# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html # This module is only used for provisionging VIOS partition through rh MN. package xCAT_plugin::nimol; BEGIN { $::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat'; } use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl"; use strict; use POSIX qw(WNOHANG nice); use POSIX qw(WNOHANG setsid :errno_h); use File::Path; use File::Copy; use Fcntl qw/:flock/; #use Data::Dumper; use Getopt::Long; Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling"); Getopt::Long::Configure("pass_through"); use xCAT::Table; use xCAT::MsgUtils; use xCAT::DBobjUtils; sub handled_commands { return { copycd => "nimol", nodeset => "noderes:netboot", }; } my $global_callback; sub copy_mksysb { my $srcpath = shift; my $dstpath = shift; my @mksysb_files = (); my %filehash = (); my $dstfile = $dstpath."/mksysb/mksysb"; unless (-e $srcpath."/nimol/ioserver_res/") { return "No mksysb files found in this CD."; } unless (-e $dstpath."/mksysb") { return "No mksysb directory available in $dstpath."; } #my $all_filesize = 0; my $dir; opendir($dir, $srcpath."/nimol/ioserver_res/"); while (my $file = readdir($dir)) { if ($file =~ /^mksysb/) { $filehash{$file} = 1; #my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = $stat($file); #$all_filesize += $size / 1024 / 1024; } } closedir($dir); @mksysb_files = sort (keys %filehash); foreach (@mksysb_files) { my $rsp; push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Copying file $_ to $dstfile"; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $global_callback); system("cat $srcpath/nimol/ioserver_res/$_ >> $dstfile"); } return undef; } sub copy_spot { my $srcpath = shift; my $dstpath = shift; my $srcfile = $srcpath."/nimol/ioserver_res/ispot.tar.Z"; my $dstfile = $dstpath."/spot/ispot.tar.Z"; unless (-e $srcfile) { return "No spot file found in this CD."; } if (-e $dstfile) { return undef; } my $rsp; push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Copying ispot.tar.z to $dstfile"; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $global_callback); copy($srcfile, $dstfile); xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", {data=>["Extract file: $dstfile"]}, $global_callback); system("/bin/tar zxvf $dstfile -C $dstpath/spot > /dev/null"); return undef; } sub copy_bootimg { my $srcpath = shift; my $dstpath = shift; my $srcfile = $srcpath."/nimol/ioserver_res/booti.chrp.mp.ent.Z"; my $dstfile = $dstpath."/bootimg/booti.chrp.mp.ent.Z"; unless (-e $srcfile) { return "No bootimg file found in this CD."; } if (-e $dstfile) { return undef; } my $rsp; push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Copying file booti.chrp.mp.ent.Z to $dstfile"; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $global_callback); copy($srcfile, $dstfile); xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", {data=>["Extract file: $dstfile"]}, $global_callback); system("/bin/gunzip $dstfile > /dev/null"); return undef; } sub copy_bosinstdata { my $srcpath = shift; my $dstpath = shift; my $srcfile = $srcpath."/nimol/ioserver_res/bosinst.data"; my $dstfile = $dstpath."/bosinst_data/bosinst.data"; unless (-e $srcfile) { return "No bosinst.data file found in this CD."; } if (-e $dstfile) { return undef; } my $rsp; push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Copying file bosinst.data to $dstfile"; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $global_callback); copy($srcfile, $dstfile); return undef; } sub preprocess_request { my $request = shift; my $callback = shift; my $command = $request->{command}->[0]; if ($command eq 'copycd') { return [$request]; } elsif ($command eq 'nodeset') { my @args = (); if (ref($request->{arg})) { @args=@{$request->{arg}}; } else { @args=($request->{arg}); } if ($args[0] =~ /^osimage=(.*)$/) { $request->{opt}->{osimage} = $1; } else { $callback->({error=>["Only option 'osimage' support"]}, errorcode=>[1]); $request = {}; return; } #print Dumper($request); return [$request]; } return undef; } sub process_request { my $request = shift; my $callback = shift; my $subreq = shift; my $command = $request->{command}->[0]; if ($command eq 'copycd') { return copycd($request, $callback, $subreq); } elsif ($command eq 'nodeset') { #print Dumper($request); return nodeset($request, $callback, $subreq); } } sub copycd { my $request = shift; my $callback = shift; my $subreq = shift; @ARGV = @{$request->{arg}}; $global_callback = $callback; # copycd # -m mntpath # -p path # -i inspection # -a arch # -f $file # -w nonoverwrite my $mntpath; my $file; my $distname; my $path; my $arch; GetOptions( 'm=s' => \$mntpath, 'a=s' => \$arch, 'f=s' => \$file, 'p=s' => \$path, 'n=s' => \$distname, ); unless($distname && $file && $mntpath && $arch) { #$callback->({error=>"distname, file or mntpath not specified, $distname, $file, $mntpath"}); return ; } if ($distname && $distname !~ /^vios/i) { #$callback->({error=>"distname incorrect"}); return ; } elsif ($arch !~ /^ppc64/i) { #$callback->({error=>"arch incorrect"}); return ; } elsif (!$file) { #$callback->({error=>"Only suport to use the iso file vios"}); return; } #print __LINE__."=====>vios=====.\n"; #print Dumper($request); my $installroot = "/install"; my @entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("installdir"); my $t_entry = $entries[0]; if (defined($t_entry)) { $installroot = $t_entry; } # OSLEVEL= #my $oslevel; #if (-r "$mntpath/OSLEVEL" and -f "$mntpath/OSLEVEL") { # my $oslevel_fd; # open ($mkcd_fd, $mntpath."/OSLEVEL"); # my $line = <$mkcd_fd>; # if ($line =~ /^OSLEVEL=\s*(\d*\.\d*\.\d*\.\d*)/) { # $oslevel_fd = $1; # } #} else { # $callback->({error=>"There is no 'OSLEVEL' file found for this iso file"}); # return; #} my $rsp; push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Copying media to $installroot/nim/$distname/"; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback); unless($path) { $path = "$installroot/nim/$distname"; } my $omask = umask 0022; # check the disk number, the 1st or 2nd CD unless (-e $path) { mkpath("$path"); } unless (-e $path."/mksysb") { mkpath($path."/mksysb"); } unless (-e $path."/spot") { mkpath($path."/spot"); } unless (-e $path."/bootimg") { mkpath($path."/bootimg"); } unless (-e $path."/bosinst_data") { mkpath($path."/bosinst_data"); } umask $omask; my $expect_cd; my $oslevel; unless (-e "$path/expect_cd") { $expect_cd = 1; } else { my $expectcd_fd; open ($expectcd_fd, "<", "$path/expect_cd"); $expect_cd = <$expectcd_fd>; chomp($expect_cd); close($expectcd_fd); } if ($expect_cd eq "END") { #goto CREATE_OBJ; $callback->({error=>"All the cds for $distname are gotten."}); return; } if (-r "$mntpath/mkcd.data" and -f "$mntpath/mkcd.data") { my $mkcd_fd; open ($mkcd_fd, "<", "$mntpath/mkcd.data"); while (<$mkcd_fd>) { if (/VOLUME=(\d+)/) { if ($expect_cd ne $1) { $callback->({error=>"The $expect_cd cd is expected."}); return; } else { $expect_cd += 1; } } elsif (/LASTVOLUME/) { $expect_cd = "END"; } } close($mkcd_fd); } else { $callback->({error=>"There is no 'mkcd' file found for this iso file"}); return; } { # write the expect cd num my $expectcd_fd; open ($expectcd_fd, ">", "$path/expect_cd"); print $expectcd_fd $expect_cd; close ($expectcd_fd); } { my $oslevel_fd; open($oslevel_fd, "<", "$mntpath/OSLEVEL"); $oslevel = <$oslevel_fd>; chomp $oslevel; $oslevel =~ s/OSLEVEL=\s*(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/$1/; close($oslevel_fd); } my $res; $res = ©_mksysb($mntpath, $path); if (defined($res)) { $callback->({error=>$res}); return; } $res = ©_spot($mntpath, $path); if (defined($res)) { $callback->({error=>$res}); return; } $res = ©_bootimg($mntpath, $path); if (defined($res)) { $callback->({error=>$res}); return; } $res = ©_bosinstdata($mntpath, $path); if (defined($res)) { $callback->({error=>$res}); return; } #CREATE_OBJ: if ($expect_cd eq "END") { my $imagename = $distname.'_sysb'; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", {data=>["create osimage object: $imagename"]}, $callback); my $osimagetab = xCAT::Table->new('osimage', -create=>1); if ($osimagetab) { my %key_col = (imagename=>$imagename); my %tb_cols = (imagetype=>"NIM", provmethod=>"nimol", osname=>"AIX", osdistroname=>$distname, osvers=>$oslevel, osarch=>$arch); #print Dumper(%tb_cols); $osimagetab->setAttribs(\%key_col, \%tb_cols); } else { $callback->({error=>"Can not open 'osimage' table"}); return; } $osimagetab->close(); } } sub update_export { my $export_fd; open ($export_fd, "<", "/etc/exports"); flock($export_fd,LOCK_SH); my @curr_export=<$export_fd>; flock($export_fd,LOCK_UN); close($export_fd); my @new_export = (); my $need_update = 0; my $i = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < scalar(@curr_export); $i++) { my $line = $curr_export[$i]; if ($line =~ /^\/install\s*\*\((.*)\)/) { my @tmp_options = split /,/,$1; unless (grep(/insecure/,@tmp_options)) { push @tmp_options, "insecure"; $need_update = 1; } push @new_export, join(',',@tmp_options); } else { push @new_export, $line; } } unless ($need_update) { return; } my $new_export_fd; open($new_export_fd, ">>", "/etc/exports"); flock($new_export_fd,LOCK_EX); seek($new_export_fd,0,0); truncate($new_export_fd,0); for my $l (@new_export) { print $new_export_fd $l; } flock($new_export_fd,LOCK_UN); close($new_export_fd); system("service nfs restart"); } sub update_syslog { my $syslog_fd; open ($syslog_fd, "<", "/etc/rsyslog.conf"); flock($syslog_fd,LOCK_SH); my @curr_syslog=<$syslog_fd>; flock($syslog_fd,LOCK_UN); close($syslog_fd); unless (grep /local2.*nimol\.log/, @curr_syslog) { my $new_syslog_fd; open($new_syslog_fd, ">>", "/etc/exports"); print $new_syslog_fd "local2.* /var/log/nimol.log\n"; close($new_syslog_fd); system("service rsyslog restart"); } else { print "Don't need to update syslog configure file.\n"; } } sub create_imgconf_file { my $nodes = shift; my $subreq = shift; my $nim_root = shift; my $bootimg_root = shift; my $relative_path = $bootimg_root; $relative_path =~ s/^\/tftpboot//; # Get nodes network information my %nethash = (); %nethash = xCAT::DBobjUtils->getNetwkInfo($nodes); my $rootpw = undef; my $passwdtab = xCAT::Table->new('passwd'); if ($passwdtab) { my $et = $passwdtab->getAttribs({key => 'vios' username => 'padmin'}, 'password'); if ($et and defined ($et->{'password'})) { $rootpw = $et->{'password'}; } } unless (defined($rootpw)) { return "Unable to find requested password from passwd, with key=vios,username=padmin"; } unless (-e $bootimg_root."/viobootimg") { return "Unable to find VIOS bootimg file"; } chdir($bootimg_root); foreach my $node (@$nodes) { my $bootimg_conf_fd; my $gateway = $nethash{$node}{gateway}; my $mask = $nethash{$node}{mask}; my $gateway_ip = xCAT::NetworkUtils->getipaddr($gateway); my $master_node = xCAT::TableUtils->GetMasterNodeName($node); my $master = xCAT::NetworkUtils->gethostname($master_node); my $master_ip = xCAT::NetworkUtils->getipaddr($master); my $node_ip = xCAT::NetworkUtils->getipaddr($node); my $relative_bootfile = $relative_path."/viobootimg-$node"; unless (-e "viobootimg-$node") { symlink("viobootimg", "viobootimg-$node"); } if (-e $bootimg_root."/viobootimg-$node.info") { unlink($bootimg_root."/viobootimg-$node.info"); } open ($bootimg_conf_fd, ">", $bootimg_root."/viobootimg-$node.info"); print $bootimg_conf_fd "export NIM_SERVER_TYPE=linux\n"; print $bootimg_conf_fd "export NIM_SYSLOG_PORT=514\n"; print $bootimg_conf_fd "export NIM_SYSLOG_FACILITY=local2\n"; print $bootimg_conf_fd "export NIM_NAME=viobootimg-$node\n"; print $bootimg_conf_fd "export NIM_HOSTNAME=$node\n"; print $bootimg_conf_fd "export NIM_CONFIGURATION=standalone\n"; print $bootimg_conf_fd "export NIM_MASTER_HOSTNAME=$master\n"; print $bootimg_conf_fd "export REMAIN_NIM_CLIENT=no\n"; print $bootimg_conf_fd "export RC_CONFIG=rc.bos_inst\n"; print $bootimg_conf_fd "export NIM_BOSINST_ENV=\"/../SPOT/usr/lpp/bos.sysmgt/nim/methods/c_bosinst_env\"\n"; print $bootimg_conf_fd "export NIM_BOSINST_RECOVER=\"/../SPOT/usr/lpp/bos.sysmgt/nim/methods/c_bosinst_env -a hostname=$node\"\n"; print $bootimg_conf_fd "export NIM_BOSINST_DATA=/NIM_BOSINST_DATA\n"; print $bootimg_conf_fd "export SPOT=$master:$nim_root/spot/SPOT/usr\n"; print $bootimg_conf_fd "export NIM_CUSTOM=\"/../SPOT/usr/lpp/bos.sysmgt/nim/methods/c_script -a location=$master:$nim_root/scripts/xcatvio.script\"\n"; print $bootimg_conf_fd "export NIM_BOS_IMAGE=/NIM_BOS_IMAGE\n"; print $bootimg_conf_fd "export NIM_BOS_FORMAT=mksysb\n"; print $bootimg_conf_fd "export NIM_HOSTS=\" $node_ip:$node $master_ip:$master \"\n"; print $bootimg_conf_fd "export NIM_MOUNTS=\" $master:$nim_root/bosinst_data/bosinst.data:/NIM_BOSINST_DATA:file $master:$nim_root/mksysb/mksysb:/NIM_BOS_IMAGE:file \"\n"; print $bootimg_conf_fd "export ROUTES=\" default:0:$gateway_ip \"\n"; print $bootimg_conf_fd "export NIM_IPADDR=$node_ip\n"; print $bootimg_conf_fd "export NIM_NETMASK=$mask\n"; print $bootimg_conf_fd "export PADMIN_PASSWD=$rootpw\n"; print $bootimg_conf_fd "export SEA_ADAPTERS=bootnic\n"; close($bootimg_conf_fd); $subreq->({command=>['makedhcp'], node=>[$node], arg=>['-s', 'supersede server.filename=\"'.$relative_bootfile.'\";']}, $global_callback); } } sub nodeset { my $request = shift; my $callback = shift; my $subreq = shift; my $command = $request->{command}->[0]; my $args = $request->{arg}; my $nodes = $request->{node}; my $osimage = $request->{opt}->{osimage}; my $nim_root; my $bootimg_root; unless ($osimage) { $callback->({error=>["No param specified."], errorcode=>[1]}); return; } { my $installroot = "/install"; my @entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("installdir"); my $t_entry = $entries[0]; if (defined($t_entry)) { $installroot = $t_entry; } my $osimagetab = xCAT::Table->new('osimage'); (my $ref) = $osimagetab->getAttribs({imagename=>$osimage}, 'osdistroname', 'provmethod'); if ($ref) { if ($ref->{provmethod} and $ref->{provmethod} eq 'nimol' and $ref->{osdistroname}) { $nim_root = $installroot."/nim/".$ref->{osdistroname}; $bootimg_root = "/tftpboot/".$ref->{osdistroname}."/nodes"; } else { $callback->({error=>["The 'provmethod' for OS image $osimage can only be 'nimol'."], errorcode=>[1]}); return; } } else { $callback->({error=>["No OS image $osimage found on the osimage table."], errorcode=>[1]}); return; } } update_export(); update_syslog(); unless (-e $bootimg_root) { mkpath($bootimg_root); copy($nim_root."/bootimg/booti.chrp.mp.ent", $bootimg_root."/viobootimg"); } unless (-e $nim_root."/scripts/xcatvio.script") { mkpath($nim_root."/scripts/"); copy($::XCATROOT."/share/xcat/scripts/xcatvio.script", $nim_root."/scripts/"); } my $res = &create_imgconf_file($nodes, $subreq, $nim_root, $bootimg_root); if ($res) { $callback->({error=>["$res"], errorcode=>[1]}); return; } } 1;