if(!isset($TOPDIR)) { $TOPDIR='/opt/xcat/ui';}
require_once "$TOPDIR/lib/security.php";

function displayHeader() {
echo <<<EOS1
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="application/xhtml+xml;  charset=iso-8859-1">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/main.css" media="screen">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/superfish.css" media="screen">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/security.css" media="screen">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/config.css" media="screen">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/theme/jquery-ui-themeroller.css" media="screen">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="js/jsTree/tree_component.css" media="screen">
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/loading.js"></script>

#<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
#<!-- for noderange tree -->
#<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jsTree/jquery.listen.js"></script>
#<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jsTree/tree_component.js"></script>
#<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jsTree/jquery.cookie.js"></script>
#<script type="text/javascript" src="js/noderangetree.js"></script>
#<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jsTree/css.js"></script>
#<!-- for various forms -->
#<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.form.js"></script>
#<!-- for editing xCAT tables -->
#<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.jeditable.mini.js"></script>
#<!-- for menus -->
#<script type="text/javascript" src="js/hoverIntent.js"></script>
#<!-- for menus -->
#<script type="text/javascript" src="js/superfish.js"></script>
#<!-- for authentication -->
#<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-ui-all.min.js"></script>
#<!-- for tying all these libraries together  -->
#<script type="text/javascript" src="js/xcat.js"></script>
#<!-- for authentication  -->
#<script type="text/javascript" src="js/xcatauth.js"></script>
#<script type="text/javascript" src="js/config.js"></script>
#<script type="text/javascript" type"utf-8">
#	$(document).ready(function() {
#		injs();
#	});


function displayBody() {

echo <<<EOS2
<body onload="xStart()">
 <div id="loadingZone">
  <div id="loadingSms">LOADING</div>  
         <div id="infoProgress">0%</div>  
         <br class="clear" />  
         <div id="loadingBar">  
             <div id="progressBar">&nbsp;</div>  
         <div id="infoLoading"></div>  
 <div id="wrapper">

 <div id=header>
  <ul class="sf-menu" id='sf-menu'>
    <a href="control.php">control</a>
	<li><a href="vm.php">VM Management</a></li>
   <li class="current">
    <a href="config.php">configure</a>
   # 	echo "<ul>\n";
#	$tables = getTabNames();
#	$j = 0;
#	foreach($tables as $t){
#		$j++;
#		if($j < 13){
#			echo "<li><a href='config.php?t=$t''>$t</a></li>";
#		}elseif($j < 25){
#			echo "<li class=level2><a href='config.php?t=$t''>$t</a></li>";
#		}else{
#			echo "<li class=level3><a href='config.php?t=$t''>$t</a></li>";
#		}
#	}
#	echo "</ul>\n";
echo <<<EOS4
    <a href="provision.php">provision</a>
    			<a href="monitor.php">syslog</a>
                        <a href="monitor/monlist.php">Monitor Setup</a>
                        <a href="#">View Events</a>
  <!-- <div id="cmdForm">
    <form action="command.php" method="post" id="runcmd">
        <input type="text" size="19" id="cmd" value="run xCAT command"/>
        <input type="image" src="img/cmdBtn.gif" id='go' alt="Run xCAT command" title="run xCAT command">
  </div> -->
  <div id='musername'>
	echo "user: <span> " . $_SESSION["username"] . "</span>";
echo <<<EOS5
	<a href="#" onclick='logout()'>log out</a>
 <div id='topper'>&nbsp;
 <div id='main'>


function displayFooter() {
echo "<div id='bopper'>&nbsp;</div>";
//<div id='footer'>xCAT Web v2.2.06242009</div>
# use system() to get the xCAT Web version;
echo "<div id='footer'>";
system("rpm -q xCAT-UI");
echo "</div>";
# comment out if statement to fix refresh but of logout.

echo <<<EOS3
 </div> <!-- finishes off the wrapper div -->


function displayTabMain(){
echo <<<MAPPER
<div class='mapper'>
		<a href='#' onclick='loadMainPage("main.php")'>home</a> / 
<div class='mContent'>
echo <<<EOS
<h1>Configuration Menu</h1>
xCAT is configured by several tables.  Each of the tables below
tweeks a setting in xCAT.  Click on a table below to configure xCAT

	$xml = docmd('tabdump', '', array('-d'));
	foreach($xml->children() as $response) foreach($response->children() as $line){
		list($tabName, $descr) = split(":", $line, 2);	
		echo "<p><a href='#' onclick='loadConfigTab(\"$tabName\");return false;'>$tabName</a>$descr</p>\n";	

echo <<<EOS

function displayTab($tab){
echo <<<MAPPER
<div class='mapper'>
		<a href='#' onclick='loadMainPage("main.php")'>home</a> / 
		<a href='#' onclick='loadMainPage("config.php")'>config</a> / 
	echo "<div class='mContent'>";
	echo "<h1>$tab</h1>\n";
	insertButtons(array('label' => 'Save','id' => 'saveit'),
			array('label' => 'Cancel', 'id' => 'reset')
	$xml = docmd('tabdump', '', array($tab));
	$headers = getTabHeaders($xml);
	if(!is_array($headers)){ die("<p>Can't find header line in $tab</p>"); }
	echo "<table id='tabTable' class='tabTable' cellspacing='1'>\n";
	#echo "<table class='tablesorter' cellspacing='1'>\n";
	echo "<thead>";
	echo "<tr class='colHeaders'><td></td>\n"; # extra cell for the red x
	#echo "<tr><td></td>\n"; # extra cell for the red x
	foreach($headers as $colHead) {echo "<td>$colHead</td>"; }
	echo "</tr>\n"; # close header row

	echo "</thead><tbody>";
	$tableWidth = count($headers);
	$ooe = 0;
	$item = 0;
	$line = 0;
	$editable = array();
	foreach($xml->children() as $response) foreach($response->children() as $arr){
		$arr = (string) $arr;
		if(ereg("^#", $arr)){
			$editable[$line++][$item] = $arr;
		$cl = "ListLine$ooe";
		$values = splitTableFields($arr);
		# X row
		echo "<tr class=$cl id=row$line><td class=Xcell><a class=Xlink title='Delete row'><img class=Ximg src=img/red-x2-light.gif></a></td>";
		foreach($values as $v){
			echo "<td class=editme id='$line-$item'>$v</td>";
			$editable[$line][$item++] = $v;
		echo "</tr>\n";
		$item = 0;
		$ooe = 1 - $ooe;
	echo "</tbody></table>\n";
	$_SESSION["editable-$tab"] = & $editable; # save the array so we can access it in the next call of this file or change.php
	echo "<p>";
insertButtons(array('label' => 'Add Row', 'id' => 'newrow'));
echo "</p>\n";
<script type="text/javascript">
  //jQuery(document).ready(function() {
  makeEditable('<?php echo $tab ?>', '.editme', '.Ximg', '.Xlink');

  // Set up global vars to pass to the newrow button
  document.linenum = <?php echo $line ?>;
  document.ooe = <?php echo $ooe ?>;

    alert('You sure you want to discard changes?');
    $('#main').load("config.php?t=<?php echo $tab ?>&kill=1");

    var newrow = formRow(document.linenum, <?php echo $tableWidth ?>, document.ooe);
    document.ooe = 1 - document.ooe;
    makeEditable('<?php echo $tab ?>', '.editme2', '.Ximg2', '.Xlink2');
    $('#main').load("config.php?t=<?php echo $tab ?>&save=1", {
    indicator : "<img src='img/indicator.gif'>",

// $("table").tablesorter({
 //                       sortList: [[0,0]]
  //              });


// Create the Action buttons in a table.  Each argument passed in is a button, which is an array of attribute strings.
// If your onclick attribute contains javascript code that uses quotes, use double quotes instead of single quotes.
function insertButtons () {
	$num = func_num_args();
	#if ($num > 1) echo "<TABLE cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2><TR>";
  foreach (func_get_args() as $button) {
		$otherattrs = @$button['otherattrs'];
		$id = @$button['id'];
		if (!empty($id)) { $id = "id=$id"; } 
		$onclick = @$button['onclick'];
		if (!empty($onclick)) { $onclick = "onclick='$onclick'"; }
	#	if ($num > 1) echo "<td>";
		echo "<a class=button $id $onclick $otherattrs><span>{$button['label']}</span></a>";
	#	if ($num > 1) echo "</td>";
	#if ($num > 1) echo "</TR></TABLE>\n"; I hate tables!!!

// $errors should be an array with errors
function displayErrors($errors){
	echo "<p class=Error>Changes to table failed! ", implode(' ',$errors), ",</p>\n"; 

function displaySuccess($tab){
	echo "<p class=Info>Changes to $tab have been saved.</p>\n";

function displayAlert($a){
echo <<<EOS7
<script type="text/javascript" type"utf-8">
	alert('hi!' + '$a');


// Functions to control display of trees and control functions

function displayCtrlPage($cmd){
echo <<<MAPPER
<div class='mapper'>
		<a href='#' onclick='loadMainPage("main.php")'>home</a> / 
	echo "<div class='nrcmd'>";
	echo "<div id='nrcmdnoderange'>Noderange:</div>";
	echo "<div id='nrcmdcmd'>Action: $cmd</div>";
	echo "</div>\n";
	echo "</div>\n";


function displayNrTree(){
echo <<<EOS
<div id=nrtree></div>
<div id='rangedisplay' class='mContent'><h1>Please select a node or noderange on the left.</h1>
<p>You can use ctrl-click to select more than one node grouping, </p>
<p>or expand the noderanges to select individual nodes.</p></div>
<script type="text/javascript" type"utf-8">

function displayControlTables($cmd){
	echo <<<EOSS
<ul class='controlHeaders'>
	<li id='ctrl-power'><a href='#'>Power</a></li>
	<li id='ctrl-inv'><a href='#'>Inventory</a></li>
	<li id='ctrl-env'><a href='#'>Environmentals</a></li>
	<li id='ctrl-event'><a href='#'>Event Logs</a></li>
	<li id='ctrl-beacon'><a href='#'>Beacon Light</a></li>


function displayRangeList($nr, $cmd){
	if($cmd == ""){
	if(substr($cmd,0,6) == 'rpower'){
		$array = explode('rpower', $cmd);
		controlRunCmd($nr, 'rpower', $array[1]);
	}elseif(substr($cmd,0,4) == 'rinv'){
		$array = explode('rinv', $cmd);
		controlRunCmd($nr, 'rinv', $array[1]);
	}elseif(substr($cmd,0,7) == 'rvitals'){
		$array = explode('rvitals', $cmd);
		controlRunCmd($nr, 'rvitals', $array[1]);
	}elseif(substr($cmd,0,7) == 'rbeacon'){
		$array = explode('rbeacon', $cmd);
		controlRunCmd($nr, 'rbeacon', $array[1]);
		echo "I don't recognize the command: $cmd";

function displayCommands($nr){
	echo <<<EOF
<h1>Please select an action to perform on noderange <i>$nr</i></h1>
	<li><a href='#' onclick='controlCmd("rpoweroff","$nr")'>Power Off</a></li>
	<li><a href="#" onclick='controlCmd("rpoweron","$nr")'>Power On</a></li>
	<li><a href="#" onclick='controlCmd("rpowerboot","$nr")'>Reboot</a></li>
	<li><a href='#' onclick='controlCmd("rpowerstat","$nr")'>Power Status</a></li>
	<li><a href='#' onclick='controlCmd("rinvall","$nr")'>Display All Inventory</a></li>
	<li><a href='#' onclick='controlCmd("rinvvpd","$nr")'>Vital Product Data</a></li>
	<li><a href='#' onclick='controlCmd("rinvmprom","$nr")'>MPROM</a></li>
	<li><a href='#' onclick='controlCmd("rvitalsall","$nr")'>All Vital Information</a></li>
	<li><a href='#' onclick='controlCmd("rvitalstemp","$nr")'>Tempterature</a></li>
	<li><a href='#' onclick='controlCmd("rvitalswattage","$nr")'>Wattage</a></li>
	<li><a href='#' onclick='controlCmd("rvitalsvoltage","$nr")'>Voltage</a></li>
	<li><a href='#' onclick='controlCmd("rvitalsfanspeed","$nr")'>Fan Speeds</a></li>
	<li><a href='#' onclick='controlCmd("rvitalspower","$nr")'>Power Usage</a></li>
	<li><a href='#' onclick='controlCmd("rvitalsleds","$nr")'>LEDs</a></li>
	<li><a href='#' onclick='controlCmd("rbeaconstat","$nr" )'>Get Beacon Light Status</a></li>
	<li><a href='#' onclick='controlCmd("rbeaconoff","$nr")'>Turn Beacon Light Off</a></li>
	<li><a href='#' onclick='controlCmd("rbeaconon","$nr")'>Turn Beacon Light On</a></li>
<h2>Remote Commands</h2>
	<li>Run a command on all nodes</li>
<h2>Event Log</h2>
	<li>View Event Log</li>
	<li>Clear Event Log</li>
<h2>Set Boot Order</h2>
	<li>Set Boot Order</li>


function controlRunCmd($nr, $cmd, $subcmd){
	$rvals = docmd($cmd, $nr, array($subcmd));
	$headers = attributesOfNodes($rvals,$cmd);
	#echo "<br><br>Headers:<br>";
	$nh = mkNodeHash($rvals,$cmd);
	#echo "<br><br><br>";
	echo "<table class='tablesorter' cellspacing='1'>";
	echo "<thead>\n";
	echo "<tr>";
	echo "<th>Node</th>";
	foreach ($headers as $head){
		echo "<th>$head</th>";	
	echo "</tr>";
	echo "</thead><tbody>";
	$ooe = 0;
	foreach($nh as $n => $vals){
		$cl = "ListLine$ooe";
		echo "<tr>\n";
		#echo "<td class='$cl'>$n</td>";
		echo "<td>$n</td>";
		foreach($headers as $h){
			if($vals[$h] == ''){
				echo "&nbsp;";
				#echo "<td class='$cl'>" . $vals[$h] . "</td>";
				echo "<td>" . $vals[$h] . "</td>";
		echo "</tr>\n";
		$ooe = 1 - $ooe;
	echo "</tbody>";
	echo "</table>\n";
	echo <<<JS
<script type="text/javascript" type"utf-8">
                        sortList: [[0,0]]

// Main page display

function displayMainPage() {

echo <<<EOS
<div class='mContent'>
<!-- <h1>Wizards</h1>
	<li>Initial xCAT Configuration</li>
	<li>Create a new image</li>
	<li>Set up Monitoring</li>
<h1><a href='#' onclick='loadMainPage("control.php")'>Control</a></h1>
	<li>Power nodes off/on</li>
	<li>Collect hardware information</li>
	<li>Run Command on All Nodes</li>
<h1><a href='#' onclick='loadMainPage("config.php")'>Configure</a></h1>
    <li>Edit xCAT Tables</li>
#	echo "<ul>";
#	$tables = getTabNames();
#	foreach($tables as $t){
#		echo "<li><a href='#' onclick='loadTab(\"$t\")'>$t</a></li>";
#	}
#	echo "</ul>";
echo <<<EOS
<h1><a href='#' onclick='loadMainPage("provision.php")'>Provision</a></h1>
	<li>Provision node</li>
<h1><a href='#' onclick='loadMainPage("monitor.php")'>Syslog</a></h1>
    <li>Show syslog Entries</li>
<h1><a href='#' onclick='loadMainPage("monitor/monlist.php")'>Monitor</a></h1>
    <li><a href='#' onclick='loadMainPage("monitor.php")'>Show syslog Entries</a></li>
    <li><a href='#' onclick='loadMainPage("monitor/monlist.php")'>Monitor Setup</a></li>
    <li><a href='#' onclick=''>View Events Log</a></li>
    <li>There's only text format for events' log</li>
    <li><a href='#' onclick=''>View Performance</a></li>
    <li>There're text/graphics formats for performance view</li>
    <li>Monitoring Events/Performances by Monitoring Plugins, such as RMC...</li>
    <li>This is still <b>UNDER DEVELOPMENT</b>.</li>

// Monitoring page stuff.  Right now its just the syslog monitor

function displayLogTable(){
	if(($line = getLastLine('')) === 0){
echo <<<EOS
<div class='mContent'>
<h1>Syslog Entries</h1>
<a href="#" id="stop">Stop Updates</a> | 
<a href="#" id="start">Start Updates</a><br><br>
<table class="tablesorter" cellspacing="1">
	$time = logToTable($line);
echo <<<EOS
<script type="text/javascript" type"utf-8">
 $("table").tablesorter({ sortList:  [[0,1],[1,1]] });
 $("#stop").click(function() { clearTimeout(t); });
 $("#start").click(function() { tableUpdater(0,''); });


// Given a Line from Syslog formats into a table.
function logToTable($line){
	list($month,$date,$time,$host,$subsys,$message) = preg_split('/\s+/', $line, 6);  
	if($message == ''){
		echo "no entry";
	echo <<<EOS
<td>$month $date</td>

if($subsys == 'last'){
	$message = $subsys . " " . $message;
	$subsys = "&nbsp";

echo <<<FOO

// provision page stuff
## here is where we provision nodes.
# m - method (install or netboot)
# o - OS (centos5.3, etc)
# a - arch (x86, x86_64)
# p - profile (compute, or user defined)
function displayProvisionPage($m,$o,$a,$p){
echo <<<MAPPER
<div class='mapper'>
		<a href='#' onclick='loadMainPage("main.php")'>home</a> / 
	echo "<div class='nrcmd'>";
	echo "<div id='nrcmdnoderange'>Noderange:</div>";
	echo "<div id='nrcmdos'>Operating System: $o</div>";
	echo "<div id='nrcmdarch'>Architecture: $a</div>";
	echo "<div id='nrcmdmethod'>Install Method: $m</div>";
	echo "<div id='nrcmdprofile'>Profile: $p</div>";
	echo "</div>\n";
	echo "</div>\n";

function displayInstallList($nr, $m,$o,$a,$p){
	if($m == ""){
	echo "installing $m $o $a $p<br>";

function displayProvisionOps($nr){
	echo <<<EOF
<div id='part1'>
<h1>Please select an OS to install on the noderange <i>$nr</i></h1>
	<select id='os' onchange='changeOS()'>
		<option value=""></option>
		<option value="centos5.3">CentOS 5.3</option>
		<option value="centos5.2">CentOS 5.2</option>
		<option value="fedora10">Fedora 10</option>
		<option value="fedora9">Fedora 9</option>
		<option value="fedora8">Fedora 8</option>
		<option value="rhels5.3">Red Hat Linux 5.3</option>
		<option value="rhels5.2">Red Hat Linux 5.2</option>
		<option value="sles10.2">SUSE Enterprise Linux (SLES) 10 update 2</option>
		<option value="sles10.1">SUSE Enterprise Linux (SLES) 10 update 1</option>
		<option value="rh">VMWare ESX 3.5</option>
		<option value="esxi4">VMWare ESXi 4.0</option>
		<option value="win2k8">Windows Server 2008</option>
<div id='part2' style='display:none'>
<h1>Please select the architecture</h1>
	<select id='arch' onchange='changeArch()'>
		<option value=''></option>
		<option value='x86_64'>x86_64 (EMT64 or AMD64)</option>
		<option value='x86'>x86 (i686, etc)</option>
		<option value='ppc64'>ppc64</option>
<div id='part3' style='display:none'>
<h1>How do you want to install the noderange <i>$nr</i></h1>
	<select id='method' onchange='changeMeth()'>
		<option value=""></option>
		<option value='netboot'>Stateless/Netboot Image</option>
		<option value='install'>Stateful Traditional Install (e.g: kickstart/autoyast)</option>
<div id='part4' style='display:none'></div>
<div id='part5' style='display:none'></div>
<div id='part6' style='display:none'></div>

