git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
273 lines
7.1 KiB
Executable File
273 lines
7.1 KiB
Executable File
# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license
#(C)IBM Corp
=head1 servicenode
This updates the service node with files necessary to access the
database on the MasterNode and restarts the xcat daemon
On AIX systems this does the service node configuration.
my $rc=0;
$::osname = `uname`;
chomp $::osname;
$::sdate = `/bin/date`;
chomp $::sdate;
$::hname = `hostname`;
chomp $::hname;
if ($::osname eq 'AIX')
# AIX service node setup
$rc = &setupAIXsn;
if ( $rc != 0) {
my $msg="$::sdate servicenode: One or more errors occurred when attempting to configure node $::hname as an xCAT service node.\n";
print "$msg\n";
`logger -t xcat $msg`;
# Linux setup
# remove OpenIPMI-tools and tftp
# install xcat from /install/xcat
# Copy Certificates, and config file to apprpriate directories
# from /install and restart xcatd
&runcmd("rpm -e OpenIPMI-tools");
&runcmd("rpm -e tftp-server");
if ($ENV{'NODESETSTATE'} eq "install")
$msg = "Installing xCAT";
`logger -t xcat $msg`;
&runcmd("rpm -ivh /xcatpost/xcat/RPMS/*/*.rpm");
exit $rc;
# Subroutines
# run the command
sub runcmd
my ($cmd) = @_;
my $rc=0;
$cmd .= ' 2>&1' ;
$::outref = [];
$::outref = `$cmd`;
if ($?)
$rc = $? >> 8;
if ($rc > 0)
my $msg="$cmd returned rc=$rc @$::outref\n";
`logger -t xcat $msg`;
return $rc;
# do AIX service node setup
sub setupAIXsn
my $error=0;
my $servnode;
# get the name of my service node/NIM master from the /etc/xcatinfo file
# file was created by xcataixpost when the node was first installed
if (-f "/etc/xcatinfo") {
my $cmd = "cat /etc/xcatinfo | grep 'XCATSERVER'";
my $SNline = $::outref;
my $junk;
($junk, $servnode) = split(/=/, $SNline);
$servnode =~ s/^\s*//;
chomp $servnode;
} else {
$msg = "$::sdate servicenode: Could not find /etc/xcatinfo file.\n";
`logger -t xcat $msg`;
my $rcpcmd = "rcp -r $servnode:/etc/hosts /etc";
if (&runcmd($rcpcmd) != 0) {
$msg = "$::sdate servicenode: Could not get /etc/hosts file.\n";
`logger -t xcat $msg`;
# make sure we have enough space in /xcatpost ("/") fs
my $dfcmd = "df -m / | grep '\/' |tr -s ' '| cut -f 3 -d ' '";
if (&runcmd($dfcmd) != 0) {
$msg = "$::sdate servicenode: Could not find file system free space.\n";
`logger -t xcat $msg`;
my $freespace = $::outref;
if ($freespace <= 220) {
# add to "/" fs if needed
my $chfscmd = "/usr/sbin/chfs -a size=+220M /";
if (&runcmd($chfscmd) != 0) {
$msg = "$::sdate servicenode: Could not increase file system size.\n";
`logger -t xcat $msg`;
# make sure we have enough space in /usr fs
my $dfcmd = "df -m /usr | grep 'usr' |tr -s ' '| cut -f 3 -d ' '";
if (&runcmd($dfcmd) != 0) {
$msg = "$::sdate servicenode: Could not find file system free space.\n";
`logger -t xcat $msg`;
my $freespace = $::outref;
if ($freespace <= 2200) {
# add to "/usr" fs if needed
my $chfscmd = "/usr/sbin/chfs -a size=+2200M /usr";
if (&runcmd($chfscmd) != 0) {
$msg = "$::sdate servicenode: Could not increase file system size.\n
`logger -t xcat $msg`;
# copy SN software to /xcatpost/AIX/xcatpkgs
my $rcpcmd = "mkdir -p /xcatpost/AIX/xcatpkgs; rcp -r $servnode:/install/AIX/xcatpkgs/* /xcatpost/AIX/xcatpkgs";
if (&runcmd($rcpcmd) != 0) {
$msg = "$::sdate servicenode: Could not copy service node software from the management node.\n";
`logger -t xcat $msg`;
# run inutoc
my $inucmd = "inutoc /xcatpost/AIX/xcatpkgs";
if (&runcmd($rcpcmd) != 0) {
$msg = "$::sdate servicenode: Could not run inutoc.\n";
`logger -t xcat $msg`;
# install openssl
my $gencmd = "geninstall -IaXY -d /xcatpost/AIX/xcatpkgs -f /xcatpost/AIX/xcatpkgs/xCATinstpSN.bnd";
if (&runcmd($gencmd) != 0) {
$msg = "$::sdate servicenode: Could not install openssl.\n";
`logger -t xcat $msg`;
# install openssh
my $gencmd = "geninstall -IaXY -d /xcatpost/AIX/xcatpkgs -f /xcatpost/AIX/xcatpkgs/xCATaixSSH.bnd";
if (&runcmd($gencmd) != 0) {
$msg = "$::sdate servicenode: Could not install openssh.\n";
`logger -t xcat $msg`;
# run updatepkg to update RPM's reflection of the software
# installed by installp - may already be done - but won't hurt!
if (&runcmd("/usr/sbin/updtvpkg") != 0) {
$msg = "$::sdate servicenode: Could not run updtvpkg.\n";
`logger -t xcat $msg`;
# install rpms
my $rpmcmd = "rpm -U /xcatpost/AIX/xcatpkgs/*.rpm";
if (&runcmd($rpmcmd) != 0) {
$msg = "$::sdate servicenode: Could not install xCAT RPMs.\n";
`logger -t xcat $msg`;
# so conserver will start
if (&runcmd("mkdir -p /var/log/consoles")!= 0) {
$msg = "$::sdate servicenode: Could not make /var/log/consoles.\n";
`logger -t xcat $msg`;
# makes it a service node
if (&runcmd("touch /etc/xCATSN") != 0 ) {
$msg = "$::sdate servicenode: Could not touch /etc/xCATSN\n";
`logger -t xcat $msg`;
# call copycerts
if (&runcmd("/opt/xcat/sbin/copycerts") != 0) {
$msg = "$::sdate servicenode: Could not run copycerts.\n";
`logger -t xcat $msg`;
# copy the cfgloc file from /xcatpost
if (&runcmd("mkdir -p /etc/xcat")!= 0) {
$msg = "$::sdate servicenode: Could not make /etc/xcat directory.\n";
`logger -t xcat $msg`;
my $sedcmd = "sed -e 's/host=.*|xcatadmin/host=$servnode|xcatadmin/' /xcatpost/etc/xcat/cfgloc > /etc/xcat/cfgloc";
if (&runcmd($sedcmd)!= 0) {
$msg = "$::sdate servicenode: Could not copy cfgloc file.\n";
`logger -t xcat $msg`;
# start xcatd
if (&runcmd("/opt/xcat/sbin/xcatd &") != 0) {
$msg = "$::sdate servicenode: Could not start xcatd.\n";
`logger -t xcat $msg`;
# TODO - add xcatd as system service???
# mkssys -s xcatd -p /opt/xcat/sbin/xcatd -u 0 -K
# add xcatd to /etc/inittab???
$mkitab_cmd = 'mkitab "xcatd:2:once:/opt/xcat/sbin/xcatd > /dev/console 2>&1"';
# $mkitab_cmd = 'mkitab "xcatd:2:once:/usr/bin/startsrc -s xcatd > /dev/console 2>&1"';
if (&runcmd($mkitab_cmd) != 0) {
$msg = "$::sdate servicenode: Could not add xcatd to /etc/inittab.\n";
`logger -t xcat $msg`;
# do nim master setup - master fileset already installed
if (&runcmd("nim_master_setup -a mk_resource=no") != 0) {
$msg = "$::sdate servicenode: Could not run nim_master_setup.\n";
`logger -t xcat $msg`;
if ($error > 0) {
return $error;
return 0;