<?php // Contains all the common php functions that most pages need. // Some common/global settings session_start(); // retain session variables across page requests if (!isset($TOPDIR)) { $TOPDIR = '..'; } // The settings below display error on the screen, instead of giving blank pages. //error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', true); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Inserts the header part of the HTML and the top part of the page, including the menu. * Also includes some common css and js files and the css and js files specified. * This function should be called at the beginning of every page. * @param String $title The page title that should go in the window title bar. * @param array $stylesheets The paths of the styles that are specific to this page. * @param array $javascripts The paths of the javascript files that are specific to this page. * @param array $currents The keys to the top menu and 2nd menu that represent the current choice for this page. See insertMenus() for the keys. */ function insertHeader($title, $stylesheets, $javascripts, $currents) { global $TOPDIR; // Remember the current page so we can open it again the next time they come to the web interface if ($currents[0] != 'logout') { $expire_time = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2038); foreach ($currents as $key => $value) { setcookie("currentpage[$key]", $value, $expire_time, '/'); } } echo <<<EOS1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>$title</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=iso-8859-1"> <link href="$TOPDIR/lib/style.css" rel=stylesheet type='text/css'> <link href="$TOPDIR/jq/theme/jquery-ui-themeroller.css" rel=stylesheet type='text/css'> <script src="$TOPDIR/jq/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="$TOPDIR/jq/jquery-ui-all.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="$TOPDIR/lib/functions.js" type="text/javascript"></script> EOS1; if ($stylesheets) { foreach ($stylesheets as $s) { echo "<LINK rel=stylesheet href='$s' type='text/css'>\n"; } } if ($javascripts) { foreach ($javascripts as $j) { echo "<script type='text/javascript' src='$j'></script>\n"; } } echo "</head><body>\n"; echo <<<EOS3 <table id=headingTable border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <tr valign=top> <td><img class=ImgTop src='$TOPDIR/images/topl2.jpg'></td> <td class=TopMiddle><img id=xcatImage src='$TOPDIR/images/xCAT_icon-l.gif'></td> <td class=TopMiddle width='100%'> EOS3; //echo "<div id=top><img id=xcatImage src='$TOPDIR/images/xCAT_icon.gif'><div id=menuDiv>\n"; insertMenus($currents); echo "</td><td><img class=ImgTop src='$TOPDIR/images/topr2.jpg'></td></tr></table>\n"; //echo "</div></div>\n"; // end the top div if (!isAuthenticated()) { insertLogin(); // display the login dialog and page footer exit; // Do not want to continue with the rest of the page // If the login dialog is successful, it will load index.php which will remember what // page they were trying to go to. } } // end insertHeader //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // If they are not authenticated yet, display the login dialog function insertLogin() { global $TOPDIR; // The javascript in xcatauth.js will add the Login button and display the dialog echo <<<EOS2 <script src="$TOPDIR/lib/xcatauth.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <div id=logdialog> <p id=logdialogNote>Note: The username and password used must be in the passwd table in the xCAT database.</p> <form id=loginform><table cellspacing=3> <tr><td align=right><label for=username>Username:</label></td><td align=left><input id=username type=text name=username></td></tr> <tr><td align=right><label for=password>Password:</label></td><td align=left><input id=password type=password name=password></td></tr> </table></form> <p><span id=logstatus><br/></span></p> </div> EOS2; insertFooter(); } // This is the data structure that represents the menu for each page. $MENU = array( 'machines' => array( 'label' => 'Machines', 'default' => 'groups', 'list' => array( 'frames' => array('label' => 'Lab Floor/Racks', 'url' => "$TOPDIR/machines/frames.php"), 'groups' => array('label' => 'Groups/Nodes', 'url' => "$TOPDIR/machines/groups.php"), 'discover' => array('label' => 'Discover', 'url' => "$TOPDIR/machines/discover.php"), ) ), 'config' => array( 'label' => 'Configure', 'default' => 'db', 'list' => array( 'prefs' => array('label' => 'Preferences', 'url' => "$TOPDIR/config/prefs.php"), 'db' => array('label' => 'Cluster Settings', 'url' => "$TOPDIR/config/db.php"), 'mgmtnode' => array('label' => 'Mgmt Node', 'url' => "$TOPDIR/config/mgmtnode.php"), 'cfm' => array('label' => 'Sync Files', 'url' => "$TOPDIR/config/cfm.php"), ) ), 'deploy' => array( 'label' => 'Deploy', 'default' => 'osimages', 'list' => array( 'osimages' => array('label' => 'OS Images', 'url' => "$TOPDIR/deploy/osimages.php"), 'prepare' => array('label' => 'Prepare', 'url' => "$TOPDIR/deploy/prepare.php"), 'deploy' => array('label' => 'Deploy', 'url' => "$TOPDIR/deploy/deploy.php"), 'monitor' => array('label' => 'Monitor', 'url' => "$TOPDIR/deploy/monitor.php"), ) ), 'monitor' => array( 'label' => 'Monitor', 'default' => 'monsetup', 'list' => array( 'monsetup' => array('label' => 'Monitor Setup', 'url' => "$TOPDIR/monitor/monsetup.php"), 'moncond' => array('label' => 'Define Events', 'url' => "$TOPDIR/monitor/moncond.php"), 'monview' => array('label' => 'View Events', 'url' => "$TOPDIR/monitor/monview.php"), 'eventlog' => array('label' => 'Event Log', 'url' => "$TOPDIR/monitor/eventlog.php"), ) ), 'jobs' => array( 'label' => 'Jobs', 'default' => 'overview', 'list' => array( 'overview' => array('label' => 'Overview', 'url' => "$TOPDIR/jobs/overview.php"), //todo: Vallard fill in rest ) ), 'support' => array( 'label' => 'Support', 'default' => 'diagnose', 'list' => array( 'diagnose' => array('label' => 'Diagnose', 'url' => "$TOPDIR/support/diagnose.php"), 'update' => array('label' => 'Update', 'url' => "$TOPDIR/support/updategui.php"), 'howtos' => array('label' => 'HowTos', 'url' => getDocURL('howto')), 'manpages' => array('label' => 'Man Pages', 'url' => getDocURL('manpage')), 'maillist' => array('label' => 'Mail List', 'url' => getDocURL('web','mailinglist')), 'wiki' => array('label' => 'Wiki', 'url' => getDocURL('web','wiki')), 'suggest' => array('label' => 'Suggest', 'url' => "$TOPDIR/support/suggest.php"), 'about' => array('label' => 'About', 'url' => "$TOPDIR/support/about.php"), ) ), 'logout' => array( 'label' => 'Logout', 'default' => 'logout', 'list' => array( 'logout' => array('label' => 'Logout/Login', 'url' => "$TOPDIR/lib/logout.php"), ) ), ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Insert the menus at the top of the page // $currents is an array of the current menu choice tree function insertMenus($currents) { global $TOPDIR; global $MENU; echo "<table class=MenuTable border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>\n"; insertMenuRow($currents[0], 1, $MENU); insertMenuRow($currents[1], 0, $MENU[$currents[0]]['list']); echo "</table>\n"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Insert one set of choices under a main choice. function insertMenuRow($current, $isTop, $items) { global $TOPDIR; //$img = "$TOPDIR/images/h3bg_new.gif"; //$menuRowClass = $isTop ? '' : 'class=MenuRowBottom'; $menuItemClass = $isTop ? '' : 'class=MenuItemBottom'; //$currentClass = $isTop ? 'class=CurrentMenuItemTop' : ''; //echo "<TABLE class=MenuTable id=mainNav cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr>\n"; //echo "<div class=$menuRowClass><ul id=mainNav>\n"; //echo "<tr><td $menuRowClass><ul id=mainNav>\n"; //echo "<tr><td><ul id=mainNav>\n"; echo "<tr><td>\n"; foreach ($items as $key => $value) { $label = $value['label']; if ($isTop) { $url = $value['list'][$value['default']]['url']; // get to the list of submenu choices, choose the default one, and get its url } else { $url = $value['url']; } if ($key == $current){ //echo "<TD><a id=$key href='$link[1]'>$link[0]</a></TD>\n"; //echo "<li><p $currentClass>$label</p></li>"; //echo "<li><p>$label</p></li>"; //echo "<p class=CurrentMenuItem>$label</p>"; echo "<span class=CurrentMenuItem>$label</span>"; } else { //echo "<TD><a class=NavItem id=$key href='$link[1]'>$link[0]</a></TD>\n"; //echo "<li><a $menuItemClass id=$key href='$url'>$label</a></li>"; echo "<a $menuItemClass id=$key href='$url'>$label</a>"; } } //echo "</TR></TABLE>\n"; //echo "</ul></div>\n"; //echo "\n</ul></td></tr>\n"; echo "\n</td></tr>\n"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Inserts the html for each pages footer function insertFooter() { //echo "<div class=PageFooter><p id=disclaimer>This interface is still under construction and not yet ready for production use.</p></div>\n"; echo "<div class=PageFooter><p class='Emphasis Center'>This interface is still under development - use accordingly.</p></div>\n"; echo '</BODY></HTML>'; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Similar to docmd(), but also takes in data that is the table contents function doTabrestore($tab, & $data){ $request = simplexml_load_string('<xcatrequest></xcatrequest>'); $request->addChild('command','tabrestore'); $usernode=$request->addChild('becomeuser'); $usernode->addChild('username',$_SESSION["username"]); $usernode->addChild('password',getpassword()); foreach($data as $line){ foreach ($line as &$f) { if (!empty($f) && !ereg("^#", $f) && !preg_match('/^".*"$/', $f)) { $f = '"'.$f.'"'; } } // Combine the elements of the array, but have to handle sparse arrays ksort($line, SORT_NUMERIC); $keys = array_keys($line); $maxindex = count($line)-1; //echo "<p>"; print_r($line); echo "</p>"; //trace("$maxindex, $keys[$maxindex]"); if ($keys[$maxindex] != $maxindex) { // need to fill in some values for ($i=0; $i<=$keys[$maxindex]; $i++) { if (!isset($line[$i])) {$line[$i]='';} } ksort($line, SORT_NUMERIC); } $linestr = implode(",",$line); //trace($linestr); $linestr = str_replace('"', '"',$linestr); //todo: should we use the htmlentities function? $linestr = str_replace("'", ''',$linestr); //echo "<p>addChild:$linestr.</p>\n"; $request->addChild('data', $linestr); } $request->addChild('table',$tab); $resp = submit_request($request, 0); return $resp; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Run a cmd via the xcat client/server protocol // args is an array of arguments to the cmd // Returns a tree of SimpleXML objects. See perl-xCAT/xCAT/Client.pm for the format. function docmd($cmd, $nr, $args){ // If for some reason we are not logged in yet, do not even try to communicate w/xcatd if (!is_logged()) { echo "<p>Docmd: not logged in yet - can not run command.</p>\n"; return simplexml_load_string('<xcat></xcat>','SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); } $request = simplexml_load_string('<xcatrequest></xcatrequest>'); $request->addChild('command',$cmd); if(!empty($nr)) { $request->addChild('noderange',$nr); } if (!empty($args)) { foreach ($args as $a) { $request->addChild('arg',$a); } } $usernode=$request->addChild('becomeuser'); $usernode->addChild('username',$_SESSION["username"]); $usernode->addChild('password',getpassword()); #echo $request->asXML(); $xml = submit_request($request,0); return $xml; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Used by docmd() // req is a tree of SimpleXML objects // Returns a tree of SimpleXML objects. See perl-xCAT/xCAT/Client.pm for the format. function submit_request($req, $skipVerify){ #global $cert,$port,$xcathost; //$apachehome = '/var/www'; # for sles this should be /var/lib/wwwrun //$cert = "$apachehome/.xcat/client-cred.pem"; $xcathost = "localhost"; $port = "3001"; $rsp = FALSE; $response = ''; $cleanexit=0; // Open a socket to xcatd $context = stream_context_create(); // do not need certificate anymore: array('ssl'=>array('local_cert' => $cert)) if($fp = stream_socket_client('ssl://'.$xcathost.':'.$port,$errno,$errstr,30,STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT,$context)){ fwrite($fp,$req->asXML()); // send the xml to xcatd while(!feof($fp)){ // and then read until there is no more $response .= preg_replace('/\n/','', fgets($fp)); // remove newlines and add it to the response // Look for the serverdone response $fullpattern = '/<xcatresponse>\s*<serverdone>\s*<\/serverdone>\s*<\/xcatresponse>/'; $mixedpattern = '/<serverdone>\s*<\/serverdone>.*<\/xcatresponse>/'; //$shortpattern = '/<serverdone>\s*<\/serverdone>/'; if(preg_match($mixedpattern,$response)) { // transaction is done, pkg up the xml and return it //echo "<p>", htmlentities($response), "</p>\n"; // remove the serverdone response and put an xcat tag around the rest $count = 0; $response = preg_replace($fullpattern,'', $response, -1, $count); // 1st try to remove the long pattern if (!$count) { $response = preg_replace($mixedpattern,'', $response) . '</xcatresponse>/'; } // if its not there, then remove the short pattern $response = "<xcat>$response</xcat>"; //echo "<p>", htmlentities($response), "</p>\n"; $rsp = simplexml_load_string($response,'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); //echo '<p>'; print_r($rsp); echo "</p>\n"; $cleanexit = 1; break; } } fclose($fp); }else{ echo "<p>xCAT Submit request socket Error: $errno - $errstr</p>\n"; } if(! $cleanexit){ if (preg_match('/^\s*<xcatresponse>.*<\/xcatresponse>\s*$/',$response)) { // It is probably an error msg, that is why we didn't get serverdone $response = "<xcat>$response</xcat>"; $rsp = simplexml_load_string($response,'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); } elseif(!$skipVerify){ echo "<p>Error: xCAT response ended prematurely: ", htmlentities($response), "</p>"; $rsp = FALSE; } } return $rsp; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Use with submit_request() to get the data fields (output that is not node-oriented) function getXmlData(& $xml) { $data = array(); foreach ($xml->children() as $response) foreach ($response->children() as $k => $v) { if ($k == 'data') { $data[] = (string) $v; } } return $data; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Use with submit_request() to get any errors that might have occurred // Returns the errorcode and adds any error strings to the $error array passed in function getXmlErrors(& $xml, & $errors) { if (!isset($errors)) { $errors = array(); } if (!isset($xml) || $xml===FALSE) { $errors[]='rc = 1'; return 1; } $errorcode = 0; foreach ($xml->children() as $response) foreach ($response->children() as $k => $v) { if ($k == 'error') { $errors[] = (string) $v; } if ($k == 'errorcode') { $errorcode = (string) $v; } } if ($errorcode==0 && count($errors)) { $errorcode = -1 * count($errors); } // the plugin author forgot to set the errorcode return $errorcode; } /** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function to run the commands on the remote nodes. Four arguments: 1. The command 2. Mode: 0: If successful, return output to a reference variable in the caller function, with the newlines removed. Otherwise, print the error msg to the screen 2: Like mode 0, if successful, return output to a reference variable in the caller function, with the newlines removed. But error msgs are output to reference variable in the caller function 1: Long running cmd, intermediate results/errors are ouput as the command is executed 3: Long running cmd. Results/errors are output to a file and return a file handle to the caller function 3. Reference variable to hold the output returned to caller function 4. Reference to an options hash, e.g. { NoVerbose => 1, NoRedirectStderr => 1 } Return status: 0 - successful, error - 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function runcmd ($cmd, $mode, &$output, $options=NULL){ //Set error output to the same source as standard output (on Linux) if (strstr($cmd,'2>&1') == FALSE && !$options["NoRedirectStdErr"]) { $cmd .= ' 2>&1'; } if (!isSupported('ClientServer')) { $cmd = "/usr/bin/sudo $cmd"; } //todo: add support for xcat 2 $ret_stat = ""; //$arr_output = NULL; if ($mode == 3) { // long running cmd - pipe output to file handle $handle = popen($cmd, "r"); if($handle) { $output = $handle; //return file handle to caller return 0; //successful } else { msg('E', "Piping command ($cmd) into a file handle failed."); return 1; } }elseif ($mode == 0 || $mode == 2 ){ exec($cmd, $output, $ret_stat); if ($ret_stat == 0){ //$output = $arr_output; } else { //output the error msg to the screen if ($mode == 0) foreach ($output as $line) { msg('E', $line); } //output error msg to the caller function //elseif ($mode == 2) $output = $arr_output[0]; // error is already in the output } } elseif ($mode == 1){ echo "<code>\n"; system($cmd, $ret_stat); echo "</code>\n"; } return $ret_stat; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Send the keys and values in the primary global arrays function dumpGlobals() { //trace('<b>$_SERVER:</b>'); //foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $val) { trace("$key=$val."); } //trace('<b>$_ENV:</b>'); //foreach ($_ENV as $key => $val) { trace("$key=$val."); } trace('<b>$_GET:</b>'); foreach ($_GET as $key => $val) { trace("$key=$val."); } trace('<b>$_POST:</b>'); foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { trace("$key=$val."); } trace('<b>$_COOKIE:</b>'); foreach ($_COOKIE as $key => $val) { trace("$key=$val."); } trace('<b>$_ENV:</b>'); foreach ($_ENV as $key => $val) { trace("$key=$val."); } trace('<b>$_SERVER:</b>'); foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $val) { trace("$key=$val."); } if (isset($_SESSION)) { trace('<b>$_SESSION:</b>'); foreach ($_SESSION as $key => $val) { trace("$key=$val."); } } trace('<b>$GLOBALS:</b>'); foreach ($GLOBALS as $key => $val) { trace("$key=$val."); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function getXcatRoot() { return isset($_ENV['XCATROOT']) ? $_ENV['XCATROOT'] : '/opt/xcat'; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Returns true if the given rpm file is already installed at this version or higher. function isInstalled($rpmfile) { $aixrpmopt = isAIX() ? '--ignoreos' : ''; $lang = isWindows() ? '' : 'LANG=C'; //todo: add this back in $out = array(); $rc = runcmd("rpm -U $aixrpmopt --test $rpmfile", 2, $out); # The rc is not reliable in this case because it will be 1 if it is already installed # of if there is some other problem like a dependency is not satisfied. So we parse the # output instead. if (preg_grep('/package .* already installed/', $out)) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } $isSupportedHash = array(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Returns true if the specified feature is supported. This is normally determined by some fast # method like checking for the existence of a file. The answer is also cached for next time. function isSupported($feature) { if (isset($isSupportedHash[$feature])) { return $isSupportedHash[$feature]; } # These are supported in xCAT 2.0 and above if ($feature == 'ClientServer' || $feature == 'DB') { $isSupportedHash[$feature] = file_exists(getXcatRoot() . '/bin/xcatclient'); } # These are supported in xCAT x.x and above //elseif ($feature == 'DshExecute') // { $isSupportedHash[$feature] = -e '/opt/csm/bin/csmsetuphwmaint'; } else { return false; } return $isSupportedHash[$feature]; } // Debug output ------------------------------------ define("TRACE", "1"); function trace($str) { if (TRACE) { echo "<p class=Trace>$str</p>\n"; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Take in a hostname or ip address and return the fully qualified primary hostname. If resolution fails, // it just returns what it was given. function resolveHost($host) { if (isIPAddr($host)) { // IP address $hostname = gethostbyaddr($host); return $hostname; } else { //todo: implement resolution of hostname to full primary hostname with just one call $ip = gethostbyname($host); if (!isIPAddr($ip)) { return $host; } $hostname = gethostbyaddr($ip); return $hostname; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function isIPAddr ($host) { return preg_match('/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/', $host); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the URL for the requested documentation. This provides 1 level of indirection in case // the location of some of the documentation changes. // book is the name (minus the dollar sign) of one of the arrays below. // section is the book/website/table name, or in the case of manpage: cmd.section# function getDocURL($book, $section = NULL) { global $TOPDIR; $web = array ( 'docs' => "http://xcat.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/xcat/xcat-core/trunk/xCAT-client/share/doc", 'mailinglist' => "http://xcat.org/mailman/listinfo/xcat-user", 'updates' => "http://xcat.sourceforge.net/yum", 'opensrc' => "http://xcat.sourceforge.net/yum", 'wiki' => "http://xcat.wiki.sourceforge.net", ); $manpage = array( 0 => "$TOPDIR/../xcat-doc", 1 => "$TOPDIR/../xcat-doc/man1/xcat.1.html", ); $dbtable = array( 0 => "$TOPDIR/../xcat-doc/man5", 1 => "$TOPDIR/../xcat-doc/man5/xcatdb.5.html", ); $dbobject = array( 0 => "$TOPDIR/../xcat-doc/man7", 1 => "$TOPDIR/../xcat-doc/man5/xcatdb.5.html", ); $howto = array( 0 => "$TOPDIR/../xcat-doc", 1 => "$TOPDIR/../xcat-doc/index.html", 'linuxCookbook' => "$TOPDIR/../xcat-doc/xCAT2.pdf", 'idataplexCookbook' => "$TOPDIR/../xcat-doc/xCAT-iDpx.pdf", 'aixCookbook' => "$TOPDIR/../xcat-doc/xCAT2onAIX.pdf", ); /* $rsctadmin = array ( // update this 0 => "http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/clresctr/vxrx/topic/com.ibm.cluster.rsct.doc/rsct_aix5l53", 1 => "$rsctadmin[0]/bl5adm1002.html", 'sqlExpressions' => "$rsctadmin[0]/bl5adm1042.html#ussexp", 'conditions' => "$rsctadmin[0]/bl5adm1041.html#cmrcond", 'responses' => "$rsctadmin[0]/bl5adm1041.html#cmrresp", 'resourceClasses' => "$rsctadmin[0]/bl5adm1039.html#lavrc", ); $rsctref = array ( // update this 0 => "http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/clresctr/vxrx/topic/com.ibm.cluster.rsct.doc/rsct_linux151", 1 => "$rsctref[0]/bl5trl1002.html", 'errm' => "$rsctref[0]/bl5trl1067.html#errmcmd", 'errmScripts' => "$rsctref[0]/bl5trl1081.html#errmscr", 'sensor' => "$rsctref[0]/bl5trl1088.html#srmcmd", 'auditlog' => "$rsctref[0]/bl5trl1095.html#audcmd", 'lscondresp' => "$rsctref[0]/bl5trl1071.html#lscondresp", 'startcondresp' => "$rsctref[0]/bl5trl1079.html#startcondresp", ); */ if ($book) { //$url = &$$book; if ($book=='web') $url = & $web; elseif ($book=='manpage') $url = & $manpage; elseif ($book=='dbtable') $url = & $dbtable; elseif ($book=='dbobject') $url = & $dbobject; elseif ($book=='howto') $url = & $howto; else return NULL; if (!$section) { return $url[1]; } // link to whole book if no section specified if ($book=='manpage') { $m = explode('.',$section); // 1st part is cmd name, 2nd part is man section return "$url[0]/man$m[1]/$m[0].$m[1].html"; } elseif ($book=='dbtable') { return "$url[0]/$section.5.html"; } elseif ($book=='dbobject') { return "$url[0]/$section.7.html"; } else return $url[$section]; } else { // produce html for a page that contains all the links above, for testing purposes return ''; //todo: } } $HWTypeInfo = array ( 'x335' => array ( 'image'=>'330.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x335-front', 'u'=>1, 'aliases'=>'8676' ), 'x336' => array ( 'image'=>'330.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x335-front', 'u'=>1, 'aliases'=>'8837' ), 'x306' => array ( 'image'=>'330.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x335-front', 'u'=>1, 'aliases'=>'8836' ), 'x306m' => array ( 'image'=>'330.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x335-front', 'u'=>1, 'aliases'=>'8849,8491' ), 'x3550' => array ( 'image'=>'330.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x335-front', 'u'=>1, 'aliases'=>'7978' ), 'e325' => array ( 'image'=>'330.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x335-front', 'u'=>1, 'aliases'=>'8835' ), 'e326' => array ( 'image'=>'330.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x335-front', 'u'=>1, 'aliases'=>'8848' ), 'e326m' => array ( 'image'=>'330.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x335-front', 'u'=>1, 'aliases'=>'7969' ), 'e327' => array ( 'image'=>'330.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x335-front', 'u'=>1, 'aliases'=>'' ), 'x3250' => array ( 'image'=>'330.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x335-front', 'u'=>1, 'aliases'=>'4190,4194' ), 'x3350' => array ( 'image'=>'330.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x335-front', 'u'=>1, 'aliases'=>'4192,4193,hmc' ), # just guessed about hmc 'x3450' => array ( 'image'=>'330.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x335-front', 'u'=>1, 'aliases'=>'7948' ), 'x3455' => array ( 'image'=>'330.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x335-front', 'u'=>1, 'aliases'=>'7940,ipmi,xseries,default' ), 'x3550' => array ( 'image'=>'330.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x335-front', 'u'=>1, 'aliases'=>'7978' ), 'x340' => array ( 'image'=>'342.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x345-front', 'u'=>2, 'aliases'=>'8656' ), 'x342' => array ( 'image'=>'342.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x345-front', 'u'=>2, 'aliases'=>'8669' ), 'x345' => array ( 'image'=>'342.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x345-front', 'u'=>2, 'aliases'=>'8670' ), 'x346' => array ( 'image'=>'342.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x345-front', 'u'=>2, 'aliases'=>'8840' ), 'x3650' => array ( 'image'=>'342.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x345-front', 'u'=>2, 'aliases'=>'7979' ), 'x3655' => array ( 'image'=>'342.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x345-front', 'u'=>2, 'aliases'=>'7943' ), 'x360' => array ( 'image'=>'342.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x366-front', 'u'=>3, 'aliases'=>'8686' ), 'x365' => array ( 'image'=>'342.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x366-front', 'u'=>3, 'aliases'=>'8862' ), 'x366' => array ( 'image'=>'342.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x366-front', 'u'=>3, 'aliases'=>'8863' ), 'x445' => array ( 'image'=>'342.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x366-front', 'u'=>3, 'aliases'=>'' ), 'x450' => array ( 'image'=>'342.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x366-front', 'u'=>3, 'aliases'=>'' ), 'x455' => array ( 'image'=>'342.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x366-front', 'u'=>3, 'aliases'=>'' ), 'x460' => array ( 'image'=>'342.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x366-front', 'u'=>3, 'aliases'=>'' ), 'x3755' => array ( 'image'=>'342.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x366-front', 'u'=>4, 'aliases'=>'7163,8877' ), 'x3850' => array ( 'image'=>'342.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x366-front', 'u'=>4, 'aliases'=>'7141,7233' ), 'x3950' => array ( 'image'=>'342.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x366-front', 'u'=>4, 'aliases'=>'' ), # 7141,7233 'hs20' => array ( 'image'=>'blade.gif', 'rackimage'=>'blade-front', 'u'=>7, 'aliases'=>'8678,8843,7981,blade' ), # removed 8832 because it is older and it made this entry to wide in the drop down boxes 'hs12' => array ( 'image'=>'blade.gif', 'rackimage'=>'blade-front', 'u'=>7, 'aliases'=>'8014,8028' ), 'hs21' => array ( 'image'=>'blade.gif', 'rackimage'=>'blade-front', 'u'=>7, 'aliases'=>'7995,8853' ), 'js20' => array ( 'image'=>'blade.gif', 'rackimage'=>'blade-front', 'u'=>7, 'aliases'=>'8842' ), 'js12' => array ( 'image'=>'blade.gif', 'rackimage'=>'blade-front', 'u'=>7, 'aliases'=>'799860X' ), 'js21' => array ( 'image'=>'blade.gif', 'rackimage'=>'blade-front', 'u'=>7, 'aliases'=>'8844,7998J21' ), 'js22' => array ( 'image'=>'blade.gif', 'rackimage'=>'blade-front', 'u'=>7, 'aliases'=>'799861X' ), 'qs21' => array ( 'image'=>'blade.gif', 'rackimage'=>'blade-front', 'u'=>7, 'aliases'=>'0792' ), 'qs22' => array ( 'image'=>'blade.gif', 'rackimage'=>'blade-front', 'u'=>7, 'aliases'=>'0793' ), 'ls20' => array ( 'image'=>'blade.gif', 'rackimage'=>'blade-front', 'u'=>7, 'aliases'=>'8850' ), 'ls21' => array ( 'image'=>'blade.gif', 'rackimage'=>'blade-front', 'u'=>7, 'aliases'=>'7971' ), 'ls22' => array ( 'image'=>'blade.gif', 'rackimage'=>'blade-front', 'u'=>7, 'aliases'=>'7901' ), 'hs40' => array ( 'image'=>'blade2.gif', 'rackimage'=>'blade2-front', 'u'=>7, 'aliases'=>'8839' ), 'ls41' => array ( 'image'=>'blade2.gif', 'rackimage'=>'blade2-front', 'u'=>7, 'aliases'=>'7972' ), 'ls42' => array ( 'image'=>'blade2.gif', 'rackimage'=>'blade2-front', 'u'=>7, 'aliases'=>'7902' ), # POWER 4 servers 'p610' => array ( 'image'=>'520.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x335-front', 'u'=>5, 'aliases'=>'7028' ), 'p615' => array ( 'image'=>'520.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x335-front', 'u'=>4, 'aliases'=>'7029' ), 'p630' => array ( 'image'=>'520.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x335-front', 'u'=>4, 'aliases'=>'' ), # 7026 'p640' => array ( 'image'=>'520.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x335-front', 'u'=>5, 'aliases'=>'7026' ), 'p650' => array ( 'image'=>'520.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x335-front', 'u'=>8, 'aliases'=>'7038' ), 'p655' => array ( 'image'=>'590.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x335-front', 'u'=>42, 'aliases'=>'7039' ), 'p670' => array ( 'image'=>'590.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x335-front', 'u'=>42, 'aliases'=>'' ), # 7040 'p690' => array ( 'image'=>'590.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x335-front', 'u'=>42, 'aliases'=>'7040' ), # OpenPOWER servers 'p710' => array ( 'image'=>'342.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x335-front', 'u'=>2, 'aliases'=>'9123' ), 'p720' => array ( 'image'=>'520.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x345-front', 'u'=>4, 'aliases'=>'9124' ), # POWER 5 servers 'p5-505' => array ( 'image'=>'330.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x335-front', 'u'=>1, 'aliases'=>'' ), # 9115 'p5-505Q' => array ( 'image'=>'330.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x335-front', 'u'=>1, 'aliases'=>'9115' ), 'p5-510' => array ( 'image'=>'342.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x345-front', 'u'=>2, 'aliases'=>'9110' ), 'p5-510Q' => array ( 'image'=>'342.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x345-front', 'u'=>2, 'aliases'=>'' ), # 9110 'p5-575' => array ( 'image'=>'342.gif', 'rackimage'=>'x345-front', 'u'=>2, 'aliases'=>'9118' ), 'p5-520' => array ( 'image'=>'520.gif', 'rackimage'=>'p5-520-front', 'u'=>4, 'aliases'=>'9111' ), 'p5-520Q' => array ( 'image'=>'520.gif', 'rackimage'=>'p5-520-front', 'u'=>4, 'aliases'=>'9131' ), 'p5-550' => array ( 'image'=>'520.gif', 'rackimage'=>'p5-520-front', 'u'=>4, 'aliases'=>'9113' ), 'p5-550Q' => array ( 'image'=>'520.gif', 'rackimage'=>'p5-520-front', 'u'=>4, 'aliases'=>'9133' ), 'p5-560' => array ( 'image'=>'520.gif', 'rackimage'=>'p5-520-front', 'u'=>4, 'aliases'=>'9116' ), 'p5-560Q' => array ( 'image'=>'520.gif', 'rackimage'=>'p5-520-front', 'u'=>4, 'aliases'=>'' ), # 9116 'p5-570' => array ( 'image'=>'520.gif', 'rackimage'=>'p5-520-front', 'u'=>4, 'aliases'=>'' ), # 9117 'p5-590' => array ( 'image'=>'590.gif', 'rackimage'=>'p5-590-front', 'u'=>42, 'aliases'=>'' ), # 9119 'p5-595' => array ( 'image'=>'590.gif', 'rackimage'=>'p5-590-front', 'u'=>42, 'aliases'=>'' ), # 9119 # POWER 6 servers 'p6-520' => array ( 'image'=>'520.gif', 'rackimage'=>'p5-520-front', 'u'=>4, 'aliases'=>'8203,520,HV4' ), 'p6-550' => array ( 'image'=>'520.gif', 'rackimage'=>'p5-520-front', 'u'=>4, 'aliases'=>'8204,550,HV8' ), 'p6-560' => array ( 'image'=>'520.gif', 'rackimage'=>'p5-520-front', 'u'=>4, 'aliases'=>'8234,560,ML4+' ), 'p6-570' => array ( 'image'=>'520.gif', 'rackimage'=>'p5-520-front', 'u'=>4, 'aliases'=>'9117,570,ML4,ML8,ML12,ML16' ), 'p6-575' => array ( 'image'=>'342.gif', 'rackimage'=>'p6-575-front', 'u'=>2, 'aliases'=>'9125,575' ), 'p6-595' => array ( 'image'=>'590.gif', 'rackimage'=>'p5-590-front', 'u'=>42, 'aliases'=>'9119,595' ), ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This returns important display info about each type of hardware, so we can easily add new hw types. function getHWTypeInfo($hwtype, $attr=NULL) { global $HWTypeInfo; // Get the aliases defined as keys, if we have not done that yet if (!array_key_exists('9119',$HWTypeInfo)) { $keys = array_keys($HWTypeInfo); // make a copy of the keys, because we will be adding some in the loop below foreach ($keys as $key) { $value = $HWTypeInfo[$key]; if (array_key_exists('aliases',$value) && !empty($value['aliases'])) { $aliases = explode(',', $value['aliases']); foreach ($aliases as $a) { if (array_key_exists($a,$HWTypeInfo)) { msg('W', "Internal warning: Duplicate alias in HWTypeInfo array: $a"); } else { $HWTypeInfo[$a] = $value; } } } } } // Now return the info requested $k = strtolower($hwtype); if (!array_key_exists($k,$HWTypeInfo)) { return NULL; } $info = $HWTypeInfo[$k]; if (isset($attr)) { return $info[$attr]; } else { return $info; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the image that should be displayed for this type of hw. Gets this from getHWTypeInfo() function getHWTypeImage($hwtype, $powermethod) { # 1st try to match the hw type $info = getHWTypeInfo($hwtype, 'image'); if (!empty($info)) { return $info; } # No matches yet. Use the power method to get a generic type. if (isset($powermethod)) { $info = getHWTypeInfo($powermethod, 'image'); if (!empty($info)) { return $info; } } # As a last resort, return the most common node image return getHWTypeInfo('default', 'image'); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Map the many possible values of nodelist.status into one of four: good, bad, warning, unknown //todo: update this list from Lings new status work function mapStatus($statStr) { $status = NULL; if ($statStr == "alive" || $statStr == "ready" || $statStr == "pbs" || $statStr == "sshd") { $status = "good"; } else if ($statStr == "noping" || $statStr=='unreachable') { $status = "bad"; } else if ($statStr == "ping") { $status = "warning"; } else { $status = "unknown"; } return $status; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For 2 status strings from nodestat or nodelist.status, return the "lowest" (worst). // Use this function when trying to aggregate multiple status values into one. //todo: update this list from Lings new status work function minStatus($s1, $s2) { $statnum = array( 'unknown' => 0, 'unreachable' => 1, 'noping' => 1, 'ping' => 2, 'snmp' => 3, 'sshd' => 4, 'pbs' => 5, 'ready' => 6, 'alive' => 6, ); // if either value is empty, just return the other one if (!isset($s1)) { return $s2; } if (!isset($s2)) { return $s1; } // if either value does not map into the hash, then return unknown if (!isset($statnum[$s1]) || !isset($statnum[$s2])) { return 'unknown'; } if ($statnum[$s1] < $statnum[$s2]) { return $s1; } else { return $s2; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Return the image that represents the status string passed in function getStatusImage($status) { global $TOPDIR; if ($status == 'good') { return "$TOPDIR/images/green-ball-m.gif"; } elseif ($status == 'warning') { return "$TOPDIR/images/yellow-ball-m.gif"; } elseif ($status == 'bad') { return "$TOPDIR/images/red-ball-m.gif"; } else { return "$TOPDIR/images/blue-ball-m.gif"; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the specified user preference value, or the default. (The preferences are stored in cookies.) // If no key is specified, it will return the list of preference names. function getPref($key) { $prefDefaults = array( 'nodesPerPage' => 40, 'displayCmds' => 0, ); if (!isset($key)) { return array_keys($prefDefaults); } if (isset($_COOKIE[$key])) { return $_COOKIE[$key]; } return $prefDefaults[$key]; // return default if not in the cookie } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns a list of some or all of the nodes in the cluster and some of their attributes. // Pass in a node range (or NULL to get all nodes) and an array of attribute names (or NULL for none). // Returns an array where each key is the node name and each value is an array of attr/value pairs (unless only 1 attr was request, in which case it is just the attr value). // attrs is an array of attributes that should be returned. function getNodes($noderange, $attrs) { //my ($hostname, $type, $osname, $distro, $version, $mode, $status, $conport, $hcp, $nodeid, $pmethod, $location, $comment) = split(/:\|:/, $na); //$nodes[] = array('hostname'=>"node$i.cluster.com", 'type'=>'x3655', 'osname'=>'Linux', 'distro'=>'RedHat', 'version'=>'4.5', 'status'=>1, 'conport'=>$i, 'hcp'=>"node$i-bmc.cluster.com", 'nodeid'=>'', 'pmethod'=>'bmc', 'location'=>"frame=1 u=$", 'comment'=>''); $nodes = array(); if (empty($noderange)) { $nodrange = '/.*'; } //$xml = docmd('nodels',$noderange,implode(' ',$attrs)); $xml = docmd('nodels',$noderange,$attrs); //echo "<p>"; print_r($xml); echo "</p>\n"; foreach ($xml->children() as $response) foreach ($response->children() as $o) { $nodename = (string)$o->name; $data = & $o->data; $attrval = (string)$data->contents; if (empty($attrval)) { continue; } if (count($attrs) > 1) { // if more than 1 attr requested, the output will include the attr description (name) $attrname = (string)$data->desc; if (!array_key_exists($nodename,$nodes)) { $nodes[$nodename] = array(); } $attributes = & $nodes[$nodename]; $attributes[$attrname] = $attrval; } else { // only 1 attr, so no attr name $nodes[$nodename] = $attrval; } } return $nodes; } //function awalk($value, $key) { echo "<p>$key=$value.</p>\n"; } //function awalk2($a) { foreach ($a as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) {$v='<array>';} else {$v=$value;} echo "<p>$key=$v.</p>\n"; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the node groups defined in the cluster. function getGroups() { $groups = array(); $xml = docmd('tabdump','',array('nodelist')); //$output = $xml->xcatresponse->children(); #$output = $xml->children(); // technically, we should iterate over the xcatresponses, because there can be more than one //foreach ($output as $line) { foreach ($xml->children() as $response) foreach ($response->children() as $line) { $line = (string) $line; //echo "<p>line=$line</p>"; if (ereg("^#", $line)) { continue; } // skip the header $vals = splitTableFields($line); if (empty($vals[0]) || empty($vals[1])) continue; // node or groups missing $grplist = preg_split('/,/', $vals[1]); foreach ($grplist as $g) { $groups[$g] = 1; } } $grplist = array_keys($groups); sort($grplist); return $grplist; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns true if we are running on AIX // use dirty trick function isAIX() { if($_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"] == "IBM_HTTP_Server") {return TRUE;}else {return FALSE;} } //todo: update to one elegant way later //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns true if we are running on Linux function isLinux() { if(strstr($_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"], "Apache")==FALSE) {return FALSE;} else {return TRUE;} } //todo: update to one elegant way later //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns true if we are running on Windows function isWindows() { return array_key_exists('WINDIR', $_SERVER); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create file folder-like tabs. Tablist is an array of label/url pairs. function insertTabs ($tablist, $currentTabIndex) { echo "<TABLE cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 width='100%' summary=Tabs><TBODY><TR>"; foreach ($tablist as $key => $tab) { if ($key != 0) { echo "<TD width=2></TD>"; } if ($currentTabIndex == $key) { echo "<TD align=center background='$TOPDIR/images/tab-current.gif'><b>$tab[0]</b></TD>"; } else { echo "<TD align=center background='$TOPDIR/images/tab.gif'><A href='$tab[1]'>$tab[0]</A></TD>"; } } echo "</TR><TR><TD colspan=7 height=7 bgcolor='#CBCBCB'></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>\n"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create the Action buttons in a table. Each argument passed in is a button, which is an array of attribute strings. // If your onclick attribute contains javascript code that uses quotes, use double quotes instead of single quotes. function insertButtons () { $num = func_num_args(); if ($num > 1) echo "<TABLE cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2><TR>"; foreach (func_get_args() as $button) { $otherattrs = @$button['otherattrs']; $id = @$button['id']; if (!empty($id)) { $id = "id=$id"; } $onclick = @$button['onclick']; if (!empty($onclick)) { $onclick = "onclick='$onclick'"; } if ($num > 1) echo "<td>"; echo "<a class=button $id $onclick $otherattrs><span>{$button['label']}</span></a>"; if ($num > 1) echo "</td>"; } if ($num > 1) echo "</TR></TABLE>\n"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Display messages in the html. If severity is W or E, it will attempt to use the Error class // from the style sheet. function msg($severity, $msg) { //if ($severity=~/V/ && !$::GUI_VERBOSE) { return; } if (preg_match('/O/', $severity)) { echo "$msg\n"; return; } $styleclass = 'Info'; if (preg_match('/[WE]/', $severity)) { $styleclass = 'Error'; } echo "<P class=$styleclass>$msg</P>\n"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function insertNotDoneYet() { echo "<p class=NotDone>This page is not done yet.</p>\n"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Parse the columns of 1 line of tabdump output //Todo: the only thing this doesn't handle is escaped double quotes. function splitTableFields($line){ $fields = array(); $line = ",$line"; // prepend a comma. this makes the parsing more consistent for ($rest=$line; !empty($rest); ) { $vals = array(); // either match everything in the 1st pair of quotes, or up to the next comma if (!preg_match('/^,"([^"]*)"(.*)$/', $rest, $vals)) { preg_match('/^,([^,]*)(.*)$/', $rest, $vals); } $fields[] = $vals[1]; $rest = $vals[2]; } return $fields; } #function to enable password storage to split between cookie and session variable function xorcrypt($data,$key) { $datalen=strlen($data); $keylen=strlen($key); for ($i=0;$i<$datalen;$i++) { $data[$i]=chr(ord($data[$i])^ord($key[$i])); } return $data; } function getpassword() { if (isset($GLOBALS['xcatauthsecret'])) { $cryptext=$GLOBALS['xcatauthsecret']; } else if (isset($_COOKIE["xcatauthsecret"])) { $cryptext = $_COOKIE["xcatauthsecret"]; } else { return false; } return xorcrypt($_SESSION["secretkey"],base64_decode($cryptext)); } #remembers the password, splitting knowledge between server and client side #persistant storage #Caller should regenerate session id when contemplating a new user/password, #to preclude session fixation, though fixation is limited without the secret. function setpassword($password) { $randlen=strlen($password); $key=getrandchars($randlen); $cryptext=xorcrypt($password,$key); $cryptext=base64_encode($cryptext); #non-ascii chars, base64 it #Not bothering with explicit expiration, as time sync would be too hairy #should go away when browser closes. Any timeout will be handled server #side. If the session id invalidates and the one-time key discarded, #the cookie contents are worthless anyway #nevertheless, when logout happens, cookie should be reaped setcookie("xcatauthsecret",$cryptext,0,'/'); $GLOBALS["xcatauthsecret"]=$cryptext; #May need it sooner, prefer globals $_SESSION["secretkey"]=$key; } function getrandchars($length) { $charset='0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!@#$%^&*'; $charsize=strlen($charset); srand(); $chars=''; for ($i=0;$i<$length;$i++) { $num=rand()%$charsize; $chars=$chars.substr($charset,$num,1); } return $chars; } // Determine if they at least have a user/pw that they have entered (that may or may not be valid) function is_logged() { if (isset($_SESSION["username"]) and !is_bool(getpassword())) { return true; } else { return false; } } // Determine if they are currently logged in successfully function isAuthenticated() { if (is_logged()) { if ($_SESSION["xcatpassvalid"] != 1) { $testcred=docmd("authcheck","",NULL); if (isset($testcred->{'xcatresponse'}->{'data'})) { $result="".$testcred->{'xcatresponse'}->{'data'}; if (is_numeric(strpos("Authenticated",$result))) { $_SESSION["xcatpassvalid"]=1; #proven good } else { $_SESSION["xcatpassvalid"]=0; #proven bad } } } } if (isset($_SESSION["xcatpassvalid"]) and $_SESSION["xcatpassvalid"]==1) { return true; } else { return false; } } function logout() { #clear the secret cookie from browser. #expire cookie a week ago, server time, may not work if client clock way off, but the value will be cleared at least. if (isset($_COOKIE["xcatauthsecret"])) { setcookie("xcatauthsecret",'',time()-86400*7,'/'); #NOTE: though firefox doesn't seem to zap it dynamically from cookie store in #the client side dialog, firefox does stop submitting the value. The sensitivity of the 'stale' cookie even if compromised #is negligible, as the session id will be invalidated and the one-time-key needed to decrypt the password is destroyed on the server } #expire the sesion cookie if (isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])) { setcookie(session_name(),"",time()-86400*7,"/"); } #clear server store of data $_SESSION=array(); session_destroy(); } ?>