git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
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383 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license
package xCAT::SvrUtils;
$::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat';
use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl";
require xCAT::Table;
require xCAT::Utils;
use strict;
=head3 getNodesetStates
get current nodeset stat for the given nodes
nodes -- a pointer to an array of nodes
hashref -- A pointer to a hash that contains the nodeset status.
(ret code, error message)
sub getNodesetStates
my $noderef = shift;
if ($noderef =~ /xCAT::SvrUtils/)
$noderef = shift;
my @nodes = @$noderef;
my $hashref = shift;
if (@nodes > 0)
my $tab = xCAT::Table->new('noderes');
if (!$tab) { return (1, "Unable to open noderes table."); }
my @aixnodes = ();
my @pxenodes = ();
my @yabootnodes = ();
my $tabdata = $tab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes, ['node', 'netboot']);
foreach my $node (@nodes)
my $nb = "aixinstall";
my $tmp1 = $tabdata->{$node}->[0];
if (($tmp1) && ($tmp1->{netboot})) { $nb = $tmp1->{netboot}; }
if ($nb eq "yaboot")
push(@yabootnodes, $node);
elsif ($nb eq "pxe")
push(@pxenodes, $node);
elsif ($nb eq "aixinstall")
push(@aixnodes, $node);
my @retarray;
my $retcode = 0;
my $errormsg;
# print "ya=@yabootnodes, pxe=@pxenodes, aix=@aixnodes\n";
if (@yabootnodes > 0)
require xCAT_plugin::yaboot;
@retarray =
xCAT_plugin::yaboot::getNodesetStates(\@yabootnodes, $hashref);
if ($retarray[0])
$retcode = $retarray[0];
$errormsg .= $retarray[1];
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('E', $retarray[1]);
if (@pxenodes > 0)
require xCAT_plugin::pxe;
@retarray =
xCAT_plugin::pxe::getNodesetStates(\@pxenodes, $hashref);
if ($retarray[0])
$retcode = $retarray[0];
$errormsg .= $retarray[1];
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('E', $retarray[1]);
if (@aixnodes > 0)
require xCAT_plugin::aixinstall;
@retarray =
xCAT_plugin::aixinstall::getNodesetStates(\@aixnodes, $hashref);
if ($retarray[0])
$retcode = $retarray[0];
$errormsg .= $retarray[1];
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('E', $retarray[1]);
return (0, "");
=head3 get_nodeset_state
get current nodeset stat for the given node.
nodes -- node name.
sub get_nodeset_state
my $node = shift;
if ($node =~ /xCAT::SvrUtils/)
$node = shift;
my $state = "undefined";
#get boot type (pxe, yaboot or aixinstall) for the node
my $noderestab = xCAT::Table->new('noderes', -create => 0);
my $ent = $noderestab->getNodeAttribs($node, [qw(netboot)]);
if ($ent && $ent->{netboot})
my $boottype = $ent->{netboot};
#get nodeset state from corresponding files
if ($boottype eq "pxe")
require xCAT_plugin::pxe;
my $tmp = xCAT_plugin::pxe::getstate($node);
my @a = split(' ', $tmp);
$state = $a[0];
elsif ($boottype eq "yaboot")
require xCAT_plugin::yaboot;
my $tmp = xCAT_plugin::yaboot::getstate($node);
my @a = split(' ', $tmp);
$state = $a[0];
elsif ($boottype eq "aixinstall")
require xCAT_plugin::aixinstall;
$state = xCAT_plugin::aixinstall::getNodesetState($node);
{ #default to AIX because AIX does not set noderes.netboot value
require xCAT_plugin::aixinstall;
$state = xCAT_plugin::aixinstall::getNodesetState($node);
#get the nodeset state from the chain table as a backup.
if ($state eq "undefined")
my $chaintab = xCAT::Table->new('chain');
my $stref = $chaintab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['currstate']);
if ($stref and $stref->{currstate}) { $state = $stref->{currstate}; }
return $state;
=head3 getsynclistfile
Get the synclist file for the nodes;
The arguments $os,$arch,$profile,$insttype are only available when no $nodes is specified
$insttype - installation type (can be install or netboot)
When specified $nodes: reference of a hash of node=>synclist
Otherwise: full path of the synclist file
my $node_syncfile=xCAT::SvrUtils->getsynclistfile($nodes);
my $syncfile=xCAT::SvrUtils->getsynclistfile(undef, 'sles11', 'ppc64', 'compute', 'netboot');
sub getsynclistfile()
my $nodes = shift;
if (($nodes) && ($nodes =~ /xCAT::SvrUtils/))
$nodes = shift;
my ($os, $arch, $profile, $inst_type) = @_;
# for aix node, use the node figure out the profile, then use the value of
# profile (osimage name) to get the synclist file path (osimage.synclists)
if (xCAT::Utils->isAIX()) {
my %node_syncfile = ();
my %osimage_syncfile = ();
my @profiles = ();
# get the profile attributes for the nodes
my $nodetype_t = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype');
unless ($nodetype_t) {
return ;
my $nodetype_v = $nodetype_t->getNodesAttribs($nodes, ['profile']);
# the vaule of profile for AIX node is the osimage name
foreach my $node (@$nodes) {
my $profile = $nodetype_v->{$node}->[0]->{'profile'};
$node_syncfile{$node} = $profile;
if (! grep /$profile/, @profiles) {
push @profiles, $profile;
# get the syncfiles base on the osimage
my $osimage_t = xCAT::Table->new('osimage');
unless ($osimage_t) {
return ;
foreach my $osimage (@profiles) {
my $synclist = $osimage_t->getAttribs({imagename=>"$osimage"}, 'synclists');
$osimage_syncfile{$osimage} = $synclist->{'synclists'};
# set the syncfiles to the nodes
foreach my $node (@$nodes) {
$node_syncfile{$node} = $osimage_syncfile{$node_syncfile{$node}};
return \%node_syncfile;
# if does not specify the $node param, default consider for genimage command
if ($nodes) {
my %node_syncfile = ();
my %node_insttype = ();
my %insttype_node = ();
# get the nodes installation type
xCAT::SvrUtils->getNodesetStates($nodes, \%insttype_node);
# convert the hash to the node=>type
foreach my $type (keys %insttype_node) {
foreach my $node (@{$insttype_node{$type}}) {
$node_insttype{$node} = $type;
# get the os,arch,profile attributes for the nodes
my $nodetype_t = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype');
unless ($nodetype_t) {
return ;
my $nodetype_v = $nodetype_t->getNodesAttribs($nodes, ['profile','os','arch']);
foreach my $node (@$nodes) {
$inst_type = $node_insttype{$node};
if ($inst_type eq "netboot" || $inst_type eq "diskless") {
$inst_type = "netboot";
} else {
$inst_type = "install";
$profile = $nodetype_v->{$node}->[0]->{'profile'};
$os = $nodetype_v->{$node}->[0]->{'os'};
$arch = $nodetype_v->{$node}->[0]->{'arch'};
my $platform = "";
if ($os) {
if ($os =~ /rh.*/) { $platform = "rh"; }
elsif ($os =~ /centos.*/) { $platform = "centos"; }
elsif ($os =~ /fedora.*/) { $platform = "fedora"; }
elsif ($os =~ /sles.*/) { $platform = "sles"; }
elsif ($os =~ /AIX.*/) { $platform = "AIX"; }
my $base = "/install/custom/$inst_type/$platform";
if (-r "$base/$profile.$os.$arch.synclist") {
$node_syncfile{$node} = "$base/$profile.$os.$arch.synclist";
} elsif (-r "$base/$profile.$arch.synclist") {
$node_syncfile{$node} = "$base/$profile.$arch.synclist";
} elsif (-r "$base/$profile.$os.synclist") {
$node_syncfile{$node} = "$base/$profile.$os.synclist";
} elsif (-r "$base/$profile.synclist") {
$node_syncfile{$node} = "$base/$profile.synclist";
return \%node_syncfile;
} else {
my $platform = "";
if ($os) {
if ($os =~ /rh.*/) { $platform = "rh"; }
elsif ($os =~ /centos.*/) { $platform = "centos"; }
elsif ($os =~ /fedora.*/) { $platform = "fedora"; }
elsif ($os =~ /sles.*/) { $platform = "sles"; }
elsif ($os =~ /AIX.*/) { $platform = "AIX"; }
my $base = "/install/custom/$inst_type/$platform";
if (-r "$base/$profile.$os.$arch.synclist") {
return "$base/$profile.$os.$arch.synclist";
} elsif (-r "$base/$profile.$arch.synclist") {
return "$base/$profile.$arch.synclist";
} elsif (-r "$base/$profile.$os.synclist") {
return "$base/$profile.$os.synclist";
} elsif (-r "$base/$profile.synclist") {
return "$base/$profile.synclist";
sub get_tmpl_file_name {
my ($searchpath, $profile, $os, $arch, $genos) = @_;
#usally there're only 4 arguments passed for this function
#the $genos is only used for the Redhat family
my $dotpos = rindex($os, ".");
my $osbase = substr($os, 0, $dotpos);
#handle the following ostypes: sles10.2, sles11.1, rhels5.3, rhels5.4, etc
if (-r "$searchpath/$profile.$os.$arch.tmpl") {
return "$searchpath/$profile.$os.$arch.tmpl";
elsif (-r "$searchpath/$profile.$osbase.$arch.tmpl") {
return "$searchpath/$profile.$osbase.$arch.tmpl";
elsif (-r "$searchpath/$profile.$genos.$arch.tmpl") {
return "$searchpath/$profile.$genos.$arch.tmpl";
elsif (-r "$searchpath/$profile.$os.tmpl") {
return "$searchpath/$profile.$os.tmpl";
elsif (-r "$searchpath/$profile.$osbase.tmpl") {
return "$searchpath/$profile.$osbase.tmpl";
elsif (-r "$searchpath/$profile.$genos.tmpl") {
return "$searchpath/$profile.$genos.tmpl";
elsif (-r "$searchpath/$profile.$arch.tmpl") {
return "$searchpath/$profile.$arch.tmpl";
elsif (-r "$searchpath/$profile.tmpl") {
return "$searchpath/$profile.tmpl";
else {
return undef;