var bpaList; var fspList; var lparList; var bladeList; var rackList; var unknownList; var graphicalNodeList; var selectNode; /** * Get all nodes useful attributes from remote server * * @param dataTypeIndex The index in the array which contains attributes we need. * @param attrNullNode The target node list for this attribute */ function initGraphicalData() { $('#graphTab').append(createLoader()); $.ajax({ url : 'lib/cmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'webrun', tgt : '', args : 'graph', msg : '' }, success : function(data) { if (!data.rsp[0]) { return; } extractGraphicalData(data.rsp[0]); getNodesAndDraw(); } }); } /** * Extract all nodes userful data into a hash, which will be used for creating graphical * * @param data The response from xCAT command 'nodels all nodetype.nodetype ppc.parent ...' * @return nodes list for next time query */ function extractGraphicalData(data) { var nodes = data.split(';'); var attrs; var nodeName; // Extract useful info into tempList for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { attrs = nodes[i].split(':'); nodeName = attrs[0]; if (undefined == graphicalNodeList[nodeName]) { graphicalNodeList[nodeName] = new Object(); } graphicalNodeList[nodeName]['type'] = attrs[1].toLowerCase(); switch (attrs[1].toLowerCase()) { case 'cec': case 'frame': case 'lpar': case 'lpar,osi': case 'osi,lpar': graphicalNodeList[nodeName]['parent'] = attrs[2]; graphicalNodeList[nodeName]['mtm'] = attrs[3]; graphicalNodeList[nodeName]['status'] = attrs[4]; break; case 'blade': graphicalNodeList[nodeName]['mpa'] = attrs[2]; graphicalNodeList[nodeName]['unit'] = attrs[3]; graphicalNodeList[nodeName]['status'] = attrs[4]; break; case 'systemx': graphicalNodeList[nodeName]['rack'] = attrs[2]; graphicalNodeList[nodeName]['unit'] = attrs[3]; graphicalNodeList[nodeName]['mtm'] = attrs[4]; graphicalNodeList[nodeName]['status'] = attrs[5]; break; default: break; } } } function createPhysicalLayout(nodeList) { var flag = false; // When the graphical layout is shown, do not need to redraw if (1 < $('#graphTab').children().length) { return; } // Save the new selected nodes if (graphicalNodeList) { for (var i in graphicalNodeList) { flag = true; break; } } bpaList = new Object(); fspList = new Object(); lparList = new Object(); bladeList = new Object(); selectNode = new Object(); rackList = new Object(); unknownList = new Array(); // There is no graphical data, get the info now if (!flag) { graphicalNodeList = new Object(); initGraphicalData(); } else { getNodesAndDraw(); } } function getNodesAndDraw() { var groupName = $.cookie('selectgrouponnodes'); $.ajax({ url : 'lib/cmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'nodels', tgt : groupName, args : '', msg : '' }, success : function(data) { for (var temp in data.rsp) { var nodeName = data.rsp[temp][0]; if ('' == nodeName) { continue; } fillList(nodeName); } $('#graphTab').empty(); createGraphical(); } }); } function fillList(nodeName, defaultnodetype) { var parentName = ''; var mtm = ''; var status = ''; var nodeType = ''; var mpa = ''; var unit = ''; var rack = ''; if (!graphicalNodeList[nodeName]) { parentName = ''; mtm = ''; status = ''; nodeType = defaultnodetype; } else { status = graphicalNodeList[nodeName]['status']; nodeType = graphicalNodeList[nodeName]['type']; switch (nodeType) { case 'frame': case 'lpar,osi': case 'lpar': case 'osi': case 'cec': parentName = graphicalNodeList[nodeName]['parent']; mtm = graphicalNodeList[nodeName]['mtm']; break; case 'blade': mpa = graphicalNodeList[nodeName]['mpa']; unit = graphicalNodeList[nodeName]['unit']; break; case 'systemx': rack = graphicalNodeList[nodeName]['rack']; unit = graphicalNodeList[nodeName]['unit']; break; default: break; } } if ('' == status) { status = 'unknown'; } switch (nodeType) { case 'frame': if (undefined == bpaList[nodeName]) { bpaList[nodeName] = new Array(); } break; case 'lpar,osi': case 'lpar': case 'osi': if ('' == parentName) { break; } if (undefined == fspList[parentName]) { fillList(parentName, 'cec'); } fspList[parentName]['children'].push(nodeName); lparList[nodeName] = status; break; case 'cec': if (undefined != fspList[nodeName]) { break; } fspList[nodeName] = new Object(); fspList[nodeName]['children'] = new Array(); fspList[nodeName]['mtm'] = mtm; if ('' == parentName) { break; } if (undefined == bpaList[parentName]) { fillList(parentName, 'frame'); } bpaList[parentName].push(nodeName); break; case 'blade': if (undefined == bladeList[mpa]) { bladeList[mpa] = new Array(); } bladeList[mpa].push(nodeName + ',' + unit); break; case 'systemx': if (!rack) { rack = '_notsupply_'; } if (undefined == rackList[rack]) { rackList[rack] = new Array(); } rackList[rack].push(nodeName + ',' + unit); break; default: unknownList.push(nodeName); break; } } function createGraphical() { var tabArea = $('#graphTab'); var selectNodeDiv = $('<div id="selectNodeDiv" style="margin: 20px;"></div>'); var temp = 0; for (var i in selectNode) { temp++; break; } // There is no selected LPAR, show the info bar if (temp == 0) { tabArea.append(createInfoBar('Hover over a CEC and select the LPARs to do operations against.')); } else { // Show selected LPARs updateSelectNodeDiv(); } // Add buttons tabArea.append(createActionMenu()); tabArea.append(selectNodeDiv); createSystempGraphical(bpaList, fspList, tabArea); createBladeGraphical(bladeList, tabArea); createSystemxGraphical(rackList, tabArea); addUnknownGraphical(unknownList, tabArea); } /** * Create the physical/graphical layout for System p machines * * @param bpa All BPA and their related FSPs * @param fsp All FSP and their related LPARs * @param area The element to append graphical layout */ function createSystempGraphical(bpa, fsp, area) { var usedFsp = new Object(); var graphTable = $('<table style="border-color: transparent;margin:0px 0px 10px 0px;" ></table>'); var elementNum = 0; var row = null; var showFlag = false; // There is a node in the BPA list, so show add the title and show all frames for (var bpaName in bpa) { showFlag = true; $('#graphTab').append('system p<hr/>'); $('#graphTab').append(graphTable); break; } for (var bpaName in bpa) { if (0 == elementNum % 3) { row = $('<tr></tr>'); graphTable.append(row); } elementNum++; var td = $('<td style="padding:0;border-color: transparent;"></td>'); var frameDiv = $('<div class="frameDiv"></div>'); frameDiv.append('<div style="height:27px;" title="' + bpaName + '"><input type="checkbox" class="fspCheckbox" name="check_' + bpaName + '"></div>'); // For P7-IH, all the CECs are insert into the frame from bottom to up, // so we have to show the CECs same as the physical layout var tempBlankDiv = $('<div></div>'); var tempHeight = 0; for (var fspIndex in bpa[bpaName]) { var fspName = bpa[bpaName][fspIndex]; usedFsp[fspName] = 1; // This is the P7-IH, we should add the blank at the top if ((0 == fspIndex) && ('9125-F2C' == fsp[fspName]['mtm'])) { frameDiv.append(tempBlankDiv); } frameDiv.append(createFspDiv(fspName, fsp[fspName]['mtm'], fsp)); frameDiv.append(createFspTip(fspName, fsp[fspName]['mtm'], fsp)); tempHeight += calculateBlank(fsp[fspName]['mtm']); } // tempHeight is the total height for all CECs, so we should minus BPA div // height and CEC div heights tempHeight = 428 - tempHeight; tempBlankDiv.css('height', tempHeight); td.append(frameDiv); row.append(td); } // Find the single FSP and sort descend by units var singleFsp = new Array(); for (var fspName in fsp) { if (usedFsp[fspName]) { continue; } singleFsp.push([ fspName, fsp[fspName]['mtm'] ]); } // If there is no frame, we should check if there is single CEC and show // the title and add node area if (!showFlag) { for (var fspIndex in singleFsp) { $('#graphTab').append('system p<hr/>'); $('#graphTab').append(graphTable); break; } } singleFsp.sort(function(a, b) { var unitNumA = 4; var unitNumB = 4; if (hardwareInfo[a[1]]) { unitNumA = hardwareInfo[a[1]][1]; } if (hardwareInfo[b[1]]) { unitNumB = hardwareInfo[b[1]][1]; } return (unitNumB - unitNumA); }); elementNum = 0; for (var fspIndex in singleFsp) { var fspName = singleFsp[fspIndex][0]; if (0 == elementNum % 3) { row = $('<tr></tr>'); graphTable.append(row); } elementNum++; var td = $('<td style="padding:0;vertical-align:top;border-color: transparent;"></td>'); td.append(createFspDiv(fspName, fsp[fspName]['mtm'], fsp)); td.append(createFspTip(fspName, fsp[fspName]['mtm'], fsp)); row.append(td); } $('.tooltip input[type = checkbox]').bind('click', function() { var lparName = $(this).attr('name'); if ('' == lparName) { return; } if (true == $(this).attr('checked')) { changeNode(lparName, 'select'); } else { changeNode(lparName, 'unselect'); } updateSelectNodeDiv(); }); $('.fspDiv2, .fspDiv4, .fspDiv42').tooltip({ position : "center right", relative : true, offset : [ 10, -40 ], effect : "fade", opacity : 0.9 }); $('.tooltip a').bind('click', function() { var lparName = $(this).html(); $('#nodesDatatable #' + lparName).trigger('click'); }); $('.fspDiv2, .fspDiv4, .fspDiv42').bind('click', function() { var fspName = $(this).attr('value'); var selectCount = 0; for (var lparIndex in fspList[fspName]['children']) { var lparName = fspList[fspName]['children'][lparIndex]; if (selectNode[lparName]) { selectCount++; } } // All LPARs are selected, so unselect nodes if (selectCount == fspList[fspName]['children'].length) { for (var lparIndex in fspList[fspName]['children']) { var lparName = fspList[fspName]['children'][lparIndex]; changeNode(lparName, 'unselect'); } } // No selected LPARs on the cec, so add all LPARs into selectNode hash else { for (var lparIndex in fspList[fspName]['children']) { var lparName = fspList[fspName]['children'][lparIndex]; changeNode(lparName, 'select'); } } updateSelectNodeDiv(); }); $('.fspCheckbox').bind('click', function() { var itemName = $(this).attr('name'); name = itemName.substr(6); if ($(this).attr('checked')) { selectNode[name] = 1; } else { delete selectNode[name]; } updateSelectNodeDiv(); }); } /** * Create the physical/graphical layout for blades * * @param blades The blade list in global * @param area The element to append the graphical layout */ function createBladeGraphical(blades, area) { var graphTable = $('<table style="border-color: transparent;margin:0px 0px 10px 0px;"></table>'); var mpa = ''; var bladeName = ''; var index = 0; var mpaNumber = 0; var row; var showFlag = false; // Only show the title and nodes when there are blade in the blade list for (mpa in blades) { showFlag = true; break; } if (showFlag) { $('#graphTab').append('Blade<hr/>'); $('#graphTab').append(graphTable); } // If there is no blade node, return directly else { return; } for (mpa in blades) { var tempArray = new Array(14); var bladeInfo = new Array(); var unit = 0; if (0 == mpaNumber % 3) { row = $('<tr></tr>'); graphTable.append(row); } mpaNumber++; var td = $('<td style="padding:0;border-color: transparent;"></td>'); var chasisDiv = $('<div class="chasisDiv" title=' + mpa + '></div></div>'); // Fill the array with blade information, to create the empty slot for (index in blades[mpa]) { bladeInfo = blades[mpa][index].split(','); unit = parseInt(bladeInfo[1]); tempArray[unit - 1] = bladeInfo[0]; } // Draw the blades and empty slot in chasis for (index = 0; index < 14; index++) { if (tempArray[index]) { bladeName = tempArray[index]; chasisDiv.append('<div id="' + bladeName + '" class="bladeDiv bladeInsertDiv" title="' + bladeName + '"></div>'); } else { chasisDiv.append('<div class="bladeDiv"></div>'); } } td.append(chasisDiv); row.append(td); } } /** * Create the physical/graphical layout for System x machines * * @param xnodes The system x node list in global * @param area The element to append graphical layout */ function createSystemxGraphical(xnodes, area) { var graphTable = $('<table style="border-color: transparent;margin:0px 0px 10px 0px;"></table>'); var xnodename = ''; var index = 0; var rack = ''; var row; var xNodeCount = 0; var showflag = false; // Only the title and System x node when there are x nodes in the list for (rack in rackList) { showflag = true; break; } if (showflag) { $('#graphTab').append('system x<hr/>'); $('#graphTab').append(graphTable); } // There is nothing to show, return directly else { return; } for (rack in rackList) { for (index in rackList[rack]) { var xNodeName = rackList[rack][index]; if (0 == xNodeCount % 3) { row = $('<tr></tr>'); graphTable.append(row); } xNodeCount++; var td = $('<td style="padding:0;border-color: transparent;"></td>'); var xNodeDiv = '<div id="' + xNodeName + '" class="xNodeDiv" title="' + xNodeName + '"></div>'; td.append(xNodeDiv); row.append(td); } } } function addUnknownGraphical(unknownNodes, tab) { // Do not continue if no nodes were found if (unknownNodes.length < 1) return; var list = ""; tab.append('<label>Unknown Node Type</label><hr/>'); for (var index in unknownNodes) { list += unknownNodes[index] + ', '; } // Delete last comma list = list.substr(0, list.length - 2); tab.append(list); } /** * Update the LPARs background in CEC, LPAR area and selectNode */ function updateSelectNodeDiv() { var temp = 0; $('#selectNodeDiv').empty(); // Add buttons if (selectNode.length) { $('#selectNodeDiv').append('Nodes: '); for (var lparName in selectNode) { $('#selectNodeDiv').append(lparName + ' '); temp++; if (temp > 6) { $('#selectNodeDiv').append('...'); break; } } } } /** * Create the action menu */ function createActionMenu() { // Create action bar var actionBar = $('<div class="actionBar"></div>').css("width", "400px"); // Power on var powerOnLnk = $('<a>Power on</a>'); { var tgtNodes = getSelectNodes(); $.ajax({ url : 'lib/cmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'rpower', tgt : tgtNodes, args : 'on', msg : '' } }); }); // Power off var powerOffLnk = $('<a>Power off</a>'); { var tgtNodes = getSelectNodes(); $.ajax({ url : 'lib/cmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'rpower', tgt : tgtNodes, args : 'off', msg : '' } }); }); // Delete var deleteLnk = $('<a>Delete</a>'); { var tgtNodes = getSelectNodes(); if (tgtNodes) { loadDeletePage(tgtNodes); } }); // Unlock var unlockLnk = $('<a>Unlock</a>'); { var tgtNodes = getSelectNodes(); if (tgtNodes) { loadUnlockPage(tgtNodes); } }); // Run script var scriptLnk = $('<a>Run script</a>'); { var tgtNodes = getSelectNodes(); if (tgtNodes) { loadScriptPage(tgtNodes); } }); // Update var updateLnk = $('<a>Update</a>'); { var tgtNodes = getSelectNodes(); if (tgtNodes) { loadUpdatenodePage(tgtNodes); } }); // Set boot state var setBootStateLnk = $('<a>Set boot state</a>'); { var tgtNodes = getSelectNodes(); if (tgtNodes) { loadNodesetPage(tgtNodes); } }); // Boot to network var boot2NetworkLnk = $('<a>Boot to network</a>'); { var tgtNodes = getSelectNodes(); if (tgtNodes) { loadNetbootPage(tgtNodes); } }); // Remote console var rconLnk = $('<a>Open console</a>'); rconLnk.bind('click', function(event) { var tgtNodes = getSelectNodes(); if (tgtNodes) { loadRconsPage(tgtNodes); } }); // Edit properties var editProps = $('<a>Edit properties</a>'); editProps.bind('click', function(event) { for (var node in selectNode) { loadEditPropsPage(node); } }); // Actions var actionsLnk = '<a>Actions</a>'; var actsMenu = createMenu([ deleteLnk, powerOnLnk, powerOffLnk, scriptLnk ]); // Configurations var configLnk = '<a>Configuration</a>'; var configMenu = createMenu([ unlockLnk, updateLnk, editProps ]); // Provision var provLnk = '<a>Provision</a>'; var provMenu = createMenu([ boot2NetworkLnk, setBootStateLnk, rconLnk ]); // Create an action menu var actionsMenu = createMenu([ [ actionsLnk, actsMenu ], [ configLnk, configMenu ], [ provLnk, provMenu ] ]); actionsMenu.superfish(); actionsMenu.css('display', 'inline-block'); actionBar.append(actionsMenu); actionBar.css('margin-top', '10px'); // Set correct theme for action menu actionsMenu.find('li').hover(function() { setMenu2Theme($(this)); }, function() { setMenu2Normal($(this)); }); return actionBar; } /** * Create the physical/graphical layout */ function createFspDiv(fspName, mtm, fsp) { // Create FSP title var lparStatusRow = ''; var temp = ''; for (var lparIndex in fsp[fspName]['children']) { // Show 8 lpars on one cec at most. if (lparIndex >= 8) { break; } var lparName = fsp[fspName]['children'][lparIndex]; var color = statusMap(lparList[lparName]); lparStatusRow += '<td class="lparStatus" style="background-image:url(images/nodes/' + color + '.gif);padding: 0px;" id="' + lparName + 'status"></td>'; } // Select the backgroud var divClass = ''; if ('' == mtm) { temp = '8231-E2B'; } else { temp = mtm; } if (!hardwareInfo[temp]){ hardwareInfo[temp] = ['unkown', 2]; } if (hardwareInfo[temp][1]) { divClass += 'fspDiv' + hardwareInfo[temp][1]; } else { divClass += 'fspDiv4'; } // Create return value var retHtml = '<input style="padding:0;" class="fspCheckbox" type="checkbox" name="check_' + fspName + '">'; retHtml += '<div value="' + fspName + '" class="' + divClass + '">'; retHtml += '<div class="lparDiv"><table><tbody><tr>' + lparStatusRow + '</tr></tbody></table></div></div>'; return retHtml; } /** * Create the physical/graphical FSP tooltip which is used to select the LPAR */ function createFspTip(fspName, mtm, fsp) { var tip = $('<div class="tooltip"></div>'); var tempTable = $('<table><tbody></tbody></table>'); var temp = ''; if ('' == mtm) { temp = 'unkown'; } else { temp = mtm; } if (hardwareInfo[temp]) { tip.append('<h3>' + fspName + '(' + hardwareInfo[temp][0] + ')</h3><br/>'); } else { tip.append('<h3>' + fspName + '</h3><br/>'); } for (var lparIndex in fsp[fspName]['children']) { var lparName = fsp[fspName]['children'][lparIndex]; var color = statusMap(lparList[lparName]); var row = '<tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="' + lparName + '"></td>'; row += '<td style="color:#fff"><a>' + lparName + '</a></td>'; row += '<td style="background-color:' + color + ';color:#fff">' + lparList[lparName] + '</td></tr>'; tempTable.append(row); } tip.append(tempTable); return tip; } /** * Map the LPAR status into a color * * @param status LPAR status in nodelist table * @return Corresponding color name */ function statusMap(status) { var color = 'gainsboro'; switch (status) { case 'alive': case 'ready': case 'pbs': case 'sshd': case 'booting': case 'booted': case 'ping': color = 'green'; break; case 'noping': case 'unreachable': color = 'red'; break; default: color = 'grey'; break; } return color; } /** * Select all LPAR checkboxes */ function selectAllLpars(checkbox) { var temp = checkbox.attr('checked'); $('#selectNodeTable input[type = checkbox]').attr('checked', temp); } /** * Export all LPAR names from selectNode * * @return lpars' string */ function getSelectNodes() { var ret = ''; for (var lparName in selectNode) { ret += lparName + ','; } return ret.substring(0, ret.length - 1); } /** * When the node is selected or unselected, update the area on CEC, update * the global list, and update the tooltip table */ function changeNode(lparName, status) { var imgUrl = ''; var checkFlag = true; if ('select' == status) { selectNode[lparName] = 1; imgUrl = 'url(images/nodes/s-' + statusMap(lparList[lparName]) + '.gif)'; checkFlag = true; } else { delete selectNode[lparName]; imgUrl = 'url(images/nodes/' + statusMap(lparList[lparName]) + '.gif)'; checkFlag = false; } $('#' + lparName + 'status').css('background-image', imgUrl); $('.tooltip input[name="' + lparName + '"]').attr('checked', checkFlag); } /** * The P7-IH's CECs are insert from bottom to up, so we had to calculate the blank height * * @return Height for the CEC */ function calculateBlank(mtm) { if ('' == mtm) { return 24; } if (!hardwareInfo[mtm]) { return 24; } switch (hardwareInfo[mtm][1]) { case 1: return 13; break; case 2: return 24; break; case 4: return 47; break; default: return 0; break; } }