2014-08-06 14:48:58 -07:00

1797 lines
68 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# IBM(c) 2010 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
# This script will be used to run xCAT daily regression
# Usage:xCATreg - Run xCAT daily regression
# xCATreg [-?|-h]
# xCATreg [-b branch][-m MN][-f configure file][-a][-V]
# -?/-h: help information for the xCATreg usage.
# -b: when -b is specified, the regression will be done against the specified branch. You can use 2.7, 2.8,master.The default value is master.
# -m: when -m is specified, the regression will be done the specified mn. The default value is all the mn in configuration file.
# -f :specify the configuration file,default value is /xCATreg/regresson.conf
# -a: when -a is specified, run the regression even there is no code updates
# -V: log and message in verbose mode
# Example usage:
# ./xCATreg Run regressoins on master branch and on all platforms in configuration file
# ./xCATreg -b 2.8 -m slesmn -f /root/regressoin.conf -a Run regression on 2.8 branch on slesmn even when there is no code updates.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
use Term::ANSIColor;
use Time::Local;
$::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : -d '/opt/xcat' ? '/opt/xcat' : '/usr';
use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl";
my %confhash;
my $rootdir = "$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/tools/autotest";
my $logfiledir = "/regression/result/";
my $needhelp = 0;
my $branch = 0;
my $testconfigfile = "$rootdir/default.conf";
my $configfile = "/regression/default.conf";
my $MN = undef;
my $management_node = undef;
my $CN = undef;
my $output = undef;
my $verbose_mode = 0;
my $updates_regression = 0;
my $send_msg = 0;
my $res = 0;
my $string1 = undef;
my $resultdir = "$rootdir/result";
mkdir $resultdir unless -d $resultdir;
my $timestamp = `date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`;
my %rhppc64config=();
my %slesppc64config=();
my %rhx8664config=();
my %slesx8664config=();
my %ubux8664config=();
my %rhppc64mnconfig=();
my $fullinst=0;
my $dsklsinst=0;
my $bundlerun=1;
my $stateliteinst=0;
my $snfullinst=0;
my $dsklscnsninst=0;
my $fullcnsninst=0;
my $statelitecnsninst=0;
my %confkeys;
my %totalresult;
my %mns;
my $commitinfo="";
# usage for arguments
sub usage
print "Usage:xCATreg - Run xcat autotest test cases.\n
Explanation for the options:
-b: when -b is specified, the regression will be done against the specified branch. The default value is master.\n
-m: when -m is specified, run regression on the specified mn. The default value is all the mn in configuration file.\n
-f: specify the configuration file location.\n
-U: when -U is specified, only code updates can trigger the regression.\n
-V: log and message in verbose mode.\n
-e: <email_addr> send the test result to email_addr\n";
print " xCATreg [-?|-h]\n";
print " xCATreg [-f configure file] [-b branch] [-m mangement node][-V][-e] install mn \n";
print " xCATreg [-f configure file] [-b branch] [-m mangement node ] [-U][-V][-e] if code updates there will be regression.\n";
print "\n";
# config for rhppc64env
sub config_test {
send_msg(2, "******************************");
send_msg(2, "Reading Configure");
send_msg(2, "******************************");
#if(!(-e $configfile)){
#send_msg(0, "Warning: The xCAT test Configure file doesn't exist!");
#send_msg(0, "Warning: The xCAT test Configure file doesn't exist!");
#return 0;
my $type = "";
my $sub_type = undef; # The string after $type_
# Script-->
# Script_Prev
# Script_Post
# Table--->
# Table_xxxxx
# Object-->
# Object_xxxx
# System---->
# Custom---->
my $name = undef;
my $attr = undef;
my $value = undef;
my $c = 0;
my $cmd = undef;
my $mgt_name = undef;
open(FILE, "$configfile") or die "can't to open $configfile";
while(my $line = <FILE>) {
$line = &trim($line);
next if(length($line) == 0);
#Table name can not contain "_"
if($line =~ /\[\s*(\w+)\_(\w+)\s*\]/) {
$type = $1;
$sub_type = $2;
$name = undef;
$c = 0;
}elsif($line =~ /\[\s*rhppc64System|Custom\s*\]/){
$type = "rhppc64Varible";
}elsif($line =~ /\[\s*slesppc64System|Custom\s*\]/){
$type = "slesppc64Varible";
}elsif($line =~ /\[\s*rhx8664System|Custom\s*\]/){
$type = "rhx8664Varible";
}elsif($line =~ /\[\s*slesx8664System|Custom\s*\]/){
$type = "slesx8664Varible";
}elsif($line =~ /\[\s*ubux8664System|Custom\s*\]/){
$type = "ubux8664Varible";
}elsif ($type eq "rhppc64Table") {
if($line =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*([\w\.\-]+)/) {
$attr = $1;
$value = $2;
if($name&&($rhppc64config{table}{$sub_type}{$name}{__KEY__} ne $attr)){
} else {
$name = $value;
}elsif ($type eq "slesppc64Table") {
if($line =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*([\w\.\-]+)/) {
$attr = $1;
$value = $2;
if($name&&($slesppc64config{table}{$sub_type}{$name}{__KEY__} ne $attr)){
} else {
$name = $value;
}elsif ($type eq "rhx8664Table") {
if($line =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*([\w\.\-]+)/) {
$attr = $1;
$value = $2;
if($name&&($rhx8664config{table}{$sub_type}{$name}{__KEY__} ne $attr)){
} else {
$name = $value;
}elsif ($type eq "slesx8664Table") {
if($line =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*([\w\.\-]+)/) {
$attr = $1;
$value = $2;
if($name&&($slesx8664config{table}{$sub_type}{$name}{__KEY__} ne $attr)){
} else {
$name = $value;
}elsif ($type eq "ubux8664Table") {
if($line =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*([\w\.\-]+)/) {
$attr = $1;
$value = $2;
if($name&&($ubux8664config{table}{$sub_type}{$name}{__KEY__} ne $attr)){
} else {
$name = $value;
}elsif ($type eq "rhppc64Object") {
if($line =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*([\w\.\-]+)/) {
$attr = $1;
$value = $2;
#print "rhppc64node attr is $attr\n";
#print "rhppc64node value is $value\n";
if($attr eq "Name"){
$name = $value;
} elsif(!defined($name)){
print "Please give name for Object\n";
close FILE;
return 1;
} else {
}elsif ($type eq "slesppc64Object") {
if($line =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*([\w\.\-]+)/) {
$attr = $1;
$value = $2;
#print "rhppc64node attr is $attr\n";
#print "rhppc64node value is $value\n";
if($attr eq "Name"){
$name = $value;
} elsif(!defined($name)){
print "Please give name for Object\n";
close FILE;
return 1;
} else {
}elsif ($type eq "rhx8664Object") {
if($line =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*([\w\.\-]+)/) {
$attr = $1;
$value = $2;
#print "rhx8664node attr is $attr\n";
#print "rhx8664node value is $value\n";
if($attr eq "Name"){
$name = $value;
} elsif(!defined($name)){
print "Please give name for Object\n";
close FILE;
return 1;
} else {
}elsif ($type eq "slesx8664Object") {
if($line =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*([\w\.\-]+)/) {
$attr = $1;
$value = $2;
#print "slesx8664node attr is $attr\n";
#print "slesx8664node value is $value\n";
if($attr eq "Name"){
$name = $value;
} elsif(!defined($name)){
print "Please give name for Object\n";
close FILE;
return 1;
} else {
}elsif ($type eq "ubux8664Object") {
if($line =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*([\w\.\-]+)/) {
$attr = $1;
$value = $2;
#print "ubux8664node attr is $attr\n";
#print "ubux8664node value is $value\n";
if($attr eq "Name"){
$name = $value;
} elsif(!defined($name)){
print "Please give name for Object\n";
close FILE;
return 1;
} else {
}elsif ($type eq "rhppc64Script") {
if($sub_type eq "Prev") {
$rhppc64config{script_prev}->[$c] = $line;
$c = $c + 1;
elsif ($sub_type eq "rhppc64Post") {
$rhppc64config{script_post}->[$c] = $line;
$c = $c + 1;
}elsif ($type eq "slesppc64Script") {
if($sub_type eq "Prev") {
$slesppc64config{script_prev}->[$c] = $line;
$c = $c + 1;
elsif ($sub_type eq "slesppc64Post") {
$slesppc64config{script_post}->[$c] = $line;
$c = $c + 1;
}elsif ($type eq "rhx8664Script") {
if($sub_type eq "Prev") {
$rhx8664config{script_prev}->[$c] = $line;
$c = $c + 1;
elsif ($sub_type eq "rhx8664Post") {
$rhx8664config{script_post}->[$c] = $line;
$c = $c + 1;
}elsif ($type eq "slesx8664Script") {
if($sub_type eq "Prev") {
$slesx8664config{script_prev}->[$c] = $line;
$c = $c + 1;
elsif ($sub_type eq "slesx8664Post") {
$slesx8664config{script_post}->[$c] = $line;
$c = $c + 1;
}elsif ($type eq "ubux8664Script") {
if($sub_type eq "Prev") {
$ubux8664config{script_prev}->[$c] = $line;
$c = $c + 1;
elsif ($sub_type eq "ubux8664Post") {
$ubux8664config{script_post}->[$c] = $line;
$c = $c + 1;
} elsif ($type eq "rhppc64Varible") {
if($line =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*([\w\.\-\/]+)/) {
$rhppc64config{var}{$1} = $2;
print "var $1,$2\n";
} elsif ($type eq "slesppc64Varible") {
if($line =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*([\w\.\-\/]+)/) {
$slesppc64config{var}{$1} = $2;
} elsif ($type eq "rhx8664Varible") {
if($line =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*([\w\.\-\/]+)/) {
$rhx8664config{var}{$1} = $2;
print "var $1,$2\n";
} elsif ($type eq "slesx8664Varible") {
if($line =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*([\w\.\-\/]+)/) {
$slesx8664config{var}{$1} = $2;
print "var $1,$2\n";
} elsif ($type eq "ubux8664Varible") {
if($line =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*([\w\.\-\/]+)/) {
$ubux8664config{var}{$1} = $2;
print "var $1,$2\n";
&runcmd ("touch default.conf");
&runcmd ("touch defaultslesppc64.conf");
&runcmd ("touch defaultrhx8664.conf");
&runcmd ("touch defaultslesx8664.conf");
&runcmd ("touch defaultubux8664.conf");
if(exists $rhppc64config{object}){
foreach my $type (keys %{$rhppc64config{object}}){
foreach my $name (keys %{$rhppc64config{object}{$type}}){
send_msg(2, "OBJECT:$name,TYPE:$type");
&runcmd( " echo [Object_$type]>>default.conf");
&runcmd( " echo Name=$name>>default.conf");
#print "$name,TYPE:$type \n";
foreach my $attr (keys %{$rhppc64config{object}{$type}{$name}}){
send_msg(2, " $attr = $rhppc64config{object}{$type}{$name}{$attr};");
&runcmd( " echo $attr=$rhppc64config{object}{$type}{$name}{$attr}>>default.conf");
if(exists $slesppc64config{object}){
foreach my $type (keys %{$slesppc64config{object}}){
foreach my $name (keys %{$slesppc64config{object}{$type}}){
send_msg(2, "OBJECT:$name,TYPE:$type");
&runcmd( " echo [Object_$type]>>defaultslesppc64.conf");
&runcmd( " echo Name=$name>>defaultslesppc64.conf");
#print "$name,TYPE:$type \n";
foreach my $attr (keys %{$slesppc64config{object}{$type}{$name}}){
send_msg(2, " $attr = $slesppc64config{object}{$type}{$name}{$attr};");
&runcmd( " echo $attr=$slesppc64config{object}{$type}{$name}{$attr}>>defaultslesppc64.conf");
if(exists $rhx8664config{object}){
foreach my $type (keys %{$rhx8664config{object}}){
foreach my $name (keys %{$rhx8664config{object}{$type}}){
send_msg(2, "OBJECT:$name,TYPE:$type");
&runcmd( " echo [Object_$type]>>defaultrhx8664.conf");
&runcmd( " echo Name=$name>>defaultrhx8664.conf");
#print "$name,TYPE:$type \n";
foreach my $attr (keys %{$rhx8664config{object}{$type}{$name}}){
send_msg(2, " $attr = $rhx8664config{object}{$type}{$name}{$attr};");
&runcmd( " echo $attr=$rhx8664config{object}{$type}{$name}{$attr}>>defaultrhx8664.conf");
if(exists $slesx8664config{object}){
foreach my $type (keys %{$slesx8664config{object}}){
foreach my $name (keys %{$slesx8664config{object}{$type}}){
send_msg(2, "OBJECT:$name,TYPE:$type");
&runcmd( " echo [Object_$type]>>defaultslesx8664.conf");
&runcmd( " echo Name=$name>>defaultslesx8664.conf");
#print "$name,TYPE:$type \n";
foreach my $attr (keys %{$slesx8664config{object}{$type}{$name}}){
send_msg(2, " $attr = $slesx8664config{object}{$type}{$name}{$attr};");
&runcmd( " echo $attr=$slesx8664config{object}{$type}{$name}{$attr}>>defaultslesx8664.conf");
if(exists $ubux8664config{object}){
foreach my $type (keys %{$ubux8664config{object}}){
foreach my $name (keys %{$ubux8664config{object}{$type}}){
send_msg(2, "OBJECT:$name,TYPE:$type");
&runcmd( " echo [Object_$type]>>defaultubux8664.conf");
&runcmd( " echo Name=$name>>defaultubux8664.conf");
#print "$name,TYPE:$type \n";
foreach my $attr (keys %{$ubux8664config{object}{$type}{$name}}){
send_msg(2, " $attr = $ubux8664config{object}{$type}{$name}{$attr};");
&runcmd( " echo $attr=$ubux8664config{object}{$type}{$name}{$attr}>>defaultubux8664.conf");
if(exists $rhppc64config{table}){
foreach my $type (keys %{$rhppc64config{table}}){
send_msg(2, "TABLE:$type");
&runcmd( " echo [Table_$type]>>default.conf");
#&runcmd( " echo key=$type>>default.conf");
#&runcmd( " echo [Table_site]>>default.conf");
#&runcmd( " echo key=$type>>default.conf");
foreach my $name (keys %{$rhppc64config{table}{$type}}){
send_msg(2, " $rhppc64config{table}{$type}{$name}{__KEY__} = $name");
&runcmd( " echo $rhppc64config{table}{$type}{$name}{__KEY__}=$name>>default.conf");
foreach my $attr (keys %{$rhppc64config{table}{$type}{$name}}){
if($attr ne '__KEY__'){
send_msg(2, " $attr = $rhppc64config{table}{$type}{$name}{$attr}");
&runcmd( " echo $attr=$rhppc64config{table}{$type}{$name}{$attr}>>default.conf");
send_msg(2, "\n");
if(exists $slesppc64config{table}){
foreach my $type (keys %{$slesppc64config{table}}){
send_msg(2, "TABLE:$type");
&runcmd( " echo [Table_$type]>>defaultslesppc64.conf");
#&runcmd( " echo key=$type>>default.conf");
#&runcmd( " echo [Table_site]>>default.conf");
#&runcmd( " echo key=$type>>default.conf");
foreach my $name (keys %{$slesppc64config{table}{$type}}){
send_msg(2, " $slesppc64config{table}{$type}{$name}{__KEY__} = $name");
&runcmd( " echo $slesppc64config{table}{$type}{$name}{__KEY__}=$name>>defaultslesppc64.conf");
foreach my $attr (keys %{$slesppc64config{table}{$type}{$name}}){
if($attr ne '__KEY__'){
send_msg(2, " $attr = $slesppc64config{table}{$type}{$name}{$attr}");
&runcmd( " echo $attr=$slesppc64config{table}{$type}{$name}{$attr}>>defaultslesppc64.conf");
send_msg(2, "\n");
if(exists $rhx8664config{table}){
foreach my $type (keys %{$rhx8664config{table}}){
send_msg(2, "TABLE:$type");
&runcmd( " echo [Table_$type]>>defaultrhx8664.conf");
#&runcmd( " echo key=$type>>default.conf");
#&runcmd( " echo [Table_site]>>default.conf");
#&runcmd( " echo key=$type>>default.conf");
foreach my $name (keys %{$rhx8664config{table}{$type}}){
send_msg(2, " $rhx8664config{table}{$type}{$name}{__KEY__} = $name");
&runcmd( " echo $rhx8664config{table}{$type}{$name}{__KEY__}=$name>>defaultrhx8664.conf");
foreach my $attr (keys %{$rhx8664config{table}{$type}{$name}}){
if($attr ne '__KEY__'){
send_msg(2, " $attr = $rhx8664config{table}{$type}{$name}{$attr}");
&runcmd( " echo $attr=$rhx8664config{table}{$type}{$name}{$attr}>>defaultrhx8664.conf");
send_msg(2, "\n");
if(exists $slesx8664config{table}){
foreach my $type (keys %{$slesx8664config{table}}){
send_msg(2, "TABLE:$type");
&runcmd( " echo [Table_$type]>>defaultslesx8664.conf");
#&runcmd( " echo key=$type>>default.conf");
#&runcmd( " echo [Table_site]>>default.conf");
#&runcmd( " echo key=$type>>default.conf");
foreach my $name (keys %{$slesx8664config{table}{$type}}){
send_msg(2, " $slesx8664config{table}{$type}{$name}{__KEY__} = $name");
&runcmd( " echo $slesx8664config{table}{$type}{$name}{__KEY__}=$name>>defaultslesx8664.conf");
foreach my $attr (keys %{$slesx8664config{table}{$type}{$name}}){
if($attr ne '__KEY__'){
send_msg(2, " $attr = $slesx8664config{table}{$type}{$name}{$attr}");
&runcmd( " echo $attr=$slesx8664config{table}{$type}{$name}{$attr}>>defaultslesx8664.conf");
send_msg(2, "\n");
if(exists $ubux8664config{table}){
foreach my $type (keys %{$ubux8664config{table}}){
send_msg(2, "TABLE:$type");
&runcmd( " echo [Table_$type]>>defaultubux8664.conf");
#&runcmd( " echo key=$type>>default.conf");
#&runcmd( " echo [Table_site]>>default.conf");
#&runcmd( " echo key=$type>>default.conf");
foreach my $name (keys %{$ubux8664config{table}{$type}}){
send_msg(2, " $ubux8664config{table}{$type}{$name}{__KEY__} = $name");
&runcmd( " echo $ubux8664config{table}{$type}{$name}{__KEY__}=$name>>defaultubux8664.conf");
foreach my $attr (keys %{$ubux8664config{table}{$type}{$name}}){
if($attr ne '__KEY__'){
send_msg(2, " $attr = $ubux8664config{table}{$type}{$name}{$attr}");
&runcmd( " echo $attr=$ubux8664config{table}{$type}{$name}{$attr}>>defaultubux8664.conf");
send_msg(2, "\n");
if(exists $rhppc64config{script_prev}){
send_msg(2, "Script_Prev:");
foreach $cmd (@{$rhppc64config{script_prev}}){
send_msg(2, " $cmd");
if(exists $rhppc64config{script_post}){
send_msg(2, "Script_Post:");
foreach $cmd (@{$rhppc64config{script_post}}){
send_msg(2, " $cmd");
if (exists $rhppc64config{var}){
#my $MN=$rhppc64config{var}{MN};
#my $MNIP=$rhppc64config{var}{MNIP};
#&runcmd( "echo $MN $MN.$DOMAIN $MNIP>>/etc/hosts");
#print "MN is $MN\n";}
send_msg(2, "Varible:");
&runcmd( " echo [System]>>default.conf");
foreach my $varname (keys %{$rhppc64config{var}}){
send_msg(2, " $varname = $rhppc64config{var}{$varname}");
&runcmd( " echo $varname=$rhppc64config{var}{$varname}>>default.conf");
#print "var is $rhppc64config{var}\n";
if (exists $slesppc64config{var}){
#my $MN=$slesppc64config{var}{MN};
#my $MNIP=$rhppc64config{var}{MNIP};
#&runcmd( "echo $MN $MN.$DOMAIN $MNIP>>/etc/hosts");
#print "MN is $MN\n";}
send_msg(2, "Varible:");
&runcmd( " echo [System]>>defaultslesppc64.conf");
foreach my $varname (keys %{$slesppc64config{var}}){
send_msg(2, " $varname = $slesppc64config{var}{$varname}");
&runcmd( " echo $varname=$slesppc64config{var}{$varname}>>defaultslesppc64.conf");
#print "var is $slesppc64config{var}\n";
if (exists $rhx8664config{var}){
#my $MN=$rhppc64config{var}{MN};
#my $MNIP=$rhppc64config{var}{MNIP};
#&runcmd( "echo $MN $MN.$DOMAIN $MNIP>>/etc/hosts");
#print "MN is $MN\n";}
send_msg(2, "Varible:");
&runcmd( " echo [System]>>defaultrhx8664.conf");
foreach my $varname (keys %{$rhx8664config{var}}){
send_msg(2, " $varname = $rhx8664config{var}{$varname}");
&runcmd( " echo $varname=$rhx8664config{var}{$varname}>>defaultrhx8664.conf");
#print "var is $rhppc64config{var}\n";
if (exists $slesx8664config{var}){
#my $MN=$rhppc64config{var}{MN};
#my $MNIP=$rhppc64config{var}{MNIP};
#&runcmd( "echo $MN $MN.$DOMAIN $MNIP>>/etc/hosts");
#print "MN is $MN\n";}
send_msg(2, "Varible:");
&runcmd( " echo [System]>>defaultslesx8664.conf");
foreach my $varname (keys %{$slesx8664config{var}}){
send_msg(2, " $varname = $slesx8664config{var}{$varname}");
&runcmd( " echo $varname=$slesx8664config{var}{$varname}>>defaultslesx8664.conf");
#print "var is $rhppc64config{var}\n";
if (exists $ubux8664config{var}){
#my $MN=$rhppc64config{var}{MN};
#my $MNIP=$rhppc64config{var}{MNIP};
#&runcmd( "echo $MN $MN.$DOMAIN $MNIP>>/etc/hosts");
#print "MN is $MN\n";}
send_msg(2, "Varible:");
&runcmd( " echo [System]>>defaultubux8664.conf");
foreach my $varname (keys %{$ubux8664config{var}}){
send_msg(2, " $varname = $ubux8664config{var}{$varname}");
&runcmd( " echo $varname=$ubux8664config{var}{$varname}>>defaultubux8664.conf");
#print "var is $rhppc64config{var}\n";
close FILE;
return 0;
# git update
sub git_update {
send_msg(0, "begin to do git update");
my $lastcommit;
my $commitlog1;
my $lastcommitfile;
my $gitup;
#Do checkout in git repo
#$res = system("cd $confkeys{srcdir}");
#if ($res !=0) {
# send_msg(0, "no source code directory,exit");
# exit;
$res = system("git checkout $branch");
if ($res != 0){
send_msg(0, "git checkout failed");
$res = system("git pull >$gitup");
if ($res != 0){
send_msg(0, "git pull failed");
$res = system("grep 'Already up-to-date' $gitup");
if (($res == 0)&&( $updates_regression == 1)) {
send_msg(0, "code is already at latest version. exit regresson\n");
#get the lastest commit number information from a file
if (! open(FILE, " $lastcommitfile")) {
$res = system("git log --pretty=format:\"%cn %ce %H %s %ad\" --since=\"2 days ago\" >$commitlog1");
if ($res != 0){
$commitinfo="get commit information failed\n";
send_msg(0, "get commit information failed");
$commitinfo=`cat $commitlog1`;
$lastcommit=`cat $lastcommitfile`;
print "Here is last commit checkin $lastcommit\n";
$res = system("git log $lastcommit..master --pretty=format:\"%cn %ce %H %s %ad\" >$commitlog1");
if ($res != 0){
print "Execute ..master failed\n";
$commitinfo="get commit information failed\n";
send_msg(0, "get commit information failed");
print "get commit log $commitlog1\n";
if (-f $commitlog1 and -z _)
$commitinfo="No code updates\n";
$commitinfo=`cat $commitlog1`;
#get the lastest commit number and save it in the file for next usage
$res = system("git log -n 1|awk 'NR==1'|awk '{print \$2}' >$lastcommitfile");
if ($res != 0){
send_msg(0, "get latest commit number failed");
print "Here is what's in commitinfo for mail $commitinfo\n";
return 0;
# copy code
sub copy_code {
my $mn = shift;
my $codedir = $confhash{srcdir};
send_msg(0, "src code directory is $confhash{srcdir}");
##will modify to $rhppc64config{var}{MNIP}
#my $mn = $management_node;
#send_msg(0, "mn is $mn");
#install dep for buildlocal
# if(($confhash{rhpmn}==$mn)||($confhash{rhxmn}==$mn)){
# send_msg(0, "begin to install build required packages on mn $mn");
# $res = system("xdsh $mn yum install -y rpm-build perl-Time-HiRes perl-DBI createrepo");
# }
#need to copy /etc/hosts to mn
send_msg(0, "copy /etc/hosts to mn $mn");
system("scp /etc/hosts $mn:/etc");
send_msg(0, "begin to copy code to $mn");
$res = system("scp -r $codedir root\@$mn:/");
if ($res != 0){
send_msg(0, "code copy failed $mn");
return 0;
# build xcat
sub build_xcat {
my $mn = shift;
#for temp usage
send_msg(0, "========= began build xcat on mn ========");
#will changed /code/xcat-core to $confkeys{srcdir}
$res = system("xdsh $mn /xcat-core/buildlocal.sh CURDIR=/xcat-core");
if ($res != 0){
send_msg(0, "build failed on mn $mn");
send_msg(0, "====================build done============================");
sleep 20;
return 0;
# config mn
sub config_mn {
my $mn = shift;
send_msg(2, "begin read configuration file for mn");
mkdir $resultdir unless -d $resultdir;
$timestamp = `date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`;
$res = &config_test();
if ($res) {
send_msg(0, "CONFIGURE MN returns error, exit");
send_msg(2, "step 6 : reading mn configuration done=====");
return 0;
# install xcat and init rhppc64 env
sub gettestinfo {
my $mn = shift;
my $testenvinfo = undef;
my @osname = runcmd("xdsh $mn uname -a ");
my @release = runcmd("xdsh $mn cat /etc/*release");
my @osinfo = runcmd("xdsh $mn lsb_release -a");
if ( $osname [0] =~ /Linux/ && $osname [0] =~ /ppc64/ && $release [1] =~ /Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5/){
print "MN info is redhat ppc 64 ";
$testenvinfo = "rhppc64";
}elsif ( $osinfo [2] =~ /SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11/ && $osinfo [2] =~ /ppc64/){
print " MN info is sles 11.3 ppc64 ";
$testenvinfo = "slesppc64";
}elsif ( $osinfo [2] =~ /SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11/ && $osinfo [2] =~ /x86_64/){
print " MN info is sles 11.3 x86_64 ";
$testenvinfo = "slesx8664";
}elsif ( $osinfo [0] =~ /amd64/ && $osinfo [2] =~ /Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5/){
print "MN info is redhat 6.5 x86_64 \n";
$testenvinfo = "rhx8664";
}elsif ( $osinfo [1] =~ /Ubuntu/ && $osinfo [1] =~ /12.04/){
print "MN info is Ubuntu 12.04 x86_64 \n";
$testenvinfo = "ubux8664";
{print "no machine info ";}
return $testenvinfo;
sub init
my $mn = shift;
my $MN=$mn;
my $envoutput = &gettestinfo($mn);
if ($envoutput eq 'rhppc64'){
my $nodedir=$confkeys{rhpdir};
my $iso=$rhppc64config{var}{ISO};
system("xdsh $MN mkdir -p /iso/mountpoint");
print "--prepareing redhat iso file.......\n";
print "--mount NF .......";
system ("scp -r $iso $MN:/iso");
system("xdsh $MN mount -o loop $iso /iso/mountpoint");
system ("scp -r /etc/hosts $MN:/etc/hosts");
system ("scp -r /etc/resolv.conf $MN:/etc/resolv.conf");
print "[OK]\n";
print "--get the latest XCAT tarball.......\n";
$res = system("scp -r $nodedir/xcat-dep $MN:/");
system("scp -r rhel6.5.repo $MN:/etc/yum.repos.d/rhel6.5.repo");
system("xdsh $MN perl /xcat-dep/rh6/ppc64/mklocalrepo.sh");
print "--install XCAT .......\n";
system("xdsh $MN rpm --import /iso/mountpoint/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release");
system("xdsh $MN yum -y install createrepo");
system("xdsh $MN yum clean metadata");
system("xdsh $MN yum -y install perl-xCAT xCAT-client xCAT-server xCAT");
print "--install XCATTEST .......\n";
system("xdsh $MN yum -y install xCAT-test");
system("scp -r default.conf $MN:$testconfigfile");
system("rm -rf default.conf");
system("rm -rf rhel6.5.repo");
system("xdsh $MN yum -y install screen");
system("xdsh $MN yum -y install mysql-server mysql mysql-bench mysql-devel mysql-connector-odbc");
#system("xdsh $MN sysctl -n net.ipv4.ip_forward=1");
$res = system("xdsh $MN source /etc/profile.d/xcat.sh");
#if ($res != 0){
#send_msg(0, "install xCAT failed on rhpmn");
send_msg(2, " rhppc64 env is ready\n");
}elsif ($envoutput eq 'slesppc64'){
my $iso=$slesppc64config{var}{ISO};
my $nodedir=$confkeys{slespdir};
system(" xdsh $MN mkdir -p /iso/mountpoint");
print "--prepareing SLES iso file.......\n";
system("scp -r $iso $MN:/iso");
system("xdsh $MN mount -o loop $iso /iso/mountpoint"); ####
print "[OK]\n";
print "--prepareing /etc/hosts /etc/resolv.conf.......";
system ("scp -r /etc/hosts $MN:/etc/hosts");
system ("scp -r /etc/resolv.conf $MN:/etc/resolv.conf");
print "[OK]\n";
print "--get the latest XCAT tarball.......\n";
$res = system("scp -r $nodedir/xcat-dep $MN:/");
print "[OK]\n--deploy zypper....";
system("xdsh $MN rm -rf /etc/zypp/repos.d/*dep*");
system("xdsh $MN zypper ar file:///xcat-dep/sles11/ppc64 xCAT-dep");
system("xdsh $MN zypper ar file:///iso/mountpoint sles11");
print "[OK]\n--install xcat....";
system("xdsh $MN zypper sl -U");
system("xdsh $MN zypper --gpg-auto-import-keys search --match-exact -s screen");
system("xdsh $MN zypper -n install xCAT");
system("xdsh $MN zypper -n install xCAT-test");
system("xdsh $MN zypper -n install lsb");
system("scp -r defaultslesppc64.conf $MN:$testconfigfile");
system("rm -rf defaultslesppc64.conf");
print "--prepare test environment....\n";
print "[OK]\n";
}elsif ($envoutput eq 'rhx8664'){
my $nodedir=$confkeys{rhxdir};
my $iso=$rhx8664config{var}{ISO};
system("xdsh $MN mkdir -p /iso/mountpoint");
print "--prepareing redhat iso file.......\n";
print "[OK]\n--copy ISO file.....";
system(" scp -r $iso $MN:/iso");
system("xdsh $MN mount -o loop $iso /iso/mountpoint");
print "--prepareing /etc/hosts /etc/resolv.conf.......";
system ("scp -r /etc/hosts $MN:/etc/hosts");
system ("scp -r /etc/resolv.conf $MN:/etc/resolv.conf");
print "[OK]\n";
print "--get the latest XCAT tarball.......\n";
system("scp -r $nodedir/xcat-dep $MN:/");
system("scp -r rhel6.5.repo $MN:/etc/yum.repos.d/");
system("xdsh $MN perl /xcat-dep/rh6/ppc64/mklocalrepo.sh");
print "--install XCAT .......\n";
system("xdsh $MN yum clean metadata");
system("xdsh $MN rpm --import /iso/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release");
system("xdsh $MN yum -y install xCAT");
print "--install XCATTEST .......\n";
system("xdsh $MN yum -y install xCAT-test");
print "--install createrepo .......\n";
system("xdsh $MN yum -y install createrepo");
system("xdsh $MN yum -y install screen");
system("xdsh $MN yum -y install mysql-server mysql mysql-bench mysql-devel mysql-connector-odbc");
system("xdsh $MN yum -y install iscsi-initiator-utils bridge-utils kvm perl-Sys-Virt perl-Sys-Virt.x86_64 libvirt.x86_64 qemu-kvm.x86_64 ");
system("scp -r defaultrhx8664.conf $MN:$testconfigfile");
system("rm -rf defaultrhx8664.conf");
system("rm -rf rhel6.5.repo");
}elsif ($envoutput eq 'slesx8664'){
my $nodedir=$confkeys{slesxdir};
my $iso=$slesx8664config{var}{ISO};
system("xdsh $MN mkdir -p /iso/mountpoint");
print "--prepareing SLES iso file.......\n";
system(" scp -r $iso $MN:/iso");
print "[OK]\n--mount ISO file.....";
system("mount -o loop $iso /iso/mountpoint"); ####
print "[OK]\n";
print "--prepareing /etc/hosts /etc/resolv.conf.......";
system ("scp -r /etc/hosts $MN:/etc/hosts");
system ("scp -r /etc/resolv.conf $MN:/etc/resolv.conf");
print "[OK]\n";
print "--get the latest XCAT tarball.......\n";
system("scp -r $nodedir/xcat-dep $MN:/");
print "[OK]\n--deploy zypper....";
system("xdsh $MN rm -rf /etc/zypp/repos.d/*dep*");
system("xdsh $MN zypper ar file:///xcat-dep/sles11/x86_64 xCAT-dep");
system("xdsh $MN zypper ar file:///iso/mountpoint sles11");
print "[OK]\n--install xcat....";
system("xdsh $MN zypper sl -U");
system("xdsh $MN zypper --gpg-auto-import-keys search --match-exact -s screen");
system("xdsh $MN zypper -n install xCAT");
system("xdsh $MN zypper -n xCAT-test*");
print "--prepare test environment....\n";
system("xdsh $MN zypper -n install iscsi-initiator-utils bridge-utils kvm perl-Sys-Virt perl-Sys-Virt.x86_64 libvirt.x86_64 qemu-kvm.x86_64");
system("scp -r defaultslesx8664.conf $MN:$testconfigfile");
system("rm -rf defaultslesx8664.conf");
print "--prepare vmslestest environment....\n";
print "[OK]\n";
}elsif ($envoutput eq 'ubux8664'){
my $nodedir=$confkeys{ubuntudir};
my $iso=$ubux8664config{var}{ISO};
system("xdsh $MN mkdir -p /iso/mountpoint");
print "--prepareing ubu iso file.......\n";
system(" scp -r $iso $MN:/iso");
print "--prepareing /etc/hosts /etc/resolv.conf.......";
system ("scp -r /etc/hosts $MN:/etc/hosts");
system ("scp -r /etc/resolv.conf $MN:/etc/resolv.conf");
print "[OK]\n";
print "--get the latest XCAT tarball.......\n";
system("scp -r $nodedir/xcat-dep $MN:/");
print "[OK]\n--deploy sources.list....";
system ("scp -r $MN:/etc/apt/sources.list .");
&runcmd( " echo deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise main>>sources.list");
&runcmd( " echo deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates main>>sources.list");
&runcmd( " echo deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise universe>>sources.list");
&runcmd( " echo deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates universe>>sources.list");
system ("scp -r sources.list $MN:/etc/apt/sources.list");
print "[OK]\n--install xcat....";
&runcmd(" echo deb [arch=amd64] file:///xcat-dep precise main>>xcat-dep.list");
system ("scp -r xcat-dep.list $MN:/etc/apt/sources.list.d");
&runcmd(" echo deb [arch=amd64] file:///xcat-core precise main>>xcat-core.list");
system ("scp -r xcat-core.list $MN:/etc/apt/sources.list.d");
&runcmd("wget -c http://sourceforge.net/projects/xcat/files/ubuntu/apt.key/download");
system("scp -r apt.key $MN:/tmp");
system("xdsh $MN apt-key add /tmp/apt.key");
&runcmd( "rm -rf apt.key");
system("xdsh $MN apt-get clean all");
system("xdsh $MN apt-get update");
system("xdsh $MN apt-get --allow-unauthenticated install xcat");
system("xdsh $MN source /etc/profile.d/xcat.sh");
system("xdsh $MN apt-get install xcat-test");
print "--prepare test environment....\n";
system("scp -r defaultubux8664.conf $MN:$testconfigfile");
print "--prepare vmubuntu test environment....\n";
print "[OK]\n";}
system("rm -rf default*.conf");
return 0;
# do test
sub do_test {
my $mn = shift;
# step 7.1 Install xcat and init mn
send_msg(2, "began to install xCAT and initialize mn");
$res = &init($mn);
if ($res != 0){
send_msg(2, "Begin to do test");
$res = &do_test1($mn);
if ($res) {
send_msg(0, "DO TEST returns error, exit");
return 0;
# run all test
sub do_test1
my $mn = shift;
#my $MN=$rhppc64config{var}{MN};
my $MN=$mn;
my $envoutput = &gettestinfo($mn);
if ($envoutput eq 'rhppc64'){
send_msg(2, "******************************");
send_msg(2, "start test");
send_msg(2, "******************************");
system("xdsh $MN perl /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_full_installation_flat_ppc64");
system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -b bat.bundle");
system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_diskless_installation_flat_ppc64");
system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_statelite_installation_flat_ppc64");
system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_sn_installation_flat_x86_vm");
# system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_cn_with_sn_diskless_installation_flat_x86_vm");
# system("xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/");
# system("xdsh $MN cp /autotest/result/xcattest.log.$timestamp /autotest/result/log/xcattest.log.$timestamp.current");
# if($output =~ /Failed: (\d+)/){
# if($1 != 0){
# send_msg{linux_cn_with_sn_diskless_installation_flat}{pass} = 0;
# send_msg{linux_cn_with_sn_diskless_installation_flat}{timestamp} = $timestamp;
# } else {
# send_msg{linux_cn_with_sn_diskless_installation_flat}{pass} = 1;
# }
# }
# system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_cn_with_sn_statelite_installation_flat_x86_vm");
# system(" xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/");
# system("xdsh $MN cp /autotest/result/xcattest.log.$timestamp /autotest/result/log/xcattest.log.$timestamp.current");
# system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_cn_with_sn_full_installation_flat_x86_vm");
# system("xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/");
# system("xdsh $MN cp /autotest/result/xcattest.log.$timestamp /autotest/result/log/xcattest.log.$timestamp.current");
#system("mkdir -p $nodedir/result");
# system("scp -r $MN:/autotest/result /regression/rhppc64");
system("mkdir -p /regression/result/$MN");
system("scp -r $MN:/opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /regression/result/$MN");
}elsif ($envoutput eq 'slesppc64'){
send_msg(2, "******************************");
send_msg(2, "start test");
send_msg(2, "******************************");
system("xdsh $MN perl /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_full_installation_flat_ppc64");
# system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -b bat.bundle");
# system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_sles_diskless_installation_ppc64_flat");
# system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_sles_statelite_installation_flat_ppc64");
# system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_sn_installation_flat_x86_vm");
# system("xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/");
system("mkdir -p /regression/result/$MN");
system("scp -r $MN:/opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /regression/result/$MN");
}elsif ($envoutput eq 'rhx8664'){
send_msg(2, "******************************");
send_msg(2, "start test");
send_msg(2, "******************************");
system("xdsh $MN perl /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_full_installation_flat_x86_redhat");
system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -b bat.bundle");
system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_diskless_installation_flat_x86_redhat");
system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_statelite_installation_flat_x86_64_redhat");
# system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_sn_installation_flat_x86_vm");
# system("xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/");
system("mkdir -p /regression/result/$MN");
system("scp -r $MN:/opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /regression/result/$MN");
}elsif ($envoutput eq 'slesx8664'){
send_msg(2, "******************************");
send_msg(2, "start test");
send_msg(2, "******************************");
system("xdsh $MN perl /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_full_installation_flat_x86_64_sles ");
system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -b bat.bundle");
system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_diskless_installation_flat_x86_64_sles");
system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_statelite_installation_flat_x86_64_sles");
# system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_sn_installation_flat_x86_vm");
# system("xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/");
system("mkdir -p /regression/result/$MN");
system("scp -r $MN:/opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /regression/result/$MN");
}elsif ($envoutput eq 'ubux8664'){
send_msg(2, "******************************");
send_msg(2, "start test");
send_msg(2, "******************************");
system("xdsh $MN perl /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Ubuntu_full_installation_flat_x86_vm ");
system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Ubuntu_diskless_installation_flat_x86_vm");
# system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_full_installation_flat_ppc64");
# system("xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/");
# system("xdsh $MN /opt/xcat/bin/xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t Linux_sn_installation_flat_x86_vm");
# system("xdsh $MN mv /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /autotest/result/");
system("mkdir -p /regression/result/$MN");
system("scp -r $MN:/opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/result/* /regression/result/$MN");
# mn_install to install all mn
sub mn_install {
my $osimage="management_1408a";
my $mn="the_name_of_mn";
`nodeset $mn osimage=$osimage`;
$output = system("rpower $mn off");
do {
sleep 5;
$output = system("rpower $mn state");
} while ($output =~ /off/);
$output = system("rpower $mn on");
do {
sleep 5;
$output = system("rpower $mn state");
} while ($output =~ /on/);
do {
sleep 300;
$output = system("xdsh $mn date");
} while ($output =~ /$mn/);
# runcmd
sub runcmd {
my ($cmd) = @_;
my $rc = 0;
$::RUNCMD_RC = 0;
my $outref = [];
@$outref = `$cmd 2>&1`;
if ($?)
$rc = $? ;
$::RUNCMD_RC = $rc;
return @$outref;
# trim
sub trim {
my $str = shift @_;
#$str =~ s/\#/__wellnumber__/g;
$str =~ s/^\s+|#.+|\s+$//g;
#$str =~ s/__wellnumber__/#/g;
return $str;
sub repo{
&runcmd( " echo [rhe-6.5-server]>>rhel6.5.repo");
&runcmd( " echo name=RHEL 6.5 SERVER packages>>rhel6.5.repo");
&runcmd(" echo baseurl=file:///iso/mountpoint/Server/>>rhel6.5.repo");
&runcmd(" echo enabled=1>>rhel6.5.repo");
&runcmd(" echo gpgcheck=1>>rhel6.5.repo");
# send messages
sub send_msg {
my $num = shift;
my $msg = shift;
my $data = `date`;
my $content;
if ($num == 0) {
$content = "Fatal error:";
} elsif($num == 1) {
$content = "Warning:";
} elsif($num == 2) {
$content = "Notice:";
my $timestamp = `date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`;
if ( !open (LOGFILE, ">> /home/xcatreg.log") ) {
return 1;
print LOGFILE "$content $timestamp $$: $msg.\n";
close LOGFILE;
# read_conf
sub read_conf{
my $keys;
if (!open($keys, "<$configfile")) {
send_msg(0, "Open configuration file error");
return undef;
my $line;
while ($line = <$keys>) {
if ($line =~ /end/) {
if ($line =~ /^\s*log\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) {
$confkeys{log} = $1;
if ($line =~ /^\s*mailgroup\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) {
$confkeys{mailgroup} = $1;
if ($line =~ /^\s*srcdir\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) {
$confkeys{srcdir} = $1;
if ($line =~ /^\s*rhpdir\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) {
$confkeys{rhpdir} = $1;
if ($line =~ /^\s*slespdir\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) {
$confkeys{slespdir} = $1;
if ($line =~ /^\s*aixdir\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) {
$confkeys{aixdir} = $1;
if ($line =~ /^\s*rhxdir\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) {
$confkeys{rhxdir} = $1;
if ($line =~ /^\s*slesxdir\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) {
$confkeys{slesxdir} = $1;
if ($line =~ /^\s*ubuntudir\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) {
$confkeys{ubuntudir} = $1;
if ($line =~ /^\s*xcattestconf\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) {
$confkeys{xcattestconf} = $1;
if ($line =~ /^\s*rhpmn\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) {
$confkeys{rhpmn} = $1;
$mns{rhpmn} = $confkeys{rhpmn} if ($confkeys{rhpmn});
if ($line =~ /^\s*slespmn\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) {
$confkeys{slespmn} = $1;
$mns{slespmn} = $confkeys{slespmn} if ($confkeys{slespmn});
if ($line =~ /^\s*aixmn\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) {
$confkeys{aixmn} = $1;
$mns{aixmn} = $confkeys{aixmn}if ($confkeys{aixmn});
if ($line =~ /^\s*rhxmn\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) {
$confkeys{rhxmn} = $1;
$mns{rhxmn} = $confkeys{rhxmn}if ($confkeys{rhxmn});
if ($line =~ /^\s*slesxmn\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) {
$confkeys{slesxmn} = $1;
$mns{slesxmn} = $confkeys{slesxmn} if ($confkeys{slesxmn});
if ($line =~ /^\s*ubuntumn\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*/) {
$confkeys{ubuntumn} = $1;
$mns{ubuntumn} = $confkeys{ubuntumn} if ($confkeys{ubuntumn});
send_msg(2, "finish reading global vars");
return %confkeys;
# pro_result
sub pro_result{
my $mn = shift;
my $starttime = shift;
my @start;
$logfiledir .= $mn;
my $cmd = "/bin/ls $logfiledir 2>/dev/null";
my $output = `$cmd`;
my @logfilelist = split(/\n/, $output);
my @cases;
my $total = 0;
my $pass = 0;
my $fail = 0;
unless (@start = $starttime =~ /(\w\w\w\w)(\w\w)(\w\w)(\w\w)(\w\w)(\w\w)/){
send_msg(0,"pro_result for $mn can't distinguish starttime");
return "error";
#foreach my $file (@logfilelist) {
# my $flag = 0;
# my $location = $logfiledir."/".$file;
# send_msg(2, "begin to process log $location \n");
# if ($file =~ /xcattest\.log\.(\w+)/) {
# my $holetime = $1;
# if (my @this = $holetime =~ /(\w\w\w\w)(\w\w)(\w\w)(\w\w)(\w\w)(\w\w)/){
# for my $start (@start) {
# my $this = shift @this;
# if ($start > $this) {
# $flag = 1;
# last;
# } elsif ($start < $this) {
# last;
# }
# }
# } else {
# next; # do something here.
# }
# } else {
# next; # useless log
# }
# next if ($flag); # old log
# # begin to process
# if (!open(LOGOFAT, "<$location")) {
# send_msg(0, "$mn pro_result can't open log file");
# return "error";
# }
# my $casename;
# my $judge = "pass";
# #my $begin = 0;
# while(my $line = <LOGOFAT>) {
# if ($line =~ /^------START/){
# # $begin = 1;
# }elsif ($line =~ /^FILENAME/){
# } elsif($line =~ /^\[(.*)\]/) {
# $casename = $1;
# send_msg(2,"begin to check case $casename");
# $total ++;
# } elsif ($line =~ /^RETURN:/){
# } elsif ($line =~ /^OUTPUT:/){
# } elsif ($line =~ /^CHECK:.*\[(\w*)\]/){
# if ($1 =~ /Failed/){
# $judge = "fail";
# push @cases, "CASE:$casename IN:$location with $line\n";
# }
# send_msg(2,"check result is $judge");
# } elsif ($line =~ /^CMDCHECK:.*\[(\w*)\]/){
# if ($1 =~ /Failed/){
# $judge = "fail";
# push @cases, "CASE:$casename IN:$location with $line\n";
# }
# } elsif ($line =~ /^------END/){
# if($judge =~ /fail/){
# $fail++;
# send_msg(2,"case failed");
# }else {
# $pass++;
# send_msg(2,"case passed");
# }
# } else {
# next;
# }
# }
send_msg(2, "begin to process log file\n");
foreach my $file (@logfilelist) {
my $flag = 0;
my $location = $logfiledir."/".$file;
if ($file =~ /xcattest\.log\.(\w+)/) {
#send_msg(2, "checking log $location \n");
my $holetime = $1;
if (my @this = $holetime =~ /(\w\w\w\w)(\w\w)(\w\w)(\w\w)(\w\w)(\w\w)/){
for my $start (@start) {
my $this = shift @this;
if ($start > $this) {
$flag = 1;
} elsif ($start < $this) {
} else {
next; # do something here.
} else {
next; # useless log
next if ($flag); # old log
# begin to process
if (!open(LOGOFAT, "<$location")) {
send_msg(0, "$mn pro_result can't open log file $location");
return "error";
send_msg(2, "begin to process log file $location\n");
while(my $line = <LOGOFAT>) {
if ($line =~ /------Total: (\w*) , Failed: (\w*)------/){
$total += $1;
$fail += $2;
} else {
send_msg(2, "done with file $location, total is $total, fail is $fail\n");
close LOGOFAT;
send_msg(2, "begin to process failedcases file\n");
foreach my $file (@logfilelist) {
my $flag = 0;
my $location = $logfiledir."/".$file;
if ($file =~ /failedcases\.(\w+)/) {
#send_msg(2, "checking log $location \n");
my $holetime = $1;
if (my @this = $holetime =~ /(\w\w\w\w)(\w\w)(\w\w)(\w\w)(\w\w)(\w\w)/){
for my $start (@start) {
my $this = shift @this;
if ($start > $this) {
$flag = 1;
} elsif ($start < $this) {
} else {
next; # do something here.
} else {
next; # useless log
next if ($flag); # old log
# begin to process
if (!open(FAILLOGOFAT, "<$location")) {
send_msg(0, "$mn pro_result can't open failedcases file $location");
return "error";
send_msg(2, "$mn begin to process failedcases file $location\n");
while(my $line = <FAILLOGOFAT>) {
if ($line =~ /-----START:(.*)::(.*)------/){
push @cases, $1;
} else {
$pass = $total - $fail;
my $result1 = "Total cases: $total, Pass cases: $pass, Fail cases: $fail, ";
#if ($pass+$fail != $total){
# $result1 .= "case log is imcomplete, please check\n";
$result1 .= "FATALERROR";
$result1 .= join ";", @cases;
return $result1;
sub send_mail {
my $num = shift;
my $msg = shift;
my $head;
if($num == 0) {
$head = "xCATreg got fital error with: ";
} elsif ($num == 1) {
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$yr,$wday,$yday,$dst) = localtime(time);
my $content = sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d %s %s", $hour,$min,$sec,$head,$msg;
my $subject = "[xcat-autotest] autotest result ";
my $mailprog = "/bin/mail";
my $sendmail = "echo \"$content\"";
send_msg(2, "begin to send mail , the contents is $sendmail\n");
my $send = $sendmail." | $mailprog -s \"$subject\" \"$confkeys{mailgroup}\" ";
send_msg(2, "finish sending mail, $send\n");
return 0;
# Mainfunction
send_msg(2,"..............(_ /......");
send_msg(2,".........START .........");
# step 0. Parse input arguments
send_msg(2, "step 0, initializing...............");
if (
!GetOptions("h|?" => \$needhelp,
"f=s" => \$configfile,
"b=s" => \$branch,
"m=s" => \$management_node,
"V" => \$verbose_mode,
"U" => \$updates_regression,
"e=s" => \$send_msg)
send_msg(0, "step 0, PARSE ARGUMENTS returns error, exit");
send_mail(0, "PARSE ARGUMENTS error");
if ($needhelp)
exit 0;
#delete all logs before
# begin to find which mn should be used
if ($management_node) {
my @all;
if ($management_node =~ /,/) {
@all = split /,/, $management_node;
} else {
push @all, $management_node;
foreach my $mn (@all) {
foreach my $k (keys %confkeys) {
if ($confkeys{$k} eq $mn) {
$mns{$k} = $mn;
send_msg(2, "step 0, specify mn $mn");
# begin to keep begin time point
my $startpoint = time();
# step 1. Read configuration files
send_msg(2, "step 1, Running read_conf...............");
%confhash = read_conf();
unless (%confhash) {
send_msg(0, "read_conf returns error, exit");
send_mail(0, "Failed with readint configuration files, exit\n");
# fork to avoid hang forever
my $pid = fork();
if ( !defined($pid) ) {
send_mail(0, "fork error");
} elsif ( $pid == 0 ) { # child process
close PREAD;
# step 2. git update
send_msg(2, "................fork for first process.....................");
send_msg(2, "step 2, Running git_update...............");
$res = git_update();
if ($res) {
send_msg(0, "git_update returns error, child process exit");
syswrite CWRITE,"Failed with git update, child process exit\n";
syswrite CWRITE,"succeed\n";
close CWRITE;
send_msg(2, "..............first child finished, exit.....................");
exit 0;
} else { # parent process
close CWRITE;
my $flag;
while (1) {
my $result = $_;
if ($result =~ /Failed/){
send_msg(0, $result);
send_mail(0, $result);
if ($result =~ /succeed/) {
$flag = 1;
last if($flag);# pass
last if(time() - $startpoint > 7200); # wait 2 hours at most
close PREAD;
send_msg(2, "first child process succeed");
my $totalfork = 0;
# begin child process
foreach my $m (keys %mns) {
$totalfork += 1;
send_msg(2, "......................fork process for $m............................");
my $mn = $mns{$m};
my $pid = fork();
if ( !defined($pid) ) {
send_mail(0, "fork error");
} elsif ( $pid == 0 ) { # child process
# step 3. Install MNs,
# send_msg(2, "step 3, Running mn_install...............");
# $res = mn_install();
# if ($res) {
# syswrite MNWRITE,"REPORTFROM:$mn--: failed in mn_install\n";
# exit;
# }
# step 4. Copy code to MNs
send_msg(2, "step 4, Running copy_code...............");
$res = copy_code($mn);
if ($res) {
syswrite MNWRITE,"REPORTFROM:$mn--: failed in copy_code\n";
# step 5. Build xcat code in MNs
send_msg(2, "step 5, Running build_xcat...............");
$res = build_xcat($mn);
if ($res) {
syswrite MNWRITE,"REPORTFROM:$mn--: failed in build_xcat\n";
# step 6. Read xCAT MN's configuration
send_msg(2, "step 6, Running config_mn...............");
$res = config_mn($mn);
if ($res) {
syswrite MNWRITE,"REPORTFROM:$mn--: failed in config_mn\n";
# step 7. Genrate local configuration file for xcattest
# Do test
# Write log
# read time before run test
my $runtime = `date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`;
send_msg(2, "step 7, Running do_test...............");
$res = do_test($mn);
if ($res) {
syswrite MNWRITE,"REPORTFROM:$mn--: failed in do_test\n";
# step 8. process result
send_msg(2, "step 8, Running pro_result...............");
my $resultformn = pro_result($mn, $runtime);
if ($resultformn eq "error") {
syswrite MNWRITE,"REPORTFROM:$mn--: failed in pro_result\n";
send_msg(2, " result for $mn is $resultformn");
syswrite MNWRITE,"REPORTFROM:$mn--: $resultformn\n";
send_msg(2, ".......................exit..................");
exit 0;
} # end of child process
} # end of foreach
# fork process to get result
my $controlpid = fork();
if ( !defined($controlpid) ) {
send_mail(0, "fork error");
} elsif ( $controlpid == 0 ) { # child process
send_msg(2, "......................child process froked.............................");
close MNWRITE;
while(1) {
my $result = $_;
if ($result =~ /^REPORTFROM:(\w*)--:(.*)/){
$totalresult{$1} .= $2;
last if(keys %totalresult == keys %mns and (keys %totalresult != 0) );
print "finish \n";
send_msg(2, "finish");
my $consumption = time() - $startpoint;
my %summary;
my %fatal;
for my $m (keys %totalresult) {
if ($totalresult{$m} =~ /(.*)FATALERROR(.*)/){
$summary{$m} = $1;
$fatal{$m} = $2;
if (-f "/tmp/commitlog1" and -z _)
$commitinfo="No code updates\n";
$commitinfo=`cat /tmp/commitlog1`;
# phase result
send_msg(2, "Autotest has run sucessfully, begin to send mail");
my $mailreport;
$mailreport .= "\n======================================\n";
$mailreport .= " SUMMARY\n";
$mailreport .= "======================================\n";
$mailreport .= "\n";
$mailreport .= "Commit: \n";
$mailreport .= "---------------\n";
$mailreport .= "$commitinfo \n";
$mailreport .= "\n\n";
$mailreport .= "Time consumption: \n";
$mailreport .= "---------------------\n";
my $hour = int(int($consumption)/3600);
my $minutes = int((int($consumption))%3600/60);
my $secondes = int($consumption)%60;
$mailreport .= "$hour hours, $minutes minutes, $secondes seconds\n";
$mailreport .= "\n\n";
$mailreport .= "Result: \n";
$mailreport .= "---------------\n";
for my $m (keys %totalresult) {
$mailreport .= "$m \n".$summary{$m}."\n";
$mailreport .= "\n\n\n";
$mailreport .= "\n======================================\n";
$mailreport .= " FATAL ERROR\n";
$mailreport .= "======================================\n";
$mailreport .= "\n";
$mailreport .= "Result: \n";
$mailreport .= "---------------\n";
for my $m (keys %totalresult) {
$mailreport .= "$m \n".$fatal{$m}."\n";
print "=======$mailreport \n";
send_mail(1, $mailreport);
exit 0;
} else { #parent process
$totalfork += 1;
send_msg(2, "fork child to do process");
close MNWRITE;
my $allflag = 0;
$SIG{CHLD} = sub {
$allflag ++;
if ($allflag == $totalfork) {
send_msg(2, " All $allflag the forked processes exit, main process begin to exit.");
exit 0;
my $time = time();
while (1) {
# print ".";
if(time() - $time > 28800) {
send_mail(0, "!!!xCATreg hangs at running test case and return forcibly");
last; #wait 8 hours at most
exit 0;