--- driver_plugin: vagrant driver_config: require_chef_omnibus: true platforms: - name: ubuntu-10.04 driver_config: box: opscode-ubuntu-10.04 box_url: https://opscode-vm-bento.s3.amazonaws.com/vagrant/opscode_ubuntu-10.04_provisionerless.box run_list: - recipe[apt] - name: ubuntu-12.04 driver_config: box: opscode-ubuntu-12.04 box_url: https://opscode-vm-bento.s3.amazonaws.com/vagrant/opscode_ubuntu-12.04_provisionerless.box run_list: - recipe[apt] - name: ubuntu-13.04 driver_config: box: opscode-ubuntu-13.04 box_url: https://opscode-vm-bento.s3.amazonaws.com/vagrant/opscode_ubuntu-13.04_provisionerless.box run_list: - recipe[apt] - name: centos-5.9 driver_config: box: opscode-centos-5.9 box_url: https://opscode-vm-bento.s3.amazonaws.com/vagrant/opscode_centos-5.9_provisionerless.box run_list: - recipe[yum::epel] - name: centos-6.4 driver_config: box: opscode-centos-6.4 box_url: https://opscode-vm-bento.s3.amazonaws.com/vagrant/opscode_centos-6.4_provisionerless.box run_list: - recipe[yum::epel] - name: fedora-18 driver_config: box: opscode-fedora-18 box_url: https://opscode-vm-bento.s3.amazonaws.com/vagrant/opscode-fedora-18_provisionerless.box run_list: {} # add once the bento image is fixed # - name: debian-7.1 # driver_config: # box: opscode-debian-7.1 # box_url: https://opscode-vm-bento.s3.amazonaws.com/vagrant/opscode_debian-7.1.0_provisionerless.box # run_list: # - recipe[apt] # image not downloading # - name: smartos-13.1 # driver_config: # box: smartos-base1310 # box_url: http://dlc-int.openindiana.org/aszeszo/vagrant/smartos-base1310-64-virtualbox-20130806.box # run_list: # - recipe[rabbitmq] # http://tickets.opscode.com/browse/COOK-2467 # - name: omnios-r151002 # driver_config: # box: omnios-r151002 # box_url: http://omnios.omniti.com/media/omnios-latest.box # run_list: # - recipe[rabbitmq] suites: - name: default excludes: - omnios-r151002 - smartos-13.1 run_list: - recipe[minitest-handler] - recipe[rabbitmq_test::default] attributes: {} - name: default-esl excludes: - centos-5.9 - fedora-18 - omnios-r151002 - smartos-13.1 run_list: - recipe[minitest-handler] - recipe[rabbitmq_test::default] attributes: erlang: install_method: 'esl' - name: upstart excludes: - centos-5.9 - centos-6.4 - fedora-18 - ubuntu-13.04 - omnios-r151002 - smartos-13.1 run_list: - recipe[minitest-handler] - recipe[rabbitmq_test::default] attributes: rabbitmq: job_control: 'upstart' - name: distro-version excludes: - centos-5.9 - fedora-18 - ubuntu-10.04 run_list: - recipe[minitest-handler] - recipe[rabbitmq_test::default] attributes: rabbitmq: use_distro_version: true - name: mgmt_console run_list: - recipe[minitest-handler] - recipe[rabbitmq_test::mgmt_console] attributes: {} - name: cook-2151-3489 run_list: - recipe[minitest-handler] - recipe[rabbitmq_test::cook-2151-3489] attributes: rabbitmq: disk_free_limit_relative: 1.0 vm_memory_high_watermark: 0.5 max_file_descriptors: 2048 open_file_limit: 102400 - name: cook-2705 run_list: - recipe[minitest-handler] - recipe[rabbitmq_test::default] attributes: rabbitmq: tcp_listen_keepalive: true # stress test for lwrps - name: lwrps-default run_list: - recipe[minitest-handler] - recipe[rabbitmq_test::lwrps] attributes: rabbitmq: enabled_plugins: ["rabbitmq_stomp", "rabbitmq_shovel", "rabbitmq_stomp"] disabled_plugins: ["nonexistant_plugin", "rabbitmq_shovel"] enabled_users: [ {name: "kitchen1", password: "test", tag: "tag1", rights: [{vhost: "kitchen", conf: ".*", write: ".*", read: ".*"}]}, {name: "kitchen2", password: "test", tag: "tag2", rights: [{vhost: "kitchen", conf: ".*", write: ".*", read: ".*"}, {vhost: "kitchen", conf: ".*", write: ".*", read: ".*"}]}, {name: "kitchen3", password: "test", tag: "tag3", rights: [{vhost: "kitchen", conf: ".*", write: ".*", read: ".*"}]}, {name: "kitchen1", password: "test", tag: "tag4", rights: [{vhost: "kitchen", conf: ".*", write: ".*", read: ".*"}]} ] disabled_users: ["nonexistant_user", "kitchen2"] disabled_policies: ["nonexistant_policy"] virtualhosts: ["kitchen", "kitchen"] disabled_virtualhosts: ["nonexistant_vhost"] # stress test for lwrps with distro packages - name: lwrps-distro excludes: - centos-5.9 - centos-6.4 - fedora-18 - ubuntu-10.04 - ubuntu-12.04 run_list: - recipe[minitest-handler] - recipe[rabbitmq_test::lwrps] attributes: rabbitmq: use_distro_version: true enabled_plugins: ["rabbitmq_stomp", "rabbitmq_shovel", "rabbitmq_stomp"] disabled_plugins: ["nonexistant_plugin", "rabbitmq_shovel"] enabled_users: [ {name: "kitchen1", password: "test", tag: "tag1", rights: [{vhost: "kitchen", conf: ".*", write: ".*", read: ".*"}]}, {name: "kitchen2", password: "test", tag: "tag2", rights: [{vhost: "kitchen", conf: ".*", write: ".*", read: ".*"}, {vhost: "kitchen", conf: ".*", write: ".*", read: ".*"}]}, {name: "kitchen3", password: "test", tag: "tag3", rights: [{vhost: "kitchen", conf: ".*", write: ".*", read: ".*"}]}, {name: "kitchen1", password: "test", tag: "tag4", rights: [{vhost: "kitchen", conf: ".*", write: ".*", read: ".*"}]} ] disabled_users: ["nonexistant_user", "kitchen2"] disabled_policies: ["nonexistant_policy"] virtualhosts: ["kitchen", "kitchen"] disabled_virtualhosts: ["nonexistant_vhost"]