
// Allow the user to set preferences for this web interface

$TOPDIR = '..';
require_once "$TOPDIR/lib/functions.php";

insertHeader('Suggestions', NULL, NULL, array('support','suggest'));

<h1>Send Sugestions to the CSM Development Team</h1>

<p>Suggestions, bug reports, bug fixes, etc., are always welcome. Please post them to the
<A href="http://xcat.org/mailman/listinfo/xcat-user" >xCAT mailing list</A>.
Contributions are also welcome, such as minor new features, better
images, or even whole new pages.
See <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/xcat">xCAT on SourceForge</a>. Thanks!</p>

<h3>Todo List</h3>

<p>The following items are already on our todo list, in
approximately priority order:</p>

  <li>Update the spec file for this web interface to have all the necessary post installation scripts (Bruce)</li>
  <li>One button update of this web interface from the internet (Bruce)</li>
  <li>Improve the look of associating the top menu with the 2nd menu (Quyen)</li>
  <li>Do frame view and rack layout pages (Bruce)</li>
  <li>Do several of the buttons within the machines views (Bruce):
    <li>Run Cmds</li>
    <li>Copy Files</li>
    <li>Create Group</li>
  <li>Do RMC configuration pages (Bruce)</li>
  <li>Do Cluster Settings (site table) page (Bruce)</li>
  <li>Start cluster wizard page (Bruce)</li>
  <li>Do a summary page that lists # of bad nodes, # of jobs, etc.</li>

<h3>Known Defects and Limitations</h3>

  <li>to be filled in...</li>

<p>The <b>Change Log</b> describing recent enhancements is in the xcat-web spec file</a>.</p>