#!/usr/bin/expect -- # IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html # # sets up ssh on the input node list # called from by xdsh -K command # # DSH_REMOTE_CMD set to path to remote shell (ssh) # root password must agree on all the nodes # # Usage: remoteshell.expect # [-t remote_shell hostname] test the remoteshell on the host # [-k] Generates the ssh keys needed # [-n hostname] - gather ssh keys for the hostname # [-s node_list] # [-h ] usage # # exit 0 - good # exit 1 - abort # exit 2 - usage error # # ################################################################################ set timeout 80 log_user 0 #Clear xdsh environment variables set empty "" # path to remote command if { [info exists env(DSH_REMOTE_CMD)] } { set remoteshell $env(DSH_REMOTE_CMD) } else { set remoteshell "/bin/ssh" } if { [info exists env(XCATROOT)] } { set xcatroot $env(XCATROOT) } else { set xcatroot "/opt/xcat" } if { [info exists env(XCAT_UPD_MULTNODES)] } { set manynodes $env(XCAT_UPD_MULTNODES) } else { set manynodes "" } # # check input arguments # if { [llength $argv] != 0 } { if { [string compare "-h" [lindex $argv 0]] ==0 } { # usage puts "Usage: remoteshell.expect" puts " -t remote_shell hostname - test the remoteshell on the host" puts " -k Generates the ssh keys needed" puts " -n hostname - gather ssh keys for the hostname" puts " -s node_list - copies keys to the nodes" puts " -h usage" exit 0 } # -t means test to see if the shell is already setup if { [string compare "-t" [lindex $argv 0]] ==0 } { set env(LC_ALL) "C" set pid [ spawn [lindex $argv 1] [lindex $argv 2] -l root echo test.success ] expect { timeout { exit 1 } "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?" { exec /bin/kill $pid exit 1 } "*ssword*" { exec /bin/kill $pid exit 1 } "Permission denied." { exit 1 } "test.success" { exit 0 } } exit 1 } elseif { [string compare "-k" [lindex $argv 0]] ==0 } { # -k means copy the keys to the nodes set home [exec /usr/bin/perl -e {$user = $ENV{'USER'} ? $ENV{'USER'} : "root"; @info = getpwnam($user); print $info[7] . "\n";}] if { [string compare $home $empty] ==0 } { set home $env(HOME) } # check to see if ssh rsa1 keys exists, if not generate it if {![file exists "$home/.ssh/identity"]} { # key does not exist set env(LC_ALL) "C" spawn /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -t rsa1 expect "Generating public/private rsa1" expect -re "Enter file.*:" send "\r" expect -re "Enter passphrase.*:" send "\r" expect -re "Enter same passphrase.*:" send "\r" expect eof } elseif {[file exists "$home/.ssh/identity"] &&([file size "$home/.ssh/identity"] == 0)} { # key exists set env(LC_ALL) "C" spawn /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -t rsa1 expect "Generating public/private rsa1" expect -re "Enter file.*:" send "\r" expect -re "Overwrite.*\(y/n\)\?" send "y\r" expect -re "Enter passphrase.*:" send "\r" expect -re "Enter same passphrase.*:" send "\r" expect eof } # check to see if ssh rsa keys exists, if not generate it if {![file exists "$home/.ssh/id_rsa"]} { set env(LC_ALL) "C" spawn /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -t rsa expect "Generating public/private rsa" expect -re "Enter file.*:" send "\r" expect -re "Enter passphrase.*:" send "\r" expect -re "Enter same passphrase.*:" send "\r" expect eof } elseif {[file exists "$home/.ssh/id_rsa"] &&([file size "$home/.ssh/id_rsa"] == 0)} { set env(LC_ALL) "C" spawn /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -t rsa expect "Generating public/private rsa" expect -re "Enter file.*:" send "\r" expect -re "Overwrite.*\(y/n\)\?" send "y\r" expect -re "Enter passphrase.*:" send "\r" expect -re "Enter same passphrase.*:" send "\r" expect eof } # check to see if ssh dsa keys exists, if not generate it if {![file exists "$home/.ssh/id_dsa"]} { set env(LC_ALL) "C" spawn /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -t dsa expect "Generating public/private dsa" expect -re "Enter file.*:" send "\r" expect -re "Enter passphrase.*:" send "\r" expect -re "Enter same passphrase.*:" send "\r" expect eof } elseif {[file exists "$home/.ssh/id_dsa"] && ([file size "$home/.ssh/id_dsa"] == 0)} { set env(LC_ALL) "C" spawn /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -t dsa expect "Generating public/private dsa" expect -re "Enter file.*:" send "\r" expect -re "Overwrite.*\(y/n\)\?" send "y\r" expect -re "Enter passphrase.*:" send "\r" expect -re "Enter same passphrase.*:" send "\r" expect eof } } elseif { [string compare "-n" [lindex $argv 0]] ==0 } { #gather ssh host keys set hostname [lindex $argv 1] set hlist [split $hostname '.'] set name "" set nlist "" set j [llength $hlist] for { set i 0 } { $i<$j} {incr i } { set element [lindex $hlist $i] if { $i == 0 } { set name $element } else { set name "$name.$element" } lappend nlist $name } foreach hn $nlist { set env(LC_ALL) "C" set pid [ spawn $remoteshell $hn -l root echo test.success ] expect { "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?" { send "yes\r" exp_continue } "*ssword*" { exec /bin/kill $pid } "test.success" { continue } } } } elseif { [string compare "-s" [lindex $argv 0]] ==0 } { set nodes [lindex $argv 1] set empty "" if { [string compare $nodes $empty] ==0 } { #no target exit 1 } set nodelist [split $nodes ','] set nodelist2 $nodelist set printlist [ join $nodelist ", " ] set scp "/usr/bin/scp" set directory "/install/postscripts/.ssh" if { [info exists env(XCAT_REMOTE_PASSWORD)] } { set word $env(XCAT_REMOTE_PASSWORD) } else { exec /bin/stty -echo set timeout 360 puts "Enter the password for the userid (usually root) used to access the following target nodes: $printlist" expect_user "*\n" set timeout 80 exec /bin/stty echo set word $expect_out(buffer) set expect_out(buffer) "" send_user "\n" } foreach node $nodelist { set env(LC_ALL) "C" set pid [ spawn $scp -r -p $directory root\@$node:/tmp ] expect { "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?" { send "yes\r" exp_continue } "*ssword*" { send "$word\r" exp_continue } "Permission denied*" { exec /bin/kill $pid } } set pid [ spawn $remoteshell $node -l root /tmp/.ssh/copy.perl ] expect { "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?" { send "yes\r" exp_continue } "*ssword*" { send "$word\r" exp_continue } "Permission denied*" { exec /bin/kill $pid } } } set word "" set failed "0" foreach node $nodelist2 { set hostname $node set hlist [split $hostname '.'] set name "" set nlist "" set j [llength $hlist] for { set i 0 } { $i<$j} {incr i } { set element [lindex $hlist $i] if { $i == 0 } { set name $element } else { set name "$name.$element" } lappend nlist $name } foreach hn $nlist { set env(LC_ALL) "C" set pid [ spawn $remoteshell $hn -l root echo test.success ] expect { "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?" { send "yes\r" exp_continue } "*ssword*" { exec /bin/kill $pid set failed "1" } "*refused." { exec /bin/kill $pid set failed "1" } "Permission denied*" { exec /bin/kill $pid set failed "1" } timeout { exec /bin/kill $pid set failed "1" } "test.success" { continue } } } } if { [string compare "1" $failed ] ==0 } { exit 1 } else { exit 0 } } elseif { [string compare "-d" [lindex $argv 0]] ==0 } { # check xdsh ping to verify set env(DSH_PING_VERIFY) "1" set env(DSH_LIST) [lindex $argv 1] log_user 1 set timeout 360 set env(LC_ALL) "C" if { [info exists env(XCAT_PING)] } { set pid [ spawn "$xcatroot/bin/xdsh" -B -v -t 80 /bin/echo test.success ] } else { set pid [ spawn "$xcatroot/bin/xdsh" -B -t 80 /bin/echo test.success ] } expect { timeout { exec /bin/kill $pid set failed "1" } } log_user 0 set timeout 80 } elseif { [string compare "-dn" [lindex $argv 0]] ==0 } { # check xdsh ping nodes set env(DSH_PING_VERIFY) "1" #set env(DSH_LIST) [lindex $argv 1] set node [lindex $argv 1] log_user 1 set timeout 360 set env(LC_ALL) "C" if { [info exists env(XCAT_PING)] } { set pid [ spawn "$xcatroot/bin/xdsh" $node -B -v -t 80 /bin/echo test.success ] } else { # no verify set pid [ spawn "$xcatroot/bin/xdsh" $node -B -t 80 /bin/echo test.success ] } expect { timeout { exec /bin/kill $pid set failed "1" } } log_user 0 set timeout 80 } elseif { [string compare "-ds" [lindex $argv 0]] ==0 } { # check dsh, ssh with options set env(DSH_PING_VERIFY) "1" set env(DSH_LIST) [lindex $argv 1] log_user 1 set timeout 360 set env(LC_ALL) "C" if { [info exists env(XCAT_PING)] } { set pid [ spawn $xcatroot/bin/xdsh -B -v -o "-o BatchMode=yes" -t 80 /bin/echo test.success ] } else { # no verify set pid [ spawn $xcatroot/bin/xdsh -B -o "-o BatchMode=yes" -t 80 /bin/echo test.success ] } expect { timeout { exec /bin/kill $pid set failed "1" } } log_user 0 set timeout 80 } else { # usage error puts "Usage: remoteshell.expect" puts " -t remote_shell hostname - test the remoteshell on the host" puts " -k Generates the ssh keys needed" puts " -n hostname - gather ssh keys for the hostname" puts " -s node_list - copies keys to the nodes" exit 2 } } else { # usage error puts "Usage: remoteshell.expect" puts " -t remote_shell hostname - test the remoteshell on the host" puts " -k Generates the ssh keys needed" puts " -n hostname - gather ssh keys for the hostname" puts " -s node_list - copies keys to the nodes" exit 2 }