var iframeTimer; /** * Execute when the DOM is fully loaded */ $(document).ready(function() { // Load utility scripts }); /** * Constructor * * @return Nothing */ var hmcPlugin = function() { }; /** * Steps for hardware discovery wizard * * @return Discovery steps */ hmcPlugin.prototype.getStep = function() { return [ 'Basic patterns', 'Supernode', 'More patterns', 'Power on hardware', 'Discover frames', 'Discover hmcs', 'Management node', 'Discover Rest of Hardware and Update Definitions', 'Create LPARs' ]; }; hmcPlugin.prototype.getInitFunction = function() { return [ powerInitBasicPattern, powerInitSupernode, powerInitSiteTable, powerInitPoweronHardware, powerInitDiscoverFrames, powerInitDiscoverHmc, powerInitConfig, powerInitUpdateDefinition, powerInitCreateLpar ]; }; hmcPlugin.prototype.getNextFunction = function() { return [ checkBasicPattern, checkSupernode, checkSiteTable, undefined, checkFrameMtms, checkHmcMtms, undefined, undefined, collectInputValue ]; }; /** * Load node inventory * * @param data Data from HTTP request */ hmcPlugin.prototype.loadInventory = function(data) { // Get arguments var args = data.msg.split(','); // Get tab ID var tabId = args[0].replace('out=', ''); // Get node var node = args[1].replace('node=', ''); // Get node inventory var inv = data.rsp; // Remove loader $('#' + tabId).find('img').remove(); // Create division to hold inventory var invDivId = tabId + 'Inventory'; var invDiv = $('<div class="inventory" id="' + invDivId + '"></div>'); // Loop through each line var fieldSet = null; var legend = null; var oList = null; var item = null; for (var k = 0; k < inv.length; k++) { // Remove node name in front var str = inv[k].replace(node + ': ', ''); str = jQuery.trim(str); // If string is a header if (str.indexOf('I/O Bus Information') > -1 || str.indexOf('Machine Configuration Info') > -1) { // Create a fieldset fieldSet = $('<fieldset></fieldset>'); legend = $('<legend>' + str + '</legend>'); fieldSet.append(legend); oList = $('<ol></ol>'); fieldSet.append(oList); invDiv.append(fieldSet); } else { // If no fieldset is defined if (!fieldSet) { // Define general fieldset fieldSet = $('<fieldset></fieldset>'); legend = $('<legend>General</legend>'); fieldSet.append(legend); oList = $('<ol></ol>'); fieldSet.append(oList); invDiv.append(fieldSet); } // Append the string to a list item = $('<li></li>'); item.append(str); oList.append(item); } } // Append to inventory form $('#' + tabId).append(invDiv); }; /** * Load clone page * * @param node Source node to clone */ hmcPlugin.prototype.loadClonePage = function(node) { // Get nodes tab var tab = getNodesTab(); var newTabId = node + 'CloneTab'; // If there is no existing clone tab if (!$('#' + newTabId).length) { // Create status bar and hide it var statBarId = node + 'CloneStatusBar'; var statBar = $('<div class="statusBar" id="' + statBarId + '"></div>') .hide(); // Create info bar var infoBar = createInfoBar('Not yet supported'); // Create clone form var cloneForm = $('<div class="form"></div>'); cloneForm.append(statBar); cloneForm.append(infoBar); // Add clone tab tab.add(newTabId, 'Clone', cloneForm, true); }; }; /** * Load provision page * * @param tabId The provision tab ID */ hmcPlugin.prototype.loadProvisionPage = function(tabId) { // Create provision form var provForm = $('<div class="form"></div>'); // Create info bar var infoBar = createInfoBar('Provision a node on System p'); provForm.append(infoBar); // Append to provision tab $('#' + tabId).append(provForm); // Append provisioning section for HMC appendProvisionSection('hmc', provForm); }; /** * Load resources */ hmcPlugin.prototype.loadResources = function() { // Get resource tab ID var tabId = 'hmcResourceTab'; // Remove loader $('#' + tabId).find('img').remove(); // Create info bar var infoBar = createInfoBar('Not yet supported'); // Create resource form var resrcForm = $('<div class="form"></div>'); resrcForm.append(infoBar); $('#' + tabId).append(resrcForm); }; /** * Add node range */ hmcPlugin.prototype.addNode = function() { var dialog = $('<div id="addHmc" class="form"></div>'); dialog.append(createInfoBar('Add a System p node range')); // Create option to select node type dialog.append('<div><label>Node type:</label>' + '<select id="nodeType"><option>HMC</option>' + '<option>Scan node</option>' + '</select></div>'); dialog.append('<div id="nodeSettings"></div>'); // Show dialog dialog.dialog({ modal : true, width : 400, title : 'Add node', close : function() { $('#addHmc').remove(); } }); // Bind to select change event $('#nodeType').bind('change', function() { // Remove existing warnings $('#addHmc .ui-state-error').remove(); // Clear settings section $('#nodeSettings').empty(); if ($(this).val() == 'HMC') { $('#addHmc').dialog('option', 'width', '400'); $('#nodeSettings').append('<div><label>Node:</label><input type="text" name="node"/></div>'); $('#nodeSettings').append('<div><label>User name:</label><input type="text" name="username"/></div>'); $('#nodeSettings').append('<div><label>Password:</label><input type="password" name="password"/></div>'); $('#nodeSettings').append('<div><label>IP adress:</label><input type="text" name="ip"/></div>'); // Change dialog buttons $('#addHmc').dialog('option', 'buttons', { 'Add' : function() { addHmcNode(); }, 'Cancel' : function() { $('#addHmc').dialog('destroy').remove(); } }); } else { // Add loader $('#nodeSettings').append(createLoader()); // Change dialog buttons $('#addHmc').dialog('option', 'buttons', { 'Cancel' : function() { $('#addHmc').dialog('destroy').remove(); } }); // Set to longer dialog width $('#addHmc').dialog('option', 'width', '650'); $.ajax({ url : 'lib/cmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'nodels', tgt : 'all', args : 'nodetype.nodetype==hmc', msg : '' }, success : function(data) { // Remove loader $('#nodeSettings img').remove(); drawHmcSelector(data.rsp); } }); } }); // Trigger select event change $('#nodeType').trigger('change'); }; /** * Add HMC node */ function addHmcNode() { // Remove existing warnings $('#addHmc .ui-state-error').remove(); var errorMessage = ''; var args = ''; $('#nodeSettings input').each(function() { if (!$(this).val()) errorMessage = 'Please provide a value for each missing field!'; args += $(this).val() + ','; }); // Do no continue if an error is found if (errorMessage) { $('#addHmc').prepend(createWarnBar(errorMessage)); return; } // Disabled button $('.ui-dialog-buttonpane button').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); // Remove last comma args = args.substr(0, args.length - 1); // Append loader $('#nodeSettings').append(createLoader()); // Send request to add HMC $.ajax({ url : 'lib/cmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'webrun', tgt : '', args : 'addnode;hmc;' + args, msg : '' }, success : function(data) { $('#addHmc').dialog('destroy').remove(); } }); } /** * Add HMCs into dialog * * @param hmcs HMCs */ function drawHmcSelector(hmcs) { // Remove existing warnings $('#addHmc .ui-state-error').remove(); // Do not continue if no HMCs are given if (hmcs.length < 1) { $('#addHmc').prepend(createWarnBar('Please define an HMC node first!')); return; } // Add HMCs into a dropdown and add scan button var hmcSelect = $('<select></select>'); var scanButton = createButton('Scan'); for (var i in hmcs) { hmcSelect.append('<option>' + hmcs[i][0] + '</option>'); } $('#nodeSettings').append($('<div><label>HMC:</label></div>').append(hmcSelect, scanButton)); scanButton.bind('click', function() { var hmcname = $('#nodeSettings select').val(); $('#nodeSettings').append(createLoader()); $.ajax({ url : 'lib/cmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'rscan', tgt : hmcname, args : '', msg : '' }, success : function(data) { // Remove loader $('#nodeSettings img').remove(); // Draw table with checkboxes drawRscanResult(data.rsp[0]); // Add the add button $('#addHmc').dialog('option', 'buttons', { 'Add' : function() { addPNode(); }, 'Cancel' : function() { $('#addHmc').dialog('destroy').remove(); } }); } }); }); } /** * Draw table showing HMC rscan results * * @param results Data returned from rscan */ function drawRscanResult(results) { var tmpRegex = /\S+/g; var idRegex = /^\d+$/; var rSection = $('<div class="tab" style="height:300px; overflow:auto;"></div>'); var rTable = $('<table></table>'); // Empty node settings section $('#nodeSettings div').remove(); if (!results) return; var lines = results.split("\n"); // Do not continue if no results are found if (lines.length < 2) { return; } var fields = lines[0].match(tmpRegex); var cols = fields.length; // Add table header var tHead = $('<thead class="ui-widget-header"></thead>').append('<th><input type="checkbox" onclick="selectAllRscanNode(this)"></th>'); for (var i in fields) { tHead.append('<th>' + fields[i] + '</th>'); } rTable.append(tHead); // Add table body var tBody = $('<tbody></tbody>'); rTable.append(tBody); for (var i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) { var row = $('<tr></tr>'); // Go to next row if there is nothing if (!lines[i]) continue; fields = lines[i].match(tmpRegex); // Go to next row if this row is the HMC if (fields[0] == 'hmc') continue; // If the 3rd field is empty, create an empty column if (!idRegex.test(fields[2])) fields = [ fields[0], fields[1], '' ].concat(fields.slice(2)); row.append('<td><input type="checkbox" name="' + fields[1] + '"></td>'); // Go through each field and add it to the row as a column for (var j = 0; j < cols; j++) { var col = $('<td></td>'); if (fields[j]) { if (j == 1) col.append('<input value="' + fields[j] + '"/>'); else col.append(fields[j]); } } tBody.append(row); } rSection.append(rTable); $('#nodeSettings').append(rSection); } /** * Add System p node (contains frame, CEC, LPAR) */ function addPNode() { // Get the HMC name var hmcname = $('#nodeSettings select').val(); var nodename = ''; // Get checked nodes $('#nodeSettings :checked').each(function() { if ($(this).attr('name')) { nodename += $(this).attr('name') + ','; nodename += $(this).parents('tr').find('input').eq(1).val() + ','; } }); if (!nodename) { alert('You should select nodes first!'); return; } // Disabled the button $('.ui-dialog-buttonpane button').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); nodename = nodename.substr(0, nodename.length - 1); $('#nodeSettings').append(createLoader()); // Send the add request $.ajax({ url : 'lib/cmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'webrun', tgt : '', args : 'addnode;node;' + hmcname + ',' + nodename, msg : '' }, success : function(data) { // Refresh the area on the right side $('#addHmc').dialog('destroy').remove(); $('.selectgroup').trigger('click'); } }); } /** * Select all checkbox in a table */ function selectAllRscanNode(obj) { var status = $(obj).attr('checked'); $(obj).parents('table').find(':checkbox').attr('checked', status); } /** * Step 2: Cluster basic patterns */ function powerInitBasicPattern() { $('#discoverContentDiv').empty(); $('.tooltip').remove(); var showString = '<div style="min-height:360px" id="patternDiv"><h2>' + steps[currentStep] + '</h2>'; showString += '<table><tbody>'; showString += '<tr><td><b>Frames:</b></td></tr>'; showString += '<tr><td>Name Range:</td><td><input type="text" title="Format: Frame[1-6] or F1-F6" ' + 'name="frameName" value="' + getDiscoverEnv('frameName') + '"></td>'; // Use the super node to configure file and calculate the CEC's number showString += '<td></td><td></td></tr>'; showString += '<tr><td>Vlan1 IP Header:</td><td><input type="text" name="vlan1ip" value="' + getDiscoverEnv('vlan1ip') + '"></td><td>Vlan2 IP Header:</td>' + '<td><input type="text" name="vlan2ip" value="' + getDiscoverEnv('vlan2ip') + '"></td></tr>'; showString += '<tr><td><b>Drawers:</b></td></tr>'; showString += '<tr><td>Name Range:</td><td><input type="text" title="Format: CEC[1-60] or F[1-6]C[1-10]" ' + 'name="cecName" value="' + getDiscoverEnv('cecName') + '"></td>'; showString += '<td>Number of LPARs per Drawer:</td><td><input type="text" name="lparNumPerCec" value="' + getDiscoverEnv('lparNumPerCec') + '"></td></tr>'; showString += '<tr><td><b>Lpars:</b></td></tr>'; showString += '<tr><td>Name Range:</td><td><input type="text" title="Format: F[1-6]C[1-10]L[1-8]" ' + 'name="lparName" value="' + getDiscoverEnv('lparName') + '"></td><td>Starting IP Adress:</td><td><input type="text" name="lparstartip" value="' + getDiscoverEnv('lparstartip') + '"></td></tr>'; showString += '<tr><td><b>HMCs:</b></td></tr>'; showString += '<tr id="hmcTr"><td>Name Range:</td><td><input type="text" title="Format: HMC[01-10] or HMC01-HMC10" name="hmcName" value="' + getDiscoverEnv('hmcName') + '"></td>'; showString += '<td>Number of Frames per HMC:</td><td><input type="text" name="frameNumPerHmc" value="' + getDiscoverEnv('frameNumPerHmc') + '"></td></tr>'; showString += '<tr><td>Starting IP Adress:</td><td><input type="text" name="hmcstartip" value="' + getDiscoverEnv('hmcstartip') + '"></td>'; showString += '<td>Hardware Managment:</td><td><input type="radio" name="managetype" value="hmc" title="Hardware Management Console">HMC '; showString += '<input type="radio" name="managetype" value="dfm" title="Direct FSP Management">DFM</td></tr>'; showString += '<tr><td><b>Building Block</b></td></tr>'; showString += '<tr><td>Frame amount per BB:</td>' + '<td><input type="text" name="framepbb" value="' + getDiscoverEnv('framepbb') + '"></td>' + '<td>CEC amount per BB:</td>' + '<td><input type="text" name="cecpbb" value="' + getDiscoverEnv('cecpbb') + '"></td>' + '</tr>'; showString += '</tbody></table></div>'; $('#discoverContentDiv').append(showString); $('#discoverContentDiv [title]').tooltip({ position : "center right", offset : [ -2, 10 ], effect : "fade", opacity : 1 }); // Change the radio input checked status if (getDiscoverEnv('hmcFlag')) { $('#discoverContentDiv :radio[value=hmc]').attr('checked', 'checked'); } else { $('#discoverContentDiv :radio[value=dfm]').attr('checked', 'checked'); } createDiscoverButtons(); } /** * Step 2: Check basic patterns when user input the basic patterns */ function checkBasicPattern(operType) { collectInputValue(); if ('back' == operType) { return true; } $('#patternDiv .ui-state-error').remove(); var errMessage = ''; var tempName = ''; var frameNum = 0; var cecNum = 0; var lparNum = 0; var hmcNum = 0; var cecNumPerFrame = getDiscoverEnv('cecNumPerFrame'); var frameNumPerHmc = getDiscoverEnv('frameNumPerHmc'); var lparNumPerCec = getDiscoverEnv('lparNumPerCec'); // Check the frame name tempName = getDiscoverEnv('frameName'); if (!tempName) { errMessage += 'Input the Frame Name Range.<br/>'; } else { frameNum = expandNR(tempName).length; } // Check the CEC name tempName = getDiscoverEnv('cecName'); if (!tempName) { errMessage += 'Input the CEC Name Range.<br/>'; } else { cecNum = expandNR(tempName).length; } // LPAR number per CEC if (!lparNumPerCec) { errMessage += 'Input the Lpar Number Per Drawer.<br/>'; } // Check the LPAR name tempName = getDiscoverEnv('lparName'); if (!tempName) { errMessage += 'Input the Lpar Name Range.<br/>'; } else { lparNum = expandNR(tempName).length; } // Check the HMC name tempName = getDiscoverEnv('hmcName'); if (!tempName) { errMessage += 'Input the HMC Name Range.<br/>'; } else { hmcNum = expandNR(tempName).length; } // Frame number per HMC if (!frameNumPerHmc) { errMessage += 'Input the Frame Number Per HMC.<br/>'; } if (!getDiscoverEnv('vlan1ip')){ errMessage += 'Input the Vlan 1 IP Header.<br/>'; } if (!getDiscoverEnv('vlan2ip')){ errMessage += 'Input the Vlan 2 IP Header.<br/>'; } if (!getDiscoverEnv('lparstartip')){ errMessage += 'Input the Lpars\' Starting IP Adress.<br/>'; } if (!getDiscoverEnv('hmcstartip')){ errMessage += 'Input the HMCs\' Starting IP Adress.<br/>'; } if (!getDiscoverEnv('framepbb')){ errMessage += 'Input the Frame amount per BB.<br/>'; } if (!getDiscoverEnv('cecpbb')){ errMessage += 'Input the CEC amount per BB<br/>'; } // Hardware management type is HMC if ('hmc' == $('#discoverContentDiv :checked').attr('value')) { setDiscoverEnv('hmcFlag', true); } else { removeDiscoverEnv('hmcFlag'); } // Input value check is finished if ('' != errMessage) { var warnBar = createWarnBar(errMessage); $('#patternDiv').prepend(warnBar); return false; } // Check the connections between all numbers if (getDiscoverEnv('hmcFlag')) { if ((Number(frameNumPerHmc) * hmcNum) < frameNum) { errMessage += 'The frame number should less than ' + Number(cecNumPerFrame) * frameNum + ' ("the number of hmc" * "the number of frame managed by per hmc")'; } } if ((Number(lparNumPerCec) * cecNum) > lparNum) { errMessage += 'The number of Lpars calculate by Name Range should be ' + Number(lparNumPerCec) * cecNum + '("the number of Drawers" * "the number of lpar per drawer")'; } if ('' != errMessage) { var warnBar = createWarnBar(errMessage); $('#patternDiv').prepend(warnBar); return false; } setDiscoverEnv('cecNum', cecNum); setDiscoverEnv('frameNum', frameNum); setDiscoverEnv('lparNum', lparNum); setDiscoverEnv('hmcNum', hmcNum); return true; } /** * Step 3: Allow the users to edit the super node configure file */ function powerInitSupernode() { $('#discoverContentDiv').empty(); $('.tooltip').remove(); $('#discoverContentDiv').append( '<div style="min-height:360px" id="supernodeDiv"><h2>' + steps[currentStep] + '</h2></div>'); createDiscoverButtons(); // Add the introduction about the page var infoStr = '<div>The supernode-list file lists what supernode numbers should be '; infoStr += 'given to each CEC in each frame. Here is a sample file:<br/>'; infoStr += 'frame01: 0, 1, 16<br/>frame02: 17, 32<br/>frame03: 33, 48, 49<br/>'; infoStr += 'frame04: 64 , 65, 80<br/>frame05: 81, 96<br/>frame06: 97(1), 112(1), 113(1), 37(1), 55, 71<br/>'; infoStr += 'The name before the colon is the node name of the frame BPC. The numbers after the colon ' + 'are the supernode numbers to assign to the groups of CECs in that frame from bottom to top. ' + 'Each supernode contains 4 CECs, unless it is immediately followed by "(#)", in which case the ' + 'number in parenthesis indicates how many CECs are in this supernode.<br/><br/>' + 'You can define the supernode by inputting manually or load a configure file same with the correct format.</div>'; var InfoBar = createInfoBar(infoStr); $('#discoverContentDiv #supernodeDiv').append(InfoBar); var uploadform = $('<form action="lib/upload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">' + 'Configuration File:' + '<input type="file" id="file" name="file"></form>'); uploadform.append(createButton('Parse')); uploadform.ajaxForm({ success: parseSupernodeConfig }); var tempCenterObj = $('<center></center>'); tempCenterObj.append(uploadform); $('#discoverContentDiv #supernodeDiv').append(tempCenterObj); var frameArray = expandNR(getDiscoverEnv('frameName')); var showStr = '<center><table><tbody>'; for (var i in frameArray) { var tempname = 'sp_' + frameArray[i]; showStr += '<tr><td>' + frameArray[i] + ':</td><td><input type="text" name="' + tempname + '" id="' + tempname + '" value="' + getDiscoverEnv(tempname) + '"></td></tr>'; } showStr += '</tbody></table></center>'; $('#discoverContentDiv #supernodeDiv').append(showStr); } /** * Step 3: Parse the content in the configure file */ function parseSupernodeConfig(responseText){ var lines = responseText.split("\n"); for(var i in lines){ var spMap = lines[i].split(':'); var spName = spMap[0]; var spDef = spMap[1]; $('#sp_' + spName).attr('value', spDef); } } /** * Step 3: Check the super node configure file */ function checkSupernode(operType) { collectInputValue(); if ('back' == operType) { return true; } $('#supernodeDiv .ui-state-error').remove(); var errString = ''; var eceNum = 0; var args = ''; var frameArray = expandNR(getDiscoverEnv('frameName')); for (var i in frameArray) { var sp_config = getDiscoverEnv('sp_' + frameArray[i]); if (sp_config) { eceNum += calcCec(sp_config); if (0 == i) { args += frameArray[i] + ': ' + sp_config; } else { args += '\n' + frameArray[i] + ': ' + sp_config; } } else { errString += 'Input the super node configure for ' + frameArray[i] + '<br/>'; } } args += '\n'; var warnBar; if (errString) { warnBar = createWarnBar(errString); $('#supernodeDiv').prepend(warnBar); return false; } $.ajax({ url : 'lib/cmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'webrun', tgt : '', args : 'writeconfigfile;/tmp/websupernode.txt;' + args, msg : '' } }); return true; } function calcCec(spConfigStr) { var tempArray = spConfigStr.split(','); var num = 0; var reg = /\(([1-4])\)/; for (var i in tempArray) { var regRes = reg.exec(tempArray[i]); if (regRes && regRes[1]) { num += Number(regRes[1]); } else { num += 4; } } return num; } /** * Step 4: Show the field which need to be configured in the site table */ function powerInitSiteTable(operType) { $('#discoverContentDiv').empty(); $('.tooltip').remove(); var showDiv = $('<div style="min-height:360px" id="siteDiv"><h2>' + steps[currentStep] + '(Site info)</h2></div>'); var statBar = createStatusBar('siteTableStat'); statBar.find('div').append(createLoader()); showDiv.append(statBar); $('#discoverContentDiv').append(showDiv); if (getDiscoverEnv('domainname')) { showSiteArea(); return; } $.ajax({ url : 'lib/cmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'tabdump', tgt : '', args : 'site', msg : '' }, success : function(data) { setDiscoverEnv('domainname', ''); setDiscoverEnv('nameserver', ''); for (var i in data.rsp) { var tempArray = data.rsp[i].split(','); var tempValue = tempArray[1]; switch (tempArray[0]) { case '"domain"': { setDiscoverEnv('domainname', tempValue.substr(1, tempValue.length - 2)); } break; case '"nameservers"': { setDiscoverEnv('nameserver', tempValue.substr(1, tempValue.length - 2)); } break; } } showSiteArea(); } }); } /** * Step 4: When the values are ready, create the table */ function showSiteArea() { var adminpasswd = getDiscoverEnv('adminpasswd'); adminpasswd = adminpasswd ? adminpasswd : "admin"; var generalpasswd = getDiscoverEnv('generalpasswd'); generalpasswd = generalpasswd? generalpasswd : "general"; var hmcpasswd = getDiscoverEnv('hmcpasswd'); hmcpasswd = hmcpasswd ? hmcpasswd : "abc123"; var showString = '<table><tbody>'; showString += '<tr><td>Domain Name:</td><td><input type="text" name="domainname" value="' + getDiscoverEnv('domainname') + '" title="The DNS domain name used for the cluster."></td></tr>'; showString += '<tr><td>Name server:</td><td><input type="text" name="nameserver" value="' + getDiscoverEnv('nameserver') + '" title="A comma delimited list of DNS servers that each node in the cluster should use - often the xCAT management node."></td></tr>'; showString += '<tr><td>DHCP Dynamic Range:</td><td><input type="text" name="ipStart" value="' + getDiscoverEnv('ipStart') + '" title="A start Ip address for DHCP dynamic range.">-<input type="text" name="ipEnd" disabled="disabled" value="' + getDiscoverEnv('ipEnd') + '"></td></tr>'; showString += '<tr><td>admin password for FRAME and CEC:</td><td><input type="text" ' + 'name="adminpasswd" value="' + adminpasswd + '" title="the password used for xCAT to log on bpa and fsp with admin account."</td></tr>'; showString += '<tr><td>general password for FRAME and CEC:</td><td><input type="text" ' + 'name="generalpasswd" value="' + generalpasswd + '" title="the password used for xCAT to log on bpa and fsp with general account."</td></tr>'; showString += '<tr><td>hmc password for FRAME and CEC:</td><td><input type="text" ' + 'name="hmcpasswd" value="' + hmcpasswd + '" title="the password used for xCAT to log on bpa and fsp with hmc account."</td></tr>'; showString += '</tbody></table>'; $('#discoverContentDiv div').eq(0).append(showString); $('#discoverContentDiv [title]').tooltip({ position : "center right", offset : [ -2, 10 ], effect : "fade", opacity : 1 }); $('#discoverContentDiv input[name=ipStart]').bind( 'change', function() { if (verifyIp($(this).attr('value'))) { var tempNum = Number(getDiscoverEnv('frameNum')) * 4 + Number(getDiscoverEnv('cecNum')) * 4 + Number(getDiscoverEnv('lparNum')) + Number(getDiscoverEnv('hmcNum')); var ipEnd = calcEndIp($(this).attr('value'), tempNum); if (!verifyIp(ipEnd)) { ipEnd = ''; } $('#discoverContentDiv input[name=ipEnd]').attr('value', ipEnd); } else { $('#discoverContentDiv input[name=ipEnd]') .attr('value', ''); } }); // Show the current network interface configuration $.ajax({ url : 'lib/systemcmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'ifconfig | egrep "encap|Mask"' }, success : function(data) { $('#discoverContentDiv #siteTableStat div').html( 'Current network interface configuration:<br/><pre>' + data.rsp + '</pre>'); var ipvlan1 = 'addr:' + getDiscoverEnv('vlan1ip') + '\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+'; var ipvlan2 = 'addr:' + getDiscoverEnv('vlan2ip') + '\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+'; var lines = data.rsp.split('\n'); var iparray = new Array(); var re1 = new RegExp(ipvlan1,"i"); var re2 = new RegExp(ipvlan2,"i"); for (var i in lines){ var line = lines[i]; if (line.match(ipvlan1)){ var temp = re1.exec(line); iparray.push(temp[0].substr(5)); } if (line.match(ipvlan2)){ var temp = re2.exec(line); iparray.push(temp[0].substr(5)); } } setDiscoverEnv('ipfordiscovery', iparray.join(',')); } }); createDiscoverButtons(); } /** * Step 4: Check that the inputs are all filled */ function checkSiteTable(operType) { $('#discoverContentDiv input[name=ipStart]').trigger('change'); collectInputValue(); if ('back' == operType) { return true; } $('#discoverContentDiv .ui-state-error').remove(); var errMessage = ''; if (!getDiscoverEnv('domainname')) { errMessage += 'Input the domain name.<br/>'; } if (!getDiscoverEnv('nameserver')) { errMessage += 'Input the name server.<br/>'; } if (!getDiscoverEnv('ipEnd')) { errMessage += 'Input the DHCP Dynamic Range.<br/>'; } if (!getDiscoverEnv('adminpasswd')) { errMessage += 'Input the admin\'s password for FRAME and CEC.<br/>'; } if (!getDiscoverEnv('generalpasswd')) { errMessage += 'Input the general\'s password for FRAME and CEC.<br/>'; } if (!getDiscoverEnv('hmcpasswd')) { errMessage += 'Input the hmc\'s password for FRAME and CEC.<br/>'; } if ('' == errMessage) { $.ajax({ url : 'lib/cmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'webrun', tgt : '', args : 'dynamiciprange;' + getDiscoverEnv('ipStart') + '-' + getDiscoverEnv('ipEnd'), msg : '' } }); return true; } var warnBar = createWarnBar(errMessage); $('#discoverContentDiv #siteDiv').prepend(warnBar); return false; } /** * Step 5: Tell users to power on machines */ function powerInitPoweronHardware() { $('#discoverContentDiv').empty(); $('.tooltip').remove(); var showStr = '<div style="min-height:360px"><h2>' + steps[currentStep] + '</h2><h3>Do the following manual steps now:</h3>'; showStr += '<ul><li>1. Power on the HMCs.</li>'; showStr += '<li>2. Configure the HMC\'s static IP and enable the SLP & SSH ports by HMC GUI</li>'; showStr += '<li>3. Power on all of Frames.</li>'; showStr += '<li>4. Click Next to discover the hardware on the service network.</li></ul></div>'; $('#discoverContentDiv').append(showStr); createDiscoverButtons(); } /** * Step 6: Discover all frames from the cluster and map all MTMs with frame name */ function powerInitDiscoverFrames() { $('#discoverContentDiv').empty(); $('.tooltip').remove(); var showDiv = '<h2>' + steps[currentStep] + '</h2></div><div style="min-height:360px" id="discoverShow">'; $('#discoverContentDiv').append(showDiv); //the discover button, use lsslp var discoverButton = createButton('Discovery by lsslp'); discoverButton.bind('click', function(){ $('#discoverShow').empty(); $('#discoverContentDiv button').remove(); $('#discoverShow').append(createStatusBar('discoverdisc')); $('#discoverShow').append('<center><table><tr><td id="frameTd">' + '</td><td style="width:20px"></td><td id="mtmsTd"></td></tr></table></center>'); discoverFrame(); }); $('#discoverShow').append(discoverButton); //the import button, use mtms map file var importButton = createButton('Import the mtms map file'); importButton.bind('click', function(){ $('#discoverShow').empty(); $('#discoverContentDiv button').remove(); $('#discoverShow').append(createStatusBar('discoverdisc')); $('#discoverdisc div').html('Use the mtms map file with the format <framename> <mtm> <serial>(frame1 78AC-100 9920032).'); $('#discoverShow').append('<center><form action="lib/upload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">MTMS map file:' + '<input type="file" name="file"></form></center>'); $('#discoverShow form').append(createButton('Parse')); $('#discoverShow form').ajaxForm({ success : parseMtmsMap }); }); $('#discoverShow').append(importButton); if (getDiscoverEnv('framemtmsmap')) { var mapArray = getDiscoverEnv('framemtmsmap').split(';'); for (var i in mapArray) { var tempArray = mapArray[i].split(','); showMap(tempArray[0], tempArray[1], 0, 'Frame and MTMS map'); } createDiscoverButtons(); return; } } function discoverFrame(){ $('#discoverdisc div').append('Discovering all Frames by lsslp.').append(createLoader()); $.ajax({ url : 'lib/cmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'webrun', tgt : '', args : 'discover;frame', msg : '' }, success : function(data) { var tempInfo = data.rsp[0]; if (-1 != tempInfo.indexOf('Error')) { $('#discoverdisc div').html(tempInfo); createDiscoverButtons(); return; } var mtmsArray = tempInfo.split(';'); var frameArray = expandNR(getDiscoverEnv('frameName')); // Check the defined number and discovered number if (mtmsArray.length != frameArray.length) { $('#discoverdisc div').html( 'Error: Definded Number is ' + frameArray.length + ', but lsslp discovered Number is ' + mtmsArray.length + ', please check your configure!'); createDiscoverButtons(); return; } $('#discoverdisc div').html( 'Mapping the frame name and mtms which discovered by lsslp.<br\>' + 'Select the frame name, then select the mtms.'); for (var i in frameArray) { $('#frameTd').append( '<p><input name="frameradio" type="radio" onclick="createMap(this, \'Frame and MTMS map\')"><span>' + frameArray[i] + '</span></p>'); } for (var i in mtmsArray) { $('#mtmsTd').append( '<p><input name="mtmsradio" type="radio" onclick="createMap(this, \'Frame and MTMS map\')"><span>' + mtmsArray[i] + '</span></p>'); } createDiscoverButtons(); } }); } function parseMtmsMap(responseText){ var typeflag; var nodeArray; if ($('#discoverContentDiv h2').text().toLocaleLowerCase().indexOf('hmc') >= 0){ typeflag = 'hmc'; nodeArray= expandNR(getDiscoverEnv('hmcName')); } else{ typeflag = 'frame'; nodeArray= expandNR(getDiscoverEnv('frameName')); } //replace the \r\n for different os file eol format responseText = responseText.replace(/[\r\n]+/g, ";"); var lines = responseText.split(";"); var temphash = new Object(); var nulldefine = ''; for(var i in lines){ var temparray = lines[i].split(" "); var tempname = temparray[0]; var tempmtm = temparray[1]; var tempserial = temparray[2]; temphash[tempname] = tempmtm + '-' + tempserial; } for (var i in nodeArray){ var tempname = nodeArray[i]; if (!temphash[tempname]){ if (!nulldefine){ nulldefine += tempname; } else{ nulldefine += ',' + tempname; } } } if (nulldefine){ $('#discoverdisc div').html( 'Error: ' + nulldefine + ' was not defined in the map file, please check!'); return; } else{ for (var i in temphash){ showMap(i, temphash[i], 0, 'Frame and MTMS map'); } } createDiscoverButtons(); } function createMap(obj, fieldtitle) { var fname = ''; var mname = ''; if ($('#discoverShow :checked').size() < 2) { return; } if ('frameradio' == $(obj).attr('name')) { fname = $(obj).next().html(); mname = $('#discoverShow input[name=mtmsradio]:checked').next().html(); } else { fname = $('#discoverShow input[name=frameradio]:checked').next().html(); mname = $(obj).next().html(); } $('#discoverShow :checked').parent().remove(); showMap(fname, mname, 1, fieldtitle); } function showMap(fname, mname, deleteflag, fieldtitle) { var rowClass = ''; var deleteicon = ''; if ($('#discoverShow fieldset').size() < 1) { $('#discoverShow') .append( '<fieldset><legend>' + fieldtitle + '</legend><center><table></table></center></fieldset>'); } if (0 == $('#discoverShow fieldset tr').size() % 2) { rowClass = 'odd'; } else { rowClass = 'even'; } if (deleteflag){ deleteicon = '<td><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-trash" style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="deleteMap(this)"></span></td>'; } $('#discoverShow fieldset table') .append( '<tr class="' + rowClass + '"><td>' + fname + '</td><td width="20px"><----></td><td>' + mname + '</td>' + deleteicon + '</tr>'); } function deleteMap(obj) { var mname = $(obj).parent().prev().html(); var fname = $(obj).parent().prev().prev().prev().html(); $(obj).parent().parent().remove(); $('#frameTd').append( '<p><input name="frameradio" type="radio" onclick="createMap(this)"><span>' + fname + '</span></p>'); $('#mtmsTd').append( '<p><input name="mtmsradio" type="radio" onclick="createMap(this)"><span>' + mname + '</span></p>'); } /** * Step 6: Write the frame and MTMs map file */ function checkFrameMtms(operType) { // Check the number of radio button var vpdFileCon = ''; $('#discoverShow .ui-state-error').remove(); if (0 < $('#discoverShow :radio').size()) { var warnBar = createWarnBar('Map all of the frame with mtms.'); $('#discoverContentDiv #discoverShow').prepend(warnBar); return false; } // Find out all maps var maps = ''; $('#discoverShow fieldset tr').each( function() { var fname = $(this).children().eq(0).html(); var mtms = $(this).children().eq(2).html(); var pos = mtms.lastIndexOf('-'); var startpos = mtms.indexOf(':'); maps += (fname + ',' + mtms + ';'); vpdFileCon += fname + ':\n'; vpdFileCon += ' objtype=node\n serial=' + mtms.substring(pos + 1) + '\n'; vpdFileCon += ' mtm=' + mtms.substring(startpos + 1, pos) + '\n side=A\n'; }); maps = maps.substr(0, maps.length - 1); setDiscoverEnv('framemtmsmap', maps); if ('back' == operType) { return true; } // Write the maps into vpd table $.ajax({ url : 'lib/cmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'webrun', tgt : '', args : 'writeconfigfile;/tmp/webvpd.stanza;' + vpdFileCon, msg : '' } }); return true; } /** * Step 7: define the hmc mtms map */ function powerInitDiscoverHmc() { $('#discoverContentDiv').empty(); $('.tooltip').remove(); var showDiv = '<h2>' + steps[currentStep] + '</h2><div style="min-height:360px" id="discoverShow"></div>'; $('#discoverContentDiv').append(showDiv); //the discover button, use lsslp var discoverButton = createButton('Discovery by lsslp'); discoverButton.bind('click', function(){ }); //the import button, use mtms map file var importButton = createButton('Import the mtms map file'); importButton.bind('click', function(){ $('#discoverShow').empty(); $('#discoverContentDiv button').remove(); $('#discoverShow').append(createStatusBar('discoverdisc')); $('#discoverdisc div').html('Use the mtms map file with the format <hmcname> <mtm> <serial>(hmc1 7042CR6 10689EC).'); $('#discoverShow').append('<center><form action="lib/upload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">MTMS map file:' + '<input type="file" name="file"></form></center>'); $('#discoverShow form').append(createButton('Parse')); $('#discoverShow form').ajaxForm({ success : parseMtmsMap }); }); $('#discoverShow').append(importButton); if (getDiscoverEnv('hmcmtmsmap')) { var mapArray = getDiscoverEnv('hmcmtmsmap').split(';'); for (var i in mapArray) { var tempArray = mapArray[i].split(','); showMap(tempArray[0], tempArray[1], 0, 'HMC and MTMS map'); } createDiscoverButtons(); return; } } function checkHmcMtms(operType){ // Check the number of radio button var vpdStr = ''; $('#discoverShow .ui-state-error').remove(); if (0 < $('#discoverShow :radio').size()) { var warnBar = createWarnBar('Map all of the hmc and mtms.'); $('#discoverContentDiv #discoverShow').prepend(warnBar); return false; } // Find out all maps var maps = ''; $('#discoverShow fieldset tr').each( function() { var hmcname = $(this).children().eq(0).html(); var mtms = $(this).children().eq(2).html(); var pos = mtms.lastIndexOf('-'); var startpos = mtms.indexOf(':'); maps += (hmcname + ',' + mtms + ';'); vpdStr += hmcname + ',' + mtms.substring(startpos + 1, pos) + ',' + mtms.substring(pos + 1) + ':'; }); maps = maps.substr(0, maps.length - 1); vpdStr = vpdStr.substr(0, vpdStr.length - 1); setDiscoverEnv('hmcmtmsmap', maps); if ('back' == operType) { return true; } // Write the maps into vpd table $.ajax({ url : 'lib/cmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'webrun', tgt : '', args : 'updatevpd;' + vpdStr, msg : '' } }); return true; } /** * Step 8: Create the xcatsetup configure file and run xcatsetup to define all * objects in xcat database. */ function powerInitConfig(operType) { $('#discoverContentDiv').empty(); $('.tooltip').remove(); var showStr = '<div style="min-height:360px"><h2>' + steps[currentStep] + '<br/><br/></h2>'; var iconClass = ''; if ('back' == operType) { iconClass = 'ui-icon-check'; } else { iconClass = 'ui-icon-gear'; } showStr += '<ul>'; showStr += '<li id="fileLine"><span class="ui-icon ' + iconClass + '"></span>Create configuration file for xcatsetup.</li>'; showStr += '<li id="setupLine"><span class="ui-icon ' + iconClass + '"></span>Wrote Objects into xCAT database by xcatsetup.</li>'; showStr += '</ul></div>'; $('#discoverContentDiv').append(showStr); if ('back' == operType) { createDiscoverButtons(); return; } createSetupFile(); } /** * Step 8: Create the xcat configure file */ function createSetupFile() { var fileContent = ''; $('#fileLine').append(createLoader()); // Site info fileContent += 'xcat-site:\n'; fileContent += ' domain = ' + getDiscoverEnv('domainname') + '\n'; if (getDiscoverEnv('hmcFlag')) { // Do nothing } else { fileContent += ' use-direct-fsp-control = 1\n'; } fileContent += ' topology = 8D \n'; // DHCP IP range fileContent += 'xcat-service-lan:\n'; fileContent += ' dhcp-dynamic-range = ' + getDiscoverEnv('ipStart') + '-' + getDiscoverEnv('ipEnd') + '\n'; // HMC if (getDiscoverEnv('hmcName')) { fileContent += 'xcat-hmcs:\n'; fileContent += ' hostname-range = ' + getDiscoverEnv('hmcName') + '\n'; fileContent += ' starting-ip = ' + getDiscoverEnv('hmcstartip') + '\n'; } // Frame fileContent += 'xcat-frames:\n'; fileContent += ' hostname-range = ' + getDiscoverEnv('frameName') + '\n'; fileContent += ' num-frames-per-hmc = ' + getDiscoverEnv('frameNumPerHmc') + '\n'; fileContent += ' vpd-file = /tmp/webvpd.stanza\n'; fileContent += ' vlan-1 = ' + getDiscoverEnv('vlan1ip') + '\n'; fileContent += ' vlan-2 = ' + getDiscoverEnv('vlan2ip') + '\n'; // CEC fileContent += 'xcat-cecs:\n'; fileContent += ' hostname-range = ' + getDiscoverEnv('cecName') + '\n'; fileContent += ' delete-unused-cecs = 1\n'; fileContent += ' supernode-list = /tmp/websupernode.txt\n'; //Building Block fileContent += 'xcat-building-blocks:\n'; fileContent += ' num-frames-per-bb = ' + getDiscoverEnv('framepbb') + '\n'; fileContent += ' num-cecs-per-bb = ' + getDiscoverEnv('cecpbb') + '\n'; // LPAR fileContent += 'xcat-lpars:\n'; fileContent += ' num-lpars-per-cec = ' + getDiscoverEnv('lparNumPerCec') + '\n'; fileContent += ' hostname-range = ' + getDiscoverEnv('lparName') + '\n'; fileContent += ' starting-ip = ' + getDiscoverEnv('lparstartip') + '\n'; fileContent += ' aliases = -hf0 \n'; fileContent += ' otherinterfaces = -hf1:,-hf2:,-hf3:,-hf4:,-hf5:,,-hf6:,-hf7:,-bond0: \n'; $.ajax({ url : 'lib/cmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'webrun', tgt : '', args : 'writeconfigfile;/tmp/webxcat.conf;' + fileContent, msg : '' }, success : function() { $('#fileLine img').remove(); var tempSpan = $('#fileLine').find('span'); tempSpan.removeClass('ui-icon-gear'); tempSpan.addClass('ui-icon-check'); runSetup(); } }); } /** * Step 8: Run the xcatsetup command */ function runSetup() { $('#setupLine').append(createLoader()); $.ajax({ url : 'lib/cmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'xcatsetup', tgt : '', args : '/tmp/webxcat.conf', msg : '' }, success : function() { $('#setupLine img').remove(); var tempSpan = $('#setupLine').find('span'); tempSpan.removeClass('ui-icon-gear'); tempSpan.addClass('ui-icon-check'); createDiscoverButtons(); } }); } function updateFrameHeight(){ var frameArray = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe'); for (var i = 0;i < frameArray.length; i++){ var tempiframe = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[i]; tempiframe.height = tempiframe.contentWindow.document.documentElement.scrollHeight; } //scroll the status div to the bottom automaticlly var infodiv = document.getElementById('returninfo'); infodiv.scrollTop = infodiv.scrollHeight; iframeTimer = setTimeout(updateFrameHeight, 2000); } /** * Step 9: Discover all HMC and CEC in the cluster and update into xCAT database */ function powerInitUpdateDefinition(operType) { $('#discoverContentDiv').empty(); $('.tooltip').remove(); var iconClass = ''; if ('back' == operType) { iconClass = 'ui-icon-check'; } else { iconClass = 'ui-icon-gear'; } var showStr = '<div style="min-height:360px"><h2>' + steps[currentStep] + '</h2>'; showStr += '<div id="outputinfo"></div><ul>'; showStr += '<li id="hmcLine1"><span class="ui-icon ' + iconClass + '"></span>Discover and define HMCs into xCAT database..</li>'; showStr += '<li id="frameLine1"><span class="ui-icon ' + iconClass + '"></span>Update Frames into xCAT database.</li>'; showStr += '<li id="frameLine2"><span class="ui-icon ' + iconClass + '"></span>Set up Frame DHCP, DNS.</li>'; showStr += '<li id="frameLine3"><span class="ui-icon ' + iconClass + '"></span>Resetting networks on FRAME to get persistent IP.</li>'; showStr += '<li id="frameLine4"><span class="ui-icon ' + iconClass + '"></span>Creating hardware connection for FRAME.</li>'; showStr += '<li id="cecLine"><span class="ui-icon ' + iconClass + '"></span>Discover CECs and update into xCAT database.</li>'; showStr += '<li id="cecLine2"><span class="ui-icon ' + iconClass + '"></span>Set up CEC DHCP, DNS.</li>'; showStr += '<li id="cecLine3"><span class="ui-icon ' + iconClass + '"></span>Resetting networks on CEC to get persistent IP.</li>'; showStr += '<li id="cecLine4"><span class="ui-icon ' + iconClass + '"></span>Creating hardware connection for CEC.</li>'; showStr += '</ul></div>'; $('#discoverContentDiv').append(showStr); $('#discoverContentDiv #outputinfo').append(createStatusBar('returninfo')); if ('back' == operType) { createDiscoverButtons(); return; } iframeTimer = setTimeout(updateFrameHeight, 10000); lsslpWriteHMC(); } /** * Step 9: Write all the lsslp HMC info into database */ function lsslpWriteHMC() { $('#hmcLine1').append(createLoader()); $('#returninfo div').append('<p>Discovere HMCs and define into xCAT database.</p>'); var cmdlink = 'lib/cmd.php?cmd=lsslp&tgt=&args=-w;-s;HMC;-t;2;'; if (getDiscoverEnv('ipfordiscovery')){ cmdlink += '-i;' + getDiscoverEnv('ipfordiscovery') + ';'; } cmdlink += '-C;' + expandNR(getDiscoverEnv('hmcName')).length; cmdlink += '&msg=&opts=flush'; var hmciframe1 = $('<iframe id="hmciframe1" scrolling="no"></iframe>').attr('src', cmdlink).css({ 'display': 'block', 'border': '0px', 'margin': '10px', 'width': '100%' }); $('#returninfo div').append(hmciframe1); hmciframe1.load(function() { $('#hmcLine1 img').remove(); var tempSpan = $('#hmcLine1').find('span'); tempSpan.removeClass('ui-icon-gear'); tempSpan.addClass('ui-icon-check'); lsslpWriteFrame(); }); } /** * Step 9: Write all lsslp frame info into the database */ function lsslpWriteFrame() { $('#frameLine1').append(createLoader()); $('#returninfo div').append('<p>Write the discovered FRAMES into xCAT Database.</p>'); var cmdlink = 'lib/cmd.php?cmd=lsslp&tgt=&args=-w;-s;FRAME;'; if (getDiscoverEnv('ipfordiscovery')){ cmdlink += '-i;' + getDiscoverEnv('ipfordiscovery'); } cmdlink += '&msg=&opts=flush'; var frameiframe1 = $('<iframe id="frameiframe1" scrolling="no"></iframe>').attr('src', cmdlink).css({ 'display': 'block', 'border': '0px', 'margin': '10px', 'width': '100%' }); $('#returninfo div').append(frameiframe1); frameiframe1.load(function(data) { $('#frameLine1 img').remove(); var tempSpan = $('#frameLine1').find('span'); tempSpan.removeClass('ui-icon-gear'); tempSpan.addClass('ui-icon-check'); frameSetup(); }); } /** * Step 9: config the frame dhcp and dns */ function frameSetup() { $('#frameLine2').append(createLoader()); var tempargs = getDiscoverEnv('adminpasswd') + ';' + getDiscoverEnv('generalpasswd') + ';' + getDiscoverEnv('hmcpasswd'); $.ajax({ url : 'lib/cmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'webrun', tgt : '', args : 'framesetup;' + tempargs + ';1', msg : '' }, success : function(data) { $('#frameLine2 img').remove(); var tempSpan = $('#frameLine2').find('span'); tempSpan.removeClass('ui-icon-gear'); tempSpan.addClass('ui-icon-check'); $('#returninfo div').append('<p><pre>' + data.rsp.join("\n") + '</pre></p>'); frameReset(); } }); } /** * Step 9: reset the networks for frames */ function frameReset(){ $('#frameLine3').append(createLoader()); $('#returninfo div').append('<p>Reset network on FRAMES to get persistent IP.</p>'); var cmdlink = 'lib/cmd.php?cmd=rspconfig&tgt=frame&args=--resetnet&msg=&opts=flush'; var frameiframe2 = $('<iframe id="frameiframe2" scrolling="no"></iframe>').attr('src', cmdlink).css({ 'display': 'block', 'border': '0px', 'margin': '10px', 'width': '100%' }); $('#returninfo div').append(frameiframe2); frameiframe2.load(function() { $('#frameLine3 img').remove(); var tempSpan = $('#frameLine3').find('span'); tempSpan.removeClass('ui-icon-gear'); tempSpan.addClass('ui-icon-check'); frameHwconn(); }); } /** * Step 9: create hardware connection for frames */ function frameHwconn(){ $('#frameLine4').append(createLoader()); var tempargs = getDiscoverEnv('adminpasswd') + ';' + getDiscoverEnv('generalpasswd') + ';' + getDiscoverEnv('hmcpasswd'); $.ajax({ url : 'lib/cmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'webrun', tgt : '', args : 'framesetup;' + tempargs + ';2', msg : '' }, success : function(data) { $('#frameLine4 img').remove(); var tempSpan = $('#frameLine4').find('span'); tempSpan.removeClass('ui-icon-gear'); tempSpan.addClass('ui-icon-check'); $('#returninfo div').append('<p><pre>' + data.rsp.join("\n") + '</p>'); lsslpWriteCec(); } }); } /** * Step 9: Write all the lsslp cec info into database */ function lsslpWriteCec() { $('#cecLine').append(createLoader()); $('#returninfo div').append('<p>Discover and write CECs into xCAT Database.</p>'); var cmdlink = 'lib/cmd.php?cmd=lsslp&tgt=&args=-s;CEC;-w;'; if (getDiscoverEnv('ipfordiscovery')){ cmdlink += '-i;' + getDiscoverEnv('ipfordiscovery'); } cmdlink += '&msg=&opts=flush'; var ceciframe1 = $('<iframe id="ceciframe1" scrolling="no"></iframe>').attr('src', cmdlink).css({ 'display': 'block', 'border': '0px', 'margin': '10px', 'width': '100%' }); $('#returninfo div').append(ceciframe1); ceciframe1.load(function() { $('#cecLine img').remove(); var tempSpan = $('#cecLine').find('span'); tempSpan.removeClass('ui-icon-gear'); tempSpan.addClass('ui-icon-check'); cecsetup(); }); } /** * Step 9: config the cec dhcp and dns */ function cecsetup(){ $('#cecLine2').append(createLoader()); var tempargs = getDiscoverEnv('adminpasswd') + ';' + getDiscoverEnv('generalpasswd') + ';' + getDiscoverEnv('hmcpasswd'); $.ajax({ url : 'lib/cmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'webrun', tgt : '', args : 'cecsetup;' + tempargs + ';1', msg : '' }, success : function(data) { $('#cecLine2 img').remove(); var tempSpan = $('#cecLine2').find('span'); tempSpan.removeClass('ui-icon-gear'); tempSpan.addClass('ui-icon-check'); $('#returninfo div').append('<p><pre>' + data.rsp.join("\n") + '</pre></p>'); cecReset(); } }); } /** * Step 9: reset the networks for cecs */ function cecReset(){ $('#cecLine3').append(createLoader()); $('#returninfo div').append('<p>Reset network on CECs to get persistent IP.</p>'); var cmdlink = 'lib/cmd.php?cmd=rspconfig&tgt=cec&args=--resetnet&msg=&opts=flush'; var ceciframe2 = $('<iframe id="ceciframe2" scrolling="no"></iframe>').attr('src', cmdlink).css({ 'display': 'block', 'border': '0px', 'margin': '10px', 'width': '100%' }); $('#returninfo div').append(ceciframe2); ceciframe2.load(function() { $('#cecLine3 img').remove(); var tempSpan = $('#cecLine3').find('span'); tempSpan.removeClass('ui-icon-gear'); tempSpan.addClass('ui-icon-check'); cecHwconn(); }); } /** * Step 9: config the cec */ function cecHwconn(){ $('#cecLine4').append(createLoader()); var tempargs = getDiscoverEnv('adminpasswd') + ';' + getDiscoverEnv('generalpasswd') + ';' + getDiscoverEnv('hmcpasswd'); $.ajax({ url : 'lib/cmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'webrun', tgt : '', args : 'cecsetup;' + tempargs + ';2', msg : '' }, success : function(data) { $('#cecLine4 img').remove(); var tempSpan = $('#cecLine4').find('span'); tempSpan.removeClass('ui-icon-gear'); tempSpan.addClass('ui-icon-check'); $('#returninfo div').append('<p><pre>' + data.rsp.join("\n") + '</pre></p>'); clearTimeout(iframeTimer); updateFrameHeight(); createDiscoverButtons(); } }); } /** * Step 10: Create LPARs */ function powerInitCreateLpar() { $('#discoverContentDiv').empty(); $('.tooltip').remove(); var showDiv = $('<div style="min-height:360px" id="createlparDiv"><h2>' + steps[currentStep] + '</h2>'); switch (getDiscoverEnv('machineType')) { case 'ih': ihCreateLpar(showDiv); break; case 'nonih': nonihCreateLpar(showDiv); break; default: break; } $('#discoverContentDiv').append(showDiv); createDiscoverButtons(); } function ihCreateLpar(parentDiv) { var showStr = 'Partition Rule:<br/>' + 'By default, 1 partition is already created in each octant of each CEC, with all of the octant\'s CPUs and memory assigned to it. If this is the configuration you want, click Next. To customize the partition configuration, use one of the rules below.<br/>' + 'If all the octants configuration value are same in one CEC, it will be " -r 0-7:value".<br/>' + 'If the octants use the different configuration value in one cec, it will be "-r 0:value1,1:value2,...7:value7", or "-r 0:value1,1-7:value2".<br/>' + 'The octants configuration value for one Octant could be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 . The meanings of the octants configuration value are as following:<br/>' + '1 - 1 partition with all cpus and memory of the octant<br/>' + '2 - 2 partitions with a 50/50 split of cpus and memory<br/>' + '3 - 3 partitions with a 25/25/50 split of cpus and memory<br/>' + '4 - 4 partitions with a 25/25/25/25 split of cpus and memory<br/>' + '5 - 2 partitions with a 25/75 split of cpus and memory<br/>' + 'Define the configuration rule for one CEC, and create all Lpars on all CECs by this rule. Or ignore this step.'; parentDiv.append(createInfoBar(showStr)); parentDiv.append('<div><center><table><tr><td>Partition Configuration:</td>' + '<td><input name="partconf" type="text" value="' + getDiscoverEnv('partconf') + '"></td><td></td></tr></table></center></div>'); var lparButton = createButton('Create Lpars'); parentDiv.find('td').eq(2).append(lparButton); lparButton.bind('click', function() { var reg = /(([0-7]|[0-7]-[0-7]):[1-5],)*(([0-7]|[0-7]-[0-7]):[1-5])$/g; var lparCount = 0; $('#discoverContentDiv .ui-state-error').remove(); collectInputValue(); var inputStr = getDiscoverEnv('partconf'); var testArray = reg.exec(inputStr); if (!testArray || inputStr != testArray[0]) { var warnBar = createWarnBar('Input the correct configuration rule.'); $('#discoverContentDiv').prepend(warnBar); return; } var ruleArray = inputStr.split(','); for (var i in ruleArray) { var octantCount = 0; var octantArray = ruleArray[i].split(':'); var octantRule = Number(octantArray[1]); var pos = octantArray[0].indexOf('-'); if (5 == octantRule) { octantRule = 2; } if (-1 == pos) { octantCount = 1; } else { var startIndex = Number(octantArray[0] .substring(0, pos)); var endIndex = Number(octantArray[0] .substring(pos + 1)); octantCount = endIndex - startIndex + 1; } lparCount += octantCount * octantRule; } if (getDiscoverEnv('lparNumPerCec') != lparCount) { var warnBar = createWarnBar('The LPAR number per CEC is ' + getDiscoverEnv('lparNumPerCec') + ', but the configuration ' + 'rule calculation is ' + lparCount + '.'); $('#discoverContentDiv').prepend(warnBar); return; } var diaDiv = $('<div id="createLparDiv"></div>'); diaDiv.append('<ul></ul>'); diaDiv.append(createLoader()); diaDiv.dialog({ modal : true, width : 600, title : 'Creating Lpars...' }); $('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close').hide(); var cecArray = expandNR(getDiscoverEnv('cecName')); for (var i in cecArray) { $.ajax({ url : 'lib/cmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'mkvm', tgt : cecArray[i] + 'nodes', args : '-i;1;-m;non-interleaved;-r;' + inputStr, msg : cecArray[i] + ';' + cecArray.length }, success : function(data) { // update the dialogure var tempArray = data.msg.split(';'); updateCreateLparDia(tempArray[0], Number(tempArray[1])); } }); } }); } function updateCreateLparDia(cecname, cecNum) { $('#createLparDiv ul').append('<li>Creating lpars on ' + cecname + ' competed.</li>'); if (cecNum != $('#createLparDiv li').size()) { return; } $('#createLparDiv').empty(); $('#createLparDiv').append('<p>All lpars are created. You must:<br/>1. reboot the all CECS. <br/>' + '2.use chvm to assign the I/O slots to the new LPAR.</p>'); var chvmButton = createButton('OK'); $('#createLparDiv').append(chvmButton); chvmButton.bind('click', function() { $('#createLparDiv').dialog('destroy'); $('#createLparDiv').remove(); }); } function nonihCreateLpar(parentDiv) { var showStr = 'The machine type is not P7 IH, so you had to create lpars by command line manually.'; parentDiv.append(createInfoBar(showStr)); return; }