git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
1776 lines
61 KiB
1776 lines
61 KiB
# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license
package xCAT_plugin::sles;
$::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat';
use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl";
use Storable qw(dclone);
use Sys::Syslog;
use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
use xCAT::Table;
use xCAT::Utils;
use xCAT::TableUtils;
use xCAT::NetworkUtils;
use xCAT::SvrUtils;
use xCAT::MsgUtils;
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Path;
use File::Copy;
use File::Temp qw/mkdtemp/;
my $httpmethod = "http";
my $httpport = "80";
use File::Find;
use File::Basename;
use Socket;
use strict;
my @cpiopid;
sub handled_commands
return {
copycd => "sles",
mknetboot => "nodetype:os=(sles.*)|(suse.*)",
mkinstall => "nodetype:os=(sles.*)|(suse.*)",
mkstatelite => "nodetype:os=(sles.*)"
sub mknetboot
my $req = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $doreq = shift;
my $statelite = 0;
if($req->{command}->[0] =~ 'mkstatelite') {
$statelite = "true";
my $globaltftpdir = "/tftpboot";
my $nodes = @{$req->{node}};
my @nodes = @{$req->{node}};
my $ostab = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype');
#my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
my $linuximagetab;
my $pkgdir;
my $osimagetab;
my $installroot;
$installroot = "/install";
my $xcatdport = "3001";
#if ($sitetab)
#(my $ref) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'installdir'}, 'value');
my @entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("installdir");
my $t_entry = $entries[0];
if ( defined($t_entry) ) {
$installroot = $t_entry;
#($ref) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'xcatdport'}, 'value');
@entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("xcatdport");
$t_entry = $entries[0];
if ( defined($t_entry) ) {
$xcatdport = $t_entry;
my $ntents = $ostab->getNodesAttribs($req->{node}, ['os', 'arch', 'profile', 'provmethod']);
my %img_hash=();
my $statetab;
my $stateHash;
if ($statelite) {
$statetab = xCAT::Table->new('statelite', -create=>1);
$stateHash = $statetab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes, ['statemnt']);
# TODO: following the redhat change, get the necessary attributes before the next foreach
# get the mac addresses for all the nodes
my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new('mac');
my $machash = $mactab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes, ['interface', 'mac']);
my $restab = xCAT::Table->new('noderes');
my $reshash = $restab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes, ['primarynic', 'tftpserver', 'tftpdir', 'xcatmaster', 'nfsserver', 'nfsdir', 'installnic']);
my %donetftp=();
foreach my $node (@nodes)
my $osver;
my $arch;
my $profile;
my $provmethod;
my $rootimgdir;
my $nodebootif; # nodebootif will be used if noderes.installnic is not set
my $dump; #for kdump
my $crashkernelsize;
my $rootfstype;
my $cfgpart;
my $ent= $ntents->{$node}->[0];
if ($ent and $ent->{provmethod} and ($ent->{provmethod} ne 'install') and ($ent->{provmethod} ne 'netboot') and ($ent->{provmethod} ne 'statelite')) {
my $imagename=$ent->{provmethod};
#print "imagename=$imagename\n";
if (!exists($img_hash{$imagename})) {
if (!$osimagetab) {
$osimagetab=xCAT::Table->new('osimage', -create=>1);
(my $ref) = $osimagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $imagename}, 'osvers', 'osarch', 'profile', 'rootfstype', 'provmethod');
if ($ref) {
if (!$linuximagetab) {
$linuximagetab=xCAT::Table->new('linuximage', -create=>1);
(my $ref1) = $linuximagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $imagename}, 'rootimgdir', 'nodebootif', 'dump', 'crashkernelsize', 'partitionfile');
if (($ref1) && ($ref1->{'rootimgdir'})) {
if (($ref1) && ($ref1->{'nodebootif'})) {
$img_hash{$imagename}->{nodebootif} = $ref1->{'nodebootif'};
if (($ref1) && ($ref1->{'dump'})){
$img_hash{$imagename}->{dump} = $ref1->{'dump'};
if (($ref1) && ($ref1->{'crashkernelsize'})) {
$img_hash{$imagename}->{crashkernelsize} = $ref1->{'crashkernelsize'};
if ($ref1 && $ref1->{'partitionfile'}) {
# check the validity of the partition configuration file
if ($ref1->{'partitionfile'} =~ /^s:(.*)/) {
# the configuration file is a script
if (-r $1) {
$img_hash{$imagename}->{'cfgpart'} = "yes";
} else {
if (open (FILE, "<$ref1->{'partitionfile'}")) {
while (<FILE>) {
if (/enable=yes/) {
$img_hash{$imagename}->{'cfgpart'} = "yes";
close (FILE);
$img_hash{$imagename}->{'partfile'} = $ref1->{'partitionfile'};
} else {
{error => ["The os image $imagename does not exists on the osimage table for $node"],
errorcode => [1]});
my $ph=$img_hash{$imagename};
$osver = $ph->{osver};
$arch = $ph->{osarch};
$profile = $ph->{profile};
$rootfstype = $ph->{rootfstype};
$nodebootif = $ph->{nodebootif};
$provmethod = $ph->{provmethod};
$dump = $ph->{dump};
$crashkernelsize = $ph->{crashkernelsize};
$cfgpart = $ph->{'cfgpart'};
$rootimgdir = $ph->{rootimgdir};
unless ($rootimgdir) {
$rootimgdir = "$installroot/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile";
}else {
$osver = $ent->{os};
$arch = $ent->{arch};
$profile = $ent->{profile};
$rootfstype = "nfs"; # TODO: try to get it from the option or table
my $imgname;
if ($statelite) {
$imgname = "$osver-$arch-statelite-$profile";
} else {
$imgname = "$osver-$arch-netboot-$profile";
if (! $osimagetab) {
$osimagetab = xCAT::Table->new('osimage');
if ($osimagetab) {
my ($ref1) = $osimagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $imgname}, 'rootfstype');
if (($ref1) && ($ref1->{'rootfstype'})) {
$rootfstype = $ref1->{'rootfstype'};
} else {
{ error => [ qq{Cannot find the linux image called "$osver-$arch-$provmethod-$profile", maybe you need to use the "nodeset <nr> osimage=<osimage name>" command to set the boot state} ],
errorcode => [1]}
#get the dump path and kernel crash memory side for kdump on sles
if (!$linuximagetab){
$linuximagetab = xCAT::Table->new('linuximage');
if ($linuximagetab){
(my $ref1) = $linuximagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $imgname}, 'dump', 'crashkernelsize', 'partitionfile');
if ($ref1 && $ref1->{'dump'}){
$dump = $ref1->{'dump'};
if ($ref1 and $ref1->{'crashkernelsize'}){
$crashkernelsize = $ref1->{'crashkernelsize'};
if($ref1 and $ref1->{'partitionfile'}) {
# check the validity of the partition configuration file
if ($ref1->{'partitionfile'} =~ /^s:(.*)/) {
# the configuration file is a script
if (-r $1) {
$cfgpart = "yes";
} else {
if (-r $ref1->{'partitionfile'} && open (FILE, "<$ref1->{'partitionfile'}")) {
while (<FILE>) {
if (/enable=yes/) {
$cfgpart = "yes";
close (FILE);
{ error => [qq{ Cannot find the linux image called "$osver-$arch-$imgname-$profile", maybe you need to use the "nodeset <nr> osimage=<your_image_name>" command to set the boot state}],
errorcode => [1] }
unless ($osver and $arch and $profile)
error => ["Insufficient nodetype entry or osimage entry for $node"],
errorcode => [1]
#print"osvr=$osver, arch=$arch, profile=$profile, imgdir=$rootimgdir\n";
my $platform;
if ($osver =~ /sles.*/)
$platform = "sles";
# TODO: should get the $pkgdir value from the linuximage table
$pkgdir = "$installroot/$osver/$arch";
}elsif($osver =~ /suse.*/){
$platform = "sles";
my $suffix = 'gz';
if (-r "$rootimgdir/rootimg.sfs")
$suffix = 'sfs';
if ($statelite) {
unless ( -r "$rootimgdir/kernel") {
error=>[qq{Did you run "genimage" before running "liteimg"? kernel cannot be found}],
errorcode => [1]
if ( $rootfstype eq "ramdisk" and ! -r "$rootimgdir/rootimg-statelite.gz" ) {
error=>[qq{No packed rootimage for the platform $osver, arch $arch and profile $profile, please run liteimg to create it}],
if (!-r "$rootimgdir/initrd-statelite.gz") {
if (! -r "$rootimgdir/initrd.gz") {
error=>[qq{Did you run "genimage" before running "liteimg"? initrd.gz or initrd-statelite.gz cannot be found}],
else {
copy("$rootimgdir/initrd.gz", "$rootimgdir/initrd-statelite.gz");
} else {
unless ( -r "$rootimgdir/kernel") {
error=>[qq{Did you run "genimage" before running "packimage"? kernel cannot be found}],
if (!-r "$rootimgdir/initrd-stateless.gz") {
if (! -r "$rootimgdir/initrd.gz") {
error=>[qq{Did you run "genimage" before running "packimage"? initrd.gz or initrd-stateless.gz cannot be found}],
else {
copy("$rootimgdir/initrd.gz", "$rootimgdir/initrd-stateless.gz");
unless ( -r "$rootimgdir/rootimg.gz" or -r "$rootimgdir/rootimg.sfs" ) {
error=>[qq{No packed image for platform $osver, architecture $arch, and profile $profile, please run packimage before nodeset}],
my $tftpdir;
if ($reshash->{$node}->[0] and $reshash->{$node}->[0]->{tftpdir}) {
$tftpdir = $reshash->{$node}->[0]->{tftpdir};
} else {
$tftpdir = $globaltftpdir;
#TODO: only copy if newer...
unless ($donetftp{$osver,$arch,$profile,$tftpdir}) {
copy("$rootimgdir/kernel", "/$tftpdir/xcat/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile/");
if ($statelite) {
copy("$rootimgdir/initrd-statelite.gz", "/$tftpdir/xcat/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile/");
} else {
copy("$rootimgdir/initrd-stateless.gz", "/$tftpdir/xcat/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile/");
$donetftp{$osver,$arch,$profile,$tftpdir} = 1;
if ($statelite) {
unless ( -r "/$tftpdir/xcat/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile/kernel"
and -r "/$tftpdir/xcat/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile/initrd-statelite.gz") {
error=>[qq{copying to /$tftpdir/xcat/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile failed}],
} else {
unless ( -r "/$tftpdir/xcat/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile/kernel"
and -r "/$tftpdir/xcat/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile/initrd-stateless.gz") {
error=>[qq{copying to /$tftpdir/xcat/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile failed}],
# TODO: move the table operations out of the foreach loop
my $bptab = xCAT::Table->new('bootparams',-create=>1);
my $hmtab = xCAT::Table->new('nodehm');
my $sent =
['serialport', 'serialspeed', 'serialflow']);
# determine image server, if tftpserver use it, else use xcatmaster
# last resort use self
my $imgsrv;
my $ient;
my $xcatmaster;
$ient = $restab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['xcatmaster']);
if ($ient and $ient->{xcatmaster})
$xcatmaster = $ient->{xcatmaster};
} else {
$xcatmaster = '!myipfn!'; #allow service nodes to dynamically nominate themselves as a good contact point, this is of limited use in the event that xcat is not the dhcp/tftp server
$ient = $restab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['tftpserver']);
if ($ient and $ient->{tftpserver})
$imgsrv = $ient->{tftpserver};
# $ient = $restab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['xcatmaster']);
# if ($ient and $ient->{xcatmaster})
# {
# $imgsrv = $ient->{xcatmaster};
# }
# else
# {
# # master removed, does not work for servicenode pools
# #$ient = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => master}, value);
# #if ($ient and $ient->{value})
# #{
# # $imgsrv = $ient->{value};
# #}
# #else
# #{
# $imgsrv = '!myipfn!';
# #}
# }
$imgsrv = $xcatmaster;
unless ($imgsrv)
error => [
"Unable to determine or reasonably guess the image server for $node"
errorcode => [1]
my $kcmdline;
if ($statelite)
if($rootfstype ne "ramdisk") {
# get entry for nfs root if it exists;
# have to get nfssvr, nfsdir and xcatmaster from noderes table
my $nfssrv = $imgsrv;
my $nfsdir = $rootimgdir;
if ($restab) {
my $resHash = $restab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['nfsserver', 'nfsdir']);
if($resHash and $resHash->{nfsserver}) {
$nfssrv = $resHash->{nfsserver};
if($resHash and $resHash->{nfsdir} ne '') {
$nfsdir = $resHash->{nfsdir} . "/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile";
$kcmdline =
"NFSROOT=$nfssrv:$nfsdir STATEMNT=";
} else {
$kcmdline =
"imgurl=$httpmethod://$imgsrv/$rootimgdir/rootimg-statelite.gz STATEMNT=";
# add support for subVars in the value of "statemnt"
my $statemnt="";
if (exists($stateHash->{$node})) {
$statemnt = $stateHash->{$node}->[0]->{statemnt};
if (grep /\$/, $statemnt) {
my ($server, $dir) = split(/:/, $statemnt);
#if server is blank, then its the directory
unless($dir) {
$dir = $server;
$server = '';
if(grep /\$|#CMD/, $dir) {
$dir = xCAT::SvrUtils->subVars($dir, $node, 'dir', $callback);
$dir =~ s/\/\//\//g;
if($server) {
$server = xCAT::SvrUtils->subVars($server, $node, 'server', $callback);
$statemnt = $server . ":" . $dir;
$kcmdline .= $statemnt . " ";
# get "xcatmaster" value from the "noderes" table
if($rootfstype ne "ramdisk") {
#BEGIN service node
my $isSV = xCAT::Utils->isServiceNode();
my $res = xCAT::Utils->runcmd("hostname", 0);
my $sip = xCAT::NetworkUtils->getipaddr($res); # this is the IP of service node
if($isSV and (($xcatmaster eq $sip) or ($xcatmaster eq $res))) {
# if the NFS directory in litetree is on the service node,
# and it is not exported, then it will be mounted automatically
xCAT::SvrUtils->setupNFSTree($node, $sip, $callback);
# then, export the statemnt directory if it is on the service node
if($statemnt) {
xCAT::SvrUtils->setupStatemnt($sip, $statemnt, $callback);
#END sevice node
$kcmdline =
"imgurl=$httpmethod://$imgsrv/$rootimgdir/rootimg.$suffix ";
$kcmdline .= "XCAT=$xcatmaster:$xcatdport quiet ";
# add the kernel-booting parameter: netdev=<eth0>, or BOOTIF=<mac>
my $netdev = "";
my $mac = $machash->{$node}->[0]->{mac};
if ($reshash->{$node}->[0] and $reshash->{$node}->[0]->{installnic} and ($reshash->{$node}->[0]->{installnic} ne "mac")) {
$kcmdline .= "netdev=" . $reshash->{$node}->[0]->{installnic} . " ";
} elsif ($nodebootif) {
$kcmdline .= "netdev=" . $nodebootif . " ";
} elsif ($reshash->{$node}->[0] and $reshash->{$node}->[0]->{primarynic} and ($reshash->{$node}->[0]->{primarynic} ne "mac")) {
$kcmdline .= "netdev=" . $reshash->{$node}->[0]->{primarynic} . " ";
} else {
if ($arch =~ /x86/) {
#do nothing, we'll let pxe/xnba work their magic
} elsif ($mac) {
$kcmdline .= "BOOTIF=" . $mac . " ";
} else {
error=>[qq{"cannot get the mac address for $node in mac table"}],
if (defined $sent->{serialport}) {
#my $sent = $hmtab->getNodeAttribs($node,['serialspeed','serialflow']);
unless ($sent->{serialspeed})
error => [
"serialport defined, but no serialspeed for $node in nodehm table"
errorcode => [1]
$kcmdline .=
"console=tty0 console=ttyS" . $sent->{serialport} . "," . $sent->{serialspeed};
if ($sent->{serialflow} =~ /(hard|tcs|ctsrts)/)
$kcmdline .= "n8r";
#create the kcmd for node to support kdump
if ($dump){
if ($crashkernelsize){
$kcmdline .= " crashkernel=$crashkernelsize dump=$dump ";
# for ppc64, the crashkernel paramter should be "128M@32M", otherwise, some kernel crashes will be met
if ($arch eq "ppc64"){
$kcmdline .= " crashkernel=256M\@64M dump=$dump ";
if ($arch =~ /86/){
$kcmdline .= " crashkernel=128M dump=$dump ";
# add the cmdline parameters for handling the local disk for stateless
if ($cfgpart eq "yes") {
$kcmdline .= " PARTITION";
my $initrdstr = "xcat/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile/initrd-stateless.gz";
$initrdstr = "xcat/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile/initrd-statelite.gz" if ($statelite);
my $statelitetb = xCAT::Table->new('statelite');
my $mntopts = $statelitetb->getNodeAttribs($node, ['mntopts']);
my $mntoptions = $mntopts->{'mntopts'};
if(defined($mntoptions)) {
$kcmdline .= "MNTOPTS=\'$mntoptions\'";
kernel => "xcat/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile/kernel",
initrd => $initrdstr,
kcmdline => $kcmdline
sub process_request
my $request = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $doreq = shift;
my $distname = undef;
my $arch = undef;
my $path = undef;
if ($::XCATSITEVALS{"httpmethod"}) { $httpmethod = $::XCATSITEVALS{"httpmethod"}; }
if ($::XCATSITEVALS{"httpport"}) { $httpport = $::XCATSITEVALS{"httpport"}; }
if ($request->{command}->[0] eq 'copycd')
return copycd($request, $callback, $doreq);
elsif ($request->{command}->[0] eq 'mkinstall')
return mkinstall($request, $callback, $doreq);
elsif ($request->{command}->[0] eq 'mknetboot' or
$request->{command}->[0] eq 'mkstatelite')
return mknetboot($request, $callback, $doreq);
sub mkinstall
my $request = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $doreq = shift;
my $globaltftpdir = xCAT::TableUtils->getTftpDir();
my @nodes = @{$request->{node}};
my $node;
my $ostab = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype');
#my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
my $linuximagetab;
my $osimagetab;
my $ntents = $ostab->getNodesAttribs($request->{node}, ['os', 'arch', 'profile', 'provmethod']);
my %img_hash=();
my $installroot;
$installroot = "/install";
my $restab = xCAT::Table->new('noderes');
my $bptab = xCAT::Table->new('bootparams',-create=>1);
my $hmtab = xCAT::Table->new('nodehm');
my $resents =
'nfsserver', 'tftpdir','xcatmaster',
'primarynic', 'installnic'
my $hments =
$hmtab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes, ['serialport', 'serialspeed', 'serialflow']);
#if ($sitetab)
#(my $ref) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'installdir'}, 'value');
my @entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("installdir");
my $t_entry = $entries[0];
if ( defined($t_entry) ) {
$installroot = $t_entry;
my %doneimgs;
require xCAT::Template; #only used here, load so memory can be COWed
# Define a variable for driver update list
my @dd_drivers;
foreach $node (@nodes)
my $os;
my $arch;
my $profile;
my $tmplfile;
my $pkgdir;
my $pkglistfile;
my $osinst;
my $ent = $ntents->{$node}->[0];
my $plat = "";
my $tftpdir;
my $partfile;
my $netdrivers;
my $driverupdatesrc;
if ($resents->{$node} and $resents->{$node}->[0]->{tftpdir}) {
$tftpdir = $resents->{$node}->[0]->{tftpdir};
} else {
$tftpdir = $globaltftpdir;
if ($ent and $ent->{provmethod} and ($ent->{provmethod} ne 'install') and ($ent->{provmethod} ne 'netboot') and ($ent->{provmethod} ne 'statelite')) {
my $imagename=$ent->{provmethod};
#print "imagename=$imagename\n";
if (!exists($img_hash{$imagename})) {
if (!$osimagetab) {
$osimagetab=xCAT::Table->new('osimage', -create=>1);
(my $ref) = $osimagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $imagename}, 'osvers', 'osarch', 'profile', 'provmethod');
if ($ref) {
if (!$linuximagetab) {
$linuximagetab=xCAT::Table->new('linuximage', -create=>1);
(my $ref1) = $linuximagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $imagename}, 'template', 'pkgdir', 'pkglist', 'partitionfile', 'driverupdatesrc', 'netdrivers');
if ($ref1) {
if ($ref1->{'template'}) {
if ($ref1->{'pkgdir'}) {
if ($ref1->{'pkglist'}) {
if ($ref1->{'partitionfile'}) {
if ($ref1->{'driverupdatesrc'}) {
if ($ref1->{'netdrivers'}) {
} else {
{error => ["The os image $imagename does not exists on the osimage table for $node"],
errorcode => [1]});
my $ph=$img_hash{$imagename};
$os = $ph->{osver};
$arch = $ph->{osarch};
$profile = $ph->{profile};
if (!$pkgdir) {
$netdrivers = $ph->{netdrivers};
$driverupdatesrc = $ph->{driverupdatesrc};
else {
$os = $ent->{os};
$arch = $ent->{arch};
$profile = $ent->{profile};
if($os =~/sles.*/){
$plat = "sles";
}elsif($os =~/suse.*/){
$plat = "suse";
$plat = "foobar";
print "You should never get here! Programmer error!";
$tmplfile=xCAT::SvrUtils::get_tmpl_file_name("$installroot/custom/install/$plat", $profile, $os, $arch);
if (! $tmplfile) { $tmplfile=xCAT::SvrUtils::get_tmpl_file_name("$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/install/$plat", $profile, $os, $arch); }
$pkglistfile=xCAT::SvrUtils::get_pkglist_file_name("$installroot/custom/install/$plat", $profile, $os, $arch);
if (! $pkglistfile) { $pkglistfile=xCAT::SvrUtils::get_pkglist_file_name("$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/install/$plat", $profile, $os, $arch); }
#get the partition file from the linuximage table
my $imgname = "$os-$arch-install-$profile";
if (! $linuximagetab) {
$linuximagetab = xCAT::Table->new('linuximage');
if ( $linuximagetab ) {
(my $ref1) = $linuximagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $imgname}, 'partitionfile');
if ( $ref1 and $ref1->{'partitionfile'}){
$partfile = $ref1->{'partitionfile'};
else {
{ error => [qq{ Cannot find the linux image called "$imgname", maybe you need to use the "nodeset <nr> osimage=<your_image_name>" command to set the boot state}], errorcode => [1] }
unless ($os and $arch and $profile)
error => ["No profile defined in nodetype or osimage table for $node"],
errorcode => [1]
unless ( -r "$tmplfile")
error =>
["No AutoYaST template exists for " . $ent->{profile} . " in directory $installroot/custom/install/$plat or $::XCATROOT/share/xcat/install/$plat"],
errorcode => [1]
#To support multiple paths for osimage.pkgdir. We require the first value of osimage.pkgdir
# should be the os base pkgdir.
my @srcdirs = split(",", $pkgdir);
$pkgdir = $srcdirs[0];
#Call the Template class to do substitution to produce a kickstart file in the autoinst dir
my $tmperr;
if (-r "$tmplfile")
$tmperr =
if ($tmperr)
node => [
name => [$node],
error => [$tmperr],
errorcode => [1]
# create the node-specific post script DEPRECATED, don't do
#mkpath "/install/postscripts/";
#xCAT::Postage->writescript($node, "/install/postscripts/".$node, "install", $callback);
if (
$arch =~ /x86_64/
and -r "$pkgdir/1/boot/$arch/loader/linux"
and -r "$pkgdir/1/boot/$arch/loader/initrd"
$arch =~ /x86$/
and -r "$pkgdir/1/boot/i386/loader/linux"
and -r "$pkgdir/1/boot/i386/loader/initrd"
or ($arch =~ /ppc/ and -r "$pkgdir/1/suseboot/inst64")
#TODO: driver slipstream, targetted for network.
unless ($doneimgs{"$os|$arch|$profile|$tftpdir"})
my $tftppath;
if ($profile) {
$tftppath = "/$tftpdir/xcat/$os/$arch/$profile";
} else {
$tftppath = "/$tftpdir/xcat/$os/$arch";
if ($arch =~ /x86_64/)
copy("$pkgdir/1/boot/$arch/loader/linux", "$tftppath");
copy("$pkgdir/1/boot/$arch/loader/initrd", "$tftppath");
@dd_drivers = &insert_dd($callback, $os, $arch, "$tftppath/initrd", $driverupdatesrc, $netdrivers);
} elsif ($arch =~ /x86/) {
copy("$pkgdir/1/boot/i386/loader/linux", "$tftppath");
copy("$pkgdir/1/boot/i386/loader/initrd", "$tftppath");
@dd_drivers = &insert_dd($callback, $os, $arch, "$tftppath/initrd", $driverupdatesrc, $netdrivers);
elsif ($arch =~ /ppc/)
copy("$pkgdir/1/suseboot/inst64", "$tftppath");
@dd_drivers = &insert_dd($callback, $os, $arch, "$tftppath/inst64", $driverupdatesrc, $netdrivers);
$doneimgs{"$os|$arch|$profile|$tftpdir"} = 1;
#We have a shot...
my $ent = $resents->{$node}->[0];
my $sent = $hments->{$node}->[0]; #hmtab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['serialport', 'serialspeed', 'serialflow']);
my $netserver;
if ($ent and $ent->{xcatmaster}) {
$netserver = $ent->{xcatmaster};
} else {
$netserver = '!myipfn!';
if ($ent and $ent->{nfsserver})
$netserver = $ent->{nfsserver};
my $kcmdline =
"quiet autoyast=$httpmethod://"
. $netserver . ":" . $httpport
. "/install/autoinst/"
. $node
. " install=$httpmethod://"
. $netserver . ":" . $httpport
. "/install/$os/$arch/1";
my $netdev = "";
if ($ent->{installnic})
if ($ent->{installnic} eq "mac")
my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new("mac");
my $macref = $mactab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['mac']);
$netdev = $macref->{mac};
$netdev = $ent->{installnic};
elsif ($ent->{primarynic})
if ($ent->{primarynic} eq "mac")
my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new("mac");
my $macref = $mactab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['mac']);
$netdev = $macref->{mac};
$netdev = $ent->{primarynic};
$netdev = "bootif";
if ($netdev eq "") #why it is blank, no mac defined?
error => ["No mac.mac for $node defined"],
errorcode => [1]
unless ($netdev eq "bootif") { #if going by bootif, BOOTIF will suffice
$kcmdline .= " netdevice=" . $netdev;
# Add the kernel paramets for driver update disk loading
foreach (@dd_drivers) {
$kcmdline .= " dud=file:/cus_driverdisk/$_";
if (defined $sent->{serialport})
unless ($sent->{serialspeed})
error => [
"serialport defined, but no serialspeed for $node in nodehm table"
errorcode => [1]
$kcmdline .=
" console=tty0 console=ttyS"
. $sent->{serialport} . ","
. $sent->{serialspeed};
if ($sent and ($sent->{serialflow} =~ /(ctsrts|cts|hard)/))
$kcmdline .= "n8r";
# for pSLES installation, the dhcp request may timeout
# due to spanning tree settings or multiple network adapters.
# use dhcptimeout=150 to avoid dhcp timeout
if ($arch =~ /ppc/)
$kcmdline .= " dhcptimeout=150";
my $kernelpath;
my $initrdpath;
if ($arch =~ /x86/)
if ($profile) {
$kernelpath = "xcat/$os/$arch/$profile/linux";
$initrdpath = "xcat/$os/$arch/$profile/initrd";
} else {
$kernelpath = "xcat/$os/$arch/linux";
$initrdpath = "xcat/$os/$arch/initrd";
kernel => $kernelpath,
initrd => $initrdpath,
kcmdline => $kcmdline
elsif ($arch =~ /ppc/)
if ($profile) {
$kernelpath = "xcat/$os/$arch/$profile/inst64";
} else {
$kernelpath = "xcat/$os/$arch/inst64";
kernel => $kernelpath,
initrd => "",
kcmdline => $kcmdline
error => [
"Failed to detect copycd configured install source at /install/$os/$arch"
errorcode => [1]
#my $rc = xCAT::TableUtils->create_postscripts_tar();
#if ($rc != 0)
# xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "Error creating postscripts tar file.");
sub copycd
my $request = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $doreq = shift;
my $distname = "";
my $detdistname = "";
my $installroot;
my $arch;
my $path;
my $mntpath=undef;
my $inspection=undef;
my $noosimage=undef;
$installroot = "/install";
#my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
#if ($sitetab)
#(my $ref) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'installdir'}, 'value');
#print Dumper($ref);
my @entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("installdir");
my $t_entry = $entries[0];
if ( defined($t_entry) ) {
$installroot = $t_entry;
@ARGV = @{$request->{arg}};
'n=s' => \$distname,
'a=s' => \$arch,
'm=s' => \$mntpath,
'i' => \$inspection,
'p=s' => \$path,
'o' => \$noosimage,
unless ($mntpath)
#this plugin needs $mntpath...
if ($distname and $distname !~ /^sles|^suse/)
#If they say to call it something other than SLES or SUSE, give up?
unless (-r $mntpath . "/content")
my $dinfo;
open($dinfo, $mntpath . "/content");
my $darch;
while (<$dinfo>)
if (m/^DEFAULTBASE\s+(\S+)/)
$darch = $1;
if (not $darch and m/^BASEARCHS\s+(\S+)/) {
$darch = $1;
unless ($darch)
my $dirh;
opendir($dirh, $mntpath);
my $discnumber;
my $totaldiscnumber;
while (my $pname = readdir($dirh))
if ($pname =~ /media.(\d+)/)
$discnumber = $1;
my $mfile;
open($mfile, $mntpath . "/" . $pname . "/media");
$totaldiscnumber = <$mfile>;
open($mfile, $mntpath . "/" . $pname . "/products");
my $prod = <$mfile>;
if ($prod =~ m/SUSE-Linux-Enterprise-Server/ || $prod =~ m/SUSE-Linux-Enterprise-Software-Development-Kit/)
if (-f "$mntpath/content") {
my $content;
my @contents = <$content>;
foreach (@contents) {
if (/^VERSION/) {
my @verpair = split /\s+|-/;
$detdistname = "sles".$verpair[1];
unless ($distname) { $distname = $detdistname; }
} else {
my @parts = split /\s+/, $prod;
my @subparts = split /-/, $parts[2];
$detdistname = "sles" . $subparts[0];
unless ($distname) { $distname = "sles" . $subparts[0] };
if($prod =~ m/Software-Development-Kit/) {
$discnumber = 'sdk' . $discnumber;
# check media.1/products for text.
# the cselx is a special GE built version.
# openSUSE is the normal one.
}elsif($prod =~ m/cselx 1.0-0|openSUSE 11.1-0/){
$distname = "suse11";
$detdistname = "suse11";
unless ($distname and $discnumber)
if ($darch and $darch =~ /i.86/)
$darch = "x86";
elsif ($darch and $darch =~ /ppc/)
$darch = "ppc64";
if ($darch)
unless ($arch)
$arch = $darch;
if ($arch and $arch ne $darch)
error =>
["Requested SLES architecture $arch, but media is $darch"],
errorcode => [1]
info =>
%{$request} = (); #clear request we've got it.
my $defaultpath="$installroot/$distname/$arch";
my $ospkgpath= "$path/$discnumber";
if(-l $ospkgpath)
}elsif(-d $ospkgpath)
my $omask = umask 0022;
umask $omask;
{data => "Copying media to $ospkgpath"});
my $rc;
$SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = sub {
kill 15, $_;
use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
my $kid=0;
do {
$kid = waitpid($_, WNOHANG);
} while $kid != $_;
if ($mntpath) {
system("umount $mntpath");
system("rm -rf $mntpath");
my $kid;
chdir $mntpath;
my $numFiles = `find . -print | wc -l`;
my $child = open($kid,"|-");
unless (defined $child) {
$callback->({error=>"Media copy operation fork failure"});
if ($child) {
push @cpiopid,$child;
my @finddata = `find .`;
for (@finddata) {
print $kid $_;
$rc = $?;
} else {
my $c = "nice -n 20 cpio -vdump $ospkgpath";
my $k2 = open(PIPE, "$c 2>&1 |") ||
$callback->({error => "Media copy operation fork failure"});
push @cpiopid, $k2;
my $copied = 0;
my ($percent, $fout);
next if /^cpio:/;
$percent = $copied / $numFiles;
$fout = sprintf "%0.2f%%", $percent * 100;
$callback->({sinfo => "$fout"});
# system(
# "cd $path; find . | nice -n 20 cpio -dump $installroot/$distname/$arch/$discnumber/"
# );
chmod 0755, "$path";
chmod 0755, "$ospkgpath";
unless($path =~ /^($defaultpath)/)
if(-d "$defaultpath/$discnumber")
my $hassymlink = eval { symlink("",""); 1 };
if ($hassymlink) {
if ($detdistname eq "sles10.2" and $discnumber eq "1") { #Go and correct inst_startup.ycp in the install root
my $tmnt = tempdir("xcat-sles.$$.XXXXXX",TMPDIR=>1);
my $tdir = tempdir("xcat-slesd.$$.XXXXXX",TMPDIR=>1);
my $startupfile;
my $ycparch = $arch;
if ($arch eq "x86") {
$ycparch = "i386";
system("mount -o loop $installroot/$distname/$arch/$discnumber/boot/$ycparch/root $tmnt");
system("cd $tmnt;find . |cpio -dump $tdir");
system("umount $tmnt;rm $installroot/$distname/$arch/$discnumber/boot/$ycparch/root");
my @ycpcontents = <$startupfile>;
my @newcontents;
my $writecont=1;
foreach (@ycpcontents) {
if (/No hard disks/) {
} elsif (/\}/) {
if ($writecont) {
push @newcontents, $_;
foreach (@newcontents) {
print $startupfile $_;
system("cd $tdir;mkfs.cramfs . $installroot/$distname/$arch/$discnumber/boot/$ycparch/root");
system("rm -rf $tmnt $tdir");
if ($rc != 0)
$callback->({error => "Media copy operation failed, status $rc"});
$callback->({data => "Media copy operation successful"});
my $osdistroname=$distname."-".$arch;
my @ret=xCAT::SvrUtils->update_osdistro_table($distname,$arch,$path,$osdistroname);
if ($ret[0] != 0) {
$callback->({data => "Error when updating the osdistro tables: " . $ret[1]});
my @ret=xCAT::SvrUtils->update_tables_with_templates($distname, $arch,$path,$osdistroname);
if ($ret[0] != 0) {
$callback->({data => "Error when updating the osimage tables: " . $ret[1]});
my @ret=xCAT::SvrUtils->update_tables_with_diskless_image($distname, $arch, undef, "netboot",$path,$osdistroname);
if ($ret[0] != 0) {
$callback->({data => "Error when updating the osimage tables for stateless: " . $ret[1]});
my @ret=xCAT::SvrUtils->update_tables_with_diskless_image($distname, $arch, undef, "statelite",$path,$osdistroname);
if ($ret[0] != 0) {
$callback->({data => "Error when updating the osimage tables for statelite: " . $ret[1]});
# callback subroutine for 'find' command to return the path
my $driver_name;
my $real_path;
sub get_path ()
if ($File::Find::name =~ /\/$driver_name/) {
$real_path = $File::Find::name;
# callback subroutine for 'find' command to return the path for all the matches
my @all_real_path;
sub get_all_path ()
if ($File::Find::name =~ /\/$driver_name/) {
push @all_real_path, $File::Find::name;
# Get the driver disk or driver rpm from the osimage.driverupdatesrc
# The valid value: dud:/install/dud/dd.img,rpm:/install/rpm/d.rpm, if missing the tag: 'dud'/'rpm'
# the 'rpm' is default.
# If cannot find the driver disk from osimage.driverupdatesrc, will try to search driver disk
# from /install/driverdisk/<os>/<arch>
# For driver rpm, the driver list will be gotten from osimage.netdrivers. If not set, copy all the drivers from driver
# rpm to the initrd.
sub insert_dd () {
my $callback = shift;
my $os = shift;
my $arch = shift;
my $img = shift;
my $driverupdatesrc = shift;
my $drivers = shift;
my $install_dir = xCAT::TableUtils->getInstallDir();
my $cmd;
my @dd_list;
my @rpm_list;
my @driver_list;
my $Injectalldriver;
my @rpm_drivers;
# Parse the parameters to the the source of Driver update disk and Driver rpm, and driver list as well
if ($driverupdatesrc) {
my @srcs = split(',', $driverupdatesrc);
foreach my $src (@srcs) {
if ($src =~ /dud:(.*)/i) {
push @dd_list, $1;
} elsif ($src =~ /rpm:(.*)/i) {
push @rpm_list, $1;
} else {
push @rpm_list, $src;
if (! @dd_list) {
# get Driver update disk from the default path if not specified in osimage
# check the Driver Update Disk images, it can be .img or .iso
if (-d "$install_dir/driverdisk/$os/$arch") {
$cmd = "find $install_dir/driverdisk/$os/$arch -type f";
@dd_list = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
foreach (split /,/,$drivers) {
if (/^allupdate$/) {
$Injectalldriver = 1;
unless (/\.ko$/) {
push @driver_list, $_;
unless (@dd_list || (@rpm_list && ($Injectalldriver || @driver_list))) {
return ();
# Create the tmp dir for dd hack
my $dd_dir = mkdtemp("/tmp/ddtmpXXXXXXX");
mkpath "$dd_dir/initrd_img";
my $pkgdir="$install_dir/$os/$arch";
# Unzip the original initrd
# This only needs to be done for ppc or handling the driver rpm
# For the driver disk against x86, append the driver disk to initrd directly
if ($arch =~/ppc/ || (@rpm_list && ($Injectalldriver || @driver_list))) {
if ($arch =~ /ppc/) {
$cmd = "gunzip --quiet -c $pkgdir/1/suseboot/initrd64 > $dd_dir/initrd";
} elsif ($arch =~ /x86/) {
$cmd = "gunzip --quiet -c $img > $dd_dir/initrd";
xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) {
my $rsp;
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Handle the driver update failed. Could not gunzip the initial initrd.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
return ();
# Unpack the initrd
$cmd = "cd $dd_dir/initrd_img; cpio -id --quiet < $dd_dir/initrd";
xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) {
my $rsp;
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Handle the driver update disk failed. Could not extract files from the initial initrd.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
return ();
# Start to load the drivers from rpm packages
if (@rpm_list && ($Injectalldriver || @driver_list)) {
# Extract the files from rpm to the tmp dir
mkpath "$dd_dir/rpm";
foreach my $rpm (@rpm_list) {
if (-r $rpm) {
$cmd = "cd $dd_dir/rpm; rpm2cpio $rpm | cpio -idum";
xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) {
my $rsp;
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Handle the driver update failed. Could not extract files from the rpm $rpm.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
} else {
my $rsp;
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Handle the driver update failed. Could not read the rpm $rpm.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
# To skip the conflict of files that some rpm uses the as the name of the driver
# Change it back to xxx.ko here
$driver_name = "\*";
@all_real_path = ();
find(\&get_all_path, <$dd_dir/rpm/*>);
foreach my $file (@all_real_path) {
my $newname = $file;
$newname =~ s/\.new$//;
$cmd = "mv -f $file $newname";
xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) {
my $rsp;
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Handle the driver update failed. Could not rename $file.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
# Copy the firmware to the rootimage
if (-d "$dd_dir/rpm/lib/firmware") {
if (! -d "$dd_dir/initrd_img/lib") {
mkpath "$dd_dir/initrd_img/lib";
$cmd = "cp -rf $dd_dir/rpm/lib/firmware $dd_dir/initrd_img/lib";
xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) {
my $rsp;
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Handle the driver update failed. Could not copy firmware to the initrd.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
# Copy the drivers to the rootimage
# Figure out the kernel version
my @kernelpaths = <$dd_dir/initrd_img/lib/modules/*>;
my @kernelvers;
foreach (@kernelpaths) {
push @kernelvers, basename($_);
foreach my $kernelver (@kernelvers) {
if (@driver_list) {
# copy the specific drivers to initrd
foreach my $driver (@driver_list) {
$driver_name = $driver;
$real_path = "";
find(\&get_path, <$dd_dir/rpm/lib/modules/$kernelver/*>);
#if ($real_path && $real_path =~ m!$dd_dir/rpm(/lib/modules/$kernelver/.*?)[^\/]*$!) {
# NOTE: for the initrd of sles that the drivers are put in the /lib/modules/$kernelver/initrd/
if ($real_path && $real_path =~ m!$dd_dir/rpm/lib/modules/$kernelver/!) {
if (! -d "$dd_dir/initrd_img/lib/modules/$kernelver/initrd") {
mkpath "$dd_dir/initrd_img/lib/modules/$kernelver/initrd";
$cmd = "cp -rf $real_path $dd_dir/initrd_img/lib/modules/$kernelver/initrd";
xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) {
my $rsp;
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Handle the driver update failed. Could not copy driver $driver to the initrd.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
} else {
push @rpm_drivers, $driver;
} elsif ($Injectalldriver) {
# copy all the drviers to the initrd
$driver_name = "\*\.ko";
@all_real_path = ();
find(\&get_all_path, <$dd_dir/rpm/lib/modules/$kernelver/*>);
foreach $real_path (@all_real_path) {
#if ($real_path && $real_path =~ m!$dd_dir/rpm(/lib/modules/$kernelver/.*?)[^\/]*$!) {
# NOTE: for the initrd of sles that the drivers are put in the /lib/modules/$kernelver/initrd/
if ($real_path && $real_path =~ m!$dd_dir/rpm/lib/modules/$kernelver/!) {
if (! -d "$dd_dir/initrd_img/lib/modules/$kernelver/initrd") {
mkpath "$dd_dir/initrd_img/lib/modules/$kernelver/initrd";
$cmd = "cp -rf $real_path $dd_dir/initrd_img/lib/modules/$kernelver/initrd";
my $driver = basename($real_path);
xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) {
my $rsp;
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Handle the driver update failed. Could not copy driver $driver to the initrd.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
} else {
push @rpm_drivers, $driver;
# regenerate the modules dependency
foreach my $kernelver (@kernelvers) {
$cmd = "cd $dd_dir/initrd_img; depmod -b . $kernelver";
xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) {
my $rsp;
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Handle the driver update failed. Could not generate the depdency for the drivers in the initrd.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
} # end of loading drivers from rpm packages
# Create the dir for driver update disk
# insert the driver update disk into the cus_driverdisk dir
foreach my $dd (@dd_list) {
copy($dd, "$dd_dir/initrd_img/cus_driverdisk");
# Repack the initrd
# In order to avoid the runcmd add the '2>&1' at end of the cpio
# cmd, the echo cmd is added at the end
$cmd = "cd $dd_dir/initrd_img; find . -print | cpio -H newc -o > $dd_dir/initrd | echo";
xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) {
my $rsp;
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Handle the driver update disk failed. Could not pack the hacked initrd.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
return ();
# zip the initrd
#move ("$dd_dir/", "$dd_dir/initrd");
$cmd = "gzip -f $dd_dir/initrd";
xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($arch =~/ppc/ || (@rpm_list && ($Injectalldriver || @driver_list))) {
if ($arch =~/ppc/) {
# make sure the src kernel existed
$cmd = "gunzip -c $pkgdir/1/suseboot/linux64.gz > $dd_dir/kernel";
xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
# create the zimage
$cmd = "env -u POSIXLY_CORRECT /lib/lilo/scripts/ --vmlinux $dd_dir/kernel --initrd $dd_dir/initrd.gz --output $img";
xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) {
my $rsp;
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Handle the driver update disk failed. Could not pack the hacked initrd.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback);
return ();
} elsif ($arch =~/x86/) {
copy ("$dd_dir/initrd.gz", "$img");
} elsif ($arch =~ /x86/) {
my $rdhandle;
my $ddhandle;
open ($ddhandle,"<","$dd_dir/initrd.gz");
{ local $/ = 32768; my $block; while ($block = <$ddhandle>) { print $rdhandle $block; } }
# clean the env
system("rm -rf $dd_dir");
my $rsp;
if (@dd_list) {
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Inserted the driver update disk:".join(',', sort(@dd_list)).".";
if (@driver_list) {
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Inserted the drivers:".join(',', sort(@rpm_drivers))." from driver packages.";
} elsif (@rpm_list && ($Injectalldriver || @driver_list)) {
push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Inserted the drivers from driver packages:".join(',', sort(@rpm_list)).".";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback);
my @dd_files = ();
foreach my $dd (sort(@dd_list)) {
$dd =~ s/^.*\///;
push @dd_files, $dd;
return sort(@dd_files);
#sub get_tmpl_file_name {
# my $base=shift;
# my $profile=shift;
# my $os=shift;
# my $arch=shift;
# if (-r "$base/$profile.$os.$arch.tmpl") {
# return "$base/$profile.$os.$arch.tmpl";
# }
# elsif (-r "$base/$profile.$os.tmpl") {
# return "$base/$profile.$os.tmpl";
# }
# elsif (-r "$base/$profile.$arch.tmpl") {
# return "$base/$profile.$arch.tmpl";
# }
# elsif (-r "$base/$profile.tmpl") {
# return "$base/$profile.tmpl";
# }
# return "";