git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
848 lines
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848 lines
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# IBM(c) 2013 EPL license
This is a CP utility plugin for z/VM.
package xCAT::zvmCPUtils;
use xCAT::zvmUtils;
use strict;
use warnings;
=head3 getUserId
Description : Get the user ID of a given node
Arguments : User (root or non-root)
Returns : UserID
Example : my $userID = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getUserId($node);
sub getUserId {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $user, $node ) = @_;
my $sudo = "sudo";
if ($user eq "root") {
$sudo = "";
# Get user ID using VMCP
my $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $user\@$node "$sudo /sbin/vmcp q userid"`;
my @results = split( ' ', $out );
return ( $results[0] );
=head3 getHost
Description : Get the z/VM host of a given node
Arguments : User (root or non-root)
Returns : z/VM host
Example : my $host = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getHost($node);
sub getHost {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $user, $node ) = @_;
my $sudo = "sudo";
if ($user eq "root") {
$sudo = "";
# Get host using VMCP
my $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $user\@$node "$sudo /sbin/vmcp q userid"`;
my @results = split( ' ', $out );
my $host = $results[2];
return ($host);
=head3 getPrivileges
Description : Get the privilege class of a given node
Arguments : User (root or non-root)
Returns : Privilege class
Example : my $class = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getPrivileges($node);
sub getPrivileges {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $user, $node ) = @_;
my $sudo = "sudo";
if ($user eq "root") {
$sudo = "";
# Get privilege class
my $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $user\@$node "$sudo /sbin/vmcp q priv"`;
my @out = split( '\n', $out );
$out[1] = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr( $out[1] );
$out[2] = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr( $out[2] );
my $str = " $out[1]\n $out[2]\n";
return ($str);
=head3 getMemory
Description : Get the memory of a given node
Arguments : User (root or non-root)
Returns : Memory
Example : my $memory = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getMemory($node);
sub getMemory {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $user, $node ) = @_;
my $sudo = "sudo";
if ($user eq "root") {
$sudo = "";
# Get memory
my $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $user\@$node "$sudo /sbin/vmcp q virtual storage"`;
my @out = split( ' ', $out );
return ( xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr( $out[2] ) );
=head3 getCpu
Description : Get the processor(s) of a given node
Arguments : User (root or non-root)
Returns : Processor(s)
Example : my $proc = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getCpu($node);
sub getCpu {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $user, $node ) = @_;
my $sudo = "sudo";
if ($user eq "root") {
$sudo = "";
# Get processors
my $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $user\@$node "$sudo /sbin/vmcp q virtual cpus"`;
my $str = xCAT::zvmUtils->tabStr($out);
return ($str);
=head3 getNic
Description : Get the network interface card (NIC) of a given node
Arguments : User (root or non-root)
Returns : NIC(s)
Example : my $nic = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getNic($node);
sub getNic {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $user, $node ) = @_;
my $sudo = "sudo";
if ($user eq "root") {
$sudo = "";
# Get NIC
my $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $user\@$node "$sudo /sbin/vmcp q virtual nic"`;
my $str = xCAT::zvmUtils->tabStr($out);
return ($str);
=head3 getNetworkNames
Description : Get a list of network names available to a given node
Arguments : User (root or non-root)
Returns : Network names
Example : my $lans = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getNetworkNames($node);
sub getNetworkNames {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $user, $node ) = @_;
my $sudo = "sudo";
if ($user eq "root") {
$sudo = "";
# Get network names
my $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $user\@$node "$sudo /sbin/vmcp q lan | egrep 'LAN|VSWITCH'"`;
my @lines = split( '\n', $out );
my @parms;
my $names;
foreach (@lines) {
# Trim output
$_ = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($_);
@parms = split( ' ', $_ );
# Get the network name
if ( $parms[0] eq "LAN" ) {
# Determine if this network is a hipersocket
# Only hipersocket guest LANs are supported
if ( $_ =~ m/Type: HIPERS/i ) {
$names .= $parms[0] . ":HIPERS " . $parms[1] . " " . $parms[2] . "\n";
} else {
$names .= $parms[0] . ":QDIO " . $parms[1] . " " . $parms[2] . "\n";
} elsif ( $parms[0] eq "VSWITCH" ) {
$names .= $parms[0] . " " . $parms[1] . " " . $parms[2] . "\n";
return ($names);
=head3 getNetworkNamesArray
Description : Get an array of network names available to a given node
Arguments : User (root or non-root)
Returns : Array of networks names
Example : my @networks = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getNetworkNamesArray($node);
sub getNetworkNamesArray {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $user, $node ) = @_;
my @networks;
my %netHash;
my $sudo = "sudo";
if ($user eq "root") {
$sudo = "";
# Get the networks used by the node
my $out = `ssh $user\@$node "$sudo /sbin/vmcp q v nic" | egrep -i "VSWITCH|LAN"`;
my @lines = split( '\n', $out );
# Loop through each line
my $line;
my @words;
my $name;
foreach(@lines) {
# Get network name
# Line should contain: MAC: 02-00-01-00-00-12 VSWITCH: SYSTEM VSW1
$line = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr( $_ );
@words = split( ' ', $line );
if (@words) {
$name = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr( $words[4] );
# If network is not 'None'
if ($name ne 'None') {
# Save network
$netHash{$name} = 1;
# Push networks into array
foreach $name ( keys %netHash ) {
push(@networks, $name);
return @networks;
=head3 getNetwork
Description : Get the network info for a given node
Arguments : User (root or non-root)
Network name
Returns : Network configuration
Example : my $config = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getNetwork($node, $netName);
sub getNetwork {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $user, $node, $netName ) = @_;
my $sudo = "sudo";
if ($user eq "root") {
$sudo = "";
# Get network info
my $out;
if ( $netName eq "all" ) {
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $user\@$node "$sudo /sbin/vmcp q lan"`;
} else {
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $user\@$node "$sudo /sbin/vmcp q lan $netName"`;
return ($out);
=head3 getDisks
Description : Get the disk(s) of given node
Arguments : User (root or non-root)
Returns : Disk(s)
Example : my $storage = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getDisks($node);
sub getDisks {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $user, $node ) = @_;
my $sudo = "sudo";
if ($user eq "root") {
$sudo = "";
# Get disks
my $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $user\@$node "$sudo /sbin/vmcp q virtual dasd"`;
my $str = xCAT::zvmUtils->tabStr($out);
return ($str);
=head3 loadVmcp
Description : Load Linux VMCP module on a given node
Arguments : User (root or non-root)
Returns : Nothing
Example : xCAT::zvmCPUtils->loadVmcp($node);
sub loadVmcp {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $user, $node ) = @_;
my $sudo = "sudo";
if ($user eq "root") {
$sudo = "";
# Load Linux VMCP module
my $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $user\@$node "$sudo /sbin/modprobe vmcp"`;
=head3 getVswitchId
Description : Get the VSwitch ID(s) of given node
Arguments : User (root or non-root)
Returns : VSwitch ID(s)
Example : my @vswitch = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getVswitchId($node);
sub getVswitchId {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $user, $node ) = @_;
my $sudo = "sudo";
if ($user eq "root") {
$sudo = "";
# Get VSwitch
my $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $user\@$node "$sudo /sbin/vmcp q v nic" | grep "VSWITCH"`;
my @lines = split( '\n', $out );
my @parms;
my @vswitch;
foreach (@lines) {
@parms = split( ' ', $_ );
push( @vswitch, $parms[4] );
return @vswitch;
=head3 grantVSwitch
Description : Grant VSwitch access for a given userID
Arguments : User (root or non-root)
User ID
Returns : Operation results (Done/Failed)
Example : my $out = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->grantVswitch($callback, $hcp, $userId, $vswitchId);
sub grantVSwitch {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $callback, $user, $hcp, $userId, $vswitchId ) = @_;
# Directory where executables are
my $dir = '/opt/zhcp/bin';
my $sudo = "sudo";
if ($user eq "root") {
$sudo = "";
my $out = `ssh $user\@$hcp "$sudo $dir/smcli Virtual_Network_Vswitch_Set -T SYSTEM -n $vswitchId -I $userId"`;
xCAT::zvmUtils->printSyslog("grantVSwitch- ssh $user\@$hcp $sudo $dir/smcli Virtual_Network_Vswitch_Set -T SYSTEM -n $vswitchId -I $userId");
$out = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($out);
# If return string contains 'Done' - Operation was successful
my $retStr;
if ( $out =~ m/Done/i ) {
$retStr = "Done\n";
} else {
$retStr = "Failed\n";
return $retStr;
return $retStr;
=head3 flashCopy
Description : Flash copy
Arguments : User (root or non-root)
Source userId
Source address
Target userId
Target address
Returns : Operation results (Done/Failed)
Example : my $results = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->flashCopy($user, $hcp, $srcAddr, $targetAddr);
sub flashCopy {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $user, $hcp, $srcAddr, $tgtAddr ) = @_;
# Directory where executables are
my $dir = '/opt/zhcp/bin';
my $sudo = "sudo";
if ($user eq "root") {
$sudo = "";
# Flash copy using CP
my $out = `ssh $user\@$hcp "$sudo /sbin/vmcp flashcopy $srcAddr 0 end to $tgtAddr 0 end synchronous"`;
$out = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($out);
# If return string contains 'Command complete' - Operation was successful
my $retStr = "";
if ( $out =~ m/Command complete/i ) {
$retStr = "Copying data via CP FLASHCOPY... Done\n";
} else {
$out = xCAT::zvmUtils->tabStr($out);
$retStr = "Copying data via CP FLASHCOPY... Failed\n$out";
return $retStr;
=head3 smapiFlashCopy
Description : Flash copy using SMAPI
Arguments : User (root or non-root)
Source userId
Source address
Target userId
Target address
Returns : Operation results (Done/Failed)
Example : my $results = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->smapiFlashCopy($user, $node, $srcId, $srcAddr, $tgtId, $targetAddr);
sub smapiFlashCopy {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $user, $hcp, $srcId, $srcAddr, $tgtId, $tgtAddr ) = @_;
# Directory where executables are
my $dir = '/opt/zhcp/bin';
my $sudo = "sudo";
if ($user eq "root") {
$sudo = "";
my $hcpUserId = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getUserId($user, $hcp);
# Use SMAPI EXEC to flash copy
my $cmd = '\"' . "CMD=FLASHCOPY $srcId $srcAddr 0 END $tgtId $tgtAddr 0 END" . '\"';
my $out = `ssh $user\@$hcp "$sudo $dir/smcli xCAT_Commands_IUO -T $hcpUserId -c $cmd"`;
xCAT::zvmUtils->printSyslog("smapiFlashCopy- ssh $user\@$hcp $sudo $dir/smcli xCAT_Commands_IUO -T $hcpUserId -c $cmd");
$out = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($out);
# If return string contains 'Done' - Operation was successful
my $retStr = "";
if ( $out =~ m/Done/i ) {
$retStr = "Copying data via SMAPI FLASHCOPY... Done\n";
} else {
$out = xCAT::zvmUtils->tabStr($out);
$retStr = "Copying data via SMAPI FLASHCOPY... $out";
return $retStr;
=head3 punch2Reader
Description : Write file to z/VM punch and transfer it to reader
Arguments : User (root or non-root)
UserID to receive file
Source file
Target file to be created by punch (e.g. sles.parm)
Options, e.g. -t (Convert EBCDIC to ASCII)
Returns : Operation results (Done/Failed)
Example : my $rc = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->punch2Reader($hcp, $userId, $srcFile, $tgtFile, $options);
sub punch2Reader {
my ( $class, $user, $hcp, $userId, $srcFile, $tgtFile, $options ) = @_;
my $sudo = "sudo";
if ($user eq "root") {
$sudo = "";
# Get source node OS
my $os = xCAT::zvmUtils->getOsVersion($user, $hcp);
# Punch to reader
# VMUR located in different directories on RHEL and SLES
my $out;
if ( $os =~ m/sles10/i ) {
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $user\@$hcp "$sudo /sbin/vmur punch $options -u $userId -r $srcFile -N $tgtFile"`;
} elsif ( $os =~ m/sles11/i ) {
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $user\@$hcp "$sudo /usr/sbin/vmur punch $options -u $userId -r $srcFile -N $tgtFile"`;
} elsif ( $os =~ m/rhel/i ) {
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $user\@$hcp "$sudo /usr/sbin/vmur punch $options -u $userId -r $srcFile -N $tgtFile"`;
} else {
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $user\@$hcp "$sudo /usr/sbin/vmur punch $options -u $userId -r $srcFile -N $tgtFile"`;
# If punch is successful -- Look for this string
my $searchStr = "created and transferred";
if ( !( $out =~ m/$searchStr/i ) ) {
$out = "Failed\n";
} else {
$out = "Done\n";
return $out;
=head3 purgeReader
Description : Purge reader
Arguments : User (root or non-root)
UserID to purge reader
Returns : Nothing
Example : my $rc = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->purgeReader($hcp, $userId);
sub purgeReader {
my ( $class, $user, $hcp, $userId ) = @_;
# Directory where executables are
my $dir = '/opt/zhcp/bin';
my $sudo = "sudo";
if ($user eq "root") {
$sudo = "";
xCAT::zvmUtils->printSyslog("sudoer:$user zHCP:$hcp sudo:$sudo");
my $out;
if (xCAT::zvmUtils->smapi4xcat($user, $hcp)) {
# Use SMAPI EXEC to purge reader
my $cmd = '\"' . "CMD=PURGE $userId RDR ALL" . '\"';
$out = `ssh $user\@$hcp "$sudo $dir/smcli xCAT_Commands_IUO -T $userId -c $cmd"`;
xCAT::zvmUtils->printSyslog("smcli xCAT_Commands_IUO -T $userId -c $cmd");
} else {
# Purge reader using CP
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $user\@$hcp "$sudo /sbin/vmcp purge $userId rdr all"`;
xCAT::zvmUtils->printSyslog("/sbin/vmcp purge $userId rdr all");
$out = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($out);
return $out;
=head3 sendCPCmd
Description : Send CP command to a given userID (Class C users only)
Arguments : User (root or non-root)
UserID to send CP command
Returns : Nothing
Example : xCAT::zvmCPUtils->sendCPCmd($hcp, $userId, $cmd);
sub sendCPCmd {
my ( $class, $user, $hcp, $userId, $cmd ) = @_;
# Directory where executables are
my $dir = '/opt/zhcp/bin';
my $sudo = "sudo";
if ($user eq "root") {
$sudo = "";
xCAT::zvmUtils->printSyslog("sudoer:$user zHCP:$hcp sudo:$sudo");
my $out;
if (xCAT::zvmUtils->smapi4xcat($user, $hcp)) {
# Use SMAPI EXEC to send command
$cmd = '\"' . "CMD=SEND CP $userId " . uc($cmd) . '\"';
$out = `ssh $user\@$hcp "$sudo $dir/smcli xCAT_Commands_IUO -T $userId -c $cmd"`;
xCAT::zvmUtils->printSyslog("smcli xCAT_Commands_IUO -T $userId -c $cmd");
} else {
# Send CP command to given user
$out = `ssh $user\@$hcp "$sudo /sbin/vmcp send cp $userId $cmd"`;
xCAT::zvmUtils->printSyslog("/sbin/vmcp send cp $userId $cmd");
$out = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($out);
=head3 getNetworkLayer
Description : Get the network layer for a given node
Arguments : User (root or non-root)
Network name
Returns : 2 - Layer 2
3 - Layer 3
-1 - Failed to get network layer
Example : my $layer = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getNetworkLayer($node);
sub getNetworkLayer {
my ( $class, $user, $node, $netName ) = @_;
my $sudo = "sudo";
if ($user eq "root") {
$sudo = "";
# Exit if the network name is not given
if ( !$netName ) {
return -1;
# Get network type (Layer 2 or 3)
my $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $user\@$node "$sudo /sbin/vmcp q lan $netName"`;
if ( !$out ) {
return -1;
# Go through each line
my $layer = 3; # Default to layer 3
my @lines = split( '\n', $out );
foreach (@lines) {
# If the line contains ETHERNET, then it is a layer 2 network
if ( $_ =~ m/ETHERNET/i ) {
$layer = 2;
return $layer;
=head3 getNetworkType
Description : Get the network type of a given network
Arguments : User (root or non-root)
Name of network
Returns : Network type (VSWITCH/HIPERS/QDIO)
Example : my $netType = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getNetworkType($hcp, $netName);
sub getNetworkType {
my ( $class, $user, $hcp, $netName ) = @_;
my $sudo = "sudo";
if ($user eq "root") {
$sudo = "";
# Get network details
my $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $user\@$hcp "$sudo /sbin/vmcp q lan $netName" | grep "Type"`;
# Go through each line and determine network type
my @lines = split( '\n', $out );
my $netType = "";
foreach (@lines) {
# Virtual switch
if ( $_ =~ m/VSWITCH/i ) {
$netType = "VSWITCH";
# HiperSocket guest LAN
elsif ( $_ =~ m/HIPERS/i ) {
$netType = "HIPERS";
# QDIO guest LAN
elsif ( $_ =~ m/QDIO/i ) {
$netType = "QDIO";
return $netType;
=head3 defineCpu
Description : Add processor(s) to given node
Arguments : User (root or non-root)
Returns : Nothing
Example : my $out = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->defineCpu($node, $addr, $type);
sub defineCpu {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $user, $node, $addr, $type ) = @_;
my $sudo = "sudo";
if ($user eq "root") {
$sudo = "";
# Define processor(s)
my $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $user\@$node "$sudo /sbin/vmcp define cpu $addr type $type"`;
return ($out);