2012-04-28 09:26:49 +00:00

542 lines
17 KiB

# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
package xCAT::FSPpower;
use strict;
#use Getopt::Long;
use xCAT::PPCpower;
use xCAT::FSPUtils;
#use Data::Dumper;
# Parse the command line for options and operands
sub parse_args {
# Builds a hash of CEC/LPAR information returned from FSP
sub enumerate {
my $request = shift;
my $h = shift;
my $mtms = shift;
my $tooltype = shift;
my %outhash = ();
my %cmds = ();
my $type = ();
my $cec_bpa = ();
my $tmp_d;
# Check for CEC/LPAR/BPAs in list
while (my ($name,$d) = each(%$h) ) {
$cec_bpa = @$d[3];
$type = @$d[4];
$tmp_d = $d;
#$cmds{$type} = ($type=~/^lpar$/) ? "all_lpars_state" : "cec_state";
if( $type=~/^lpar$/ ) {
$cmds{$type} = "all_lpars_state";
} elsif ($type=~/^(fsp|cec|blade)$/) {
$cmds{$type} = "cec_state";
} else {
$cmds{$type} = "bpa_state";
foreach my $type ( keys %cmds ) {
my $action = $cmds{$type};
#my $values = xCAT::FSPUtils::fsp_state_action ($request, $cec_bpa, $type, $action, $tooltype);
my $values = xCAT::FSPUtils::fsp_state_action ($request, $cec_bpa, $tmp_d, $action, $tooltype);
my $Rc = shift(@$values);
# Return error
if ( $Rc != 0 ) {
return( [$Rc,@$values[0]] );
# Save LPARs by id
foreach ( @$values ) {
my ($state,$lparid) = split /,/;
# No lparid for fsp/bpa
if ( $type =~ /^(fsp|bpa|cec|frame|blade)$/ ) {
if ($type eq 'blade') {
if ($state =~ /standby|operating/) {
$state = "on";
$lparid = $type;
$outhash{ $lparid } = $state;
return( [0,\%outhash] );
# Performs boot operation (Off->On, On->Reset)
sub powercmd_boot {
my $request = shift;
my $hash = shift;
my @output = ();
# Power commands are grouped by CEC
# not Hardware Control Point
#Example of $hash
# $VAR1 = {
# 'Server-9110-51A-SN1075ECF' => [
# 0,
# 0,
# '9110-51A*1075ECF',
# 'Server-9110-51A-SN1075ECF',
# 'fsp',
# 0
# ]
# }
foreach my $node_name ( keys %$hash)
my $d = $hash->{$node_name};
if (!($$d[4] =~ /^lpar$/)) {
push @output, [$node_name, "\'boot\' command not supported for CEC or BPA", -1 ];
#return (\@output);
my $res = xCAT::FSPUtils::fsp_api_action ($request,$node_name, $d, "state");
#print "In boot, state\n";
#print Dumper($res);
my $Rc = @$res[2];
my $data = @$res[1];
#my $type = @$d[4];
#my $id = ($type=~/^(fsp|bpa)$/) ? $type : @$d[0];
# Output error
if ( $Rc != SUCCESS ) {
push @output, [$node_name,$data,$Rc];
# Convert state to on/off
my $state = power_status($data);
#print "boot:state:$state\n";
my $op = ($state =~ /^off$/) ? "on" : "reset";
# Attribute powerinterval in site table,
# to control the rpower speed
if( defined($request->{'powerinterval'}) ) {
$res = xCAT::FSPUtils::fsp_api_action ($request,$node_name, $d, $op);
# @output ...
$Rc = @$res[2];
$data = @$res[1];
if ( $Rc != SUCCESS ) {
push @output, [$node_name,$data,$Rc];
push @output,[$node_name, "Success", 0];
return( \@output );
# Performs power control operations (on,off,reboot,etc)
sub powercmd {
my $request = shift;
my $hash = shift;
my $tooltype = $request->{opt}->{T};
my @result = ();
my @output;
my $action;
my $node_name;
my $newids;
my $newnames;
my $newd;
my $lpar_flag = 0;
my $cec_flag = 0;
my $frame_flag = 0;
#print "++++in powercmd++++\n";
#print Dumper($hash);
# Power commands are grouped by cec or lpar
# not Hardware Control Point
#Example of $hash.
#$VAR1 = {
# 'lpar01' => [
# '1',
# 'lpar01_normal',
# '9110-51A*1075ECF',
# 'Server-9110-51A-SN1075ECF',
# 'lpar',
# 0
# ]
# };
foreach $node_name ( keys %$hash)
$action = $request->{'op'};
my $d = $hash->{$node_name};
if ($$d[4] =~ /^lpar$/) {
if( !($action =~ /^(on|off|of|reset|sms)$/)) {
push @output, [$node_name, "\'$action\' command not supported for LPAR", -1 ];
return (\@output);
$newids .= "$$d[0],";
$newnames .="$node_name,";
$newd = $d;
$lpar_flag = 1;
} elsif ($$d[4] =~ /^(fsp|cec|blade)$/) {
if($action =~ /^on$/) { $action = "cec_on_autostart"; }
if($action =~ /^off$/) { $action = "cec_off"; }
if($action =~ /^resetsp$/) { $action = "reboot_service_processor"; }
if($action =~ /^lowpower$/) { $action = "cec_on_low_power"; }
#if($action =~ /^cycle$/) {$action = "cec_reboot";}
if($action =~ /^cycle$/) {$action = "reset";}
if($action !~ /^cec_on_autostart$/ && $action !~ /^cec_off$/ && $action !~ /^cec_on_low_power$/ && $action !~ /^onstandby$/ && $action !~ /^reboot_service_processor$/ && $action !~ /^reset$/) {
push @output, [$node_name, "\'$action\' command not supported for $$d[4]", -1 ];
return (\@output);
$newids = $$d[0];
$newnames = $node_name;
$newd = $d;
$cec_flag = 1;
} else {
if ( $action =~ /^rackstandby$/) {
$action = "enter_rack_standby";
} elsif ( $action=~/^exit_rackstandby$/) {
$action = "exit_rack_standby";
} elsif ($action =~ /^resetsp$/) {
$action = "reboot_service_processor";
} else {
push @output, [$node_name, "$node_name\'s type isn't fsp or lpar. Not allow doing this operation", -1 ];
return (\@output);
$newids = $$d[0];
$newnames = $node_name;
$newd = $d;
$frame_flag = 1;
if( $lpar_flag && $cec_flag) {
push @output, [$node_name," $node_name\'s type is different from the last node. The noderange of power control operation could NOT be lpar/cec mixed" , -1 ];
return (\@output);
if( $lpar_flag && $frame_flag) {
push @output, [$node_name," $node_name\'s type is different from the last node. The noderange of power control operation could NOT be lpar/frame mixed" , -1 ];
return (\@output);
if( $cec_flag && $frame_flag) {
push @output, [$node_name," $node_name\'s type is different from the last node. The noderange of power control operation could NOT be cec/frame mixed" , -1 ];
return (\@output);
$$newd[0] = $newids;
#print Dumper($newd);
my $res = xCAT::FSPUtils::fsp_api_action($request, $newnames, $newd, $action, $tooltype, $request->{'powerinterval'} );
# print "In boot, state\n";
# print Dumper($res);
my $Rc = @$res[2];
my $data = @$res[1];
foreach $node_name ( keys %$hash)
my $d = $hash->{$node_name};
if( $data =~ /Error/) {
if( $data =~ /Power interval/) {
$data = "Error: Invalid powerinterval value in the site table. The valid powerinerval value could be 0 to 300 .";
push @output, [$node_name, $data, -1];
} elsif ( $data =~ /$node_name/) {
push @output, [$node_name, $data, -1];
if ((scalar(keys %$hash) == 1) and $Rc) {
push @output, [$node_name, $data, $Rc];
} else {
# check the state of the blade or CEC after cec_reboot in order to let HWS realize the destination CEC had been powerd off #
#my $msg = "success";
if ($action eq 'cec_reboot') {
sleep 0.1;
xCAT::FSPUtils::fsp_state_action ($request, @$d[3], $d, "cec_state");
#my $state_res = xCAT::FSPUtils::fsp_state_action (@$d[3], @$d[4], "cec_state");
#my @state_state = @$state_res[1];
#$msg = @state_state[0];
push @output, [$node_name,"Success", 0];
#push @output, [$node_name,$msg, 0];
return( \@output );
# Queries CEC/LPAR power status (On or Off) for powercmd_boot
sub power_status {
my $value = shift;
my @states = (
"Open Firmware|open-firmware"
foreach my $s ( @states ) {
if ($value =~ /$s/ ) {
# Queries CEC/LPAR power status
sub state {
my $request = shift;
my $hash = shift;
my $exp = shift; # NOt use
my $prefix = shift;
my $convert = shift;
my @output = ();
my $tooltype = $request->{opt}->{T};
#print "------in state--------\n";
#print Dumper($request);
#print Dumper($hash);
# Power commands are grouped by hardware control point
# In FSPpower, the hcp is the related fsp.
# Example of $hash.
#VAR1 = {
# '9110-51A*1075ECF' => {
# 'Server-9110-51A-SN1075ECF' => [
# 0,
# 0,
# '9110-51A*1075ECF',
# 'fsp1_name',
# 'fsp',
# 0
# ]
# }
# };
my @result = ();
if ( !defined( $prefix )) {
$prefix = "";
while (my ($mtms,$h) = each(%$hash) ) {
# Build CEC/LPAR information hash
my $stat = enumerate($request, $h, $mtms, $tooltype);
my $Rc = shift(@$stat);
my $data = @$stat[0];
#if($Rc != 0) {
# push @result,[$mtms ,$$data[0],$Rc];
# return(\@result);
while (my ($name,$d) = each(%$h) ) {
# Look up by lparid
my $type = @$d[4];
my $id = ($type=~/^(fsp|bpa|cec|frame|blade)$/) ? $type : @$d[0];
# Output error
if ( $Rc != SUCCESS ) {
push @result, [$name, "$prefix$data",$Rc];
#print Dumper($data);
my @k = keys(%$data);
if( grep(/all/, @k) == 1 ) {
$data->{$id} = $data->{all};
# Node not found
if ($type !~ /^blade$/ and !exists( $data->{$id} )) {
my $res = xCAT::FSPUtils::fsp_api_action($request, $name, $d, "state", $tooltype);
my $rc = @$res[2];
my $val = @$res[1];
if( $rc != 0) {
#push @result, [$name, $prefix.$val,1];
if( !defined($val) || $val =~ /^error$/ ) {
push @result, [$name, $prefix."Node not found",1];
} else {
$data->{$id} = $val;
# Output value
my $value = $data->{$id};
# Convert state to on/off
if ( defined( $convert )) {
$value = power_status( $value );
push @result, [$name,"$prefix$value",$Rc];
return( \@result );
# Queries CEC/LPAR power status
sub state1 {
my $request = shift;
my $hash = shift;
my $exp = shift; # NOt use
my $prefix = shift;
my $convert = shift;
my @output = ();
my $action = "state";
#print "------in state--------\n";
#print Dumper($request);
#print Dumper($hash);
# Power commands are grouped by hardware control point
# In FSPpower, the hcp is the related fsp.
# Example of $hash.
#VAR1 = {
# '9110-51A*1075ECF' => {
# 'Server-9110-51A-SN1075ECF' => [
# 0,
# 0,
# '9110-51A*1075ECF',
# 'fsp1_name',
# 'fsp',
# 0
# ]
# }
# };
foreach my $cec_bpa ( keys %$hash)
my $node_hash = $hash->{$cec_bpa};
for my $node_name ( keys %$node_hash)
my $d = $node_hash->{$node_name};
if($$d[4] =~ /^fsp$/ || $$d[4] =~ /^bpa$/) {
$action = "cec_state";
my $stat = xCAT::FSPUtils::fsp_api_action ($request, $node_name, $d, $action);
my $Rc = @$stat[2];
my $data = @$stat[1];
my $type = @$d[4];
#my $id = ($type=~/^(fsp|bpa)$/) ? $type : @$d[0];
# Output error
if ( $Rc != SUCCESS ) {
push @output, [$node_name,$data,$Rc];
# Convert state to on/off
if ( defined( $convert )) {
$data = power_status( $data );
#print Dumper($prefix);
# state cec_state
if ( defined($prefix) ) {
$data = "$prefix $data";
push @output,[$node_name, $data, $Rc];
return( \@output );