jbjohnso 5dddb7ed3d Skip Service Request, contrary to slptool impressions, it's actually pretty
pointless (at least for us, services are pretty deterministic and skipping straight to attribute request makes a lot of sense).

To make up for giving up the service request provide url list, track and fill in srvtype when the reply comes back so that caller knows which data elements match which of the requested service types.

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xcat/code/xcat-core/trunk@11889 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
2012-03-18 21:46:07 +00:00

317 lines
10 KiB

package xCAT::SLP;
use Carp;
use IO::Select;
use strict;
my $ip6support = eval {
require IO::Socket::INET6;
require Socket6;
use Socket;
unless ($ip6support) {
require IO::Socket::INET;
#TODO: somehow get at system headers to get the value, put in linux's for now
use constant IPV6_MULTICAST_IF => 17;
my %xid_to_srvtype_map;
my $xid;
sub getmulticasthash {
my $hash=0;
my @nums = unpack("C*",shift);
foreach my $num (@nums) {
$hash *= 33;
$hash += $num;
$hash &= 0xffff;
$hash &= 0x3ff;
$hash |= 0x1000;
return sprintf("%04x",$hash);
sub dodiscover {
my %args = @_;
$xid = int(rand(16384))+1;
unless ($args{'socket'}) {
if ($ip6support) {
$args{'socket'} = IO::Socket::INET6->new(Proto => 'udp');
} else {
croak "TODO: SLP without ipv6";
unless ($args{SrvTypes}) { croak "SrvTypes argument is required for xCAT::SLP::Dodiscover"; }
my @srvtypes;
if (ref $args{SrvTypes}) {
@srvtypes = @{$args{SrvTypes}};
} else {
@srvtypes = split /,/,$args{SrvTypes};
foreach my $srvtype (@srvtypes) {
unless ($args{NoWait}) { #in nowait, caller owns the responsibility..
#by default, report all respondants within 3 seconds:
my %rethash;
my $waitforsocket = IO::Select->new();
my $deadline=time()+3;
while ($deadline > time()) {
while ($waitforsocket->can_read(1)) {
my $slppacket;
my $peer = $args{'socket'}->recv($slppacket,1400);
my( $port,$flow,$ip6n,$scope) = Socket6::unpack_sockaddr_in6_all($peer);
my $peername = Socket6::inet_ntop(Socket6::AF_INET6(),$ip6n);
if ($rethash{$peername}) {
next; #got a dupe, discard
my $result = process_slp_packet(packet=>$slppacket,sockaddr=>$peer,'socket'=>$args{'socket'});
if ($result) {
$result->{peername} = $peername;
$result->{scopeid} = $scope;
$result->{sockaddr} = $peer;
$rethash{$peername.'%'.$scope} = $result;
if ($args{Callback}) {
return \%rethash;
sub process_slp_packet {
my %args = @_;
my $sockaddy = $args{sockaddr};
my $socket = $args{'socket'};
my $packet = $args{packet};
my $parsedpacket = removeslpheader($packet);
# if ($parsedpacket->{FunctionId} == 2) {#Service Reply
# $parsedpacket->{service_urls} = parse_service_reply($parsedpacket->{payload});
# unless (scalar @{$parsedpacket->{service_urls}}) { return undef; }
# send_attribute_request('socket'=>$socket,url=>$parsedpacket->{service_urls}->[0],sockaddr=>$sockaddy);
# return undef;
# } elsif ($parsedpacket->{FunctionId} == 7) { #attribute reply
if ($parsedpacket->{FunctionId} == 7) { #attribute reply
$parsedpacket->{attributes} = parse_attribute_reply($parsedpacket->{payload});
$parsedpacket->{SrvType} = $xid_to_srvtype_map{$parsedpacket->{Xid}};
delete $parsedpacket->{payload};
return $parsedpacket;
} else {
return undef;
sub parse_attribute_reply {
my $contents = shift;
my @payload = unpack("C*",$contents);
if ($payload[0] != 0 or $payload[1] != 0) {
return [];
my $attrlength = ($payload[2]<<8)+$payload[3];
my @attributes = splice(@payload,0,$attrlength);
my $attrstring = pack("C*",@attributes);
my %attribs;
#now we have a string...
my $lastattrstring;
while ($attrstring) {
if ($lastattrstring eq $attrstring) { #infinite loop
if ($attrstring =~ /^\(/) {
$attrstring =~ s/([^)]*\)),?//;
my $attrib = $1;
$attrib =~ s/^\(//;
$attrib =~ s/\),?$//;
$attrib =~ s/=(.*)$//;
if ($1) {
my $valstring = $1;
foreach(split /,/,$valstring) {
push @{$attribs{$attrib}},$_;
} else {
$attrstring =~ s/([^,]*),?//;
return \%attribs;
sub generate_attribute_request {
my %args = @_;
my $srvtype = $args{SrvType};
my $scope = "DEFAULT";
if ($args{Scopes}) { $scope = $args{Scopes}; }
my $packet = pack("C*",0,0); #no prlist
my $service = $srvtype;
$service =~ s!://.*!!;
my $length = length($service);
$packet .= pack("C*",($length>>8),($length&0xff));
$length = length($scope);
$packet .= $service.pack("C*",($length>>8),($length&0xff)).$scope;
$packet .= pack("C*",0,0,0,0);
my $header = genslpheader($packet,FunctionId=>6);
return $header.$packet;
# $args{'socket'}->send($header.$packet,0,$args{sockaddry});
#sub parse_service_reply {
# my $packet = shift;
# my @reply = unpack("C*",$packet);
# if ($reply[0] != 0 or $reply[1] != 0) {
# return ();
# }
# my @urls;
# my $numurls = ($reply[2]<<8)+$reply[3];
# splice (@reply,0,4);
# while ($numurls--) {
# push @urls,extract_next_url(\@reply);
# }
# return \@urls;
#sub extract_next_url { #section 4.3 url entries
# my $payload = shift;
# splice (@$payload,0,3); # discard reserved and lifetime which we will not bother using
# my $urllength = ((shift @$payload)<<8)+(shift @$payload);
# my @url = splice(@$payload,0,$urllength);
# my $authblocks = shift @$payload;
# unless ($authblocks == 0) {
# $payload = []; #TODO: skip/use auth blocks if needed to get at more URLs
# }
# return pack("C*",@url);
sub send_attribute_request_single {
my %args = @_;
my $packet = generate_attribute_request(%args);
my @interfaces = get_interfaces(%args);
my $socket = $args{'socket'};
my $v6addr;
if ($ip6support) {
my $hash=getmulticasthash($args{SrvType});
my $target = "ff02::1:$hash";
my ($fam, $type, $proto, $name);
($fam, $type, $proto, $v6addr, $name) =
foreach my $iface (@interfaces) {
if ($ip6support) {
#TODO: IPv4 support
# setsockopt($socket,IPPROTO_IP,IP_MULTICAST_IF,
sub get_interfaces {
#TODO: AIX tolerance, no subprocess, include/exclude interface(s)
my @ipoutput = `ip link`;
my @ifaceoutput = grep(/MULTICAST/,@ipoutput);
my @interfaces;
foreach (@ifaceoutput) {
push @interfaces,$_;
return @interfaces;
# discovery is "service request", rfc 2608
# 0 1 2 3
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# | Service Location header (function = SrvRqst = 1) |
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# | length of <PRList> | <PRList> String \
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# | length of <service-type> | <service-type> String \
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# | length of <scope-list> | <scope-list> String \
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# | length of predicate string | Service Request <predicate> \
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# | length of <SLP SPI> string | <SLP SPI> String \
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
#sub gendiscover {
# my %args = @_;
# my $srvtype = $args{SrvType};
# my $scope = "DEFAULT";
# if ($args{Scopes}) { $scope = $args{Scopes}; }
# my $packet = pack("C*",0,0); #start with PRList, we have no prlist so zero
# #TODO: actually accumulate PRList, particularly between IPv4 and IPv6 runs
# my $length = length($srvtype);
# $packet .= pack("C*",($length>>8),($length&0xff));
# $packet .= $srvtype;
# $length = length($scope);
# $packet .= pack("C*",($length>>8),($length&0xff));
# $packet .= $scope;
#no ldap predicates, and no auth, so zeroes..
# $packet .= pack("C*",0,0,0,0);
# my $header = genslpheader($packet,Multicast=>1,FunctionId=>1);
# return $packet = $header.$packet;
# SLP header from RFC 2608
# 0 1 2 3
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# | Version | Function-ID | Length |
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# | Length, contd.|O|F|R| reserved |Next Ext Offset|
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# | Next Extension Offset, contd.| XID |
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# | Language Tag Length | Language Tag \
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
sub removeslpheader {
my $packet = shift;
my %parsedheader;
my @payload = unpack("C*",$packet);
$parsedheader{Version} = shift @payload;
$parsedheader{FunctionId} = shift @payload;
splice(@payload,0,3); #remove length
splice(@payload,0,2); #TODO: parse flags
splice(@payload,0,3); #ignore next ext offset for now
$parsedheader{Xid} = ((shift @payload)<<8)+(shift @payload);
my $langlen = ((shift @payload)<<8)+(shift @payload);
$parsedheader{lang} = pack("C*",splice(@payload,0,$langlen));
$parsedheader{payload} = pack("C*",@payload);
return \%parsedheader;
sub genslpheader {
my $packet = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $flaghigh=0;
my $flaglow=0; #this will probably never ever ever change
if ($args{Multicast}) { $flaghigh |= 0x20; }
my $length = length($packet)+16; #our header is 16 bytes due to lang tag invariance
if ($length > 1400) { die "Overflow not supported in xCAT SLP"; }
return pack("C*",2, $args{FunctionId}, ($length >> 16), ($length >> 8)&0xff, $length&0xff, $flaghigh, $flaglow,0,0,0,$xid>>8,$xid&0xff,0,2)."en";
unless (caller) {
#time to provide unit testing/example usage
#somewhat fancy invocation with multiple services and callback for
#results on-the-fly
require Data::Dumper;
my $srvtypes = ["service:management-hardware.IBM:chassis-management-module","service:management-hardware.IBM:integrated-management-module2"];
xCAT::SLP::dodiscover(SrvTypes=>$srvtypes,Callback=>sub { print Dumper(@_) });
#example 2: simple invocation of a single service type
$srvtypes = "service:management-hardware.IBM:chassis-management-module";
print Dumper(xCAT::SLP::dodiscover(SrvTypes=>$srvtypes));
#TODO: pass-in socket and not wait inside SLP.pm example