ESXi releases updates without bumping version numbers. For such cases, the default behavior is for the new version to supersede the old. This makes sense for the vast majority of cases. There are, however, corner cases where being explicit about the release is indicated.
5237 lines
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5237 lines
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package xCAT_plugin::esx;
use strict;
use warnings;
use xCAT::Table;
use xCAT::Utils;
use xCAT::TableUtils;
use xCAT::ServiceNodeUtils;
use xCAT::TZUtils;
use Time::HiRes qw (sleep);
use xCAT::Template;
use xCAT::MsgUtils;
use xCAT::SvrUtils;
use xCAT::NodeRange;
use xCAT::Common;
use xCAT::VMCommon;
use Getopt::Long;
use Thread qw(yield);
use POSIX qw(WNOHANG nice);
use File::Path qw/mkpath rmtree/;
use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
use File::Copy;
use Fcntl qw/:flock/;
use IO::Socket; #Need name resolution
use Scalar::Util qw/looks_like_number/;
#use Data::Dumper;
my @cpiopid;
our @ISA = 'xCAT::Common';
#in xCAT, the lifetime of a process ends on every request
#therefore, the lifetime of assignments to these glabals as architected
#is to be cleared on every request
#my %esx_comm_pids;
my %limbonodes; #nodes in limbo during a forced migration due to missing parent
my %hyphash; #A data structure to hold hypervisor-wide variables (i.e. the current resource pool, virtual machine folder, connection object
my %vcenterhash; #A data structure to reflect the state of vcenter connectivity to hypervisors
my %vmhash; #store per vm info of interest
my %clusterhash;
my %hypready; #A structure for hypervisor readiness to be tracked before proceeding to normal operations
my %running_tasks; #A struct to track this processes
my $output_handler; #Pointer to the function to drive results to client
my $executerequest;
my $usehostnamesforvcenter;
my %tablecfg; #to hold the tables
my %hostrefbynode;
my $currkey;
my $requester;
my $viavcenter;
my $viavcenterbyhyp;
my $vcenterautojoin=1;
my $datastoreautomount=1;
my $vcenterforceremove=0; #used in rmhypervisor
my $reconfigreset=1;
my $vmwaresdkdetect = eval {
require VMware::VIRuntime;
my %lockhandles;
sub recursion_copy {
my $source = shift;
my $destination = shift;
my $dirhandle;
my $entry;
foreach $entry (readdir($dirhandle)) {
if ($entry eq '.' or $entry eq '..') { next; }
my $tempsource = "$source/$entry";
my $tempdestination = "$destination/$entry";
if ( -d $tempsource ) {
unless (-d $tempdestination) { mkdir $tempdestination or die "failure creating directory $tempdestination, $!"; }
} else {
copy($tempsource,$tempdestination) or die "failed copy from $tempsource to $tempdestination, $!";
sub lockbyname {
my $name = shift;
my $lckh;
while (-e "/tmp/xcat/locks/$name") { sleep 1; }
sub unlockbyname {
my $name = shift;
my %guestidmap = (
"rhel.6.*" => "rhel6_",
"rhel.5.*" => "rhel5_",
"rhel4.*" => "rhel4_",
"centos6.*" => "rhel6_",
"centos5.*" => "rhel5_",
"centos4.*" => "rhel4_",
"sles11.*" => "sles11_",
"sles10.*" => "sles10_",
"win2k8" => "winLonghorn",
"win2k8r2" => "windows7Server",
"win2012" => "windows8Server",
"hyperv2012" => "windows8Server",
"esix5.*" => "vmkernel5",
"esix4.*" => "vmkernel",
"win8" => "windows8_",
"win7" => "windows7_",
"win2k3" => "winNetStandard",
"imagex" => "winNetStandard",
"boottarget" => "otherLinux"
#otherGuest, otherGuest64, otherLinuxGuest, otherLinux64Guest
sub handled_commands{
return {
copycd => 'esx',
mknetboot => "nodetype:os=(esxi.*)",
mkinstall => "nodetype:os=(esxi5.*)",
rpower => 'nodehm:power,mgt',
esxiready => "esx",
rsetboot => 'nodehm:power,mgt',
rmigrate => 'nodehm:power,mgt',
formatdisk => "nodetype:os=(esxi.*)",
rescansan => "nodetype:os=(esxi.*)",
mkvm => 'nodehm:mgt',
rmvm => 'nodehm:mgt',
clonevm => 'nodehm:mgt',
createvcluster => 'esx',
lsvcluster => 'esx',
rmvcluster => 'esx',
rinv => 'nodehm:mgt',
chvm => 'nodehm:mgt',
rshutdown => "nodetype:os=(esxi.*)",
lsvm => ['hypervisor:type','nodetype:os=(esx.*)'],
rmhypervisor => ['hypervisor:type','nodetype:os=(esx.*)'],
chhypervisor => ['hypervisor:type','nodetype:os=(esx.*)'],
#lsvm => 'nodehm:mgt', not really supported yet
sub preprocess_request {
my $request = shift;
my $callback = shift;
if ($request->{command}->[0] eq 'createvcluster' or $request->{command}->[0] eq 'lsvcluster' or $request->{command}->[0] eq 'rmvcluster') {
return [$request];
#if already preprocessed, go straight to request
if ( (defined($request->{_xcatpreprocessed}))
&& ($request->{_xcatpreprocessed}->[0] == 1))
return [$request];
my $username = 'root';
my $password = '';
my $vusername = "Administrator";
my $vpassword = "";
unless ($request and $request->{command} and $request->{command}->[0]) { return; }
if ($request->{command}->[0] eq 'copycd')
{ #don't farm out copycd
return [$request];
}elsif($request->{command}->[0] eq 'mknetboot'
or $request->{command}->[0] eq 'mkinstall'){
return [$request];
if ($request->{_xcatpreprocessed} and $request->{_xcatpreprocessed}->[0] == 1) { return [$request]; }
# exit if preprocesses
my @requests;
my $noderange;
my $command = $request->{command}->[0];
if ($request->{node}) {
$noderange = $request->{node}; # array ref
} elsif ($command eq "esxiready") {
my $node;
($node) = noderange($request->{'_xcat_clienthost'}->[0]);
$noderange = [$node];
$request->{node} = $noderange;
my $extraargs = $request->{arg};
my @exargs=($request->{arg});
my %hyp_hash = ();
my %cluster_hash=();
# Get nodes from mp table and assign nodes to mp hash.
my $passtab = xCAT::Table->new('passwd');
my $tmp;
if ($passtab) {
($tmp) = $passtab->getAttribs({'key'=>'vmware'},'username','password');
if (defined($tmp)) {
$username = $tmp->{username};
$password = $tmp->{password};
($tmp) = $passtab->getAttribs({'key'=>'vcenter'},'username','password');
if (defined($tmp)) {
$vusername = $tmp->{username};
$vpassword = $tmp->{password};
my $vmtab = xCAT::Table->new("vm");
$callback->({data=>["Cannot open vm table"]});
$request = {};
my $vmtabhash = $vmtab->getNodesAttribs($noderange,['host','migrationdest']);
foreach my $node (@$noderange){
if ($command eq "rmhypervisor" or $command eq 'lsvm' or $command eq 'esxiready' or $command eq 'rshutdown' or $command eq "chhypervisor" or $command eq "formatdisk" or $command eq 'rescansan') {
$hyp_hash{$node}{nodes} = [$node];
} else {
my $ent = $vmtabhash->{$node}->[0];
if(defined($ent->{host})) {
push @{$hyp_hash{$ent->{host}}{nodes}}, $node;
} elsif (defined($ent->{migrationdest})) {
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,": no host or cluster defined for guest"], $callback,$node);
# find service nodes for the MMs
# build an individual request for each service node
my $service = "xcat";
my @hyps=keys(%hyp_hash);
my %targethyps;
if ($command eq 'rmigrate' and (scalar @{$extraargs} >= 1)) {
my $offline;
my $junk;
"f" => \$offline,
"s=s" => \$junk #wo don't care about it, but suck up nfs:// targets so they don't get added
my $dsthyp = $ARGV[0];
if ($dsthyp) {
push @hyps,$dsthyp;
#TODO: per hypervisor table password lookup
my @allnodes;
push @allnodes,@hyps;
push @allnodes,@$noderange;
my $sn = xCAT::ServiceNodeUtils->get_ServiceNode(\@allnodes, $service, "MN");
#vmtabhash was from when we had do double duty for hypervisor data
#$vmtabhash = $vmtab->getNodesAttribs(\@hyps,['host']);
#We now use hypervisor fields to be unambiguous
my $hyptab = xCAT::Table->new('hypervisor');
my $hyptabhash={};
if ($hyptab) {
$hyptabhash = $hyptab->getNodesAttribs(\@hyps,['mgr']);
# build each request for each service node
foreach my $snkey (keys %$sn){
my $reqcopy = {%$request};
$reqcopy->{'_xcatdest'} = $snkey;
$reqcopy->{_xcatpreprocessed}->[0] = 1;
my $hyps1=$sn->{$snkey};
my @moreinfo=();
my @nodes=();
foreach (@$hyps1) { #This preserves the constructed data to avoid redundant table lookup
my $cfgdata;
if (not $targethyps{$_} and not $hyp_hash{$_}) { #a vm, skip it
} elsif ($hyp_hash{$_}{nodes}) {
push @nodes, @{$hyp_hash{$_}{nodes}};
$cfgdata = "[$_][".join(',',@{$hyp_hash{$_}{nodes}})."][$username][$password][$vusername][$vpassword]"; #TODO: not use
} else {
$cfgdata = "[$_][][$username][$password][$vusername][$vpassword]"; #TODO: not use
if (defined $hyptabhash->{$_}->[0]->{mgr}) {
$cfgdata .= "[". $hyptabhash->{$_}->[0]->{mgr}."]";
} else {
$cfgdata .= "[]";
push @moreinfo, $cfgdata; #"[$_][".join(',',@{$hyp_hash{$_}{nodes}})."][$username][$password]";
foreach (keys %cluster_hash) {
my $cluster;
my $vcenter;
if (/@/) {
($cluster,$vcenter) = split /@/,$_,2;
} else {
die "TODO: implement default vcenter (for now, user, do vm.migratiodest=cluster".'@'."vcentername)";
push @moreinfo,"[CLUSTER:$cluster][".join(',',keys %{$cluster_hash{$_}->{nodes}})."][$username][$password][$vusername][$vpassword][$vcenter]";
if (scalar @nodes) {
$reqcopy->{node} = \@nodes;
#print "nodes=@nodes\n";
push @requests, $reqcopy;
return \@requests;
sub process_request {
#$SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = sub{
# foreach (keys %esx_comm_pids){
# kill 2,$_;
# }
# exit 0;
my $request = shift;
$output_handler = shift;
$executerequest = shift;
if ($request->{_xcat_authname}->[0]) {
%vcenterhash = ();#A data structure to reflect the state of vcenter connectivity to hypervisors
my $level = shift;
my $distname = undef;
my $arch = undef;
my $path = undef;
my $command = $request->{command}->[0];
#The first segment is fulfilling the role of this plugin as
#a hypervisor provisioning plugin (akin to anaconda, windows, sles plugins)
if($command eq 'copycd'){
return copycd($request,$executerequest);
}elsif($command eq 'mkinstall'){
return mkinstall($request,$executerequest);
}elsif($command eq 'mknetboot'){
return mknetboot($request,$executerequest);
#From here on out, code for managing guests under VMware
#Detect whether or not the VMware SDK is available on this specific system
unless ($vmwaresdkdetect) {
$vmwaresdkdetect = eval {
require VMware::VIRuntime;
unless ($vmwaresdkdetect) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"VMWare SDK required for operation, but not installed"], $output_handler);
if ($command eq 'createvcluster') {
if ($command eq 'lsvcluster') {
if ($command eq 'rmvcluster') {
my $moreinfo;
my $noderange;
if ($request->{node}) {
$noderange = $request->{node}; # array ref
} elsif ($command eq "esxiready") {
my $node;
($node) = noderange($request->{'_xcat_clienthost'}->[0]);
$noderange = [$node];
my @exargs;
return; # Empty request
if (ref($request->{arg})) {
@exargs = @{$request->{arg}};
} else {
@exargs = ($request->{arg});
#my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
#(my $ref) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'usehostnamesforvcenter'}, 'value');
my @entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("usehostnamesforvcenter");
my $t_entry = $entries[0];
if ( defined($t_entry) ) {
$usehostnamesforvcenter = $t_entry;
#($ref) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'vcenterautojoin'}, 'value');
@entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("vcenterautojoin");
$t_entry = $entries[0];
if ( defined($t_entry) ) {
$vcenterautojoin = $t_entry;
if ($vcenterautojoin =~ /^n/ or $vcenterautojoin =~ /^dis/) {
#($ref) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'vmwaredatastoreautomount'}, 'value');
@entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("vmwaredatastoreautomount");
$t_entry = $entries[0];
if ( defined($t_entry) ) {
$datastoreautomount = $t_entry;
if ($datastoreautomount =~ /^n/ or $datastoreautomount =~ /^dis/) {
#($ref) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'vmwarereconfigonpower'},'value');
@entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("vmwarereconfigonpower");
$t_entry = $entries[0];
if ( defined($t_entry) ) {
if ($reconfigreset =~ /^(n|d)/i) { #if no or disable, skip it
# }
if ($request->{moreinfo}) { $moreinfo=$request->{moreinfo}; }
else { $moreinfo=build_more_info($noderange,$output_handler);}
foreach my $info (@$moreinfo) {
my $hyp=$1;
my @nodes=split(',', $2);
my $username = $3;
my $password = $4;
my $tmpvcname=$7;
my $tmpvcuname=$5;
my $tmpvcpass=$6;
if ($hyp =~ /^CLUSTER:/) { #a cluster, not a host.
$hyp =~ s/^CLUSTER://;
$clusterhash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{name} = $tmpvcname;
$clusterhash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{username} = $tmpvcuname;
$clusterhash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{password} = $tmpvcpass;
foreach (@nodes) {
$hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{name} = $tmpvcname;
$hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{username} = $tmpvcuname;
$hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{password} = $tmpvcpass;
$hyphash{$hyp}->{username}=$username;# $nodeid;
$hyphash{$hyp}->{password}=$password;# $nodeid;
unless ($hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{password}) {
$hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{password} = "";
my $ent;
for (my $i=0; $i<@nodes; $i++){
if ($command eq 'rmigrate' and grep /-f/, @exargs) { #offline migration,
$hyphash{$hyp}->{offline} = 1; #if it is migrate and it has nodes, it is a source hypervisor apt to be offline
#this will hint to relevant code to operate under the assumption of a
#downed hypervisor source
#note this will make dangerous assumptions, it will make a very minimal attempt
#to operate normally, but really should only be called if the source is down and
#fenced (i.e. storage, network, or turned off and stateless
my $node = $nodes[$i];
#my $nodeid = $ids[$i];
$hyphash{$hyp}->{nodes}->{$node}=1;# $nodeid;
my $hyptab = xCAT::Table->new('hypervisor',create=>0);
if ($hyptab) {
my @hyps = keys %hyphash;
$tablecfg{hypervisor} = $hyptab->getNodesAttribs(\@hyps,['mgr','netmap','defaultnet','cluster','preferdirect','datacenter']);
my $hoststab = xCAT::Table->new('hosts',create=>0);
if ($hoststab) {
my @hyps = keys %hyphash;
$tablecfg{hosts} = $hoststab->getNodesAttribs(\@hyps,['hostnames']);
#my $children = 0;
#my $vmmaxp = 84;
#$SIG{CHLD} = sub { my $cpid; while ($cpid = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG) > 0) { delete $esx_comm_pids{$cpid}; $children--; } };
$viavcenter = 0;
if ($command eq 'rmigrate' or $command eq 'rmhypervisor') { #Only use vcenter when required, fewer prereqs
$viavcenter = 1;
if ($command eq 'rmhypervisor' and grep /-f/, @exargs) { #force remove of hypervisor
my $keytab = xCAT::Table->new('prodkey');
if ($keytab) {
my @hypes = keys %hyphash;
$tablecfg{prodkey} = $keytab->getNodesAttribs(\@hypes,[qw/product key/]);
my $hyp;
my %needvcentervalidation;
my $cluster;
foreach $cluster (keys %clusterhash) {
my $vcenter = $clusterhash{$cluster}->{vcenter}->{name};
unless ($vcenterhash{$vcenter}->{conn}) {
eval {
$vcenterhash{$vcenter}->{conn} = Vim->new(service_url=>"https://$vcenter/sdk");
$vcenterhash{$vcenter}->{conn}->login(user_name => $clusterhash{$cluster}->{vcenter}->{username},
password => $clusterhash{$cluster}->{vcenter}->{password});
if ($@) {
$vcenterhash{$vcenter}->{conn} = undef;
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unable to reach $vcenter vCenter server to manage cluster $cluster: $@"], $output_handler);
my $clusternode;
foreach my $clusternode (keys %{$clusterhash{$cluster}->{nodes}}) {
foreach $hyp (sort(keys %hyphash)){
#if($pid == 0){
if ($viavcenter or (defined $tablecfg{hypervisor}->{$hyp}->[0]->{mgr} and not $tablecfg{hypervisor}->{$hyp}->[0]->{preferdirect})) {
$hypready{$hyp} = 0; #This hypervisor requires a flag be set to signify vCenter sanenes before proceeding
my $vcenter = $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{name};
unless ($vcenterhash{$vcenter}->{conn}) {
eval {
$vcenterhash{$vcenter}->{conn} =
user_name => $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{username},
password => $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{password}
if ($@) {
$vcenterhash{$vcenter}->{conn} = undef;
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unable to reach $vcenter vCenter server to manage $hyp: $@"], $output_handler);
my $hypnode;
foreach $hypnode (keys %{$hyphash{$hyp}->{nodes}}) {
$hyphash{$hyp}->{conn} = $vcenterhash{$hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{name}}->{conn};
$hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn} = $vcenterhash{$hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{name}}->{conn};
} else {
eval {
$hyphash{$hyp}->{conn} = Vim->new(service_url=>"https://$hyp/sdk");
if ($@) {
$hyphash{$hyp}->{conn} = undef;
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unable to reach $hyp to perform operation due to $@"], $output_handler);
$hypready{$hyp} = -1;
my $localnode;
foreach $localnode (keys %{$hyphash{$hyp}->{nodes}}) {
# $esx_comm_pids{$pid} = 1;
foreach $hyp (keys %needvcentervalidation) {
my $vcenter = $needvcentervalidation{$hyp};
if (not defined $vcenterhash{$vcenter}->{hostviews}) {
if (validate_vcenter_prereqs($hyp, \&declare_ready, {
}) eq "failed") {
$hypready{$hyp} = -1;
while (grep { $_ == 0 } values %hypready) {
sleep (1); #We'll check back in every second. Unfortunately, we have to poll since we are in web service land
my @badhypes;
if (grep { $_ == -1 } values %hypready) {
foreach (keys %hypready) {
if ($hypready{$_} == -1) {
unless ($hyphash{$_}->{offline}) {
push @badhypes,$_;
my @relevant_nodes = sort (keys %{$hyphash{$_}->{nodes}});
my $sadhypervisor=$_;
foreach (@relevant_nodes) {
if ($command eq "rmigrate" and grep /-f/,@exargs) { $limbonodes{$_}=$needvcentervalidation{$sadhypervisor}; } else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,": hypervisor unreachable"], $output_handler,$_);
if ($command eq "rpower" and grep /stat/,@exargs) { $limbonodes{$_}=$needvcentervalidation{$sadhypervisor}; } #try to stat power anyway through vcenter of interest...
delete $hyphash{$_};
if (@badhypes) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,": The following hypervisors failed to become ready for the operation: ".join(',',@badhypes)], $output_handler);
foreach (@badhypes) { delete $hyphash{$_}; }
foreach my $vm (sort(keys %vmhash)){
sub validate_licenses {
my $hyp = shift;
my $conn = $hyphash{$hyp}->{conn}; #This can't possibly be called via a cluster stack, so hyphash is appropriate here
unless ($tablecfg{prodkey}->{$hyp}) { #if no license specified, no-op
my $hv = get_hostview(hypname=>$hyp,conn=>$conn,properties=>['configManager','name']);
my $lm = $conn->get_view(mo_ref=>$hv->configManager->licenseManager);
my @licenses;
foreach (@{$lm->licenses}) {
push @licenses,uc($_->licenseKey);
my @newlicenses;
foreach (@{$tablecfg{prodkey}->{$hyp}}) {
if (defined($_->{product}) and $_->{product} eq 'esx') {
my $key = uc($_->{key});
unless (grep /$key/,@licenses) {
push @newlicenses,$key;
foreach (@newlicenses) {
sub do_cmd {
my $command = shift;
my @exargs = @_;
if ($command eq 'esxiready') {
if ($command eq 'rpower') {
} elsif ($command eq 'rmvm') {
} elsif ($command eq 'rsetboot') {
} elsif ($command eq 'rinv') {
} elsif ($command eq 'formatdisk') {
} elsif ($command eq 'rescansan') {
} elsif ($command eq 'rmhypervisor') {
} elsif ($command eq 'rshutdown') {
} elsif ($command eq 'chhypervisor') {
} elsif ($command eq 'lsvm') {
} elsif ($command eq 'clonevm') {
} elsif ($command eq 'mkvm') {
} elsif ($command eq 'chvm') {
} elsif ($command eq 'rmigrate') { #Technically, on a host view, but vcenter path is 'weirder'
if ($command eq 'clonevm') { #TODO: unconditional, remove mkvms hosted copy
my @dhcpnodes;
foreach (keys %{$tablecfg{dhcpneeded}}) {
push @dhcpnodes,$_;
delete $tablecfg{dhcpneeded}->{$_};
unless ($::XCATSITEVALS{'dhcpsetup'} and ($::XCATSITEVALS{'dhcpsetup'} =~ /^n/i or $::XCATSITEVALS{'dhcpsetup'} =~ /^d/i or $::XCATSITEVALS{'dhcpsetup'} eq '0')) {
#inventory request for esx
sub inv {
my %args = @_;
my $node = $args{node};
my $hyp = $args{hyp};
if (not defined $args{vmview}) { #attempt one refresh
$args{vmview} = $vmhash{$node}->{conn}->find_entity_view(view_type => 'VirtualMachine',properties=>['','runtime.powerState'],filter=>{name=>$node});
if (not defined $args{vmview}) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"VM does not appear to exist"], $output_handler,$node);
if (not $args{vmview}->{config}) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"VM is in an invalid state"], $output_handler,$node);
@ARGV= @{$args{exargs}};
require Getopt::Long;
my $tableUpdate;
my $rc = GetOptions(
't' => \$tableUpdate,
if(@ARGV > 1) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Invalid arguments: @ARGV", $output_handler);
if(!$rc) {
my $vmview = $args{vmview};
my $moref = $vmview->{mo_ref}->value;
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Managed Object Reference: $moref", $output_handler,$node);
my $uuid = $vmview->config->uuid;
$uuid =~ s/(..)(..)(..)(..)-(..)(..)-(..)(..)/$4$3$2$1-$6$5-$8$7/;
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("UUID/GUID: $uuid", $output_handler,$node);
my $cpuCount = $vmview->config->hardware->numCPU;
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("CPUs: $cpuCount", $output_handler,$node);
my $memory = $vmview->config->hardware->memoryMB;
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Memory: $memory MB", $output_handler,$node);
my %updatehash = ( cpus => $cpuCount, memory=>$memory);
my $devices = $vmview->config->hardware->device;
my $label;
my $size;
my $fileName;
my $device;
if ($tableUpdate and $hyp) {
validate_datastore_prereqs([$node],$hyp); #need datastoremaps to verify names...
my %vmstorageurls;
foreach $device (@$devices) {
$label = $device->deviceInfo->label;
if($label =~ /^Hard disk/) {
$label .= " (d".$device->controllerKey.":".$device->unitNumber.")";
$size = $device->capacityInKB / 1024;
$fileName = $device->backing->fileName;
contents=>"$size MB @ $fileName"
#if ($tableUpdate) {
# $fileName =~ /\[([^\]]+)\]/;
# $vmstorageurls{$hyphash{$hyp}->{datastoreurlmap}->{$1}}=1;
} elsif ($label =~ /Network/) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("$label: ".$device->macAddress, $output_handler,$node);
if ($tableUpdate) {
my $cfgdatastore;
foreach (@{$vmview->layoutEx->file}) {
#TODO, track ALL layoutEx->file....
if ($_->type eq 'config') {
$_->name =~ /\[([^\]]+)\]/;
$cfgdatastore = $hyphash{$hyp}->{datastoreurlmap}->{$1};
my $cfgkey;
if ($tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{cfgstore}) { #check the config file explicitly, ignore the rest
} elsif ($tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage}) { #check the config file explicitly, ignore the rest
my $configuration = $tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{$cfgkey}; #TODO: prune urls that map to no layoutEx->file entries anymore
my $configappend = $configuration;
$configappend =~ s/^[^,=]*//;
$tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{$cfgkey} =~ m!nfs://([^/]+)/!;
my $tablecfgserver =$1;
my $cfgserver = inet_aton($tablecfgserver);
if ($cfgserver) {
$cfgserver = inet_ntoa($cfgserver); #get the IP address (TODO: really need to wrap getaddrinfo this handily...
my $cfgurl = $tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{$cfgkey};
$cfgurl =~ s/$tablecfgserver/$cfgserver/;
if ($cfgurl ne $cfgdatastore) {
$updatehash{$cfgkey} = $cfgdatastore.$configappend;
my $vm=xCAT::Table->new('vm',-create=>1);
#changes the memory, number of cpus and device size
#can also add,resize and remove disks
sub chvm {
my %args = @_;
my $node = $args{node};
my $hyp = $args{hyp};
if (not defined $args{vmview}) { #attempt one refresh
$args{vmview} = $vmhash{$node}->{conn}->find_entity_view(view_type => 'VirtualMachine',
if (not defined $args{vmview}) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"VM does not appear to exist"], $output_handler,$node);
@ARGV= @{$args{exargs}};
my @deregister;
my @purge;
my @add;
my %resize;
my $cpuCount;
my $memory;
my $vmview = $args{vmview};
require Getopt::Long;
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Could not parse options, ".shift()], $output_handler);
my @otherparams;
my $cdrom;
my $eject;
my $rc = GetOptions(
"d=s" => \@deregister,
"p=s" => \@purge,
"a=s" => \@add,
"o=s" => \@otherparams,
"resize=s%" => \%resize,
"optical|cdrom|c=s" => \$cdrom,
"eject" => \$eject,
"cpus=s" => \$cpuCount,
"mem=s" => \$memory
if(@ARGV) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Invalid arguments: @ARGV", $output_handler);
if(!$rc) {
#use Data::Dumper;
#xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("dereg = ".Dumper(\@deregister));
#xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("purge = ".Dumper(\@purge));
#xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("add = ".Dumper(\@add));
#xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("resize = ".Dumper(\%resize));
#xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("cpus = $cpuCount");
#xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("mem = ".getUnits($memory,"K",1024));
my %conargs;
if($cpuCount) {
if ($cpuCount =~ /^\+(\d+)/) {
$cpuCount = $vmview->config->hardware->numCPU+$1;
} elsif ($cpuCount =~ /^-(\d+)/) {
$cpuCount = $vmview->config->hardware->numCPU-$1;
$conargs{numCPUs} = $cpuCount;
if($memory) {
if ($memory =~ /^\+(.+)/) {
$conargs{memoryMB} = $vmview->config->hardware->memoryMB + getUnits($1,"M",1048576);
} elsif ($memory =~ /^-(\d+)/) {
$conargs{memoryMB} = $vmview->config->hardware->memoryMB - getUnits($1,"M",1048576);
} else {
$conargs{memoryMB} = getUnits($memory, "M", 1048576);
my $disk;
my $devices = $vmview->config->hardware->device;
my $label;
my $device;
my $cmdLabel;
my $newSize;
my @devChanges;
if(@deregister) {
for $disk (@deregister) {
$device = getDiskByLabel($disk, $devices);
unless($device) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Disk: $disk does not exist"], $output_handler,$node);
push @devChanges, VirtualDeviceConfigSpec->new(
device => $device,
operation => VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation->new('remove'));
if(@purge) {
for $disk (@purge) {
$device = getDiskByLabel($disk, $devices);
unless($device) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Disk: $disk does not exist"], $output_handler,$node);
push @devChanges, VirtualDeviceConfigSpec->new(
device => $device,
operation => VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation->new('remove'),
fileOperation => VirtualDeviceConfigSpecFileOperation->new('destroy'));
if(@add) {
my $addSizes = join(',',@add);
my $scsiCont;
my $scsiUnit;
my $ideCont;
my $ideUnit;
my $label;
my $idefull=0;
my $scsifull=0;
foreach $device (@$devices) {
$label = $device->deviceInfo->label;
if($label =~ /^SCSI controller/) {
my $tmpu=getAvailUnit($device->{key},$devices,maxnum=>15);
if ($tmpu > 0) {
$scsiCont = $device;
} else {
#ignore scsiControllers that are full, problem still remains if trying to add across two controllers in one go
if($label =~ /^IDE/ and not $ideCont) {
my $tmpu=getAvailUnit($device->{key},$devices,maxnum=>1);
if ($tmpu >= 0) {
$ideCont = $device;
$ideUnit = $tmpu;
} elsif ($device->{key} == 201) {
unless ($hyphash{$hyp}->{datastoremap}) { validate_datastore_prereqs([],$hyp); }
push @devChanges, create_storage_devs($node,$hyphash{$hyp}->{datastoremap},$addSizes,$scsiCont,$scsiUnit,$ideCont,$ideUnit,$devices,idefull=>$idefull,scsifull=>$scsifull);
if ($cdrom or $eject) {
my $opticalbackingif;
my $opticalconnectable;
if ($cdrom) {
my $storageurl;
if ($cdrom =~ m!://!) {
$storageurl =~ s!/[^/]*\z!!;
unless (validate_datastore_prereqs([],$hyp,{$storageurl=>[$node]})) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unable to find/mount datastore holding $cdrom"], $output_handler,$node);
$cdrom =~ s!.*/!!;
} else {
$storageurl = $tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage};
$storageurl =~ s/=.*//;
$storageurl =~ s/.*,//;
$storageurl =~ s/\/\z//;
$opticalbackingif = VirtualCdromIsoBackingInfo->new( fileName => "[".$hyphash{$hyp}->{datastoremap}->{$storageurl}."] $cdrom");
$opticalconnectable = VirtualDeviceConnectInfo->new(startConnected=>1,allowGuestControl=>1,connected=>1);
} elsif ($eject) {
my $oldcd;
foreach my $dev (@$devices) {
if ($dev->deviceInfo->label eq "CD/DVD drive 1") {
unless ($oldcd) {
if ($cdrom) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unable to find Optical drive in VM to insert ISO image"], $output_handler,$node);
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unable to find Optical drive in VM to perform eject"], $output_handler,$node);
my $newDevice = VirtualCdrom->new(backing => $opticalbackingif,
push @devChanges, VirtualDeviceConfigSpec->new(
device => $newDevice,
operation => VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation->new('edit'));
if(%resize) {
while( my ($key, $value) = each(%resize) ) {
my @drives = split(/,/, $key);
for my $device ( @drives ) {
my $disk = $device;
$device = getDiskByLabel($disk, $devices);
unless($device) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Disk: $disk does not exist"], $output_handler,$node);
if ($value =~ /^\+(.+)/) {
$value = $device->capacityInKB + getUnits($1,"G",1024);
} else {
$value = getUnits($value, "G", 1024);
my $newDevice = VirtualDisk->new(deviceInfo => $device->deviceInfo,
key => $device->key,
controllerKey => $device->controllerKey,
unitNumber => $device->unitNumber,
deviceInfo => $device->deviceInfo,
backing => $device->backing,
capacityInKB => $value);
push @devChanges, VirtualDeviceConfigSpec->new(
device => $newDevice,
operation => VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation->new('edit'));
if(@devChanges) {
$conargs{deviceChange} = \@devChanges;
if (@otherparams) {
my $key;
my $value;
my @optionvals;
foreach (@otherparams) {
($key,$value) = split /=/;
unless ($key) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Invalid format for other parameter specification"], $output_handler,$node);
if ($value) {
push @optionvals,OptionValue->new(key=>$key,value=>$value);
} else {
push @optionvals,OptionValue->new(key=>$key); #the api doc says this is *supposed* to delete a key, don't think it works though, e.g.
$conargs{extraConfig} = \@optionvals;
my $reconfigspec = VirtualMachineConfigSpec->new(%conargs);
#xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("reconfigspec = ".Dumper($reconfigspec));
my $task = $vmview->ReconfigVM_Task(spec=>$reconfigspec);
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&chvm_task_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{hyp} = $hyp;
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { node => $node, successtext => "node successfully changed",cpus=>$cpuCount,mem=>$memory };
sub getUsedUnits {
my $contKey = shift;
my $devices = shift;
my %usedids;
$usedids{'7'}=1; #TODO: figure out which of these is redundant, the string or the number variant
for my $device (@$devices) {
if($device->{controllerKey} eq $contKey) {
return \%usedids;
sub getAvailUnit {
my $contKey = shift;
my $devices = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $maxunit=-1;
if (defined $args{maxnum}) {
my %usedids;
$usedids{'7'}=1; #TODO: figure out which of these is redundant, the string or the number variant
for my $device (@$devices) {
if($device->{controllerKey} eq $contKey) {
my $highestUnit=0;
while ($usedids{$highestUnit}) {
if ($highestUnit == $maxunit) {
return -1;
return $highestUnit;
#given a device list from a vm and a label for a hard disk, returns the device object
sub getDiskByLabel {
my $cmdLabel = shift;
my $devices = shift;
my $device;
my $label;
$cmdLabel = commandLabel($cmdLabel);
foreach $device (@$devices) {
$label = $device->deviceInfo->label;
if($cmdLabel eq $label) {
return $device;
} elsif (($label =~ /^Hard disk/) and ($cmdLabel =~ /^d(.*)/)) {
my $desc = $1;
if ($desc =~ /(.*):(.*)/) {#specific
my $controller=$1;
my $unit=$2;
if ($device->unitNumber == $unit and $device->controllerKey == $controller) {
return $device;
} elsif ($desc =~ /\d+/ and $device->unitNumber == $desc) { #not specific
return $device;
return undef;
#takes a label for a hard disk and prepends "Hard disk " if it's not there already
sub commandLabel {
my $label = shift;
if(($label =~ /^Hard disk/) or ($label =~ /^d\d+/)) {
return $label;
return "Hard disk ".$label;
#this function will check pending task status
sub process_tasks {
foreach (keys %running_tasks) {
my $curcon;
if (defined $running_tasks{$_}->{conn}) {
$curcon = $running_tasks{$_}->{conn};
} elsif ($running_tasks{$_}->{hyp}) {
$curcon = $hyphash{$running_tasks{$_}->{hyp}}->{conn};
} elsif ($running_tasks{$_}->{vm}) {
$curcon = $vmhash{$running_tasks{$_}->{vm}}->{conn};
} elsif ($running_tasks{$_}->{cluster}) {
$curcon = $clusterhash{$running_tasks{$_}->{cluster}}->{conn};
} else {
use Carp qw/confess/;
confess "This stack trace indicates a cluster unfriendly path";
my $curt = $curcon->get_view(mo_ref=>$running_tasks{$_}->{task});
my $state = $curt->info->state->val;
unless ($state eq 'running' or $state eq 'queued') {
delete $running_tasks{$_};
if ($state eq 'running' and not $running_tasks{$_}->{questionasked}) { # and $curt->info->progress == 95) { #This is unfortunate, there should be a 'state' to indicate a question is blocking
#however there isn't, so if we see something running at 95%, we just manually see if a question blocked the rest
my $vm;
eval {
$vm = $curcon->get_view(mo_ref=>$curt->info->entity);
if ($@) { $vm = 0; }
if ($vm and $vm->{summary} and $vm->summary->{runtime} and $vm->summary->runtime->{question} and $vm->summary->runtime->question) {
#this function is a barrier to ensure prerequisites are met
sub wait_for_tasks {
while (scalar keys %running_tasks) {
sleep (1); #We'll check back in every second. Unfortunately, we have to poll since we are in web service land
sub connecthost_callback {
my $task = shift;
my $args = shift;
my $hv = $args->{hostview};
my $state = $task->info->state->val;
if ($state eq "success") {
$hypready{$args->{hypname}}=1; #declare readiness
$vcenterhash{$args->{vcenter}}->{goodhyps}->{$args->{hypname}} = 1;
if (defined $args->{depfun}) { #If a function is waiting for the host connect to go valid, call it
my $thumbprint;
eval {
$thumbprint = $task->{info}->error->fault->thumbprint;
if ($thumbprint) { #was an unknown certificate error, retry and accept the unknown certificate
my $task;
if (defined $args->{hostview}) {#It was a reconnect request
$task = $hv->ReconnectHost_Task(cnxSpec=>$args->{connspec});
} elsif (defined $args->{foldview}) {#was an add host request
$task = $args->{foldview}->AddStandaloneHost_Task(spec=>$args->{connspec},addConnected=>1);
} elsif (defined $args->{cluster}) {#was an add host to cluster request
$task = $args->{cluster}->AddHost_Task(spec=>$args->{connspec},asConnected=>1);
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&connecthost_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{conn} = $args->{conn};
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = $args; #{ conn_spec=>$connspec,hostview=>$hv,hypname=>$args->{hypname},vcenter=>$args->{vcenter} };
} elsif ($state eq 'error') {
my $error = $task->info->error->localizedMessage;
if (defined ($task->info->error->fault->faultMessage)) { #Only in 4.0, support of 3.5 must be careful?
foreach(@{$task->info->error->fault->faultMessage}) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,$error], $output_handler); #,$node);
$hypready{$args->{hypname}} = -1; #Impossible for this hypervisor to ever be ready
$vcenterhash{$args->{vcenter}}->{badhyps}->{$args->{hypname}} = 1;
sub delhost_callback { #only called in rmhypervisor -f case during validate vcenter phase
my $task = shift;
my $args = shift;
my $hv = $args->{hostview};
my $state = $task->info->state->val;
if ($state eq "success") {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("removed", $output_handler,$args->{hypname});
$hypready{$args->{hypname}} = -1; #Impossible for this hypervisor to ever be ready
$vcenterhash{$args->{vcenter}}->{badhyps}->{$args->{hypname}} = 1;
} elsif ($state eq 'error') {
my $error = $task->info->error->localizedMessage;
if (defined ($task->info->error->fault->faultMessage)) { #Only in 4.0, support of 3.5 must be careful?
foreach(@{$task->info->error->fault->faultMessage}) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,$error], $output_handler); #,$node);
$hypready{$args->{hypname}} = -1; #Impossible for this hypervisor to ever be ready
$vcenterhash{$args->{vcenter}}->{badhyps}->{$args->{hypname}} = 1;
sub get_clusterview {
my %args = @_;
my $clustname = $args{clustname};
my %subargs = (
if ($args{properties}) {
my $view = $args{conn}->find_entity_view(%subargs);
return $view;
#foreach (@{$args{conn}->find_entity_views(%subargs)}) {
# if ($_->name eq "$clustname") {
# return $_;
# last;
# }
sub get_hostview {
my %args = @_;
my $host = $args{hypname};
my %subargs = (
if ($args{properties}) {
my @addrs = gethostbyname($host);
my $ip;
my $name;
my $aliases;
if ($addrs[4]) {
($name, $aliases) = gethostbyaddr($addrs[4],AF_INET); #TODO: IPv6
} else {
($ip,$name,$aliases) = ($host,$host,"");
my @matchvalues = ($host,$ip,$name);
foreach (split /\s+/,$aliases) {
push @matchvalues,$_;
my $view;
$subargs{filter}={'name' => qr/$host(?:\.|\z)/};
$view = $args{conn}->find_entity_view(%subargs);
if ($view) { return $view; }
foreach (@matchvalues) {
$subargs{filter}={'name' => qr/$_(?:\.|\z)/};
$view = $args{conn}->find_entity_view(%subargs);
if ($view) { return $view; }
$subargs{filter}={'name' => qr/localhost(?:\.|\z)/};
$view = $args{conn}->find_entity_view(%subargs);
if ($view) { return $view; }
return undef; #rest of function should be obsoleted, going to run with that assumption for 2.5 at least
# $subargs{filter}={'name' =~ qr/.*/};
# foreach (@{$args{conn}->find_entity_views(%subargs)}) {
# my $view = $_;
# if ($_->name =~ /$host(?:\.|\z)/ or $_->name =~ /localhost(?:\.|\z)/ or grep { $view->name =~ /$_(?:\.|\z)/ } @matchvalues) {
# return $view;
# last;
# }
# }
sub enable_vmotion {
#TODO: vmware 3.x semantics too? this is 4.0...
my %args = @_;
unless ($args{hostview}) {
$args{hostview} = get_hostview(conn=>$args{conn},hypname=>$args{hypname},properties=>['configManager','name']);
my $nicmgr=$args{conn}->get_view(mo_ref=>$args{hostview}->configManager->virtualNicManager);
my $qnc = $nicmgr->QueryNetConfig(nicType=>"vmotion");
if ($qnc->{selectedVnic}) {
return 1;
} else {
my $vniccount=scalar @{$qnc->candidateVnic};
if ($vniccount==1 or ($vniccount==2 and $qnc->candidateVnic->[1]->spec->ip->ipAddress =~ /^169.254/)) { #There is only one possible path, use it
return 1;
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"TODO: use configuration to pick the nic ".$args{hypname}], $output_handler);
return 0;
sub mkvm_callback {
my $task = shift;
my $args = shift;
my $node = $args->{node};
my $hyp = $args->{hyp};
if ($task->info->state->val eq 'error') {
my $error = $task->info->error->localizedMessage;
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,$error], $output_handler,$node);
sub relay_vmware_err {
my $task = shift;
my $extratext = shift;
my @nodes = @_;
my $error = $task->info->error->localizedMessage;
if (defined ($task->info->error->fault->faultMessage)) { #Only in 4.0, support of 3.5 must be careful?
foreach(@{$task->info->error->fault->faultMessage}) {
if (@nodes) {
foreach (@nodes) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,$extratext.$error], $output_handler,$_);
}else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,$extratext.$error], $output_handler);
sub relocate_callback {
my $task = shift;
my $parms = shift;
my $state = $task->info->state->val;
if ($state eq 'success') {
my $vmtab = xCAT::Table->new('vm'); #TODO: update
my $prevloc = $tablecfg{vm}->{$parms->{node}}->[0]->{storage};
my $model;
($prevloc,$model) = split /=/,$prevloc;
my $target = $parms->{target};
if ($model) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg(":relocated to to ".$parms->{target}, $output_handler,$parms->{node});
} else {
relay_vmware_err($task,"Relocating to ".$parms->{target}." ",$parms->{node});
sub migrate_ok { #look like a successful migrate, callback for registering a vm
my %args = @_;
my $vmtab = xCAT::Table->new('vm');
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("migrated to ".$args{target}, $output_handler,$args{nodes}->[0]);
sub migrate_callback {
my $task = shift;
my $parms = shift;
my $state = $task->info->state->val;
if (not $parms->{skiptodeadsource} and $state eq 'success') {
my $vmtab = xCAT::Table->new('vm');
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("migrated to ".$parms->{target}, $output_handler,$parms->{node});
} elsif($parms->{offline}) { #try a forceful RegisterVM instead
my $target = $parms->{target};
my $hostview = $hyphash{$target}->{conn}->find_entity_view(view_type=>'VirtualMachine',properties=>[''],filter=>{name=>$parms->{node}});
if ($hostview) { #this means vcenter still has it in inventory, but on a dead node...
#unfortunately, vcenter won't give up the old one until we zap the dead hypervisor
#also unfortunately, it doesn't make it easy to find said hypervisor..
$hostview = $hyphash{$parms->{src}}->{conn}->get_view(mo_ref=>$hyphash{$parms->{src}}->{deletionref});
$task = $hostview->Destroy_Task();
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&migrate_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{conn} = $hyphash{$target}->{vcenter}->{conn};
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { offline=>1, src=>$parms->{src}, node=>$parms->{node}, target=>$target, skiptodeadsource=>1 };
} else { #it is completely gone, attempt a register_vm strategy
register_vm($target,$parms->{node},undef,\&migrate_ok,{ nodes => [$parms->{node}], target=>$target, },"failonerror");
} else {
relay_vmware_err($task,"Migrating to ".$parms->{target}." ",$parms->{node});
sub poweron_task_callback {
my $task = shift;
my $parms = shift;
my $q = shift; #question if blocked
my $vm = shift; #path to answer questions if asked
my $state = $task->info->state->val;
my $node = $parms->{node};
my $intent = $parms->{successtext};
if ($state eq 'success') {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg($intent, $output_handler,$node);
} elsif ($state eq 'error') {
} elsif ($q and $q->text =~ /^msg.uuid.altered:/ and ($q->choice->choiceInfo->[0]->summary eq 'Cancel' and ($q->choice->choiceInfo->[0]->key eq '0'))) { #make sure it is what is what we have seen it to be
if ($parms->{forceon} and $q->choice->choiceInfo->[1]->summary =~ /I (_)?moved it/ and $q->choice->choiceInfo->[1]->key eq '1') { #answer the question as 'moved'
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Failure powering on VM, it mismatched against the hypervisor. If positive VM is not running on another hypervisor, use -f to force VM on"], $output_handler,$node);
} elsif ($q) {
if ($q->choice->choiceInfo->[0]->summary eq 'Cancel') {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,":Cancelling due to unexpected question executing task: ".$q->text], $output_handler,$node);
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,":Task hang due to unexpected question executing task, need to use VMware tools to clean up the mess for now: ".$q->text], $output_handler,$node);
sub chvm_task_callback {
my $task = shift;
my $parms = shift;
my $state = $task->info->state->val;
my $node = $parms->{node};
my $intent = $parms->{successtext};
if ($state eq 'success') {
my $updatehash;
if ($parms->{cpus} and $tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{cpus}) { #need to update
if ($parms->{mem} and $tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{memory}) { #need to update
if ($updatehash) {
my $vmtab = xCAT::Table->new('vm',-create=>1);
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg($intent, $output_handler,$node);
} elsif ($state eq 'error') {
sub generic_task_callback {
my $task = shift;
my $parms = shift;
my $state = $task->info->state->val;
my $node = $parms->{node};
my $intent = $parms->{successtext};
if ($state eq 'success') {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg($intent, $output_handler,$node);
} elsif ($state eq 'error') {
sub migrate {
my %args = @_;
my @nodes = @{$args{nodes}};
my $hyp = $args{hyp};
my $vcenter = $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{name};
my $datastoredest;
my $offline;
unless (GetOptions(
's=s' => \$datastoredest,
'f' => \$offline,
)) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Error parsing arguments"], $output_handler);
my $target=$hyp; #case for storage migration
if ($datastoredest) { $datastoredest =~ s/=.*//; }#remove =scsi and similar if specified
if ($datastoredest and scalar @ARGV) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unable to mix storage migration and processing of arguments ".join(' ',@ARGV)], $output_handler);
} elsif (@ARGV) {
$target=shift @ARGV;
if (@ARGV) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unrecognized arguments ".join(' ',@ARGV)], $output_handler);
} elsif ($datastoredest) { #storage migration only
unless (validate_datastore_prereqs([],$hyp,{$datastoredest=>\@nodes})) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unable to find/mount target datastore $datastoredest"], $output_handler);
foreach (@nodes) {
my $hostview = $hyphash{$hyp}->{conn}->find_entity_view(view_type=>'VirtualMachine',properties=>[''],filter=>{name=>$_});
my $relocatspec = VirtualMachineRelocateSpec->new(
my $task = $hostview->RelocateVM_Task(spec=>$relocatspec);
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&relocate_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{hyp} = $args{hyp};
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { node => $_, target=>$datastoredest };
process_tasks; #check for tasks needing followup actions before the task is forgotten (VMWare's memory is fairly short at times
if ((not $offline and $vcenterhash{$vcenter}->{badhyps}->{$hyp}) or $vcenterhash{$vcenter}->{badhyps}->{$target}) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unable to migrate ".join(',',@nodes)." to $target due to inability to validate vCenter connectivity"], $output_handler);
if (($offline or $vcenterhash{$vcenter}->{goodhyps}->{$hyp}) and $vcenterhash{$vcenter}->{goodhyps}->{$target}) {
unless (validate_datastore_prereqs(\@nodes,$target)) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unable to verify storage state on target system"], $output_handler);
unless (validate_network_prereqs(\@nodes,$target)) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unable to verify target network state"], $output_handler);
my $dstview = get_hostview(conn=>$hyphash{$target}->{conn},hypname=>$target,properties=>['name','parent']);
unless ($hyphash{$target}->{pool}) {
$hyphash{$target}->{pool} = $hyphash{$target}->{conn}->get_view(mo_ref=>$dstview->parent,properties=>['resourcePool'])->resourcePool;
foreach (@nodes) {
process_tasks; #check for tasks needing followup actions before the task is forgotten (VMWare's memory is fairly short at times
my $srcview = $hyphash{$target}->{conn}->find_entity_view(view_type=>'VirtualMachine',properties=>[''],filter=>{name=>$_});
if ($offline and not $srcview) { #we have a request to resurrect the dead..
register_vm($target,$_,undef,\&migrate_ok,{ nodes => [$_], exargs => $args{exargs}, target=>$target, hyp => $args{hyp}, offline => $offline },"failonerror");
} elsif (not $srcview) {
$srcview = $hyphash{$hyp}->{conn}->find_entity_view(view_type=>'VirtualMachine',properties=>[''],filter=>{name=>$_});
unless ($srcview) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unable to locate node in vCenter"], $output_handler,$_);
my $task = $srcview->MigrateVM_Task(
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&migrate_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{hyp} = $args{hyp};
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { node => $_, src=>$hyp, target=>$target, offline => $offline };
} else {
#xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Waiting for BOTH to be 'good'");
return; #One of them is still 'pending'
sub reconfig_callback {
my $task = shift;
my $args = shift;
delete $args->{reconfig_args}->{vmview}; #Force a reload of the view, update_view_data seems to not work as advertised..
sub repower { #Called to try power again after power down for reconfig
my $task = shift;
my $args = shift;
my $powargs=$args->{power_args};
delete $powargs->{vmview}; #Force a reload of the view, update_view_data seems to not work as advertised..
sub retry_rmvm {
my $task = shift;
my $args = shift;
my $node = $args->{node};
my $state = $task->info->state->val;
if ($state eq "success") {
delete $args->{args}->{vmview};
} elsif ($state eq 'error') {
sub rmvm {
my %args = @_;
my $node = $args{node};
my $hyp = $args{hyp};
if (not defined $args{vmview}) { #attempt one refresh
$args{vmview} = $vmhash{$node}->{conn}->find_entity_view(view_type => 'VirtualMachine',properties=>['','runtime.powerState'],filter=>{name=>$node});
if (not defined $args{vmview}) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"VM does not appear to exist"], $output_handler,$node);
@ARGV= @{$args{exargs}};
require Getopt::Long;
my $forceremove;
my $purge;
'f' => \$forceremove,
'p' => \$purge,
my $task;
unless ($args{vmview}->{'runtime.powerState'}->val eq 'poweredOff') {
if ($forceremove) {
$task = $args{vmview}->PowerOffVM_Task();
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&retry_rmvm,
$running_tasks{$task}->{hyp} = $args{hyp};
$running_tasks{$task}->{vm} = $node;
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { node => $node, args=>\%args };
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Cannot rmvm active guest (use -f argument to force)"], $output_handler,$node);
if ($purge) {
$task = $args{vmview}->Destroy_Task();
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { node => $node, successtext => 'purged' };
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&generic_task_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{hyp} = $args{hyp}; #$hyp_conns->{$hyp};
$running_tasks{$task}->{vm} = $node;
} else {
$task = $args{vmview}->UnregisterVM();
sub getreconfigspec {
my %args = @_;
my $node = $args{node};
my $vmview = $args{view};
my $currid=$args{view}->{'config.guestId'};
my $rightid=getguestid($node);
my %conargs;
my $reconfigneeded=0;
if ($currid ne $rightid) {
my $newmem;
if ($tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{memory} and $newmem = getUnits($tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{memory},"M",1048576)) {
my $currmem = $vmview->{'config.hardware.memoryMB'};
if ($newmem ne $currmem) {
$conargs{memoryMB} = $newmem;
my $newcpus;
if ($tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{cpus} and $newcpus = $tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{cpus}) {
my $currncpu = $vmview->{'config.hardware.numCPU'};
if ($newcpus ne $currncpu) {
$conargs{numCPUs} = $newcpus;
if ($reconfigneeded) {
return VirtualMachineConfigSpec->new(%conargs);
} else {
return 0;
#This routine takes a single node, managing vmv instance, and task tracking hash to submit a power on request
sub power {
my %args = @_;
my $node = $args{node};
my $hyp = $args{hyp};
my $pretendop = $args{pretendop}; #to pretend a system was on for reset or boot when we have to turn it off internally for reconfig
if (not defined $args{vmview}) { #attempt one refresh
$args{vmview} = $vmhash{$node}->{conn}->find_entity_view(view_type => 'VirtualMachine',properties=>['','config.guestId','config.hardware.memoryMB','config.hardware.numCPU','runtime.powerState'],filter=>{name=>$node});
#vmview not existing now is not an issue, this function
#is designed to handle that and correct if reasonably possible
#comes into play particularly in a stateless context
@ARGV = @{$args{exargs}}; #for getoptions;
my $forceon;
require Getopt::Long;
'force|f' => \$forceon,
my $subcmd = $ARGV[0];
my $intent="";
my $task;
my $currstat;
if ($args{vmview}) {
$currstat = $args{vmview}->{'runtime.powerState'}->val;
if (grep /$subcmd/,qw/on reset boot/) {
my $reconfigspec;
if ($reconfigreset and ($reconfigspec = getreconfigspec(node=>$node,view=>$args{vmview}))) {
if ($currstat eq 'poweredOff') {
#xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Correcting guestId because $currid and $rightid are not the same...");#DEBUG
my $task = $args{vmview}->ReconfigVM_Task(spec=>$reconfigspec);
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&reconfig_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{hyp} = $args{hyp};
$running_tasks{$task}->{vm} = $node;
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { node => $node, reconfig_fun=>\&power, reconfig_args=>\%args };
} elsif (grep /$subcmd/,qw/reset boot/) { #going to have to do a 'cycle' and present it up normally..
#xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("DEBUG: forcing a cycle");
$task = $args{vmview}->PowerOffVM_Task();
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&repower;
$running_tasks{$task}->{hyp} = $args{hyp};
$running_tasks{$task}->{vm} = $node;
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { node => $node, power_args=>\%args};
return; #we have to wait
#TODO: fixit
#xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("I see vm has $currid and I want it to be $rightid");
} else {
$currstat = 'off';
if ($currstat eq 'poweredOff') {
$currstat = 'off';
} elsif ($currstat eq 'poweredOn') {
$currstat = 'on';
} elsif ($currstat eq 'suspended') {
$currstat = 'suspend';
if ($subcmd =~ /^stat/) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg($currstat, $output_handler,$node);
if ($subcmd =~ /boot/) {
$intent = "$currstat ";
if ($currstat eq 'on' or $args{pretendop}) {
$intent = "on ";
$subcmd = 'reset';
} else {
$subcmd = 'on';
if ($subcmd =~ /on/) {
if ($currstat eq 'off' or $currstat eq 'suspend') {
if (not $args{vmview}) { #We are asking to turn on a system the hypervisor
#doesn't know, attempt to register it first
return; #We'll pick it up on the retry if it gets registered
eval {
if ($hyp) {
$task = $args{vmview}->PowerOnVM_Task(host=>$hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview});
} else {
$task = $args{vmview}->PowerOnVM_Task(); #DRS may have it's way with me
if ($@) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,":".$@], $output_handler,$node);
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&poweron_task_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{hyp} = $args{hyp}; #$hyp_conns->{$hyp};
$running_tasks{$task}->{vm} = $node;
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { node => $node, successtext => $intent.'on', forceon=>$forceon };
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg($currstat, $output_handler,$node);
} elsif ($subcmd =~ /softoff/) {
if ($currstat eq 'on') {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("softoff", $output_handler,$node);
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg($currstat, $output_handler,$node);
} elsif ($subcmd =~ /off/) {
if ($currstat eq 'on') {
$task = $args{vmview}->PowerOffVM_Task();
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&generic_task_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{hyp} = $args{hyp};
$running_tasks{$task}->{vm} = $node;
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { node => $node, successtext => 'off' };
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg($currstat, $output_handler,$node);
} elsif ($subcmd =~ /suspend/) {
if ($currstat eq 'on') {
$task = $args{vmview}->SuspendVM_Task();
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&generic_task_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{hyp} = $args{hyp};
$running_tasks{$task}->{vm} = $node;
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { node => $node, successtext => 'suspend' };
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("off", $output_handler,$node);
} elsif ($subcmd =~ /reset/) {
if ($currstat eq 'on') {
$task = $args{vmview}->ResetVM_Task();
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&generic_task_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{hyp} = $args{hyp};
$running_tasks{$task}->{vm} = $node;
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { node => $node, successtext => $intent.'reset' };
} elsif ($args{pretendop}) { #It is off, but pretend it was on
eval {
if ($hyp) {
$task = $args{vmview}->PowerOnVM_Task(host=>$hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview});
} else {
$task = $args{vmview}->PowerOnVM_Task(); #allow DRS
if ($@) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,":".$@], $output_handler,$node);
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&generic_task_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{hyp} = $args{hyp};
$running_tasks{$task}->{vm} = $node;
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { node => $node, successtext => $intent.'reset' };
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg($currstat, $output_handler,$node);
sub generic_vm_operation { #The general form of firing per-vm requests to ESX hypervisor
my $properties = shift; #The relevant properties to the general task, MUST INCLUDE
my $function = shift; #The function to actually run against the right VM view
my @exargs = @_; #Store the rest to pass on
my $hyp;
my $vmviews;
my %vcviews; #views populated once per vcenter server for improved performance
my $node;
foreach $hyp (keys %hyphash) {
if ($viavcenterbyhyp->{$hyp}) {
foreach $node (keys %{$hyphash{$hyp}->{nodes}}){
foreach (keys %limbonodes) {
my $cluster;
foreach $cluster (keys %clusterhash) {
foreach $node (keys %{$clusterhash{$cluster}->{nodes}}) {
my $currentvcenter;
my %foundlimbo;
foreach $currentvcenter (keys %vcenterhash) {
#retrieve all vm views in one gulp
my $vmsearchstring = join(")|(",keys %{$vcenterhash{$currentvcenter}->{vms}});
$vmsearchstring = '^(('.$vmsearchstring.'))(\z|\.)';
my $regex = qr/$vmsearchstring/;
$vcviews{$currentvcenter} = $vcenterhash{$currentvcenter}->{conn}->find_entity_views(view_type => 'VirtualMachine',properties=>$properties,filter=>{''=>$regex});
foreach (@{$vcviews{$currentvcenter}}) {
my $node = $_->{''};
unless (defined $tablecfg{vm}->{$node}) {
$node =~ s/\..*//; #try the short name;
if (defined $tablecfg{vm}->{$node}) { #see if the host pointer requires a refresh
my $hostref = $hostrefbynode{$node};
if ($hostref and $hostref eq $_->{''}->value) { next; } #the actual host reference matches the one that we got when populating hostviews based on what the table had to say #TODO: does this mean it is buggy if we want to mkvm/rmigrate/etc if the current is wrong and the noderange doesn't have something on the right hostview making us not get it in the
#mass request? Or is it just slower because it hand gets host views?
my $host = $vcenterhash{$currentvcenter}->{conn}->get_view(mo_ref=>$_->{''},properties=>['']);
$host = $host->{''};
my $shost = $host;
$shost =~ s/\..*//;
#time to figure out which of these is a node
my @nodes = noderange("$host,$shost");
my $vmtab = xCAT::Table->new("vm",-create=>1);
die "Error opening vm table";
if ($nodes[0]) {
if ($limbonodes{$node}) { $foundlimbo{$node}=$currentvcenter; }
} #else {
# $vmtab->setNodeAttribs($node,{host=>$host});
foreach my $lnode (keys %foundlimbo) {
$vmviews= $vcviews{$foundlimbo{$lnode}};
my %mgdvms; #sort into a hash for convenience
foreach (@$vmviews) {
$mgdvms{$_->{''}} = $_;
my @entitylist;
push @entitylist,keys %hyphash;
push @entitylist,keys %clusterhash;
foreach my $entity (@entitylist) {
if ($hyphash{$entity}) {
$hyp=$entity; #save some retyping...
if ($viavcenterbyhyp->{$hyp}) {
$vmviews= $vcviews{$hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{name}}
} else {
$vmviews = [];
my $node;
foreach $node (sort (keys %{$hyphash{$hyp}->{nodes}})){
push @{$vmviews},$hyphash{$hyp}->{conn}->find_entity_view(view_type => 'VirtualMachine',properties=>$properties,filter=>{''=>qr/^$node/});
#$vmviews = $hyphash{$hyp}->{conn}->find_entity_views(view_type => 'VirtualMachine',properties=>$properties);
my %mgdvms; #sort into a hash for convenience
foreach (@$vmviews) {
$mgdvms{$_->{''}} = $_;
my $node;
foreach $node (sort (keys %{$hyphash{$hyp}->{nodes}})){
process_tasks; #check for tasks needing followup actions before the task is forgotten (VMWare's memory is fairly short at times
} else { #a cluster.
$vmviews= $vcviews{$clusterhash{$entity}->{vcenter}->{name}};
my %mgdvms; #sort into a hash for convenience
foreach (@$vmviews) {
$mgdvms{$_->{''}} = $_;
my $node;
foreach $node (sort (keys %{$clusterhash{$entity}->{nodes}})){
sub generic_hyp_operation { #The general form of firing per-hypervisor requests to ESX hypervisor
my $function = shift; #The function to actually run against the right VM view
my @exargs = @_; #Store the rest to pass on
my $hyp;
if (scalar keys %limbonodes) { #we are in forced migration with dead sources, try to register them
my $datastoredest;
my $offline;
unless (GetOptions(
's=s' => \$datastoredest,
'f' => \$offline,
)) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Error parsing arguments"], $output_handler);
if ($datastoredest) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Storage migration impossible with dead hypervisor, must be migrated to live hypervisor first"], $output_handler);
} elsif (@ARGV) {
my $target=shift @ARGV;
if (@ARGV) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unrecognized arguments ".join(' ',@ARGV)], $output_handler);
foreach (keys %limbonodes) {
register_vm($target,$_,undef,\&migrate_ok,{ nodes => [$_], target=>$target, },"failonerror");
} else { #storage migration only
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"No target hypervisor specified"], $output_handler);
foreach $hyp (keys %hyphash) {
process_tasks; #check for tasks needing followup actions before the task is forgotten (VMWare's memory is fairly short at times
my @relevant_nodes = sort (keys %{$hyphash{$hyp}->{nodes}});
unless (scalar @relevant_nodes) {
nodes => \@relevant_nodes,
hyp => $hyp,
exargs => \@exargs
#my $vmviews = $hyp_conns->{$hyp}->find_entity_views(view_type => 'VirtualMachine',properties=>['runtime.powerState','']);
#my %mgdvms; #sort into a hash for convenience
#foreach (@$vmviews) {
# $mgdvms{$_->{''}} = $_;
#my $node;
#foreach $node (sort (keys %{$hyp_hash->{$hyp}->{nodes}})){
# $function->($node,$mgdvms{$node},$taskstotrack,$callback,@exargs);
# foreach (@nothing) { #@{$mgdvms{$node}->config->hardware->device}) {
# if (defined $_->{macAddress}) {
# print "\nFound a mac: ".$_->macAddress."\n";
# }
# }
# }
foreach $hyp (keys %clusterhash) { #clonevm, mkvm, rmigrate could land here in clustered mode with DRS/HA
my @relevant_nodes = sort (keys %{$clusterhash{$hyp}->{nodes}});
unless (scalar @relevant_nodes) {
$function->(nodes => \@relevant_nodes,cluster=>$hyp,exargs => \@exargs,conn=>$clusterhash{$hyp}->{conn});
sub rmhypervisor_disconnected {
my $task = shift;
my $parms = shift;
my $node = $parms->{node};
my $hyp = $node;
my $state = $task->info->state->val;
if ($state eq 'success') {
my $task = $hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview}->Destroy_Task();
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { node => $node, successtext => 'removed' };
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&generic_task_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{hyp} =$hyp;
} elsif ($state eq 'error') {
sub rmhypervisor_inmaintenance {
my $task = shift;
my $parms = shift;
my $state = $task->info->state->val;
my $node = $parms->{node};
my $intent = $parms->{successtext};
if ($state eq 'success') {
my $hyp = $parms->{node};
my $task = $hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview}->DisconnectHost_Task();
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&rmhypervisor_disconnected;
$running_tasks{$task}->{hyp} = $hyp;
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { node => $hyp };
} elsif ($state eq 'error') {
sub lsvm {
my %args = @_;
my $hyp = $args{hyp};
$hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview} = get_hostview(hypname=>$hyp,conn=>$hyphash{$hyp}->{conn}); #,properties=>['config','configManager']);
use Data::Dumper;
my $vms = $hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview}->vm;
unless ($vms) {
foreach (@$vms) {
my $vmv = $hyphash{$hyp}->{conn}->get_view(mo_ref=>$_);
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg($vmv->name, $output_handler,$hyp);
sub chhypervisor {
my %args = @_;
@ARGV = @{$args{exargs}}; #for getoptions;
my $maintenance;
my $online;
my $stat;
my $vlanaddspec;
my $vlanremspec;
require Getopt::Long;
'maintenance|m' => \$maintenance,
'online|o' => \$online,
'show|s' => \$stat,
'show|s' => \$stat,
'addvlan=s' => \$vlanaddspec,
'removevlan=s' => \$vlanremspec,
my $hyp = $args{hyp};
$hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview} = get_hostview(hypname=>$hyp,conn=>$hyphash{$hyp}->{conn}); #,properties=>['config','configManager']);
if ($maintenance) {
if (defined $hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview}) {
my $task = $hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview}->EnterMaintenanceMode_Task(timeout=>0);
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&generic_task_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{hyp} = $args{hyp};
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { node => $hyp , successtext => "hypervisor in maintenance mode"};
} elsif ($online) {
if (defined $hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview}) {
my $task = $hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview}->ExitMaintenanceMode_Task(timeout=>0);
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&generic_task_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{hyp} = $args{hyp};
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { node => $hyp , successtext => "hypervisor online"};
} elsif ($stat) {
if (defined $hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview}) {
if ($hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview}->runtime->inMaintenanceMode) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("hypervisor in maintenance mode", $output_handler,$hyp);
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("hypervisor online", $output_handler,$hyp);
} elsif ($vlanaddspec) {
fixup_hostportgroup($vlanaddspec, $hyp);
} elsif ($vlanremspec) {
fixup_hostportgroup($vlanremspec, $hyp, action=>'remove');
sub rshutdown { #TODO: refactor with next function too
my %args = @_;
my $hyp = $args{hyp};
$hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview} = get_hostview(hypname=>$hyp,conn=>$hyphash{$hyp}->{conn}); #,properties=>['config','configManager']);
if (defined $hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview}) {
my $task = $hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview}->EnterMaintenanceMode_Task(timeout=>0);
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&rshutdown_inmaintenance;
$running_tasks{$task}->{hyp} = $args{hyp};
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { node => $hyp };
sub rshutdown_inmaintenance {
my $task = shift;
my $parms = shift;
my $state = $task->info->state->val;
my $node = $parms->{node};
my $intent = $parms->{successtext};
if ($state eq 'success') {
my $hyp = $parms->{node};
if (defined $hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview}) {
my $task = $hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview}->ShutdownHost_Task(force=>0);
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&generic_task_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{hyp} = $hyp;
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { node => $hyp, successtext => "shutdown initiated" };
} elsif ($state eq 'error') {
sub rescansan {
my %args = @_;
my $hyp = $args{hyp};
my $hostview = get_hostview(hypname=>$hyp,conn=>$hyphash{$hyp}->{conn},properties=>['config','configManager']);
if (defined $hostview) {
my $hdss = $hostview->{vim}->get_view(mo_ref=>$hostview->configManager->storageSystem);
sub formatdisk {
my %args = @_;
my $hyp = $args{hyp};
$hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview} = get_hostview(hypname=>$hyp,conn=>$hyphash{$hyp}->{conn},properties=>['config','configManager']);
@ARGV = @{$args{exargs}};
my $nid;
my $name;
'id=s' => \$nid,
'name=s' => \$name,
my $hostview = $hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview};
if (defined $hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview}) {
my $hdss = $hostview->{vim}->get_view(mo_ref=>$hostview->configManager->storageSystem);
my $dss = $hostview->{vim}->get_view(mo_ref=>$hostview->configManager->datastoreSystem);
my $diskList = $dss->QueryAvailableDisksForVmfs();
foreach my $disk (@$diskList) {
foreach my $id (@{$disk->{descriptor}}) {
if (lc($id->{id}) eq lc('naa.'.$nid)) {
my $options = $dss->QueryVmfsDatastoreCreateOptions(devicePath => $disk->devicePath);
my $newDatastore = $dss->CreateVmfsDatastore(spec => @$options[0]->spec );
sub rmhypervisor {
my %args = @_;
my $hyp = $args{hyp};
$hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview} = get_hostview(hypname=>$hyp,conn=>$hyphash{$hyp}->{conn}); #,properties=>['config','configManager']);
if (defined $hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview}) {
my $task = $hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview}->EnterMaintenanceMode_Task(timeout=>0);
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&rmhypervisor_inmaintenance;
$running_tasks{$task}->{hyp} = $args{hyp};
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { node => $hyp };
sub clonevms {
my %args=@_;
my $nodes = $args{nodes};
my $hyp = $args{hyp};
my $cluster = $args{cluster};
@ARGV = @{$args{exargs}}; #for getoptions;
my $base;
my $force;
my $detach;
my $specialize;
my $target;
require Getopt::Long;
'b=s' => \$base,
'f' => \$force,
'd' => \$detach,
'specialize' => \$specialize,
't=s' => \$target,
if ($base and $target) {
foreach my $node (@$nodes) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Cannot specify both base (-b) and target (-t)"], $output_handler,$node);
unless ($base or $target) {
foreach my $node (@$nodes) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Must specify one of base (-b) or target (-t)"], $output_handler,$node);
if ($target and (scalar @{$nodes} != 1)) {
foreach my $node (@$nodes) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Cannot specify mulitple nodes to create a master from"], $output_handler,$node);
if ($hyp) {
$hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview} = get_hostview(hypname=>$hyp,conn=>$hyphash{$hyp}->{conn});
my $newdatastores;
my $mastername;
my $url;
my $masterref;
if ($base) { #if base, we need to pull in the target datastores
my $mastertab=xCAT::Table->new('vmmaster');
$masterref=$mastertab->getNodeAttribs( $base,[qw/storage os arch profile storagemodel nics specializeparameters/]);
unless ($masterref) {
foreach my $node (@$nodes) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Cannot find master $base in vmmaster table"], $output_handler,$node);
$newdatastores->{$masterref->{storage}}=[]; #make sure that the master datastore is mounted...
foreach (@$nodes) {
my $url;
if ($tablecfg{vm}->{$_}->[0]->{storage}) {
$url =~ s/=.*//;
} else {
unless ($url) { die "Shouldn't be possible"; }
if (ref $newdatastores->{$_}) {
push @{$newdatastores->{$url}},$_;
} else {
} elsif ($target) {
if ($url =~ m!/!) {
$url =~ s!/([^/]*)\z!!;
} else {
$url = $tablecfg{vm}->{$nodes->[0]}->[0]->{storage};
$url =~ s/.*\|//;
$url =~ s/=(.*)//;
$url =~ s/,.*//;
if ($hyp) {
unless (validate_datastore_prereqs($nodes,$hyp,$newdatastores)) {
} else { #need to build datastore map for cluster
if ($target) {
return promote_vm_to_master(node=>$nodes->[0],target=>$target,force=>$force,detach=>$detach,cluster=>$cluster,hyp=>$hyp,url=>$url,mastername=>$mastername);
} elsif ($base) {
return clone_vms_from_master(nodes=>$nodes,base=>$base,detach=>$detach,cluster=>$cluster,hyp=>$hyp,mastername=>$base,masterent=>$masterref,specialize=>$specialize);
sub sortoutdatacenters { #figure out all the vmfolders for all the nodes passed in
my %args=@_;
my $nodes=$args{nodes};
my $hyp=$args{hyp};
my $cluster=$args{cluster};
my %nondefaultdcs;
my $deffolder;
my $conn;
if ($hyp) {
unless (defined $hyphash{$hyp}->{vmfolder}) {
$hyphash{$hyp}->{vmfolder} = $hyphash{$hyp}->{conn}->get_view(mo_ref=>$hyphash{$hyp}->{conn}->find_entity_view(view_type=>'Datacenter',properties=>['vmFolder'])->vmFolder);
$conn= $hyphash{$hyp}->{conn};
} else { #clustered
unless (defined $clusterhash{$cluster}->{vmfolder}) {
$clusterhash{$cluster}->{vmfolder} = $clusterhash{$cluster}->{conn}->get_view(mo_ref=>$clusterhash{$cluster}->{conn}->find_entity_view(view_type=>'Datacenter',properties=>['vmFolder'])->vmFolder);
$conn= $clusterhash{$cluster}->{conn};
foreach (@$nodes) {
if ($tablecfg{vm}->{$_}->[0]->{datacenter}) {
} else {
my $datacenter;
foreach $datacenter (keys %nondefaultdcs) {
my $vmfolder= $conn->get_view(mo_ref=>$conn->find_entity_view(view_type=>'Datacenter',properties=>['vmFolder'],filter=>{name=>$datacenter})->vmFolder,filter=>{name=>$datacenter});
foreach (keys %{$nondefaultdcs{$datacenter}}) {
sub clone_vms_from_master {
my %args = @_;
my $mastername=$args{mastername};
my $specialize=$args{specialize};
my $hyp = $args{hyp};
my $cluster=$args{cluster};
my $regex=qr/^$mastername\z/;
my @nodes=@{$args{nodes}};
my $node;
my $conn;
if ($hyp) {
} else {
my $masterviews = $conn->find_entity_views(view_type => 'VirtualMachine',filter=>{''=>$regex});
if (scalar(@$masterviews) != 1) {
foreach $node (@nodes) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unable to find master $mastername in VMWare infrastructure"], $output_handler,$node);
my $masterview=$masterviews->[0];
my $masterent=$args{masterent};
my $ostype;
foreach $node (@nodes) {
my $destination=$tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage};
my $nodetypeent;
my $vment;
foreach (qw/os arch profile/) {
foreach (qw/storagemodel nics/) {
unless ($destination) {
$destination =~ s/=.*//;
my $placement_resources=get_placement_resources(hyp=>$hyp,cluster=>$cluster,destination=>$destination);
my $pool=$placement_resources->{pool};
my $dstore=$placement_resources->{datastore};
my %relocatespecargs = (
datastore=>$dstore, #$hyphash{$hyp}->{datastorerefmap}->{$destination},
#diskMoveType=>"createNewChildDiskBacking", #fyi, requires a snapshot, which isn't compatible with templates, moveChildMostDiskBacking would potentially be fine, but either way is ha incopmatible and limited to 8, arbitrary limitations hard to work around...
unless ($args{detach}) {
if ($hyp) { $relocatespecargs{host}=$hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview} }
my $relocatespec = VirtualMachineRelocateSpec->new(%relocatespecargs);
my %clonespecargs = (
unless ($args{detach}) {
if ($specialize) {
my %custargs;
if ($masterent->{specializeparameters}) { %custargs = ( parameters=>$masterent->{specializeparameters} ); }
$clonespecargs{customization} = make_customization_spec($node,ostype=>$ostype,%custargs);
my $clonespec = VirtualMachineCloneSpec->new(%clonespecargs);
my $vmfolder = $vmhash{$node}->{vmfolder};
my $task = $masterview->CloneVM_Task(folder=>$vmfolder,name=>$node,spec=>$clonespec);
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { node => $node, conn=>$conn, successtext => 'Successfully cloned from '.$args{mastername},
mastername=>$args{mastername}, nodetypeent=>$nodetypeent,vment=>$vment,
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&clone_task_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{hyp} = $args{hyp}; #$hyp_conns->{$hyp};
$running_tasks{$task}->{vm} = $node; #$hyp_conns->{$hyp};
sub make_customization_spec {
my $node = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $password="Passw0rd";
my $wintimezone;
#map of number to strings can be found at
my $fullname="Unspecified User";
my $orgName="Unspecified Organization";
if ($::XCATSITEVALS{winfullname}) { $fullname = $::XCATSITEVALS{winfullname}; }
if ($::XCATSITEVALS{winorgname}) { $orgName = $::XCATSITEVALS{winorgname}; }
my @runonce=(); #to be read in from postscripts table
my $ptab=xCAT::Table->new('postscripts',-create=>0);
if ($ptab) {
my $psent = $ptab->getNodeAttribs($node,[qw/postscripts postbootscripts/]);
if ($psent and $psent->{postscripts}) {
push @runonce,split /,/,$psent->{postscripts};
if ($psent and $psent->{postbootscripts}) {
push @runonce,split /,/,$psent->{postbootscripts};
$ptab = xCAT::Table->new('passwd',-create=>0);
unless ($ptab) {
die "passwd table needed";
my ($passent) = $ptab->getAttribs({"key"=>"system",username=>"Administrator"},'password');
unless ($passent) {
die "need passwd table entry for system account Administrator";
my %lfpd;
if ($args{ostype} and $args{ostype} =~ /win2k3/) {
%lfpd = (
my %runonce;
if (scalar @runonce) { #skip section if no postscripts or postbootscripts
my %autologonargs = ( autoLogon=>0, autoLogonCount=>1, );
if ($args{parameters} and $args{parameters} =~ /autoLogonCount=([^,]*)/i) {
my $count = $1;
if ($count) {
my $identity = CustomizationSysprep->new(
guiUnattended => CustomizationGuiUnattended->new(
my $options = CustomizationWinOptions->new(changeSID=>1,deleteAccounts=>0);
my $customizationspec = CustomizationSpec->new(
return $customizationspec;
sub get_customizedidentification {
#for now, just do a 'TBD' workgroup. VMWare not supporting joining without domain admin password is rather unfortunate
return CustomizationIdentification->new(
sub get_placement_resources {
my %args = @_;
my $pool;
my $dstore;
my $hyp = $args{hyp};
my $cluster = $args{cluster};
my $destination=$args{destination};
if ($hyp) {
unless (defined $hyphash{$hyp}->{pool}) {
$hyphash{$hyp}->{pool} = $hyphash{$hyp}->{conn}->get_view(mo_ref=>$hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview}->parent,properties=>['resourcePool'])->resourcePool;
if ($destination) { $dstore=$hyphash{$hyp}->{datastorerefmap}->{$destination} };
} else {#clustered...
unless (defined $clusterhash{$cluster}->{pool}) {
my $cview = get_clusterview(clustname=>$cluster,conn=>$clusterhash{$cluster}->{conn});
if ($destination) { $dstore=$clusterhash{$cluster}->{datastorerefmap}->{$destination} };
return {
sub clone_task_callback {
my $task = shift;
my $parms = shift;
my $state = $task->info->state->val;
my $node = $parms->{node};
my $conn = $parms->{conn};
my $intent = $parms->{successtext};
if ($state eq 'success') {
#xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg($intent, $output_handler,$node);
my $nodetype=xCAT::Table->new('nodetype',-create=>1);
my $vm=xCAT::Table->new('vm',-create=>1);
foreach (keys %{$parms->{vment}}) {
my @networks = split /,/,$tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{nics};
my @macs = xCAT::VMCommon::getMacAddresses(\%tablecfg,$node,scalar @networks);
#now with macs, change all macs in the vm to match our generated macs
my $regex = qr/^$node(\z|\.)/;
#have to do an expensive pull of the vm view, since it is brand new
my $nodeviews = $conn->find_entity_views(view_type => 'VirtualMachine',filter=>{''=>$regex});
unless (scalar @$nodeviews == 1) { die "this should be impossible"; }
my $vpdtab=xCAT::Table->new('vpd',-create=>1);
my $ndev;
my @devstochange;
foreach $ndev (@{$nodeviews->[0]->config->hardware->device}) {
unless ($ndev->{macAddress}) { next; } #not an ndev
$ndev->{macAddress}=shift @macs;
push @devstochange, VirtualDeviceConfigSpec->new(
device => $ndev,
operation => VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation->new('edit'));
if (@devstochange) {
my $reconfigspec = VirtualMachineConfigSpec->new(deviceChange=>\@devstochange);
my $task = $nodeviews->[0]->ReconfigVM_Task(spec=>$reconfigspec);
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&generic_task_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{hyp} = $parms->{hyp};
$running_tasks{$task}->{conn} = $parms->{conn};
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { node => $node, successtext => $intent};
} elsif ($state eq 'error') {
sub promote_vm_to_master {
my %args = @_;
my $node=$args{node};
my $hyp=$args{hyp};
my $cluster=$args{cluster};
my $regex=qr/^$node(\z|\.)/;
my $conn;
if ($hyp) {
} else {
my $nodeviews = $conn->find_entity_views(view_type => 'VirtualMachine',filter=>{''=>$regex});
if (scalar(@$nodeviews) != 1) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Cannot find $node in VMWare infrastructure"], $output_handler,$node);
my $nodeview = shift @$nodeviews;
my $dstore;
if ($hyp) {
} else {
my $relocatespec = VirtualMachineRelocateSpec->new(
my $clonespec = VirtualMachineCloneSpec->new(
template=>0, #can't go straight to template, need to clone, then snap, then templatify
my $vmfolder=$vmhash{$node}->{vmfolder};
my $task = $nodeview->CloneVM_Task(folder=>$vmfolder,name=>$args{mastername},spec=>$clonespec);
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { node => $node, hyp => $args{hyp}, conn => $conn, successtext => 'Successfully copied to '.$args{mastername}, mastername=>$args{mastername}, url=>$args{url} };
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&promote_task_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{hyp} = $args{hyp}; #$hyp_conns->{$hyp};
sub promote_task_callback {
my $task = shift;
my $parms = shift;
my $state = $task->info->state->val;
my $node = $parms->{node};
my $intent = $parms->{successtext};
if ($state eq 'success') { #now, we have to make one snapshot for linked clones
my $mastername=$parms->{mastername};
my $regex=qr/^$mastername\z/;
my $masterviews = $parms->{conn}->find_entity_views(view_type => 'VirtualMachine',filter=>{''=>$regex});
unless (scalar @$masterviews == 1) {
die "Impossible";
my $masterview = $masterviews->[0];
my $task = $masterview->CreateSnapshot_Task(name=>"xcatsnap",memory=>"false",quiesce=>"false");
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = $parms;
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&promotesnap_task_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{hyp} = $parms->{hyp}; #$hyp_conns->{$hyp};
#xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg($intent, $output_handler,$node);
} elsif ($state eq 'error') {
sub promotesnap_task_callback {
my $task = shift;
my $parms = shift;
my $state = $task->info->state->val;
my $node = $parms->{node};
my $intent = $parms->{successtext};
if ($state eq 'success') {
$parms->{masterview}->MarkAsTemplate; #time to be a template
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg($intent, $output_handler,$node);
my $mastertabentry = {
foreach (qw/os arch profile/) {
if (defined ($tablecfg{nodetype}->{$node}->[0]->{$_})) {
foreach (qw/storagemodel nics/) {
if (defined ($tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{$_})) {
my $vmmastertab=xCAT::Table->new('vmmaster',-create=>1);
my $date=scalar(localtime);
} elsif ($state eq 'error') {
sub mkvms {
my %args = @_;
my $nodes = $args{nodes};
my $hyp = $args{hyp};
my $cluster = $args{cluster};
@ARGV = @{$args{exargs}}; #for getoptions;
my $disksize;
require Getopt::Long;
my $cpuCount;
my $memory;
'size|s=s' => \$disksize,
"cpus=s" => \$cpuCount,
"mem=s" => \$memory
my $node;
my $conn;
if ($hyp) {
$hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview} = get_hostview(hypname=>$hyp,conn=>$hyphash{$hyp}->{conn}); #,properties=>['config','configManager']);
unless (validate_datastore_prereqs($nodes,$hyp)) {
} else {
my $placement_resources=get_placement_resources(hyp=>$hyp,cluster=>$cluster);
#$hyphash{$hyp}->{pool} = $hyphash{$hyp}->{conn}->get_view(mo_ref=>$hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview}->parent,properties=>['resourcePool'])->resourcePool;
my $cfg;
foreach $node (@$nodes) {
process_tasks; #check for tasks needing followup actions before the task is forgotten (VMWare's memory is fairly short at times
if ($conn->find_entity_view(view_type=>"VirtualMachine",filter=>{name=>$node})) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Virtual Machine already exists"], $output_handler,$node);
} else {
my @dhcpnodes;
foreach (keys %{$tablecfg{dhcpneeded}}) {
push @dhcpnodes,$_;
delete $tablecfg{dhcpneeded}->{$_};
unless ($::XCATSITEVALS{'dhcpsetup'} and ($::XCATSITEVALS{'dhcpsetup'} =~ /^n/i or $::XCATSITEVALS{'dhcpsetup'} =~ /^d/i or $::XCATSITEVALS{'dhcpsetup'} eq '0')) {
sub setboot {
my %args = @_;
my $node = $args{node};
my $hyp = $args{hyp};
if (not defined $args{vmview}) { #attempt one refresh
$args{vmview} = $vmhash{$node}->{conn}->find_entity_view(view_type => 'VirtualMachine',properties=>[''],filter=>{name=>$node});
if (not defined $args{vmview}) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"VM does not appear to exist"], $output_handler,$node);
my $bootorder = ${$args{exargs}}[0];
#NOTE: VMware simply does not currently seem to allow programatically changing the boot
#order like other virtualization solutions supported by xCAT.
#This doesn't behave quite like any existing mechanism:
#vm.bootorder was meant to take the place of system nvram, vmware imitates that unfortunate aspect of bare metal too well..
#rsetboot was created to describe the ipmi scenario of a transient boot device, this is persistant *except* for setup, which is not
#rbootseq was meant to be entirely persistant and ordered.
#rsetboot is picked, the usage scenario matches about as good as I could think of
my $reconfigspec;
if ($bootorder =~ /setup/) {
unless ($bootorder eq 'setup') {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"rsetboot parameter may not contain 'setup' with other items, assuming vm.bootorder is just 'setup'"], $output_handler,$node);
$reconfigspec = VirtualMachineConfigSpec->new(
} else {
$bootorder = "allow:".$bootorder;
$reconfigspec = VirtualMachineConfigSpec->new(
extraConfig => [OptionValue->new(key => 'bios.bootDeviceClasses',value=>$bootorder)]
my $task = $args{vmview}->ReconfigVM_Task(spec=>$reconfigspec);
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&generic_task_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{hyp} = $args{hyp};
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { node => $node, successtext => ${$args{exargs}}[0] };
sub register_vm {#Attempt to register existing instance of a VM
my $hyp = shift;
my $node = shift;
my $disksize = shift;
my $blockedfun = shift; #a pointer to a blocked function to call on success
my $blockedargs = shift; #hash reference to call blocked function with
my $failonerr = shift;
my %args=@_; #ok, went overboard with positional arguments, from now on, named arguments
my $task;
if ($hyp) {
validate_network_prereqs([keys %{$hyphash{$hyp}->{nodes}}],$hyp);
unless (defined $hyphash{$hyp}->{datastoremap} or validate_datastore_prereqs([keys %{$hyphash{$hyp}->{nodes}}],$hyp)) {
die "unexpected condition";
} else {
my $placement_resources=get_placement_resources(hyp=>$hyp,cluster=>$args{cluster});
# Try to add an existing VM to the machine folder
my $success = eval {
if ($hyp) {
$task = $vmhash{$node}->{vmfolder}->RegisterVM_Task(path=>getcfgdatastore($node,$hyphash{$hyp}->{datastoremap})." /$node/$node.vmx",name=>$node,pool=>$hyphash{$hyp}->{pool},host=>$hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview},asTemplate=>0);
} else {
$task = $vmhash{$node}->{vmfolder}->RegisterVM_Task(path=>getcfgdatastore($node,$clusterhash{$args{cluster}}->{datastoremap})." /$node/$node.vmx",name=>$node,pool=>$placement_resources->{pool},asTemplate=>0);
# if we couldn't add it then it means it wasn't created yet. So we create it.
my $cluster=$args{cluster};
if ($@ or not $success) {
#if (ref($@) eq 'SoapFault') {
# if (ref($@->detail) eq 'NotFound') {
register_vm_callback(undef, {
node => $node,
disksize => $disksize,
blockedfun => $blockedfun,
blockedargs => $blockedargs,
hyp => $hyp,
if ($task) {
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \®ister_vm_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{hyp} = $hyp;
$running_tasks{$task}->{cluster} = $cluster;
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = {
node => $node,
disksize => $disksize,
blockedfun => $blockedfun,
blockedargs => $blockedargs,
hyp => $hyp,
sub register_vm_callback {
my $task = shift;
my $args = shift;
if (not $task or $task->info->state->val eq 'error') { #TODO: fail for 'rpower' flow, mkvm is too invasive in VMWare to be induced by 'rpower on'
if (not defined $args->{blockedfun}) {
} elsif ($args->{errregister}) {
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"mkvm must be called before use of this function"], $output_handler,$args->{node});
} elsif (defined $args->{blockedfun}) { #If there is a blocked function, call it here)
sub getURI {
my $method = shift;
my $location = shift;
my $uri = '';
if($method =~ /nfs/){
(my $server,my $path) = split/\//,$location,2;
$server =~ s/:$//; #tolerate habitual colons
my $servern = inet_aton($server);
unless ($servern) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"could not resolve '$server' to an address from"], $output_handler);
$server = inet_ntoa($servern);
$uri = "nfs://$server/$path";
}elsif($method =~ /vmfs/){
(my $name, undef) = split /\//,$location,2;
$name =~ s/:$//; #remove a : if someone put it in for some reason.
$uri = "vmfs://$name";
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unsupported VMware Storage Method: $method. Please use 'vmfs or nfs'"], $output_handler);
return $uri;
sub getcfgdatastore {
my $node = shift;
my $dses = shift;
my $cfgdatastore = $tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{cfgstore};
unless ($cfgdatastore) {
$cfgdatastore = $tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage};
#TODO: if multiple drives are specified, make sure to split this out
#DONE: I believe the regex after this conditional takes care of that case already..
$cfgdatastore =~ s/=.*//;
(my $method,my $location) = split /:\/\//,$cfgdatastore,2;
my $uri = $cfgdatastore;
unless ($dses->{$uri}) { #don't call getURI if map works out fine already
$uri = getURI($method,$location);
$cfgdatastore = "[".$dses->{$uri}."]";
#$cfgdatastore =~ s/,.*$//; #these two lines of code were kinda pointless
#$cfgdatastore =~ s/\/$//;
return $cfgdatastore;
sub mknewvm {
my $node=shift;
my $disksize=shift;
my $hyp=shift;
my $otherargs=shift;
my $cluster=$otherargs->{cluster};
my $placement_resources=get_placement_resources(hyp=>$hyp,cluster=>$cluster);
my $pool=$placement_resources->{pool};
my $cfg;
if ($hyp) {
$cfg = build_cfgspec($node,$hyphash{$hyp}->{datastoremap},$hyphash{$hyp}->{nets},$disksize,$hyp,$otherargs);
} else { #cluster based..
$cfg = build_cfgspec($node,$clusterhash{$cluster}->{datastoremap},$clusterhash{$cluster}->{nets},$disksize,$hyp,$otherargs);
my $task;
if ($hyp) {
$task = $vmhash{$node}->{vmfolder}->CreateVM_Task(config=>$cfg,pool=>$hyphash{$hyp}->{pool},host=>$hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview});
} else {
$task = $vmhash{$node}->{vmfolder}->CreateVM_Task(config=>$cfg,pool=>$pool); #drs away
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&mkvm_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{hyp} = $hyp;
$running_tasks{$task}->{cluster} = $cluster;
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { hyp=>$hyp, cluster=>$cluster, node => $node };
sub getUnits {
my $amount = shift;
my $defunit = shift;
my $divisor=shift;
unless ($amount) { return; }
unless ($divisor) {
$divisor = 1;
if ($amount =~ /(\D)$/) { #If unitless, add unit
chop $amount;
if ($defunit =~ /k/i) {
return $amount*1024/$divisor;
} elsif ($defunit =~ /m/i) {
return $amount*1048576/$divisor;
} elsif ($defunit =~ /g/i) {
return $amount*1073741824/$divisor;
sub getguestid {
my $osfound=0;
my $node = shift;
if ($tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{guestostype}) { #if admin wants to skip derivation from nodetype.os value, let em
return $tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{guestostype};
my $nodeos = $tablecfg{nodetype}->{$node}->[0]->{os};
my $nodearch = $tablecfg{nodetype}->{$node}->[0]->{arch};
foreach (keys %guestidmap) {
if (defined($nodeos) and $nodeos =~ /$_/) {
if ($nodearch eq 'x86_64' and $_ !~ /vmkernel/) {
} else {
$nodeos =~ s/_$//;
$nodeos .= "Guest";
unless ($osfound) {
if (defined($nodearch) and $nodearch eq 'x86_64') {
} else {
return $nodeos;
sub build_cfgspec {
my $node = shift;
my $dses = shift; #map to match vm table to datastore names
my $netmap = shift;
my $disksize = shift;
my $hyp = shift;
my $otherargs=shift;
my $memory;
my $ncpus;
my $updatehash;
if ($otherargs->{memory}) {
if ($tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{memory}) {
} elsif ($tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{memory}) {
$memory = getUnits($tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{memory},"M",1048576);
} else {
$memory = 512;
if ($otherargs->{cpus}) {
if ($tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{cpus}) {
} elsif ($tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{cpus}) {
$ncpus = $tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{cpus};
} else {
$ncpus = 1;
if ($updatehash) {
my $vmtab = xCAT::Table->new('vm',-create=>1);
my @devices;
my $opticalbacking = VirtualCdromRemoteAtapiBackingInfo->new(deviceName=>"");
my $opticalconnectable = VirtualDeviceConnectInfo->new(startConnected=>0,allowGuestControl=>1,connected=>0);
my $optical =VirtualCdrom->new( controllerKey => 201,
key => $currkey++,
unitNumber => 0, );
push @devices,VirtualDeviceConfigSpec->new(device => $optical, operation => VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation->new('add'));
push @devices,create_storage_devs($node,$dses,$disksize);
push @devices,create_nic_devs($node,$netmap,$hyp);
#my $cfgdatastore = $tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage}; #TODO: need a new cfglocation field in case of stateless guest?
#$cfgdatastore =~ s/,.*$//;
#$cfgdatastore =~ s/\/$//;
#$cfgdatastore = "[".$dses->{$cfgdatastore}."]";
my $cfgdatastore = getcfgdatastore($node,$dses);
my $vfiles = VirtualMachineFileInfo->new(vmPathName=>$cfgdatastore);
#my $nodeos = $tablecfg{nodetype}->{$node}->[0]->{os};
#my $nodearch = $tablecfg{nodetype}->{$node}->[0]->{arch};
my $nodeos = getguestid($node); #nodeos=>$nodeos,nodearch=>$nodearch);
my $uuid;
if ($tablecfg{vpd}->{$node}->[0]->{uuid}) {
$uuid = $tablecfg{vpd}->{$node}->[0]->{uuid};
} else {
if ($tablecfg{mac}->{$node}->[0]->{mac}) { #a uuidv1 is possible, generate that for absolute uniqueness guarantee
my $mac = $tablecfg{mac}->{$node}->[0]->{mac};
$mac =~ s/\|.*//;
$mac =~ s/!.*//;
} else {
my $vpdtab = xCAT::Table->new('vpd');
$uuid =~ s/^(..)(..)(..)(..)-(..)(..)-(..)(..)/$4$3$2$1-$6$5-$8$7/;
my @optionvals;
if ($tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{othersettings}) {
my $key;
my $value;
foreach (split /;/,$tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{othersettings}) {
($key,$value)=split /=/;
if ($value) {
push @optionvals,OptionValue->new(key=>$key,value=>$value);
} else {
push @optionvals,OptionValue->new(key=>$key);
my %specargs = (
name => $node,
files => $vfiles,
memoryMB => $memory,
numCPUs => $ncpus,
deviceChange => \@devices,
if (@optionvals) {
return VirtualMachineConfigSpec->new(%specargs);
sub create_nic_devs {
my $node = shift;
my $netmap = shift;
my $hyp = shift;
my @networks = split /,/,$tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{nics};
my @devs;
my $idx = 0;
my @macs = xCAT::VMCommon::getMacAddresses(\%tablecfg,$node,scalar @networks);
my $connprefs=VirtualDeviceConnectInfo->new(
startConnected => 1
my $model=$tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{nicmodel};
unless ($model) {
foreach (@networks) {
my $pgname=$_;
if ($hyp) {
$pgname = $hyphash{$hyp}->{pgnames}->{$_};
my $hadspecmodel=0;
if (m/=/) {
my $tmpmodel=$model;
if ($hadspecmodel) { $tmpmodel=$1; }
my $netname = $_;
my $backing = VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo->new(
network => $netmap->{$pgname},
my %newcardargs=(
key=>0,#3, #$currkey++,
macAddress=>shift @macs,
wakeOnLanEnabled=>1, #TODO: configurable in tables?
my $newcard;
if ($tmpmodel eq 'e1000') {
} elsif ($tmpmodel eq 'vmxnet3') {
} elsif ($tmpmodel eq 'pcnet32') {
} elsif ($tmpmodel eq 'vmxnet2') {
} elsif ($tmpmodel eq 'vmxnet') {
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"$tmpmodel not a recognized nic type, falling back to e1000 (vmxnet3, e1000, pcnet32, vmxnet2, vmxnet are recognized"], $output_handler,$node);
push @devs,VirtualDeviceConfigSpec->new(device => $newcard,
operation => VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation->new('add'));
return @devs;
die "Stop running for test";
sub create_storage_devs {
my $node = shift;
my $sdmap = shift;
my $sizes = shift;
my @sizes = split /[,:]/, $sizes;
my $existingScsiCont = shift;
my $scsiUnit = shift;
my $existingIdeCont = shift;
my $ideUnit = shift;
my $devices = shift;
my %args=@_;
my $scsicontrollerkey=0;
my $idecontrollerkey=200; #IDE 'controllers' exist at 200 and 201 invariably, with no flexibility?
#Cannot find documentation that declares this absolute, but attempts to do otherwise
#lead in failure, also of note, these are single-channel controllers, so two devs per controller
my $backingif;
my @devs;
my $havescsidevs =0;
my $disktype = 'ide';
my $ideunitnum=0;
my $scsiunitnum=0;
my $havescsicontroller=0;
my %usedideunits;
my %usedscsiunits=(7=>1,'7'=>1);
if (defined $existingScsiCont) {
$scsicontrollerkey = $existingScsiCont->{key};
$scsiunitnum = $scsiUnit;
%usedscsiunits = %{getUsedUnits($scsicontrollerkey,$devices)};
if (defined $existingIdeCont) {
$idecontrollerkey = $existingIdeCont->{key};
$ideunitnum = $ideUnit;
%usedideunits = %{getUsedUnits($idecontrollerkey,$devices)};
my $unitnum;
my %disktocont;
my $dev;
my @storelocs = split /,/,$tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage};
my $globaldisktype = $tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storagemodel};
unless ($globaldisktype) { $globaldisktype='ide'; }
#number of devices is the larger of the specified sizes (TODO: masters) or storage pools to span
my $numdevs = (scalar @storelocs > scalar @sizes ? scalar @storelocs : scalar @sizes);
my $controllertype='scsi';
while ($numdevs-- > 0) {
my $storeloc = shift @storelocs;
unless (scalar @storelocs) { @storelocs = ($storeloc); } #allow reuse of one cfg specified pool for multiple devs
my $disksize = shift @sizes;
unless (scalar @sizes) { @sizes = ($disksize); } #if we emptied the array, stick the last entry back on to allow it to specify all remaining disks
$disksize = getUnits($disksize,'G',1024);
$disktype = $globaldisktype;
if ($storeloc =~ /=/) {
($storeloc,$disktype) = split /=/,$storeloc;
if ($disktype eq 'ide' and $args{idefull}) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"VM is at capacity for IDE devices, a drive was not added"], $output_handler,$node);
} elsif (($disktype eq 'scsi' or $disktype eq 'sas' or $disktype eq 'pvscsi') and $args{scsifull}) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"SCSI Controller at capacity, a drive was not added"], $output_handler,$node);
$storeloc =~ s/\/$//;
(my $method,my $location) = split /:\/\//,$storeloc,2;
my $uri = $storeloc;
unless ($sdmap->{$uri}) { #don't call getURI if map works out fine already
$uri = getURI($method,$location);
#(my $server,my $path) = split/\//,$location,2;
#$server =~ s/:$//; #tolerate habitual colons
#my $servern = inet_aton($server);
#unless ($servern) {
# xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"could not resolve '$server' to an address from"]);
# return;
#$server = inet_ntoa($servern);
#my $uri = "nfs://$server/$path";
$backingif = VirtualDiskFlatVer2BackingInfo->new(diskMode => 'persistent',
thinProvisioned => 1,
fileName => "[".$sdmap->{$uri}."]");
if ($disktype eq 'ide' and $idecontrollerkey == 1 and $ideunitnum == 0) { #reserve a spot for CD
$ideunitnum = 1;
} elsif ($disktype eq 'ide' and $ideunitnum == 2) { #go from current to next ide 'controller'
unless ($disktype eq 'ide') {
push @{$disktocont{$scsicontrollerkey}},$currkey;
my $controllerkey;
if ($disktype eq 'ide') {
$controllerkey = $idecontrollerkey;
$unitnum = 0;
while ($usedideunits{$unitnum}) {
if ($unitnum == 2) {
} else {
$controllerkey = $scsicontrollerkey;
$unitnum = 0;
while ($usedscsiunits{$unitnum}) {
$dev =VirtualDisk->new(backing=>$backingif,
controllerKey => $controllerkey,
key => $currkey++,
unitNumber => $unitnum,
capacityInKB => $disksize);
push @devs,VirtualDeviceConfigSpec->new(device => $dev,
fileOperation => VirtualDeviceConfigSpecFileOperation->new('create'),
operation => VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation->new('add'));
#It *seems* that IDE controllers are not subject to require creation, so we skip it
if ($havescsidevs and not $havescsicontroller) { #need controllers to attach the disks to
foreach(0..$scsicontrollerkey) {
if ($controllertype eq 'scsi') {
$dev=VirtualLsiLogicController->new(key => $_,
device => \@{$disktocont{$_}},
sharedBus => VirtualSCSISharing->new('noSharing'),
busNumber => $_);
} elsif ($controllertype eq 'sas') {
$dev=VirtualLsiLogicSASController->new(key => $_,
device => \@{$disktocont{$_}},
sharedBus => VirtualSCSISharing->new('noSharing'),
busNumber => $_);
} elsif ($controllertype eq 'pvscsi') {
$dev=ParaVirtualSCSIController->new(key => $_,
device => \@{$disktocont{$_}},
sharedBus => VirtualSCSISharing->new('noSharing'),
busNumber => $_);
push @devs,VirtualDeviceConfigSpec->new(device => $dev,
operation => VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation->new('add'));
return @devs;
# my $ctlr = VirtualIDEController->new(
sub declare_ready {
my %args = %{shift()};
sub populate_vcenter_hostviews {
my $vcenter = shift;
my @hypervisors;
my %nametohypmap;
my $iterations=1;
if ($usehostnamesforvcenter and $usehostnamesforvcenter !~ /no/i) {
$iterations=2; #two passes possible
my $hyp;
foreach $hyp (keys %{$vcenterhash{$vcenter}->{allhyps}}) {
if ($tablecfg{hosts}->{$hyp}->[0]->{hostnames}) {
@hypervisors = keys %nametohypmap;
} else {
@hypervisors = keys %{$vcenterhash{$vcenter}->{allhyps}};
while ($iterations and scalar(@hypervisors)) {
my $hosts = join(")|(",@hypervisors);
$hosts = '^(('.$hosts.'))(\z|\.)';
my $search = qr/$hosts/;
my @hypviews = @{$vcenterhash{$vcenter}->{conn}->find_entity_views(view_type=>'HostSystem',properties=>['','summary.runtime.connectionState','runtime.inMaintenanceMode','parent','configManager',''],filter=>{''=>$search})};
foreach (@hypviews) {
my $hypname = $_->{''};
my $hypv=$_;
my $hyp;
if ($vcenterhash{$vcenter}->{allhyps}->{$hypname}) { #simplest case, is exactly the same as node name
$vcenterhash{$vcenter}->{hostviews}->{$hypname} = $_;
} elsif ($nametohypmap{$hypname}) { #second case, there is a name mapping this to a real name
$vcenterhash{$vcenter}->{hostviews}->{$nametohypmap{$hypname}} = $_;
} else { #name as-is doesn't work, start stripping domain and hope for the best
$hypname =~ s/\..*//;
if ($vcenterhash{$vcenter}->{allhyps}->{$hypname}) { #shortname is a node
$vcenterhash{$vcenter}->{hostviews}->{$hypname} = $_;
} elsif ($nametohypmap{$hypname}) { #alias for node
$vcenterhash{$vcenter}->{hostviews}->{$nametohypmap{$hypname}} = $_;
foreach my $nodename (keys %{$hyphash{$hyp}->{nodes}}) {
if ($usehostnamesforvcenter and $usehostnamesforvcenter !~ /no/i) { #check for hypervisors by native node name if missed above
foreach my $hyp (keys %{$vcenterhash{$vcenter}->{allhyps}}) {
unless ($vcenterhash{$vcenter}->{hostviews}->{$hyp}) {
push @hypervisors,$hyp;
sub create_new_cluster {
my $req = shift;
@ARGV = @{$req->{arg}};
my $vcenter;
my $password;
my $user;
my $datacenter;
'vcenter=s' => \$vcenter,
'password=s' => \$password,
'datacenter=s' => \$datacenter,
'username=s' => \$user,
my $clustername = shift @ARGV;
my $conn = Vim->new(service_url=>"https://$vcenter/sdk");
$conn->login(user_name=>$user, password=>$password);
if ($datacenter) {
$datacenter = $conn->find_entity_view(view_type => 'Datacenter', properties=>['hostFolder'],filter=>{name=>$datacenter});
unless ($datacenter) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,": Unable to find requested datacenter"], $output_handler);
} else {
$datacenter = $conn->find_entity_view(view_type => 'Datacenter', properties=>['hostFolder']);
my $hfolder = $conn->get_view(mo_ref=>$datacenter->hostFolder);
my $cfgspec = ClusterConfigSpecEx->new();
$hfolder->CreateClusterEx(name=>$clustername, spec=>$cfgspec);
sub remove_cluster {
my $req = shift;
@ARGV = @{$req->{arg}};
my $vcenter;
my $user;
my $password;
my $clustername;
'vcenter=s' => \$vcenter,
'password=s' => \$password,
'username=s' => \$user,
$clustername = shift @ARGV;
my $conn = Vim->new(service_url=>"https://$vcenter/sdk");
$conn->login(user_name=>$user, password=>$password);
# $clustview = $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn}->find_entity_view(view_type => 'Datacenter', properties=>['hostFolder'],filter=>{name=>$tablecfg{hypervisor}->{$hyp}->[0]->{datacenter}});
#my $conn = Vim->new(service_url=>"https://$vcenter/sdk");
$conn->login(user_name=>$user, password=>$password);
my $clustview = $conn->find_entity_view(view_type=> 'ClusterComputeResource', filter=>{name=>$clustername});
my $task = $clustview->Destroy_Task();
my $done = 0;
while (not $done) {
my $curt = $conn->get_view(mo_ref=>$task);
my $state = $curt->info->state->val;
unless ($state eq 'running' or $state eq 'queued') {
$done = 1;
sub list_clusters {
my $req = shift;
@ARGV = @{$req->{arg}};
my $vcenter;
my $password;
my $user;
my $datacenter;
'vcenter=s' => \$vcenter,
'password=s' => \$password,
'datacenter=s' => \$datacenter,
'username=s' => \$user,
my $clustername = shift @ARGV;
my $conn = Vim->new(service_url=>"https://$vcenter/sdk");
$conn->login(user_name=>$user, password=>$password);
use Data::Dumper;
my $clustviews = $conn->find_entity_views(view_type=> 'ClusterComputeResource');
foreach (@$clustviews) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg($_->{name}, $output_handler);
sub validate_vcenter_prereqs { #Communicate with vCenter and ensure this host is added correctly to a vCenter instance when an operation requires it
my $hyp = shift;
my $depfun = shift;
my $depargs = shift;
my $vcenter = $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{name};
unless ($hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn}) {
eval {
$hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn} = Vim->new(service_url=>"https://$vcenter/sdk");
if ($@) {
$hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn} = undef;
unless ($hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn}) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,": Unable to reach vCenter server managing $hyp"], $output_handler);
return undef;
my $foundhyp;
my $name=$hyp;
if ($usehostnamesforvcenter and $usehostnamesforvcenter !~ /no/i) {
if ($tablecfg{hosts}->{$hyp}->[0]->{hostnames}) {
$name = $tablecfg{hosts}->{$hyp}->[0]->{hostnames};
my $connspec = HostConnectSpec->new(
my $hview;
$hview = $vcenterhash{$vcenter}->{hostviews}->{$hyp};
if ($hview) {
if ($hview->{''} =~ /^$hyp(?:\.|\z)/ or $hview->{''} =~ /^$name(?:\.|\z)/) { #Looks good, call the dependent function after declaring the state of vcenter to hypervisor as good
if ($hview->{'summary.runtime.connectionState'}->val eq 'connected') {
if ($vcenterautojoin) { #admin has requested manual vcenter management, don't mess with vmotion settings
$vcenterhash{$vcenter}->{goodhyps}->{$hyp} = 1;
if ($hview->parent->type eq 'ClusterComputeResource') { #if it is in a cluster, we can directly remove it
$hyphash{$hyp}->{deletionref} = $hview->{mo_ref};
} elsif ($hview->parent->type eq 'ComputeResource') { #For some reason, we must delete the container instead
$hyphash{$hyp}->{deletionref} = $hview->{parent}; #save off a reference to delete hostview off just in case
return 1;
} elsif ($vcenterautojoin or $vcenterforceremove) { #if allowed autojoin and the current view seems corrupt, throw it away and rejoin
my $ref_to_delete;
if ($hview->parent->type eq 'ClusterComputeResource') { #We are allowed to specifically kill a host in a cluster
$ref_to_delete = $hview->{mo_ref};
} elsif ($hview->parent->type eq 'ComputeResource') { #For some reason, we must delete the container instead
$ref_to_delete = $hview->{parent};
my $task = $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn}->get_view(mo_ref=>$ref_to_delete)->Destroy_Task();
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
if ($vcenterautojoin) {
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&addhosttovcenter;
} elsif ($vcenterforceremove) {
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&delhost_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{conn} = $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn};
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { depfun => $depfun, depargs => $depargs, conn=> $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn}, connspec=>$connspec,hostview=>$hview,hypname=>$hyp,vcenter=>$vcenter };
return undef;
#The rest would be shorter/ideal, but seems to be confused a lot by stateless
#Maybe in a future VMWare technology level the following would work better
#than it does today
# my $task = $hview_->ReconnectHost_Task(cnxSpec=>$connspec);
# my $task = $hview->DisconnectHost_Task();
# $running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
# $running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&disconnecthost_callback;
# $running_tasks{$task}->{conn} = $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn};
# $running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { depfun => $depfun, depargs => $depargs, conn=> $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn}, connspec=>$connspec,hostview=>$hview,hypname=>$hyp,vcenter=>$vcenter };
} else {
if ($hyphash{$hyp}->{offline}) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg(": Failed to communicate with $hyp, vCenter reports it as in inventory but not connected and xCAT is set to not autojoin", $output_handler);
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,": Failed to communicate with $hyp, vCenter reports it as in inventory but not connected and xCAT is set to not autojoin"], $output_handler);
$hyphash{$hyp}->{conn} = undef;
return "failed";
unless ($vcenterautojoin) {
if ($hyphash{$hyp}->{offline}) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg(": Failed to communicate with $hyp, vCenter does not have it in inventory and xCAT is set to not autojoin", $output_handler);
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,": Failed to communicate with $hyp, vCenter does not have it in inventory and xCAT is set to not autojoin"], $output_handler);
$hyphash{$hyp}->{conn} = undef;
return "failed";
#If still in function, haven't found any likely host entries, make a new one
unless ($hyphash{$hyp}->{offline}) {
eval {
$hyphash{$hyp}->{conn} = Vim->new(service_url=>"https://$hyp/sdk"); #Direct connect to install/check licenses
if ($@) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,": Failed to communicate with $hyp due to $@"], $output_handler);
$hyphash{$hyp}->{conn} = undef;
return "failed";
depfun => $depfun,
depargs => $depargs,
sub addhosttovcenter {
my $task = shift;
my $args = shift;
my $hyp = $args->{hypname};
my $depfun = $args->{depfun};
my $depargs = $args->{depargs};
my $connspec = $args->{connspec};
my $vcenter = $args->{vcenter};
if ($task) {
my $state = $task->info->state->val;
if ($state eq 'error') {
if ($hyphash{$args->{hypname}}->{offline}) { #let it stay offline
$hypready{$args->{hypname}}=1; #declare readiness
$vcenterhash{$args->{vcenter}}->{goodhyps}->{$args->{hypname}} = 1;
if (defined $args->{depfun}) { #If a function is waiting for the host connect to go valid, call it
if ($tablecfg{hypervisor}->{$hyp}->[0]->{cluster}) {
my $cluster = get_clusterview(clustname=>$tablecfg{hypervisor}->{$hyp}->[0]->{cluster},conn=>$hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn});
unless ($cluster) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,$tablecfg{hypervisor}->{$hyp}->[0]->{cluster}. " is not a known cluster to the vCenter server."], $output_handler);
$hypready{$hyp}=-1; #Declare impossiblility to be ready
$task = $cluster->AddHost_Task(spec=>$connspec,asConnected=>1);
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&connecthost_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{conn} = $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn};
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { depfun => $depfun, depargs=> $depargs, conn=> $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn}, connspec=>$connspec, cluster=>$cluster, hypname=>$hyp, vcenter=>$vcenter };
} else {
my $datacenter = validate_datacenter_prereqs($hyp);
unless ($datacenter) { return; }
my $hfolder = $datacenter->hostFolder; #$hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn}->find_entity_view(view_type=>'Datacenter',properties=>['hostFolder'])->hostFolder;
$hfolder = $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn}->get_view(mo_ref=>$hfolder);
$task = $hfolder->AddStandaloneHost_Task(spec=>$connspec,addConnected=>1);
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&connecthost_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{conn} = $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn};
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { depfun => $depfun, depargs=> $depargs, conn=> $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn}, connspec=>$connspec, foldview=>$hfolder, hypname=>$hyp, vcenter=>$vcenter };
#print Dumper @{$hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn}->find_entity_views(view_type=>'HostSystem',properties=>['runtime.connectionState'])};
sub validate_datacenter_prereqs {
my ($hyp) = @_;
my $datacenter;
if ($tablecfg{hypervisor}->{$hyp}->[0]->{datacenter}) {
$datacenter = $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn}->find_entity_view(view_type => 'Datacenter', properties=>['hostFolder'],filter=>{name=>$tablecfg{hypervisor}->{$hyp}->[0]->{datacenter}});
unless ($datacenter) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,": Unable to find requested datacenter (hypervisor.datacenter for $hyp is ".$tablecfg{hypervisor}->{$hyp}->[0]->{datacenter}.")"], $output_handler);
} else {
$datacenter = $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn}->find_entity_view(view_type => 'Datacenter', properties=>['hostFolder']);
if (!defined $datacenter) {
my $vconn = $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn};
my $root_folder = $vconn->get_view(mo_ref=>$vconn->get_service_content()->rootFolder);
$datacenter = $hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn}->find_entity_view(view_type => 'Datacenter', properties=>['hostFolder']);
return $datacenter;
sub get_default_switch_for_hypervisor {
#This will make sure the default, implicit switch is in order in accordance
#with the configuration. If nothing specified, it just spits out vSwitch0
#if something specified, make sure it exists
#if it doesn't exist, and the syntax explains how to build it, build it
#return undef if something is specified, doesn't exist, and lacks instruction
my $hyp = shift;
my $defswitch = 'vSwitch0';
my $switchmembers;
if ($tablecfg{hypervisor}->{$hyp}->[0]->{defaultnet}) {
$defswitch = $tablecfg{hypervisor}->{$hyp}->[0]->{defaultnet};
($defswitch,$switchmembers) = split /=/,$defswitch,2;
my $vswitch;
my $hostview = $hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview};
foreach $vswitch (@{$hostview->config->network->vswitch}) {
if ($vswitch->name eq $defswitch) {
return $defswitch;
#If still here, means we need to build the switch
unless ($switchmembers) { return undef; } #No hope, no idea how to make it
return create_vswitch($hyp,$defswitch,split(/&/,$switchmembers));
} else {
return 'vSwitch0';
sub get_switchname_for_portdesc {
#Thisk function will examine all current switches to find or create a switch to match the described requirement
my $hyp = shift;
my $portdesc = shift;
my $description; #actual name to use for the virtual switch
if ($tablecfg{hypervisor}->{$hyp}->[0]->{netmap}) {
foreach (split /,/,$tablecfg{hypervisor}->{$hyp}->[0]->{netmap}) {
if (/^$portdesc=/) {
($description,$portdesc) = split /=/,$_,2;
} else {
$description = 'vsw'.$portdesc;
unless ($description) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,": Invalid format for hypervisor.netmap detected for $hyp"], $output_handler);
return undef;
my %requiredports;
my %portkeys;
foreach (split /&/,$portdesc) {
my $hostview = $hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview};
unless ($hostview) {
$hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview} = get_hostview(hypname=>$hyp,conn=>$hyphash{$hyp}->{conn}); #,properties=>['config','configManager']); #clustered can't run here, hyphash conn reference good
$hostview = $hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview};
foreach (@{$hostview->config->network->pnic}) {
if ($requiredports{$_->device}) { #We establish lookups both ways
delete $requiredports{$_->device};
if (keys %requiredports) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,":Unable to locate the following nics on $hyp: ".join(',',keys %requiredports)], $output_handler);
return undef;
my $foundmatchswitch;
my $cfgmismatch=0;
my $vswitch;
foreach $vswitch (@{$hostview->config->network->vswitch}) {
$cfgmismatch=0; #new switch, no sign of mismatch
foreach (@{$vswitch->pnic}) {
if ($portkeys{$_}) {
delete $requiredports{$portkeys{$_}};
delete $portkeys{$_};
} else {
$cfgmismatch=1; #If this turns out to have anything, it is bad
if ($foundmatchswitch) { last; }
if ($foundmatchswitch) {
if ($cfgmismatch) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,": Aggregation mismatch detected, request nic is aggregated with a nic not requested"], $output_handler);
return undef;
unless (keys %portkeys) {
return $foundmatchswitch;
die "TODO: add physical nics to aggregation if requested";
} else {
return create_vswitch($hyp,$description,values %portkeys);
die "impossible occurance";
return undef;
sub create_vswitch {
my $hyp = shift;
my $description = shift;
my @ports = @_;
my $vswitch = HostVirtualSwitchBondBridge->new(
my $vswspec = HostVirtualSwitchSpec->new(
my $hostview = $hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview};
my $netman=$hyphash{$hyp}->{conn}->get_view(mo_ref=>$hostview->configManager->networkSystem); #can't run in clustered mode, fine path..
return $description;
sub scan_cluster_networks {
my $cluster = shift;
use Data::Dumper;
my $conn = $clusterhash{$cluster}->{conn};
my $cview = get_clusterview(clustname=>$cluster,conn=>$conn);
if (defined $cview->{network}) {
foreach (@{$cview->network}) {
my $nvw = $conn->get_view(mo_ref=>$_);
if (defined $nvw->name) {
sub fixup_hostportgroup {
my $vlanspec = shift;
my $hyp = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $action = 'add';
if ($args{action}) { $action = $args{action} }
my $hostview = $hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview};
my $switchsupport = 0;
eval {
require xCAT::SwitchHandler;
$switchsupport = 1;
my $hypconn = $hyphash{$hyp}->{conn}; #this function can't work in clustered mode anyway, so this is appropriote.
my $vldata = $vlanspec;
my $switchname = get_default_switch_for_hypervisor($hyp);
my $pgname;
$vldata =~ s/=.*//; #TODO specify nic model with <blah>=model
if ($vldata =~ /:/) { #The config specifies a particular path in some way
$vldata =~ s/(.*)://;
$switchname = get_switchname_for_portdesc($hyp,$1);
} else { #Use the default vswitch per table config to connect this through, use the same name we did before to maintain compatibility
my $netsys;
my $policy = HostNetworkPolicy->new();
unless ($hyphash{$hyp}->{nets}->{$pgname}) {
my $vlanid;
if (looks_like_number($vldata)) {
$vlanid = $vldata;
} elsif ($vldata =~ /trunk/) {
} elsif ($vldata =~ /vl(an)?(\d+)$/) {
} else {
$vlanid = 0;
if ($vlanid > 0 and $vlanid < 4095 and $switchsupport) {
my $switchtab = xCAT::Table->new("switch", -create=>0);
if ($switchtab) {
my $swent = $switchtab->getNodeAttribs($hyp, [qw/switch port/]);
if ($swent and $swent->{'switch'}) {
my $swh = new xCAT::SwitchHandler->new($swent->{'switch'});
my @vlids = $swh->get_vlan_ids();
if ($action eq 'add') {
unless (grep {$_ eq $vlanid} @vlids) {
$swh->add_ports_to_vlan($vlanid, $swent->{'port'});
} elsif ($action eq 'remove') {
$swh->remove_ports_from_vlan($vlanid, $swent->{'port'});
my $hostgroupdef = HostPortGroupSpec->new(
name =>$pgname,
unless ($netsys) {
$netsys = $hyphash{$hyp}->{conn}->get_view(mo_ref=>$hostview->configManager->networkSystem);
if ($action eq 'remove') {
} elsif ($action eq 'add') {
while ((not defined $hyphash{$hyp}->{nets}->{$pgname}) and sleep 1) { #we will only sleep if we know something will be waiting for
$hostview->update_view_data(); #pull in changes induced by previous activity
if (defined $hostview->{network}) { #We load the new object references
foreach (@{$hostview->network}) {
my $nvw = $hypconn->get_view(mo_ref=>$_);
if (defined $nvw->name) {
sub validate_network_prereqs {
my $nodes = shift;
my $hyp = shift;
my $hypconn = $hyphash{$hyp}->{conn}; #this function can't work in clustered mode anyway, so this is appropriote.
my $hostview = $hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview};
if ($hostview) {
$hostview->update_view_data(); #pull in changes induced by previous activity
} else {
$hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview} = get_hostview(hypname=>$hyp,conn=>$hyphash{$hyp}->{conn}); #,properties=>['config','configManager','network']);
$hostview = $hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview};
my $node;
my $method;
my $location;
if (defined $hostview->{network}) {
foreach (@{$hostview->network}) {
my $nvw = $hypconn->get_view(mo_ref=>$_);
if (defined $nvw->name) {
foreach $node (@$nodes) {
my @networks = split /,/,$tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{nics};
foreach (@networks) {
fixup_hostportgroup($_, $hyp);
return 1;
sub refreshclusterdatastoremap {
my $cluster = shift;
my $conn=$clusterhash{$cluster}->{conn};
my $cview = get_clusterview(clustname=>$cluster,conn=>$conn);
if (defined $cview->{datastore}) {
foreach (@{$cview->datastore}) {
my $dsv = $conn->get_view(mo_ref=>$_);
if (defined $dsv->info->{nas}) {
if ($dsv->info->nas->type eq 'NFS') {
my $mnthost = $dsv->info->nas->remoteHost;
# my $mnthost = inet_aton($dsv->info->nas->remoteHost);
# if ($mnthost) {
# $mnthost = inet_ntoa($mnthost);
# } else {
# $mnthost = $dsv->info->nas->remoteHost;
# xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unable to resolve VMware specified host '".$dsv->info->nas->remoteHost."' to an address, problems may occur"], $output_handler);
# }
$clusterhash{$cluster}->{datastoreurlmap}->{$dsv->info->name} = "nfs://".$mnthost.$dsv->info->nas->remotePath; #save off a suitable URL if needed
} #TODO: care about SMB
}elsif(defined $dsv->info->{vmfs}){
my $name = $dsv->info->vmfs->name;
$clusterhash{$cluster}->{datastoremap}->{"vmfs://".$name} = $dsv->info->name;
$clusterhash{$cluster}->{datastoreurlmap}->{$dsv->info->name} = "vmfs://".$name;
$clusterhash{$cluster}->{datastorerefmap}->{"vmfs://".$name} = $_;
#that's... about it... not doing any of the fancy mounting and stuff, if you do it cluster style, you are on your own. It's simply too terrifying to try to fixup
#a whole cluster instead of chasing one host, a whole lot slower. One would hope vmware would've done this, but they don't
sub validate_datastore_prereqs {
my $hyp = $_[1];
my $rc;
eval { $rc=validate_datastore_prereqs_inlock(@_); };
if ($@) { die $@; }
return $rc;
sub validate_datastore_prereqs_inlock {
my $nodes = shift;
my $hyp = shift;
my $newdatastores = shift; # a hash reference of URLs to afflicted nodes outside of table space
my $hypconn = $hyphash{$hyp}->{conn};
my $hostview = $hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview};
unless ($hostview) {
$hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview} = get_hostview(hypname=>$hyp,conn=>$hypconn); #,properties=>['config','configManager']);
$hostview = $hyphash{$hyp}->{hostview};
my $node;
my $method;
my $location;
# get all of the datastores that are currently available on this node.
# and put them into a hash
if (defined $hostview->{datastore}) { # only iterate if it exists
foreach (@{$hostview->datastore}) {
my $dsv = $hypconn->get_view(mo_ref=>$_);
if (defined $dsv->info->{nas}) {
if ($dsv->info->nas->type eq 'NFS') {
my $mnthost = inet_aton($dsv->info->nas->remoteHost);
if ($mnthost) {
$mnthost = inet_ntoa($mnthost);
} else {
$mnthost = $dsv->info->nas->remoteHost;
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unable to resolve VMware specified host '".$dsv->info->nas->remoteHost."' to an address, problems may occur"], $output_handler);
$hyphash{$hyp}->{datastoreurlmap}->{$dsv->info->name} = "nfs://".$mnthost.$dsv->info->nas->remotePath;
} #TODO: care about SMB
}elsif(defined $dsv->info->{vmfs}){
my $name = $dsv->info->vmfs->name;
$hyphash{$hyp}->{datastoremap}->{"vmfs://".$name} = $dsv->info->name;
$hyphash{$hyp}->{datastoreurlmap}->{$dsv->info->name} = "vmfs://".$name;
$hyphash{$hyp}->{datastorerefmap}->{"vmfs://".$name} = $_;
my $refresh_names=0;
# now go through the nodes and make sure that we have matching datastores.
# E.g.: if its NFS, then mount it (if not mounted)
# E.g.: if its VMFS, then create it if not created already. Note: VMFS will persist on
# machine reboots, unless its destroyed by being overwritten.
foreach $node (@$nodes) {
my @storage = split /,/,$tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage};
if ($tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{cfgstore}) {
push @storage,$tablecfg{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{cfgstore};
foreach (@storage) { #TODO: merge this with foreach loop below. Here we could build onto $newdatastores instead, for faster operation at scale
s/=.*//; #remove device type information from configuration
s/\/$//; #Strip trailing slash if specified, to align to VMware semantics
if (/:\/\//) {
($method,$location) = split /:\/\//,$_,2;
if($method =~ /nfs/){
# go through and see if NFS is mounted, if not, then mount it.
(my $server, my $path) = split /\//,$location,2;
$server =~ s/:$//; #remove a : if someone put it in out of nfs mount habit
my $servern = inet_aton($server);
unless ($servern) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,": Unable to resolve '$server' to an address, check vm.cfgstore/"], $output_handler);
return 0;
$server = inet_ntoa($servern);
my $uri = "nfs://$server/$path";
unless ($hyphash{$hyp}->{datastoremap}->{$uri}) { #If not already there, must mount it
unless ($datastoreautomount) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,": $uri is not currently accessible at the given location and automount is disabled in site table"], $output_handler,$node);
return 0;
$hyphash{$hyp}->{datastoreurlmap}->{$hyphash{$hyp}->{datastoremap}->{$uri}} = $uri;
}elsif($method =~ /vmfs/){
(my $name, undef) = split /\//,$location,2;
$name =~ s/:$//; #remove a : if someone put it in for some reason.
my $uri = "vmfs://$name";
# check and see if this vmfs is on the node.
unless ($hyphash{$hyp}->{datastoremap}->{$uri}) { #If not already there, try creating it.
unless ($datastoreautomount) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,": $uri is not currently accessible at the given location and automount is disabled in site table"], $output_handler,$node);
return 0;
unless($hyphash{hyp}->{datastoremap}->{$uri}){ return 0; }
$hyphash{$hyp}->{datastoreurlmap}->{$hyphash{$hyp}->{datastoremap}->{$uri}} = $uri;
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,": $method is unsupported at this time (nfs would be)"], $output_handler,$node);
return 0;
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,": $_ not supported storage specification for ESX plugin,\n\t'nfs://<server>/<path>'\n\t\tor\n\t'vmfs://<vmfs>'\n only currently supported supported for ESX at the moment"], $output_handler,$node);
return 0;
} #TODO: raw device mapping, VMFS via iSCSI, VMFS via FC?
# newdatastores are for migrations or changing vms.
# TODO: make this work for VMFS. Right now only NFS.
if (ref $newdatastores) {
foreach (keys %$newdatastores) {
my $origurl=$_;
s/\/$//; #Strip trailing slash if specified, to align to VMware semantics
if (/:\/\//) {
($method,$location) = split /:\/\//,$_,2;
if($method =~ /nfs/){
(my $server, my $path) = split /\//,$location,2;
$server =~ s/:$//; #remove a : if someone put it in out of nfs mount habit
my $servern = inet_aton($server);
unless ($servern) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,": Unable to resolve '$server' to an address, check vm.cfgstore/"], $output_handler);
return 0;
$server = inet_ntoa($servern);
my $uri = "nfs://$server/$path";
unless ($method =~ /nfs/) {
foreach (@{$newdatastores->{$_}}) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,": $method is unsupported at this time (nfs would be)"], $output_handler,$_);
return 0;
unless ($hyphash{$hyp}->{datastoremap}->{$uri}) { #If not already there, must mount it
unless ($datastoreautomount) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,":) $uri is not currently accessible at the given location and automount is disabled in site table"], $output_handler,$node);
return 0;
$hyphash{$hyp}->{datastoreurlmap}->{$hyphash{$hyp}->{datastoremap}->{$uri}} = $uri;
$hyphash{$hyp}->{datastoremap}->{$origurl}=$hyphash{$hyp}->{datastoremap}->{$uri}; #we track both the uri xCAT expected and the one vCenter actually ended up with
}elsif($method =~ /vmfs/){
(my $name, undef) = split /\//,$location,2;
$name =~ s/:$//; #remove a : if someone put it in for some reason.
my $uri = "vmfs://$name";
unless ($hyphash{$hyp}->{datastoremap}->{$uri}) { #If not already there, it should be!
unless ($datastoreautomount) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,": $uri is not currently accessible at the given location and automount is disabled in site table"], $output_handler,$node);
return 0;
unless($hyphash{hyp}->{datastoremap}->{$uri}){ return 0; }
$hyphash{$hyp}->{datastoreurlmap}->{$hyphash{$hyp}->{datastoremap}->{$uri}} = $uri;
print "$method: not NFS and not VMFS here!\n";
} else {
my $datastore=$_;
foreach my $ds (@{$newdatastores->{$_}}) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,": $datastore not supported storage specification for ESX plugin, 'nfs://<server>/<path>' only currently supported supported for ESX at the moment"], $output_handler,$ds);
return 0;
} #TODO: raw device mapping, VMFS via iSCSI, VMFS via FC, VMFS on same local drive?
if ($refresh_names) { #if we are in a vcenter context, vmware can rename a datastore behind our backs immediately after adding
if (defined $hostview->{datastore}) { # only iterate if it exists
foreach (@{$hostview->datastore}) {
my $dsv = $hypconn->get_view(mo_ref=>$_);
if (defined $dsv->info->{nas}) {
if ($dsv->info->nas->type eq 'NFS') {
my $mnthost = inet_aton($dsv->info->nas->remoteHost);
if ($mnthost) {
$mnthost = inet_ntoa($mnthost);
} else {
$mnthost = $dsv->info->nas->remoteHost;
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unable to resolve VMware specified host '".$dsv->info->nas->remoteHost."' to an address, problems may occur"], $output_handler);
$hyphash{$hyp}->{datastoreurlmap}->{$dsv->info->name} = "nfs://".$mnthost.$dsv->info->nas->remotePath;
} #TODO: care about SMB
} #TODO: care about VMFS
return 1;
sub getlabel_for_datastore {
my $method = shift;
my $location = shift;
$location =~ s/\//_/g;
$location= $method.'_'.$location;
#VMware has a 42 character limit, we will start mangling to get under 42.
#Will try to preserve as much informative detail as possible, hence several conditionals instead of taking the easy way out
if (length($location) > 42) {
$location =~ s/nfs_//; #Ditch unique names for different protocols to the same path, seems unbelievably unlikely
if (length($location) > 42) {
$location =~ s/\.//g; #Next, ditch host delimiter, it is unlikely that hosts will have unique names if their dots are removed
if (length($location) > 42) {
$location =~ s/_//g; #Next, ditch path delimiter, it is unlikely that two paths will happen to look the same without delimiters
if (length($location) > 42) { #finally, replace the middle with ellipsis
return $location;
sub mount_nfs_datastore {
my $hostview = shift;
my $location = shift;
my $server;
my $path;
unless ($datastoreautomount) {
die "automount of VMware datastores is disabled in site configuration, not continuing";
($server,$path) = split /\//,$location,2;
$location = getlabel_for_datastore('nfs',$location);
my $nds = HostNasVolumeSpec->new(accessMode=>'readWrite',
my $dsmv = $hostview->{vim}->get_view(mo_ref=>$hostview->configManager->datastoreSystem);
my $dsref;
eval {
if ($@) {
die "$@" unless $@ =~ m/Fault detail: DuplicateNameFault/;
die "esx plugin: a datastore was discovered with the same name referring to a different nominatum- cannot continue\n$@"
unless &match_nfs_datastore($server,"/$path",$hostview->{vim});
return ($location,$dsref);
# create a VMFS data store on a node so that VMs can live locally instead of NFS
sub create_vmfs_datastore {
my $hostview = shift; # VM object
my $name = shift; # name of storage we wish to create.
my $hyp = shift;
unless ($datastoreautomount) {
die "automount of VMware datastores is disabled in site configuration, not continuing";
# call some VMware API here to create
my $hdss = $hostview->{vim}->get_view(mo_ref=>$hostview->configManager->datastoreSystem);
my $diskList = $hdss->QueryAvailableDisksForVmfs();
my $count = scalar(@$diskList); # get the number of disks available for formatting.
unless($count >0){
#die "No disks are available to create VMFS volume for $name";
$output_handler->({error=>["No disks are available on $hyp to create VMFS volume for $name"],errorcode=>1});
return 0;
foreach my $disk(@$diskList){
my $options = $hdss->QueryVmfsDatastoreCreateOptions(devicePath => $disk->devicePath);
my $newDatastore = $hdss->CreateVmfsDatastore(spec => @$options[0]->spec );
#return $newDatastore;
# create it on the first disk we see.
return ($name, $newDatastore);
return 0;
sub build_more_info{
die("TODO: fix this function if called");
print "Does this acually get called????**********************************\n";
my $noderange=shift;
my $callback=shift;
my $vmtab = xCAT::Table->new("vm");
my @moreinfo=();
unless ($vmtab) {
$callback->({data=>["Cannot open mp table"]});
return @moreinfo;
my %mpa_hash=();
foreach my $node (@$noderange) {
my $ent=$vmtab->getNodeAttribs($node,['mpa', 'id']);
if (defined($ent->{mpa})) { push @{$mpa_hash{$ent->{mpa}}{nodes}}, $node;}
else {
$callback->({data=>["no mpa defined for node $node"]});
return @moreinfo;
if (defined($ent->{id})) { push @{$mpa_hash{$ent->{mpa}}{ids}}, $ent->{id};}
else { push @{$mpa_hash{$ent->{mpa}}{ids}}, "";}
foreach (keys %mpa_hash) {
push @moreinfo, "\[$_\]\[" . join(',',@{$mpa_hash{$_}{nodes}}) ."\]\[" . join(',',@{$mpa_hash{$_}{ids}}) . "\]";
return \@moreinfo;
sub copycd {
my $request = shift;
my $doreq = shift;
my $distname = "";
my $path;
my $arch;
my $darch;
my $installroot;
$installroot = "/install";
#my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
#(my $ref) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'installdir'}, 'value');
my @entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("installdir");
my $t_entry = $entries[0];
if ( defined($t_entry) ) {
$installroot = $t_entry;
@ARGV = @{$request->{arg}};
my $includeupdate = 0;
'n=s' => \$distname,
'a=s' => \$arch,
'm=s' => \$path,
's' => \$includeupdate
# run a few tests to see if the copycds should use this plugin
unless ($path){
# can't use us cause we need a path and you didn't provide one!
if( $distname and $distname !~ /^esx/ ){
# we're for esx, so if you didn't specify that its not us!
my $found = 0;
if (-r $path . "/README" and -r $path . "/build_number" and -d $path . "/VMware" and -r $path . "/packages.xml") { #We have a probable new style ESX media
my $product;
my $version;
while (<LINE>) {
if (/roductLineId>([^<]*)<\/Prod/) {
$product = $1;
if (/ersion>([^<]*)<\/version/) {
$version = $1;
$version =~ s/\.0$//;
if (/arch>([^>]*)<\/arch/) {
unless ($darch and $darch =~ /x86_64/) { #prefer to be characterized as x86_64
$darch = $1;
$arch = $1;
if ($product and $version) {
unless ($distname) { $distname = $product.$version; }
$found = 1;
} elsif (-r $path . "/README" and -r $path . "/open_source_licenses.txt" and -d $path . "/VMware") { #Candidate to be ESX 3.5
while(<LINE>) {
if (/VMware ESX Server 3.5\s*$/) {
$darch ='x86';
$arch = 'x86';
unless ($distname) { $distname = 'esx3.5'; }
$found = 1;
} elsif (-r $path . "/README.txt" and -r $path . "/vmkernel.gz"){
# its an esxi dvd!
# if we got here its probably ESX they want to copy
my $line;
my $darch;
open(LINE, $path . "/README.txt") or die "couldn't open!";
while($line = <LINE>){
if($line =~ /VMware ESXi(?: version)? 4\.(\d+)/){
$darch = "x86_64";
unless ($distname) {
$distname = "esxi4";
if ($1) {
$distname .= '.'.$1;
$found = 1;
if( $arch and $arch ne $darch){
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1, "Requested distribution architecture $arch, but media is $darch"], $output_handler);
$arch = $darch;
last; # we found our distro! end this loop madness.
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"I don't recognize this VMware ESX DVD"], $output_handler);
return; # doesn't seem to be a valid DVD or CD
} elsif (-r $path . "/vmkernel.gz" and -r $path . "/isolinux.cfg"){
open(LINE,$path . "/isolinux.cfg");
while (<LINE>) {
if (/ThinESX Installer/) {
$darch = 'x86';
unless ($distname) { $distname='esxi3.5'; }
} elsif (-r $path . "/upgrade/metadata.xml") {
my $detectdistname;
while (<LINE>) {
if (/esxVersion>([^<]*)</) {
my $version = $1;
while ($version =~ /\.0$/) {
$version =~ s/\.0$//;
$detectdistname = 'esxi' . $version;
} elsif (/esxRelease>([^<]*)</) {
unless ($includeupdate) {
my $release = $1;
while ($release =~ /\.0$/) {
$release =~ s/\.0$//;
unless ($release ne "0") {
$detectdistname .= '_' . $release;
unless ($distname) { $distname=$detectdistname; }
} elsif (-r $path . "/vmware-esx-base-readme") {
while (<LINE>) {
if (/VMware ESXi 5\.0/) {
unless ($distname) { $distname='esxi5'; }
if (/VMware ESXi 5\.1/) {
unless ($distname) { $distname='esxi5.1'; }
if (/VMware ESXi 5\.5/) {
unless ($distname) { $distname='esxi5.5'; }
unless ($found) { return; } #not our media
if ($::XCATSITEVALS{osimagerequired}){
my ($nohaveimages,$errstr)=xCAT::SvrUtils->update_tables_with_templates($distname, $arch,"","",checkonly=>1);
if ($nohaveimages) {
$output_handler->({error => "No Templates found to support $distname($arch)",errorcode=>2});
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Copying media to $installroot/$distname/$arch/", $output_handler);
my $omask = umask 0022;
umask $omask;
my $rc;
my $reaped = 0;
$SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = sub {
kill 2, $_;
if ($path) {
system("umount $path");
my $KID;
chdir $path;
my $numFiles = `find . -print | wc -l`;
my $child = open($KID, "|-");
unless (defined $child)
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Media copy operation fork failure"], $output_handler);
if ($child)
push @cpiopid, $child;
my @finddata = `find .`;
for (@finddata)
print $KID $_;
$rc = $?;
nice 10;
my $c = "nice -n 20 cpio -vdump $installroot/$distname/$arch";
my $k2 = open(PIPE, "$c 2>&1 |") ||
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Media copy operation fork failure"], $output_handler);
push @cpiopid, $k2;
my $copied = 0;
my ($percent, $fout);
next if /^cpio:/;
$percent = $copied / $numFiles;
$fout = sprintf "%0.2f%%", $percent * 100;
$output_handler->({sinfo => "$fout"});
# let everyone read it
#chdir "/tmp";
chmod 0755, "$installroot/$distname/$arch";
if ($distname =~ /esxi5/) { #going to tweak boot.cfg for install and default stateless case
if (! -r "$installroot/$distname/$arch/boot.cfg.stateless") {
my $bootcfg;
my @bootcfg = <$bootcfg>;
foreach (@bootcfg) { #no point in optimizing trivial, infrequent code, readable this way
s!kernel=/!kernel=!; # remove leading /
s!modules=/!modules=!; #remove leading /
s!--- /!--- !g; #remove all the 'absolute' slashes
foreach (@bootcfg) {
if (/^modules=/ and $_ !~ /xcatmod.tgz/ and not $::XCATSITEVALS{xcatesximoddisable}) {
s! *\z! --- xcatmod.tgz\n!;
print $bootcfg $_;
foreach (@bootcfg) { #no point in optimizing trivial, infrequent code, readable this way
s/runweasel//; #don't run the installer in stateless mode
s!--- imgdb.tgz!!; #don't need the imgdb for stateless
s!--- imgpayld.tgz!!; #don't need the boot payload since we aren't installing
s!--- tools.t00!!; #tools could be useful, but for now skip the memory requirement
s!--- weaselin.i00!!; #and also don't need the weasel install images if... not installing
if (/^modules=/ and $_ !~ /xcatmod.tgz/ and not $::XCATSITEVALS{xcatesximoddisable}) {
s! *\z! --- xcatmod.tgz\n!;
s!Loading ESXi installer!xCAT is loading ESXi stateless!;
foreach (@bootcfg) {
print $bootcfg $_;
if (grep /LSIProvi.v00/,@bootcfg and ! -r "$installroot/$distname/$arch/LSIProvi.v00" and -r "$installroot/$distname/$arch/lsiprovi.v00") { #there is media with LSIProv.v00 expected, but the install media was mal-constructed, fix it
if ($rc != 0){
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Media copy operation failed, status $rc"], $output_handler);
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Media copy operation successful", $output_handler);
my @ret=xCAT::SvrUtils->update_tables_with_templates($distname, $arch);
if ($ret[0] != 0) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("Error when updating the osimage tables: " . $ret[1], $output_handler);
sub makecustomizedmod {
my $osver = shift;
my $dest = shift;
if ($::XCATSITEVALS{xcatesximoddisable}) { return 1; }
my $modname;
if ($osver =~ /esxi4/) { #want more descriptive name,but don't break esxi4 setups.
# if it already exists, do not overwrite it because it may be someone
# else's custom image
if(-f "$dest/$modname"){ return 1; }
} else {
my $passtab = xCAT::Table->new('passwd');
my $tmp;
my $password;
if ($passtab) {
($tmp) = $passtab->getAttribs({'key'=>'vmware'},'username','password');
if (defined($tmp)) {
$password = $tmp->{password};
unless ($password) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,": Unable to find a password entry for esxi in passwd table"], $output_handler);
return 0;
my $tempdir = tempdir("/tmp/xcat/esxmodcustXXXXXXXX");
my $shadow;
my $oldmask=umask(0077);
$password = crypt($password,'$1$'.xCAT::Utils::genpassword(8));
my $dayssince1970 = int(time()/86400); #Be truthful about /etc/shadow
my @otherusers = qw/nobody nfsnobody dcui daemon/;
if ($osver =~ /esxi4/) {
push @otherusers,"vimuser";
} elsif ($osver =~ /esxi5/) {
push @otherusers,"vpxuser";
print $shadow "root:$password:$dayssince1970:0:99999:7:::\n";
foreach (@otherusers) {
print $shadow "$_:*:$dayssince1970:0:99999:7:::\n";
if ($osver =~ /esxi4/ and -e "$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/netboot/esxi/38.xcat-enableipv6") {
copy( "$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/netboot/esxi/38.xcat-enableipv6",$tempdir."/etc/vmware/init/init.d/38.xcat-enableipv6");
} elsif ($osver =~ /esxi5/ and -e "$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/netboot/esxi/xcat-ipv6.json") {
copy( "$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/netboot/esxi/xcat-ipv6.json",$tempdir."/usr/libexec/jumpstart/plugins/xcat-ipv6.json");
if ($osver =~ /esxi4/ and -e "$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/netboot/esxi/47.xcat-networking") {
copy( "$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/netboot/esxi/47.xcat-networking",$tempdir."/etc/vmware/init/init.d/47.xcat-networking");
} elsif ($osver =~ /esxi5/ and -e "$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/netboot/esxi/39.ipv6fixup") {
copy( "$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/netboot/esxi/39.ipv6fixup",$tempdir."/etc/init.d/39.ipv6fixup");
if ($osver =~ /esxi5/ and -e "$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/netboot/esxi/48.esxifixup") {
copy( "$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/netboot/esxi/48.esxifixup",$tempdir."/etc/init.d/48.esxifixup");
if ($osver =~ /esxi5/ and -e "$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/netboot/esxi/99.esxiready") {
copy( "$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/netboot/esxi/99.esxiready",$tempdir."/etc/init.d/99.esxiready");
if (-e "$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/netboot/esxi/xcatsplash") {
copy( "$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/netboot/esxi/xcatsplash",$tempdir."/etc/vmware/welcome");
my $dossh=0;
if (-r "/root/.ssh/") {
my $umask = umask(0077);#don't remember if dropbear is picky, but just in case
if ($osver =~ /esxi4/) { #esxi4 used more typical path
} elsif ($osver =~ /esxi5/) { #weird path to keys
my $tfile;
open $tfile,">",$tempdir."/var/run/vmware/show-tech-support-login";
#TODO: auto-enable ssh and request boot-time customization rather than on-demand?
require Cwd;
my $dir=Cwd::cwd();
if (-e "$dest/$modname") {
if ($dossh and $osver =~ /esxi4/) {
system("tar czf $dest/$modname * .ssh");
} else {
system("tar czf $dest/$modname *");
return 1;
sub getplatform {
my $os = shift;
if ($os =~ /esxi/) {
return "esxi";
return $os;
sub esxi_kickstart_from_template {
my %args=@_;
my $installdir = "/install";
if ($::XCATSITEVALS{installdir}) { $installdir = $::XCATSITEVALS{installdir}; }
my $plat = getplatform($args{os});
my $template = xCAT::SvrUtils::get_tmpl_file_name("$installdir/custom/install/$plat",$args{profile},$args{os},$args{arch},$args{os});
unless ($template) {
$template = xCAT::SvrUtils::get_tmpl_file_name("$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/install/$plat",$args{profile},$args{os},$args{arch},$args{os});
my $tmperr;
if (-r "$template") {
} else {
$tmperr="Unable to find template in /install/custom/install/$plat or $::XCATROOT/share/xcat/install/$plat (for $args{profile}/$args{os}/$args{arch} combination)";
if ($tmperr) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,$tmperr], $output_handler,$args{node});
sub mkinstall {
return mkcommonboot("install",@_);
sub mknetboot {
return mkcommonboot("stateless",@_);
sub merge_esxi5_append {
my $tmpl = shift;
my $append = shift;
my $outfile = shift;
my $in;
my $out;
my $line;
while ($line = <$in>) {
if ($line =~ /kernelopt=/) {
$line .= $append."\n";
#if ($line =~ /modules=b.b00/) {
# $line =~ s/modules=b.b00/modules=b.b00 $append/;
unless ($line =~ /^prefix=/) {
print $out $line;
sub mkcommonboot {
my $bootmode = shift;
my $req = shift;
my $doreq = shift;
my $globaltftpdir = "/tftpboot";
my @nodes = @{$req->{node}};
my $ostab = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype');
#my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
my $bptab = xCAT::Table->new('bootparams',-create=>1);
my $installroot = "/install";
#if ($sitetab){
#(my $ref) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'installdir'}, 'value');
my @entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("installdir");
my $t_entry = $entries[0];
if ( defined($t_entry) ) {
$installroot = $t_entry;
#($ref) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'tftpdir'}, 'value');
@entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("tftpdir");
$t_entry = $entries[0];
if ( defined($t_entry) ) {
$globaltftpdir = $t_entry;
my %donetftp=();
my $bpadds = $bptab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes,['addkcmdline']);
my $nodehmtab = xCAT::Table->new('nodehm',-create=>0);
my $serialconfig;
if ($nodehmtab) {
$serialconfig = $nodehmtab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes,['serialport','serialspeed']);
my $restab = xCAT::Table->new('noderes',-create=>0);
my $resents;
if ($restab) {
$resents = $restab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes,['tftpdir','nfsserver']);
my %tablecolumnsneededforaddkcmdline;
my %nodesubdata;
foreach my $key (keys %$bpadds){ #First, we identify all needed table.columns needed to aggregate database call
my $add = $bpadds->{$key}->[0]->{addkcmdline};
next if ! defined $add;
while ($add =~ /#NODEATTRIB:([^:#]+):([^:#]+)#/) {
push @{$tablecolumnsneededforaddkcmdline{$1}},$2;
$add =~ s/#NODEATTRIB:([^:#]+):([^:#]+)#//;
foreach my $table (keys %tablecolumnsneededforaddkcmdline) {
my $tab = xCAT::Table->new($table,-create=>0);
if ($tab) {
my $osents = $ostab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes, ['os', 'arch', 'profile']);
foreach my $node (@nodes){
my $ent = $osents->{$node}->[0];
my $arch = $ent->{'arch'};
my $profile = $ent->{'profile'};
my $osver = $ent->{'os'};
my $tftpdir;
my $ksserver;
if ($resents and $resents->{$node}->[0]->{nfsserver}) {
} else {
if ($resents and $resents->{$node}->[0]->{tftpdir}) {
$tftpdir = $resents->{$node}->[0]->{tftpdir};
} else {
$tftpdir = $globaltftpdir;
#if($arch ne 'x86'){
# xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"VMware ESX hypervisors are x86, please change the nodetype.arch value to x86 instead of $arch for $node before proceeding:
#e.g: nodech $node nodetype.arch=x86\n"]);
# return;
# first make sure copycds was done:
my $custprofpath = $profile;
unless ($custprofpath =~ /^\//) {#If profile begins with a /, assume it already is a path
$custprofpath = $installroot."/custom/install/$osver/$arch/$profile";
unless(-d $custprofpath) {
$custprofpath = $installroot."/custom/install/esxi/$arch/$profile";
-r "$custprofpath/vmkboot.gz"
or -r "$custprofpath/b.z"
or -r "$custprofpath/mboot.c32"
or -r "$custprofpath/install.tgz"
or -r "$installroot/$osver/$arch/mboot.c32"
or -r "$installroot/$osver/$arch/install.tgz" ){
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Please run copycds first for $osver or create custom image in $custprofpath/"], $output_handler);
my @reqmods = qw/vmkboot.gz vmk.gz sys.vgz cim.vgz/; #Required modules for an image to be considered complete
if ( -r "$custprofpath/b.z" ) { #if someone hand extracts from imagedd, a different name scheme is used
@reqmods = qw/b.z k.z s.z c.z/;
my %mods;
foreach (@reqmods) {
$mods{$_} = 1;
my $shortprofname = $profile;
$shortprofname =~ s/\/\z//;
$shortprofname =~ s/.*\///;
my $havemod=0;
unless($donetftp{$osver,$arch,$profile,$tftpdir}) {
my $srcdir = "$installroot/$osver/$arch";
my $dest = "$tftpdir/xcat/netboot/$osver/$arch/$shortprofname";
if ($havemod = makecustomizedmod($osver,$dest)) {
push @reqmods,"mod.tgz";
if ($osver =~ /esxi4/ and -r "$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/netboot/syslinux/mboot.c32") { #prefer xCAT patched mboot.c32 with BOOTIF for mboot
copy("$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/netboot/syslinux/mboot.c32", $dest);
} elsif (-r "$custprofpath/mboot.c32") {
copy("$custprofpath/mboot.c32", $dest);
} elsif (-r "$srcdir/mboot.c32") {
copy("$srcdir/mboot.c32", $dest);
if (-f "$srcdir/efiboot.img") {
$donetftp{$osver,$arch,$profile,$tftpdir} = 1;
my $tp = "xcat/netboot/$osver/$arch/$shortprofname";
my $kernel;
my $kcmdline;
my $append;
my $shortappend;
if ($osver =~ /esxi4/) {
my $bail=0;
foreach (@reqmods) {
unless (-r "$tftpdir/$tp/$_") {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"$_ is missing from the target destination, ensure that either copycds has been run or that $custprofpath contains this file"], $output_handler);
$bail=1; #only flag to bail, present as many messages as possible to user
if ($bail) { #if the above loop detected one or more failures, bail out
# now make <HEX> file entry stuff
$kernel = "$tp/mboot.c32";
my $prepend;
if ($reqmods[0] eq "vmkboot.gz") {
$prepend = "$tp/vmkboot.gz";
delete $mods{"vmkboot.gz"};
$append = " --- $tp/vmk.gz";
delete $mods{"vmk.gz"};
$append .= " --- $tp/sys.vgz";
delete $mods{"sys.vgz"};
$append .= " --- $tp/cim.vgz";
delete $mods{"cim.vgz"};
} else { #the single letter style
$prepend = "$tp/b.z";
delete $mods{"b.z"};
$append = " --- $tp/k.z";
delete $mods{"k.z"};
$append .= " --- $tp/s.z";
delete $mods{"s.z"};
$append .= " --- $tp/c.z";
delete $mods{"c.z"};
if ($mods{"mod.tgz"}) {
$append .= " --- $tp/mod.tgz";
delete $mods{"mod.tgz"};
foreach (keys %mods) {
$append .= " --- $tp/$_";
if (defined $bpadds->{$node}->[0]->{addkcmdline}) {
my $modules;
($kcmdline,$modules) = split /---/,$bpadds->{$node}->[0]->{addkcmdline},2;
$kcmdline =~ s/#NODEATTRIB:([^:#]+):([^:#]+)#/$nodesubdata{$1}->{$node}->[0]->{$2}/eg;
if ($modules) {
$append .= " --- ".$modules;
$prepend .= " ".$kcmdline;
$append = $prepend.$append;
elsif ($osver =~ /esxi5/) { #do a more straightforward thing..
$kernel = "$tp/mboot.c32";
if (-r "$tftpdir/$tp/boot.cfg.$bootmode.tmpl") { #so much for straightforward..
$shortappend = "-c $tp/boot.cfg.$bootmode.$node";
} else {
$append = "-c $tp/boot.cfg.$bootmode";
$append .= " xcatd=$ksserver:3001";
if ($bootmode eq "install") {
$append .= " ks=http://$ksserver/install/autoinst/$node";
if ($bootmode ne "install" and $serialconfig->{$node}) { #don't do it for install, installer croaks currently
my $comport = 1;
if (defined $serialconfig->{$node}->[0]->{serialport}) {
$comport = $serialconfig->{$node}->[0]->{serialport}+1;
$append .= " -S $comport tty2port=com$comport";
if (defined $serialconfig->{$node}->[0]->{serialspeed}) {
$append .= " -s ".$serialconfig->{$node}->[0]->{serialspeed}." com".$comport."_baud=".$serialconfig->{$node}->[0]->{serialspeed};
if (defined $bpadds->{$node}->[0]->{addkcmdline}) {
$append .= " ".$bpadds->{$node}->[0]->{addkcmdline};
$append =~ s/#NODEATTRIB:([^:#]+):([^:#]+)#/$nodesubdata{$1}->{$node}->[0]->{$2}/eg;
if ($shortappend) { #esxi5 user desiring to put everything in one boot config file. . .
kernel => $kernel,
initrd => "",
kcmdline => $append
} # end of node loop
# this is where we extract the netboot images out of the copied ISO image
sub cpNetbootImages {
my $osver = shift;
my $srcDir = shift;
my $destDir = shift;
my $overridedir = shift;
my $modulestoadd = shift;
my %parmargs = @_;
my $bootmode="stateless";
if ($parmargs{bootmode}) { $bootmode = $parmargs{bootmode} }
my $tmpDir = "/tmp/xcat.$$";
if($osver =~ /esxi4/){
# we don't want to go through this all the time, so if its already
# there we're not going to extract:
unless( -r "$destDir/vmk.gz"
and -r "$destDir/vmkboot.gz"
and -r "$destDir/sys.vgz"
and -r "$destDir/cim.vgz"
and -r "$destDir/cimstg.tgz"
if (-r "$srcDir/image.tgz") { #it still may work without image.tgz if profile customization has everything replaced
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("extracting netboot files from OS image. This may take about a minute or two...hopefully you have ~1GB free in your /tmp dir\n", $output_handler);
my $cmd = "tar zxf $srcDir/image.tgz";
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Unable to extract $srcDir/image.tgz\n"], $output_handler);
# this has the big image and may take a while.
# this should now create:
# /tmp/xcat.1234/usr/lib/vmware/installer/VMware-VMvisor-big-164009-x86_64.dd.bz2 or some other version. We need to extract partition 5 from it.
system("bunzip2 $tmpDir/usr/lib/vmware/installer/*bz2");
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg("finished extracting, now copying files...\n", $output_handler);
# now we need to get partition 5 which has the installation goods in it.
my $scmd = "fdisk -lu $tmpDir/usr/lib/vmware/installer/*dd 2>&1 | grep dd5 | awk '{print \$2}'";
my $sector = `$scmd`;
my $offset = $sector * 512;
mkdir "/mnt/xcat";
my $mntcmd = "mount $tmpDir/usr/lib/vmware/installer/*dd /mnt/xcat -o loop,offset=$offset";
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"unable to mount partition 5 of the ESX netboot image to /mnt/xcat"], $output_handler);
if (! -d $destDir) {
if ( -e $destDir ) {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Could not copy netboot contents to $destDir, it exists but is not currently a directory"], $output_handler);
if(system("cp /mnt/xcat/* $destDir/")){
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Could not copy netboot contents to $destDir"], $output_handler);
system("umount /mnt/xcat");
system("umount /mnt/xcat");
system("rm -rf $tmpDir");
} elsif (-r "$srcDir/cim.vgz" and -r "$srcDir/vmkernel.gz" and -r "$srcDir/vmkboot.gz" and -r "$srcDir/sys.vgz") {
use File::Basename;
if (! -d $destDir) {
#In ESXI 4.1, the above breaks, this seems to work, much simpler too
foreach ("$srcDir/cim.vgz","$srcDir/vmkernel.gz","$srcDir/vmkboot.gz","$srcDir/sys.vgz","$srcDir/sys.vgz") {
my $mod = scalar fileparse($_);
if ($mod =~ /vmkernel.gz/) {
copy($_,"$destDir/vmk.gz") or xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Could not copy netboot contents from $_ to $destDir/$mod"], $output_handler);
} else {
copy($_,"$destDir/$mod") or xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Could not copy netboot contents from $_ to $destDir/$mod"], $output_handler);
#this is the override directory if there is one, otherwise it's actually the default dir
if (-d $overridedir) {
#Copy over all modules
use File::Basename;
foreach (glob "$overridedir/*") {
my $mod = scalar fileparse($_);
if ($mod =~ /gz\z/ and $mod !~ /pkgdb.tgz/ and $mod !~ /vmkernel.gz/) {
copy($_,"$destDir/$mod") or xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Could not copy netboot contents from $overridedir to $destDir"], $output_handler);
} elsif ($mod =~ /vmkernel.gz/) {
copy($_,"$destDir/vmk.gz") or xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Could not copy netboot contents from $overridedir to $destDir"], $output_handler);
}elsif ($osver =~ /esxi5/) { #we need boot.cfg.stateles
my @filestocopy = ("boot.cfg.$bootmode");
if (-r "$srcDir/boot.cfg.$bootmode" or -r "$overridedir/boot.cfg.$bootmode") {
@filestocopy = ("boot.cfg.$bootmode");
} elsif (-r "$srcDir/boot.cfg.$bootmode.tmpl" or -r "$overridedir/boot.cfg.$bootmode.tmpl") {
@filestocopy = ("boot.cfg.$bootmode.tmpl");
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"$srcDir is missing boot.cfg.$bootmode file required for $bootmode boot"], $output_handler);
my $statelesscfg;
if (-r "$overridedir/boot.cfg.$bootmode.tmpl") {
open ($statelesscfg,"<","$overridedir/boot.cfg.$bootmode.tmpl");
@filestocopy = ("boot.cfg.$bootmode.tmpl");
} elsif (-r "$overridedir/boot.cfg.$bootmode") {
open ($statelesscfg,"<","$overridedir/boot.cfg.$bootmode");
} elsif (-r "$srcDir/boot.cfg.$bootmode.tmpl") {
@filestocopy = ("boot.cfg.$bootmode.tmpl");
open ($statelesscfg,"<","$srcDir/boot.cfg.$bootmode.tmpl");
} elsif (-r "$srcDir/boot.cfg.$bootmode") {
open ($statelesscfg,"<","$srcDir/boot.cfg.$bootmode");
} else {
die "boot.cfg.$bootmode was missing from $srcDir???";
my @statelesscfg=<$statelesscfg>;
foreach (@statelesscfg) { #search for files specified by the boot cfg and pull them in
if (/^kernel=(.*)/) {
push @filestocopy,$1;
} elsif (/^modules=(.*)/) {
foreach (split / --- /,$1) {
push @filestocopy,$_;
#now that we have a list, do the copy (mostly redundant, but PXE needs them tftp accessible)
foreach (@filestocopy) {
s/ *\z//;
my $mod = scalar fileparse($_);
if (-r "$overridedir/$mod") {
copyIfNewer("$overridedir/$mod","$destDir/$mod") or xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Could not copy netboot contents from $overridedir/$mod to $destDir/$mod, $!"], $output_handler);
} elsif (-r "$srcDir/$mod") {
copyIfNewer($srcDir."/".$mod,"$destDir/$mod") or xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Could not copy netboot contents from $srcDir/$mod to $destDir/$mod, $!"], $output_handler);
} elsif ($mod ne "xcatmod.tgz") {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Could not copy netboot contents from $srcDir/$mod to $destDir/$mod, $srcDir/$mod not found"], $output_handler);
} else {
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"VMware $osver is not supported for netboot"], $output_handler);
sub copyIfNewer {
my $source = shift;
my $dest = shift;
if (! -e $dest or -C $source < -C $dest) {
return copy($source,$dest);
return 1;
# compares nfs target described by parameters to every share mounted by target hypervisor
# returns 1 if matching datastore is present and 0 otherwise
sub match_nfs_datastore {
my ($host, $path, $hypconn) = @_;
die "esx plugin bug: no host provided for match_datastore" unless defined $host;
die "esx plugin bug: no path provided for match_datastore" unless defined $path;
my @ip;
eval {
if ($host =~ m/\b(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\//) {
use Socket;
@ip = ( $host );
$host = gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($host, AF_INET), AF_INET);
} else {
use Socket;
(undef, undef, undef, undef, @ip) = gethostbyname($host);
my @ip_ntoa = ();
foreach (@ip) {
push (@ip_ntoa, inet_ntoa($_));
@ip = @ip_ntoa;
if ($@) {
die "error while resolving datastore host: $@\n";
my %viewcrit = (
view_type => 'HostSystem',
properties => [ 'config.fileSystemVolume' ],
my $dsviews = $hypconn->find_entity_views(%viewcrit);
foreach (@$dsviews) {
foreach my $mount (@{$_->get_property('config.fileSystemVolume.mountInfo')}) {
next unless $mount->{'volume'}{'type'} eq 'NFS';
my $hostMatch = 0;
HOSTMATCH: foreach (@ip, $host) {
next HOSTMATCH unless $mount->{'volume'}{'remoteHost'} eq $_;
$hostMatch = 1;
next unless $hostMatch;
next unless $mount->{'volume'}{'remotePath'} eq $path;
return 1;
return 0;
# vi: set ts=4 sw=4 filetype=perl: