=head1 NAME

B<lsdef> - Use this command to list xCAT data object definitions.


B<lsdef> [B<-h>|B<--help>] [B<-t> I<object-types>] [B<-i> I<attr-list>]

B<lsdef> [B<-V>|B<--verbose>] [B<-l>|B<--long>] [B<-s>|B<--short>] [B<-a>|B<--all>] [B<-S>] 
[B<-t> I<object-types>] [B<-o> I<object-names>] [B<-z>|B<--stanza>] [B<-i> I<attr-list>]
[B<-c>|B<--compress>] [B<--osimage>] [B<--nics>] [[B<-w> I<attr>==I<val>]
[B<-w> I<attr>=~I<val>] ...] [I<noderange>]


This command is used to display xCAT object definitions which are stored
in the xCAT database.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 10

=item B<-a|--all>

Display all definitions.
For performance consideration, the auditlog and eventlog objects will not be listed.
To list auditlog or eventlog objects, use lsdef -t auditlog or lsdef -t eventlog instead.

=item B<-c|--compress>

Display information in compressed mode, each output line has format "<object name>: <data>".
The output can be passed to command xcoll or xdshbak for formatted output. 
The -c flag must be used with -i flag.

=item B<-h|--help>

Display usage message.

=item B<-i> I<attr-list>

Comma separated list of attribute names to display.

=item B<-l|--long>

List the complete object definition.

=item B<-s|--short>

Only list the object names.

=item B<-S> 

List all the hidden nodes (FSP/BPA nodes) with other ones.

=item I<noderange>

A set of comma delimited node names and/or group names.
See the "noderange" man page for details on supported formats.

=item B<-o> I<object-names>

A set of comma delimited object names.

=item B<--osimage>

Show all the osimage information for the node.

=item B<--nics>

Show the nics configuration information for the node.

=item B<-t> I<object-types>

A set of comma delimited object types. Use the help option to get a list of valid objects.

=item B<-V|--verbose>

Verbose mode.

=item B<-w> I<attr==val> B<-w> I<attr=~val> ...

Use one or multiple -w flags to specify the selection string that can be used to select objects. The operators ==, !=, =~ and !~ are available. Use the help option to get a list of valid attributes for each object type.

Operator descriptions:
        ==        Select nodes where the attribute value is exactly this value.
        !=        Select nodes where the attribute value is not this specific value.
        =~        Select nodes where the attribute value matches this regular expression.
        !~        Select nodes where the attribute value does not match this regular expression.

Note: if the "val" fields includes spaces or any other characters that will be parsed by shell, the "attr<operator>val" needs to be quoted. If the operator is "!~", the "attr<operator>val" needs to be quoted using single quote.

=item B<-z|--stanza>

Display output in stanza format. See the xcatstanzafile man page for details on using xCAT stanza files.



0 The command completed successfully.

1 An error has occurred.


=over 4

=item 1.

To display a description of all the valid attributes that could be used
when defining an xCAT node.

 lsdef -t node -h

=item 2.

To get a list of all the objects that have been defined.

 lsdef -a

=item 3.

To get all the attributes of the node1

 lsdef node1
 lsdef -t node node1
 lsdef -t node -o node1

=item 4.

To get the object name of node1 instead of all the attributes

 lsdef -s node1

=item 5.

To get a list of all the network definitions.

 lsdef -t network

=item 6.

To get a complete listing of all network definitions.

 lsdef -l -t network

=item 7.

To list the whole xCAT database and write it to a stanza file. (backup database)

 lsdef -a -l -z > mydbstanzafile

=item 8.

To list the MAC and install adapter name for each node.

 lsdef -t node -i mac,installnic

=item 9.

To list an osimage definition named "aix53J".

 lsdef -t osimage -l -o aix53J

=item 10.

To list all node definitions that have a status value of "booting".

 lsdef -t node -w status==booting

=item 11.

To list all the attributes of the group "service".

 lsdef -l -t group -o service

=item 12.

To list all the attributes of the nodes that are members of the group "service".

 lsdef -t node -l service

=item 13.

To get a listing of object definitions that includes information about
what xCAT database tables are used to store the data.

 lsdef -V -l -t node -o node01

=item 14.

To list the hidden nodes that can't be seen with other flags.
The hidden nodes are FSP/BPAs.

 lsdef -S

=item 15.

To list the nodes status and use xcoll to format the output.

 lsdef -t node -i status -c | xcoll

=item 16.

To display the description for some specific attributes that could be used
when defining an xCAT node.

 lsdef -t node -h -i profile,pprofile

=item 17.

To display the nics configuration information for node cn1.

 lsdef cn1 --nics


=head1 FILES


=head1 NOTES

This command is part of the xCAT software product.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<mkdef(1)|mkdef.1>, L<chdef(1)|chdef.1>, L<rmdef(1)|rmdef.1>, L<xcatstanzafile(5)|xcatstanzafile.5>