
# Copy the initrd, kernel, params, and static IP info to nodes, so they can net install
# even across vlans (w/o setting up pxe/dhcp broadcast relay).  This assumes a working
# OS is on the node.  This script is primarily meant to be used in the softlayer environment.

#todo: site attr for using static ip?

use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;

# Globals - these are set once and then only read.
my $HELP;

my $usage = sub {
   	my $exitcode = shift @_;
   	print "Usage: pushinitrd [-?|-h|--help] [-v|--verbose] [-w <waittime>] <noderange>\n\n";
   	if (!$exitcode) {
   		print "Copy the initrd, kernel, params, and static IP info to nodes, so they can net install\n";
		print "even across vlans (w/o setting up pxe/dhcp broadcast relay).  This assumes a working\n";
		print "OS is on the node, that you've run nodeset for these nodes, and that all of the nodes\n";
		print "are using the same osimage.\n";
	exit $exitcode;

# Process the cmd line args
if (!GetOptions('h|?|help'  => \$HELP, 'v|verbose' => \$VERBOSE, 'w|waittime=s' => \$WAITTIME, 'a|noautoinst' => \$NOAUTOINST)) { $usage->(1); }

if ($HELP) { $usage->(0); }
if (scalar(@ARGV) != 1) { $usage->(1); }
if (!defined($WAITTIME)) { $WAITTIME = 75; }	# seconds to wait after configuring the nic (to let the switch handle the state change)
my $noderange = $ARGV[0];

my %bootparms = getBootParms($noderange);

copyFilesToNodes($noderange, \%bootparms);

updateGrubOnNodes($noderange, \%bootparms);

if (!$NOAUTOINST) { modifyAutoinstFiles($noderange, \%bootparms); }


# Query the db for the kernel, initrd, and kcmdline attributes of the 1st node in the noderange
sub getBootParms {
	my $nr = shift @_;
	my %bootparms;
	my @output = runcmd("nodels $nr bootparams.kernel bootparams.initrd bootparams.kcmdline");

	# the attributes can be displayed in a different order than requested, so need to grep for them
	my @gresults;
	foreach my $a (qw(kernel initrd kcmdline)) {
		my $attr = "bootparams.$a";
		@gresults = grep(/^\S+:\s+$attr:/, @output);
		if (!scalar(@gresults)) { die "Error: attribute $attr not defined for the noderange. Did you run 'nodeset <noderange> osimage=<osimage>' ?\n"; }
		# for now just pick the 1st one. They should all be the same, except for the node name in kcmdline
		$gresults[0] =~ s/^\S+:\s+$attr:\s*//;
		$bootparms{$a} = $gresults[0];
		if ($a eq 'kcmdline') { $bootparms{$a} =~ s|/install/autoinst/\S+|/install/autoinst/<nodename>|; }

	# get the mgmt node cluster-facing ip addr
	@output = runcmd('lsdef -t site -i master -c');
	my ($junk, $ip) = split(/=/, $output[0]);
	$bootparms{mnip} = $ip;

	return %bootparms;

# Copy the kernel and initrd to the nodes
# Args: noderange, reference to the bootparms hash
sub copyFilesToNodes {
	my $nr = shift @_;
	my $bootparms = shift @_;
	foreach my $a (qw(kernel initrd)) {
		my $file = $bootparms->{$a};
		my $localfile = "/tftpboot/$file";
		# for the 
		my $remotefile = '/boot/' . remoteFilename($file);
		print "Copying $localfile to $nr:$remotefile\n";
		runcmd("xdcp $nr -p $localfile $remotefile");

# Form the remote file name, using the last 2 parts of the path, separated by "-"
sub remoteFilename {
	my $f = shift @_;
	$f =~ s|^.*/([^/]+)/([^/]+)$|$1-$2|;
	return $f;

# Run the modifygrub script on the nodes to update the grub config file
# Args: noderange, reference to the bootparms hash
sub updateGrubOnNodes {
	my $nr = shift @_;
	my $bootparms = shift @_;
	my $vtxt = ($VERBOSE ? '-v' : '');
	my @output = runcmd('which modifygrub');
	my $modifygrub = $output[0];
	my $cmd = "xdsh $nr -e $modifygrub $vtxt -w $WAITTIME " . remoteFilename($bootparms->{kernel}) . ' ' . remoteFilename($bootparms->{initrd}) . ' ';
	# we need to quote the kernel parms, both here when passing it to xdsh, and on the node
	# when xdsh is passing it to modifygrub. The way to get single quotes inside single quotes
	# is to quote each of the outer single quotes with double quotes.
	$cmd .= q("'"') . $bootparms->{kcmdline} . q('"'");
	$cmd .= ' ' . $bootparms->{mnip};
	print "Running modifygrub on $nr to update the grub configuration.\n";

# Hack the autoinst files to wait in a key spot to make them work even tho it takes
# the NICs almost a min before they can transmit after a state change.
#todo: this has only been tested with SLES nodes
sub modifyAutoinstFiles {
	my $nr = shift @_;
	my $bootparms = shift @_;

	# expand the noderange into a list of nodes
	my @nodes = runcmd("nodels $nr");

	# Edit each file to have chroot.sles insert a wait at the end of /etc/init.d/network
	# this finds the end of boot.sh script (which is chroot.sles)
	my $search = '\n\]\]>\s*</source>\s*</script>\s*</chroot-scripts>';
	my $file = '/mnt/etc/init.d/network';			# at this point in the installation, the permanent file system is just mounted
	#my $waitstring = 'echo Sleeping for 55s;sleep 55';
	# this is the string to insert in the nodes /etc/init.d/network script.  It is a while loop pinging the mn, but some of the chars need to be escape for sed
	my $waitstring = 'echo Waiting to reach xCAT mgmt node...;while \[ \$\(\(xcati+=1\)\) -le 60 \] \&\& ! ping -c2 -w3 ' . $bootparms->{mnip} .'; do echo i=\$xcati ; done; sleep 10';
	# this crazy sed string is from google.  It gathers up the whole file into the hold buffer, and then the substitution is done on the whole file
	my $sedstring = q|sed -n '1h;1!H;${;g;s/\(\t\treload_firewall\n\)\n/\1\t\t| . $waitstring . q(\n\n/g;p;}') . " $file  > $file.new";
	# finally create the perl replace string that will be used to modify the autoinst file
	my $replace = "$sedstring\nchmod 755 $file.new; mv -f $file.new $file";

	# now actually update the file
	print "Updating /install/autoinst files.\n";
	foreach my $n (@nodes) {
		my $f = "/install/autoinst/$n";
		my $matches = sed($f, $search, $replace, mode=>'insertbefore');
		if (!$matches) { die "Error: could not find the right place in $f to insert the sed of the network wait.\n"; }

# this is like multi-line sed replace function
# Args: filename, search-string, replace-string
sub sed {
	my ($file, $search, $replace, %options) = @_;
	#my $opts = 's';
	#if ($options{global}) { $opts .= 'g'; }

	# open the file for reading
	verbose("reading $file");
	open(FILE, $file) || die "Error: can not open file $file for reading: $!\n";
	my $lines;
	while (<FILE>) { $lines .= $_; }
	#verbose('file length is '.length($lines));
	close FILE;

	# we also need to look for this string 1st
	my $replacecopy = $replace;				# a search string can't have special chars in it
	$replacecopy =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g;			# so escape all of the meta characters
	#print "replacecopy=$replacecopy\n";
	# check to see if the replace string is already in the file
	if ($lines =~ m/$replacecopy/s) {
		print "$file did not need updating.\n";
		return 1;

	# search/replace and see if there were any matches
	my $matches;
	if ($options{mode} eq 'insertbefore') { $matches = $lines =~ s/($search)/\n$replace\n$1/s; }
	elsif ($options{mode} eq 'insertafter') { $matches = $lines =~ s/($search)/$1\n$replace\n/s; }
	elsif ($options{mode} eq 'replace') { $matches = $lines =~ s/$search/$replace/s; }
	else { die "Internal error: don't suppor sed mode of $options{mode}.\n"; }

	# write file if necessary
	if ($matches) {
		verbose("updating $file");
		open(FILE, '>', $file) || die "Error: can not open file $file for writing: $!\n";
		print FILE $lines;
		close FILE;
	return $matches;

# Pring msg only if -v was specified
sub verbose { if ($VERBOSE) { print shift, "\n"; } }

# Run a command.  If called in the context of return an array, it will capture the output
# of the cmd and return it.  Otherwise, it will display the output to stdout.
# If the cmd has a non-zero rc, this function will die with a msg.
sub runcmd
    my ($cmd) = @_;
    my $rc;

    $cmd .= ' 2>&1' ;

   	my @output;
   	if (wantarray) {
		@output = `$cmd`;
		$rc = $?;
	else {
		$rc = $?;

    if ($rc) {
        $rc = $rc >> 8;
        if ($rc > 0) { die "Error: rc $rc return from cmd: $cmd\n"; }
        else { die "Error: system error returned from cmd: $cmd\n"; }
    elsif (wantarray) { return @output; }