#!/bin/bash minixcatd.awk & PUBKEY=`openssl rsa -in /etc/xcat/privkey.pem -pubout 2> /dev/null|grep -v "PUBLIC KEY"` PUBKEY=`echo $PUBKEY|sed -e 's/ //g'` export PUBKEY echo "Beginning node discovery process" waitforlink=100 while [ ! -z "$NICSTOBRINGUP" -a $waitforlink -gt 0 ]; do NICSTOBRINGUP=`ip link|grep mtu|grep -v LOOPBACK|grep -v usb|grep -v ,LOWER_UP|awk -F: '{print $2}'` waitforlink=$((waitforlink - 1)) sleep 0.1 if [ $waitforlink = 1 ]; then echo "No link detected on $NICSTOBRINGUP" fi done NICSGETTINGADDR=`ip link|grep mtu|grep -v LOOPBACK|grep -v usb|grep ,LOWER_UP|awk -F: '{print $2}'` timewaiting=0 echo "Waiting for nics to get addresses" while [ ! -z "$NICSGETTINGADDR" -a $timewaiting != 700 ]; do NEWNICSGETTINGADDR="" for nic in $NICSGETTINGADDR; do if ! ip addr show dev $nic |grep -v inet6|grep inet >/dev/null; then NEWNICSGETTINGADDR="$NEWNICSGETTINGADDR $nic" else echo -n "$nic|" ip addr show dev $nic |grep -v inet6|grep inet|sed -e s/\\/.*//|awk '{print $2}' fi done sleep 0.1 timewaiting=$((timewaiting+1)) if [ $timewaiting = 699 ]; then echo "No DHCP answer for $nic, ignoring interface" fi NICSGETTINGADDR=$NEWNICSGETTINGADDR done if [ $timewaiting != 700 -a $timewaiting -gt 450 ]; then echo "Got an address, but it took inordinately long, you may want to check spanning tree configuration" fi echo "Network configuration complete, commencing transmit of discovery packets" XCATPORT=3001 export XCATPORT for parm in `cat /proc/cmdline`; do key=`echo $parm|awk -F= '{print $1}'` if [ "$key" = "xcatd" ]; then XCATMASTER=`echo $parm|awk -F= '{print $2}'|awk -F: '{print $1}'` XCATPORT=`echo $parm|awk -F= '{print $2}'|awk -F: '{print $2}'` fi done #time to make our packet... MTM=unknown SERIAL=unknown ARCH=unknown ARCH=`uname -m` #32-bit only is old news if [ -r /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name ]; then #x86 PRODNAME=`cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name` IAMAVM=0 if [ "$PRODNAME" = "KVM" ]; then IAMAVM=1 MTM=KVM elif [ "$PRODNAME" = "VMware Virtual Platform" ]; then IAMAVM=1 MTM=VMware else MTM=`cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name|awk -F'[' '{print $2}'|awk -F']' '{print $1}'` SERIAL=`cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_serial` fi elif [ -r /proc/device-tree/model ]; then #POWER MTM=`cat /proc/device-tree/model |awk -F, '{print $2}'` fi CPUCOUNT=`cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep "model name"|wc -l` MEMORY=`cat /proc/meminfo |grep MemTotal|awk '{print $2}'` UUID=`sed -e 's/\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)-\(..\)\(..\)-\(..\)\(..\)/\4\3\2\1-\6\5-\8\7/' /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_uuid` grep "model name" /proc/cpuinfo | while read line; do #to avoid pulling in tail, we do a goofy thing echo $line > /tmp/cpumod done CPUTYPE=`cat /tmp/cpumod|awk -F':' '{print $2}'|sed -e 's/^ //'` echo '<xcatrequest>' > /tmp/discopacket echo "<command>findme</command>" >> /tmp/discopacket echo "<arch>$ARCH</arch>" >> /tmp/discopacket if [ "$IAMAVM" = 1 ]; then echo "<nodetype>virtual</nodetype>" >> /tmp/discopacket fi echo "<cpucount>$CPUCOUNT</cpucount>" >> /tmp/discopacket echo "<cputype>$CPUTYPE</cputype>" >> /tmp/discopacket echo "<memory>$MEMORY</memory>" >> /tmp/discopacket echo "<uuid>$UUID</uuid>" >> /tmp/discopacket if [ "$MTM" != "unknown" ]; then echo "<mtm>$MTM</mtm>" >> /tmp/discopacket fi if [ "$SERIAL" != "unknown" ]; then echo "<serial>$SERIAL</serial>" >> /tmp/discopacket fi #so we have some cases where DMI table explictly records every function number, and some where only first function is enumerated #so for each onboard device, we record it. If it is also the first function, we'll seek out other function numbers and append #if that other function number does not show up in its own dmi type 41 record for onboard in `dmidecode -t 41|egrep '(Type:|Bus Address)'|grep -A1 Ethernet|grep -v Ethernet|sed -e 's/.*Address: //'`; do obdevs=("${obdevs[@]}" $onboard) if [ ${onboard#*.}=0 ]; then truncslot=${onboard%.*} for obslot in `grep $truncslot /sys/class/net/*/device/uevent|sed -e s/.*=//`; do if ! dmidecode -t 41|grep $obslot > /dev/null; then obdevs=("${obdevs[@]}" $obslot) fi done fi done #TODO: downed nics, also examine /sys/bus/pci/*/ for more network class devices that might not have driver suppert for dev in `ip link|grep -B1 ether|grep UP|awk '{print $2}'|sed -e s/://|grep -v usb0`; do FIRMDESC="" ONBOARDINDEX="" DRIVER=`grep DRIVER /sys/class/net/$dev/device/uevent|awk -F= '{print $2}'` PCI_SLOT=`grep PCI_SLOT_NAME /sys/class/net/$dev/device/uevent|awk -F= '{print $2}'` ADDRESS=`ip address show dev $dev|grep "inet "|grep global|awk '{print $2}'` MAC=`ip link show dev $dev|grep ether|awk '{print $2}'| tr /a-f/ /A-F/` if [ ! -z "$PCI_SLOT" ]; then SLOTNAME=`dmidecode -t 9|egrep '(Designation|Address)'|grep -B1 $PCI_SLOT|grep Designation|sed -e 's/.*Designation:[ ]*//'` if [ -z "$SLOTNAME" ]; then #check for on board device index=1 for s in ${obdevs[@]}; do if [ "$s" = "$PCI_SLOT" ]; then ONBOARDINDEX=$index break fi index=$((index+1)) done if [ ! -z "$ONBOARDINDEX" ]; then FIRMDESC=`dmidecode -t 41|egrep '(Designation|Address)' |grep -B 1 $PCI_SLOT|grep Designation|sed -e 's/.*: //'` if [ -z "$FIRMDESC" ]; then SHORTPCISLOT=${PCI_SLOT%.*} FIRMDESC=`dmidecode -t 41|egrep '(Designation|Address)' |grep -B 1 $SHORTPCISLOT|grep Designation|sed -e 's/.*: //'` fi SLOTNAME="Onboard Ethernet $ONBOARDINDEX" fi fi fi echo "<mac>$DRIVER|$dev|$MAC|$ADDRESS</mac>" >> /tmp/discopacket echo "<nic>" >> /tmp/discopacket echo " <devname>$dev</devname>" >> /tmp/discopacket echo " <driver>$DRIVER</driver>" >> /tmp/discopacket if [ ! -z "$ADDRESS" ]; then echo " <ip4address>$ADDRESS</ip4address>" >> /tmp/discopacket fi echo " <hwaddr>$MAC</hwaddr>" >> /tmp/discopacket if [ ! -z "$PCI_SLOT" ]; then echo " <pcidev>$PCI_SLOT</pcidev>" >> /tmp/discopacket fi if [ ! -z "$SLOTNAME" ]; then echo " <location>$SLOTNAME</location>" >> /tmp/discopacket fi if [ ! -z "$ONBOARDINDEX" ]; then echo " <onboardeth>$ONBOARDINDEX</onboardeth>" >> /tmp/discopacket fi if [ ! -z "$FIRMDESC" ]; then echo " <firmdesc>$FIRMDESC</firmdesc>" >> /tmp/discopacket fi myswitch=`lldptool -n -i $dev -t -V sysName|grep -v 'System Name TLV'|sed -e 's/^ *//'` if [ ! -z "$myswitch" -a "$myswitch" != "Agent instance for device not found" ]; then echo " <switchname>$myswitch</switchname>" >> /tmp/discopacket fi for switchaddr in `lldptool -i $dev -n -t -V mngAddr|grep IP|sed -e 's/.*:.//'`; do if [ "$switchaddr" = "Agent instance for device not found" ]; then break; fi echo " <switchaddr>$switchaddr</switchaddr>" >> /tmp/discopacket done myswitchdesc=`lldptool -n -i $dev -t -V sysDesc|grep -v 'System Description TLV'|sed -e 's/^ *//'` if [ ! -z "$myswitchdesc" -a "$myswitchdesc" != "Agent instance for device not found" ]; then echo " <switchdesc>$myswitchdesc</switchdesc>" >> /tmp/discopacket fi myport=`lldptool -n -i $dev -t -V portDesc|grep -v 'Port Description TLV'|sed -e 's/^ *//'` if [ ! -z "$myport" -a "$myswitchdesc" != "Agent instance for device not found" ]; then echo " <switchport>$myport</switchport>" >> /tmp/discopacket fi echo "</nic>" >> /tmp/discopacket done echo "<xcatpubkey>$PUBKEY</xcatpubkey>" >> /tmp/discopacket #this is not secure to use by itself, switch sourced pubkey for security echo "<sha512sig>" >> /tmp/discopacket echo "</sha512sig>" >> /tmp/discopacket echo "</xcatrequest>" >> /tmp/discopacket openssl dgst -sha512 -out /tmp/discopacket.sha512 -sign /etc/xcat/privkey.pem /tmp/discopacket openssl enc -e -a -in /tmp/discopacket.sha512 > /tmp/discopacket.b64sig cat /tmp/discopacket |while read line; do if [ "$line" = "</sha512sig>" ]; then cat /tmp/discopacket.b64sig >> /tmp/discopacket.new fi echo $line >> /tmp/discopacket.new done mv /tmp/discopacket.new /tmp/discopacket rm -f /tmp/discopacket.gz gzip -9 /tmp/discopacket while [ ! -r /restart ]; do if [ ! -z "$XCATMASTER" ]; then (cat /tmp/discopacket.gz | udpcat.awk $XCATMASTER $XCATPORT ) & fi for dhcps in `grep dhcp-server /var/lib/dhclient/dhclient.leases|awk '{print $4}'|sed -s 's/;//'`; do (cat /tmp/discopacket.gz | udpcat.awk $dhcps $XCATPORT ) & done #cat /tmp/discopacket sleep 5 done /bin/restart