and not available in python 2.6... switched to using docopt for command line interface argument parsing. This python library is pulled in by the SoftLayer python bindings so it's not an extra step.
112 lines
3.9 KiB
Executable File
112 lines
3.9 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
Usage: [-h] [-v] [<hostname-match>]
Query your SoftLayer account and get attributes for each bare metal server.
The attributes can be piped to 'mkdef -z' to define the nodes into the xCAT
Database so that xCAT can manage them.
getslnodes requires a the .softlayer configuration file defined which can
be set by running "sl config setup" on the command line.
positional arguments:
hostname-match Select servers that include this partial hostname.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose display verbose output
import sys
import docopt
import pprint
import SoftLayer
except ImportError as e:
print 'Error: install missing python module before running this command: ' + str(e)
def get_sl_servers():
# username, api_key, endpoint_url come from the .softlayer file
client = SoftLayer.Client()
mask = "hostname, fullyQualifiedDomainName, manufacturerSerialNumber, \
|, operatingSystem.passwords.username, operatingSystem.passwords.password, \
remoteManagementAccounts.username, remoteManagementAccounts.password, remoteManagementComponent.ipmiIpAddress, \
primaryBackendNetworkComponent.primaryIpAddress, primaryBackendNetworkComponent.macAddress"
# If they specified hnmatch, it would be faster to have softlayer filter the response with something like:
# filter={'hardware': {'hostname': {'operation': '*= '+hostname}, 'domain': {'operation': '*= '+domain}}}
# But those 2 operations are ANDed together, so it will not work. And currently, filtering does not work on fullyQualifiedDomainName.
servers = client['Account'].getHardware(mask=mask)
return servers
def print_xcat_node_stanza(servers, hnmatch):
for server in servers:
if hnmatch and server['fullyQualifiedDomainName'].find(hnmatch) == -1:
print "\n"+server['hostname']+":"
print "\tobjtype=node"
print "\tgroups=slnode,ipmi,all"
print "\tmgt=ipmi"
print "\tbmc="+server['remoteManagementComponent']['ipmiIpAddress']
# I have seen svrs with no remoteManagementAccounts entries
if len(server['remoteManagementAccounts']):
print "\tbmcusername="+server['remoteManagementAccounts'][0]['username']
print "\tbmcpassword="+server['remoteManagementAccounts'][0]['password']
print "\tip="+server['primaryBackendNetworkComponent']['primaryIpAddress']
print "\tmac="+server['primaryBackendNetworkComponent']['macAddress']
print "\tserial="+server['manufacturerSerialNumber']
print "\tnetboot=xnba"
print "\tarch=x86_64"
# Find the root or Administrator username and pw
username = None
password = None
for entry in server['operatingSystem']['passwords']:
if entry['username'] == 'root' or entry['username'] == 'Administrator':
# found it
username = entry['username']
password = entry['password']
elif not username:
# save the 1st entry, in case we never find root or Administrator
username = entry['username']
password = entry['password']
if username and password:
userStr = ", user:"+username+", pw:"+password
print "\tusercomment=hostname:"+server['fullyQualifiedDomainName']+userStr
if __name__ == '__main__':
arguments = (docopt.docopt(__doc__, version="1.0"))
# print arguments
servers = get_sl_servers()
if arguments['--verbose']:
print_xcat_node_stanza(servers, arguments['<hostname-match>'])
except docopt.DocoptExit as e:
print e
except SoftLayer.exceptions.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
print e