git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
144 lines
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144 lines
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# IBM(c) 2010 EPL license
#This module provides simplified methods for adding machine/user accounts to active directory,
#as well as setting passwords for aforementioned accounts.
#there exists direct perl ldap module, but too rare to bank on, going to use ldapmodify from
#system calls
use strict;
use MIME::Base64;
use Encode;
use xCAT::Utils qw/genpassword/;
use IPC::Open3;
use IO::Select;
my $machineldiftemplate = 'dn: CN=##UPCASENODENAME##,##OU##
changetype: add
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: user
objectClass: computer
distinguishedName: CN=##UPCASENODENAME##,##OU##
objectCategory: CN=Computer,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration##REALMDCS##
instanceType: 4
displayName: ##UPCASENODENAME##$
userAccountControl: 4096
codePage: 0
countryCode: 0
accountExpires: 0
servicePrincipalName: HOST/##UPCASENODENAME##
servicePrincipalName: HOST/##UPCASENODENAME####DNSDOMAIN##
changetype: modify
replace: unicodePwd
Arguments are in a hash:
node=>name of machine to add
sub add_machine_account {
my %args = @_;
my $nodename = $args{node};
my $ou = $args{ou};
my $dnsdomain = $args{dnsdomain};
if (not $dnsdomain and $nodename =~ /\./) { #if no domain provided, guess from nodename
$dnsdomain = $nodename;
$dnsdomain =~ s/^[^\.]*//;
unless ($dnsdomain =~ /^\./) {
$dnsdomain = '.'.$dnsdomain;
$nodename =~ s/\..*//; #strip dns domain if part of nodename
my $upnodename = uc($nodename);
my $domain_components = $dnsdomain;
$domain_components =~ s/\./,dc=/g;
unless ($domain_components =~ /^,dc=/) {
$domain_components = ",dc=".$domain_components;
if ($ou) {
unless ($ou =~ /$domain_components\z/) {
$ou .= $domain_components;
} else {
$ou = "CN=Computers".$domain_components;
my $directoryserver = $args{directoryserver};
unless ($domain_components and $dnsdomain and $ou and $upnodename and $directoryserver) {
return {error=>"Unable to determine all required parameters"};
my $newpassword = $args{password};
unless ($newpassword) {
$newpassword = '"'.genpassword(8).'"';
Encode::from_to($newpassword,"utf8","utf16le"); #ms uses utf16le, we use utf8
my $b64password = encode_base64($newpassword);
my $ldif = $machineldiftemplate;
$ldif =~ s/##B64PASSWORD##/$b64password/g;
$ldif =~ s/##OU##/$ou/g;
$ldif =~ s/##REALMDCS##/$domain_components/g;
$ldif =~ s/##DNSDOMAIN##/$dnsdomain/g;
$ldif =~ s/##UPCASENODENAME##/$upnodename/g;
my $dn = "CN=$upnodename,$ou";
my $rc = system("ldapsearch -H ldaps://$directoryserver -b $dn");
if ($rc == 0) {
return {error=>"System already exists"};
} elsif (not $rc==8192) {
return {error=>"Unknown error $rc"};
$rc = system("echo '$ldif'|ldapmodify -H ldaps://$directoryserver");
return {password=>$newpassword};
sub find_free_params { #search for things like next available uidNumber
my %args = @_;
my @needed_parms = split /,/,$args{needed_params};
my $uidnumber = 10000; #common linux default is 500, some unix people would say 100, MS went with 10000. In this case, the highest number
#seems the best choice since it won't confuse any software assuming too low a number is a 'system' account
#also, a machine having local ids of 500-9999 won't as likely conflict with network accounts
#modern systems should tolerate 4.2 billion ids, so potentially wasting 9,500 isn't that big of a deal
#for now, just supporting uidNumber
my $directoryserver = $args{directoryserver};
my $dc = $args{ou};
my $ldapout;
my $ldapin;
my $ldaperr;
my $ldappid = open3($ldapin,$ldapout,$ldaperr,qw!ldapsearch -H !,"ldaps://$directoryserver","-b","$dc",qw!(uidNumber=*) uidNumber!);
my $select = IO::Select->new($ldapout,$ldaperr);
my @handles;
my %useduids=();
while (@handles = $select->can_read()) {
foreach (@handles) {
my $line = <$_>;
if (not defined $line) {
if ($line =~ /^uidNumber: (\d+)$/) {
while (1) { #loop through until 'return'
unless ($useduids{$uidnumber}) {
return {uidNumber=>$uidnumber};
$uidnumber +=1;
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper(find_free_params(directoryserver=>"v4.xcat.e1350",ou=>"dc=xcat,dc=e1350"));