# Sample scripted installation file # edited and updated by vallard@sumavi.com # Accept the VMware End User License Agreement vmaccepteula # Set the root password for the DCUI and Tech Support Mode rootpw --iscrypted #CRYPT:passwd:key=vmware,username=root:password# # clear all partitions. clearpart --alldrives --overwritevmfs # Choose the first disk (in channel/target/lun order) to install onto autopart --firstdisk --overwritevmfs # The install media is on the network. install url http://#TABLE:noderes:$NODE:nfsserver#/install/#TABLE:nodetype:$NODE:os#/#TABLE:nodetype:$NODE:arch# # Set the network to DHCP on the first network adapter #network --bootproto=dhcp --device=vmnic0 network --bootproto=dhcp # reboot automatically when we're done. reboot # A sample post-install script %post --interpreter=busybox --unsupported --ignorefailure=true # tell xCAT management server we are done installing # have to put in the IP address instead of the hostname because VMware # ESXi 4.1 can not resolve IP addresses... echo "<xcatrequest>\n<command>nextdestiny</command>\n</xcatrequest>" | /bin/openssl s_client -quiet -connect #COMMAND: host #TABLE:noderes:$NODE:xcatmaster# | head -1 | sed 's/.*address//g' #:3001 2>&1 | tee /tmp/foo.log # enable SSH on next boot: %firstboot --interpreter=busybox --unsupported --level=47 sed -ie 's/#ssh/ssh/' /etc/inetd.conf #ssh is too nice not to have