# IBM(c) 2009 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html

package xCAT::PPCenergy;

use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use xCAT::Usage;
use xCAT::NodeRange;

'savingstatus' => 1,
'dsavingstatus' => 1,
'cappingstatus' => 1,
'cappingmaxmin' => 1,
'cappingvalue' => 1,
'cappingsoftmin' => 1,
'averageAC' => 1,
'averageDC' => 1,
'ambienttemp' => 1,
'exhausttemp' => 1,
'CPUspeed' => 1,
'syssbpower' => 1,
'sysIPLtime' => 1,

%::SET_ATTRS = (
'savingstatus' => 1,
'dsavingstatus' => 1,
'cappingstatus' => 1,
'cappingwatt' => 1,
'cappingperc' => 1,

$::CIM_CLIENT_PATH = "$::XCATROOT/sbin/xCAT_cim_client";

# Parse the arguments of the command line for renergy command
sub parse_args {
    my $request = shift;

    my %opt     = ();
    my $cmd     = $request->{command};
    my $args    = $request->{arg};
    my $nodes   = $request->{node};

    my $query_attrs = ();   # The attributes list for query operation
    my $set_pair = ();      # The attribute need to be set. e.g. savingstatus=on
    my $set_flag = ();      # Indicate there's setting param in the argv  
    my $argv_flag = ();     # Indicate there's param in the argv
    my @notfspnodes = ();    # The nodes list which are not fsp

    # set the usage subroutine
    local *usage = sub {
        my $usage_string = xCAT::Usage->getUsage($cmd);
        return( [ $_[0], $usage_string ] );

    if ($request->{arg}) {
        @ARGV = @{$request->{arg}};
        $Getopt::Long::ignorecase = 0;
        Getopt::Long::Configure( "bundling" );

        if ($nodes) {
            if (!GetOptions( 'V'     => \$::VERBOSE )) {
                return (&usage());

            if ($::VERBOSE) {
                $opt{verbose} = 1;

            if ($#ARGV < 0) {
                return (&usage());

            # Check the validity of the parameters of Query and Set
            foreach my $attr (@ARGV) {
                my ($set_attr, $set_value) = split (/=/, $attr);
                if (defined($set_value)) {
                    if ($argv_flag) {
                        return (&usage());
                    if ($::SET_ATTRS{$set_attr} != 1) {
                        return (&usage());
                    if ($set_attr eq "savingstatus" 
                         && ($set_value ne "on" && $set_value ne "off")) {
                        return (&usage());
                    } elsif ($set_attr eq "dsavingstatus"
                         && ($set_value ne "off"
                             && $set_value ne "on-norm" && $set_value ne "on-maxp")) {
                        return (&usage());
                    } elsif ($set_attr eq "cappingstatus" 
                         && ($set_value ne "on" && $set_value ne "off")) {
                        return (&usage());
                    } elsif ( ($set_attr eq "cappingwatt"  
                         || $set_attr eq "cappingperc")
                           && $set_value =~ /\D/) {
                        return (&usage());
                    $set_pair = $set_attr."=".$set_value;
                    $set_flag = 1;
                } else {
                    if ($set_flag) {
                        return (&usage());

                $argv_flag = 1;

            if (!$set_flag) {
                my @query_list = @ARGV;
                if ($query_list[0] eq "all" and $#query_list == 0) {
                    $query_attrs = "all";
                } else {
                    my @no_dup_query_list = ();
                    foreach my $q_attr (@query_list) {
                        if ($::QUERY_ATTRS{$q_attr} != 1) {
                            return (&usage());

                        if (!grep (/^$q_attr$/, @no_dup_query_list)) {
                            push @no_dup_query_list, $q_attr;
                    $query_attrs = join (',', @no_dup_query_list);
        } else {
            # If has not nodes, the -h or -v option must be input
            if (!GetOptions( 'h|help'     => \$::HELP,
                             'v|version'  => \$::VERSION)) {
                return (&usage());
            if (! ($::HELP || $::VERSION) ) {
                return (&usage());
            if ($::HELP) {
                return (&usage());
            if ($::VERSION) {
                my $version_string = xCAT::Usage->getVersion('renergy');
                return( [ $_[0], $version_string] );

            if (scalar(@ARGV)) {
                return (&usage());
    } else {
        return (&usage());

    # Check whether the hardware type of nodes are fsp
    my $nodetype_tb = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype');
    unless ($nodetype_tb) {
        return ([undef, "Error: Cannot open the nodetype table"]);

    my $nodetype_v = $nodetype_tb->getNodesAttribs($nodes, ['nodetype']);
    foreach my $node (@{$nodes}) {
        if ($nodetype_v->{$node}->[0]->{'nodetype'} ne 'fsp') {
            push @notfspnodes, $node;

    if (@notfspnodes) {
        return ([undef, "Error: The hardware type of following nodes are not fsp: ".join(',', @notfspnodes)]);

    if ($query_attrs) {
        $opt{'query'} = $query_attrs;
    } elsif ($set_pair) {
        $opt{'set'} = $set_pair;

    $request->{method} = $cmd;
    return (\%opt);

# Handle the energy query and setting work
sub renergy {
    my $request = shift;
    my $hcphost = shift;
    my $nodehash = shift;

    my @return_msg = ();

    my $opt = $request->{'opt'};
    my $verbose = $opt->{'verbose'};

    # Get the User and Password for the HCP
    my $user = $request->{$hcphost}{'cred'}[0]; 
    my $password = $request->{$hcphost}{'cred'}[1];

    # Get the CEC 

    my ($node, $attrs) = %$nodehash;
    my $cec_name = @$attrs[2];

    if ($verbose) {
        push @return_msg, [$node, "Attributes of $node:\n User=$user\n Password=$password\n CEC=$cec_name\n", 0];
    if (! ($user || $password || $cec_name) ) {
        return ([[$node, "ERROR: This node lack some mandatory attributes for renergy command.", 1]]);

    # Check the existence of cim client
    if ( (! -f $::CIM_CLIENT_PATH)
      || (! -x $::CIM_CLIENT_PATH) ) {
        return ([[$node, "ERROR: Cannot find the Energy Management Plugin for xCAT [$::CIM_CLIENT_PATH] or it's NOT executable. Please install the xCAT-cimclient package correctly. Get more information from man page of renergy command.", 1]]);

    # Generate the url path for CIM communication
    my $url_path = "https://"."$user".":"."$password"."\@"."$hcphost".":5989";
    my $verb_arg = "";
    if ($verbose) {
        $verb_arg = "-V";
    # Execute the request
    my $cmd = "";
    if ($opt->{'set'}) {
        $cmd = "$::CIM_CLIENT_PATH $verb_arg -u $url_path -n $cec_name -o $opt->{'set'}";
    } elsif ($opt->{'query'}) {
        $cmd = "$::CIM_CLIENT_PATH $verb_arg -u $url_path -n $cec_name -o $opt->{'query'}";
    if ($verbose) {
        push @return_msg, [$node, "Run following command: $cmd", 0];

    # Disable the CHID signal before run the command. Otherwise the 
    # $? value of `$cmd` will come from handler of CHID signal
    $SIG{CHLD} = (); 

    # Call the xCAT_cim_client to query or set the energy capabilities
    $cmd .= " 2>&1";
    my @result = xCAT::Utils->runcmd("$cmd", -1);
    foreach my $line (@result) {
        if ($line =~ /^\s*$/) {
        push @return_msg, [$node, $line, $::RUNCMD_RC];
    return \@return_msg;
