var XCATui = {}; XCATui.updateCommandResult = function() { var commandQueryId = "commandQuery"; var copyChkBoxId = "copyChkBox"; var nodenameHiddenTxtId = "nodename"; var nodegrpsCboBoxId = "nodegrpsCboBox"; var pshChkBoxId = "pshChkBox"; var serialChkBoxId = "serialChkBox"; var verifyChkBoxId = "verifyChkBox"; var fanoutTxtBoxId = "fanoutTxtBox"; var userIDTxtBoxId = "userIDTxtBox"; var rshellTxtBoxId = "rshellTxtBox"; var rshellTxtBoxId = "rshellTxtBox"; var monitorChkBoxId = "monitorChkBox"; var ret_codeChkBoxId = "ret_codeChkBox"; var copyChkBoxObj = $(copyChkBoxId); var commandQueryObj = $(commandQueryId); var nodenameHiddenTxtObj = $(nodenameHiddenTxtId); var nodegrpsCboBoxObj = $(nodegrpsCboBoxId); var pshChkBoxObj = $(pshChkBoxId); var serialChkBoxObj = $(serialChkBoxId); var verifyChkBoxObj = $(verifyChkBoxId); var fanoutTxtBoxObj = $(fanoutTxtBoxId); var userIDTxtBoxObj = $(userIDTxtBoxId); var rshellTxtBoxObj = $(rshellTxtBoxId); var monitorChkBoxObj = $(monitorChkBoxId); var ret_codeChkBoxObj = $(ret_codeChkBoxId); // Do AJAX call and get HTML here. var url = "dsh_action.php"; var postPara = "command=" + encodeURIComponent(commandQueryObj.value); postPara += "&node=" + encodeURIComponent(nodenameHiddenTxtObj.value); postPara += "&nodegrps=" + encodeURIComponent(nodegrpsCboBoxObj.options[nodegrpsCboBoxObj.selectedIndex].value); if (copyChkBoxObj.checked == true) postPara += "©=on"; else postPara += "©=off"; if (pshChkBoxObj.checked == true) postPara += "&psh=on"; else postPara += "&psh=off"; if (serialChkBoxObj.checked == true) postPara += "&serial=on"; else postPara += "&serial=off"; if (verifyChkBoxObj.checked == true) postPara += "&verify=on"; else postPara += "&verify=off"; postPara += "&fanout=" + encodeURIComponent(fanoutTxtBoxObj.value); postPara += "&userID=" + encodeURIComponent(userIDTxtBoxObj.value); postPara += "&rshell=" + encodeURIComponent(rshellTxtBoxObj.value); if (monitorChkBoxObj.checked == true) postPara += "&monitor=on"; else postPara += "&monitor=off"; if (ret_codeChkBoxObj.checked == true) postPara += "&ret_code=on"; else postPara += "&ret_code=off"; new Ajax.Request(url, { method: 'post', postBody: postPara, onSuccess: function(transport) { var htmlContent = transport.responseText; var win = new Window({className: "dialog", width: 350, height: 400, zIndex: 100, resizable: true, title: "Running commands", showEffect: Effect.BlindDown, hideEffect: Effect.SwitchOff, draggable: true, wiredDrag: true}); win.getContent().innerHTML = htmlContent; //win.setStatusBar("Status bar info"); win.showCenter(); } }); }; /** * Hides/shows the nodes in a node group table. */ XCATui.toggleSection = function(nodeGroupName) { var tableId = "div_" + nodeGroupName; var imageId = tableId + '-im'; var expandSpanId = "img_gr_" + nodeGroupName; var tableObj = $(tableId); if(null == tableObj) { alert('Error: section ' + tableId + ' not found.'); return false; } var imageTag = $(imageId); var expandSpanObj = $(expandSpanId); if(! || == 'inline') { // the inner table is currently visible = 'none'; imageTag.src = "../images/plus-sign.gif"; expandSpanObj.title = "Click to expand section"; } else { // the inner table is currently invisible = 'inline'; imageTag.src = "../images/minus-sign.gif"; expandSpanObj.title = "Click to collapse section"; } return true; }; XCATui.getFailureSpanHTML = function(nodeGroupName) { var spanId = "nodegroup_" + nodeGroupName + "_failure"; var html = 'There was a problem loading the node for the group ' + nodeGroupName + ''; return html; } XCATui.getLoadingSpanHTML = function(nodeGroupName) { var spanId = "nodegroup_" + nodeGroupName + "_loading"; var html = ''; return html; } /** * This is the onCreate callback for the AJAX request made in XCATui.updateNodeList. * It updates the interface to show that the request is loading. * See */ XCATui.updateNodeListLoading = function(nodeGroupName) { var spanId = 'img_gr_' + nodeGroupName; new Insertion.Bottom(spanId, XCATui.getLoadingSpanHTML(nodeGroupName)); var loadingSpanId = "nodegroup_" + nodeGroupName + "_loading"; new Effect.Appear(loadingSpanId); } /** * This is the onFailure callback for the AJAX request made in XCATui.updateNodeList. * It updates the interface to show that the request failed. * See */ XCATui.updateNodeListFailure = function(nodeGroupName) { var spanId = 'img_gr_' + nodeGroupName; new Insertion.Bottom(spanId, XCATui.getFailureSpanHTML(nodeGroupName)); var failureSpanId = "nodegroup_" + nodeGroupName + "_failure"; new Effect.Shake(failureSpanId); } /** * Add table rows representing nodes to the table that represents the node group * identified by the given name. */ XCATui.updateNodeList = function(nodeGroupName) { var tableId = "div_" + nodeGroupName; var imageId = tableId + '-im'; var expandSpanId = "img_gr_" + nodeGroupName; var tableObj = document.getElementById(tableId); //$(tableId); if(null == tableObj) { alert('Error: section ' + tableId + ' not found.'); return false; } var imageTag = document.getElementById(imageId); //$(imageId); var expandSpanObj = document.getElementById(expandSpanId); //$(expandSpanId); if(! || == 'inline') {// currently visible = 'none'; imageTag.src = "../images/plus-sign.gif"; expandSpanObj.title = "Click to expand section"; } else { //currently invisible imageTag.src = "../images/minus-sign.gif"; expandSpanObj.title = "Click to collapse section"; var target = "div_" + nodeGroupName; var pars = 'nodeGroupName=' + nodeGroupName; var URL = 'nodes_by_group.php'; // Check whether the table already exists and has already been updated? //var URL = "webservice.php?method=getXCATNodeRows&nodeGroupName=" + encodeURIComponent(nodeGroupName); alert('About to call Ajax.Updater'); new Ajax.Updater(target, URL, { method: 'post', parameters: pars, onCreate: function() { XCATui.updateNodeListLoading(nodeGroupName) }, // Needs Prototype 1.5.1 onFailure: function() {XCATui.updateNodeListFailure(nodeGroupName) }, onComplete: function() {new Effect.Fade("nodegroup_" + nodeGroupName + "_loading")} }); // the inner table is currently invisible = 'inline'; alert('Back from Ajax.Updater'); } //return true; //XCATui.toggleSection(nodeGroupName); }