src =~ /rpm:(.*)/i) {
push @rpm_list, $1;
} else {
push @rpm_list, $src;
if (! @dd_list) {
# get Driver update disk from the default path if not specified in osimage
# check the Driver Update Disk images, it can be .img or .iso
if (-d "$install_dir/driverdisk/$os/$arch") {
$cmd = "find $install_dir/driverdisk/$os/$arch -type f";
@dd_list = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
foreach (split /,/,$drivers) {
if (/^allupdate$/) {
$Injectalldriver = 1;
unless (/\.ko$/) {
push @driver_list, $_;
unless (@dd_list || (@rpm_list && ($Injectalldriver || @driver_list))) {
return ();
# Create the tmp dir for dd hack
my $dd_dir = mkdtemp("/tmp/ddtmpXXXXXXX");
mkpath "$dd_dir/initrd_img";
my $pkgdir="$install_dir/$os/$arch";
# Unzip the original initrd
# This only needs to be done for ppc or handling the driver rpm
# For the driver disk against x86, append the driver disk to initrd directly
if ($arch =~/ppc/ || (@rpm_list && ($Injectalldriver || @driver_list))) {
if ($arch =~ /ppc/) {
$cmd = "gunzip --quiet -c $pkgdir/1/suseboot/initrd64 > $dd_dir/initrd";
} elsif ($arch =~ /x86/) {
$cmd = "gunzip --quiet -c $img > $dd_dir/initrd";
xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) {
my $rsp;
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Handle the driver update failed. Could not gunzip the initial initrd.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
return ();
# Unpack the initrd
$cmd = "cd $dd_dir/initrd_img; cpio -id --quiet < $dd_dir/initrd";
xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) {
my $rsp;
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Handle the driver update disk failed. Could not extract files from the initial initrd.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
return ();
# Start to load the drivers from rpm packages
if (@rpm_list && ($Injectalldriver || @driver_list)) {
# Extract the files from rpm to the tmp dir
mkpath "$dd_dir/rpm";
foreach my $rpm (@rpm_list) {
if (-r $rpm) {
$cmd = "cd $dd_dir/rpm; rpm2cpio $rpm | cpio -idum";
xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) {
my $rsp;
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Handle the driver update failed. Could not extract files from the rpm $rpm.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
} else {
my $rsp;
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Handle the driver update failed. Could not read the rpm $rpm.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
# To skip the conflict of files that some rpm uses the as the name of the driver
# Change it back to xxx.ko here
$driver_name = "\*";
@all_real_path = ();
find(\&get_all_path, <$dd_dir/rpm/*>);
foreach my $file (@all_real_path) {
my $newname = $file;
$newname =~ s/\.new$//;
$cmd = "mv -f $file $newname";
xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) {
my $rsp;
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Handle the driver update failed. Could not rename $file.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
# Copy the firmware to the rootimage
if (-d "$dd_dir/rpm/lib/firmware") {
if (! -d "$dd_dir/initrd_img/lib") {
mkpath "$dd_dir/initrd_img/lib";
$cmd = "cp -rf $dd_dir/rpm/lib/firmware $dd_dir/initrd_img/lib";
xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) {
my $rsp;
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Handle the driver update failed. Could not copy firmware to the initrd.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
# Copy the drivers to the rootimage
# Figure out the kernel version
my @kernelpaths = <$dd_dir/initrd_img/lib/modules/*>;
my @kernelvers;
foreach (@kernelpaths) {
push @kernelvers, basename($_);
foreach my $kernelver (@kernelvers) {
if (@driver_list) {
# copy the specific drivers to initrd
foreach my $driver (@driver_list) {
$driver_name = $driver;
$real_path = "";
find(\&get_path, <$dd_dir/rpm/lib/modules/$kernelver/*>);
#if ($real_path && $real_path =~ m!$dd_dir/rpm(/lib/modules/$kernelver/.*?)[^\/]*$!) {
# NOTE: for the initrd of sles that the drivers are put in the /lib/modules/$kernelver/initrd/
if ($real_path && $real_path =~ m!$dd_dir/rpm/lib/modules/$kernelver/!) {
if (! -d "$dd_dir/initrd_img/lib/modules/$kernelver/initrd") {
mkpath "$dd_dir/initrd_img/lib/modules/$kernelver/initrd";
$cmd = "cp -rf $real_path $dd_dir/initrd_img/lib/modules/$kernelver/initrd";
xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) {
my $rsp;
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Handle the driver update failed. Could not copy driver $driver to the initrd.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
} else {
push @rpm_drivers, $driver;
} elsif ($Injectalldriver) {
# copy all the drviers to the initrd
$driver_name = "\*\.ko";
@all_real_path = ();
find(\&get_all_path, <$dd_dir/rpm/lib/modules/$kernelver/*>);
foreach $real_path (@all_real_path) {
#if ($real_path && $real_path =~ m!$dd_dir/rpm(/lib/modules/$kernelver/.*?)[^\/]*$!) {
# NOTE: for the initrd of sles that the drivers are put in the /lib/modules/$kernelver/initrd/
if ($real_path && $real_path =~ m!$dd_dir/rpm/lib/modules/$kernelver/!) {
if (! -d "$dd_dir/initrd_img/lib/modules/$kernelver/initrd") {
mkpath "$dd_dir/initrd_img/lib/modules/$kernelver/initrd";
$cmd = "cp -rf $real_path $dd_dir/initrd_img/lib/modules/$kernelver/initrd";
my $driver = basename($real_path);
xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) {
my $rsp;
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Handle the driver update failed. Could not copy driver $driver to the initrd.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
} else {
push @rpm_drivers, $driver;
# regenerate the modules dependency
foreach my $kernelver (@kernelvers) {
$cmd = "cd $dd_dir/initrd_img; depmod -b . $kernelver";
xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) {
my $rsp;
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Handle the driver update failed. Could not generate the depdency for the drivers in the initrd.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
} # end of loading drivers from rpm packages
# Create the dir for driver update disk
# insert the driver update disk into the cus_driverdisk dir
foreach my $dd (@dd_list) {
copy($dd, "$dd_dir/initrd_img/cus_driverdisk");
# Repack the initrd
# In order to avoid the runcmd add the '2>&1' at end of the cpio
# cmd, the echo cmd is added at the end
$cmd = "cd $dd_dir/initrd_img; find . -print | cpio -H newc -o > $dd_dir/initrd | echo";
xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) {
my $rsp;
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Handle the driver update disk failed. Could not pack the hacked initrd.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
return ();
# zip the initrd
#move ("$dd_dir/", "$dd_dir/initrd");
$cmd = "gzip -f $dd_dir/initrd";
xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($arch =~/ppc/ || (@rpm_list && ($Injectalldriver || @driver_list))) {
if ($arch =~/ppc/) {
# make sure the src kernel existed
$cmd = "gunzip -c $pkgdir/1/suseboot/linux64.gz > $dd_dir/kernel";
xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
# create the zimage
$cmd = "env -u POSIXLY_CORRECT /lib/lilo/scripts/ --vmlinux $dd_dir/kernel --initrd $dd_dir/initrd.gz --output $img";
xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) {
my $rsp;
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Handle the driver update disk failed. Could not pack the hacked initrd.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
return ();
} elsif ($arch =~/x86/) {
copy ("$dd_dir/initrd.gz", "$img");
} elsif ($arch =~ /x86/) {
my $rdhandle;
my $ddhandle;
open ($ddhandle,"<","$dd_dir/initrd.gz");
{ local $/ = 32768; my $block; while ($block = <$ddhandle>) { print $rdhandle $block; } }
# clean the env
system("rm -rf $dd_dir");
my $rsp;
if (@dd_list) {
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Inserted the driver update disk:".join(',', sort(@dd_list)).".";
if (@driver_list) {
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Inserted the drivers:".join(',', sort(@rpm_drivers))." from driver packages.";
} elsif (@rpm_list && ($Injectalldriver || @driver_list)) {
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Inserted the drivers from driver packages:".join(',', sort(@rpm_list)).".";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
my @dd_files = ();
foreach my $dd (sort(@dd_list)) {
$dd =~ s/^.*\///;
push @dd_files, $dd;
return sort(@dd_files);
#sub get_tmpl_file_name {
# my $base=shift;
# my $profile=shift;
# my $os=shift;
# my $arch=shift;
# if (-r "$base/$profile.$os.$arch.tmpl") {
# return "$base/$profile.$os.$arch.tmpl";
# }
# elsif (-r "$base/$profile.$os.tmpl") {
# return "$base/$profile.$os.tmpl";
# }
# elsif (-r "$base/$profile.$arch.tmpl") {
# return "$base/$profile.$arch.tmpl";
# }
# elsif (-r "$base/$profile.tmpl") {
# return "$base/$profile.tmpl";
# }
# return "";