=head1 NAME B<mkvm> - Creates HMC-, IVM-, and zVM-managed partitions or other virtual machines. =head1 SYNOPSIS =head2 Common: B<mkvm> [B<-h>| B<--help>] B<mkvm> [B<-v>| B<--version>] =head2 For PPC (with HMC): B<mkvm> [B<-V>| B<--verbose>] I<noderange> B<-i> I<id> B<-l> I<singlenode> B<mkvm> [B<-V>| B<--verbose>] I<noderange> B<-c> I<destcec> B<-p> I<profile> B<mkvm> [B<-V>| B<--verbose>] I<noderange> B<--full> =head2 For KVM: B<mkvm> I<noderange> [B<-m|--master> I<mastername>] [B<-s|--size> I<disksize>] [B<--mem> I<memsize>] [B<--cpus> I<cpucount>] [B<-f|--force>] =head2 For Vmware: B<mkvm> I<noderange> [B<-s>|B<--size> I<disksize>] [B<--mem> I<memsize>] [B<--cpus> I<cpucount>] =head2 For zVM: B<mkvm> I<noderange> I<directory_entry_file_path> B<mkvm> I<noderange> I<source_virtual_machine> B<pool=> I<disk_pool> B<pw=> I<multi_password> =head1 DESCRIPTION =head2 For PPC: For PPC (with HMC) specific: The first form of mkvm command creates new partition(s) with the same profile/resources as the partition specified by I<singlenode>. The -i and I<noderange> specify the starting numeric partition number and the I<noderange> for the newly created partitions, respectively. The LHEA port numbers and the HCA index numbers will be automatically increased if they are defined in the source partition. The second form of this command duplicates all the partitions from the source specified by I<profile> to the destination specified by I<destcec>. The source and destination CECs can be managed by different HMCs. Please make sure the nodes in the I<noderange> is defined in the I<nodelist> table and the I<mgt> is set to 'hmc' in the I<nodehm> table before running this command. Please note that the mkvm command currently only supports creating standard LPARs, not virtual LPARs working with VIOS server. =head2 For KVM and Vmware: The mkvm command creates new virtual machine(s) with the I<disksize> size of hard disk, I<memsize> size of memory and I<cpucount> number of cpu. For KVM: If B<-f>|B<--force> is specified, the storage will be destroyed first if it existed. =head2 For zVM: The first form of mkvm creates a new virtual machine based on a directory entry. The second form of this creates a new virtual machine with the same profile/resources as the specified node (cloning). =head1 OPTIONS =over 10 =item B<-h|--help> Display usage message. =item B<-c> The cec (fsp) name for the destination. =item B<--cpus> The cpu count which will be created for the kvm/vmware virtual machine. =item B<--full> Request to create a new full system partition for each CEC. =item B<-f|--force> If B<-f|--force> is specified, the storage will be destroyed first if it existed. =item B<-i> Starting numeric id of the newly created partitions. =item B<-l> The partition name of the source. =item B<--mem> The memory size which will be used for the new created kvm/vmware virtual machine. Unit is Megabyte. =item B<-p> The file that contains the profiles for the source partitions. =item B<-s|--size> The size of storage which will be created for the kvm/vmware virtual machine. =item B<-v|--version> Command Version. =item B<-V|--verbose> Verbose output. =back =head1 RETURN VALUE 0 The command completed successfully. 1 An error has occurred. =head1 EXAMPLES 1. To create a new partition lpar5 based on the profile/resources of lpar4, enter: mkdef -t node -o lpar5 mgt=hmc groups=all then: mkvm lpar5 -i 5 -l lpar4 Output is similar to: lpar5: Success 2. To create new partitions lpar5-lpar8 based on the profile/resources of lpar4, enter: mkdef -t node -o lpar5-lpar8 mgt=hmc groups=all then: mkvm lpar5-lpar8 -i 5 -l lpar4 Output is similar to: lpar5: Success lpar6: Success lpar7: Success lpar8: Success 3. To duplicate all the partitions associated with cec01 on cec02, first save the lpars from cec01 to a file: lsvm lpar01-lpar04 > /tmp/myprofile then create lpars on cec02: mkvm lpar05-lpar08 -c cec02 -p /tmp/myprofile Output is similar to: lpar5: Success lpar6: Success lpar7: Success lpar8: Success 4. To duplicate all the partitions associated with cec01 on cec02, one is for cec01, the other is for cec02: mkdef -t node -o lpar5,lpar6 mgt=hmc groups=all chtab node=lpar5 ppc.parent=cec01 chtab node=lpar6 ppc.parent=cec02 then create lpars on cec01 and cec02: mkvm lpar5,lpar6 --full Output is similar to: lpar5: Success lpar6: Success 5. To create a new zVM virtual machine (gpok3) based on a directory entry: mkvm gpok3 /tmp/dirEntry.txt Output is similar to: gpok3: Creating user directory entry for LNX3... Done 6. To clone a new zVM virtual machine with the same profile/resources as the specified node: mkvm gpok4 gpok3 pool=POOL1 Output is similar to: gpok4: Cloning gpok3 gpok4: Linking source disk (0100) as (1100) gpok4: Linking source disk (0101) as (1101) gpok4: Stopping LNX3... Done gpok4: Creating user directory entry gpok4: Granting VSwitch (VSW1) access for gpok3 gpok4: Granting VSwitch (VSW2) access for gpok3 gpok4: Adding minidisk (0100) gpok4: Adding minidisk (0101) gpok4: Disks added (2). Disks in user entry (2) gpok4: Linking target disk (0100) as (2100) gpok4: Copying source disk (1100) to target disk (2100) using FLASHCOPY gpok4: Mounting /dev/dasdg1 to /mnt/LNX3 gpok4: Setting network configuration gpok4: Linking target disk (0101) as (2101) gpok4: Copying source disk (1101) to target disk (2101) using FLASHCOPY gpok4: Powering on gpok4: Detatching source disk (0101) at (1101) gpok4: Detatching source disk (0100) at (1100) gpok4: Starting LNX3... Done 7. To create a new kvm/vmware virtual machine with 10G storage, 2048M memory and 2 cpus. mkvm vm1 -s 10G --mem 2048 --cpus 2 =head1 FILES /opt/xcat/bin/mkvm =head1 SEE ALSO L<chvm(1)|chvm.1>, L<lsvm(1)|lsvm.1>, L<rmvm(1)|rmvm.1>