#!/usr/bin/env perl # # This was a first pass at a script that could be used to convert CSM # stanza files into xCAT stanza files. # # Just want to save it for future reference - Norm - 4/22/2008 # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # use lib "/opt/xcat/lib/perl"; use xCAT::DBobjUtils; use xCAT::Table; use xCAT::NodeRange; use Getopt::Long; use strict; use Socket; # options can be bundled up like -vV Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling") ; $Getopt::Long::ignorecase=0; # parse the options if(!GetOptions( 'h|help' => \$::HELP, 'z=s' => \$::opt_z, 'v|version' => \$::VERSION,)) { &usage; exit(1); } # display the usage if -h or --help is specified if ($::HELP) { &usage; exit(0);} # display the version statement if -v or --verison is specified if ($::VERSION) { print "csm2xcatdefs version 2.0\n"; exit(0); } # # define the CSM to xCAT attr name equivalents # my %csm2xcat; $csm2xcat{'InstallOSName'} = 'os'; $csm2xcat{'ConsoleMethod'} = 'cons'; $csm2xcat{'ManagementServer'} = 'xcatmaster'; $csm2xcat{'InstallServerAKBNode'} = 'xcatmaster'; # ??? $csm2xcat{'PowerMethod'} = 'power'; $csm2xcat{'HWControlPoint'} = 'hcp'; $csm2xcat{'HWType'} = 'mtm'; $csm2xcat{'HWModel'} = 'mtm'; # ??? $csm2xcat{'HWSerialNum'} = 'serial'; $csm2xcat{'InstallAdapterMacaddr'} = 'mac'; $csm2xcat{'InstallAdapterName'} = 'installnic'; # installnic, or primarynic or interface ???? $csm2xcat{'InstallKernelVersion'} = 'kernel'; $csm2xcat{'InstallPkgArchitecture'} = 'arch'; $csm2xcat{'InstallServer'} = 'servicenode'; $csm2xcat{'InstallTemplate'} = 'profile'; $csm2xcat{'LParID'} = 'id'; $csm2xcat{'Name'} = 'node'; $csm2xcat{'UserComment'} = 'usercomment'; $csm2xcat{'Status'} = 'status'; # # read the CSM definitions from the CSM stanza file # my %csmdefs = getCSMdefs($::opt_z); # # convert each CSM node def to the corresponding xCAT node def # #my %::xcatvals; foreach my $node (keys %csmdefs) { #print "node= $node\n"; foreach my $attr (keys %csm2xcat) { # if the CSM attr is defined # and if there is a corresponding xCAT attr if ( ($csmdefs{$node}{$attr}) ) { #print "\t$attr = $csmdefs{$node}{$attr}, xcat attr = $csm2xcat{$attr}\n"; # use short host name for xcat node name my $shorthost; ($shorthost = $node) =~ s/\..*$//; chomp $shorthost; if ( ($attr eq 'HWType') || ($attr eq 'HWModel')) { if ( ( defined($csmdefs{$node}{'HWType'}) ) && ( defined($csmdefs{$node}{'HWModel'}) ) ) { $::xcatvals{$shorthost}{$csm2xcat{$attr}}="$csmdefs{$node}{'HWType'}-$csmdefs{$node}{'HWModel'}"; } } else { $::xcatvals{$shorthost}{$csm2xcat{$attr}}=$csmdefs{$node}{$attr}; } } } # end - for each attr } # END for each node # # display the xCAT info in stanza format # print "# <xCAT data object stanza file>\n"; foreach my $node (keys %::xcatvals) { print "$node:\n"; print "\tobjtype=node\n"; foreach my $a (keys %{$::xcatvals{$node}} ) { if ($a eq 'node') { next; } if ( defined($::xcatvals{$node}{$a}) ) { print "\t$a=$::xcatvals{$node}{$a}\n"; } } } exit 0; sub usage { print "Usage:\n"; print "To convert a CSM stanza file to an xCAT stanza file.\n\n"; print "\tcsm2xcatdefs -z <csm_stanza_file>\n\n"; print "Proceedure:\n"; print "\tCreate a CSM stanza file using the CSM lsnode command.\n"; print "\tRun the csm2xcatdefs command and redirect the output to \n"; print "\t an xCAT stanza file.\n"; print "\tUse the xCAT stanza file as input to the xCAT mkdef command.\n\n"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 getCSMdefs Read a CSM stanza file and populate the %::Nodes hash and the @::node_list array. %csmdefs = getCSMdefs($stanzafile); =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getCSMdefs { my ($nodedef_file) = @_; my $n = -1; my @lines; my $line; my $linenum =0; my ($junk1, $junk2); my ($attr, $val); my %nodedefs; unless (open(NODEDEF, "<$nodedef_file")) { print "Could not open $nodedef_file.\n"; } my $look_for_colon = 1; # start with first line that has a colon # parse the contents of the nodedef file @lines = <NODEDEF>; close(NODEDEF); foreach $line (@lines) { $linenum++; chomp $line; (grep(/^\s*#/, $line)) && next; # Skip comment lines next if ($line =~ /^\s*$/); # Next if empty blank line if (grep(/:\s*$/, $line)) { # see if it's a stanza name $look_for_colon = 0; ($::hostname, $junk1, $junk2) = split(/:/, $line); $::hostname =~ s/^\s*//; # Remove any leading whitespace $::hostname =~ s/\s*$//; # Remove any trailing whitespace if ($::hostname eq "default") { next; } $nodedefs{$::hostname}{'Name'} = $::hostname; $n++; } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*/) { $attr = $1; $val = $2; $attr =~ s/^\s*//; # Remove any leading whitespace $attr =~ s/\s*$//; # Remove any trailing whitespace $val =~ s/^\s*//; $val =~ s/\s*$//; # remove spaces and quotes so createnode won't get upset $val =~ s/^\s*"\s*//; $val =~ s/\s*"\s*$//; if ($::hostname eq "") { $look_for_colon++; next; } $nodedefs{$::hostname}{$attr} = $val; } else { # error - invalid line in node definition file $look_for_colon++; } } # end parsing loop return %nodedefs; }