2008-02-12 20:17:37 +00:00

314 lines
9.3 KiB

# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
package xCAT::PPCmac;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
# Parse the command line for options and operands
sub parse_args {
my $request = shift;
my %opt = ();
my $cmd = $request->{command};
my $args = $request->{arg};
my @VERSION = qw( 2.0 );
# Responds with usage statement
local *usage = sub {
return( [ $_[0],
"getmacs -h|--help",
"getmacs -v|--version",
"getmacs [-V|--verbose] noderange [-c][-S server -G gateway -C client]",
" -h writes usage information to standard output",
" -v displays command version",
" -c colon seperated output",
" -C IP of the partition",
" -G Gateway IP of the partition specified",
" -S Server IP to ping",
" -V verbose output" ]);
# Process command-line arguments
if ( !defined( $args )) {
$request->{method} = $cmd;
return( \%opt );
# Checks case in GetOptions, allows opts
# to be grouped (e.g. -vx), and terminates
# at the first unrecognized option.
@ARGV = @$args;
$Getopt::Long::ignorecase = 0;
Getopt::Long::Configure( "bundling" );
if ( !GetOptions( \%opt, qw(h|help V|Verbose v|version C=s G=s S=s c) )) {
return( usage() );
# Option -h for Help
if ( exists( $opt{h} )) {
return( usage() );
# Option -v for version
if ( exists( $opt{v} )) {
return( \@VERSION );
# Check for "-" with no option
if ( grep(/^-$/, @ARGV )) {
return(usage( "Missing option: -" ));
# Check for an extra argument
if ( defined( $ARGV[0] )) {
return(usage( "Invalid Argument: $ARGV[0]" ));
# If one specified, all required
my @network;
foreach ( qw(C G S) ) {
if ( exists($opt{$_}) ) {
push @network, $_;
if ( @network ) {
if ( scalar(@network) != 3 ) {
return( usage() );
my $result = validate_ip( $opt{C}, $opt{G}, $opt{S} );
if ( @$result[0] ) {
return(usage( @$result[1] ));
# Set method to invoke
$request->{method} = $cmd;
return( \%opt );
# Validate list of IPs
sub validate_ip {
foreach (@_) {
my $ip = $_;
# Length is 4 for IPv4 addresses
my (@octets) = /^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$/;
if ( scalar(@octets) != 4 ) {
return( [1,"Invalid IP address1: $ip"] );
foreach my $octet ( @octets ) {
if (( $octet < 0 ) or ( $octet > 255 )) {
return( [1,"Invalid IP address2: $ip"] );
# IVM get LPAR MAC addresses
sub ivm_getmacs {
my $request = shift;
my $d = shift;
my $exp = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $opt = $request->{opt};
my $id = @$d[0];
my $profile = @$d[1];
my $fsp = @$d[2];
my $hcp = @$d[3];
my $ssh = @$exp[0];
my $userid = @$exp[4];
my $pw = @$exp[5];
my $cmd = "/opt/xcat/sbin/lpar_netboot.expect";
my $result;
# Disconnect Expect session
xCAT::PPCcli::disconnect( $exp );
# Check command installed
if ( !-x $cmd ) {
return( [RC_ERROR,"Command not installed: $cmd"] );
# Create random temporary userid/pw
# file between 1000000 and 2000000
my $random = int( rand(1000001)) + 1000000;
my $fname = "/tmp/xCAT-$hcp-$random";
unless ( open( CRED, ">$fname" )) {
return( [RC_ERROR,"Error creating temporary password file '$fname'"]);
print CRED "$userid $pw\n";
close( CRED );
# Turn on verbose and debugging
if ( exists($request->{verbose}) ) {
$cmd.= " -v -x";
# Colon seperated output
if ( exists($opt->{c}) ) {
$cmd.= " -c";
# Network specified (-D ping test)
if ( exists( $opt->{S} )) {
$cmd.= " -D -s auto -d auto -S $opt->{S} -G $opt->{G} -C $opt->{C}";
# Add command options
$cmd.= " -t ent -f -M -n \"$name\" \"$profile\" \"$fsp\" $id $hcp $fname";
# Execute command
if ( !open( OUTPUT, "$cmd 2>&1 |")) {
return( [RC_ERROR,"$cmd fork error: $!"] );
# Get command output
while ( <OUTPUT> ) {
close OUTPUT;
# If command did not, remove file
if ( -r $fname ) {
unlink( $fname );
return( [SUCCESS,$result] );
# Get LPAR MAC addresses
sub getmacs {
my $request = shift;
my $d = shift;
my $exp = shift;
my $opt = $request->{opt};
my $hwtype = @$exp[2];
my $result;
# Get node data
my $type = @$d[4];
my $name = @$d[6];
# Invalid target hardware
if ( $type ne "lpar" ) {
return( [[$name,"Node must be LPAR"]] );
# IVM does not have lpar_netboot command
# so we have to manually collect MAC
# addresses.
if ( $hwtype eq "ivm" ) {
$result = ivm_getmacs( $request, $d, $exp, $name );
else {
$result = xCAT::PPCcli::lpar_netboot(
$opt );
my $Rc = shift(@$result);
# Form string from array results
if ( exists($request->{verbose}) ) {
return( [[$name,join( '', @$result )]] );
# Return error
if ( $Rc != SUCCESS ) {
return( [[$name,join( '', @$result )]] );
# Split results into array
if ( $hwtype eq "ivm" ) {
my $data = @$result[0];
@$result = split /\n/, $data;
# lpar_netboot returns:
# # Connecting to lpar4\n
# # Connected\n
# # Checking for power off.\n
# # Power off complete.\n
# # Power on lpar4 to Open Firmware.\n
# # Power on complete.\n
# # Getting adapter location codes.\n
# # Type\t Location Code\t MAC Address\t Full Path Name\tPing Result\n
# ent U9117.MMA.10F6F3D-V5-C3-T1 1e0e122a930d /vdevice/l-lan@30000003
my $values;
foreach ( @$result ) {
if ( /^#\s*Type/ ) {
$values.= "\n$_\n";
} elsif ( /^[^#]/ ) {
$values.= "$_\n";
return( [[$name,$values]] );