=head1 NAME B - dumps the xCAT db tables . =head1 SYNOPSIS B [B<-a>] [B<-V>] [{B<-p>|B<--path>} I] B [B<-h>|B<--help>] [B<-v>|B<--version>] =head1 DESCRIPTION The dumpxCATdb command creates .csv files for xCAT database tables and puts them in the directory given by the -p flag. These files can be used by the restorexCATdb command to restore the database. The command will read the list of tables in the site.skiptables attribute and not backup those tables. Supports using XCAT_SKIPTABLES env variable to provide a list of skip tables. The command will never backup TEAL or ISNM tables, except isnm_config. To dump TEAL tables use the documented process for TEAL. For ISNM use tabdump, after using tabprune to get to prune unnecessary records. =head1 OPTIONS B<-h> Display usage message. B<-v> Command Version. B<-V> Verbose. B<-a> All,without this flag the eventlog and auditlog will be skipped. B<-p> Path to the directory to dump the tables. It will be created, if it does not exist. =head1 RETURN VALUE 0 The command completed successfully. 1 An error has occurred. =head1 EXAMPLES 1. To dump the xCAT database into the /tmp/db directory, enter: B 2. To dump the xCAT database into the /tmp/db directory, including the auditlog and eventlog enter: B 2. To have dumpxCATdb not backup the hosts or passwd table: B B 2. To have dumpxCATdb not backup the hosts or passwd table: B B =head1 FILES /opt/xcat/sbin/dumpxCATdb =head1 SEE ALSO L