git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
355 lines
14 KiB
355 lines
14 KiB
/* session_start(); */
$TOPDIR = '..';
require_once "$TOPDIR/lib/functions.php";
insertHeader('xCAT Frame Node List', NULL, NULL, array('machines','frames'));
if (isAIX()) { $aixDisabled = 'disabled'; }
echo '</body></html>';
/* This was copied from the csm web interface and can be used as the beginning code
for the frame view.
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
function _reloadMe(form)
var url = 'nodes.cgi?';
url += 'rack=' + (form.rack.checked?1:0);
url += '&group=' + form.nodegrps.value;
url += '&nodeRange=' + form.nodeRange.value;
window.location = url;
function setCookies(form)
var value = (form.rack.checked?1:0) + '&' + form.nodegrps.value + '&' + form.nodeRange.value;
setCookie('mainpage', value);
function selectAll(element, rack)
var sel = element.checked;
if (rack) {
for (var i=0; i < document.images.length; i++) {
var image = document.images[i];
if (\\.gif\$/)>-1 &&'^'+rack+'-')>-1) { imageCBClick(image,sel); }
else { // the form checkboxes
var form = element.form;
for(var i = 0; i < form.length; i++)
var e = form.elements[i];
if (e.type == "checkbox" &&^node\\d/) > -1) { e.checked = sel; }
function isNodeSelected(form)
if (document.paramForm.rack.checked) { return (form.Nodes.value.length>0 || form.rackNodes.value.length>0); }
// we only continue here if it is the non-rack display
for(var i = 0; i < form.length; i++)
var e = form.elements[i];
if (e.type == "checkbox" &&^node\\d/) > -1 && e.checked) { return true; }
return false;
function numNodesSelected(form)
if (document.paramForm.rack.checked) {
if (form.Nodes.value.length>0) { return 2; } // just have to guess that the group or range has more than 1
var val = form.rackNodes.value;
var matches = val.match(/,/g);
if (!matches) { return (val.length>0 ? 1 : 0); }
else { return matches.length + 1; }
// we only continue here if it is the non-rack display
var j = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < form.length; i++)
var e = form.elements[i];
if (e.type == "checkbox" &&^node\\d/) > -1 && e.checked)
if (++j == 2) { return j; }
return j;
function CBClick(cb) { if (!cb.checked) { cb.form.selAllCheckbox.checked=false; } }
function imageCBClick(image, mode)
if (mode==1 || (mode==2 && (image.checked === undefined || !image.checked))) {
image.src = 'images/checked-box.gif';
image.checked = true;
} else {
image.src = 'images/unchecked-box.gif';
image.checked = false;
var s=image.alt.split(/-/);
var rackCB = document.nodesForm['selAll'+s[0]+'Checkbox'];
rackCB.checked = false;
function gatherRackNodes(form)
if (allSelected(form)) {
if (document.paramForm.nodeRange.value.length > 0) { form.Nodes.value = document.paramForm.nodeRange.value; }
else { form.Nodes.value = '+' + document.paramForm.nodegrps.value; }
else { form.Nodes.value=''; }
if (!document.paramForm.rack.checked) { form.rackNodes.value=''; return; }
var nodes='';
for (var i=0; i < document.images.length; i++) {
var image = document.images[i];
if (image.checked) { var s=image.alt.split(/-/); nodes += s[1] + ','; }
form.rackNodes.value = nodes.replace(/,\$/, '');
function allSelected(form)
if (document.paramForm.rack.checked) {
for(var i = 0; i < form.length; i++)
var e = form.elements[i];
if (e.type=="checkbox" &&^selAll\\d+Checkbox/)>-1 && !e.checked) { return false; }
return true;
else { return form.selAllCheckbox.checked; } // non-rack display
<div id=content>
<P align="center"><IMG src="images/csmlogo.gif" border="0"></P>
<H2>Node List on Management Server <?= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] ?></H2>
<FORM name="paramForm" action="nodes.cgi" onsubmit="setCookies(this);">
<TR valign="middle">
<P class="BlueBack"><B>Which Nodes:</B></P>
<TD><B> Group: <SELECT name="nodegrps" size="1" onchange="setCookies(this.form);_reloadMe(this.form);" class="Middle">
my $currentGroup = $::in{group};
if (!$currentGroup) { $currentGroup = 'AllNodes'; }
foreach my $group (@$nodegrp){
my $selected = '';
if($group eq "$currentGroup") { $selected = 'selected'; }
print qq(<OPTION value='$group' $selected>$group</OPTION>\n);
</SELECT> </B>or<B> Node Range: </B><INPUT size="20" type="text" name="nodeRange" value="$::in{nodeRange}" onchange="setCookies(this.form);_reloadMe(this.form);" class="Middle"></TD>
<INPUT type="checkbox" name="rack" onclick="setCookies(this.form);_reloadMe(this.form);"> Show Nodes in Racks (have to first <A href="hwctrl/rack.cgi">set the physical location</A>)</TD>
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> document.paramForm.rack.checked = ($rackChecked==1 ? true : false); </SCRIPT>
<FORM name="nodesForm" action="nodes.cgi"
if (this.nodesNeeded === undefined || this.nodesNeeded == 2) { // need 1 or more nodes
if (isNodeSelected(this)) { return true; }
else { alert('Select one or more nodes before pressing an action button.'); return false; }
else if (this.nodesNeeded == 1) { // need exactly 1 node
if (numNodesSelected(this) == 1) { return true; }
else { alert('Exactly one node must be selected for this action.'); this.nodesNeeded=undefined; return false; }
else if (this.nodesNeeded == 0) { return true; } // 0 or more nodes is ok
else { return true; }
<TD><P class="BlueBack"><B>Node<BR>Actions:</B></P></TD>
<TABLE cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2>
<TR><TD nowrap>
<INPUT type=submit name=propButton value="Attributes" class=but>
<INPUT type=submit name=defineButton value="Define Like" class=but>
<INPUT type=submit name=createGroupButton value="Create Group" class=but>
<INPUT type=submit name=pingNodesButton value="Ping" class=but>
<INPUT type=submit name=updateButton value="Updatenode" class=but>
<INPUT type=submit name=runcmdButton value="Run Cmd" class=but>
<INPUT type=submit name=copyFilesButton value="Copy Files" class=but>
<TABLE cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2>
<TR><TD nowrap>
<INPUT type=submit name=softMaintButton value="Soft Maint" class=but onclick="this.form.nodesNeeded=1;">
<INPUT type=submit name=hwctrlButton value="HW Ctrl" class=but>
<INPUT type=submit name=rsaButton value="RSA/MM/FSP" class=but onclick="this.form.nodesNeeded=1;">
<INPUT type=submit name=installButton value="Install" class=but>
<INPUT type=submit name=perfmonButton value="Perf Mon" class=but>
<INPUT type=submit name=webminButton value="Webmin" class=but onclick="this.form.nodesNeeded=1;">
<INPUT type=submit name=diagButton value="Diagnose" class=but onclick="this.form.nodesNeeded=1;">
<INPUT type=submit name=removeButton value="Remove" class=but>
<TD colspan="2" height="5"></TD>
<TR valign="top">
<TD colspan="2" align="center">
<!--CSM if (!($rackChecked==1)) { -->
echo "<TABLE cellpadding=0><TBODY align=center valign=middle><TR valign=bottom class=BlueBack>\n";
echo "<TD align=left><INPUT type=checkbox name=selAllCheckbox onclick='selectAll(this,0)'><FONT size='-2'>Select All</FONT> <B>Name</B></TD>\n";
echo "<TD><B>HW Type</B></TD><TD><B>OS</B></TD><TD><B>Mode</B></TD><TD><B>Status</B></TD><TD><B>HW Ctrl Pt</B></TD><TD><B>Comment</B></TD></TR>\n";
$index =0;
foreach my $na (@$nodeAttrs)
if ($index > $::config{MaxNodesDisplayed})
print qq(<TR><TD colspan=7 align=center><I>Note: Number of nodes to be displayed exceeds the maximum of $::config{MaxNodesDisplayed} specified on the <A href="/config.cgi?csm" target=_parent>Module Config page</A>. To see the rest of the nodes, specify a node range or node group at the top of this page, or change the maximum value.</I></TD></TR>\n);
my ($hostname, $type, $osname, $distro, $version, $mode, $status, $conport, $hcp, $nodeid, $pmethod, $location, $comment) = split(/:\|:/, $na);
print "<TR bgcolor='#d8dff1'><TD align=left nowrap><INPUT type='checkbox' name='node$index' value='$hostname' onclick='CBClick(this)'><A href='properties.cgi?nodes=$hostname'>$hostname</A></TD>\n";
my $image = GuiUtils->getHWTypeImage($type, $pmethod);
my $alt = $type;
print qq(<TD><IMG src="images/$image" alt="$alt" title="$alt" border=0></TD>\n);
if ($osname=~/aix/i) { $image = 'aix-s.gif'; $alt = 'AIX'; }
elsif ($distro=~/redhat/i) { $image = 'redhat-s.gif'; $alt = 'RedHat'; }
elsif ($distro=~/suse|sles/i) { $image = 'suse-s.gif'; $alt = 'SuSE/SLES'; }
else { $image = ''; $alt = 'Unknown';}
if (length($image)) { print qq(<TD nowrap><IMG src="images/$image" alt="$alt" title="$alt" border=0 align=top> $version</TD>\n); }
else { print "<TD>$osname $distro $version</TD>\n"; }
print "<TD>$mode</TD>\n";
if ($status == 1) { $image = 'green-ball-m.gif'; $alt = 'On'; }
elsif ($status == 127 && $mode eq 'PreManaged') { $image = 'blue-ball-m.gif'; $alt = 'Unconfigured'; }
elsif ($status == 127) { $image = 'yellow-ball-m.gif'; $alt = 'Unknown'; }
else { $image = 'red-ball-m.gif'; $alt = 'Off'; }
print qq(<TD><IMG src="images/$image" alt="$alt" title="$alt" border=0></TD>\n);
print "<TD>$hcp</TD>\n";
print "<TD>$comment</TD></TR>\n";
} -->
<?= "</TBODY></TABLE>\n" ?>
} # not rack
else { # show nodes in racks
print qq(<TABLE><TBODY valign=bottom><TR>\n);
# xSeries frames are 78.7in H x 23.6in W (3.3 ratio). The server enclosure area is approx 71.4 x 19 (3.75 ratio). Each U is approx 1.725
my $bord=0;
my $index=0;
for (my $fnum=1; $fnum<scalar(@frames); $fnum++) {
my $frame = $frames[$fnum];
if (!defined($frame)) { next; } # no nodes in this frame
print qq(<TD><INPUT type=checkbox name=selAll${fnum}Checkbox onclick='selectAll(this,$fnum)'><B> Rack $fnum</B>\n);
print qq(<TABLE bgcolor="#303030" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2><TBODY><TR><TD width=1 height=$bord></TD><TD></TD><TD width=1 height=$bord></TD></TR>\n);
for (my $i=1; $i<=42;)
my $u = $$frame[$i];
if (defined($u))
my ($hostname, $image, $alt, $size) = @$u;
if (ref($image)) { # this a bladecenter chassis
my $chassis = $image; # this is really a ref to an array of blades
print qq(<TR><TD></TD><TD><TABLE bgcolor="#303030" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1><TBODY><TR>\n);
for (my $j=1; $j<=14; $j++) {
my $b = $$chassis[$j];
if (defined($b)) {
my ($h, $im, $a) = @$b;
print qq(<TD><IMG src='images/unchecked-box.gif' alt='$fnum-$h' title='$fnum-$h' border=0 onclick='imageCBClick(this,2);'><BR>);
print qq(<IMG src="images/$im" alt="$a" title="$a" border=0></TD>\n);
else { print qq(<TD bgcolor="#999999" height=25 width=12></TD>\n); } # empty blade slot
print qq(</TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR>\n);
else { # this is regular rack mounted node
print qq(<TR><TD></TD><TD><IMG src='images/unchecked-box.gif' alt='$fnum-$hostname' title='$fnum-$hostname' border=0 align=middle onclick='imageCBClick(this,2);'>);
print qq(<IMG src="images/$image" alt="$alt" title="$alt" border=0 align=middle></TD></TR>\n);
$i += $size;
else { print qq(<TR><TD></TD><TD bgcolor="#999999" height=5 width=50></TD></TR>\n); $i++; } # empty slot
print qq(<TR><TD height=$bord></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD>\n);
print qq(</TR></TBODY></TABLE>\n);
} # rack
<INPUT type=hidden name=rackNodes value=''>
<INPUT type=hidden name=Nodes value=''>
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
if ($AIXdisable) {
document.nodesForm.softMaintButton.disabled = true;
document.nodesForm.rsaButton.disabled = true;
document.nodesForm.installButton.disabled = true;
<H4 class="BlueBack">Tips:</H4>
<LI>Select 1 or more nodes & click on an action button. Or choose
1 of the main tasks on the left. The <A href="/help.cgi/csm/intro" target="_blank">Help link</A> at the top left really does help. It describes what all these buttons do.
<LI>The Status colors: <FONT color="#00cc00">green</FONT>=reachable, <FONT color="#ff0000">red</FONT>=not reachable, <FONT color="#cccc00">yellow</FONT>=unknown/error, <FONT color="#0000ff">blue</FONT>=node not managed.
<LI>If too many nodes are displayed, use the Group or Node Range selections
to focus what is displayed.
<LI>The <A href="/config.cgi?csm" target="_parent">Console/Settings link</A> at the top left is the way to set preferences. There is a verbose
option there to have this interface display the commands it is running.
<LI>If you are running this over a phone line, we recommend using the <A href="../webmin/change_theme.cgi?theme=">Old Webmin theme</A> (which is now the default) for faster loading. Of course, the <A href="../webmin/change_theme.cgi?theme=mscstyle3">MSC Linux theme</A> looks nicer. (If you change the theme, you will have to navigate
back to this page in the Cluster category.)
<LI>Did you know you can run as many browser windows with this interface as
you want? This can be handy to view information from multiple pages of this interface
at the same time.
<P align="center"><FONT size="-1"><B>CSM Version:</B> $rpmVersions{'csm.server'} <B>CSM Web Interface Version:</B> $rpmVersions{'xcsm.web'}</FONT></P>