676 lines
16 KiB

* Load Ganglia monitoring tool
* @return Nothing
function loadGangliaMon() {
// Get Ganglia tab
var gangliaTab = $('#gangliamon');
// Check whether Ganglia RPMs are installed on the xCAT MN
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/systemcmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'rpm -q rrdtool ganglia-gmetad ganglia-gmond ganglia-web'
success : checkGangliaRPMs
// Create groups and nodes DIV
var groups = $('<div id="groups"></div>');
var nodes = $('<div id="nodes"></div>');
// Create info bar
var info = createInfoBar('Select a group to view its nodes');
// Get groups
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'extnoderange',
tgt : '/.*',
args : 'subgroups',
msg : ''
success : loadGroups4Ganglia
* Check whether Ganglia RPMs are installed
* @param data
* Data returned from HTTP request
* @return Nothing
function checkGangliaRPMs(data) {
var gangliaTab = $('#gangliamon');
// Get the list of Ganglia RPMs installed
var status = data.rsp.split(/\n/);
var gangliaRPMs = [ "rrdtool", "ganglia-gmetad", "ganglia-gmond", "ganglia-web" ];
var warningMsg = 'Before continuing, please install the following packages: ';
var missingRPMs = false;
for ( var i in status) {
if (status[i].indexOf("not installed") > -1) {
warningMsg += gangliaRPMs[i] + ' ';
missingRPMs = true;
// Append Ganglia PDF
if (missingRPMs) {
warningMsg += ". Refer to <a href='http://xcat.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/xcat/xcat-core/trunk/xCAT-client/share/doc/xCAT2-Monitoring.pdf'>xCAT2-Monitoring.pdf</a> for more information.";
var warningBar = createWarnBar(warningMsg);
warningBar.css('margin-bottom', '10px');
} else {
// Check if ganglia is running on the xCAT MN
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'monls',
tgt : '',
args : 'gangliamon',
msg : ''
* Append warning message
* @param data
* Data returned from HTTP request
* @return Nothing
success : function(data) {
if (data.rsp[0].indexOf("not-monitored") > -1) {
// Create link to start Ganglia
var startLnk = $('<a href="#">Click here</a>');
startLnk.css( {
'color' : 'blue',
'text-decoration' : 'none'
startLnk.click(function() {
// Turn on Ganglia for all nodes
monitorNode('', 'on');
// Create warning bar
var warningBar = $('<div class="ui-state-error ui-corner-all"></div>');
var msg = $('<p></p>');
msg.append('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-alert"></span>');
msg.append('Please start Ganglia Monitoring on xCAT. ');
msg.append(' to start Ganglia Monitoring.');
warningBar.css('margin-bottom', '10px');
// If there are any warning messages, append this warning after it
var curWarnings = $('#gangliamon').find('.ui-state-error');
var gangliaTab = $('#gangliamon');
if (curWarnings.length) {
} else {
* Load groups
* @param data
* Data returned from HTTP request
* @return
function loadGroups4Ganglia(data) {
// Remove loader
var groups = data.rsp;
// Create a list of groups
var ul = $('<ul></ul>');
var item = $('<li id="root"><h3>Groups</h3></li>');
var subUL = $('<ul></ul>');
// Create a link for each group
for ( var i = groups.length; i--;) {
var subItem = $('<li id="' + groups[i] + '"></li>');
var link = $('<a>' + groups[i] + '</a>');
// Turn groups list into a tree
$('#groups').jstree( {
core : {
"initially_open" : [ "root" ]
themes : {
"theme" : "default",
"dots" : false, // No dots
"icons" : false // No icons
// Load nodes onclick
.bind('select_node.jstree', function(event, data) {
// If there are subgroups, remove them
var thisGroup = jQuery.trim(data.rslt.obj.text());
if (thisGroup) {
// Clear nodes division
// Create link to Ganglia
var gangliaLnk = $('<a href="#">click here</a>');
gangliaLnk.css( {
'color' : 'blue',
'text-decoration' : 'none'
gangliaLnk.click(function() {
// Open a new window for Ganglia
// Create info bar
var info = $('<div class="ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all"></div>');
var msg = $('<p></p>');
msg.append('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-info"></span>');
.append('Review the nodes that are monitored by Ganglia. You can turn on Ganglia monitoring on a node by selecting it and clicking on Monitor. If you are satisfied with the nodes you want to monitor, ');
msg.append(' to open Ganglia page.');
info.css('margin-bottom', '10px');
// Create loader
var loader = $('<center></center>').append(createLoader());
// Create a tab for this group
var tab = new Tab();
tab.add('nodesTab', 'Nodes', loader, false);
// Get nodes within selected group
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'lsdef',
tgt : '',
args : thisGroup,
msg : thisGroup
success : loadNodes4Ganglia
// Get subgroups within selected group
// only when this is the parent group and not a subgroup
if (data.rslt.obj.attr('id').indexOf('Subgroup') < 0) {
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'extnoderange',
tgt : thisGroup,
args : 'subgroups',
msg : thisGroup
success : loadSubgroups
} // End of if (thisGroup)
} );
* Load nodes belonging to a given group
* @param data
* Data returned from HTTP request
* @return Nothing
function loadNodes4Ganglia(data) {
// Data returned
var rsp = data.rsp;
// Group name
var group = data.msg;
// Node attributes hash
var attrs = new Object();
// Node attributes
var headers = new Object();
var node;
var args;
for ( var i in rsp) {
// Get the node
var pos = rsp[i].indexOf('Object name:');
if (pos > -1) {
var temp = rsp[i].split(': ');
node = jQuery.trim(temp[1]);
// Create a hash for the node attributes
attrs[node] = new Object();
// Get key and value
args = rsp[i].split('=');
var key = jQuery.trim(args[0]);
var val = jQuery.trim(args[1]);
// Create a hash table
attrs[node][key] = val;
headers[key] = 1;
// Sort headers
var sorted = new Array();
for ( var key in headers) {
// Add column for check box, node, ping, and power
sorted.unshift('<input type="checkbox" onclick="selectAllCheckbox(event, $(this))">', 'node', '<a>ping</a><img src="images/loader.gif"></img>',
'<a>power</a><img src="images/loader.gif"></img>', '<a>ganglia</a><img src="images/loader.gif"></img>');
// Create a datatable
var dTable = new DataTable('nodesDataTable');
// Go through each node
for ( var node in attrs) {
// Create a row
var row = new Array();
// Create a check box
var checkBx = '<input type="checkbox" name="' + node + '"/>';
// Open node onclick
var nodeLink = $('<a class="node" id="' + node + '">' + node + '</a>').bind('click', loadNode);
row.push(checkBx, nodeLink, '', '', '');
// Go through each header
for ( var i = 5; i < sorted.length; i++) {
// Add the node attributes to the row
var key = sorted[i];
var val = attrs[node][key];
if (val) {
} else {
// Add the row to the table
// Clear the tab before inserting the table
// Create action bar
var actionBar = $('<div class="actionBar"></div>');
* The following actions are available to perform against a given node:
* power and monitor
* Power
var powerLnk = $('<a>Power</a>');
// Power on
var powerOnLnk = $('<a>Power on</a>');
powerOnLnk.bind('click', function(event) {
var tgtNodes = getNodesChecked('nodesDataTable');
if (tgtNodes) {
powerNode(tgtNodes, 'on');
// Power off
var powerOffLnk = $('<a>Power off</a>');
powerOffLnk.bind('click', function(event) {
var tgtNodes = getNodesChecked('nodesDataTable');
if (tgtNodes) {
powerNode(tgtNodes, 'off');
// Power actions
var powerActions = [ powerOnLnk, powerOffLnk ];
var powerActionMenu = createMenu(powerActions);
* Monitor
var monitorLnk = $('<a>Monitor</a>');
monitorLnk.bind('click', function(event) {
var tgtNodes = getNodesChecked('nodesDataTable');
if (tgtNodes) {
// Turn monitoring on
var monitorOnLnk = $('<a>Monitor on</a>');
monitorOnLnk.bind('click', function(event) {
var tgtNodes = getNodesChecked('nodesDataTable');
if (tgtNodes) {
monitorNode(tgtNodes, 'on');
// Turn monitoring off
var monitorOffLnk = $('<a>Monitor off</a>');
monitorOffLnk.bind('click', function(event) {
var tgtNodes = getNodesChecked('nodesDataTable');
if (tgtNodes) {
monitorNode(tgtNodes, 'off');
// Power actions
var monitorActions = [ monitorOnLnk, monitorOffLnk ];
var monitorActionMenu = createMenu(monitorActions);
* Create an action menu
var actionsDIV = $('<div></div>');
var actions = [ [ powerLnk, powerActionMenu ], [ monitorLnk, monitorActionMenu ] ];
var actionMenu = createMenu(actions);
// Insert table
// Turn table into a datatable
var myDataTable = $('#nodesDataTable').dataTable();
// Do not sort ping and power column
var pingCol = $('#nodesDataTable thead tr th').eq(2);
var powerCol = $('#nodesDataTable thead tr th').eq(3);
var gangliaCol = $('#nodesDataTable thead tr th').eq(4);
// Create enough space for loader to be displayed
$('#nodesDataTable tbody tr td:nth-child(3)').css('min-width', '60px');
$('#nodesDataTable tbody tr td:nth-child(4)').css('min-width', '60px');
$('#nodesDataTable tbody tr td:nth-child(5)').css('min-width', '80px');
// Instead refresh the ping status and power status
pingCol.bind('click', function(event) {
powerCol.bind('click', function(event) {
gangliaCol.bind('click', function(event) {
* Get power and ping status for each node
// Get the power status
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'rpower',
tgt : group,
args : 'stat',
msg : ''
success : loadPowerStatus
// Get the ping status
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'webrun',
tgt : '',
args : 'pping ' + group,
msg : ''
success : loadPingStatus
// Get the status of Ganglia
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'webrun',
tgt : '',
args : 'gangliastatus;' + group,
msg : ''
success : loadGangliaStatus
* Load the status of Ganglia for a given group
* @param data
* Data returned from HTTP request
* @return Nothing
function loadGangliaStatus(data) {
// Get datatable
var dTable = $('#nodesDataTable').dataTable();
var ganglia = data.rsp;
var rowNum, node, status, args;
for ( var i in ganglia) {
// ganglia[0] = nodeName and ganglia[1] = state
node = jQuery.trim(ganglia[i][0]);
status = jQuery.trim(ganglia[i][1]);
// Get the row containing the node
rowNum = getRowNum(node);
// Update the power status column
dTable.fnUpdate(status, rowNum, 4);
// Hide Ganglia loader
var gangliaCol = $('#nodesDataTable thead tr th').eq(4);
* Refresh the status of Ganglia for each node
* @param group
* Group name
* @return Nothing
function refreshGangliaStatus(group) {
// Show ganglia loader
var gangliaCol = $('#nodesDataTable thead tr th').eq(4);
// Get the status of Ganglia
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'webrun',
tgt : '',
args : 'gangliastatus;' + group,
msg : ''
success : loadGangliaStatus
* Turn on monitoring for a given node
* @param node
* Node to monitor on or off
* @param monitor
* Monitor state, on or off
* @return Nothing
function monitorNode(node, monitor) {
if (monitor == 'on') {
// Append loader to warning bar
var gangliaLoader = createLoader('');
var warningBar = $('#gangliamon').find('.ui-state-error p');
if (warningBar.length) {
if (node) {
// Check if ganglia RPMs are installed
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'webrun',
tgt : '',
args : 'gangliacheck;' + node,
msg : node // Node range will be passed along in data.msg
* Start ganglia on a given node range
* @param data
* Data returned from HTTP request
* @return Nothing
success : function(data) {
// Get response
var out = data.rsp[0].split(/\n/);
// Go through each line
var warn = false;
var warningMsg = '';
for (var i in out) {
// If an RPM is not installed
if (out[i].indexOf('not installed') > -1) {
warn = true;
if (warningMsg) {
warningMsg += '<br>' + out[i];
} else {
warningMsg = out[i];
} // End of if
} // End of for
// If there are warnings
if (warn) {
// Create warning bar
var warningBar = createWarnBar(warningMsg);
warningBar.css('margin-bottom', '10px');
} else {
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'webrun',
tgt : '',
args : 'gangliastart;' + data.msg,
msg : ''
success : function(data) {
// Remove any warnings
} // End of if (warn)
} // End of function(data)
} else {
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'webrun',
tgt : '',
args : 'gangliastart',
msg : ''
success : function(data) {
// Remove any warnings
} // End of if (node)
} else {
var args;
if (node) {
args = 'gangliastop;' + node;
} else {
args = 'gangliastop';
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'webrun',
tgt : '',
args : args,
msg : ''
success : function(data) {
// Do nothing