/** * Tab constructor * * @param tabId * Tab ID * @param tabName * Tab name * @return Nothing */ var Tab = function(tabId) { this.tabId = tabId; this.tabName = null; this.tab = null; }; /** * Initialize the tab * * @param tabName * Tab name to initialize * @return Nothing */ Tab.prototype.init = function() { // Create a division containing the tab this.tab = $('<div class="tab" id="' + this.tabId + '"></div>'); var tabList = $('<ul></ul>'); var tabItem = $('<li><a href="#">Dummy tab item</a></li>'); tabList.append(tabItem); this.tab.append(tabList); // Create a template with close button var tabs = this.tab.tabs(); // Remove dummy tab this.tab.tabs("remove", 0); // Hide tab this.tab.hide(); // Close tab when close button is clicked $("#" + this.tabId + " span.tab-close").live("click", function() { var index = $('li', tabs).index($(this).parent()); // Do not remove first tab if (index != 0) { tabs.tabs('remove', index); } }); }; /** * Return the tab object * * @param Nothing * @return Object representing the tab */ Tab.prototype.object = function() { return this.tab; }; /** * Add a new tab * * @param newTabId * New tab ID * @param newTabName * New tab name * @param newTabCont * New tab content * @param closeable * New tab close button * @return Nothing */ Tab.prototype.add = function(newTabId, newTabName, newTabCont, closeable) { // Show tab if (this.tab.css("display") == "none") { this.tab.show(); } var newTab = $('<div class="tab" id="' + newTabId + '"></div>'); newTab.append(newTabCont); this.tab.append(newTab); this.tab.tabs("add", "#" + newTabId, newTabName); // Append close button if (closeable) { var header = this.tab.find('ul.ui-tabs-nav a[href="#' + newTabId +'"]').parent(); header.append('<span class=\"tab-close ui-icon ui-icon-close\"></span>'); } }; /** * Select a tab * * @param id * Tab ID to select * @return Nothing */ Tab.prototype.select = function(id) { this.tab.tabs("select", "#" + id); }; /** * Remove a tab * * @param id * Tab ID to remove * @return Nothing */ Tab.prototype.remove = function(id) { var selectorStr = 'a[href="\#' + id + '"]'; var selectTab = $(selectorStr, this.tab).parent(); var index = ($('li', this.tab).index(selectTab)); this.tab.tabs("remove", index); }; /** * Table constructor * * @param tabId * Tab ID * @param tabName * Tab name * @return Nothing */ var Table = function(tableId) { if ($('#' + tableId).length) { this.tableId = tableId; this.table = $('#' + tableId); } else { this.tableId = tableId; this.table = null; } }; /** * Initialize the table * * @param Headers * Array of table headers * @return Nothing */ Table.prototype.init = function(headers) { // Create a table this.table = $('<table id="' + this.tableId + '"></table>'); var thead = $('<thead></thead>'); var headRow = $('<tr></tr>'); // Append headers for ( var i in headers) { headRow.append('<th>' + headers[i] + '</th>'); } thead.append(headRow); this.table.append(thead); // Append table body var tableBody = $('<tbody></tbody>'); this.table.append(tableBody); }; /** * Return the table object * * @param Nothing * @return Object representing the table */ Table.prototype.object = function() { return this.table; }; /** * Add a row to the table * * @param rowCont * Array of table row contents * @return Nothing */ Table.prototype.add = function(rowCont) { // Create table row var tableRow = $('<tr></tr>'); // Create a column for each content var tableCol; for ( var i in rowCont) { tableCol = $('<td></td>'); tableCol.append(rowCont[i]); tableRow.append(tableCol); } // Append table row to table this.table.find('tbody').append(tableRow); }; /** * Add a footer to the table * * @param rowCont * Array of table row contents * @return Nothing */ Table.prototype.addFooter = function(rowCont) { // Create table row var tableFoot = $('<tfoot></tfoot>'); tableFoot.append(rowCont); // Append table row to table this.table.append(tableFoot); }; /** * Remove a row from the table * * @return Nothing */ Table.prototype.remove = function(id) { // To be continued }; /** * Datatable class constructor * * @param tabId * Tab ID * @param tabName * Tab name * @return Nothing */ var DataTable = function(tableId) { this.dataTableId = tableId; this.dataTable = null; }; /** * Initialize the datatable * * @param Headers * Array of table headers * @return Nothing */ DataTable.prototype.init = function(headers) { // Create a table this.dataTable = $('<table class="datatable" id="' + this.dataTableId + '"></table>'); var thead = $('<thead></thead>'); var headRow = $('<tr></tr>'); // Append headers for ( var i in headers) { headRow.append('<th>' + headers[i] + '</th>'); } thead.append(headRow); this.dataTable.append(thead); // Append table body var tableBody = $('<tbody></tbody>'); this.dataTable.append(tableBody); }; /** * Return the datatable object * * @param Nothing * @return Object representing the table */ DataTable.prototype.object = function() { return this.dataTable; }; /** * Add a row to the datatable * * @param rowCont * Array of table row contents * @return Nothing */ DataTable.prototype.add = function(rowCont) { // Create table row var tableRow = $('<tr></tr>'); // Create a column for each content var tableCol; for ( var i in rowCont) { tableCol = $('<td></td>'); tableCol.append(rowCont[i]); tableRow.append(tableCol); } // Append table row to table this.dataTable.find('tbody').append(tableRow); }; /** * Remove a row from the datatable * * @return Nothing */ NodesTable.prototype.remove = function(id) { // To be continued }; /** * Create status bar * * @param barId * Status bar ID * @return Status bar */ function createStatusBar(barId) { var statusBar = $('<div class="statusBar" id="' + barId + '"><div>'); return statusBar; } /** * Create info bar * * @param msg * Info message * @return Info bar */ function createInfoBar(msg) { var infoBar = $('<div class="ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all">'); var msg = $('<p class="info"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-info"></span>' + msg + '</p>'); infoBar.append(msg); return infoBar; } /** * Create a loader * * @param loaderId * Loader ID * @return Nothing */ function createLoader(loaderId) { var loader = $('<img id="' + loaderId + '" src="images/loader.gif"></img>'); return loader; } /** * Create a button * * @param name * Name of the button * @return Nothing */ function createButton(name) { var button = $('<button aria-disabled="false" role="button" class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only" id="button"><span class="ui-button-text">' + name + '</span></button>'); return button; } /** * Create a menu * * @param items * An array of items to go into the menu * @return A division containing the menu */ function createMenu(items) { var menu = $('<ul class="sf-menu"></ul>'); // Loop through each item for ( var i in items) { // Append item to menu var item = $('<li></li>'); // If it is a sub menu if (items[i] instanceof Array) { // 1st index = Sub menu title item.append(items[i][0]); // 2nd index = Sub menu item.append(items[i][1]); } else { item.append(items[i]); } // Do not add border for 1st item if (i > 0) { item.css( { 'border-left' : '1px solid #BDBDBD' }); } menu.append(item); } return menu; } /** * Initialize the page * * @return Nothing */ function initPage() { // Load javascripts includeJs("js/jquery/jquery.dataTables.min.js"); includeJs("js/jquery/jquery.form.js"); includeJs("js/jquery/jquery.jeditable.js"); includeJs("js/jquery/jquery.autocomplete.js"); includeJs("js/jquery/jquery.contextmenu.js"); includeJs("js/jquery/jquery.cookie.js"); includeJs("js/jquery/jquery-impromptu.3.0.min.js"); includeJs("js/jquery/superfish.js"); includeJs("js/jquery/hoverIntent.js"); includeJs("js/jquery/jquery.tree.js"); includeJs("js/jquery/jquery.flot.js"); includeJs("js/configure/configure.js"); includeJs("js/monitor/monitor.js"); includeJs("js/nodes/nodes.js"); includeJs("js/provision/provision.js"); // Custom plugins includeJs("js/custom/blade.js"); includeJs("js/custom/fsp.js"); includeJs("js/custom/hmc.js"); includeJs("js/custom/ipmi.js"); includeJs("js/custom/ivm.js"); includeJs("js/custom/zvm.js"); includeJs("js/custom/customUtils.js"); // Get the page being loaded var url = window.location.pathname; var page = url.replace('/xcat/', ''); var headers = $('#header ul li a'); // Show the page $("#content").children().remove(); if (page == 'index.php') { includeJs("js/nodes/nodeset.js"); includeJs("js/nodes/rnetboot.js"); includeJs("js/nodes/updatenode.js"); headers.eq(0).css('background-color', '#A9D0F5'); loadNodesPage(); } else if (page == 'configure.php') { includeJs("js/configure/update.js"); headers.eq(1).css('background-color', '#A9D0F5'); loadConfigPage(); } else if (page == 'provision.php') { headers.eq(2).css('background-color', '#A9D0F5'); loadProvisionPage(); } else if (page == 'monitor.php') { includeJs("js/monitor/xcatmon.js"); includeJs("js/monitor/rmcmon.js"); includeJs("js/monitor/gangliamon.js"); headers.eq(3).css('background-color', '#A9D0F5'); loadMonitorPage(); } else { headers.eq(0).css('background-color', '#A9D0F5'); loadNodesPage(); } } /** * Include javascript file in <head> * * @param file * File to include * @return Nothing */ function includeJs(file) { var script = $("head script[src='" + file + "']"); // If <head> does not contain the javascript if (!script.length) { // Append the javascript to <head> var script = $('<script></script>'); script.attr( { type : 'text/javascript', src : file }); $('head').append(script); } } /** * Write ajax response to a paragraph * * @param rsp * Ajax response * @param pattern * Pattern to replace with a break * @return Paragraph containing ajax response */ function writeRsp(rsp, pattern) { // Create paragraph to hold ajax response var prg = $('<p></p>'); for ( var i in rsp) { if (rsp[i]) { // Create regular expression for given pattern // Replace pattern with break if (pattern) { rsp[i] = rsp[i].replace(new RegExp(pattern, 'g'), '<br>'); } prg.append(rsp[i]); prg.append('<br>'); } } return prg; }