#!/usr/bin/env perl # IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html package xCAT::BuildKitUtils; BEGIN { $::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat'; } # if AIX - make sure we include perl 5.8.2 in INC path. # Needed to find perl dependencies shipped in deps tarball. if ($^O =~ /^aix/i) { unshift(@INC, qw(/usr/opt/perl5/lib/5.8.2/aix-thread-multi /usr/opt/perl5/lib/5.8.2 /usr/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/aix-thread-multi /usr/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.8.2)); } use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl"; use POSIX qw(ceil); use File::Path; use Socket; use strict; use Symbol; my $sha1support = eval { require Digest::SHA1; 1; }; use IPC::Open3; use IO::Select; use xCAT::GlobalDef; eval { require xCAT::RemoteShellExp; }; use warnings "all"; require xCAT::InstUtils; #require xCAT::NetworkUtils; require xCAT::Schema; #require Data::Dumper; require xCAT::NodeRange; require xCAT::Version; require DBI; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(genpassword runcmd3); #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head1 xCAT::BuildKitUtils =head2 Package Description This program module file, is a set of utilities used by xCAT buildkit command =cut #------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 isAIX returns 1 if localHost is AIX Arguments: none Returns: 1 - localHost is AIX 0 - localHost is some other platform Globals: none Error: none Example: if (xCAT::BuildKitUtils->isAIX()) { blah; } Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub isAIX { if ($^O =~ /^aix/i) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 get_OS_VRMF Arguments: none Returns: v.r.m.f - if success undef - if error Example: my $osversion = xCAT::BuildKitUtils->get_OS_VRMF(); Comments: Only implemented for AIX for now =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_OS_VRMF { my $version; if (xCAT::BuildKitUtils->isAIX()) { my $cmd = "/usr/bin/lslpp -cLq bos.rte"; my $output = `$cmd`; chomp($output); # The third field in the lslpp output is the VRMF $version = (split(/:/, $output))[2]; # not sure if the field would ever contain more than 4 parts? my ($v1, $v2, $v3, $v4, $rest) = split(/\./, $version); $version = join(".", $v1, $v2, $v3, $v4); } return (length($version) ? $version : undef); } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 testversion Compare version1 and version2 according to the operator and return True or False. Arguments: $version1 $operator $version2 $release1 $release2 Returns: True or False Example: if (BuildKitUtils->testversion ( $ins_ver, "<", $req_ver, $ins_rel, $req_rel)){ blah; } Comments: =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub testversion { my ($class, $version1, $operator, $version2, $release1, $release2) = @_; my @a1 = split(/\./, $version1); my @a2 = split(/\./, $version2); my $len = (scalar(@a1) > scalar(@a2) ? scalar(@a1) : scalar(@a2)); $#a1 = $len - 1; # make the arrays the same length before appending release $#a2 = $len - 1; push @a1, split(/\./, $release1); push @a2, split(/\./, $release2); $len = (scalar(@a1) > scalar(@a2) ? scalar(@a1) : scalar(@a2)); my $num1 = ''; my $num2 = ''; for (my $i = 0 ; $i < $len ; $i++) { my ($d1) = $a1[$i] =~ /^(\d*)/; # remove any non-numbers on the end my ($d2) = $a2[$i] =~ /^(\d*)/; my $diff = length($d1) - length($d2); if ($diff > 0) # pad d2 { $num1 .= $d1; $num2 .= ('0' x $diff) . $d2; } elsif ($diff < 0) # pad d1 { $num1 .= ('0' x abs($diff)) . $d1; $num2 .= $d2; } else # they are the same length { $num1 .= $d1; $num2 .= $d2; } } # Remove the leading 0s or perl will interpret the numbers as octal $num1 =~ s/^0+//; $num2 =~ s/^0+//; #SLES Changes ?? # if $num1="", the "eval '$num1 $operator $num2'" will fail. # So MUST BE be sure that $num1 is not a "". if (length($num1) == 0) { $num1 = 0; } if (length($num2) == 0) { $num2 = 0; } #End of SLES Changes if ($operator eq '=') { $operator = '=='; } my $bool = eval "$num1 $operator $num2"; if (length($@)) { # error msg ? } return $bool; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 isLinux returns 1 if localHost is Linux Arguments: none Returns: 1 - localHost is Linux 0 - localHost is some other platform Globals: none Error: none Example: if (xCAT::BuildKitUtils->isLinux()) { blah; } Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub isLinux { if ($^O =~ /^linux/i) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 CreateRandomName Create a random file name. Arguments: Prefix of name Returns: Prefix with 8 random letters appended Error: none Example: $file = xCAT::BuildKitUtils->CreateRandomName($namePrefix); Comments: None =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub CreateRandomName { my ($class, $name) = @_; my $nI; for ($nI = 0 ; $nI < 8 ; $nI++) { my $char = ('a' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'Z')[int(rand(52)) + 1]; $name .= $char; } $name; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 close_delete_file. Arguments: file handle,filename Returns: none Globals: none Error: undef Example: xCAT::BuildKitUtils->close_delete_file($file_handle, $file_name); Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub close_delete_file { my ($class, $file_handle, $file_name) = @_; close $file_handle; unlink($file_name); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 runcmd3 Run the specified command with optional input and return stderr, stdout, and exit code Arguments: command=>[] - Array reference of command to run input=>[] or string - Data to send to stdin of process like piping input Returns: { exitcode => number, output=> $string, errors => string } =cut sub runcmd3 { #a proper runcmd that indpendently returns stdout, stderr, pid and accepts a stdin my %args = @_; my @indata; my $output; my $errors; if ($args{input}) { if (ref $args{input}) { #array ref @indata = @{$args{input}}; } else { #just a string @indata=($args{input}); } } my @cmd; if (ref $args{command}) { @cmd = @{$args{command}}; } else { @cmd = ($args{command}); } my $cmdin; my $cmdout; my $cmderr = gensym; my $cmdpid = open3($cmdin,$cmdout,$cmderr,@cmd); my $cmdsel = IO::Select->new($cmdout,$cmderr); foreach (@indata) { print $cmdin $_; } close($cmdin); my @handles; while ($cmdsel->count()) { @handles = $cmdsel->can_read(); foreach (@handles) { my $line; my $done = sysread $_,$line,180; if ($done) { if ($_ eq $cmdout) { $output .= $line; } else { $errors .= $line; } } else { $cmdsel->remove($_); close($_); } } } waitpid($cmdpid,0); my $exitcode = $? >> 8; return { 'exitcode' => $exitcode, 'output' => $output, 'errors' => $errors } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 runcmd Run the given cmd and return the output in an array (already chopped). Alternately, if this function is used in a scalar context, the output is joined into a single string with the newlines separating the lines. Arguments: command, exitcode, reference to output, streaming mode Returns: see below Globals: $::RUNCMD_RC , $::CALLBACK Error: Normally, if there is an error running the cmd,it will display the error and exit with the cmds exit code, unless exitcode is given one of the following values: 0: display error msg, DO NOT exit on error, but set $::RUNCMD_RC to the exit code. -1: DO NOT display error msg and DO NOT exit on error, but set $::RUNCMD_RC to the exit code. -2: DO the default behavior (display error msg and exit with cmds exit code. number > 0: Display error msg and exit with the given code Example: my $outref = xCAT::BuildKitUtils->runcmd($cmd, -2, 1); $::CALLBACK= your callback (required for streaming from plugins) my $outref = xCAT::BuildKitUtils->runcmd($cmd,-2, 1, 1); streaming Comments: If refoutput is true, then the output will be returned as a reference to an array for efficiency. =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub runcmd { my ($class, $cmd, $exitcode, $refoutput, $stream) = @_; $::RUNCMD_RC = 0; # redirect stderr to stdout if (!($cmd =~ /2>&1$/)) { $cmd .= ' 2>&1'; } my $outref = []; if (!defined($stream) || (length($stream) == 0)) { # do not stream @$outref = `$cmd`; } else { # streaming mode my @cmd; push @cmd,$cmd; my $rsp = {}; my $output; my $errout; open (PIPE, "$cmd |"); while (<PIPE>) { if ($::CALLBACK){ $rsp->{data}->[0] = $_; $::CALLBACK->($rsp); } else { xCAT::MsgUtils->message("D", "$_"); } $output .= $_; } # store the return string push @$outref,$output; } # now if not streaming process errors if (($?) && (!defined($stream))) { $::RUNCMD_RC = $? >> 8; my $displayerror = 1; my $rc; if (defined($exitcode) && length($exitcode) && $exitcode != -2) { if ($exitcode > 0) { $rc = $exitcode; } # if not zero, exit with specified code elsif ($exitcode <= 0) { $rc = ''; # if zero or negative, do not exit if ($exitcode < 0) { $displayerror = 0; } } } else { $rc = $::RUNCMD_RC; } # if exitcode not specified, use cmd exit code if ($displayerror) { my $rsp = {}; my $errmsg = ''; if (xCAT::BuildKitUtils->isLinux() && $::RUNCMD_RC == 139) { $errmsg = "Segmentation fault $errmsg"; } else { $errmsg = join('', @$outref); chomp $errmsg; } if ($::CALLBACK) { $rsp->{data}->[0] = "Command failed: $cmd. Error message: $errmsg.\n"; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $::CALLBACK); } else { xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", "Command failed: $cmd. Error message: $errmsg.\n"); } $xCAT::BuildKitUtils::errno = 29; } } if ($refoutput) { chomp(@$outref); return $outref; } elsif (wantarray) { chomp(@$outref); return @$outref; } else { my $line = join('', @$outref); chomp $line; return $line; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 CheckVersion Checks the two versions numbers to see which one is greater. Arguments: ver_a the version number in format of d.d.d.d... ver_b the version number in format of d.d.d.d... Returns: 1 if ver_a is greater than ver_b 0 if ver_a is eaqual to ver_b -1 if ver_a is smaller than ver_b =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub CheckVersion { my $ver_a = shift; if ($ver_a =~ /xCAT::BuildKitUtils/) { $ver_a = shift; } my $ver_b = shift; my @a = split(/\./, $ver_a); my @b = split(/\./, $ver_b); my $len_a = @a; my $len_b = @b; my $index = 0; my $max_index = ($len_a > $len_b) ? $len_a : $len_b; for ($index = 0 ; $index <= $max_index ; $index++) { my $val_a = ($len_a < $index) ? 0 : $a[$index]; my $val_b = ($len_b < $index) ? 0 : $b[$index]; if ($val_a > $val_b) { return 1; } if ($val_a < $val_b) { return -1; } } return 0; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 osver Returns the os and version of the System you are running on Arguments: none Returns: 0 - ok Globals: none Error: 1 error Example: my $os=(xCAT::BuildKitUtils->osver{ ...} Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub osver { my $osver = "unknown"; my $os = ''; my $ver = ''; my $line = ''; my @lines; my $relfile; if (-f "/etc/redhat-release") { open($relfile,"<","/etc/redhat-release"); $line = <$relfile>; close($relfile); chomp($line); $os = "rh"; $ver=$line; # $ver=~ s/\.//; $ver =~ s/[^0-9]*([0-9.]+).*/$1/; if ($line =~ /AS/) { $os = 'rhas' } elsif ($line =~ /ES/) { $os = 'rhes' } elsif ($line =~ /WS/) { $os = 'rhws' } elsif ($line =~ /Server/) { $os = 'rhels' } elsif ($line =~ /Client/) { $os = 'rhel' } elsif (-f "/etc/fedora-release") { $os = 'rhfc' } } elsif (-f "/etc/SuSE-release") { open($relfile,"<","/etc/SuSE-release"); @lines = <$relfile>; close($relfile); chomp(@lines); if (grep /SLES|Enterprise Server/, @lines) { $os = "sles" } if (grep /SLEC/, @lines) { $os = "slec" } $ver = $lines[0]; $ver =~ s/\.//; $ver =~ s/[^0-9]*([0-9]+).*/$1/; #print "ver: $ver\n"; } elsif (-f "/etc/UnitedLinux-release") { $os = "ul"; open($relfile,"<","/etc/UnitedLinux-release"); $ver = <$relfile>; close($relfile); $ver =~ tr/\.//; $ver =~ s/[^0-9]*([0-9]+).*/$1/; } elsif (-f "/etc/lsb-release") # Possibly Ubuntu { if (open($relfile,"<","/etc/lsb-release")) { my @text = <$relfile>; close($relfile); chomp(@text); my $distrib_id = ''; my $distrib_rel = ''; foreach (@text) { if ( $_ =~ /^\s*DISTRIB_ID=(.*)$/ ) { $distrib_id = $1; # last DISTRIB_ID value in file used } elsif ( $_ =~ /^\s*DISTRIB_RELEASE=(.*)$/ ) { $distrib_rel = $1; # last DISTRIB_RELEASE value in file used } } if ( $distrib_id =~ /^(Ubuntu|"Ubuntu")\s*$/ ) { $os = "ubuntu"; if ( $distrib_rel =~ /^(.*?)\s*$/ ) { # eliminate trailing blanks, if any $distrib_rel = $1; } if ( $distrib_rel =~ /^"(.*?)"$/ ) { # eliminate enclosing quotes, if any $distrib_rel = $1; } $ver = $distrib_rel; } } } elsif (-f "/etc/debian_version") #possible debian { if (open($relfile, "<", "/etc/issue")){ $line = <$relfile>; if ( $line =~ /debian.*/i){ $os = "debian"; my $relfile1; open($relfile1, "<", "/etc/debian_version"); $ver = <$relfile1>; close($relfile1); } close($relfile); } } $os = "$os" . "," . "$ver"; return ($os); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 acquire_lock Get a lock on an arbirtrary named resource. For now, this is only across the scope of one service node/master node, an argument may be added later if/when 'global' locks are supported. This call will block until the lock is free. Arguments: A string name for the lock to acquire Returns: false on failure A reference for the lock being held. =cut sub acquire_lock { my $lock_name = shift; use File::Path; mkpath("/var/lock/xcat/"); use Fcntl ":flock"; my $tlock; $tlock->{path}="/var/lock/xcat/".$lock_name; open($tlock->{fd},">",$tlock->{path}) or return undef; unless ($tlock->{fd}) { return undef; } flock($tlock->{fd},LOCK_EX) or return undef; return $tlock; } #--------------------- =head3 release_lock Release an acquired lock Arguments: reference to lock Returns: false on failure, true on success =cut sub release_lock { my $tlock = shift; unlink($tlock->{path}); flock($tlock->{fd},LOCK_UN); close($tlock->{fd}); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 get_unique_members Description: Return an array which have unique members Arguments: origarray: the original array to be treated Returns: Return an array, which contains unique members. Globals: none Error: none Example: my @new_array = xCAT::BuildKitUtils::get_unique_members(@orig_array); Comments: =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_unique_members { my @orig_array = @_; my %tmp_hash = (); for my $ent (@orig_array) { $tmp_hash{$ent} = 1; } return keys %tmp_hash; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 full_path Description: Convert the relative path to full path. Arguments: relpath: relative path cwdir: current working directory, use the cwd() if not specified Returns: Return the full path NULL - Failed to get the full path. Globals: none Error: none Example: my $fp = xCAT::BuildKitUtils::full_path('./test', '/home/guest'); Comments: =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub full_path { my ($class, $relpath, $cwdir) = @_; my $fullpath; if (!$cwdir) { #cwdir is not specified $fullpath = Cwd::abs_path($relpath); } else { $fullpath = $cwdir . "/$relpath"; } return $fullpath; } 1;