bp-sawyers 14856756e3 - system p discovery done
- rvitals done
- frame view fixed

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xcat/code/xcat-core/trunk@2511 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
2008-11-19 21:26:43 +00:00

68 lines
2.3 KiB

// Javascript functions for wizards
window.wizardProps = {}; // global var to hold properties we are collecting
function wizardNext() {
window.wizardProps = { page: window.currentPage, action: 'next'};
$("#wizardPane").load("?a=1", window.wizardProps);
function wizardBack() {
window.wizardProps = { page: window.currentPage, action: 'back'};
$("#wizardPane").load("?a=1", window.wizardProps);
function wizardCancel() {
var props = { page: 0, action: 'cancel'};
$("#wizardPane").load("?a=1", props);
// Repeatedly make a json call to the server until it tells us there are no more steps
function wizardStep(step, done) {
// Mark the previous step as complete
if (step > 1) {
var prevstep = step -1;
$(".WizardProgressTable #step"+prevstep+" #task").removeClass("WizardProgressCurrent");
$(".WizardProgressTable #step"+prevstep+" #chk").attr('src','../images/checked-box.gif');
//$(".WizardProgressTable #step"+prevstep+" #spinner").hide();
$(".WizardProgressTable #step"+prevstep+" #spinner").attr('src', '../images/invisible.gif');
if (done) { return; }
// Make the current item bold
$(".WizardProgressTable #step"+step+" #task").addClass("WizardProgressCurrent");
//$(".WizardProgressTable #step"+step).append("<img id=spinner src='../images/throbber.gif'/>");
$(".WizardProgressTable #step"+step+" #spinner").attr('src', '../images/throbber.gif');
// Do the next step
var props = { page: window.currentPage, action: 'step', step: step };
//alert('props page:'+props.page+ ' action:'+props.action+' step:'+props.step);
jQuery.post('?a=1', props, function(json, textStatus) {
wizardStep(json.step, json.done, json.error);
}, 'json');
// Decide if this task has a P or IFRAME for the output and invoke the function appropriately.
var output = $(".WizardProgressTable #step"+step+" #output");
if (output.is('IFRAME')) { output.attr('src','?page='+props.page+'&action='+props.action+'&step='+props.step+'&output=1'); }
else { output.load("?a=1", props); }
// Get the values from all of the form elements in this page of the wizard and add
// it to wizardProps.
function addFormValues() {
$("#wizardPane INPUT[type='text']").each(function (i) {
window.wizardProps[this.id] = this.value;
$("#wizardPane INPUT[type='checkbox']").each(function (i) {
window.wizardProps[this.id] = this.checked ? 1 : 0;