819 lines
32 KiB
Executable File
819 lines
32 KiB
Executable File
package xCAT::SLP;
use Carp;
use IO::Select;
use strict;
use xCAT::Utils;
my $ip6support = eval {
require IO::Socket::INET6;
require Socket6;
use Socket;
unless ($ip6support) {
require IO::Socket::INET;
#TODO: somehow get at system headers to get the value, put in linux's for now
use constant IPV6_MULTICAST_IF => 17;
use constant IP_MULTICAST_IF => 32;
use constant REQ_INTERVAL => 1;
my %xid_to_srvtype_map;
my $xid;
my $gprlist;
my %searchmacs;
my %ip4neigh;
my %ip6neigh;
my %servicehash;
my %sendhash;
my $attrpy = 0;
my $serrpy = 0;
sub getmulticasthash {
my $hash=0;
my @nums = unpack("C*",shift);
foreach my $num (@nums) {
$hash *= 33;
$hash += $num;
$hash &= 0xffff;
$hash &= 0x3ff;
$hash |= 0x1000;
return sprintf("%04x",$hash);
sub dodiscover {
my %args = @_;
my $unicast = $args{unicast}; #should be used with -s !
my $ipranges = $args{range};
my $rspcount = 0;
my $rspcount1 = 0;
my $sendcount = 1;
$xid = int(rand(16384))+1;
my %rethash;
unless ($args{'socket'}) {
if ($ip6support) {
$args{'socket'} = IO::Socket::INET6->new(Proto => 'udp');
} else {
$args{'socket'} = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => 'udp');
#make an extra effort to request biggest receive buffer OS is willing to give us
if (-r "/proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max") { # we can detect the maximum allowed socket, read it.
my $sysctl;
open ($sysctl,"<","/proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max");
my $maxrcvbuf=<$sysctl>;
my $rcvbuf = $args{'socket'}->sockopt(SO_RCVBUF);
if ($maxrcvbuf > $rcvbuf) {
} #end of unless socket
unless ($args{SrvTypes}) { croak "SrvTypes argument is required for xCAT::SLP::Dodiscover"; }
unless (xCAT::Utils->isAIX()) { # AIX bug, can't set socket with SO_BROADCAST, otherwise multicast can't work.
setsockopt($args{'socket'},SOL_SOCKET,SO_BROADCAST,1); #allow for broadcasts to be sent, we know what we are doing
my @srvtypes;
if (ref $args{SrvTypes}) {
@srvtypes = @{$args{SrvTypes}};
} else {
@srvtypes = split /,/,$args{SrvTypes};
my $interfaces = get_interfaces(%args);
if ($args{Ip}) {
foreach my $nic (keys %$interfaces) {
if (${${$interfaces->{$nic}}{ipv4addrs}}[0] =~ /(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/) {
unless ($args{Ip} =~ $1) {
delete $interfaces->{$nic};
my @printip;
foreach my $iface (keys %{$interfaces}) {
foreach my $sip (@{$interfaces->{$iface}->{ipv4addrs}}) {
my $ip = $sip;
$ip =~ s/\/(.*)//;
push @printip, $ip;
my $printinfo = join(",", @printip);
if ($unicast) {
if (xCAT::Utils->isAIX()){
send_message($args{reqcallback}, 1, "lsslp unicast is not supported on AIX");
exit 1;
if (! -f "/usr/bin/nmap"){
send_message($args{reqcallback}, 1, "nmap does not exist, lsslp unicast is not possible");
exit 1;
my @servernodes;
my @iprange = split /,/, $ipranges;
foreach my $range (@iprange) {
send_message($args{reqcallback}, 0, "Processing range $range...");
if ($range =~/\/(\d+)/){
if ($1 > 16) {
send_message($args{reqcallback}, 0, "The rarge is too large and may be time consuming. Broadcast is recommended.");
`/usr/bin/nmap $range -sn -PE -n --send-ip -T5 `;
my $nmapres = `/usr/bin/nmap $range -PE -p 427 -n --send-ip -T5 `;
foreach my $line (split(/\n\n/,$nmapres)) {
my $server;
foreach my $sline (split(/\n/, $line)) {
if ($sline =~ /Nmap scan report for (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/) {
$server = $1;
if ($sline =~ /427/ and ($sline =~ /open/ or $sline =~ /filtered/)){
push @servernodes, $server;
} # end of foreach line
} # end of foreach line
} # end of foreach pi-range
unless (@servernodes){
send_message($args{reqcallback}, 0, "Nmap returns nothing");
return undef;
my $number = scalar (@servernodes);
send_message($args{reqcallback}, 0, "Begin to do unicast to $number nodes...");
my %rechash;
my $pid = xCAT::Utils->xfork();
if ( !defined($pid) ) {
send_message($args{reqcallback}, 1, "Fork error: $!" );
return undef;
} elsif ( $pid == 0 ) {
close PWRITE;
foreach my $srvtype (@srvtypes) {
my $packet = generate_attribute_request(%args, SrvType=>$srvtype);
foreach my $destserver (@servernodes) {
my $destip = inet_aton($destserver);
my $destaddr = sockaddr_in(427,$destip);
my $res = $args{'socket'}->send($packet,0,$destaddr);
} # end of foreach destserver
}# end of foreach services
my $destserver = $_;
if ($destserver =~ /NowYouNeedToDie/){
close CREAD;
exit 0;
foreach my $srvtype (@srvtypes) {
my $packet = generate_attribute_request(%args, SrvType=>$srvtype);
my $destip = inet_aton($destserver);
my $destaddr = sockaddr_in(427,$destip);
for( my $j = 0; $j < 1; $j++) {
my $res = $args{'socket'}->send($packet,0,$destaddr);
} # end of foreach j++
}# end of foreach services
} # end of while (cread)
} else {
close CREAD;
$rspcount = 0;
my $waittime = ($args{Time}>0)?$args{Time}:300;
my $deadline = time()+ $waittime;
my $waitforsocket = IO::Select->new();
my $rectime = time() + 5;
my $recvzero = 0;
while ($deadline > time()) {
$rspcount1 = 0;
while ($rectime > time()) {
while ($waitforsocket->can_read(0)) {
my $slppacket;
my $peer = $args{'socket'}->recv($slppacket,3000,0);
$rechash{$peer} = $slppacket;
} #end of can_read
} # end of receiving
# now begin to parse the packets
for my $tp (keys %rechash) {
my @restserver ;
my $pkg = $tp;
my $slpkg = $rechash{$tp};
my( $port,$flow,$ip6n,$ip4n,$scope);
my $peername;
if ($ip6support) {
( $port,$flow,$ip6n,$scope) = Socket6::unpack_sockaddr_in6_all($pkg);
$peername = Socket6::inet_ntop(Socket6::AF_INET6(),$ip6n);
} else {
($port,$ip4n) = sockaddr_in($pkg);
$peername = inet_ntoa($ip4n);
if ($peername =~ /\./) { #ipv4
$peername =~ s/::ffff://;
if ($rethash{$peername}) {
next; #got a dupe, discard
my $result = process_slp_packet(packet=>$slpkg,sockaddr=>$pkg,'socket'=>$args{'socket'}, peername=>$peername, callback=>$args{reqcallback});
if ($result) {
$result->{peername} = $peername;
$result->{scopeid} = $scope;
$result->{sockaddr} = $pkg;
my $hashkey;
if ($peername =~ /fe80/) {
$peername .= '%'.$scope;
$rethash{$peername} = $result;
if ($args{Callback}) {
foreach my $mynode (@servernodes) {
unless ($mynode =~ $peername) {
push @restserver, $mynode;
}#end of mynode=~peername
} # end of foreach
@servernodes = @restserver;
} # end of if result
} # end of foreach processing
foreach my $node (@servernodes) {
syswrite PWRITE,"$node\n";
} # end of foreach servernodes
$recvzero++ unless ($rspcount1);
last if ($recvzero > 2);
} # end of while(deadline)
syswrite PWRITE,"NowYouNeedToDie\n";
close PWRITE;
if (@servernodes) {
my $miss = join(",", @servernodes);
send_message($args{reqcallback}, 0, "Warning: can't get attributes from these nodes' replies: $miss. Please re-send unicast to these nodes.") if ($args{reqcallback});
}# end of parent process
} else {
send_message($args{reqcallback}, 0, "Sending SLP request on interfaces: $printinfo ...") if ($args{reqcallback} and !$args{nomsg} );
foreach my $srvtype (@srvtypes) {
unless ($args{NoWait}) { #in nowait, caller owns the responsibility..
#by default, report all respondants within 3 seconds:
my $waitforsocket = IO::Select->new();
my $retrytime = ($args{Retry}>0)?$args{Retry}+1:3;
my $retryinterval = ($args{Retry}>0)?$args{Retry}:REQ_INTERVAL;
my $waittime = ($args{Time}>0)?$args{Time}:20;
my @peerarray;
my @pkgarray;
my $startinterval = time();
my $interval;
my $deadline=time()+$waittime;
my( $port,$flow,$ip6n,$ip4n,$scope);
my $slppacket;
my $peername;
while ($deadline > time()) {
# receive untill there is none
while ($waitforsocket->can_read(0)) {
my $peer = $args{'socket'}->recv($slppacket,3000,0);
push @peerarray, $peer;
push @pkgarray, $slppacket;
# process the packets
for(my $j = 0; $j< scalar(@peerarray); $j++) {
my $pkg = $peerarray[$j];
my $slpkg = $pkgarray[$j];
if ($ip6support) {
( $port,$flow,$ip6n,$scope) = Socket6::unpack_sockaddr_in6_all($pkg);
$peername = Socket6::inet_ntop(Socket6::AF_INET6(),$ip6n);
} else {
($port,$ip4n) = sockaddr_in($pkg);
$peername = inet_ntoa($ip4n);
if ($rethash{$peername}) {
next; #got a dupe, discard
my $result = process_slp_packet(packet=>$slpkg,sockaddr=>$pkg,'socket'=>$args{'socket'});
if ($result) {
if ($peername =~ /\./) { #ipv4
$peername =~ s/::ffff://;
$result->{peername} = $peername;
if ($gprlist) {
$gprlist .= ','.$peername if(length($gprlist) < 1250);
} else {
$gprlist = $peername;
$result->{scopeid} = $scope;
$result->{sockaddr} = $pkg;
my $hashkey;
if ($peername =~ /fe80/) {
$peername .= '%'.$scope;
$rethash{$peername} = $result;
if ($args{Callback}) {
# check if need to return
@peerarray = ();
@pkgarray = ();
$interval = time() - $startinterval;
if ($args{Time} and $args{Count}) {
if ($rspcount >= $args{Count} or $interval >= $args{Time}) {
send_message($args{reqcallback}, 0, "Received $rspcount1 responses.") if ($args{reqcallback} and !$args{nomsg});
if ($sendcount > $retrytime and $rspcount1 == 0) {
send_message($args{reqcallback}, 0, "Received $rspcount1 responses.") if ($args{reqcallback} and !$args{nomsg});
# send request again
if ( $interval > $retryinterval){#* (2**$sendcount))) { #double time
$startinterval = time();
send_message($args{reqcallback}, 0, "Received $rspcount1 responses.") if ($args{reqcallback} and !$args{nomsg});
send_message($args{reqcallback}, 0, "Sending SLP request on interfaces: $printinfo ...") if ($args{reqcallback} and !$args{nomsg});
foreach my $srvtype (@srvtypes) {
$rspcount1 = 0;
} #end nowait
} #end of if( unicast )
foreach my $entry (keys %rethash) {
if (xCAT::Utils->isAIX()) {
foreach my $iface (keys %{$interfaces}) {
foreach my $sip (@{$interfaces->{$iface}->{ipv4addrs}}) {
my $ip = $sip;
$ip =~ s/\/(.*)//;
my $maskbits = $1;
my $runcmd = `route delete $ip`;
return (\%searchmacs, $sendcount, $rspcount);
sub process_slp_packet {
my %args = @_;
my $sockaddy = $args{sockaddr};
my $socket = $args{'socket'};
my $packet = $args{packet};
my $parsedpacket = removeslpheader($packet);
if ($parsedpacket->{FunctionId} == 2) {#Service Reply
unless (ref $parsedpacket->{service_urls} and scalar @{$parsedpacket->{service_urls}}) { return undef; }
if ($parsedpacket->{attributes}) { #service reply had ext
return $parsedpacket; #don't bother sending attrrequest, already got it in first packet
my $srvtype = $xid_to_srvtype_map{$parsedpacket->{Xid}};
my $packet = generate_attribute_request(%args,SrvType=>$srvtype);
$sendhash{$args{peername}}->{package} = $packet;
$sendhash{$args{peername}}->{sockaddy} = $sockaddy;
return undef;
} elsif ($parsedpacket->{FunctionId} == 7) { #attribute reply
$parsedpacket->{SrvType} = $xid_to_srvtype_map{$parsedpacket->{Xid}};
$parsedpacket->{attributes} = parse_attribute_reply($parsedpacket->{payload});
my $attributes = $parsedpacket->{attributes};
my $type = ${$attributes->{'type'}}[0] ;
return undef unless ($type) ;
#delete $parsedpacket->{payload};
return $parsedpacket;
} else {
return undef;
sub parse_attribute_reply {
my $contents = shift;
my @payload = unpack("C*",$contents);
if ($payload[0] != 0 or $payload[1] != 0) {
return {};
splice (@payload,0,2);
return parse_attribute_list(\@payload);
sub parse_attribute_list {
my $payload = shift;
my $attrlength = ($payload->[0]<<8)+$payload->[1];
my @attributes = splice(@$payload,0,$attrlength);
my $attrstring = pack("C*",@attributes);
my %attribs;
#now we have a string...
my $lastattrstring;
while ($attrstring) {
if ($lastattrstring eq $attrstring) { #infinite loop
if ($attrstring =~ /^\(/) {
$attrstring =~ s/([^)]*\)),?//;
my $attrib = $1;
$attrib =~ s/^\(//;
$attrib =~ s/\),?$//;
$attrib =~ s/=(.*)$//;
my $valstring = $1;
if (defined $valstring) {
foreach(split /,/,$valstring) {
push @{$attribs{$attrib}},$_;
} else {
$attrstring =~ s/([^,]*),?//;
return \%attribs;
sub generate_attribute_request {
my %args = @_;
my $srvtype = $args{SrvType};
my $scope = "DEFAULT";
if ($args{Scopes}) { $scope = $args{Scopes}; }
my $packet = pack("C*",0,0); #no prlist
my $service = $srvtype;
$service =~ s!://.*!!;
my $length = length($service);
$packet .= pack("C*",($length>>8),($length&0xff));
$length = length($scope);
$packet .= $service.pack("C*",($length>>8),($length&0xff)).$scope;
$packet .= pack("C*",0,0,0,0);
my $header = genslpheader($packet,FunctionId=>6);
return $header.$packet;
sub parse_service_reply {
my $packet = shift;
my $parsedpacket = shift;
my @reply = unpack("C*",$packet);
if ($reply[0] != 0 or $reply[1] != 0) {
return ();
if ($parsedpacket->{extoffset}) {
my @extdata = splice(@reply,$parsedpacket->{extoffset}-$parsedpacket->{currentoffset});
$parsedpacket->{currentoffset} = $parsedpacket->{extoffset};
my $numurls = ($reply[2]<<8)+$reply[3];
splice (@reply,0,4);
while ($numurls--) {
push @{$parsedpacket->{service_urls}},extract_next_url(\@reply);
sub parse_extension {
my $extdata = shift;
my $parsedpacket = shift;
my $extid = ($extdata->[0]<<8)+$extdata->[1];
my $nextext = (($extdata->[2])<<16)+(($extdata->[3])<<8)+$extdata->[4];
if ($nextext) {
my @nextext = splice(@$extdata,$nextext-$parsedpacket->{currentoffset});
$parsedpacket->{currentoffset} = $nextext;
if ($extid == 2) {
#this is defined in RFC 3059, attribute list extension
#employed by AMM for one...
my $urllen = ((shift @$extdata)<<8)+(shift @$extdata);
splice @$extdata,0,$urllen; #throw this out for now..
$parsedpacket->{attributes} = parse_attribute_list($extdata);
sub extract_next_url { #section 4.3 url entries
my $payload = shift;
splice (@$payload,0,3); # discard reserved and lifetime which we will not bother using
my $urllength = ((shift @$payload)<<8)+(shift @$payload);
my @url = splice(@$payload,0,$urllength);
my $authblocks = shift @$payload;
unless ($authblocks == 0) {
$payload = []; #TODO: skip/use auth blocks if needed to get at more URLs
return pack("C*",@url);
sub send_service_request_single {
my %args = @_;
my $packet = generate_service_request(%args);
my $interfaces = $args{ifacemap}; #get_interfaces(%args);
my $socket = $args{'socket'};
my @v6addrs;
my $v6addr;
if ($ip6support) {
my $hash=getmulticasthash($args{SrvType});
my $target = "ff02::1:$hash";
my ($fam, $type, $proto, $name);
($fam, $type, $proto, $v6addr, $name) =
push @v6addrs,$v6addr;
($fam, $type, $proto, $v6addr, $name) =
push @v6addrs,$v6addr;
my $ipv4mcastaddr = inet_aton(""); #per rfc 2608
my $ipv4sockaddr = sockaddr_in(427,$ipv4mcastaddr);
foreach my $iface (keys %{$interfaces}) {
if ($ip6support) {
foreach $v6addr (@v6addrs) {
foreach my $sip (@{$interfaces->{$iface}->{ipv4addrs}}) {
my $ip = $sip;
$ip =~ s/\/(.*)//;
my $maskbits = $1;
if (xCAT::Utils->isAIX()) {
my $runcmd = `route add $ip`;
my $ipn = inet_aton($ip); #we are ipv4 only, this is ok
my $ipnum=unpack("N",$ipn);
$ipnum= $ipnum | (2**(32-$maskbits))-1;
my $bcastn = pack("N",$ipnum);
my $bcastaddr = sockaddr_in(427,$bcastn);
sub get_interfaces {
#TODO: AIX tolerance, no subprocess, include/exclude interface(s)
my %ifacemap;
my $payingattention=0;
my $interface;
my $keepcurrentiface;
# AIX part
if (xCAT::Utils->isAIX()) {
$ip6support = 0;
my $result = `ifconfig -a`;
my @nics = $result =~ /(\w+\d+)\: flags=/g;
my @adapter = split /\w+\d+:\s+flags=/, $result;
for (my $i=0; $i<scalar(@adapter); $i++) {
$_ = $adapter[$i+1];
if ( !($_ =~ /LOOPBACK/ ) and
$_ =~ /UP(,|>)/ and
$_ =~ /BROADCAST/ ) {
my @ip = split /\n/;
for my$entry ( @ip ) {
if ( $entry =~ /broadcast\s+/ and $entry =~ /^\s*inet\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/) {
my $tmpip = $1;
if($entry =~ /netmask\s+(0x\w+)/) {
my $mask = hex($1);
my $co = 31;
my $count = 0;
while ($co+1) {
if((($mask&(2**$co))>>$co) == 1) {
$tmpip = $tmpip.'/'.$count;
push @{$ifacemap{$nics[$i]}->{ipv4addrs}},$tmpip;
if( $nics[$i]=~ /\w+(\d+)/){
$ifacemap{$nics[$i]}->{scopeidx} = $1+2;
} else {
my @ipoutput = `ip addr`;
foreach my $line (@ipoutput) {
if ($line =~ /^\d/) { # new interface, new context..
if ($interface and not $keepcurrentiface) {
#don't bother reporting unusable nics
delete $ifacemap{$interface};
unless ($line =~ /MULTICAST/) { #don't care if it isn't multicast capable
$line =~ /^([^:]*): ([^:]*):/;
unless ($payingattention) { next; } #don't think about lines unless in context of paying attention.
if ($line =~ /inet/) {
if ($line =~ /\s+inet\s+(\S+)\s/) { #got an ipv4 address, store it
push @{$ifacemap{$interface}->{ipv4addrs}},$1;
return \%ifacemap;
# discovery is "service request", rfc 2608
# 0 1 2 3
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# | Service Location header (function = SrvRqst = 1) |
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# | length of <PRList> | <PRList> String \
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# | length of <service-type> | <service-type> String \
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# | length of <scope-list> | <scope-list> String \
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# | length of predicate string | Service Request <predicate> \
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# | length of <SLP SPI> string | <SLP SPI> String \
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
sub generate_service_request {
my %args = @_;
my $srvtype = $args{SrvType};
my $scope = "DEFAULT";
if ($args{Scopes}) { $scope = $args{Scopes}; }
my $prlist = $gprlist;
my $prlength = length($prlist);
my $packet = pack("C*",($prlength>>8),($prlength&0xff));
$packet .= $prlist;
my $length = length($srvtype);
$packet .= pack("C*",($length>>8),($length&0xff));
$packet .= $srvtype;
$length = length($scope);
$packet .= pack("C*",($length>>8),($length&0xff));
$packet .= $scope;
#no ldap predicates, and no auth, so zeroes..
$packet .= pack("C*",0,0,0,0);
$packet .= pack("C*",0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
my $extoffset = length($srvtype)+length($scope)+length($prlist)+10;
my $header = genslpheader($packet,Multicast=>1,FunctionId=>1,ExtOffset=>$extoffset);
return $packet = $header.$packet;
# SLP header from RFC 2608
# 0 1 2 3
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# | Version | Function-ID | Length |
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# | Length, contd.|O|F|R| reserved |Next Ext Offset|
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# | Next Extension Offset, contd.| XID |
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# | Language Tag Length | Language Tag \
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
sub removeslpheader {
my $packet = shift;
my %parsedheader;
my @payload = unpack("C*",$packet);
$parsedheader{Version} = shift @payload;
$parsedheader{FunctionId} = shift @payload;
splice(@payload,0,3); #remove length
splice(@payload,0,2); #TODO: parse flags
my $nextoffset = ((shift @payload)<<16)+((shift @payload)<<8)+(shift @payload);
$parsedheader{Xid} = ((shift @payload)<<8)+(shift @payload);
my $langlen = ((shift @payload)<<8)+(shift @payload);
$parsedheader{lang} = pack("C*",splice(@payload,0,$langlen));
$parsedheader{payload} = pack("C*",@payload);
if ($nextoffset != 0) {
#correct offset since header will be removed
$parsedheader{currentoffset} = 14+$langlen;
return \%parsedheader;
sub genslpheader {
my $packet = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $flaghigh=0;
my $flaglow=0; #this will probably never ever ever change
if ($args{Multicast}) { $flaghigh |= 0x20; }
my $extoffset=0;
if ($args{ExtOffset}) {
$extoffset = $args{ExtOffset}+16;
my @extoffset=(($extoffset>>16),(($extoffset>>8)&0xff),($extoffset&0xff));
my $length = length($packet)+16; #our header is 16 bytes due to lang tag invariance
if ($length > 1400) { die "Overflow not supported in xCAT SLP"; }
return pack("C*",2, $args{FunctionId}, ($length >> 16), ($length >> 8)&0xff, $length&0xff, $flaghigh, $flaglow,@extoffset,$xid>>8,$xid&0xff,0,2)."en";
unless (caller) {
#time to provide unit testing/example usage
#somewhat fancy invocation with multiple services and callback for
#results on-the-fly
require Data::Dumper;
my $srvtypes = ["service:management-hardware.IBM:chassis-management-module","service:management-hardware.IBM:integrated-management-module2","service:management-hardware.IBM:management-module","service:management-hardware.IBM:cec-service-processor"];
xCAT::SLP::dodiscover(SrvTypes=>$srvtypes,Callback=>sub { print Dumper(@_) });
#example 2: simple invocation of a single service type
$srvtypes = "service:management-hardware.IBM:chassis-management-module";
print Dumper(xCAT::SLP::dodiscover(SrvTypes=>$srvtypes));
#TODO: pass-in socket and not wait inside SLP.pm example
# Parse the slp resulte data
sub handle_new_slp_entity {
my $data = shift;
delete $data->{sockaddr}; #won't need it
my $mac = get_mac_for_addr($data->{peername});
unless ($mac) { return; }
$searchmacs{$mac} = $data;
# Get mac addresses
sub get_mac_for_addr {
my $neigh;
my $addr = shift;
if ($addr =~ /:/) {
return $ip6neigh{$addr};
} else {
return $ip4neigh{$addr};
# Get ipv4 mac addresses
sub get_ipv4_neighbors {
if (xCAT::Utils->isAIX()) {
my @ipdata = `arp -a`;
for my $entry (@ipdata) {
if ($entry =~ /(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/) {
my $ip = $1;
#if ($entry =~ /at (\w+\:\w+\:\w+\:\w+\:\w+\:\w+)/) {
# $ip4neigh{$ip}=$1;
if ($entry =~ /at (\w+)\:(\w+)\:(\w+)\:(\w+)\:(\w+)\:(\w+)/) {
} else {
#TODO: something less 'hacky'
my @ipdata = `ip -4 neigh`;
foreach (@ipdata) {
if (/^(\S*)\s.*lladdr\s*(\S*)\s/) {
# Get ipv6 mac addresses
sub get_ipv6_neighbors {
#TODO: something less 'hacky'
my @ipdata = `ip -6 neigh`;
foreach (@ipdata) {
if (/^(\S*)\s.*lladdr\s*(\S*)\s/) {
sub send_message {
my $callback = shift;
my $ecode = shift;
my $msg = shift;
my %output;
$output{errorcode} = $ecode;
$output{data} = $msg;
$callback->( \%output );