git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
1671 lines
58 KiB
1671 lines
58 KiB
# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license
package xCAT_plugin::lsslp;
use lib "/opt/xcat/lib/perl";
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Socket;
use xCAT::Usage;
use Storable qw(freeze thaw);
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use IO::Select;
use XML::Simple;
use xCAT::PPCdb;
use xCAT::NodeRange;
use xCAT::Utils;
#require xCAT::MacMap;
require xCAT_plugin::blade;
require xCAT::SLP;
# Constants
use constant {
HARDWARE_SERVICE => "service:management-hardware.IBM",
SOFTWARE_SERVICE => "service:management-software.IBM",
WILDCARD_SERVICE => "service:management-*",
SERVICE_FSP => "cec-service-processor",
SERVICE_BPA => "bulk-power-controller",
SERVICE_CEC => "cec-service-processor",
SERVICE_FRAME => "bulk-power-controller",
SERVICE_HMC => "hardware-management-console",
SERVICE_IVM => "integrated-virtualization-manager",
SERVICE_MM => "management-module",
SERVICE_CMM => "chassis-management-module",
SERVICE_RSA => "remote-supervisor-adapter",
SERVICE_RSA2 => "remote-supervisor-adapter-2",
SLP_CONF => "/usr/local/etc/slp.conf",
SLPTOOL => "/usr/local/bin/slptool",
TYPE_MM => "mm",
TYPE_CMM => "cmm",
TYPE_RSA => "rsa",
TYPE_BPA => "bpa",
TYPE_HMC => "hmc",
TYPE_IVM => "ivm",
TYPE_FSP => "fsp",
TYPE_CEC => "cec",
TYPE_FRAME => "frame",
TEXT => 0,
FORMAT => 1,
RC_ERROR => 1,
# Globals
my %service_slp = (
# SLP display header
my @header = (
["device", "%-8s" ],
["type-model", "%-12s"],
["serial-number", "%-15s"],
["side", "%-6s" ],
["ip-addresses", "placeholder"],
["hostname", "%s"]
my %headertoattr = (
"device" => "type",
"type-model" => "mtm",
"serial-number" => "serial",
"side" => "side",
"ip-addresses" => "ip",
"hostname" => "hostname",
# Invalid IP address list
my @invalidiplist = (
# Power methods
my %ip4neigh;
my %ip6neigh;
my %searchmacs;
my %globalopt;
#these globals are only used in mn
my %ip_addr = ();
#my $macmap;
my @filternodes;
my $TRACE = 0;
my $DEBUG_MATCH = 0;
my %globalhwtype = (
fsp => $::NODETYPE_FSP,
bpa => $::NODETYPE_BPA,
lpar => $::NODETYPE_LPAR,
hmc => $::NODETYPE_HMC,
ivm => $::NODETYPE_IVM,
frame => $::NODETYPE_FRAME,
cec => $::NODETYPE_CEC,
cmm => $::NODETYPE_CMM,
my %globalnodetype = (
fsp => $::NODETYPE_PPC,
bpa => $::NODETYPE_PPC,
cec => $::NODETYPE_PPC,
frame => $::NODETYPE_PPC,
hmc => $::NODETYPE_PPC,
ivm => $::NODETYPE_PPC,
cmm => $::NODETYPE_MP,
my %globalmgt = (
fsp => "fsp",
bpa => "bpa",
cec => "fsp",
frame => "bpa",
mm => "blade",
ivm => "ivm",
rsa => "blade",
cmm => "blade",
hmc => "hmc",
my %globalid = (
fsp => "cid",
cec => "cid",
bpa => "fid",
frame => "fid"
# Command handler method from tables
sub handled_commands {
return( {lsslp=>"lsslp"} );
# Invokes the callback with the specified message
sub send_msg {
my $request = shift;
my $ecode = shift;
my $msg = shift;
my %output;
# Called from child process - send to parent
if ( exists( $request->{pipe} )) {
my $out = $request->{pipe};
$output{errorcode} = $ecode;
$output{data} = \@_;
print $out freeze( [\%output] );
print $out "\nENDOFFREEZE6sK4ci\n";
# Called from parent - invoke callback directly
elsif ( exists( $request->{callback} )) {
my $callback = $request->{callback};
$output{errorcode} = $ecode;
$output{data} = $msg;
$callback->( \%output );
# Parse the command line options and operands
sub parse_args {
my $request = shift;
my $args = $request->{arg};
my $cmd = $request->{command};
my %opt;
my %services = (
# Responds with usage statement
local *usage = sub {
my $usage_string = xCAT::Usage->getUsage($cmd);
return( [$_[0], $usage_string] );
# No command-line arguments - use defaults
if ( !defined( $args )) {
# Checks case in GetOptions, allows opts
# to be grouped (e.g. -vx), and terminates
# at the first unrecognized option.
@ARGV = @$args;
$Getopt::Long::ignorecase = 0;
Getopt::Long::Configure( "bundling" );
# Process command-line flags
if (!GetOptions( \%opt,
qw(h|help V|Verbose v|version i=s x z w r s=s e=s t=s m c n C=s T=s I updatehosts makedhcp resetnet vpdtable))) {
return( usage() );
# Check for node range
if ( scalar(@ARGV) eq 1 ) {
my @nodes = xCAT::NodeRange::noderange( @ARGV );
foreach (@nodes) {
push @filternodes, $_;
unless (@filternodes) {
return(usage( "Invalid Argument: $ARGV[0]" ));
} elsif ( scalar(@ARGV) > 1 ) {
return(usage( "Invalid flag, please check and retry." ));
# Option -V for verbose output
if ( exists( $opt{V} )) {
$globalopt{verbose} = 1;
# Check for mutually-exclusive formatting
if ( (exists($opt{r}) + exists($opt{x}) + exists($opt{z}) + exists($opt{vpdtable}) ) > 1 ) {
return( usage() );
# Command tries
if ( exists( $opt{t} )) {
$globalopt{maxtries} = $opt{t};
if ( $globalopt{maxtries} !~ /^0?[1-9]$/ ) {
return( usage( "Invalid command tries (1-9)" ));
# Check for unsupported service type
if ( exists( $opt{s} )) {
if ( !exists( $services{$opt{s}} )) {
return(usage( "Invalid service: $opt{s}" ));
$globalopt{service} = $services{$opt{s}};
# Check the validation of -T option
if ( exists( $opt{T} )) {
$globalopt{T} = $opt{T};
if ( $globalopt{T} !~ /^\d+$/ ) {
return( usage( "Invalid timeout value, should be number" ));
#if (!exists( $opt{C} )) {
# return ( usage( "-T should be used with -C" ));
# Check the validation of -C option
if ( exists( $opt{C} )) {
$globalopt{C} = $opt{C};
if ( $globalopt{C} !~ /^\d+$/ ) {
return( usage( "Invalid expect entries, should be number" ));
if ( !exists($opt{i} )) {
return( usage( "-C should be used with -i" ));
# Check the validation of -i option
if ( exists( $opt{i} )) {
foreach ( split /,/, $opt{i} ) {
my $ip = $_;
# Length for IPv4 addresses
my (@octets) = /^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$/;
if ( scalar(@octets) != 4 ) {
return( [1,"Invalid IP address: $ip"] );
foreach my $octet ( @octets ) {
if (( $octet < 0 ) or ( $octet > 255 )) {
return( usage( "Invalid IP address: $ip") );
$globalopt{i} = $opt{i};
# write to the database
if ( exists( $opt{w} )) {
$globalopt{w} = 1;
# list the raw information
if ( exists( $opt{r} )) {
$globalopt{r} = 1;
# list the xml formate data
if ( exists( $opt{x} )) {
$globalopt{x} = 1;
# list the stanza formate data
if ( exists( $opt{z} )) {
$globalopt{z} = 1;
# match vpd table
if ( exists( $opt{vpdtable} )) {
$globalopt{vpdtable} = 1;
# only list the nodes that discovered for the first time
if ( exists( $opt{n} )) {
$globalopt{n} = 1;
# warn for no discovered nodes in database
if ( exists( $opt{I} )) {
$globalopt{I} = 1;
return (0);
# Verbose mode (-V)
sub trace {
my $request = shift;
my $msg = shift;
my $sig = shift;
if ($sig) {
if ($TRACE) {
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$yr,$wday,$yday,$dst) = localtime(time);
my $msg = sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d %5d %s", $hour,$min,$sec,$$,$msg;
send_msg( $request, 0, $msg );
} else {
if ( $globalopt{verbose}) {
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$yr,$wday,$yday,$dst) = localtime(time);
my $msg = sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d %5d %s", $hour,$min,$sec,$$,$msg;
send_msg( $request, 0, $msg );
# Forks a process to run the slp command (1 per adapter)
sub fork_cmd {
my $request = shift;
# Pipe childs output back to parent
my $parent;
my $child;
pipe $parent, $child;
my $pid = xCAT::Utils->xfork();
if ( !defined($pid) ) {
# Fork error
send_msg( $request, 1, "Fork error: $!" );
return undef;
elsif ( $pid == 0 ) {
# Child process
close( $parent );
$request->{pipe} = $child;
# Pass result array back to parent
my @results = ("FORMATDATA6sK4ci");
my $out = $request->{pipe};
print $out freeze( \@results );
print $out "\nENDOFFREEZE6sK4ci\n";
else {
# Parent process
close( $child );
return( $parent );
# Run the forked command and send reply to parent
sub invoke_dodiscover {
my $request = shift;
# SLP command
my $services;
my $maxt;
if ($globalopt{service}) {
$services = $globalopt{service};
} else {
#efix for hmc bug
if ($services =~ /hardware-management-console/) {
if ($globalopt{maxtries}) {
$maxt = $globalopt{maxtries};
} else {
$maxt = 0;
my %arg;
$arg{SrvTypes} = $services;
$arg{Callback} = \&handle_new_slp_entity;
$arg{Ip} = $globalopt{i} if($globalopt{i});
$arg{Retry} = $maxt;
$arg{Count} = $globalopt{C} if($globalopt{C});
$arg{Time} = $globalopt{T} if($globalopt{T});
my $result = xCAT::SLP::dodiscover(%arg);
## Need to check if the result is enough
#if ( $request->{C} != 0) {
# send_msg( $request, 0, "\n Begin to try again, this may takes long time \n" );
# my %val_tmp = %$values;
# my %found_cec;
# for my $v (keys %val_tmp) {
# $v =~ /type=([^\)]+)\)\,\(serial-number=([^\)]+)\)\,\(machinetype-model=([^\)]+)\)\,/;
# if ( $found_cec{$2.'*'.$3} ne 1 and $1 eq SERVICE_FSP) {
# $found_cec{$2.'*'.$3} = 1;
# }
# }
# my $rlt;
# my $val;
# my $start_time = Time::HiRes::gettimeofday();
# my $elapse;
# my $found = scalar(keys %found_cec);
# while ( $found < $globalopt{C} ) {
# $rlt = xCAT::SLP::dodiscover(SrvTypes=>$services,Callback=>sub { print Dumper(@_) });
# $val = @$rlt[1];
# for my $v (keys %$val) {
# $v =~ /type=([^\)]+)\)\,\(serial-number=([^\)]+)\)\,\(machinetype-model=([^\)]+)\)\,/;
# if ( $found_cec{$2.'*'.$3} ne 1 and $1 eq SERVICE_FSP) {
# $found_cec{$2.'*'.$3} = 1;
# $val_tmp{$v} = 1;
# }
# }
# $found = scalar(keys %val_tmp);
# $elapse = Time::HiRes::gettimeofday() - $start_time;
# if ( $elapse > $globalopt{time_out} ) {
# send_msg( $request, 0, "Time out, Force return.\n" );
# last;
# }
# }
# send_msg( $request, 0, "Discovered $found nodes \n" );
# $values = \%val_tmp;
# Formats slp responses
sub format_output {
my $request = shift;
my $length = length( $header[IP_ADDRESSES][TEXT] );
my $result;
# No responses
if ( keys %searchmacs == 0 ){
send_msg( $request, 0, "No responses" );
# Check -C -T
if ($globalopt{C}){
if (scalar(keys %searchmacs) ne $globalopt{C}) {
send_msg( $request, 0, "Timeout...Fource to return" );
# Read table to get exists data
my $errcode = read_from_table();
if ($errcode) {
send_msg( $request, 0, "Can't open $errcode table" );
# Parse responses and add to hash
my $outhash = parse_responses( $request, \$length );
#hmc bug efix
my $newouthash;
if ($globalopt{service} =~ /hardware-management-console/) {
for my $en ( keys %$outhash ) {
if (${$outhash->{$en}}{type} eq 'hmc') {
$newouthash->{$en} = $outhash->{$en};
$outhash = $newouthash;
# filter the result and keep the specified nodes
if ( scalar(@filternodes)) {
my $outhash1 = filter( $outhash );
$outhash = $outhash1;
# -w flag for write to xCat database
if ( $globalopt{w} ) {
send_msg( $request, 0, "Begin to write into Database, this may change node name" );
xCATdB( $outhash );
# -r flag for raw response format
my %rawhash;
if ( $globalopt{r} ) {
foreach ( keys %$outhash ) {
my $raw = ${$outhash->{$_}}{url};
$rawhash{$raw} = 1;
foreach ( keys %rawhash ) {
$result .= "$_\n";
send_msg( $request, 0, $result );
# -x flag for xml format
if ( $globalopt{x} ) {
send_msg( $request, 0, format_xml( $outhash ));
# -z flag for stanza format
if ( $globalopt{z} ) {
send_msg( $request, 0, format_stanza( $outhash ));
# -T flag for vpd table format
if ( $globalopt{vpdtable} ) {
send_msg( $request, 0, format_table( $outhash ) );
# Get longest IP for formatting purposes
my $format = sprintf "%%-%ds", ( $length + 2 );
$header[IP_ADDRESSES][FORMAT] = $format;
# Display header
foreach ( @header ) {
$result .= sprintf @$_[1], @$_[0];
$result .= "\n";
# Display response attributes
foreach my $nameentry ( sort keys %$outhash ) {
my $hostname= ${$outhash->{$nameentry}}{hostname};
foreach ( @header ) {
my $attr = $headertoattr{@$_[0]};
$result .= sprintf @$_[1], ${$outhash->{$nameentry}}{$attr};
$result .= "\n";
send_msg( $request, 0, $result );
# Read the table and cache the data that will be used frequently
sub read_from_table {
my %vpdhash;
my @nodelist;
my %ppchash;
my %iphash;
if ( !defined(%::OLD_DATA_CACHE))
#find out all the existed nodes
my $nodelisttab = xCAT::Table->new('nodelist');
if ( $nodelisttab ) {
my @typeentries = $nodelisttab->getAllNodeAttribs( ['node'] );
for my $typeentry ( @typeentries) {
push @nodelist, $typeentry->{node};
} else {
return "nodelist";
#find out all the existed nodes
my $hoststab = xCAT::Table->new('hosts');
if ( $hoststab ) {
my @hostsentries = $hoststab->getAllNodeAttribs( ['node','ip'] );
for my $hostsentry ( @hostsentries) {
$iphash{$hostsentry->{node}} = $hostsentry->{ip};
} else {
return "hosts";
#find out all the existed nodes' type
my $typehashref = xCAT::DBobjUtils->getnodetype(\@nodelist);
# find out all the existed nodes' mtms and side
my $vpdtab = xCAT::Table->new( 'vpd' );
if ( $vpdtab ) {
my @vpdentries = $vpdtab->getAllNodeAttribs(['node','mtm','serial','side']);
for my $entry ( @vpdentries ) {
@{$vpdhash{$entry->{node}}}[0] = $entry->{mtm};
@{$vpdhash{$entry->{node}}}[1] = $entry->{serial};
@{$vpdhash{$entry->{node}}}[2] = $entry->{side};
} else {
return "vpd";
# find out all the existed nodes' attributes
my $ppctab = xCAT::Table->new('ppc');
if ( $ppctab ) {
my @identries = $ppctab->getAllNodeAttribs( ['node','id','parent'] );
for my $entry ( @identries ) {
next if ($entry->{nodetype} =~ /lpar/);
@{$ppchash{$entry->{node}}}[0] = $entry->{id};#id
@{$ppchash{$entry->{node}}}[1] = $entry->{parent};#parent
} else {
return "ppc";
foreach my $node (@nodelist) {
my $type = $$typehashref{$node};
my $mtm = @{$vpdhash{$node}}[0];
my $sn = @{$vpdhash{$node}}[1];
my $side = @{$vpdhash{$node}}[2];
my $id = $ppchash{$node}[0];
my $parent = $ppchash{$node}[1];
my $ip = $iphash{$node};
if ($type =~ /frame/){
$::OLD_DATA_CACHE{"frame*".$mtm."*".$sn} = $node;
}elsif ($type =~ /cec/) {
$::OLD_DATA_CACHE{"cec*".$mtm."*".$sn} = $node;
$::OLD_DATA_CACHE{"cec*".$parent."*".$id} = $node;
}elsif ($type =~ /^fsp|bpa$/) {
$::OLD_DATA_CACHE{$type."*".$mtm."*".$sn."*".$side} = $node;
}elsif ($type =~ /hmc/) {
$::OLD_DATA_CACHE{"hmc*".$ip} = $node;
}else {
$::OLD_DATA_CACHE{$type."*".$mtm."*".$sn} = $node;
return undef;
# Makesure the ip in SLP URL is valid
# return 1 if valid, 0 if invalid
sub check_ip {
my $myip = shift;
$myip =~ s/^(\d+)\..*/$1/;
if ($myip >= 224 and $myip <= 239){
return 0;
foreach (@invalidiplist){
if ( $myip =~ /^($_)/ ){
return 0;
return 1;
# Get hostname from SLP URL response
sub get_host_from_url {
my $request = shift;
my $attr = shift;
my $vip;
my $host;
# Extract IP from URL
my $nets = xCAT::Utils::my_nets();
my $inc = $globalopt{i};
my @ips = (exists $attr->{'ip-address'})? @{$attr->{'ip-address'}}: @{$attr->{'ipv4-address'}};
my @ips2 = split /,/, $inc;
my @validip;
if ( $inc) {
for my $net (keys %$nets) {
my $fg = 1;
for my $einc (@ips2) {
if ( $nets->{$net} eq $einc) {
$fg = 0;
delete $nets->{$net} if ($fg) ;
# Check if valid IP
for my $tip (@ips) {
next if ( $tip =~ /:/); #skip IPV6 addresses
for my $net ( keys %$nets) {
my ($n,$m) = split /\//,$net;
if ( #xCAT::Utils::isInSameSubnet($n, $tip, $m, 1) and
xCAT::Utils::isPingable($tip) and (length(inet_aton($tip)) == 4)) {
push @validip, $tip;
if (scalar(@validip) == 0) {
trace( $request, "Invalid IP address in URL" );
return undef;
# Get Factory Hostname
if ( ${$attr->{'hostname'}}[0] ) {
$host = ${$attr->{'hostname'}}[0];
} else {
$host = "Server-".${$attr->{'machinetype-model'}}[0]."-SN".${$attr->{'serial-number'}}[0];
foreach my $ip (@validip) {
my $hname = gethostbyaddr( inet_aton($ip), AF_INET );
if($hname) {
$host = $hname;
$vip = $ip;
foreach my $ip (@validip) {
my $hoststab = xCAT::Table->new( 'hosts' );
my @entries = $hoststab->getAllNodeAttribs(['node','ip']);
foreach my $entry ( @entries ) {
if ( $entry->{ip} and $entry->{ip} eq $ip ) {
$host = $entry->{node};
$vip = $ip;
if ( $host =~ /([^\.]+)\./ ) {
$host = $1;
return $host;
sub parse_responses {
my $request = shift;
my $length = shift;
my $matchflag;
my %outhash;
my $host;
my @matchnode;
#get networks information for defining HMC
my %net;
my %addr;
my $nettab = xCAT::Table->new('networks');
my @nets = $nettab->getAllAttribs('netname', 'net','mask','mgtifname');
if (scalar(@nets) == 0) {
send_msg( $request, 0, "Can't get networks information from networks table" );
} else {
foreach my $enet (@nets) {
next if ($enet->{'net'} =~ /:/);
$net{$enet->{'mgtifname'}}{subnet} = $enet->{'net'};
$net{$enet->{'mgtifname'}}{netmask} = $enet->{'mask'};
my $netref = xCAT::NetworkUtils->get_nic_ip();
for my $entry (keys %$netref) {
$addr{$netref->{$entry}}{subnet} = $net{$entry}{subnet};
$addr{$netref->{$entry}}{netmask} = $net{$entry}{netmask};
trace( $request, "Now lsslp begin to parse its response...");
foreach my $rsp ( keys(%searchmacs) ) {
# attribute not found
if ( !exists(${$searchmacs{$rsp}}{attributes} )) {
trace( $request, "Attribute not found for $rsp" );
# Valid service-type attribute
my $attributes = ${$searchmacs{$rsp}}{attributes};
my $type = ${$attributes->{'type'}}[0] ;
if ( !exists($service_slp{$type} )) {
trace( $request, "Discarding unsupported type $type" );
# Define nodes
my %atthash;
if (( $type eq SERVICE_RSA ) or ( $type eq SERVICE_RSA2 ) or
( $type eq SERVICE_MM )) {
$atthash{type} = $service_slp{$type};
$atthash{mtm} = ${$attributes->{'enclosure-machinetype-model'}}[0];
$atthash{serial} = ${$attributes->{'enclosure-serial-number'}}[0];
$atthash{slot} = int(${$attributes->{'slot'}}[0]);
$atthash{ip} = ${$attributes->{'ip-address'}}[0];
$atthash{mac} = $rsp;
$atthash{hostname} = get_host_from_url($request, $attributes);
$atthash{otherinterfaces} = ${$attributes->{'ip-address'}}[0];
$atthash{url} = ${$searchmacs{$rsp}}{payload};
$outhash{'Server-'.$atthash{mtm}.'-SN'.$atthash{serial}} = \%atthash;
$$length = length( $atthash{ip}) if ( length( $atthash{ip} ) > $$length );
trace( $request, "Discover node $atthash{hostname}: type is $atthash{type}, \
mtm is $atthash{mtm}, sn is $atthash{serial}, slot is $atthash{slot}, \
ip is $atthash{ip}, mac is $atthash{mac}, otheringerfaces is $atthash{otherinterfaces}" );
} elsif ($type eq SERVICE_CMM) {
$atthash{type} = $service_slp{$type};
$atthash{mtm} = ${$attributes->{'enclosure-mtm'}}[0];
$atthash{serial} = ${$attributes->{'enclosure-serial-number'}}[0];
$atthash{side} = int(${$attributes->{'slot'}}[0]);
$atthash{ip} = ${$attributes->{'ipv4-address'}}[0];
$atthash{mac} = $rsp;
$atthash{mname} = ${$attributes->{'mm-name'}}[0];
$atthash{url} = ${$searchmacs{$rsp}}{payload};
$atthash{hostname} = get_host_from_url($request, $attributes);
$atthash{mpa} = $atthash{hostname};
$atthash{otherinterfaces} = ${$attributes->{'ipv4-address'}}[0];
$outhash{'Server-'.$atthash{mtm}.'-SN'.$atthash{serial}} = \%atthash;
$$length = length( $atthash{ip}) if ( length( $atthash{ip} ) > $$length );
trace( $request, "Discover node $atthash{hostname}: type is $atthash{type}, \
mtm is $atthash{mtm}, sn is $atthash{serial}, side is $atthash{side}, \
ip is $atthash{ip}, mac is $atthash{mac}, mname is $atthash{mname},\
mpa is $atthash{mpa}, otheringerfaces is $atthash{otherinterfaces}" );
} elsif ($type eq SERVICE_HMC) {
$atthash{type} = $service_slp{$type};
$atthash{mtm} = ${$attributes->{'machinetype-model'}}[0];
$atthash{serial} = ${$attributes->{'serial-number'}}[0];
$atthash{ip} = ${$attributes->{'ip-address'}}[0];
$atthash{hostname} = get_host_from_url($request, $attributes);
my @ips = @{$attributes->{'ip-address'}};
foreach my $tmpip (@ips) {
if (exists($::OLD_DATA_CACHE{"hmc*".$tmpip})){
$atthash{hostname} = $::OLD_DATA_CACHE{"hmc*".$tmpip};
push @matchnode, 'Server-'.$atthash{mtm}.'-SN'.$atthash{serial};
$atthash{ip} = $tmpip;
$atthash{mac} = $rsp;
$atthash{url} = ${$searchmacs{$rsp}}{payload};
$atthash{otherinterfaces} = ${$attributes->{'ip-address'}}[0];
$outhash{'Server-'.$atthash{mtm}.'-SN'.$atthash{serial}} = \%atthash;
$$length = length( $atthash{ip}) if ( length( $atthash{ip} ) > $$length );
trace( $request, "Discover node $atthash{hostname}: type is $atthash{type},\
mtm is $atthash{mtm},sn is $atthash{serial}, ip is $atthash{ip},\
mac is $atthash{mac}, otheringerfaces is $atthash{otherinterfaces}" );
}else {
#begin to define fsp and bpa
my %tmphash;
$tmphash{type} = ($type eq SERVICE_BPA) ? TYPE_BPA : TYPE_FSP;
$tmphash{mtm} = ${$attributes->{'machinetype-model'}}[0];
$tmphash{serial} = ${$attributes->{'serial-number'}}[0];
$tmphash{ip} = ${$searchmacs{$rsp}}{peername};
my $loc = ($tmphash{ip} =~ ${$attributes->{'ip-address'}}[0]) ? 0:1; #every entry has two ip-addresses
$tmphash{side} = (int(${$attributes->{'slot'}}[0]) == 0) ? 'B-'.$loc:'A-'.$loc;
$tmphash{mac} = $rsp;
$tmphash{parent} = 'Server-'.$tmphash{mtm}.'-SN'.$tmphash{serial};
$tmphash{hostname} = $tmphash{ip};
$tmphash{otherinterfaces} = ${$searchmacs{$rsp}}{peername};
$tmphash{bpcmtm} = ${$attributes->{'bpc-machinetype-model'}}[0];
$tmphash{bpcsn} = ${$attributes->{'bpc-serial-number'}}[0];
$tmphash{fid} = int(${$attributes->{'frame-number'}}[0]);
$tmphash{cid} = int(${$attributes->{'cage-number'}}[0]);
$outhash{$tmphash{ip}} = \%tmphash;
$$length = length( $tmphash{ip}) if ( length( $tmphash{ip} ) > $$length );
trace( $request, "Discover node $atthash{hostname}:type is $tmphash{type}, mtm is $tmphash{mtm}, \
sn is $tmphash{serial}, side is $tmphash{side},parent is $tmphash{parent},ip is $tmphash{ip}, \
cec id is $tmphash{cid} , frame id is $tmphash{fid},mac is $tmphash{side}, \
otheringerfaces is $atthash{otherinterfaces}" );
#begin to define frame and cec
$atthash{type} = $service_slp{$type};
$atthash{mtm} = ${$attributes->{'machinetype-model'}}[0];
$atthash{serial} = ${$attributes->{'serial-number'}}[0];
my $name = 'Server-'.$atthash{mtm}.'-SN'.$atthash{serial};
unless (exists $outhash{$name} ){
$atthash{slot} = '';
$atthash{ip} = '';
$atthash{hostname} = 'Server-'.$atthash{mtm}.'-SN'.$atthash{serial};;
$atthash{mac} = $rsp;
$atthash{bpcmtm} = ${$attributes->{'bpc-machinetype-model'}}[0];
$atthash{bpcsn} = ${$attributes->{'bpc-serial-number'}}[0];
$atthash{fid} = int(${$attributes->{'frame-number'}}[0]);
$atthash{cid} = int(${$attributes->{'cage-number'}}[0]);
$atthash{parent} = 'Server-'.$atthash{bpcmtm}.'-SN'.$atthash{bpcsn} if ($type eq SERVICE_FSP);
$atthash{children} = ${$attributes->{'ip-address'}}[0].",".${$attributes->{'ip-address'}}[1];
$atthash{url} = ${$searchmacs{$rsp}}{payload};
$outhash{'Server-'.$atthash{mtm}.'-SN'.$atthash{serial}} = \%atthash;
} else {
#update frameid and cageid to fix the firmware mistake
${$outhash{$name}}{fid} = int(${$attributes->{'frame-number'}}[0]) if(int(${$attributes->{'frame-number'}}[0]) != 0);
${$outhash{$name}}{cid} = int(${$attributes->{'cage-number'}}[0]) if(int(${$attributes->{'cage-number'}}[0]) != 0);
trace( $request, "Discover node $atthash{hostname}: type is $atthash{type}, mtm is $atthash{mtm},\
sn is $atthash{serial}, mac is $atthash{mac}, children is $atthash{children}, frame id is $atthash{fid}, \
cec id is $atthash{cid}, otheringerfaces is $atthash{otherinterfaces}" );
# find frame's hostname first, then use find the cec's parent
# until then can begin with finding cec's hostname
# the order of finding PPC nodes' hostname can't be wrong
# and can't be done together
my $newhostname;
trace( $request, "\n\n\nBegin to find find frame's hostname");
foreach my $h ( keys %outhash ) {
if(${$outhash{$h}}{type} eq TYPE_FRAME) {
$newhostname = $::OLD_DATA_CACHE{"frame*".${$outhash{$h}}{mtm}."*".${$outhash{$h}}{serial}};
if ($newhostname) {
${$outhash{$h}}{hostname} = $newhostname ;
trace ( $request, "$h find hostname $newhostname");
push @matchnode, $h;
trace( $request, "\n\n\nBegin to find cec's parent");
foreach my $h ( keys %outhash ) {
next unless (${$outhash{$h}}{type} eq TYPE_CEC);
my $parent;
#find parent in the discovered nodes
foreach my $h1 ( keys %outhash ) {
if (${$outhash{$h1}}{type} eq "frame" and ${$outhash{$h}}{bpcmtm} eq ${$outhash{$h1}}{mtm} and ${$outhash{$h}}{bpcsn} eq ${$outhash{$h1}}{serial} ) {
$parent = ${$outhash{$h1}}{hostname};
#find parent in database
if (!defined($parent)) {
my $existing_node = $::OLD_DATA_CACHE{"frame*".${$outhash{$h}}{bpcmtm}.'*'.${$outhash{$h}}{bpcsn}};
$parent = $existing_node if ($existing_node);
${$outhash{$h}}{parent} = $parent;
trace( $request, "$h find parent $parent") if ($parent);
trace( $request, "\n\n\nBegin to find cec hostname");
foreach my $h ( keys %outhash ) {
if(${$outhash{$h}}{type} eq TYPE_CEC) {
my $newhostname1 = $::OLD_DATA_CACHE{"cec*".${$outhash{$h}}{mtm}.'*'.${$outhash{$h}}{serial}};
if ($newhostname1) {
${$outhash{$h}}{hostname} = $newhostname1;
push @matchnode, $h;
my $newhostname2 = $::OLD_DATA_CACHE{"cec*".${$outhash{$h}}{parent}.'*'.${$outhash{$h}}{id}};
if ($newhostname2) {
${$outhash{$h}}{hostname} = $newhostname2;
push @matchnode, $h;
trace( $request, "\n\n\nBegin to find fsp/bpa's hostname and parent");
foreach my $h ( keys %outhash ) {
if(${$outhash{$h}}{type} eq TYPE_FSP or ${$outhash{$h}}{type} eq TYPE_BPA) {
$newhostname = $::OLD_DATA_CACHE{${$outhash{$h}}{type}."*".${$outhash{$h}}{mtm}.'*'.${$outhash{$h}}{serial}.'*'.${$outhash{$h}}{side}};
if ($newhostname){
${$outhash{$h}}{hostname} = $newhostname ;
trace( $request, "$h find hostname $newhostname");
push @matchnode, $h;
my $ptmp = ${$outhash{$h}}{parent};
${$outhash{$h}}{parent} = ${$outhash{$ptmp}}{hostname};
trace( $request, "$h find parent ${$outhash{$ptmp}}{hostname}");
#check if fsp/bpa's ip is valid
my $vip = check_ip(${$outhash{$h}}{ip});
unless ( $vip ) { #which means the ip is a valid one
delete $outhash{$h};
# If there is -n flag, skip the matched nodes
if (exists($globalopt{n})) {
trace( $request, "\n\n\nThere is -n flag, skip these nodes:\n");
for my $matchednode (@matchnode) {
if ($outhash{$matchednode}) {
trace( $request, "skip the node $matchednode\n");
delete $outhash{$matchednode};
if (exists($globalopt{I})) {
my %existsnodes;
my $nodelisttab = xCAT::Table->new('nodelist');
unless ( $nodelisttab ) {
return( "Error opening 'nodelisttable'" );
my @nodes = $nodelisttab->getAllNodeAttribs([qw(node)]);
my $notdisnode;
for my $enode (@nodes) {
for my $mnode (@matchnode) {
if ($enode->{node} eq ${$outhash{$mnode}}{hostname}) {
$existsnodes{$enode->{node}} = 1;
for my $enode (@nodes) {
unless ($existsnodes{$enode->{node}}) {
$notdisnode .= $enode->{node}.",";
send_msg ( $request, 0, "These nodes defined in database but can't be discovered: $notdisnode \n");
return \%outhash;
# Write result to xCat database
sub xCATdB {
my $outhash = shift;
# Update database if the name changed
my %db = ();
my @tabs = qw(nodelist ppc vpd nodehm nodetype ppcdirect hosts mac mp);
foreach ( @tabs ) {
$db{$_} = xCAT::Table->new( $_);
if ( !$db{$_} ) {
return( "Error opening '$_'" );
# Begin to write each node
foreach my $nodeentry ( keys %$outhash ) {
my $type = ${$outhash->{$nodeentry}}{type};
my $model = ${$outhash->{$nodeentry}}{mtm};
my $serial = ${$outhash->{$nodeentry}}{serial};
my $side = ${$outhash->{$nodeentry}}{side};
my $ip = ${$outhash->{$nodeentry}}{ip};
my $frameid = ${$outhash->{$nodeentry}}{fid};
my $cageid = ${$outhash->{$nodeentry}}{cid};
my $parent = ${$outhash->{$nodeentry}}{parent};
my $mac = ${$outhash->{$nodeentry}}{mac};
my $otherif = ${$outhash->{$nodeentry}}{otherinterfaces};
my $hostname = ${$outhash->{$nodeentry}}{hostname};
my $id = ($type =~ /bpa|frame/) ? $frameid:$cageid;
my $hidden = ($type =~ /bpa|fsp/)? 1:0;
# Write result to every tables,
if ( $type =~ /^bpa|fsp|cec|frame$/ ) {
$db{nodelist}->setNodeAttribs($hostname,{node=>$hostname, groups=>"$type,all", hidden=>$hidden});
$db{ppc}->setNodeAttribs($hostname,{node=>$hostname, id=>$id, parent=>$parent, hcp=>$hostname, nodetype=>$globalhwtype{$type}});
$db{vpd}->setNodeAttribs($hostname,{mtm=>$model, serial=>$serial, side=>$side});
$db{hosts}->setNodeAttribs($hostname,{otherinterfaces=>$otherif}) if ($type =~ /fsp|bpa/);
$db{mac}->setNodeAttribs($hostname,{mac=>$mac}) if ($type =~ /^fsp|bpa$/);
} elsif ( $type =~ /^(rsa|mm)$/ ) {
my @data = ($type, $model, $serial, $side, $ip, $frameid, $cageid, $parent, $mac);
xCAT::PPCdb::add_systemX( $type, $hostname, \@data );
} elsif ( $type =~ /^(hmc|ivm)$/ ) {
$db{nodelist}->setNodeAttribs($hostname,{node=>$hostname, groups=>"$type,all", hidden=>$hidden});
$db{ppc}->setNodeAttribs($hostname,{node=>$hostname, nodetype=>$globalhwtype{$type}});
$db{vpd}->setNodeAttribs($hostname,{mtm=>$model, serial=>$serial});
}elsif ($type =~ /^cmm$/){
$db{nodelist}->setNodeAttribs($hostname,{node=>$hostname, groups=>"cmm,all", hidden=>$hidden});
$db{vpd}->setNodeAttribs($hostname,{mtm=>$model, serial=>$serial});
$db{mp}->setNodeAttribs($hostname,{nodetype=>$globalhwtype{$type}, mpa=>$hostname, id=>$side});
foreach ( @tabs ) {
# Stanza formatting
sub format_stanza {
my $outhash = shift;
my $result;
# Write attributes
foreach my $name ( keys %$outhash ) {
my $hostname = ${$outhash->{$name}}{hostname};
my $ip = ${$outhash->{$name}}{ip};
if ( $hostname =~ /^([^\(]+)\(([^\)]+)\)$/) {
$hostname = $1;
$ip = $2;
my $type = ${$outhash->{$name}}{type};
# Node attributes
$result .= "$hostname:\n\tobjtype=node\n";
if ($type =~ /^cmm$/){
$result .= "\tmpa=${$outhash->{$name}}{hostname}\n";
$result .= "\thcp=${$outhash->{$name}}{hostname}\n";
$result .= "\tnodetype=$globalnodetype{$type}\n";
$result .= "\tmtm=${$outhash->{$name}}{mtm}\n";
$result .= "\tserial=${$outhash->{$name}}{serial}\n";
if ($type =~ /^fsp|bpa|cmm$/) {
$result .= "\tside=${$outhash->{$name}}{side}\n";
$result .= "\tgroups=$type,all\n";
$result .= "\tmgt=$globalmgt{$type}\n";
if ($type =~ /^fsp|bpa|frame|cec$/) {
$result .= "\tid=${$outhash->{$name}}{$globalid{$type}}\n";
if ($type =~ /^fsp|bpa|cec$/ and exists(${$outhash->{$name}}{parent})) {
$result .= "\tparent=${$outhash->{$name}}{parent}\n";
unless ($type =~ /^frame|cec$/){
$result .= "\tmac=${$outhash->{$name}}{mac}\n";
if ($type =~ /^fsp|bpa$/){
$result .= "\thidden=1\n";
}else {
$result .= "\thidden=0\n";
#unless ($type =~ /^cmm$/) {
# $result .= "\tip=$ip\n";
if ($type =~ /^fsp|bpa|cmm$/){
$result .= "\totherinterfaces=${$outhash->{$name}}{otherinterfaces}\n";
$result .= "\thwtype=$globalhwtype{$type}\n";
return( $result );
# XML formatting
sub format_xml {
my $outhash = shift;
my $xml;
my $result = format_stanza($outhash);
my @nodeentry = split 'objtype=', $result;
foreach my $entry (@nodeentry) {
my $href = {
Node => { }
my @attr = split '\\n\\t', $entry;
$href->{Node}->{node} = $attr[0];
for (my $i = 1; $i < scalar(@attr); $i++ ){
if( $attr[$i] =~ /(\w+)\=(.*)/){
$href->{Node}->{$1} = $2;
$xml.= XMLout($href,
NoAttr => 1,
KeyAttr => [],
RootName => undef );
return( $xml );
# VPD table formatting
sub format_table {
my $outhash = shift;
my $result;
# Create XML formatted attributes
foreach my $name ( keys %$outhash ) {
my $type = ${$outhash->{$name}}{type};
next if ($type =~ /^(fsp|bpa)$/);
$result .= "${$outhash->{$name}}{hostname}:\n";
$result .= "\tobjtype=node\n";
$result .= "\tmtm=${$outhash->{$name}}{mtm}\n";
$result .= "\tserial=${$outhash->{$name}}{serial}\n";
return( $result );
# Collect output from the child processes
sub child_response {
my $callback = shift;
my $fds = shift;
my @ready_fds = $fds->can_read(1);
foreach my $rfh (@ready_fds) {
my $data = <$rfh>;
# Read from child process
if ( defined( $data )) {
while ($data !~ /ENDOFFREEZE6sK4ci/) {
$data .= <$rfh>;
my $responses = thaw($data);
# Formatted SLP results
if ( @$responses[0] =~ /^FORMATDATA6sK4ci$/ ) {
my $result = @$responses[1];
foreach ( keys %$result ) {
#$slp_result{$_} = 1;
# Message or verbose trace
foreach ( @$responses ) {
$callback->( $_ );
# Done - close handle
# Preprocess request from xCAT daemon and send request to service nodes
sub preprocess_request {
my $req = shift;
if ($req->{_xcatpreprocessed}->[0] == 1) { return [$req]; }
my $callback=shift;
my @requests;
my $command = $req->{command}->[0];
my $extrargs = $req->{arg};
my @exargs=($req->{arg});
if (ref($extrargs)) {
my $usage_string=xCAT::Usage->parseCommand($command, @exargs);
if ($usage_string) {
$req = {};
# find all the service nodes for xCAT cluster
# build an individual request for each service node
my %sv_hash=();
#my @all = xCAT::Utils::getAllSN();
#foreach (@all) {
# $sv_hash{$_}=1;
# build each request for each service node
my @result = ();
my $mncopy = {%$req};
push @result, $mncopy;
#foreach my $sn (keys (%sv_hash)) {
# my $reqcopy = {%$req};
# $reqcopy->{_xcatdest} = $sn;
# $reqcopy->{_xcatpreprocessed}->[0] = 1;
# push @result, $reqcopy;
return \@result;
# Process request from xCat daemon
sub process_request {
my $req = shift;
my $callback = shift;
#unless ($macmap) { $macmap = xCAT::MacMap->new(); }
# Build hash to pass around
my %request;
$request{arg} = $req->{arg};
$request{callback} = $callback;
$request{command} = $req->{command}->[0];
# Process command-specific options
my $result = parse_args( \%request );
# Return error
if ( ref($result) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
send_msg( \%request, 1, @$result );
# Write header for trace
my $tm = localtime( time );
my $msg = "\n-------- $tm\nTime PID";
trace( \%request, $msg );
# Record begin time
my $start = Time::HiRes::gettimeofday();
## Fork one process per adapter
#my $children = 0;
#$SIG{CHLD} = sub {
# my $rc_bak = $?;
# while (waitpid(-1, WNOHANG) > 0) { $children--; }
# $? = $rc_bak;
#my $fds = new IO::Select;
#foreach ( keys %ip_addr ) {
# my $pipe = fork_cmd( $req, $_);
# if ( $pipe ) {
# $fds->add( $pipe );
# $children++;
# }
## Process slp responses from children
#while ( $children > 0 ) {
# child_response( $callback, $fds );
#while (child_response($callback,$fds)) {}
# Record ending time
my $elapsed = Time::HiRes::gettimeofday() - $start;
my $msg2 = sprintf( "Total SLP Time: %.3f sec\n", $elapsed );
trace( \%request, $msg2 );
# Combined responses from all children
format_output( \%request );
return( SUCCESS );
# Get ipv6 mac addresses
sub get_ipv6_neighbors {
#TODO: something less 'hacky'
my @ipdata = `ip -6 neigh`;
foreach (@ipdata) {
if (/^(\S*)\s.*lladdr\s*(\S*)\s/) {
# Filter nodes the user specified
sub filter {
my $oldhash = shift;
my $newhash;
# find HMC/CEC/Frame that the user want to find
foreach my $n(@filternodes) {
for my $foundnode ( keys %$oldhash ) {
if ( ${$oldhash->{$foundnode}}{hostname} =~ /^(\w+)\(.*\)/ ) {
if ( $1 eq $n ) {
$newhash->{$foundnode} = $oldhash->{$foundnode};
if (${$oldhash->{$foundnode}}{type} eq TYPE_CEC or ${$oldhash->{$foundnode}}{type} eq TYPE_FRAME) {
my @ips = split /,/, ${$oldhash->{$foundnode}}{children};
$newhash->{$ips[0]} = $oldhash->{$ips[0]};
$newhash->{$ips[1]} = $oldhash->{$ips[1]};
} elsif ( ${$oldhash->{$foundnode}}{hostname} eq $n ) {
$newhash->{$foundnode} = $oldhash->{$foundnode};
if (${$oldhash->{$foundnode}}{type} eq TYPE_CEC or ${$oldhash->{$foundnode}}{type} eq TYPE_FRAME) {
my @ips = split /,/, ${$oldhash->{$foundnode}}{children};
$newhash->{$ips[0]} = $oldhash->{$ips[0]};
$newhash->{$ips[1]} = $oldhash->{$ips[1]};
return $newhash;
# Filter nodes not in the user specified vlan
sub filtersamevlan {
my $request = shift;
my $oldhash = shift;
my $newhash;
my $nets = xCAT::Utils::my_nets();
my $validnets;
for my $net ( keys %$nets) {
for my $nic ( split /,/, $globalopt{i} ) {
if ( $nets->{$net} eq $nic ) {
$validnets->{$net} = $nic;
foreach my $name ( keys %$oldhash ) {
if ($name->{type} =~ /^(fsp|bpa)$/) {
my $ip = $name->{ip};
for my $net ( keys %$validnets){
my ($n,$m) = split /\//,$net;
if ( xCAT::Utils::isInSameSubnet( $n, $ip, $m, 1) and xCAT::Utils::isPingable( $ip)) {
$newhash->{$name} = ${$oldhash->{$name}}{hostname};
} else {
$newhash->{$name} = $oldhash->{$name};
return $newhash;
# Parse the slp resulte data
sub handle_new_slp_entity {
my $data = shift;
delete $data->{sockaddr}; #won't need it
my $mac = get_mac_for_addr($data->{peername});
unless ($mac) { return; }
$searchmacs{$mac} = $data;
# Get mac addresses
sub get_mac_for_addr {
my $neigh;
my $addr = shift;
if ($addr =~ /:/) {
return $ip6neigh{$addr};
} else {
return $ip4neigh{$addr};
# Get ipv4 mac addresses
sub get_ipv4_neighbors {
if (xCAT::Utils->isAIX()) {
my @ipdata = `arp -a`;
for my $entry (@ipdata) {
if ($entry =~ /(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/) {
my $ip = $1;
#if ($entry =~ /at (\w+\:\w+\:\w+\:\w+\:\w+\:\w+)/) {
# $ip4neigh{$ip}=$1;
if ($entry =~ /at (\w+)\:(\w+)\:(\w+)\:(\w+)\:(\w+)\:(\w+)/) {
} else {
#TODO: something less 'hacky'
my @ipdata = `ip -4 neigh`;
foreach (@ipdata) {
if (/^(\S*)\s.*lladdr\s*(\S*)\s/) {
} |