#! /bin/bash # IBM(c) 2014 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html # Usage: # configbond bondname nic1@nic2@... [opt1@opt2@...] # # Description: # This script is used to configure bond interface base on the arguments from the # command line and the network information from nics and networks tables. # # This script will create bond interface named <bondname> with 'nic1','nic2'... as slave # devices. The bonding options 'opt1','opt2'... will be configured to bond interface. # # The network information for the bond interface will be gotten from the nics.nicsip and # nics.nicnetworks for interface <bondname>. If cannot get for <bondname>, try to # search for nic1. If failed too, then nic2 ... # # It only supports to configure one bond device at each run. If you want to create # multiple bond devices, call it multiple times. # # Note: # This script only works for IPv4 so far. # Following are examples of variables which are exported from mypostscript. Mostly, we need the nics and # networks related varirables which are exported from xcat nics and networks tables. # NICIPS=bond0! # NICTYPES=bond0!Ethernet # NICHOSTNAMESUFFIXES=bond0!-bond0 # NICNETWORKS=bond0!10_0_0_0-255_255_255_0 # NICCUSTOMSCRIPTS=bond0!configbond # NETWORKS_LINES=2 # NETWORKS_LINE1=netname=10_0_0_0-255_255_255_0||net=||mask=||mgtifname=eth1||gateway=<xcatmaster>||dhcpserver=||tftpserver=||nameservers=||ntpservers=||logservers=||dynamicrange=||staticrange=||staticrangeincrement=||nodehostname=||ddnsdomain=||vlanid=||domain=||disable=||comments= # NETWORKS_LINE2=netname=10_0_2_0-255_255_255_0||net=||mask=||mgtifname=eth0||gateway=||dhcpserver=||tftpserver=||nameservers=||ntpservers=||logservers=||dynamicrange=||staticrange=||staticrangeincrement=||nodehostname=||ddnsdomain=||vlanid=||domain=||disable=||comments= # locd library for network caculation str_dir_name=`dirname $0` . $str_dir_name/xcatlib.sh # Subroutine to display message and pass it to syslog # Usage: showmsg "message to putput" ["error"] function showmsg() { msg="configbond: $1" error=$2 if [ -n "$error" ]; then $(logger -t xcat -p local4.err $msg) else $(logger -t xcat -p local4.info $msg) fi echo $msg } # Check OS version and get the directory of network configuration file str_bond_name='' str_os_type=`uname | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'` str_cfg_dir='' str_temp='' if [ "$str_os_type" = "linux" ];then str_temp=`echo $OSVER | grep -E '(sles|suse)'` if [ -f "/etc/redhat-release" ];then str_os_type="redhat" str_cfg_dir="/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts" elif [ -f "/etc/SuSE-release" -o -n "$str_temp" ];then str_os_type="sles" str_cfg_dir="/etc/sysconfig/network" else showmsg "Only supports RHEL and SLES" "error" exit -1 fi else showmsg "Does NOT support non-Linux Operating System" "error" exit -1 fi # Parse arguments old_ifs=$IFS IFS=$'@' if [ $# -eq 2 ];then array_bond_opts="mode=4 miimon=100 downdelay=0 updelay=0 lacp_rate=fast xmit_hash_policy=1" elif [ $# -eq 3 ]; then array_bond_opts=($3) else showmsg "Only supports 2 or 3 arguments. Usage: configbond bondname nic1@nic2@... [opt1@opt2@...]" exit -1 fi str_bond_name=$1 array_bond_slaves=($2) IFS=$old_ifs # examples of variables # str_bond_name=bond0 # array_bond_slaves=(eth1 eth2) # array_bond_opts=(mode=1 miimon=100) # Check the existence of slave devices and remove the inactive ones realdevs=$(ip addr show 2>&1 | grep -E '^[1-9]' | cut -d: -f2) for slave in ${array_bond_slaves[*]}; do active=0 for rdev in $realdevs; do if [ $rdev = $slave ]; then active=1 fi done if [ $active -eq 0 ]; then showmsg "Warning: device $slave does not exist. It will not be configured as a slave device." # remove the device from slave list allslaves=${array_bond_slaves[*]} allslaves=${allslaves/$slave/} array_bond_slaves=($allslaves) fi done if [ ${#array_bond_slaves[*]} -eq 0 ]; then showmsg "No available slave devices to use." "error" exit -1 fi showmsg "Create bond interface $str_bond_name with slaves=\"${array_bond_slaves[*]}\" opts=\"${array_bond_opts[*]}\"" # Get bond device's IP address str_bond_ip="" if [ -z "$NICIPS" ]; then showmsg "Failed to get IP for bond interface: $str_bond_name. No IP is set in nics.nicips table." exit 1 else for devname in $str_bond_name ${array_bond_slaves[*]}; do # for each "bondname nic1 nic2 ..." for ifipinfo in ${NICIPS//,/ }; do # for each "ifname!ifip" old_ifs=$IFS IFS=$'!' arrayifinfo=($ifipinfo) # [0] - ifname; [1] - if ip address IFS=$old_ifs if [ "$devname" = "${arrayifinfo[0]}" ]; then str_bond_ip=${arrayifinfo[1]} break 2 fi done done fi # remove the left part from |. that means only keeping the first ip in the interface if there are alias ip str_bond_ip=${str_bond_ip%%|*} if [ -z "str_bond_ip" ]; then showmsg "Failed to get IP for $str_bond_name ${array_bond_slaves[*]} from $NICIPS" exit 1 fi # Get the network and netmask info for the $str_bond_ip from networks table str_bond_net= str_bond_mask= num_i=1 while [ $num_i -le $NETWORKS_LINES ];do eval str_bond_network=\$NETWORKS_LINE$num_i str_temp_net=${str_bond_network#*net=} # remove the left part from 'net=' str_temp_net=${str_temp_net%%|*} # remove the right part from first '|' str_temp_mask=${str_bond_network#*mask=} # remove the left part from 'mask=' str_temp_mask=${str_temp_mask%%|*} # remove the right part from first '|' str_temp_net1=$(v4calcnet $str_bond_ip $str_temp_mask) str_temp_net2=$(v4calcnet $str_temp_net $str_temp_mask) if [ "$str_temp_net1" = "$str_temp_net2" ];then str_bond_net=$str_temp_net str_bond_mask=$str_temp_mask break fi num_i=$((num_i+1)) done if [ -z "$str_bond_net" ] || [ -z "$str_bond_mask" ]; then showmsg "Cannot find network information for bond IP $str_bond_ip from networks table." "error" exit 1 fi showmsg "IP information for $str_bond_name: IP=$str_bond_ip; network=$str_bond_net; netmask=$str_bond_mask" # Create bond config file str_master_file="${str_cfg_dir}/ifcfg-${str_bond_name}" if [ "$str_os_type" = "redhat" ];then # Create the master file cat > $str_master_file <<EOF DEVICE=${str_bond_name} BOOTPROTO=none IPADDR=${str_bond_ip} NETMASK=${str_bond_mask} ONBOOT=yes USERCTL=no BONDING_OPTS="${array_bond_opts[*]}" EOF # Create the slave files for slave in ${array_bond_slaves[*]}; do str_slave_file="${str_cfg_dir}/ifcfg-${slave}" cat > $str_slave_file <<EOF DEVICE=${slave} MASTER=${str_bond_name} SLAVE=yes BOOTPROTO=none ONBOOT=yes USERCTL=no EOF done elif [ "$str_os_type" = "sles" ];then # Create the master file cat > $str_master_file <<EOF NAME='Bonded Interface' BOOTPROTO=static BONDING_MASTER=yes IPADDR=${str_bond_ip} NETMASK=${str_bond_mask} STARTMODE=onboot USERCONTROL=no BONDING_MODULE_OPTS="${array_bond_opts[*]}" EOF # Create the slave entries and files num_index=0 for slave in ${array_bond_slaves[*]}; do # this is a special part to inject each slave device to master cfg echo "BONDING_SLAVE_${num_index}=$slave" >> $str_master_file num_index=$((num_index+1)) str_slave_file="${str_cfg_dir}/ifcfg-${slave}" echo "BOOTPROTO=none" > $str_slave_file echo "STARTMODE=hotplug" >> $str_slave_file done fi # add bonding driver alias for <bondname> echo "alias $str_bond_name bonding" > /etc/modprobe.d/$str_bond_name.conf # Bring down the salve devices first for slave in ${str_bond_name} ${array_bond_slaves[*]}; do $(ifdown $slave &>/dev/null) done # Bring up bond device $(ifup ${str_bond_name} &>/dev/null) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then showmsg "Failed to bring up $str_bond_name" "error" exit 1 fi showmsg "Finished the configuration for bond interface $str_bond_name" exit 0