122 lines
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=head1 NAME
B<makedns> - sets up domain name services (DNS) from the entries in /etc/hosts.
B<makedns> I<options>
B<makedns> [B<-h>|B<--help>]
B<makedns> configures a DNS server on the local machine from the /etc/hosts file entries. It also uses the following
attributes set in the B<site> table as default values: B<domain>, B<forwarders>, B<nameservers>.
The domain value can be overridden by the B<-d> option.
The netmasks from the B<networks> table will also be used if not overridden by the B<-n> option. Only entries in
/etc/hosts that are part of a network listed in the B<networks> table will be added to DNS.
B<makedns> can only handle hostnames from a single domain, normally a private domain just for the cluster. The
typical cluster set up is for site.domain to be set to the cluster domain, site.nameservers to be set to the
cluster-facing IP address of the management node, and site.forwarders to be set to the IP address of one or more
nameservers at your site that can resolve names outside of your cluster. With this set up, all nodes ask the
management node to resolve names, and if it is a name that the MN DNS does not know about, it will ask the outside
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 6
=item B<-d> I<domain>
The domain name to use. If not specified, the default used is the B<domain> attribute in the B<site> table.
=item B<-f> I<file>
A file containing more arguments for B<makedns>.
=item B<-z|-Z> nameserver
The hostname of a secondary nameserver to use.
=item B<-b> bootfile
Boot file to use.
=item B<-A>
Write the address records, i.e. the hostname to IP address mappings.
=item B<-M>
Write the MX records, i.e. the additional aliases for a hostname.
=item B<-w>
Do wks.
=item B<-D>
Don't do domains.
=item B<-t>
Do txt records.
=item B<-u> I<user>
=item B<-s> I<server ...>
=item B<-m> I<mx>
mx records.
=item B<-c> I<pattern>
C patterns?
=item B<-e> I<pattern>
Elimination patterns?
=item B<-h> I<host>
=item B<-o> I<options>
Refresh, retry, expire, ttl options, separated by colons.
=item B<-i>
Force serial.
=item B<-H> I<file>
File to read the host entries from. Default is /etc/hosts.
=item B<-C> I<file>
Comments file.
=item B<-N> I<mask>
Default subnet mask.
=item B<-n> I<mask>
Network:SubnetMask. If not specified, all the networks from the B<networks> table will be used.
=head1 SEE ALSO