2008-06-19 16:50:18 +00:00

1338 lines
62 KiB

# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
package xCAT::Schema;
# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# When making additions or deletions to this file please be sure to
# modify BOTH the tabspec and defspec definitions. This includes
# adding descriptions for any new attributes.
# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#Note that the SQL is far from imaginative. Fact of the matter is that
#certain SQL backends don't ascribe meaning to the data types anyway.
#New format, not sql statements, but info enough to describe xcat tables
%tabspec = (
bootparams => {
cols => [qw(node kernel initrd kcmdline comments disable)],
keys => [qw(node)],
table_desc => 'Current boot settings to be sent to systems attempting network boot for deployment, stateless, or other reasons. Mostly automatically manipulated by xCAT.',
descriptions => {
'node' => 'The node or group name',
'kernel' => 'The kernel that network boot actions should currently acquire and use. Note this could be a chained boot loader such as memdisk or a non-linux boot loader',
'initrd' => 'The initial ramdisk image that network boot actions should use (could be a DOS floppy or hard drive image if using memdisk as kernel)',
'kcmdline' => 'Arguments to be passed to the kernel'
chain => {
cols => [qw(node currstate currchain chain ondiscover comments disable)],
keys => [qw(node)],
table_desc => 'Controls what operations are done (and it what order) when a node is discovered and deployed.',
descriptions => {
node => 'The node name or group name.',
currstate => 'The current chain state for this node. Set by xCAT.',
currchain => 'The current execution chain for this node. Set by xCAT. Initialized from chain and updated as chain is executed.',
chain => 'A comma-delimited chain of actions to be performed automatically for this node. Valid values: discover, boot or reboot, install or netboot, runcmd=<cmd>, runimage=<image>, shell, standby. (Default - same as no chain). Example, for BMC machines use: runcmd=bmcsetup,standby.',
ondiscover => 'What to do when a new node is discovered. Valid values: nodediscover.',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
deps => {
cols => [qw(node nodedep msdelay cmd comments disable)],
keys => [qw(node cmd)],
required => [qw(node cmd)],
table_desc => 'Describes dependencies some nodes have on others. This can be used, e.g., by rpower -d to power nodes on or off in the correct order.',
descriptions => {
node => 'The node name or group name.',
nodedep => 'Comma-separated list of nodes it is dependent on.',
msdelay => 'How long to wait between operating on the dependent nodes and the primary nodes.',
cmd => 'Comma-seperated list of which operation this dependency applies to.',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
hosts => {
cols => [qw(node ip hostnames comments disable)],
keys => [qw(node)],
table_desc => 'IP address and hostnames of nodes. This info can be used to populate /etc/hosts or DNS.',
descriptions => {
node => 'The node name or group name.',
ip => 'The IP address of the node.',
hostnames => 'Hostname aliases added to /etc/hosts for this node.',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
ipmi => {
cols => [qw(node bmc username password comments disable )],
keys => [qw(node)],
table_desc => 'Settings for nodes that are controlled by an on-board BMC via IPMI.',
descriptions => {
node => 'The node name or group name.',
bmc => 'The hostname of the BMC adapater.',
username => 'The BMC userid. If not specified, the key=ipmi row in the passwd table is used as the default.',
password => 'The BMC password. If not specified, the key=ipmi row in the passwd table is used as the default.',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
iscsi => {
cols => [qw(node server target file userid passwd kernel kcmdline initrd comments disable)],
keys => [qw(node)],
table_desc => 'Contains settings that control how to boot a node from an iSCSI disk.',
descriptions => {
node => 'The node name or group name.',
server => 'The server containing the iscsi boot device for this node.',
target => 'The iscsi disk used for the boot device for this node. Filled in by xCAT.',
file => 'The path on the server of the OS image the node should boot from.',
userid => 'The userid of the iscsi server containing the boot device for this node.',
passwd => 'The password for the iscsi server containing the boot device for this node.',
kernel => 'The path of the linux kernel to boot from.',
kcmdline => 'The kernel command line to use with iSCSI for this node.',
initrd => 'The initial ramdisk to use when network booting this node.',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
mac => {
cols => [qw(node interface mac comments disable)],
keys => [qw(node)],
table_desc => "The MAC address of the node's install adapter. Normally this table is populated by getmacs or node discovery, but you can also add entries to it manually.",
descriptions => {
node => 'The node name or group name.',
interface => 'The adapter interface name that will be used to install and manage the node. E.g. eth0 (for linux) or en0 (for AIX).)',
mac => 'The MAC address of the network adapter that will be used to install the node, e.g. 00:D0:A8:00:05:F3 .',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
monitoring => {
cols => [qw(name nodestatmon comments disable)],
keys => [qw(name)],
required => [qw(name)],
table_desc => 'Controls what external monitoring tools xCAT sets up and uses. Entries should be added and removed from this table using the provided xCAT commands monstart and monstop.',
descriptions => {
name => "The name of the mornitoring plug-in module. The plug-in must be put in $ENV{XCATROOT}/lib/perl/xCAT_monitoring/. See the man page for monstart for details.",
nodestatmon => 'Specifies if the monitoring plug-in is used to feed the node status to the xCAT cluster. Any one of the following values indicates "yes": y, Y, yes, Yes, YES, 1. Any other value or blank (default), indicates "no".',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
monsetting => {
cols => [qw(name key value comments disable)],
keys => [qw(name key)],
required => [qw(name key)],
table_desc => 'Specifies the monitoring plug-in specific settings. These settings will be used by the monitoring plug-in to customize the behavior such as event filter, sample interval, responses etc. Entries should be added, removed or modified by chtab command. Entries can also be added or modified by the monstart command when a monitoring plug-in is brought up.',
descriptions => {
name => "The name of the mornitoring plug-in module. The plug-in must be put in $ENV{XCATROOT}/lib/perl/xCAT_monitoring/. See the man page for monstart for details.",
key => 'Specifies the name of the attribute. The valid values are specified by each monitoring plug-in. Use "monls name -d" to get a list of valid keys.',
value => 'Specifies the value of the attribute.',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
mp => {
cols => [qw(node mpa id comments disable)],
keys => [qw(node)],
table_desc => 'Contains the hardware control info specific to blades. This table also refers to the mpa table, which contains info about each Management Module.',
descriptions => {
node => 'The blade node name or group name.',
mpa => 'The managment module used to control this blade.',
id => 'The slot number of this blade in the BladeCenter chassis.',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
mpa => {
cols => [qw(mpa username password comments disable)],
keys => [qw(mpa)],
table_desc => 'Contains info about each Management Module and how to access it.',
descriptions => {
mpa => 'Hostname of the management module.',
username => 'Userid to use to access the management module. If not specified, the key=blade row in the passwd table is used as the default.',
password => 'Password to use to access the management module. If not specified, the key=blade row in the passwd table is used as the default.',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
networks => {
cols => [qw(netname net mask mgtifname gateway dhcpserver tftpserver nameservers dynamicrange nodehostname comments disable)],
keys => [qw(net mask)],
table_desc => 'Describes the networks in the cluster and info necessary to set up nodes on that network.',
descriptions => {
netname => 'Name used to identify this network definition.',
net => 'The network address.',
mask => 'The network mask.',
mgtifname => 'Not currently used! The interface name the dhcp server should listen on.',
gateway => 'The network gateway.',
dhcpserver => 'The DHCP server that is servicing this network.',
tftpserver => 'The TFTP server that is servicing this network.',
nameservers => 'The nameservers for this network. Used in creating the DHCP network definition, and DNS configuration.',
dynamicrange => 'The IP address range used by DHCP to assign dynamic IP addresses for requests on this network.',
nodehostname => 'Not Used??',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
nodegroup => {
cols => [qw(groupname grouptype members wherevals comments disable)],
keys => [qw(groupname)],
table_desc => 'Not supported yet! Contains group definitions, whose membership is dynamic depending on characteristics of the node.',
descriptions => {
groupname => 'Name of the group.',
grouptype => 'The only current valid value is dynamic. We will be looking at having the object def commands working with static group definitions in the nodelist table.',
members => 'The value of the attribute is not used, but the attribute is necessary as a place holder for the object def commands. (The membership for static groups is stored in the nodelist table.)',
wherevals => 'A list of comma-separated "attr=val" pairs that can be used to determine the members of a dynamic group.',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
nodehm => {
cols => [qw(node power mgt cons termserver termport conserver serialport serialspeed serialflow getmac comments disable)],
keys => [qw(node)],
table_desc => "Settings that control how each node's hardware is managed. Typically, an additional table that is specific to the hardware type of the node contains additional info. E.g. the ipmi, mp, and ppc tables.",
descriptions => {
node => 'The node name or group name.',
power => 'The method to use to control the power of the node. If not set, the mgt attribute will be used. Valid values: ipmi, blade, hmc, ivm, fsp. If "ipmi", xCAT will search for this node in the ipmi table for more info. If "blade", xCAT will search for this node in the mp table. If "hmc", "ivm", or "fsp", xCAT will search for this node in the ppc table.',
mgt => 'The method to use to do general hardware management of the node. This attribute is used as the default if power, cons, or getmac is not set. Valid values: ipmi, blade, hmc, ivm, fsp. See the power attribute for more details.',
cons => 'The console method. If not set, conserver will not be configured for this node. Valid values: cyclades, mrv, or the values valid for mgt??',
termserver => 'The hostname of the terminal server.',
termport => 'The port number on the terminal server that this node is connected to.',
conserver => 'The hostname of the machine where the conserver daemon is running. If not set, the default is the xCAT management node.',
serialport => 'The serial port for this node, in the linux numbering style (0=COM1/ttyS0, 1=COM2/ttyS1). For SOL on IBM blades, this is typically 1. For rackmount IBM servers, this is typically 0.',
serialspeed => 'The speed of the serial port for this node. For SOL this is typically 19200.',
serialflow => "The flow control value of the serial port for this node. For SOL this is typically 'hard'.",
getmac => 'The method to use to get MAC address of the node with the getmac command. If not set, the mgt attribute will be used. Valid values: blade, ivm, hmc??',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
nodelist => {
cols => [qw(node groups status comments disable)],
keys => [qw(node)],
table_desc => "The list of all the nodes in the cluster, including each node's current status and what groups it is in.",
descriptions => {
node => 'The hostname of a node in the cluster.',
groups => "A comma-delimited list of groups this node is a member of. Group names are arbitrary, except all nodes should be part of the 'all' group.",
status => 'The current status of this node. This attribute will be set by xCAT software. Valid values: defined, booting, discovering, installing, installed, alive, off.',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
nodepos => {
cols => [qw(node rack u chassis slot room comments disable)],
keys => [qw(node)],
table_desc => 'Contains info about the physical location of each node. Currently, this info is not used by xCAT, and therefore can be in whatevery format you want. It will likely be used in xCAT in the future.',
descriptions => {
node => 'The node name or group name.',
rack => 'The frame the node is in.',
u => 'The vertical position of the node in the frame',
chassis => 'The BladeCenter chassis the blade is in.',
slot => 'The slot number of the blade in the chassis.',
room => 'The room the node is in.',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
noderes => {
cols => [qw(node servicenode netboot tftpserver nfsserver monserver kernel initrd kcmdline nfsdir serialport installnic primarynic xcatmaster current_osimage next_osimage comments disable)],
keys => [qw(node)],
table_desc => 'Resources and settings to use when installing nodes.',
descriptions => {
node => 'The node name or group name.',
servicenode => 'The node that provides most services for this node (as known by the management node).',
netboot => 'The type of network booting supported by this node. Valid values: pxe, yaboot.',
tftpserver => 'The TFTP server for this node (as known by this node).',
nfsserver => 'The NFS server for this node (as known by this node).',
monserver => 'The monitoring aggregation point for this node (as known by the management node).',
kernel => 'DEPRECATED, only here for migration to bootparams table',
initrd => 'DEPRECATED, only here for migration to bootparams table',
kcmdline => 'DEPRECATED, only here for migration to bootparams table',
nfsdir => 'Not used?? The path that should be mounted from the NFS server.',
serialport => 'DEPRECATED! Has been moved to the nodehm table',
installnic => 'The network adapter on the node that will be used for OS deployment. If not set, primarynic will be used.',
primarynic => 'The network adapter on the node that will be used for xCAT management. Default is eth0.',
xcatmaster => 'The hostname of the xCAT service node (as known by this node). This is the default value if nfsserver or tftpserver are not set.',
current_osimage => 'Not currently used. The name of the osimage data object that represents the OS image currently deployed on this node.',
next_osimage => 'Not currently used. The name of the osimage data object that represents the OS image that will be installed on the node the next time it is deployed.',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
nodetype => {
cols => [qw(node os arch profile nodetype comments disable)],
keys => [qw(node)],
table_desc => 'A few hardware and software characteristics of the nodes.',
descriptions => {
node => 'The node name or group name.',
os => 'The operating system deployed on this node. Valid values: rh*, centos*, fedora*, sles* (where * is the version #).',
arch => 'The hardware architecture of this node. Valid values: x86_64, ppc64, x86, ia64.',
profile => 'Either the name of an xCAT osimage definition or a pointer to a kickstart or autoyast template to use for OS deployment of this node.',
nodetype => 'A comma-delimited list of characteristics of this node. Valid values: blade, vm (virtual machine), lpar, osi (OS image), hmc, fsp, ivm, bpa, mm, rsa, switch.',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
notification => {
cols => [qw(filename tables tableops comments disable)],
keys => [qw(filename)],
required => [qw(tables filename)],
table_desc => 'Contains registrations to be notified when a table in the xCAT database changes. Users can add entries to have additional software notified of changes. Add and remove entries using the provided xCAT commands regnotif and unregnotif.',
descriptions => {
filename => 'The path name of a file that implements the callback routine when the monitored table changes. Can be a perl module or a command. See the regnotif man page for details.',
tables => 'Comma-separated list of xCAT database tables to monitor.',
tableops => 'Specifies the table operation to monitor for. Valid values: "d" (rows deleted), "a" (rows added), "u" (rows updated).',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
osimage => {
cols => [qw(imagename imagetype osname osvers osdistro osarch comments disable)],
keys => [qw(imagename)],
table_desc => 'Basic information about an operating system image that can be used to deploy cluster nodes.',
descriptions => {
imagename => 'User provided name of this xCAT OS image definition.',
imagetype => 'The type of operating system image this definition represents.',
osname => 'Operating system name- AIX or Linux.',
osvers => 'Not used.',
osdistro => 'Not used.',
osarch => 'Not used.',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
passwd => {
cols => [qw(key username password comments disable)],
keys => [qw(key)],
table_desc => 'Contains default userids and passwords for xCAT to access cluster components. In most cases, xCAT will also actually set the userid/password in the relevant component when it is being configured or installed. Userids/passwords for specific cluster components can be overidden in other tables, e.g. mpa, ipmi, ppchcp, etc.',
descriptions => {
key => 'The type of component this user/pw is for. Valid values: blade (management module), ipmi (BMC), system (nodes), omapi (DHCP), hmc, ivm, fsp.',
username => 'The default userid for this type of component',
password => 'The default password for this type of component',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
policy => {
cols => [qw(priority name host commands noderange parameters time rule comments disable)],
keys => [qw(priority)],
table_desc => 'Not fully implemented! Controls who has authority to run specific xCAT operations.',
descriptions => {
priority => 'The priority value for this rule. This value is used to identify this policy data object (i.e. this rule).',
name => 'The username that is allowed to perform the commands specified by this rule. Default is "*" (all users).',
host => 'The host from which users may issue the commands specified by this rule. Default is "*" (all hosts).',
commands => 'The list of commands that this rule applies to. Default is "*" (all commands).',
noderange => 'The Noderange that this rule applies to. Default is "*" (all nodes).',
parameters => 'Command parameters that this rule applies to. Default??',
time => 'Time ranges that this command may be executed in. Default is any time.',
rule => 'Specifies how this rule should be applied. Valid values are: allow, accept. Either of these values will allow the user to run the commands. Any other value will deny the user access to the commands.',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
postscripts => {
cols => [qw(node postscripts comments disable)],
keys => [qw(node)],
table_desc => 'Not used yet! The scripts that should be run on each node after installation or diskless boot.',
descriptions => {
node => 'The node name or group name.',
postscripts => 'Comma separated list of scripts that should be run on this node after installation or diskless boot.',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
ppc => {
cols => [qw(node hcp id pprofile parent comments disable)],
keys => [qw(node)],
table_desc => 'List of system p hardware: HMCs, IVMs, FSPs, BPCs.',
descriptions => {
node => 'The node name or group name.',
hcp => 'The hardware control point for this node (HMC or IVM).',
id => 'For LPARs: the LPAR numeric id; for FSPs: the cage number; for BPAs: the frame number.',
pprofile => 'The LPAR profile that will be used the next time the LPAR is powered on with rpower.',
parent => 'For LPARs: the FSP/CEC; for FSPs: the BPA (if one exists).',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
ppcdirect => {
cols => [qw(hcp username password comments disable)],
keys => [qw(hcp)],
table_desc => 'Info necessary to use FSPs to control system p CECs.',
descriptions => {
hcp => 'Hostname of the FSP.',
username => 'Userid of the FSP. If not filled in, xCAT will look in the passwd table for key=fsp. If not in the passwd table, the default used is admin.',
password => 'Password of the FSP. If not filled in, xCAT will look in the passwd table for key=fsp. If not in the passwd table, the default used is admin.',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
ppchcp => {
cols => [qw(hcp username password comments disable)],
keys => [qw(hcp)],
table_desc => 'Info necessary to use HMCs and IVMs as hardware control points for LPARs.',
descriptions => {
hcp => 'Hostname of the HMC or IVM.',
username => 'Userid of the HMC or IVM. If not filled in, xCAT will look in the passwd table for key=hmc or key=ivm. If not in the passwd table, the default used is hscroot for HMCs and padmin for IVMs.',
password => 'Password of the HMC or IVM. If not filled in, xCAT will look in the passwd table for key=hmc or key=ivm. If not in the passwd table, the default used is abc123 for HMCs and padmin for IVMs.',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
servicenode => {
cols => [qw(node nameserver dhcpserver tftpserver nfsserver conserver monserver ldapserver ntpserver ftpserver comments disable)],
keys => [qw(node)],
table_desc => 'List of all Service Nodes and services that will be set up on the Service Node.',
descriptions => {
node => 'The hostname of the service node as known by the Management Node.',
nameserver => 'Do we set up DNS on this service node? Valid values:yes or 1, no or 0.',
dhcpserver => 'Do we set up DHCP on this service node? Valid values:yes or 1, no or 0. We may also support: <ifname>,<noderange>,<dynamicrange>, but this has not been decided yet.',
tftpserver => 'Do we set up TFTP on this service node? Valid values:yes or 1, no or 0.',
nfsserver => 'Do we set up file services (HTTP,FTP,or NFS) on this service node? Valid values:yes or 1, no or 0.',
conserver => 'Do we set up Conserver on this service node? Valid values:yes or 1, no or 0.',
monserver => 'Is this a monitoring event collection point? Valid values:yes or 1, no or 0.',
ldapserver => 'Do we set up ldap caching proxy on this service node? Valid values:yes or 1, no or 0.',
ntpserver => 'Do we set up and ntp server on this service node? Valid values:yes or 1, no or 0.',
ftpserver => 'Do we set up and ftp server on this service node? Valid values:yes or 1, no or 0.',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
site => {
cols => [qw(key value comments disable)],
keys => [qw(key)],
table_desc => 'Global settings for the whole cluster. This table is different from the other tables in that each attribute is just named in the key column, rather than having a separate column for each attribute.',
descriptions => {
key => "Name of the attribute. Valid values:\n".
" master (xCAT management node)\n".
" xcatconfdir (default /etc/xcat)\n".
" domain (DNS domain name used for the cluster)\n".
" installdir (the local directory name used to hold the node deployment pkgs)\n".
" installloc (location to mount the installdir from in format hostname:/path)\n".
" sharedftp (set to no/0 if xCAT should not assume /tftpboot is mounted on all service nodes)\n".
" xcatdport (port used by xcatd daemon for client/server communication)\n".
" xcatiport (port used by xcatd to receive install status updates from nodes)\n".
" timezone (e.g. America/New_York)\n".
" nameservers (comma delimited list of DNS servers for the cluster - often the mgmt node)\n".
" ntpservers (comma delimited list of NTP servers for the cluster - often the mgmt node)\n".
" useSSHonAIX (yes/1 or no/0). If yes, ssh/scp will be setup and used. If no, rsh/rcp will be setup and used on AIX.\n".
" blademaxp (max # of processes for blade hw ctrl)\n".
" ppcmaxp (max # of processes for PPC hw ctrl)\n".
" ipmimaxp (max # of processes for ipmi hw ctrl)\n".
" ipmitimeout (the timeout to use when communicating with BMCs)\n".
" ipmiretries (the # of retries to use when communicating with BMCs)\n".
" ipmisdrcache\n".
" iscsidir (the path to put the iscsi disks in on the mgmt node)\n".
" xcatservers (Deprecated! Will be replaced by the servicenode table. List service nodes)\n".
" svloglocal (syslog on the service node does not get forwarded to the mgmt node - default is 0)\n".
" dhcpinterfaces (network interfaces DHCP should listen on. If same for all nodes, use simple comma-separated list of NICs. Also support: mn|eth1,eth2;service|bond0;compute|eth0)\n".
" forwarders (DNS servers at your site that can provide names outside of the cluster)\n".
" genpasswords (automatically generate random passwords for BMCs when configuring them)\n".
" defserialport (default if not specified for the node in nodehm table)\n".
" defserialspeed (default if not specified for the node in nodehm table)\n".
" defserialflow (default if not specified for the node in nodehm table)\n",
value => 'The value of the attribute specified in the "key" column.',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
switch => {
cols => [qw(node switch port vlan interface comments disable)],
keys => [qw(node switch port)],
table_desc => 'Contains what switch port numbers each node is connected to.',
descriptions => {
node => 'The node name or group name.',
switch => 'The switch hostname.',
port => 'The port number in the switch that this node is connected to. On a simple 1U switch, an administrator can generally enter the number as printed next to the ports, and xCAT will understand switch representation differences. On stacked switches or switches with line cards, administrators should usually use the CLI representation (i.e. 2/0/1 or 5/8). One notable exception is stacked SMC 8848M switches, in which you must add 56 for the proceeding switch, then the port number. For example, port 3 on the second switch in an SMC8848M stack would be 59',
vlan => 'xCAT currently does not make use of this field, however it may do so in the future. For now, it can be used by administrators for their own purposes, but keep in mind some xCAT feature later may try to enforce this if set',
interface => 'The interface name from the node perspective. This is not currently used by xCAT, but administrators may wish to use this for their own purposes',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
vpd => {
cols => [qw(node serial mtm comments disable)],
keys => [qw(node)],
table_desc => 'The Machine type, Model, and Serial numbers of each node.',
descriptions => {
node => 'The node name or group name.',
serial => 'The serial number of the node.',
mtm => 'The machine type and model number of the node. E.g. 7984-6BU',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
nimimage => {
cols => [qw(imagename nimtype lpp_source spot root dump paging resolv_conf tmp home shared_home res_group nimmethod script bosinst_data installp_bundle mksysb comments disable)],
keys => [qw(imagename)],
table_desc => 'All the info that specifies a particular AIX operating system image that can be used to deploy AIX nodes.',
descriptions => {
imagename => 'User provided name of this xCAT OS image definition.',
nimtype => 'The NIM client type- standalone, diskless, or dataless.',
lpp_source => 'The name of the NIM lpp_source resource.',
spot => 'The name of the NIM SPOT resource.',
root => 'The name of the NIM root resource.',
dump => 'The name of the NIM dump resource.',
paging => 'The name of the NIM paging resource.',
resolv_conf => 'The name of the NIM resolv_conf resource.',
tmp => 'The name of the NIM tmp resource.',
home => 'The name of the NIM home resource.',
shared_home => 'The name of the NIM shared_home resource.',
res_group => 'The name of a NIM resource group.',
nimmethod => 'The NIM install method to use, (ex. rte, mksysb).',
script => 'The name of a NIM script resource.',
bosinst_data => 'The name of a NIM bosinst_data resource.',
installp_bundle => 'The name of a NIM installp_bundle resource.',
mksysb => 'The name of a NIM mksysb resource.',
comments => 'Any user-written notes.',
disable => "Set to 'yes' or '1' to comment out this row.",
); # end of tabspec definition
# Data abstraction definitions
# For each table entry added to the database schema,
# a corresponding attribute should be added to one of
# the data objects below, or new data objects should
# be created as needed.
# Definition format:
# List of data object hashes:
# <dataobject_name> =>
# {attrs =>
# [ {attr_name => '<attribute_name>',
# only_if => '<attr>=<value>',
# # optional, used to define conditional attributes.
# # <attr> is a previously resolved attribute from
# # this data object.
# tabentry => '<table.attr>',
# # where the data is stored in the database
# access_tabentry => '<table.attr>=<value>',
# # how to look up tabentry. For <value>,
# # if "attr:<attrname>", use a previously resolved
# # attribute value from the data object
# # if "str:<value>" use the value directly
# description => '<description of this attribute>',
# },
# {attr_name => <attribute_name>,
# ...
# } ],
# attrhash => {}, # internally generated hash of attrs array
# # to allow code direct access to an attr def
# objkey => 'attribute_name' # key attribute for this data object
# }
%defspec = (
node => { attrs => [], attrhash => {}, objkey => 'node' },
osimage => { attrs => [], attrhash => {}, objkey => 'imagename' },
network => { attrs => [], attrhash => {}, objkey => 'netname' },
group => { attrs => [], attrhash => {}, objkey => 'groupname' },
site => { attrs => [], attrhash => {}, objkey => 'master' },
#site => { attrs => [], attrhash => {}, objkey => 'sitename' },
policy => { attrs => [], attrhash => {}, objkey => 'priority' },
monitoring => { attrs => [], attrhash => {}, objkey => 'name' },
notification => { attrs => [], attrhash => {}, objkey => 'filename' }
# @nodeattrs ia a list of node attrs that can be used for
# BOTH node and group definitions
my @nodeattrs = (
{attr_name => 'nodetype',
tabentry => 'nodetype.nodetype',
access_tabentry => 'nodetype.node=attr:node',
# postscripts table#
{attr_name => 'postscripts',
tabentry => 'postscripts.postscripts',
access_tabentry => 'postscripts.node=attr:node',
# noderes table #
{attr_name => 'xcatmaster',
tabentry => 'noderes.xcatmaster',
access_tabentry => 'noderes.node=attr:node',
# TODO: Need to check/update code to make sure it really uses servicenode as
# default if other server value not set
{attr_name => 'servicenode',
tabentry => 'noderes.servicenode',
access_tabentry => 'noderes.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'tftpserver',
only_if => 'nodetype=osi',
tabentry => 'noderes.tftpserver',
access_tabentry => 'noderes.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'nfsserver',
only_if => 'nodetype=osi',
tabentry => 'noderes.nfsserver',
access_tabentry => 'noderes.node=attr:node',
# TODO: Is noderes.nfsdir used anywhere? Could not find any code references
# to this attribute.
{attr_name => 'nfsdir',
only_if => 'nodetype=osi',
tabentry => 'noderes.nfsdir',
access_tabentry => 'noderes.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'monserver',
only_if => 'nodetype=osi',
tabentry => 'noderes.monserver',
access_tabentry => 'noderes.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'kernel',
tabentry => 'bootparams.kernel',
access_tabentry => 'bootparams.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'initrd',
tabentry => 'bootparams.initrd',
access_tabentry => 'bootparams.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'kcmdline',
tabentry => 'bootparams.kcmdline',
access_tabentry => 'bootparams.node=attr:node',
# Note that the serialport attr is actually defined down below
# with the other serial* attrs from the nodehm table
#{attr_name => 'serialport',
# tabentry => 'noderes.serialport',
# access_tabentry => 'noderes.node=attr:node',
# },
{attr_name => 'primarynic',
only_if => 'nodetype=osi',
tabentry => 'noderes.primarynic',
access_tabentry => 'noderes.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'installnic',
only_if => 'nodetype=osi',
tabentry => 'noderes.installnic',
access_tabentry => 'noderes.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'netboot',
only_if => 'nodetype=osi',
tabentry => 'noderes.netboot',
access_tabentry => 'noderes.node=attr:node',
# servicenode table #
{attr_name => 'setupnameserver',
tabentry => 'servicenode.nameserver',
access_tabentry => 'servicenode.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'setupdhcp',
tabentry => 'servicenode.dhcpserver',
access_tabentry => 'servicenode.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'setuptftp',
tabentry => 'servicenode.tftpserver',
access_tabentry => 'servicenode.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'setupnfs',
tabentry => 'servicenode.nfsserver',
access_tabentry => 'servicenode.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'setupconserver',
tabentry => 'servicenode.conserver',
access_tabentry => 'servicenode.node=attr:node',
# - moserver not used yet
# {attr_name => 'setupmonserver',
# tabentry => 'servicenode.monserver',
# access_tabentry => 'servicenode.node=attr:node',
# },
{attr_name => 'setupldap',
tabentry => 'servicenode.ldapserver',
access_tabentry => 'servicenode.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'setupntp',
tabentry => 'servicenode.ntpserver',
access_tabentry => 'servicenode.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'setupftp',
tabentry => 'servicenode.ftpserver',
access_tabentry => 'servicenode.node=attr:node',
# nodetype table #
{attr_name => 'arch',
tabentry => 'nodetype.arch',
access_tabentry => 'nodetype.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'os',
# only_if => 'nodetype=osi',
tabentry => 'nodetype.os',
access_tabentry => 'nodetype.node=attr:node',
# TODO: need to decide what to do with the profile attr once the osimage
# stuff is implemented. May want to move this to the osimage table.
{attr_name => 'profile',
# only_if => 'nodetype=osi',
tabentry => 'nodetype.profile',
access_tabentry => 'nodetype.node=attr:node',
# iscsi table #
{attr_name => 'iscsiserver',
only_if => 'nodetype=osi',
tabentry => 'iscsi.server',
access_tabentry => 'iscsi.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'iscsitarget',
only_if => 'nodetype=osi',
tabentry => 'iscsi.target',
access_tabentry => 'iscsi.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'iscsiuserid',
only_if => 'nodetype=osi',
tabentry => 'iscsi.userid',
access_tabentry => 'iscsi.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'iscsipassword',
only_if => 'nodetype=osi',
tabentry => 'iscsi.passwd',
access_tabentry => 'iscsi.node=attr:node',
# nodehm table #
{attr_name => 'mgt',
tabentry => 'nodehm.mgt',
access_tabentry => 'nodehm.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'power',
tabentry => 'nodehm.power',
access_tabentry => 'nodehm.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'cons',
tabentry => 'nodehm.cons',
access_tabentry => 'nodehm.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'termserver',
tabentry => 'nodehm.termserver',
access_tabentry => 'nodehm.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'termport',
tabentry => 'nodehm.termport',
access_tabentry => 'nodehm.node=attr:node',
# TODO: is nodehm.conserver used anywhere? I couldn't find any code references
{attr_name => 'conserver',
tabentry => 'nodehm.conserver',
access_tabentry => 'nodehm.node=attr:node',
# TODO: is nodehm.getmac used anywhere? I couldn't find any code references
{attr_name => 'getmac',
tabentry => 'nodehm.getmac',
access_tabentry => 'nodehm.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'serialport',
tabentry => 'nodehm.serialport',
access_tabentry => 'nodehm.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'serialspeed',
tabentry => 'nodehm.serialspeed',
access_tabentry => 'nodehm.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'serialflow',
tabentry => 'nodehm.serialflow',
access_tabentry => 'nodehm.node=attr:node',
# vpd table #
{attr_name => 'serial',
tabentry => 'vpd.serial',
access_tabentry => 'vpd.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'mtm',
tabentry => 'vpd.mtm',
access_tabentry => 'vpd.node=attr:node',
# mac table #
{attr_name => 'interface',
tabentry => 'mac.interface',
access_tabentry => 'mac.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'mac',
tabentry => 'mac.mac',
access_tabentry => 'mac.node=attr:node',
# chain table #
# TODO: Need user documentation from Jarrod on how to use chain, what each
# action does, valid ordering, etc.
{attr_name => 'chain',
tabentry => 'chain.chain',
access_tabentry => 'chain.node=attr:node',
# TODO: What is chain.ondiscover used for? Could not find any code references
# to this table entry
{attr_name => 'ondiscover',
tabentry => 'chain.ondiscover',
access_tabentry => 'chain.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'currstate',
tabentry => 'chain.currstate',
access_tabentry => 'chain.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'currchain',
tabentry => 'chain.currchain',
access_tabentry => 'chain.node=attr:node',
# ppchcp table #
{attr_name => 'username',
only_if => 'nodetype=ivm',
tabentry => 'ppchcp.username',
access_tabentry => 'ppchcp.hcp=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'password',
only_if => 'nodetype=ivm',
tabentry => 'ppchcp.password',
access_tabentry => 'ppchcp.hcp=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'username',
only_if => 'nodetype=hmc',
tabentry => 'ppchcp.username',
access_tabentry => 'ppchcp.hcp=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'password',
only_if => 'nodetype=hmc',
tabentry => 'ppchcp.password',
access_tabentry => 'ppchcp.hcp=attr:node',
# ppc table #
{attr_name => 'hcp',
only_if => 'mgt=hmc',
tabentry => 'ppc.hcp',
access_tabentry => 'ppc.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'hcp',
only_if => 'mgt=ivm',
tabentry => 'ppc.hcp',
access_tabentry => 'ppc.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'id',
only_if => 'mgt=hmc',
tabentry => 'ppc.id',
access_tabentry => 'ppc.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'id',
only_if => 'mgt=ivm',
tabentry => 'ppc.id',
access_tabentry => 'ppc.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'pprofile',
tabentry => 'ppc.pprofile',
access_tabentry => 'ppc.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'parent',
only_if => 'mgt=hmc',
tabentry => 'ppc.parent',
access_tabentry => 'ppc.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'parent',
only_if => 'mgt=ivm',
tabentry => 'ppc.parent',
access_tabentry => 'ppc.node=attr:node',
# ppcdirect table #
{attr_name => 'username',
only_if => 'mgt=fsp',
tabentry => 'ppcdirect.username',
access_tabentry => 'ppcdirect.hcp=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'password',
only_if => 'mgt=fsp',
tabentry => 'ppcdirect.password',
access_tabentry => 'ppcdirect.hcp=attr:node',
# ipmi table #
{attr_name => 'bmc',
only_if => 'mgt=ipmi',
tabentry => 'ipmi.bmc',
access_tabentry => 'ipmi.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'bmcusername',
only_if => 'mgt=ipmi',
tabentry => 'ipmi.username',
access_tabentry => 'ipmi.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'bmcpassword',
only_if => 'mgt=ipmi',
tabentry => 'ipmi.password',
access_tabentry => 'ipmi.node=attr:node',
# mp table #
{attr_name => 'mpa',
only_if => 'mgt=blade',
tabentry => 'mp.mpa',
access_tabentry => 'mp.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'id',
only_if => 'mgt=blade',
tabentry => 'mp.id',
access_tabentry => 'mp.node=attr:node',
# mpa table #
{attr_name => 'username',
only_if => 'nodetype=mm',
tabentry => 'mpa.username',
access_tabentry => 'mpa.mpa=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'password',
only_if => 'nodetype=mm',
tabentry => 'mpa.password',
access_tabentry => 'mpa.mpa=attr:node',
# nodepos table #
{attr_name => 'rack',
tabentry => 'nodepos.rack',
access_tabentry => 'nodepos.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'unit',
tabentry => 'nodepos.u',
access_tabentry => 'nodepos.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'chassis',
tabentry => 'nodepos.chassis',
access_tabentry => 'nodepos.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'slot',
tabentry => 'nodepos.slot',
access_tabentry => 'nodepos.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'room',
tabentry => 'nodepos.room',
access_tabentry => 'nodepos.node=attr:node',
# node definition - nodelist & hosts table parts #
@{$defspec{node}->{'attrs'}} = (
# nodelist table #
{attr_name => 'node',
tabentry => 'nodelist.node',
access_tabentry => 'nodelist.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'groups',
tabentry => 'nodelist.groups',
access_tabentry => 'nodelist.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'status',
tabentry => 'nodelist.status',
access_tabentry => 'nodelist.node=attr:node',
# hosts table #
{attr_name => 'ip',
tabentry => 'hosts.ip',
access_tabentry => 'hosts.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'hostnames',
tabentry => 'hosts.hostnames',
access_tabentry => 'hosts.node=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'usercomment',
tabentry => 'nodelist.comments',
access_tabentry => 'nodelist.node=attr:node',
# add on the node attrs from other tables
push(@{$defspec{node}->{'attrs'}}, @nodeattrs);
# osimage data object #
@{$defspec{osimage}->{'attrs'}} = (
{attr_name => 'imagename',
tabentry => 'osimage.imagename',
access_tabentry => 'osimage.imagename=attr:imagename',
{attr_name => 'imagetype',
tabentry => 'osimage.imagetype',
access_tabentry => 'osimage.imagename=attr:imagename',
{attr_name => 'nimtype',
tabentry => 'nimimage.nimtype',
access_tabentry => 'nimimage.imagename=attr:imagename',
{attr_name => 'nimmethod',
tabentry => 'nimimage.nimmethod',
access_tabentry => 'nimimage.imagename=attr:imagename',
{attr_name => 'osname',
tabentry => 'osimage.osname',
access_tabentry => 'osimage.imagename=attr:imagename',
{attr_name => 'lpp_source',
tabentry => 'nimimage.lpp_source',
access_tabentry => 'nimimage.imagename=attr:imagename',
{attr_name => 'spot',
tabentry => 'nimimage.spot',
access_tabentry => 'nimimage.imagename=attr:imagename',
{attr_name => 'root',
tabentry => 'nimimage.root',
access_tabentry => 'nimimage.imagename=attr:imagename',
{attr_name => 'dump',
tabentry => 'nimimage.dump',
access_tabentry => 'nimimage.imagename=attr:imagename',
{attr_name => 'paging',
tabentry => 'nimimage.paging',
access_tabentry => 'nimimage.imagename=attr:imagename',
{attr_name => 'resolv_conf',
tabentry => 'nimimage.resolv_conf',
access_tabentry => 'nimimage.imagename=attr:imagename',
{attr_name => 'tmp',
tabentry => 'nimimage.tmp',
access_tabentry => 'nimimage.imagename=attr:imagename',
{attr_name => 'home',
tabentry => 'nimimage.home',
access_tabentry => 'nimimage.imagename=attr:imagename',
{attr_name => 'shared_home',
tabentry => 'nimimage.shared_home',
access_tabentry => 'nimimage.imagename=attr:imagename',
{attr_name => 'res_group',
tabentry => 'nimimage.res_group',
access_tabentry => 'nimimage.imagename=attr:imagename',
{attr_name => 'script',
tabentry => 'nimimage.script',
access_tabentry => 'nimimage.imagename=attr:imagename',
{attr_name => 'bosinst_data',
tabentry => 'nimimage.bosinst_data',
access_tabentry => 'nimimage.imagename=attr:imagename',
{attr_name => 'installp_bundle',
tabentry => 'nimimage.installp_bundle',
access_tabentry => 'nimimage.imagename=attr:imagename',
{attr_name => 'mksysb',
tabentry => 'nimimage.mksysb',
access_tabentry => 'nimimage.imagename=attr:imagename',
# {attr_name => 'res_group',
# tabentry => 'nimimage.res_group',
# access_tabentry => 'nimimage.imagename=attr:imagename',
# },
{attr_name => 'usercomment',
tabentry => 'nimimage.comments',
access_tabentry => 'nimimage.imagename=attr:imagename',
# network data object #
# networks table #
@{$defspec{network}->{'attrs'}} = (
# TODO: when creating networks table entries, create a default netname
# See makenetworks command and networks.pm plugin
{attr_name => 'netname',
tabentry => 'networks.netname',
access_tabentry => 'networks.netname=attr:netname',
{attr_name => 'net',
tabentry => 'networks.net',
access_tabentry => 'networks.netname=attr:netname',
{attr_name => 'mask',
tabentry => 'networks.mask',
access_tabentry => 'networks.netname=attr:netname',
{attr_name => 'gateway',
tabentry => 'networks.gateway',
access_tabentry => 'networks.netname=attr:netname',
{attr_name => 'dhcpserver',
tabentry => 'networks.dhcpserver',
access_tabentry => 'networks.netname=attr:netname',
{attr_name => 'tftpserver',
tabentry => 'networks.tftpserver',
access_tabentry => 'networks.netname=attr:netname',
{attr_name => 'nameservers',
tabentry => 'networks.nameservers',
access_tabentry => 'networks.netname=attr:netname',
{attr_name => 'dynamicrange',
tabentry => 'networks.dynamicrange',
access_tabentry => 'networks.netname=attr:netname',
{attr_name => 'usercomment',
tabentry => 'networks.comments',
access_tabentry => 'networks.netname=attr:netname',
# site data object #
# site table #
# TODO: need to figure out how to handle a key for the site table.
# since this is really implemented differently than all the other
# data objects, it doesn't map as cleanly.
# change format of site table so each column is an attr and there
# is only a single row in the table keyed by xcatmaster name?
@{$defspec{site}->{'attrs'}} = (
{attr_name => 'master',
tabentry => 'site.value',
access_tabentry => 'site.key=str:master',
description => 'The management node'},
{attr_name => 'installdir',
tabentry => 'site.value',
access_tabentry => 'site.key=str:installdir',
description => 'The installation directory'},
{attr_name => 'xcatdport',
tabentry => 'site.value',
access_tabentry => 'site.key=str:xcatdport',
description => 'Port used by xcatd daemon on master'},
#@{$defspec{site}->{'attrs'}} = (
# {attr_name => 'sitename',
# tabentry => 'site.sitename',
# access_tabentry => 'site.sitename=attr:sitename',
# description => 'Name of this xCAT cluster site definition.'},
# {attr_name => 'master',
# tabentry => 'site.master',
# access_tabentry => 'site.sitename=attr:sitename',
# description => 'The name of the xCAT management node.'},
# {attr_name => 'domain',
# tabentry => 'site.domain',
# access_tabentry => 'site.sitename=attr:sitename',
# description => 'The DNS domain name for this cluster.'},
# {attr_name => 'installdir',
# tabentry => 'site.installdir',
# access_tabentry => 'site.sitename=attr:sitename',
# description => 'The installation directory.'},
# {attr_name => 'rsh',
# tabentry => 'site.rsh',
# access_tabentry => 'site.sitename=attr:sitename',
# description => 'Specifies the path of the remote shell command to use.'},
# {attr_name => 'rcp',
# tabentry => 'site.rcp',
# access_tabentry => 'site.sitename=attr:sitename',
# description => 'Specifies the path of the remote copy command to use.'},
# {attr_name => 'xcatdport',
# tabentry => 'site.xcatdport',
# access_tabentry => 'site.sitename=attr:sitename',
# description => 'The port used by xcatd daemon running on the xCAT management node.'},
# {attr_name => 'usercomment',
# tabentry => 'site.comments',
# access_tabentry => 'site.sitename=attr:sitename',
# description => 'User comment.'},
# );
# groups data object #
# groups table #
@{$defspec{group}->{'attrs'}} = (
{attr_name => 'groupname',
tabentry => 'nodegroup.groupname',
access_tabentry => 'nodegroup.groupname=attr:groupname',
{attr_name => 'grouptype',
tabentry => 'nodegroup.grouptype',
access_tabentry => 'nodegroup.groupname=attr:groupname',
{attr_name => 'members',
tabentry => 'nodegroup.members',
access_tabentry => 'nodegroup.groupname=attr:groupname',
{attr_name => 'wherevals',
tabentry => 'nodegroup.wherevals',
access_tabentry => 'nodegroup.groupname=attr:groupname',
{attr_name => 'usercomment',
tabentry => 'nodegroup.comments',
access_tabentry => 'nodegroup.groupname=attr:groupname',
# TODO: Need to copy attrs that are common between nodes and static groups
# Ideas: make a separate data structure that is linked/copied here.
# need to figure out the perl dereferencing to make that work.
# add on the generic node attrs
push(@{$defspec{group}->{'attrs'}}, @nodeattrs);
# policy data object #
# policy table #
@{$defspec{policy}->{'attrs'}} = (
# TODO: The policy validate subroutine in the xcatd daemon code does not
# sort the rules in the policy table in priority order before
# processing. Talk to Jarrod - I think it should.
{attr_name => 'priority',
tabentry => 'policy.priority',
access_tabentry => 'policy.priority=attr:priority',
{attr_name => 'name',
tabentry => 'policy.name',
access_tabentry => 'policy.priority=attr:priority',
{attr_name => 'host',
tabentry => 'policy.host',
access_tabentry => 'policy.priority=attr:priority',
{attr_name => 'commands',
tabentry => 'policy.commands',
access_tabentry => 'policy.priority=attr:priority',
{attr_name => 'noderange',
tabentry => 'policy.noderange',
access_tabentry => 'policy.priority=attr:priority',
{attr_name => 'parameters',
tabentry => 'policy.parameters',
access_tabentry => 'policy.priority=attr:priority',
{attr_name => 'time',
tabentry => 'policy.time',
access_tabentry => 'policy.priority=attr:priority',
{attr_name => 'rule',
tabentry => 'policy.rule',
access_tabentry => 'policy.priority=attr:priority' ,
{attr_name => 'usercomment',
tabentry => 'policy.comments',
access_tabentry => 'policy.priority=attr:priority',
# notification data object #
# notification table #
@{$defspec{notification}->{'attrs'}} = (
{attr_name => 'filename',
tabentry => 'notification.filename',
access_tabentry => 'notification.filename=attr:filename',
{attr_name => 'tables',
tabentry => 'notification.tables',
access_tabentry => 'notification.filename=attr:filename',
{attr_name => 'tableops',
tabentry => 'notification.tableops',
access_tabentry => 'notification.filename=attr:filename',
{attr_name => 'comments',
tabentry => 'notification.comments',
access_tabentry => 'notification.filename=attr:filename',
# monitoring data object #
# monitoring table #
@{$defspec{monitoring}->{'attrs'}} = (
{attr_name => 'name',
tabentry => 'monitoring.name',
access_tabentry => 'monitoring.name=attr:name',
{attr_name => 'nodestatmon',
tabentry => 'monitoring.nodestatmon',
access_tabentry => 'monitoring.name=attr:name',
{attr_name => 'comments',
tabentry => 'monitoring.comments',
access_tabentry => 'monitoring.name=attr:name',
# Build a corresponding hash for the attribute names to make
# definition access easier
foreach (keys %xCAT::Schema::defspec) {
my $dataobj = $xCAT::Schema::defspec{$_};
my $this_attr;
foreach $this_attr (@{$dataobj->{'attrs'}}){
$dataobj->{attrhash}->{$this_attr->{attr_name}} = $this_attr;