git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
633 lines
19 KiB
633 lines
19 KiB
# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license
package xCAT_plugin::pxe;
use Data::Dumper;
use Sys::Syslog;
use xCAT::Scope;
use xCAT::MsgUtils;
use Socket;
use File::Copy;
use File::Path;
use Getopt::Long;
my $addkcmdlinehandled;
my $request;
my $callback;
my $dhcpconf = "/etc/dhcpd.conf";
my $globaltftpdir = xCAT::Utils->getTftpDir();
#my $dhcpver = 3;
my %usage = (
"nodeset" => "Usage: nodeset <noderange> [install|shell|boot|runcmd=bmcsetup|netboot|iscsiboot|osimage=<imagename>|statelite]",
sub handled_commands {
return {
nodeset => "noderes:netboot"
sub check_dhcp {
return 1;
#TODO: omapi magic to do things right
my $node = shift;
my $dhcpfile;
open ($dhcpfile,$dhcpconf);
while (<$dhcpfile>) {
if (/host $node\b/) {
close $dhcpfile;
return 1;
close $dhcpfile;
return 0;
sub getstate {
my $node = shift;
my $tftpdir = shift;
if (check_dhcp($node)) {
if (-r $tftpdir . "/pxelinux.cfg/".$node) {
my $fhand;
open ($fhand,$tftpdir . "/pxelinux.cfg/".$node);
my $headline = <$fhand>;
close $fhand;
$headline =~ s/^#//;
return $headline;
} else {
return "boot";
} else {
return "discover";
sub setstate {
This function will manipulate the pxelinux.cfg structure to match what the noderes/chain tables indicate the node should be booting.
my $node = shift;
my %bphash = %{shift()};
my %chainhash = %{shift()};
my %machash = %{shift()};
my %nthash = %{shift()};
my $tftpdir = shift;
my $kern = $bphash{$node}->[0]; #$bptab->getNodeAttribs($node,['kernel','initrd','kcmdline']);
if (not $addkcmdlinehandled->{$node} and $kern->{addkcmdline}) {
#Implement the kcmdline append here for
#most generic, least code duplication
###hack start
# This is my comment. There are many others like it, but this one is mine.
# My comment is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.
# Without me, my comment is useless. Without my comment, I am useless.
# Jarrod to clean up. It really should be in and support
# the new statelite $table notation.
#I dislike spaces, tabs are cleaner, I'm too tired to change all the xCAT code.
#I give in.
my $kcmdlinehack = $kern->{addkcmdline};
while ($kcmdlinehack =~ /#NODEATTRIB:([^:#]+):([^:#]+)#/) {
my $natab = xCAT::Table->new($1);
my $naent = $natab->getNodeAttribs($node,[$2]);
my $naval = $naent->{$2};
$kcmdlinehack =~ s/#NODEATTRIB:([^:#]+):([^:#]+)#/$naval/;
while ($kcmdlinehack =~ /#TABLE:([^:#]+):([^:#]+):([^:#]+)#/) {
my $tabname = $1;
my $keyname = $2;
my $colname = $3;
if ($2 =~ /THISNODE/ or $2 =~ /\$NODE/) {
my $natab = xCAT::Table->new($tabname);
my $naent = $natab->getNodeAttribs($node,[$colname]);
my $naval = $naent->{$colname};
$kcmdlinehack =~ s/#TABLE:([^:#]+):([^:#]+):([^:#]+)#/$naval/;
} else {
my $msg = "Table key of $2 not yet supported by boottarget mini-template";
error => ["$msg"],
errorcode => [1]
#$kern->{kcmdline} .= " ".$kern->{addkcmdline};
$kern->{kcmdline} .= " ".$kcmdlinehack;
###hack end
if ($kern->{kcmdline} =~ /!myipfn!/) {
my $ipfn = xCAT::Utils->my_ip_facing($node);
unless ($ipfn) {
my @myself = xCAT::Utils->determinehostname();
my $myname = $myself[(scalar @myself)-1];
error => [
"$myname: Unable to determine or reasonably guess the image server for $node"
errorcode => [1]
$kern->{kcmdline} =~ s/!myipfn!/$ipfn/g;
my $pcfg;
unless (-d $tftpdir."/pxelinux.cfg/") {
my $cref=$chainhash{$node}->[0]; #$chaintab->getNodeAttribs($node,['currstate']);
if ($cref->{currstate}) {
print $pcfg "#".$cref->{currstate}."\n";
print $pcfg "DEFAULT xCAT\n";
print $pcfg "LABEL xCAT\n";
if ($cref and $cref->{currstate} eq "boot") {
print $pcfg "LOCALBOOT 0\n";
} elsif ($kern and $kern->{kernel}) {
if ($kern->{kernel} =~ /!/) {
my $hypervisor;
my $kernel;
($kernel,$hypervisor) = split /!/,$kern->{kernel};
print $pcfg " KERNEL mboot.c32\n";
print $pcfg " APPEND $hypervisor --- $kernel ".$kern->{kcmdline}." --- ".$kern->{initrd}."\n";
} else {
#It's time to set pxelinux for this node to boot the kernel..
print $pcfg " KERNEL ".$kern->{kernel}."\n";
if ($kern->{initrd} or $kern->{kcmdline}) {
print $pcfg " APPEND ";
if ($kern and $kern->{initrd}) {
print $pcfg "initrd=".$kern->{initrd}." ";
if ($kern and $kern->{kcmdline}) {
print $pcfg $kern->{kcmdline}."\n";
} else {
print $pcfg "\n";
# add the IPAPPEND flag
my $os = $nthash{$node}->[0]->{os};
if ($os !~ /fedora12|fedora13/) {
print $pcfg " IPAPPEND 2\n";
my $inetn = inet_aton($node);
unless ($inetn) {
syslog("local1|err","xCAT unable to resolve IP for $node in pxe plugin");
} else { #TODO: actually, should possibly default to xCAT image?
print $pcfg "LOCALBOOT 0\n";
my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new('mac'); #to get all the hostnames
my %ipaddrs;
unless (inet_aton($node)) {
syslog("local1|err","xCAT unable to resolve IP in pxe plugin");
my $ip = inet_ntoa(inet_aton($node));;
unless ($ip) {
syslog("local1|err","xCAT unable to resolve IP in pxe plugin");
$ipaddrs{$ip} = 1;
if ($mactab) {
my $ment = $machash{$node}->[0]; #$mactab->getNodeAttribs($node,['mac']);
if ($ment and $ment->{mac}) {
my @macs = split(/\|/,$ment->{mac});
foreach (@macs) {
if (/!(.*)/) {
if (inet_aton($1)) {
$ipaddrs{inet_ntoa(inet_aton($1))} = 1;
my $hassymlink = eval { symlink("",""); 1 };
foreach $ip (keys %ipaddrs) {
my @ipa=split(/\./,$ip);
my $pname = sprintf("%02X%02X%02X%02X",@ipa);
if ($hassymlink) {
} else {
my $errored = 0;
sub pass_along {
my $resp = shift;
if ($resp and ($resp->{errorcode} and $resp->{errorcode}->[0]) or ($resp->{error} and $resp->{error}->[0])) {
foreach (@{$resp->{node}}) {
if ($_->{error} or $_->{errorcode}) {
if ($_->{_addkcmdlinehandled}) {
return; #Don't send back to client this internal hint
sub preprocess_request {
#Assume shared tftp directory for boring people, but for cool people, help sync up tftpdirectory contents when
#they specify no sharedtftp in site table
my $stab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
my $req = shift;
my $callback1 = shift;
my $command = $req->{command}->[0];
my $sub_req = shift;
my @args=();
if (ref($req->{arg})) {
} else {
@ARGV = @args;
if (!GetOptions('h|?|help' => \$HELP, 'v|version' => \$VERSION) ) {
if($usage{$command}) {
my %rsp;
if ($HELP) {
if($usage{$command}) {
my %rsp;
if ($VERSION) {
my $ver = xCAT::Utils->Version();
my %rsp;
if (@ARGV==0) {
if($usage{$command}) {
my %rsp;
my $sent = $stab->getAttribs({key=>'sharedtftp'},'value');
if ($sent and ($sent->{value} == 0 or $sent->{value} =~ /no/i)) {
if ($req->{inittime}->[0]) {
return [$req];
return xCAT::Scope->get_broadcast_scope($req,@_);
return [$req];
#sub preprocess_request {
# my $req = shift;
# $callback = shift;
# if ($req->{_xcatdest}) { return [$req]; } #Exit if the packet has been preprocessed in its history
# my @requests = ({%$req}); #Start with a straight copy to reflect local instance
# my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
# (my $ent) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key=>'xcatservers'},'value');
# $sitetab->close;
# if ($ent and $ent->{value}) {
# foreach (split /,/,$ent->{value}) {
# if (xCAT::Utils->thishostisnot($_)) {
# my $reqcopy = {%$req};
# $reqcopy->{'_xcatdest'} = $_;
# push @requests,$reqcopy;
# }
# }
# }
# return \@requests;
#sub preprocess_request {
# my $req = shift;
# my $callback = shift;
# my %localnodehash;
# my %dispatchhash;
# my $nrtab = xCAT::Table->new('noderes');
# foreach my $node (@{$req->{node}}) {
# my $nodeserver;
# my $tent = $nrtab->getNodeAttribs($node,['tftpserver']);
# if ($tent) { $nodeserver = $tent->{tftpserver} }
# unless ($tent and $tent->{tftpserver}) {
# $tent = $nrtab->getNodeAttribs($node,['servicenode']);
# if ($tent) { $nodeserver = $tent->{servicenode} }
# }
# if ($nodeserver) {
# $dispatchhash{$nodeserver}->{$node} = 1;
# } else {
# $localnodehash{$node} = 1;
# }
# }
# my @requests;
# my $reqc = {%$req};
# $reqc->{node} = [ keys %localnodehash ];
# if (scalar(@{$reqc->{node}})) { push @requests,$reqc }
# foreach my $dtarg (keys %dispatchhash) { #iterate dispatch targets
# my $reqcopy = {%$req}; #deep copy
# $reqcopy->{'_xcatdest'} = $dtarg;
# $reqcopy->{node} = [ keys %{$dispatchhash{$dtarg}}];
# push @requests,$reqcopy;
# }
# return \@requests;
sub process_request {
$request = shift;
$callback = shift;
my $sub_req = shift;
my @args;
my @nodes;
my @rnodes;
if (ref($request->{node})) {
@rnodes = @{$request->{node}};
} else {
if ($request->{node}) { @rnodes = ($request->{node}); }
unless (@rnodes) {
if ($usage{$request->{command}->[0]}) {
#if not shared, then help sync up
if ($request->{'_disparatetftp'}->[0]) { #reading hint from preprocess_command
@nodes = ();
foreach (@rnodes) {
if (xCAT::Utils->nodeonmynet($_)) {
push @nodes,$_;
} else {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "$_: pxe netboot: stop configuration because of none sharedtftp and not on same network with its xcatmaster.");
} else {
@nodes = @rnodes;
# return directly if no nodes in the same network
unless (@nodes) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "xCAT: pxe netboot: no valid nodes. Stop the operation on this server.");
if (ref($request->{arg})) {
} else {
#now run the begin part of the prescripts
unless ($args[0] eq 'stat') { # or $args[0] eq 'enact') {
if ($request->{'_disparatetftp'}->[0]) { #the call is distrubuted to the service node already, so only need to handles my own children
arg=>[$args[0], '-l']},\&pass_along);
} else { #nodeset did not distribute to the service node, here we need to let runednpre to distribute the nodes to their masters
if ($errored) {
my $rsp;
$rsp->{error}->[0]="Failed in running begin prescripts\n";
#end prescripts code
if (! -r "$tftpdir/pxelinux.0") {
unless (-r "/usr/lib/syslinux/pxelinux.0" or -r "/usr/share/syslinux/pxelinux.0") {
$callback->({error=>["Unable to find pxelinux.0 "],errorcode=>[1]});
if (-r "/usr/lib/syslinux/pxelinux.0") {
} else {
unless ( -r "$tftpdir/pxelinux.0" ) {
$callback->({errror=>["Unable to find pxelinux.0 from syslinux"],errorcode=>[1]});
my $inittime=0;
if (exists($request->{inittime})) { $inittime= $request->{inittime}->[0];}
if (!$inittime) { $inittime=0;}
unless ($args[0] eq 'stat') { # or $args[0] eq 'enact') {
if ($errored) { return; }
#Time to actually configure the nodes, first extract database data with the scalable calls
my $bptab = xCAT::Table->new('bootparams',-create=>1);
my $chaintab = xCAT::Table->new('chain');
my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new('mac'); #to get all the hostnames
my $typetab = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype');
my $restab = xCAT::Table->new('noderes');
my %nrhash = %{$restab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes,[qw(tftpdir)])};
my %bphash = %{$bptab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes,[qw(kernel initrd kcmdline addkcmdline)])};
my %chainhash = %{$chaintab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes,[qw(currstate)])};
my %machash = %{$mactab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes,[qw(mac)])};
my %nthash = %{$typetab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes,[qw(os)])};
foreach (@nodes) {
my %response;
my $tftpdir;
if ($nrhash{$_} and $nrhash{$_}->[0] and $nrhash{$_}->[0]->{tftpdir}) {
$tftpdir = $nrhash{$_}->[0]->{tftpdir};
} else {
$tftpdir = $globaltftpdir;
if ($args[0] eq 'stat') {
$response{node}->[0]->{data}->[0]= getstate($_,$tftpdir);
} elsif ($args[0]) { #If anything else, send it on to the destiny plugin, then setstate
($rc,$errstr) = setstate($_,\%bphash,\%chainhash,\%machash,\%nthash,$tftpdir);
if ($rc) {
$response{node}->[0]->{errorcode}->[0]= $rc;
$response{node}->[0]->{errorc}->[0]= $errstr;
my $inittime=0;
if (exists($request->{inittime})) { $inittime= $request->{inittime}->[0];}
if (!$inittime) { $inittime=0;}
#dhcp stuff -- inittime is set when xcatd on sn is started
unless (($args[0] eq 'stat') || ($inittime) || ($args[0] eq 'offline')) {
my $do_dhcpsetup=1;
my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
if ($sitetab) {
(my $ref) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'dhcpsetup'}, 'value');
if ($ref) {
if ($ref->{value} =~ /0|n|N/) { $do_dhcpsetup=0; }
if ($do_dhcpsetup) {
if ($request->{'_disparatetftp'}->[0]) { #reading hint from preprocess_command
} else {
#unlink the files for 'offline' command
if($args[0] eq 'offline') {
foreach my $node (@nodes) {
my %ipaddrs;
unless (inet_aton($node)) {
syslog("local1|err","xCAT unable to resolve IP in pxe plugin");
my $ip = inet_ntoa(inet_aton($node));;
unless ($ip) {
syslog("local1|err","xCAT unable to resolve IP in pxe plugin");
$ipaddrs{$ip} = 1;
if ($mactab) {
my $ment = $machash{$node}->[0]; #$mactab->getNodeAttribs($node,['mac']);
if ($ment and $ment->{mac}) {
my @macs = split(/\|/,$ment->{mac});
foreach (@macs) {
if (/!(.*)/) {
if (inet_aton($1)) {
$ipaddrs{inet_ntoa(inet_aton($1))} = 1;
my $hassymlink = eval { symlink("",""); 1 };
foreach $ip (keys %ipaddrs) {
my @ipa=split(/\./,$ip);
my $pname = sprintf("%02X%02X%02X%02X",@ipa);
#if ($hassymlink) {
#} else {
#now run the end part of the prescripts
unless ($args[0] eq 'stat') { # or $args[0] eq 'enact')
if ($request->{'_disparatetftp'}->[0]) { #the call is distrubuted to the service node already, so only need to handles my own children
arg=>[$args[0], '-l']},\&pass_along);
} else { #nodeset did not distribute to the service node, here we need to let runednpre to distribute the nodes to their masters
if ($errored) {
my $rsp;
$rsp->{error}->[0]="Failed in running end prescripts\n";
=head3 getNodesetStates
returns the nodeset state for the given nodes. The possible nodeset
states are: netboot, install, boot and discover.
nodes --- a pointer to an array of nodes
states -- a pointer to a hash table. This hash will be filled by this
function. The key is the nodeset status and the value is a pointer
to an array of nodes.
(return code, error message)
sub getNodesetStates {
my $noderef=shift;
if ($noderef =~ /xCAT_plugin::pxe/) {
my @nodes=@$noderef;
my $hashref=shift;
if (@nodes>0) {
foreach my $node (@nodes) {
my $tmp=getstate($node);
my @a=split(' ', $tmp);
$stat = $a[0];
if (exists($hashref->{$stat})) {
my $pa=$hashref->{$stat};
push(@$pa, $node);
else {
return (0, "");