O/S are all using this file (RHEL7, SLES12) So that check is not correct anymore. If the file exists, test that it contains Ubuntu For pushinitrd, check that the IP address is set in the node definition before we start executing the command as a pre-check.
386 lines
16 KiB
Executable File
386 lines
16 KiB
Executable File
# Modify the grub config file on the node to boot the specified kernel and initrd.
# This script is meant to be run on the node via xdsh -e.
# Currently requires that dns on the mn be configured and working to resolve the short node names.
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
use Socket;
# Globals - these are set once and then only read.
my $HELP;
my $XCATNETBOOTTITLE = 'xCAT network boot kernel and initrd';
my $usage = sub {
my $exitcode = shift @_;
print "Usage: modifygrub [-?|-h|--help] [-v|--verbose] [--dryrun] [-w <waittime>] [-p <provmethod] <kernel-path> <initrd-path> <kernel-parms> <mn-ip>\n\n";
if (!$exitcode) {
print "Modify the grub config file on the node to boot the specified kernel and initrd.\n";
exit $exitcode;
my $file = '/etc/os-release';
if (-f $file) {
# SLES and RHEL also have /etc/os-release file, so actually need to open the file
# and look for Ubuntu in the 'NAME=' lines before declaring Ubuntu
open my $info, $file or die "Could not open $file: $!";
while( my $line = <$info>) {
if (index($line, 'NAME=') != -1) {
if ($line =~ /Ubuntu/i) {
die "This script does not support Ubuntu at this time.\n";
close $info;
# Process the cmd line args
if (!GetOptions('h|?|help' => \$HELP, 'v|verbose' => \$VERBOSE, 'dryrun' => \$DRYRUN, 'w|waittime=s' => \$WAITTIME, 'p|provmethod=s' => \$PROVMETHOD)) { $usage->(1); }
if ($HELP) { $usage->(0); }
if (scalar(@ARGV) != 4) { $usage->(1); }
if (!defined($WAITTIME)) { $WAITTIME = 60; } # seconds to wait after configuring the nic (to let the switch handle the state change)
my %args;
$args{kernelpath} = $ARGV[0];
$args{initrdpath} = $ARGV[1];
$args{kernelparms} = $ARGV[2];
$args{mnip} = $ARGV[3];
addKernelParms(\%args); # replace and add some parms to args{kernelparms}
updateGrub(\%args); # update the grub config with an entry filled with the info in args
# Add ip and net info to the kernel parms. Modifies the kernelparms value of the args hash passed in.
sub addKernelParms {
my $args = shift @_;
# replace '!myipfn!' with the mn ip
my $mnip = $args->{mnip};
$args->{kernelparms} =~ s/!myipfn!/$mnip/g;
# replace <nodename> with the nodename
my $nodename = $ENV{NODE}; # this env var is set by xdsh
$args->{kernelparms} =~ s/<nodename>/$nodename/g;
# get node ip and add it to the kernel parms
my ($nic, $ip, $netmask, $network, $broadcast, $gateway, $mac) = getNodeIpInfo($args);
if (!$ip) { die "Error: could not find the NIC that would connect to the xCAT mgmt node's IP (".$args->{mnip}.").\n"; }
#if (defined($PROVMETHOD) && $PROVMETHOD eq 'sysclone') {
if ($args->{kernelpath} =~ m/genesis\.kernel\.x86_64/) {
# genesis case, add additional parms for sysclone or nodeset shell
my $bootif = $mac;
$bootif =~ s/:/-/g;
$bootif = "BOOTIF=01-$bootif";
#todo: should we also add ETHER_SLEEP=$WAITTIME textmode=1 dns=$mnip ?
$args->{kernelparms} .= " $bootif IPADDR=$ip NETMASK=$netmask NETWORK=$network BROADCAST=$broadcast GATEWAY=$gateway HOSTNAME=$nodename DEVICE=$nic GATEWAYDEV=$nic";
else { # scripted install (kickstart or autoyast)
if ($args->{kernelparms} =~ m/autoyast=/) { # sles
# if site.managedaddressmode=static is set, it will put several of these kernel parms on there for us. Do not duplicate in that case.
if ($args->{kernelparms} !~ m/ hostip=/) { $args->{kernelparms} .= " hostip=$ip"; }
if ($args->{kernelparms} !~ m/ netmask=/) { $args->{kernelparms} .= " netmask=$netmask"; }
if ($args->{kernelparms} !~ m/ gateway=/) { $args->{kernelparms} .= " gateway=$gateway"; }
if ($args->{kernelparms} !~ m/ hostname=/) { $args->{kernelparms} .= " hostname=$nodename"; }
if ($args->{kernelparms} !~ m/ dns=/) { $args->{kernelparms} .= " dns=$mnip"; }
# If they set installnic=mac (recommended), the netdevice will already be set to the mac.
# If they explicitly set installnic=<nic>, then ksdevice will be set to that and we will not disturb it here.
# Otherwise add netdevice set to the nic we calculated it should be.
if ($args->{kernelparms} !~ m/ netdevice=/) { $args->{kernelparms} .= " netdevice=$nic"; }
$args->{kernelparms} .= " netwait=$WAITTIME textmode=1";
# print Dumper($args->{kernelparms})
elsif ($args->{kernelparms} =~ m/ks=/) { # rhel/centos
# See https://www.centos.org/docs/5/html/Installation_Guide-en-US/s1-kickstart2-startinginstall.html
# and http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Anaconda/NetworkIssues for description of kickstart kernel parms
# if site.managedaddressmode=static is set, it will put several of these kernel parms on there for us. Do not duplicate in that case.
if ($args->{kernelparms} !~ m/ ip=/) { $args->{kernelparms} .= " ip=$ip"; }
if ($args->{kernelparms} !~ m/ netmask=/) { $args->{kernelparms} .= " netmask=$netmask"; }
if ($args->{kernelparms} !~ m/ gateway=/) { $args->{kernelparms} .= " gateway=$gateway"; }
if ($args->{kernelparms} !~ m/ hostname=/) { $args->{kernelparms} .= " hostname=$nodename"; }
if ($args->{kernelparms} !~ m/ dns=/) { $args->{kernelparms} .= " dns=$mnip"; }
# If they set installnic=mac (recommended), the ksdevice will already be set to the mac.
# If they explicitly set installnic=<nic>, then ksdevice will be set to that and we will not disturb it here.
# Otherwise ksdevice will be set to bootif, and we change it to the nic we calculated it should be.
if ($args->{kernelparms} =~ m/ ksdevice=bootif/) { $args->{kernelparms} =~ s/ ksdevice=bootif/ ksdevice=$nic/; }
elsif ($args->{kernelparms} !~ m/ ksdevice=/) { $args->{kernelparms} .= " ksdevice=$nic"; }
$args->{kernelparms} .= " nicdelay=$WAITTIME linksleep=$WAITTIME textmode=1";
# print Dumper($args->{kernelparms})
else { die "Error: for scripted installs, only support SLES or RHEL/CentOS as the target OS.\n"; }
# get this nodes nic, ip, netmask, gateway, and mac. Returns them in a 5 element array.
sub getNodeIpInfo {
my $args = shift @_;
my ($ipprefix) = $args->{mnip}=~m/^(\d+)\./; #todo: this is a hack, just using the 1st octet of the mn ip addr
verbose("using IP prefix $ipprefix");
# parse ip addr show output, looking for ipprefix, to determine nic, ip, mac
my @output = runcmd("/sbin/ip addr show");
my ($nic, $mac, $ipandmask);
foreach my $line (@output) {
my ($nictmp, $mactmp, $iptmp);
if (($nictmp) = $line=~m/^\d+:\s+(\S+): /) { $nic = $nictmp; } # new stanza, remember it
if (($mactmp) = $line=~m|^\s+link/ether\s+(\S+) |) { $mac = $mactmp; } # got mac, remember it
if (($iptmp) = $line=~m/^\s+inet\s+($ipprefix\S+) /) { $ipandmask = $iptmp; last; } # got ip, we are done
if (!defined($ipandmask)) { die "Error: can't find a NIC with a prefix $ipprefix that communicates with".$args->{mnip}.".\n"; }
my ($ip, $netmask, $network, $broadcast) = convertIpAndMask($ipandmask);
# if the nic is a bonded nic (common on sl), then find the 1st real nic that is up that is part of it.
# also find that real nics real mac
my $realnic;
if ($nic =~ /^bond/) {
my @nics = grep(m/\s+master\s+$nic\s+/, @output);
if (!scalar(@nics)) { die "Error: can't find the NICs that are part of $nic.\n"; }
foreach my $line (@nics) {
my ($nictmp, $state) = $line=~m/^\d+:\s+(\S+): .* state\s+(\S+)/;
if (defined($nictmp) && defined($state) && $state eq 'UP') { $realnic = $nictmp; last; } # got ip, we are done
if (!defined($realnic)) { die "Error: can't find a physical NIC that is up and part of $nic.\n"; }
# now get the real mac of this real nic (when 2 nics are bonded, ip addr show displays one of the nics
# macs for both nics and the bond). So we have to depend on /proc/net/bonding/$bond instead.
my @bondout = runcmd("cat /proc/net/bonding/$nic");
my $foundnic;
foreach my $line (@bondout) {
my $mactmp;
if ($line=~m/^Slave Interface:\s+$realnic/) { $foundnic = 1; } # found the stanza for this nic, remember it
if ($foundnic && (($mactmp) = $line=~m/^Permanent HW addr:\s+(\S+)/)) { $mac = $mactmp; last; }
else { $realnic = $nic; }
# centos/redhat seems to name the nic in a different order than sles on some svrs.
# sles seems to name them in the same order as 'ip addr show' displays them, centos does not.
# so if we are on centos right now, we need to count down to determine the number that sles
# will give the nic that we have selected, because it is the sles naming that we care about,
# because that is the initrd that will be running in the scripted install case.
# This works similarly (at least in some case) when rhel is the target OS.
# The preferred way is for the user to set installnic=mac, then we do not need to run this code.
# For the sysclone case, genesis doxcat uses the mac to find the nic.
if (isRedhat() && $args->{kernelparms} !~ m/ ksdevice=\S*:/ && $args->{kernelparms} !~ m/ netdevice=\S*:/) {
my @nics = grep(m/^\d+:\s+eth/, @output);
my $i = 0;
foreach my $line (@nics) {
my ($nictmp) = $line=~m/^\d+:\s+(\S+):/;
if (defined($nictmp) && $nictmp eq $realnic) { $realnic = "eth$i"; last; } # got ip, we are done
print "Determined that SLES/RHEL will call the install NIC $realnic (it has mac $mac)\n";
# finally, find the gateway
my $gateway;
my @output = runcmd("/sbin/ip route");
# we are looking for a line like: via dev bond0
my @networks = grep(m/ via .* $nic\s*$/, @output);
if (scalar(@networks)) { ($gateway) = $networks[0]=~m/ via\s+(\S+)/; }
else {
# use the mn ip as a fall back
$gateway = $args->{mnip};
verbose("using xCAT mgmt node IP as the fall back gateway.");
verbose("IP info: realnic=$realnic, ip=$ip, netmask=$netmask, gateway=$gateway, mac=$mac");
return ($realnic, $ip, $netmask, $network, $broadcast, $gateway, $mac);
# Convert an ip/mask in slash notation (like to separate ip, netmask, network, and broadcast values,
# like:,,,
sub convertIpAndMask {
my $ipandmask = shift @_;
my ($ip, $masknum) = split('/', $ipandmask);
# build the netmask
my $nmbin = oct("0b" . '1' x $masknum . '0' x (32-$masknum)); # create a str like '1111100', then convert to binary
my @nmarr=unpack('C4',pack('N',$nmbin)); # separate into the 4 octets
my $netmask=join('.',@nmarr); # put them together into the normal looking netmask
# create binary form of ip
my @iparr=split(/\./,$ip);
my ( $ipbin ) = unpack('N', pack('C4',@iparr ) );
# Calculate network address by logical AND operation of ip & netmask and convert network address to IP address format
my $netbin = ( $ipbin & $nmbin );
my @netarr=unpack('C4', pack('N',$netbin ) );
my $network=join(".",@netarr);
# Calculate broadcast address by inverting the netmask and adding it to the network address
my $bcbin = ( $ipbin & $nmbin ) + ( ~ $nmbin );
my @bcarr=unpack('C4', pack('N',$bcbin ) ) ;
my $broadcast=join(".",@bcarr);
return ($ip, $netmask, $network, $broadcast);
# not used - resolve the hostname to an ip addr
sub getipaddr {
my $hostname = shift @_;
my $packed_ip;
$packed_ip = inet_aton($hostname);
if (!$packed_ip) { return undef; }
return inet_ntoa($packed_ip);
# Update the grub config file with a new stanza for booting our kernel and initrd
sub updateGrub {
my $args = shift @_;
# how we specify the path for the kernel and initrd is different on redhat and suse
my $fileprefix;
if (isRedhat()) { $fileprefix = '/'; }
elsif (isSuse()) { $fileprefix = '/boot/'; }
else { die "Error: currently only support red hat or suse distros.\n"; }
# open the grub file and see if it is in there or if we have to add it
my $grubfile = findGrubPath();
verbose("reading $grubfile");
open(FILE, $grubfile) || die "Error: can not open config file $grubfile for reading: $!\n";
my @lines = <FILE>;
close FILE;
# this is the entry we want in the grub file
my @rootlines = grep(/^\s+root\s+/, @lines); # copy one of the existing root lines
if (!scalar(@rootlines)) { die "Error: can't find an existing line for 'root' in the grub config file\n"; }
my ($rootline) = $rootlines[0] =~ m/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/;
my @entry = (
"\tkernel " . $fileprefix . $args->{kernelpath} . ' ' . $args->{kernelparms} . "\n",
"\tinitrd " . $fileprefix . $args->{initrdpath} . "\n",
if ($DRYRUN) {
print "Dry run: would add this stanza to $grubfile:\n";
foreach my $l (@entry) { print $l; }
my $needtowritefile = 1;
if (grep(/^title\s+$XCATNETBOOTTITLE/, @lines)) { $needtowritefile = updateGrubEntry(\@lines, \@entry); } # there is already an entry in there
else { addGrubEntry (\@lines, \@entry); }
# write the file with the new/updated xcat entry
if ($needtowritefile) {
verbose("updating $grubfile");
open(FILE, '>', $grubfile) || die "Error: can not open config file $grubfile for writing: $!\n";
print FILE @lines;
close FILE;
else { print "Info: $grubfile did not need modifying. It was already up to date.\n"; }
# add our entry as the 1st one in the grub file
sub addGrubEntry {
my ($lines, $entry) = @_;
# find the index of the 1st stanza (it starts with 'title')
my $i;
for ($i=0; $i<scalar(@$lines); $i++) {
if ($lines->[$i] =~ m/^title\s+/) { verbose('adding xcat entry before:'.$lines->[$i]); last; } # found it
# splice the entry right before the i-th line (which may also be 1 past the end)
splice(@$lines, $i, 0, @$entry);
# check the xcat entry in the grub file and see if it needs to be updated. Return 1 if it does.
sub updateGrubEntry {
my ($lines, $entry) = @_;
#print Dumper($lines), Dumper($entry);
# find the index of the xcat stanza
my $i;
for ($i=0; $i<scalar(@$lines); $i++) {
if ($lines->[$i] =~ m/^title\s+$XCATNETBOOTTITLE/) { last; } # found it
# compare the next few lines with the corresponding line in @$entries and replace if different
my $replaced = 0;
for (my $j=0; $j<scalar(@$entry); $j++) {
#print "comparing:\n ", $lines->[$i+$j], "\n ", $entry->[$j], "\n";
if ($lines->[$i+$j] ne $entry->[$j]) { # this line was different
$lines->[$i+$j] = $entry->[$j];
$replaced = 1;
return $replaced;
# depending on the distro, find the correct grub file and return its path
sub findGrubPath {
# for rhel/centos it is /boot/grub/grub.conf, for sles it is /boot/grub/menu.lst
my @paths = qw(/boot/grub/grub.conf /boot/grub/menu.lst);
foreach my $p (@paths) {
if (-f $p) { return $p; }
die "Error: Can't find grub config file.\n";
#todo: support ubuntu: you add an executable file in /etc/grub.d named 06_xcatnetboot that prints out the
# entry to add. Then run grub-mkconfig.
# Pring msg only if -v was specified
sub verbose { if ($VERBOSE) { print shift, "\n"; } }
# Check the distro we are running on
sub isSuse { return (-e '/etc/SuSE-release'); }
sub isRedhat { return (-e '/etc/redhat-release' || -e '/etc/centos-release' || -e '/etc/fedora-release'); } # add chk for fedora
# Run a command. If called in the context of return an array, it will capture the output
# of the cmd and return it. Otherwise, it will display the output to stdout.
# If the cmd has a non-zero rc, this function will die with a msg.
sub runcmd
my ($cmd) = @_;
my $rc;
$cmd .= ' 2>&1' ;
my @output;
if (wantarray) {
@output = `$cmd`;
$rc = $?;
else {
$rc = $?;
if ($rc) {
$rc = $rc >> 8;
if ($rc > 0) { die "Error: rc $rc return from cmd: $cmd\n"; }
else { die "Error: system error returned from cmd: $cmd\n"; }
elsif (wantarray) { return @output; }